1 - Agree, so, that should tell you a thing or two about the "mass"
2 - If by "vast majority of CW-players" you mean the CW-players whose thought that to kill any other class is to stand in a point, do "Q Tab E R" and go to the next target or the ones who entered in PvP with greens, i am pretty sure you are right and they will tell me that CW-class on PvP were not really good... and i will ignore them, as you should do too due obvious facts. :-) . And explain better "every class was good at PvP in mod 3" because this would be a "yes" or a "no" depending on which way you said this sentence.
3 - I would say "Almost all of the changes are clearly intended to make DEVs play PvP better than the last time they did" OR "almost all of the changes are clearly intended to help CWs. Period"
1. It tells me that the "mass" didn't run with a premade to hide behind...
The main thing that separated good from bad CWs was if you could work shard on tab well, but even then you lost to most classes in an even match most of the time.
2. No, I mean the populace in general. There were tons of threads about CWs being UP in PVP. I could own just about any CW on my HR, TR or GWF.
3. I mean the CW changes specifically. It's a huge boost to single-target damage and control, which are both great for PVP.
I disagree that cws needed a DPS buff. Their offensive capability was OK. That, including shard, should've been left untouched in pvp. All They needed was to have their cc back and the buff to shield. And aoe DPS nerf for pve.
This considering the nerfs to gwf/hrs, would have been more balanced.
Also, OK to GF tankyness buff. But DPS needed may be a slight buff only. It's a tank class.
I disagree that cws needed a DPS buff. Their offensive capability was OK. That, including shard, should've been left untouched in pvp. All They needed was to have their cc back and the buff to shield. And aoe DPS nerf for pve.
This considering the nerfs to gwf/hrs, would have been more balanced.
Also, OK to GF tankyness buff. But DPS needed may be a slight buff only. It's a tank class.
I agree completely. Shard hit for huge amounts. But they definitely some better defensive buffs.
I also think GF should be more of a point holder than point clearer.
The funny thing is my w/l% was better in mod3 on my hr then mod4 with my CW.
I'm killing people like crazy on my CW, but killing people fast isn't nearly as effective as being able to contest a node and stay on it for a really long time.
You can theoretically help the other team by killing an opponent even. Like if they're somewhere off a node, and you send them to their spawn with a short cooldown, and someone on your team is contesting their node. They'll get to their point fast and actually affect the score where they weren't before you killed them.
- Shard Oppressor for maximum control (high control, long cooldowns, low damage, only viable in premades, but very effective there)
- Thaum with Icy Rays on TAB (medium control, medium damage, solo queue friendly, I have only one BiS PvP CW in mind that went for this build), PvE tree
- Renegade with RoE on TAB (low control, short cooldowns, high damage, required a lot of co-ordination practice between the people you play premades with due to the low control, very solo queue friendly since it was a pure 1v1 build)
All 3 builds had something in common: if you dodged all the GWF's encounters and you had an Ice Knife, he went down. Same goes for other classes (HR's CA, etc.). You had to dodge a lot in order to "take a shot". But when you actually did it, you got rewarded by high burst damage (or prones for your team in case of Oppressor).
Now on Live, all those 3 builds have something else in common: their damage doesn't even tickle the target due to the heavy nerfs for the sake of PvE. The single target nerfs. That no one asked for.
Now, let's look at Live:
Oppressor: Deals ~50% less damage than Thaumaturge with Assailant. In a group fight (2v2, 3v3, etc.) it's almost impossible to pull off perma-freeze, because you get attacked and have to move.
Renegade: People went for this build for high single target damage. Magic Missile dealt ~30% more damage than RoF and gave Arcane Stacks, which were important for the Renegade's burst. Now 30% of the rotation damage came from RoE, which was now nerfed in damage and got significantly higher cooldowns. Magic Missile got nerfed to hell. It deals less damage than Ray of Frost! So, if you are a CW and have a choice: An At-Will that deals higher damage AND slows and freezes the target (and procs Storm spell and Assailant like crazy :cool:) OR an At-Will that has lower damage and has no additional effect? What do you choose?
