Well said sir. I think this should be stickied, or even bolded and pasted on their registration website, to warn future new players of exactly what kind of game they are getting into.
I'll copy paste this to MMOHUT on their review of NWO section.
Well, in some ways it could act as a warning. In some ways, it could act as a reassurance. On one hand, such changes can cause a good deal of bother to players that have got on the that ride, and been on it for some time, which can easily undermine the cash and time they have invested. Some may see this as a warning sign that you can't expect your investments to last, so there is no point in putting any money or time in the game.
On the other side of the coin, it means that if they do implement something that is eventually seen to be overpowered, they aren't afraid to change it even if they will get some backlash from it. This could be seen by some as a strong stand for what is better for the game by the company, even at the risk of potential revenue loss.
I don't even use Tene's and I can already see how this could be way too much of a nerf. The dodge fix is necessary and totally reasonable. But when you go past that you're basically redefining what necrotic damage means. It's false advertisement and I suspect PWE will run into some legal trouble here because Tene's are essentially a real money item. People spent real money for keys to open boxes that had Tenes, those Tenes have a specific use that revolves around the function of necrotic damage (which by definition is true/pure damage: damage that cannot be mitigated). After the dodge fix is implemented the dev's need to tread lightly with any further changes.
As a previous poster once said in a thread.
This game is free to play, since it's free to play, the players are entitled to nothing.
You are not entitled for the game to work, you are not entitled to get drops from bosses, you are not entitled to your AD, gold, items. Nothing. There are no legal actions that can be taken that would not be thrown out of court immediately.
this game sucks.. everytime you get used to something.. they change it.. after u get used to it being changed they change it again. Not to mention that when they "fix" stuff... SOMETHING ELSE breaks. ARGH!!!
even if pvp or pve.. tene is one of the most expensive items to get... i feel for BOTH groups of ppl who spent hours of farming to save AD to make/buy it.. and also ppl who spent REAL CASH to get the edge. I'm done. Its like u released a game that was still in the works or that all u developers are just fickel minded.... urgh.
We've been looking at the Tenebrous Enchant some more, and we have a few changes in the works that should be going to preview pretty soon. We've talked about various ideas on what to do, but this is what we've decided to look at first:
Thanks for all your feedback, everyone!
Great Job!
It shows nothing is safe from balancing in this game, even if people paid money for it - which is how it should be in an MMO. I can't even remember how many balancing patches, good or bad, my mage endured through in WoW and I paid monthly subscription and didn't go on Blizz's forums to blackmail them with me wanting to leave if my mage is not OP any more. Stalwart, HV, TR and upcoming Tene nerfs show that the devs actually do have the game's best interest long time instead of the supposed money grab that people keep talking about.
However Mr. Dev... if you do hit things with the nerfhammer... make sure you offer something such as free removal of enchants and so on. These guys constructed their builds entirely on the Tenes so they deserve to be able to remove them freely if they aren't happy with how they'll work.
This dosent even need to be a conversation about how legally they should not be changing how the tenebrous works even though it is a legitimate claim, the change in itself is fundamentally flawed
As a previous poster once said in a thread.
This game is free to play, since it's free to play, the players are entitled to nothing.
You are not entitled for the game to work, you are not entitled to get drops from bosses, you are not entitled to your AD, gold, items. Nothing. There are no legal actions that can be taken that would not be thrown out of court immediately.
People pay real money to get an item which is then modified after the fact. A good lawyer could make this a legal issue and look to get the law to begin taking into account items you buy that are then altered at a later date. There is an element of fraud here the problem being that online "items" are not protected in the same way in the real world, I can guarantee that will change over the next decade as the money spent on these games go up, remember even WoW gold at one point was a top100 world currency competing with real world currencies, that's as real as it gets in terms of economy. With no people paying for this game you have no free to play, you should be thanking the hardcore tene buyers because they enable the servers to run and new updates to be added.
Free to play means nothing when you've made a legitimate purchase, I cannot think of a realworld example that's equivalent, thus they need to cater for a legal equivalent, as things stand im not sure any action can be taken unless you get a really good lawyer to argue a fraud angle but there is no precedent here. (Here's something to think of though: you buy a computer, a few months later they come round your house with an engineer and downgrade it replacing all the parts with cheaper alternatives, would you not be pretty aggrieved?)
The other legal problem is noone directly bought a tene with money, they bought lockboxes to get them or paid in the ah, that convolutes the issue still further, however the fact remains some people spent real money to get them albeit by indirect transactions, they got them purely because of the description of necrotic damage. The dodge fix is fair enough that's not working as intended, further nerfs technically are not, they do need to tread carefully as it only takes one with the knowledge and money to start making changes to the way the online economies run in their host countries.
Gctrl has a good point and it does bring up alot of questions. I have no axe to grind when it comes to tene I don't care personally as my perma build doesn't have a single tene and my cw can just swap out the few tene I did get, both rely on a different skill set to the standard burst setups and both have worked great against the best people out there.
Part of the agreements you clicked yes to stated that game play may change.
This is part of the gameplay changing as the MMO progresses and gets older.
Legal action isnt really going to work, the bank will likely have to contact them to try getting a refund (for those trying to take that route) the bank will talk to them, they'll go 'yep, he bought x amount x time, and transferred it to x game'. They will likely discuss it, they'll tell the bank what was bought/when in game if they feel like it, and the bank will see it's buyer's remorse (as the ToS and the like tell you gameplay will change) and most likely - you won't get jack **** back, especially if you took a month or more to try getting your little refund.
That's part of playing an MMO in it's early stages. That is also part of playing any MMO in general. Even the MMOs that are years old have major changes/nerfs to old gear/overpowered enchants. Everyone that rushed out to buy that enchant because it wasn't proving as it was intended to should have realized that the enchant was most likely to change (as I did).
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
This game gets worse and worse. I wasted like 10 million ad for tenebrous enchants + I have to unslot them now for another 1,5 million ad to sell them ( I doubt anyone would still buy them). I used to like the PvP in this game but now Im done.
People pay real money to get an item which is then modified after the fact. A good lawyer could make this a legal issue and look to get the law to begin taking into account items you buy that are then altered at a later date. There is an element of fraud here the problem being that online "items" are not protected in the same way in the real world, I can guarantee that will change over the next decade as the money spent on these games go up, remember even WoW gold at one point was a top100 world currency competing with real world currencies, that's as real as it gets in terms of economy. With no people paying for this game you have no free to play, you should be thanking the hardcore tene buyers because they enable the servers to run and new updates to be added.
Free to play means nothing when you've made a legitimate purchase, I cannot think of a realworld example that's equivalent, thus they need to cater for a legal equivalent, as things stand im not sure any action can be taken unless you get a really good lawyer to argue a fraud angle but there is no precedent here. (Here's something to think of though: you buy a computer, a few months later they come round your house with an engineer and downgrade it replacing all the parts with cheaper alternatives, would you not be pretty aggrieved?)
The other legal problem is noone directly bought a tene with money, they bought lockboxes to get them or paid in the ah, that convolutes the issue still further, however the fact remains some people spent real money to get them albeit by indirect transactions, they got them purely because of the description of necrotic damage. The dodge fix is fair enough that's not working as intended, further nerfs technically are not, they do need to tread carefully as it only takes one with the knowledge and money to start making changes to the way the online economies run in their host countries.
Gctrl has a good point and it does bring up alot of questions. I have no axe to grind when it comes to tene I don't care personally as my perma build doesn't have a single tene and my cw can just swap out the few tene I did get, both rely on a different skill set to the standard burst setups and both have worked great against the best people out there.
As you stated, with current laws, there is nothing that can be done. They bought keys, keys that don't guarantee an item.
If they bought it from a third party, again, that is not PWE's problem.
My point still being, legal action would just be another fivolous lawsuit.
A) Attacks the soul directly, which undead don't have actual souls, so yeah...
Literally withers your life-ness away, which doesn't work on undead, so there you go.
Basically, necrotic damage does absolutely nothing to the undead. But we're not undead. We're living. So it SHOULD, in theory, be the reverse - and, thus, KO us by draining our life energies directly until there's nothing left. This is different from wounds, which are what healing normally fixes, so it SHOULD bypass any healing spells - note: should.
As for making it so that it can't reflect or whatever the issue was...that's hax. Instead, it should simply cause "purple" damage that can't be healed. At all. Whatsoever. This gives it a great advantage; however, due to the fact that PvP is basically a super-fast slaughterfest, healing probably wouldn't save you anyway.
pandapaulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 424Bounty Hunter
edited October 2013
This is great news... Most the pvp builds that people complain about are based on this enchantment.. Sentinel GWfs , perms stealth rogues...
Finally they can nerf this stupid enchantment that takes almost all skill out of pvp instead of continuing to nerf the classes and build that makes everyone else suffer
One of the better updates I have seen from cryptic
Well, you do what you have to do devs, I WILL HAVE TO DO WHAT I HAVE TO DO TOO. You see, i'm not like most of the ppl here rocking 7 tenes that exploited and saved hundreds of millions....i actually payed for my stuff, and payed WELL.
I'll wait to see if this goes live, the minute it does, the next minute i'll be on the phone to my bank. We'll see what happens. Either you lose money, or you lose the CHANCE at more.
Lets see.
ROFL - you know that in every game they can always change game mechanics when they want to? Only because you have spent real time money does not mean that attributes, abilities or whatever has to stay in the game. Everyone playing MMOs know this. MMOs are constantly changing, balancing, adapting. They even could just remove the enchant completely without any problem. You never have signed any contracts where you have specifically bought an enchant and the right to use it in exactly that way it was bought until the end of time.
If you would be sly you wouldn't have spent money in the first place on something that obviously was way too strong and gave you an advantage over everyone that doesn't utilize this mechanic.
This is great news... Most the pvp builds that people complain about are based on this enchantment.. Sentinel GWfs , perms stealth rogues...
Finally they can nerf this stupid enchantment that takes almost all skill out of pvp instead of continuing to nerf the classes and build that makes everyone else suffer
One of the better updates I have seen from cryptic
Lets see you take down a sent regen gwf with titan+imposing scrapper, Ancient castle sword and knot combo(450 crit) 1.2-1.5k regen, gpf+gsf, min rank 8 radiant in every def slot, CRit 2.5, arm pen just enough to + with their con % to give about 26% arp, full con rolls halfling race. Without tene burst.
No worries. It can be done, just get a GF,CW,and TR on him simultaneously, should take you a good 1-2 minutes to bring him down.
OOPS...what happened to your other 2 points? Oh well:rolleyes:
Glad many are happy with this change, however, sad, cos i play a gwf like the above(no tenes), and if theres qq now, while there are still tene chars that can and do burst me down, i shudder to think whats going to happen when theres no burst. Call me paranoid, but it doesn't look too good for the gwf, they are gonna be the next lynch class:(
No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
Generally we will not leave pvp unless we don't get the queue we want against another arranged group OR enemy team has players that have already left. Don't think i've ever partied with anyone that has rage quit even if were losing.
Yeah... it's an LS rule that you can't rage quit. I've gone into pvp's without anyone on my team but have to stay, but at least we go down fighting:)
Anyways, I personally don't have tene's but I don't really see how OP they are other than the fact that they go through soulforged. And since that is the main broken mechanic in my mind, I think a fix should also be applied to other things like the TR dailies which are also not dodgable and go through soulforged (shocking execution and whirlwind). Or the fact that when you are cc locked the soulforged will not proc. I feel like soulforged shouldn't proc depending off of luck since it is not described that way, but have a critical hp lvl where it will immediately proc. I hate when my sf procs when i'm already dead.
pandapaulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 424Bounty Hunter
Lets see you take down a sent regen gwf with titan+imposing scrapper, Ancient castle sword and knot combo(450 crit) 1.2-1.5k regen, gpf+gsf, min rank 8 radiant in every def slot, CRit 2.5, arm pen just enough to + with their con % to give about 26% arp, full con rolls halfling race. Without tene burst.
No worries. It can be done, just get a GF,CW,and TR on him simultaneously, should take you a good 1-2 minutes to bring him down.
OOPS...what happened to your other 2 points? Oh well:rolleyes:
Glad many are happy with this change, however, sad, cos i play a gwf like the above(no tenes), and if theres qq now, while there are still tene chars that can and do burst me down, i shudder to think whats going to happen when theres no burst. Call me paranoid, but it doesn't look too good for the gwf, they are gonna be the next lynch class:(
And how many of these people actually exist?? I haven't seen. GWF that fits this description in over a month and I play pvp almost everyday.. And tell me what damage will this toon deal??? Pretty much nothing.. And elite GF will be more difficult than this..
This dumb enchant has cause more damage to this game than anything else...
And I the sentinel GWF at least good for something in pvp so be it.. Because it isn't good for anything else... So the build needs something to be decent at..
glad it is finally getting looked at. I think everyone including the users knew it was overpowered. Personally i think if they did this earlier they wouldn't have needed to make so many class nerf last go around
first of all, i don't have tene and i don't plan of investing on them and i have fought ppl with tene, yes they are OP, but I do not agree on nerfing it, these ppl used real money to get those things and it would be bad precedent if they nerf it, I expect Legal cases if it continues. One more thing it would just straighten the resolve of old players not to re-invest on this game because of fears they gonna nerf it anyway.
Continue getting new players and get their $$$ but for the rest here who knows, we sit and watch.
Hello All, My name is Steroidz and I am one of the leaders of <Lemonade Stand> (32k hp GF 6 tenes 800 regen soulforge bronzewood) and this is the way to DEAL with tenebrous enchants.
It would be great if the Tenebrous Enchantments got their previous ICDs back. Now that players will be able to dodge and deflect them, there shouldn't be any issues with getting it reverted to its 8 second ICD. At one point or another, people paid for keys just for these enchantments. If it's not possible to at least halve the current 20 second ICD for these enchants, at the very least it would be helpful if they received additional utility capabilities.
So you, being a community moderator, acknowledge that the pvp aspect of this game is pay-to-win?
Legal actions can actually be taken in some cases to those who claim otherwise. People CAN demand refunds and involve their banks to bring hell upon PWE.. this was proven by a fairly known streamer who had just this kind of argument with Sony about one of their games which he spent loads of money in. They personally sent him a large check, then had his accounts banned. (Yes, they had the right to ban them, but they sent the money back to avoid public exposure.) And that is what you call a "bribe".
However, how this will end no one really knows. It hasn't even gone to preview shard yet, alot might change.
Perhaps they'll reconsider and realize it could bring more chaos than good to the game.
Neverwinter addict since open-BETA! What's your drug? Spoon? There is no spoon.
Old member of Team Fencebane (R.I.P)
- One of the 5 core founders.
I don't think it can be considered a fraud, for a simple reason: it's not written anywhere that the tene damage is supposed to ignore all the resistances. Therefore, it can be considered as a bug fix/ mechanic fix just like the temporary hp from Unstoppable: they were tamporary, non supposed to last after unstoppable end, so they got fixed.
And i wouldn't reduce ICD to less than half. Why? Simple: you reduce the damage making defenses work, then you make them proc 2 times in 16 seconds instead than 1 time in 20 seconds, you're basically doubling the damage a tene user can deliver, again. So the output would be the same. They can be dodged like any other move, but then i would say, just make them proc/ go to ICD only if the hit actually land.
I think also that it's fair, considering tenes still can be stacked. Which is a HUGE boost they have over other enchants. Greater tenes stacked on a high hp build, even with this nerf, still give a considerable boost. Just not so much more powerful than any other enchant. Which is fair.
Honestly, if people will quit cause they can't deliver monster spike damage thanks to stacked Gtenes and can't tweak their build to adapt, it's better for them to do not play at all.
It's just that Gtenes will go to monster spike damage on tank builds, to still considerable, but not overpowered, damage boost for a tank build. Keep in mind that a tank is NOT supposed to have high DPS or high spike damage. You have to balance defense and offense, you can't have both.
If sentinel tanks will now do weak damage even with tenes... it's just fair, since they already are the most tanky build of all. A sentinel wants more damage? Go hybrid. You want to be a monster tank? Stay full regeneration tank.
I see it that way. Looks fair to me...
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited October 2013
If you break the Terms of Service then your accounts will get banned. I suggest you read them.
You will always be free to contact support to discuss any matters that arrise due to changes in the game but using any other means to request a refund will result in immediate account suspension/closure.
And for your information this is the status quot in the entertainment industry.
If you do not go through Steam's Support in a payment dispute your account will be banned and you will potentially lose all of your other purchases.
Arguing the legality is really not going to go anywhere. Just be aware that Cryptic/PWE Support is the only entity which can instate a refund or compensation without resulting in at least temporary account closure.
But that's as far as that topic should be discussed. Remember ultimatums are not really productive so let's avoid them. I know this is a hot topic but I would rather not have to moderate any posts if I don't have to.
It strikes me odd, though, that people have requested changes to these enchantments for months now and really I have never seen people argue against them being rebalanced. *shrugs*
Sure I can agree that it would be nice to compensate players who invested a lot into tenebrous enchantments but to me game balance should always be the first priority even if it means taking toys away from people. I'll always vote to compensate people over hefty changes, especially when it involves matters of the economy, but game balance is my main prerogative.
Lets see you take down a sent regen gwf with titan+imposing scrapper, Ancient castle sword and knot combo(450 crit) 1.2-1.5k regen, gpf+gsf, min rank 8 radiant in every def slot, CRit 2.5, arm pen just enough to + with their con % to give about 26% arp, full con rolls halfling race. Without tene burst.
No worries. It can be done, just get a GF,CW,and TR on him simultaneously, should take you a good 1-2 minutes to bring him down.
OOPS...what happened to your other 2 points? Oh well:rolleyes:
I solo regen Sents all the time in PVP. We had an in house yesterday where I beat one of our best non-tenny Sents in our guild twice 1v1. They had to start sending another back to our point to fight me.
Well, in some ways it could act as a warning. In some ways, it could act as a reassurance. On one hand, such changes can cause a good deal of bother to players that have got on the that ride, and been on it for some time, which can easily undermine the cash and time they have invested. Some may see this as a warning sign that you can't expect your investments to last, so there is no point in putting any money or time in the game.
On the other side of the coin, it means that if they do implement something that is eventually seen to be overpowered, they aren't afraid to change it even if they will get some backlash from it. This could be seen by some as a strong stand for what is better for the game by the company, even at the risk of potential revenue loss.
As a previous poster once said in a thread.
This game is free to play, since it's free to play, the players are entitled to nothing.
You are not entitled for the game to work, you are not entitled to get drops from bosses, you are not entitled to your AD, gold, items. Nothing. There are no legal actions that can be taken that would not be thrown out of court immediately.
Two holy symbols up!!!
Other than this... what can I say.
I'm happy to see that devs actually care about their game balance first and money second. I hope this will last. Fingers crossed.
even if pvp or pve.. tene is one of the most expensive items to get... i feel for BOTH groups of ppl who spent hours of farming to save AD to make/buy it.. and also ppl who spent REAL CASH to get the edge. I'm done. Its like u released a game that was still in the works or that all u developers are just fickel minded.... urgh.
Necrotic damage (to my knowledge.) has never had a definition, if you have found one, I would love to see it.
Great Job!
It shows nothing is safe from balancing in this game, even if people paid money for it - which is how it should be in an MMO. I can't even remember how many balancing patches, good or bad, my mage endured through in WoW and I paid monthly subscription and didn't go on Blizz's forums to blackmail them with me wanting to leave if my mage is not OP any more. Stalwart, HV, TR and upcoming Tene nerfs show that the devs actually do have the game's best interest long time instead of the supposed money grab that people keep talking about.
However Mr. Dev... if you do hit things with the nerfhammer... make sure you offer something such as free removal of enchants and so on. These guys constructed their builds entirely on the Tenes so they deserve to be able to remove them freely if they aren't happy with how they'll work.
People pay real money to get an item which is then modified after the fact. A good lawyer could make this a legal issue and look to get the law to begin taking into account items you buy that are then altered at a later date. There is an element of fraud here the problem being that online "items" are not protected in the same way in the real world, I can guarantee that will change over the next decade as the money spent on these games go up, remember even WoW gold at one point was a top100 world currency competing with real world currencies, that's as real as it gets in terms of economy. With no people paying for this game you have no free to play, you should be thanking the hardcore tene buyers because they enable the servers to run and new updates to be added.
Free to play means nothing when you've made a legitimate purchase, I cannot think of a realworld example that's equivalent, thus they need to cater for a legal equivalent, as things stand im not sure any action can be taken unless you get a really good lawyer to argue a fraud angle but there is no precedent here. (Here's something to think of though: you buy a computer, a few months later they come round your house with an engineer and downgrade it replacing all the parts with cheaper alternatives, would you not be pretty aggrieved?)
The other legal problem is noone directly bought a tene with money, they bought lockboxes to get them or paid in the ah, that convolutes the issue still further, however the fact remains some people spent real money to get them albeit by indirect transactions, they got them purely because of the description of necrotic damage. The dodge fix is fair enough that's not working as intended, further nerfs technically are not, they do need to tread carefully as it only takes one with the knowledge and money to start making changes to the way the online economies run in their host countries.
Gctrl has a good point and it does bring up alot of questions. I have no axe to grind when it comes to tene I don't care personally as my perma build doesn't have a single tene and my cw can just swap out the few tene I did get, both rely on a different skill set to the standard burst setups and both have worked great against the best people out there.
Part of the agreements you clicked yes to stated that game play may change.
This is part of the gameplay changing as the MMO progresses and gets older.
Legal action isnt really going to work, the bank will likely have to contact them to try getting a refund (for those trying to take that route) the bank will talk to them, they'll go 'yep, he bought x amount x time, and transferred it to x game'. They will likely discuss it, they'll tell the bank what was bought/when in game if they feel like it, and the bank will see it's buyer's remorse (as the ToS and the like tell you gameplay will change) and most likely - you won't get jack **** back, especially if you took a month or more to try getting your little refund.
That's part of playing an MMO in it's early stages. That is also part of playing any MMO in general. Even the MMOs that are years old have major changes/nerfs to old gear/overpowered enchants. Everyone that rushed out to buy that enchant because it wasn't proving as it was intended to should have realized that the enchant was most likely to change (as I did).
As you stated, with current laws, there is nothing that can be done. They bought keys, keys that don't guarantee an item.
If they bought it from a third party, again, that is not PWE's problem.
My point still being, legal action would just be another fivolous lawsuit.
There are many definitions, though I point to these two threads specifically:
So, it either...
A) Attacks the soul directly, which undead don't have actual souls, so yeah...
Basically, necrotic damage does absolutely nothing to the undead. But we're not undead. We're living. So it SHOULD, in theory, be the reverse - and, thus, KO us by draining our life energies directly until there's nothing left. This is different from wounds, which are what healing normally fixes, so it SHOULD bypass any healing spells - note: should.
As for making it so that it can't reflect or whatever the issue was...that's hax. Instead, it should simply cause "purple" damage that can't be healed. At all. Whatsoever. This gives it a great advantage; however, due to the fact that PvP is basically a super-fast slaughterfest, healing probably wouldn't save you anyway.
Finally they can nerf this stupid enchantment that takes almost all skill out of pvp instead of continuing to nerf the classes and build that makes everyone else suffer
One of the better updates I have seen from cryptic
ROFL - you know that in every game they can always change game mechanics when they want to? Only because you have spent real time money does not mean that attributes, abilities or whatever has to stay in the game. Everyone playing MMOs know this. MMOs are constantly changing, balancing, adapting. They even could just remove the enchant completely without any problem. You never have signed any contracts where you have specifically bought an enchant and the right to use it in exactly that way it was bought until the end of time.
If you would be sly you wouldn't have spent money in the first place on something that obviously was way too strong and gave you an advantage over everyone that doesn't utilize this mechanic.
Lets see you take down a sent regen gwf with titan+imposing scrapper, Ancient castle sword and knot combo(450 crit) 1.2-1.5k regen, gpf+gsf, min rank 8 radiant in every def slot, CRit 2.5, arm pen just enough to + with their con % to give about 26% arp, full con rolls halfling race. Without tene burst.
No worries. It can be done, just get a GF,CW,and TR on him simultaneously, should take you a good 1-2 minutes to bring him down.
OOPS...what happened to your other 2 points? Oh well:rolleyes:
Glad many are happy with this change, however, sad, cos i play a gwf like the above(no tenes), and if theres qq now, while there are still tene chars that can and do burst me down, i shudder to think whats going to happen when theres no burst. Call me paranoid, but it doesn't look too good for the gwf, they are gonna be the next lynch class:(
Anyways, I personally don't have tene's but I don't really see how OP they are other than the fact that they go through soulforged. And since that is the main broken mechanic in my mind, I think a fix should also be applied to other things like the TR dailies which are also not dodgable and go through soulforged (shocking execution and whirlwind). Or the fact that when you are cc locked the soulforged will not proc. I feel like soulforged shouldn't proc depending off of luck since it is not described that way, but have a critical hp lvl where it will immediately proc. I hate when my sf procs when i'm already dead.
And how many of these people actually exist?? I haven't seen. GWF that fits this description in over a month and I play pvp almost everyday.. And tell me what damage will this toon deal??? Pretty much nothing.. And elite GF will be more difficult than this..
This dumb enchant has cause more damage to this game than anything else...
And I the sentinel GWF at least good for something in pvp so be it.. Because it isn't good for anything else... So the build needs something to be decent at..
Continue getting new players and get their $$$ but for the rest here who knows, we sit and watch.
updated your guide.
Is that official devs' announcement?
However, how this will end no one really knows. It hasn't even gone to preview shard yet, alot might change.
Perhaps they'll reconsider and realize it could bring more chaos than good to the game.
Spoon? There is no spoon.
Old member of Team Fencebane (R.I.P)
- One of the 5 core founders.
And i wouldn't reduce ICD to less than half. