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Dragon Hoard Enchantment ICD changed?



  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I don't care who's reading and reporting what, we desperately need an official voice in this forum for the most urgent issues on a daily basis. Akro provides a bit here and there, but it's not sufficient.

    I mean, this thread is open for like two weeks now, wouldn't hurt a dev stepping in saying, ah well, yes, we nerfed it *winkwink*. The other main issues are parts of TRs/DCs and the Lathander set right now. In the latter, players need to know whether this is WAI, bugged or whatever, because it's currently OP and players will be starting to throw more and more RPs at the set. I fear this will go down the Seldarine road...

    And don't tell me "this unfortunately is something we can't provide." Only one day after introducing the bugged "Fetch Quest" in WoD and massive complains, Akro jumped in and said they are looking into this, so you have to assume they simply don't want or care to give feedback on other balancing and drop rate related stuff.

    Currently even Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf would improve the public relations office of PWE/Cryptic.
  • hexanna22hexanna22 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Dragon Hoard Drops.
    In WOD My DC seems to get the same drops with 4%, as my cw with 12%--sometimes more. Makes me wonder why I wasted money to upgrade. If I am lucky I get 1 drop a minute, but usually it is every 2 to 3 mins in Well of Dragons. Also makes me wonder if they reversed the percentages by accident.

    Running to and from groups of mobs is rather tedious, same with trying to pull groups together for better chance. Foundries were nice, because I didn't have to risk carpel tunnel to farm.

    I spent $60 just to get the Unicorn to ride, amongst other things. I have no problem with spending money. But it would cost me over $100 to finish my artifact belt, and something better will prob come out in 2 months. So no way will I spend real money to refine an artifact.

    It actually makes me feel like giving up on the game. I know it's not much, but I do spend about $30 in the store every month, with real money, not money converted from AD. I would think that I am the kind of customer they wouldn't want to lose.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well, the higher the ICD the lower percentages on the enchants make sense. That's basically what you're describing. You will still have an advantage with 12% over 4%, but it's minor because 90% of the time you're not drop eligible anyway.
  • gerbilhurdlergerbilhurdler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 418 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Yet it's disappointing and rather shameful that this thread is over 2 weeks old without any official statement concerning this issue. I'm not calling you a liar about reporting weekly to the devs about ongoing issues, but the one receiving those reports -presumably someone in command- needs a serious job review if he thinks it's normal to keep the community waiting for 2 weeks. An acknowledgement of the issue and the statement they are re-investigating the cause and, more importantly, it's effect on the players is the least I would have expected from a company that claims to take its community seriously.

    So I'd like to ask you this: Is there any way you can escalate the issue to someone actually able to act on such a report? Or is it, yet again, up to the players to go directly to PWE and file complaints about how the "Cryptic division" treats his customers?
    I officially second this post.
    When can we at least get a statement saying it was nerfed?
    Do we mean that little to them that they can't even tell us what is so readily apparent?
    Or is it because they know it will <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> a lot of people off?
    Either way we deserve some clarification. At the very least an altered tool tip showing correct cooldowns.
  • knbabyknbaby Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It takes forever for me to gt drops also! I get 3 drops every ten min so that sounds about right where before I was getting like 15! Its crazy. This mod really has me and a few others considering leaving this game..
  • fludpuckerxfludpuckerx Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This really should stay on the first page of the forum till it is answered This could affect how all equipment decisions are made, because without proper information about equipment upgrades, why would anyone not hesitate to upgrade any enchant or artifact.
  • candinho2candinho2 Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    drinnth wrote: »
    Mod 4, Hordes seemed to drop within the 20-30s range based on how many mobs you could kill, the more the better.
    Mod 5 release, the time increased to almost 3mins no matter where you were.
    Mod 5 patch, the world drop rate decreased back close to mod 4 levels, while in the Foundry, the new increased time remained.

    It is my belief that the devs put in an increase into Foundry but the code unintendedly affected drop rates in the world. Once this was corrected with the patch, the world drop rates returned to normal.

    Note: World drops rates means any instance that is not a Foundry instance.

    I would venture to guess that the RP gains from Foundry was above and beyond their expectations for the time gate that RP refining is suppose to add to the game, even with the BoP RP stones.

    I am not sure what their intended time frame for refining from Level 1 to 60 or 100 is, but it is obviously not the 1-2 weeks that could be obtained grinding it out. There has to be a reason to buy those Blood Diamonds after all...

    The problem with store RP itens isn't the hoard's drops, but, the prices of those itens, if those where cheaper more ppl should buy it, but again they'r expensive and nobody wants to buy then doe to high cost.
  • hundetrenerenhundetreneren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 35
    edited December 2014
    I do appologise if this has been brought up before in this thread, I was just reading a bit before bed and didnt get to read the whole thread unfortunately.
    I just wanted to throw out the comment here that i have been testing a bit the droprate on the refinement.
    In FOUNDRIES it is a 2 min cooldown. This was basically spot on the second every time, and i stood there for 24 minutes. It was basically just a second or two in difference every round. Note: I used clock, yes.

    Out in the wild its a bit different. I havent stood there with a clock while trying to nuke mobs and survive, I am a CW after all, but i often count seconds when i get a drop until the next drop. Without any absolute bulletproof evidende other than my counting and observation, I see it drop much more often, i would say that its no more than a minute in between, sometimes it seems much lower, but again - without a clock i wont say anything more.
    All I can say is that there is quite a big difference in foundries and out in the wild.
    - For info: i run with 5% fey blessing and 7% dragon hoard, the drops on those two are the same: it will drop at the same time every single time, (- note - In foundries ) so it is not just the dragon hoards. Its the same there too; foundries, 2 min, outside - much more often.

    (again, appologise if this has been said before, i will read the whole thread tomorrow.)

    I gotta say, tho: They wanted to make life harder for Bots. And thats fine, I agree completely. But they made the drops BoA - and thats where they should have stopped. Cause face it; There is no way, and then i mean NO way, aka - it is fysically impossible to get 5 artifacts up to legendary with this mess. OF course if you can learn to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> money and feel this is absolutely fair (for real, man...?) then I guess youre a happy duck. But I cannot for the life of me see that many people are fine with this.
    For a person who dont buy a billion refinementstones from Zenmarked (where the prices on pixles is steap enough as it is) this goal will be impossible. Not even if the poor bugger spend every second of the day, (not including sleep) in front of the pc will he achieve 5 legendary artifacts before next mod hit. Never. ( I mean normal artifacts included, when i say 5 - since this has been my prossess now to get all 5 up)
    For myself - I just lol`ed when I saw the gear in mod 5. I had the legendary artifact ready 1 week before the mod hit. A whole week I was happy, and this was in that time when it was non-bound and a 30 sec CD. I cannot afford to spend money on upgrading, neither do I want too. I have spendt a good amount of money in the year i have played but there is no way I am spending money on that - specially when I know I will have to trade it out a few weeks later.
    I refused to trade out my int-belt for the 3 set bonus. Hell no, nuff is enuff. I added a cloack and that was the end of it.

    So: I know bots use foundries, fine fine. But - myself and many others acctually walk into a typical farming-foundry just to stand there and farm the **** refinementpoints, without the hazzle of running to and fro mobs.
    And the "small" issue with the refinement now being BoA - well, what will the bots do, then. Level up rank 10 radiants and sell? Fine by me, go ahead. Im just saying, with BoA life is muhc harder for them already.
    But dont put us all in the same boat, its like everyone is getting punished for what a small group of people do. Its not the millitary, this.

    My thought is; and i always get back to this...thing...The zen. The money.
    I belive they dont feel like changing this any time soon cause people buy refinementstones on zenmarked. . .Or do they`? I am quite certain that its not that many who can afford that. Its not like 10 black opal`s are gonna fill up your artifact. This, among many other things (im thinking about the difference in drops with people; some getting 10 belts and cloacks a day, while other, (like myself) havent seen a drop since mod 4 started, basically. And its a bit the same feeling here too:
    I dont get drops = zero income = god **** hell to play this game while looking at the "dude next door" link belt after belt after cloak.
    And now we got 2 min cd on refinement = even more walking against the storm.

    I can only speak for myself, but my enjoyment with this game is growing thin. This 2 issues is a dealbreaker, (dragonhoard + Feyblessing, and the issue I am personally investedin that makes me rage; the difference in peoples dropchance in this game who has stretched out since the first artifact came into the game) - and I am now at the end of the rope; I have no AD exept from leadership. I cannot make this go round anymore. I know im not the only one, I know of several who has quit lately cause of the non-existing drops. And now this comes.
    (I am referrinig to a thread on general chat - "concerns about artifact-drops" when I talk about difference in peoples drops, have a look, its quite interesting )

    Dev`s... you gotta learn to see the thin line between the moneysqueezing and the chasing customers away. I am half way out the door myself, and I can see the queue behind me.
    You cannot add more and more artifacts and then lower the droprate to 6 times longer, or whatever it is. It just dont work. Not many can afford to buy from zenmarked, its just to expensive to get it all up, you need to much RP.
    And few, thankfully, wanna buy from AD-sellers. But I gotta point out, you are pushing us in that difection. (altho personally i will leave the game before I buy from them, one hack is enough anyway, I havent even looked at their internet pages, yet still I got hacked, **** morons)
    And for the last point im making before hitting bed: With the BoA refinement the AH will have less and less, meaning another source for refinement gone. Its hell for me, and I played a year. How the hell are the new players gonna feel? Omg...
    Add all this up, and what do you get? IMPOSSIBLE MISSION!

    And see, i could have read the whole thread in the time I spilled out my annoyance here... oh well, me in a nutshell^^ Dont stop until its to late.
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I was looking at prices of RP in the auction house, and a very very very scary thought occurred to me. Remember how coal wards used to be 150k ish, and then Cryptic forced the price up in order to make the Coal Wards in the Zen Market a more viable idea? What if they are doing the same thing, but with Blood Ruby's?
    || Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
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  • onegaki101onegaki101 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    There's two cooldown, one for foundry and one for outside foundry. Foundry cooldown is 2minutes, while outside foundry is about 30 seconds.
  • samothrace22samothrace22 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    onegaki101 wrote: »
    There's two cooldown, one for foundry and one for outside foundry. Foundry cooldown is 2minutes, while outside foundry is about 30 seconds.

    Eh it might be every 30 secs you get a "chance" of a drop, because I definitely don't get a drop every 30 seconds. Sometimes my drops come back to back and then not again for a while. Thinking about using them as RP during the next 2x RP event.
    Trickster Rogue
  • unkown71unkown71 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I can't guarantee that the devs will answer at all. All I can do is pass along feedback, which I did again for Akro's weekly feedback meeting with the devs.

    Any new information from Akro?
  • daggon87daggon87 Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Eh it might be every 30 secs you get a "chance" of a drop, because I definitely don't get a drop every 30 seconds. Sometimes my drops come back to back and then not again for a while. Thinking about using them as RP during the next 2x RP event.

    It's less than 30 sec (at least outside foundry), and it means after a drop you will have no chance of dropping for a while (about 15-20sec I would say). Then your chances would get back to their usual value, depending on the enchants you're wearing. It of course can take some time before your next drop from there.
    Olaf, freelance guardian fighter.
    Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
  • kittykaboomboomkittykaboomboom Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    what you ALL seem to be forgetting, is that your cheap RP were from Gold sellers.
    They provided the hoards in the AH.
    This is what you would have had originally if there had been no gold sellers.
    Remember all those ads in Zone you complain about.
    Have you noticed the change recently, from advertising Gems to Resonance stones(brain dead, can't remember correct name) and Marks of Potency?
    Me, I'm waiting for them to put a Captha test at the front of Arcane reservoir and ALL foundries. The bot plague up the stairs of PE, is nearly the same as the one in Sharandar except it uses CW plus man at arms instead of TR plus healer.

    as for the enchant ICD, it's only in Foundries it dropped. You know the Foundries where 9 out of 10 are farms.
    reset last week- 175 with no farms. 3 days later, over 1100 and searching farm. seeing the same missions but with different authors.

    completely blunt hammer method, would have been make ALL RP BoA, regardless of how you get them, enchants, nodes, vendors, store.
    NO trading in them at all. Imagine the fuss .
    and the 2x refining events were advertised over a month ago and 1 is reward for the Twitch campaign and the Treasure rewards.
  • fludpuckerxfludpuckerx Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    "You have a 1% chance after killing a foe to find a Refining Stone at your feet. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of a find."

    Should be changed to:

    You have a 1% chance after killing a foe (1 per Encounter) to find a Refining Stone at your feet. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of a find.


    You have a 1% chance after killing a foe to find a Refining Stone at your feet. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of a find. With xx cooldown.
  • unkown71unkown71 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    When Akro will be so gracious to us and answered us in this topic?
  • truelokastertruelokaster Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    You have a 1% chance after killing a foe to find a Refining Stone at your feet. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of a find. This effect can only trigger once every 90 seconds.

    Altered the text to be similar to the existing ones. Used Soulforged as a reference.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Altered the text to be similar to the existing ones. Used Soulforged as a reference.

    It should have been like this since it was released... these hidden cooldowns are detrimental to the game and lead to wrong decisions and much rage...
  • vaulwynvaulwyn Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Something else is amiss here, I just did another 1 hour of testing with 8% total Dragons Hoard, I did it in open world in IWD dwarven valley at the troll camps , fast spawn and pulling 10-15 at a time. At 1ft it was fine ever 30-35sec then at about the 35min mark they just turned off I went the next 9 min without a single drop before they started back up.
    GF - Sigh
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Riddle me this Batman....

    The words "1% chance after killing a foe " mean a chance, not a guarantee, right?

    Also, when you go with a party the drops become BETTER than when you are soloing. This seems to increase if your party members ALSO have the Dragon enchants.


    Okay, by this I mean soloing typical drops are White Pearl, Lesser Resonance Stone, and Peridot whereas when you are with a party it's more Aquamarine, Flawless Sapphire, and Black Opal. That's what I was getting as drops during the last Call To Arms anyhow.

    I don't think this Enchant is broken, or faulty just rather people are looking for a guarantee on a gamble.
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • atlmyklatlmykl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I was looking at prices of RP in the auction house, and a very very very scary thought occurred to me. Remember how coal wards used to be 150k ish, and then Cryptic forced the price up in order to make the Coal Wards in the Zen Market a more viable idea? What if they are doing the same thing, but with Blood Ruby's?

    That's what you would call 'very, very, very scary'?? You can still get refining stones on your own very easily. If you are impatient you can buy refining from the zen store. That is pretty standard practice in free to play games. Now just think of all the money you can save not making tinfoil hats!
  • gausnengausnen Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The last few days I've been using four lesser Dragon's Hoard enchantments and I've found the icd for me to be 2min. I just use a 2min timer and drop an aoe on a group of mobs and guaranteed drop occurs. I wonder if the icd varies depending on quality and/or quantity of the enchantments used.
  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So the ICD myth is still alive. Funny.

    All my tests - and I am not running foundries, because they behave differently according to my tests - showed two things...

    1) The number of drops are in the range of what is to be expected.

    2) I had drops with less than 20 s between. Once I had two drops in one encounter which took about 20 seconds.

    But people believe what they want to believe...
  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    i run with 15% change drop
    and i got a least 2 drop every 3 mob
    even if there icd i think it's just 20s
  • gerbilhurdlergerbilhurdler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 418 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    So the ICD myth is still alive. Funny.

    All my tests - and I am not running foundries, because they behave differently according to my tests - showed two things...

    1) The number of drops are in the range of what is to be expected.

    2) I had drops with less than 20 s between. Once I had two drops in one encounter which took about 20 seconds.

    But people believe what they want to believe...

    If it is so ridiculous of a myth, then why haven't the devs acknowledged it either way?
  • aggerethaggereth Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I am confirming that i get about a drop every 2 mins when i was getting a drop every 25 secs. But does that mean the icd is refreshed everytime one of the enchants work and they all together get into cool down ? Or if u have more than one or 2 does it mean the drop rate/time is reduced?
    I don't suffer from insanity ! ..I enjoy every minute of it ![SIGPIC][/SIGPIc]
  • canmanncanmann Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So the ICD myth is still alive. Funny.

    All my tests - and I am not running foundries, because they behave differently according to my tests - showed two things...

    1) The number of drops are in the range of what is to be expected.

    2) I had drops with less than 20 s between. Once I had two drops in one encounter which took about 20 seconds.

    But people believe what they want to believe...

    So the current myth is that there is a different ICD between open world and foundries.

    By your admission you assert that "all my tests" show that the current ICD in open world remains the same. Cool thanks for confirming that!

    BUT "I am not running foundries" so can you confirm or deny that the ICD for the enchant is different in said foundries? I can, and it is different.

    SOOOO... "But people believe what they want to believe..." and I will keep believing that the ICD has changed since I have tested and do see a difference.

    Please test the foundries and see if you are seeing a difference in the drop rate.

  • thehumancodexthehumancodex Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    (Post Removed)
  • ablettoabletto Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2014
    I wonder what the state of Refining will be like in 6 months. By that time, those who had diligently earned/bought enough AD to acquire whatever stacks of exhorbitantly pricey gems/stones they need will have likely done so. Sure there would be a reasonable amount of market fluctuation in that time frame (as I'm sure the ones selling RP right now really want to earn their buck.) But nothing too crazy I suspect.

    Prices are without a doubt, crazy expensive compared to pre Mod 5. No doubt I'm not the only one cursing myself for not putting more time/AD into saving some up.

    Now supposing that common sense says the mod 4 influx of cheap, readily available RP will begin to taper off month after month where does that leave us say... 6 months from now? How about 12 months? Will we be paying 50k per peridot and 600k per black opal? And no, I don't mean for stacks. Exaggeration perhaps but it makes a point.

    Obviously nobody is going to pay more than the cost of what you could get with Blood Rubies. I think someone said $600 per Legendary. We could assume prices would fall in and around that same range as the supplies dry up, and dry up they will.

    Therefore your options are limited to
    A.) Spending $600 on Blood Rubies/approx value of AH-bought RP
    B.)Saving up a huge amount of AD (Roughly $500-600 worth of it come to think)
    C.) Wasting 230+ Hours of your life farming Foundry

    Alright, now hear me out. Games are for fun. That's the purpose. Is earning something fun? Working on your char fun? Hell yah it is. I'm a reasonable fellow and I love RPGs. It's not an unfamiliar concept to me, something that requires a ridiculous amount of time to obtain. Anyone ever get a 99 in Runescape without botting? Similarly aggravating.

    But the truth is that 90% of gamers don't have that kind of time. I mean you could pick up an instrument and get pretty **** good at it in the same amount of time. Me personally, I'll be spending those hours worrying about you know, real life and real life issues.

    It's just disheartening. First the drop rates are horrible and artifacts are crazy expensive. Then a short window where RP drops to mad cheap. Then artifacts become dirt cheap and RP turns into something worth 50x more than pure gold. But really what we're talking about here is time/money.

    And for the time/money being asked, the current situation is rather bleak and uninteresting.

    I'll be hoping for a better future with updates that include things we players have been asking about for ages. New PvP maps/modes (and God-willing some actual matchmaking for casual players). Legendary dungeons. Instances that don't require you to put a top-end PC rig on low settings to play because of massive particle lag/memory leaks. Player housing. The list goes on and on...

    Really only a few changes would be needed to spark my interest right back. Neverwinter is astonishingly fluid in general gameplay with killer combat and an amazing community.

    If and when that day ever comes, who knows. Until then I think I'll be "ultra casual." And nah the decision isn't entirely because of RP/Artifact Gear. As I said, I think these things SHOULD be difficult to achieve. Mostly it has to due with a violent repetition of disappointment. I even expected Mod 5 to be like this with just a little foresight; crazy expensive RP. Massive lag instances. Little gain/reward for heavy time invested.

    Neverwinter just has so much potential to be better. It's sad to see none of it being taken advantage of. There's little doubt in my mind that all those things could be accomplished with as much effort is put into map design/economy/combat. Pity.
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