No one asked for these changes. Absolutely no one. Every time we tested things on preview and made suggestions, we just went WTF every time they announced new changes. I was following everything from page 1 to 100+ and was making tons of suggestions to balance things out for each of the 3 paths, while nerfing CWs in PvE (even more than they have nerfed it now). Nothing was implemented we were asking for. For example, when people were asking for a Renegade-specific EotS buff through feats and a damage buff on Magic Missile, we got an EotS buff for all paths and the new Storm Spell (which no one asked for). Magic Missile got buffed by an amount that still put it under RoF (damage-wise). Shard deals the same damage as 1 - 2 RoF ticks (without Assailant or Storm Spell of course).
They completely broke the CW. But before the implementation of the new EotS and Storm Spell, CW was a rag doll (especially in PvE). Not a single CW I know likes these changes. CW is extremely boring to play, and there's no alternative. If you would nerf SS or EotS as they are now, there would be no room for skill. CW doesn't need a nerf to be fun, balanced and viable. It needs a complete rework!
Trust me, the fun of just pressing RoF all the time without any dynamics is pretty limited. That's why I'm rolling a Warlock now.
- Shard Oppressor for maximum control (high control, long cooldowns, low damage, only viable in premades, but very effective there)
- Thaum with Icy Rays on TAB (medium control, medium damage, solo queue friendly, I have only one BiS PvP CW in mind that went for this build), PvE tree
- Renegade with RoE on TAB (low control, short cooldowns, high damage, required a lot of co-ordination practice between the people you play premades with due to the low control, very solo queue friendly since it was a pure 1v1 build)
All 3 builds had something in common: if you dodged all the GWF's encounters and you had an Ice Knife, he went down. Same goes for other classes (HR's CA, etc.). You had to dodge a lot in order to "take a shot". But when you actually did it, you got rewarded by high burst damage (or prones for your team in case of Oppressor).
Now on Live, all those 3 builds have something else in common: their damage doesn't even tickle the target due to the heavy nerfs for the sake of PvE. The single target nerfs. That no one asked for.
Now, let's look at Live:
Oppressor: Deals ~50% less damage than Thaumaturge with Assailant. In a group fight (2v2, 3v3, etc.) it's almost impossible to pull off perma-freeze, because you get attacked and have to move.
Renegade: People went for this build for high single target damage. Magic Missile dealt ~30% more damage than RoF and gave Arcane Stacks, which were important for the Renegade's burst. Now 30% of the rotation damage came from RoE, which was now nerfed in damage and got significantly higher cooldowns. Magic Missile got nerfed to hell. It deals less damage than Ray of Frost! So, if you are a CW and have a choice: An At-Will that deals higher damage AND slows and freezes the target (and procs Storm spell and Assailant like crazy :cool:) OR an At-Will that has lower damage and has no additional effect? What do you choose?
No one asked for these changes. Absolutely no one. Every time we tested things on preview and made suggestions, we just went WTF every time they announced new changes. I was following everything from page 1 to 100+ and was making tons of suggestions to balance things out for each of the 3 paths, while nerfing CWs in PvE (even more than they have nerfed it now). Nothing was implemented we were asking for. For example, when people were asking for a Renegade-specific EotS buff through feats and a damage buff on Magic Missile, we got an EotS buff for all paths and the new Storm Spell (which no one asked for). Magic Missile got buffed by an amount that still put it under RoF (damage-wise). Shard deals the same damage as 1 - 2 RoF ticks (without Assailant or Storm Spell of course).
They completely broke the CW. But before the implementation of the new EotS and Storm Spell, CW was a rag doll (especially in PvE). Not a single CW I know likes these changes. CW is extremely boring to play, and there's no alternative. If you would nerf SS or EotS as they are now, there would be no room for skill. CW doesn't need a nerf to be fun, balanced and viable. It needs a complete rework!
Trust me, the fun of just pressing RoF all the time without any dynamics is pretty limited. That's why I'm rolling a Warlock now.
+ 1 to this (Except for the Warlock part - RIP Old school Thauma Icy Rays damage - Although, Rays on Tab can still hit and crit for extremely interesting numbers ^.^ )
Regarding up coming changes to Cws again. None of us asked for Assailing Force or the buff to Storm Spell. Every single one of the PvP Biz Bws commented on how broken Assailing Force was on Preview, and every single one of us did the same thing with Storm Spell.
All we ask, is for our damage to be brought back to encounters, Random procs (I am only talking Storm Spell Here) to be reduced back to Previous Live State.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Why did you ignore that guy? With Orb of Imposition CWs can lock down any target in permanent CC, and while their target is immune (if they have tools for) they just dodge dozens of times due to Severe Reaction, and then unload their CC chain again.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
+ 1 to this (Except for the Warlock part - RIP Old school Thauma Icy Rays damage - Although, Rays on Tab can still hit and crit for extremely interesting numbers ^.^ )
Regarding up coming changes to Cws again. None of us asked for Assailing Force or the buff to Storm Spell. Every single one of the PvP Biz Bws commented on how broken Assailing Force was on Preview, and every single one of us did the same thing with Storm Spell.
All we ask, is for our damage to be brought back to encounters, Random procs (I am only talking Storm Spell Here) to be reduced back to Previous Live State.
I'm not sure why you guys are so anxious to play mod3 CW against GWFs you can't CC and GFs with tons of HP and damage.
I'm guessing the main reason is because other CWs not in BIS gear can kill you just about as easy as you can kill them.
As far as skill being gone, if you weren't playing shard on tab there's no difference between the amount of skill used now and then. It's just now you kill things, before you got killed.
And what I remember most from testing is not BIS CWs complaining about storm spell and assailing force, it's CWs complaining about HRs.
You guys want to paint some picture like "I tried so hard not to be OP but they made me do it!" It's pretty funny.
Right now HRs could be a decent counter to CWs if you guys didn't work en-masse to get wild's medicine nerfed.
Why did you ignore that guy? With Orb of Imposition CWs can lock down any target in permanent CC, and while their target is immune (if they have tools for) they just dodge dozens of times due to Severe Reaction, and then unload their CC chain again.
Is that dozen dodges related to the 16 dodges I heard HR gets?
I can dodge infinitely as CW if I get hit by melee character especially if they have plaguefire.
The fact that severe reaction procs off of ANY damage like that really makes my HAMSTER pucker.
running around and never capping lool
which top tr did u kill 1v1
i know that build.......u just leave
when real tr comes on cap
so before calling out any tr u should proly beat one 1v1 with
full hp ,not coming to only daily him
Also I think the ranged heroes have a lot more of advantage against close combat heroes. As a GF only in lvl 20 for the moment, my only gap closer is Lunging Strike. Once I use that power the enemies (that almost always are SW, CW or HR) just shift away from me as I try to stun them or do something so in the teamfights the only thing I do is hold up my shield and stun whoever is stupid enough (or brave) to come closer. GFs on low lvl have 0 mobility, so they cannot chase anyone and also they cannot flee. Even though I'm tanky (yesterday I hold up a point against 4 of the other team and survived to see my partners come to the rescue) I think the lack of mobility in this low lvl makes it harder to advance the PvP Campaign with GFs (only Domination) which takes me to another point.
Guardian Fighters are tanky, so they do not deal a lot of damage. Then how am I supposed to do Double Kills and Triple Kills? The Campaign missions are made for damage dealers, but it is extremely difficult to tanky ones.
just watching from youtube and i see this and its 4 days ago. watch and decide
its not me, but did you guys see how fast he can kill? hr is just toy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhG45JRk5FM
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Pretty sure it always did. It just didn't give 10% stam before. I get a few procs against melee classes in my face but nothing like infinite dodges.
Yea it always did and it always gave stam, just saying I've always hated it xD And wizards get pretttttty much infinite dodges against me since I use plaguefire
running around and never capping lool
which top tr did u kill 1v1
i know that build.......u just leave
when real tr comes on cap
so before calling out any tr u should proly beat one 1v1 with
full hp ,not coming to only daily him
I'm not sure why you guys are so anxious to play mod3 CW against GWFs you can't CC and GFs with tons of HP and damage.
I'm guessing the main reason is because other CWs not in BIS gear can kill you just about as easy as you can kill them.
As far as skill being gone, if you weren't playing shard on tab there's no difference between the amount of skill used now and then. It's just now you kill things, before you got killed.
And what I remember most from testing is not BIS CWs complaining about storm spell and assailing force, it's CWs complaining about HRs.
You guys want to paint some picture like "I tried so hard not to be OP but they made me do it!" It's pretty funny.
Right now HRs could be a decent counter to CWs if you guys didn't work en-masse to get wild's medicine nerfed.
Just because I said I miss Icy Rays damage doesn't mean I didn't run Shard on Tab. I just respecced and left Icy rays for when I was solo queing.
The problem that I, Mel, Ezra, Smigi, Persephone and numerous others have is that Assailing and SS = Skill less. I don't want to sit there and hold down RoF to profit thats boring. It's not interesting and yes, It is frustrating having scrub low geared Cws able to kill me with a spec built exactly the same that requires no skill. If they earn the kill by out playing me, thats fine they deserve it. Not the way the class currently functions.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Just because I said I miss Icy Rays damage doesn't mean I didn't run Shard on Tab. I just respecced and left Icy rays for when I was solo queing.
The problem that I, Mel, Ezra, Smigi, Persephone and numerous others have is that Assailing and SS = Skill less. I don't want to sit there and hold down RoF to profit thats boring. It's not interesting and yes, It is frustrating having scrub low geared Cws able to kill me with a spec built exactly the same that requires no skill. If they earn the kill by out playing me, thats fine they deserve it. Not the way the class currently functions.
This +1. Out of all of those names Persephone is the only I know. Have PvPed against her(him?) quite a bit in the past. Actually had a great 4v5 match against them with Svetlana on my team (we were the 4 man team, gotta love when solo queueing so much you get matched up against these kinds of scary *** monster people) because team member number 5 just quit when we started losing early. Anyway that doesn't matter. (Don't even get me started on how the high gear score "BEST and ELITE" pvpers are always the first to give up)
I don't want to have it as easy as it is now. Something that is that skill-less should not be so rewarding. No Risk = Greatest reward will never make sense or be balanced. Why the tree based on control gets such a powerfully damaging feat is beyond me. Horrible concepts put in to the game really. More over, I don't want other players to be able to kill anyone else that easily, it ruins the whole game experience for everyone. Sure people can still out play an OP build/imba class, but just like being a CW against a GWF in the past, the sheer amount of out playing you have to do is completely unfair. If you get caught once, make just one mis-step, or get caught of guard for a second - it's all over.
While it is true that some people openly choose to spec in to what is Overpowered, the same can be said of people who chose to not be OP. I was an Oppressor build forever, ever sense beta, never went Thaum or Renegade. I loved oppressor tree, the passives it gave you were already great for pvp. Now, seeing how ridiculous they made it, I finally changed and went to Renegade because yes, I do choose to avoid being OP and/or easy mode. It also allows you to find other builds an play styles that will never get hit by the nerf hammer because most people don't know what it is capable of and they will just assume you are using the same OP build everyone else is currently using when you beat them.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
OH I remember that name, Desidus - had some epic matches with you too in the past. I just never know who is who on the forums lol. It's ok no one knows my characters names, nor would they probably remember them LOL my CW is Opalivia Aetherdust.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
I'm killing people like crazy on my CW, but killing people fast isn't nearly as effective as being able to contest a node and stay on it for a really long time.
I kind of feel there's a paradox here.... If you have someone that can kill anyone in 3 seconds then no one can stay on a node for a really long time. Maybe last mod this statement would be correct but not this one. If you put a last mod HR with a this mod CW then the CW would clear the old HR each and every time, it's a paradox because then you can't really consider the HR contesting the node for a really long time if someone can clear him in 3 seconds... So basically killing faster (Not old GWF fast but New CW fast) is way more effective then being able to contest a node for a really long time.. If my OP CW caps node 1,2, and 3 and then some old OP HR comes and sits on one to try to cap, I get there and he's now contesting the node, I can clear him in 3 seconds and start getting my points back while all he was doing was stopping the points for 3 seconds.. If you take a last Mod TR and then you take someone like Sicarus on his OP CW this mod Sicarus would be able to clear him in 3 seconds (because he has a TR so knows their perma stealth paterns) I can rant for days but basically there can't be someone who can contest a node for a really long time if there's someone who can clear the node in a really quick time in the same match.
Just because I said I miss Icy Rays damage doesn't mean I didn't run Shard on Tab. I just respecced and left Icy rays for when I was solo queing.
The problem that I, Mel, Ezra, Smigi, Persephone and numerous others have is that Assailing and SS = Skill less. I don't want to sit there and hold down RoF to profit thats boring. It's not interesting and yes, It is frustrating having scrub low geared Cws able to kill me with a spec built exactly the same that requires no skill. If they earn the kill by out playing me, thats fine they deserve it. Not the way the class currently functions.
I was referring more to the earlier poster that described the viable builds with thaum and renegade not using shard on tab.
Personally, what I like best in PVP is being effective. Not necessarily OP, but effective and feeling like I'm at least able to make a meaningful contribution to the match. I also enjoy playing CW. CW could sometimes be effective in mod3 with shard on tab but the times were few and far between.
Maybe a few found more success with it, but I'm sure most of the time it was simply from vastly out-gearing the opponent or having a more solid team to hide behind. Nothing in that equation equates to "having more skill" or "out-playing" anyone.
There really is a skill-cap on this game and all MMOs. There's only so much you can do differently that can make a difference. If you want a true skill-based PVP game, Chivalry is amazing for that.
It might be fun if they had simply given CWs the new orb of imposition. I always thought the main problem with CWs was control, and they should've made the note that "CWs naturally ignore a part of tenacity" when tenacity was introduced actually meaningful. Orb does that.
But it's too late now. There's just no way in hell they'll revert all the changes and what's more likely to happen is CWs will get nerfed and have nothing to fall back on.
I will say this though, playing CW now is much more fun than playing HR in mod3. I'm killing people much faster and there's also a real risk of dying.
You see, this difference is that they're TRYING to kill the CW. They're not just spamming ROF
They also miss their prones, when all they had to do is Disruptive>Boar.
Chain prone/Disruptives on that CW would leave him dead in 2 secs at most. I have an HR and the damage I can is insane, although because CWs do even more few people are now preoccupied with it.
1. It tells me that the "mass" didn't run with a premade to hide behind...
The main thing that separated good from bad CWs was if you could work shard on tab well, but even then you lost to most classes in an even match most of the time.
2. No, I mean the populace in general. There were tons of threads about CWs being UP in PVP. I could own just about any CW on my HR, TR or GWF.
3. I mean the CW changes specifically. It's a huge boost to single-target damage and control, which are both great for PVP.
This considering the nerfs to gwf/hrs, would have been more balanced.
Also, OK to GF tankyness buff. But DPS needed may be a slight buff only. It's a tank class.
I agree completely. Shard hit for huge amounts. But they definitely some better defensive buffs.
I also think GF should be more of a point holder than point clearer.
I'm killing people like crazy on my CW, but killing people fast isn't nearly as effective as being able to contest a node and stay on it for a really long time.
You can theoretically help the other team by killing an opponent even. Like if they're somewhere off a node, and you send them to their spawn with a short cooldown, and someone on your team is contesting their node. They'll get to their point fast and actually affect the score where they weren't before you killed them.
- Shard Oppressor for maximum control (high control, long cooldowns, low damage, only viable in premades, but very effective there)
- Thaum with Icy Rays on TAB (medium control, medium damage, solo queue friendly, I have only one BiS PvP CW in mind that went for this build), PvE tree
- Renegade with RoE on TAB (low control, short cooldowns, high damage, required a lot of co-ordination practice between the people you play premades with due to the low control, very solo queue friendly since it was a pure 1v1 build)
All 3 builds had something in common: if you dodged all the GWF's encounters and you had an Ice Knife, he went down. Same goes for other classes (HR's CA, etc.). You had to dodge a lot in order to "take a shot". But when you actually did it, you got rewarded by high burst damage (or prones for your team in case of Oppressor).
Now on Live, all those 3 builds have something else in common: their damage doesn't even tickle the target due to the heavy nerfs for the sake of PvE. The single target nerfs. That no one asked for.
Now, let's look at Live:
Oppressor: Deals ~50% less damage than Thaumaturge with Assailant. In a group fight (2v2, 3v3, etc.) it's almost impossible to pull off perma-freeze, because you get attacked and have to move.
Renegade: People went for this build for high single target damage. Magic Missile dealt ~30% more damage than RoF and gave Arcane Stacks, which were important for the Renegade's burst. Now 30% of the rotation damage came from RoE, which was now nerfed in damage and got significantly higher cooldowns. Magic Missile got nerfed to hell. It deals less damage than Ray of Frost! So, if you are a CW and have a choice: An At-Will that deals higher damage AND slows and freezes the target (and procs Storm spell and Assailant like crazy :cool:) OR an At-Will that has lower damage and has no additional effect? What do you choose?
No one asked for these changes. Absolutely no one. Every time we tested things on preview and made suggestions, we just went WTF every time they announced new changes. I was following everything from page 1 to 100+ and was making tons of suggestions to balance things out for each of the 3 paths, while nerfing CWs in PvE (even more than they have nerfed it now). Nothing was implemented we were asking for. For example, when people were asking for a Renegade-specific EotS buff through feats and a damage buff on Magic Missile, we got an EotS buff for all paths and the new Storm Spell (which no one asked for). Magic Missile got buffed by an amount that still put it under RoF (damage-wise). Shard deals the same damage as 1 - 2 RoF ticks (without Assailant or Storm Spell of course).
They completely broke the CW. But before the implementation of the new EotS and Storm Spell, CW was a rag doll (especially in PvE). Not a single CW I know likes these changes. CW is extremely boring to play, and there's no alternative. If you would nerf SS or EotS as they are now, there would be no room for skill. CW doesn't need a nerf to be fun, balanced and viable. It needs a complete rework!
Trust me, the fun of just pressing RoF all the time without any dynamics is pretty limited. That's why I'm rolling a Warlock now.
+ 1 to this (Except for the Warlock part - RIP Old school Thauma Icy Rays damage
Regarding up coming changes to Cws again. None of us asked for Assailing Force or the buff to Storm Spell. Every single one of the PvP Biz Bws commented on how broken Assailing Force was on Preview, and every single one of us did the same thing with Storm Spell.
All we ask, is for our damage to be brought back to encounters, Random procs (I am only talking Storm Spell Here) to be reduced back to Previous Live State.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Why did you ignore that guy? With Orb of Imposition CWs can lock down any target in permanent CC, and while their target is immune (if they have tools for) they just dodge dozens of times due to Severe Reaction, and then unload their CC chain again.
I'm not sure why you guys are so anxious to play mod3 CW against GWFs you can't CC and GFs with tons of HP and damage.
I'm guessing the main reason is because other CWs not in BIS gear can kill you just about as easy as you can kill them.
As far as skill being gone, if you weren't playing shard on tab there's no difference between the amount of skill used now and then. It's just now you kill things, before you got killed.
And what I remember most from testing is not BIS CWs complaining about storm spell and assailing force, it's CWs complaining about HRs.
You guys want to paint some picture like "I tried so hard not to be OP but they made me do it!" It's pretty funny.
Right now HRs could be a decent counter to CWs if you guys didn't work en-masse to get wild's medicine nerfed.
Is that dozen dodges related to the 16 dodges I heard HR gets?
I can dodge infinitely as CW if I get hit by melee character especially if they have plaguefire.
HRs must be jealous. They only get 16 I hear.
The fact that severe reaction procs off of ANY damage like that really makes my HAMSTER pucker.
which top tr did u kill 1v1
i know that build.......u just leave
when real tr comes on cap
so before calling out any tr u should proly beat one 1v1 with
full hp ,not coming to only daily him
Pretty sure it always did. It just didn't give 10% stam before. I get a few procs against melee classes in my face but nothing like infinite dodges.
Guardian Fighters are tanky, so they do not deal a lot of damage. Then how am I supposed to do Double Kills and Triple Kills? The Campaign missions are made for damage dealers, but it is extremely difficult to tanky ones.
its not me, but did you guys see how fast he can kill? hr is just toy
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Yea it always did and it always gave stam, just saying I've always hated it xD And wizards get pretttttty much infinite dodges against me since I use plaguefire
which top tr did u kill 1v1
i know that build.......u just leave
when real tr comes on cap
so before calling out any tr u should proly beat one 1v1 with
full hp ,not coming to only daily him
Just because I said I miss Icy Rays damage doesn't mean I didn't run Shard on Tab. I just respecced and left Icy rays for when I was solo queing.
The problem that I, Mel, Ezra, Smigi, Persephone and numerous others have is that Assailing and SS = Skill less. I don't want to sit there and hold down RoF to profit thats boring. It's not interesting and yes, It is frustrating having scrub low geared Cws able to kill me with a spec built exactly the same that requires no skill. If they earn the kill by out playing me, thats fine they deserve it. Not the way the class currently functions.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
This +1. Out of all of those names Persephone is the only I know. Have PvPed against her(him?) quite a bit in the past. Actually had a great 4v5 match against them with Svetlana on my team (we were the 4 man team, gotta love when solo queueing so much you get matched up against these kinds of scary *** monster people) because team member number 5 just quit when we started losing early. Anyway that doesn't matter. (Don't even get me started on how the high gear score "BEST and ELITE" pvpers are always the first to give up)
I don't want to have it as easy as it is now. Something that is that skill-less should not be so rewarding. No Risk = Greatest reward will never make sense or be balanced. Why the tree based on control gets such a powerfully damaging feat is beyond me. Horrible concepts put in to the game really. More over, I don't want other players to be able to kill anyone else that easily, it ruins the whole game experience for everyone. Sure people can still out play an OP build/imba class, but just like being a CW against a GWF in the past, the sheer amount of out playing you have to do is completely unfair. If you get caught once, make just one mis-step, or get caught of guard for a second - it's all over.
While it is true that some people openly choose to spec in to what is Overpowered, the same can be said of people who chose to not be OP. I was an Oppressor build forever, ever sense beta, never went Thaum or Renegade. I loved oppressor tree, the passives it gave you were already great for pvp. Now, seeing how ridiculous they made it, I finally changed and went to Renegade because yes, I do choose to avoid being OP and/or easy mode. It also allows you to find other builds an play styles that will never get hit by the nerf hammer because most people don't know what it is capable of and they will just assume you are using the same OP build everyone else is currently using when you beat them.
PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
Well that just ruined my E-peen.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
OH I remember that name, Desidus - had some epic matches with you too in the past. I just never know who is who on the forums lol. It's ok no one knows my characters names, nor would they probably remember them LOL my CW is Opalivia Aetherdust.
PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
I kind of feel there's a paradox here.... If you have someone that can kill anyone in 3 seconds then no one can stay on a node for a really long time. Maybe last mod this statement would be correct but not this one. If you put a last mod HR with a this mod CW then the CW would clear the old HR each and every time, it's a paradox because then you can't really consider the HR contesting the node for a really long time if someone can clear him in 3 seconds... So basically killing faster (Not old GWF fast but New CW fast) is way more effective then being able to contest a node for a really long time.. If my OP CW caps node 1,2, and 3 and then some old OP HR comes and sits on one to try to cap, I get there and he's now contesting the node, I can clear him in 3 seconds and start getting my points back while all he was doing was stopping the points for 3 seconds.. If you take a last Mod TR and then you take someone like Sicarus on his OP CW this mod Sicarus would be able to clear him in 3 seconds (because he has a TR so knows their perma stealth paterns) I can rant for days but basically there can't be someone who can contest a node for a really long time if there's someone who can clear the node in a really quick time in the same match.
I was referring more to the earlier poster that described the viable builds with thaum and renegade not using shard on tab.
Personally, what I like best in PVP is being effective. Not necessarily OP, but effective and feeling like I'm at least able to make a meaningful contribution to the match. I also enjoy playing CW. CW could sometimes be effective in mod3 with shard on tab but the times were few and far between.
Maybe a few found more success with it, but I'm sure most of the time it was simply from vastly out-gearing the opponent or having a more solid team to hide behind. Nothing in that equation equates to "having more skill" or "out-playing" anyone.
There really is a skill-cap on this game and all MMOs. There's only so much you can do differently that can make a difference. If you want a true skill-based PVP game, Chivalry is amazing for that.
It might be fun if they had simply given CWs the new orb of imposition. I always thought the main problem with CWs was control, and they should've made the note that "CWs naturally ignore a part of tenacity" when tenacity was introduced actually meaningful. Orb does that.
But it's too late now. There's just no way in hell they'll revert all the changes and what's more likely to happen is CWs will get nerfed and have nothing to fall back on.
I will say this though, playing CW now is much more fun than playing HR in mod3. I'm killing people much faster and there's also a real risk of dying.
You see, this difference is that they're TRYING to kill the CW. They're not just spamming ROF
They also miss their prones, when all they had to do is Disruptive>Boar.
Chain prone/Disruptives on that CW would leave him dead in 2 secs at most. I have an HR and the damage I can is insane, although because CWs do even more few people are now preoccupied with it.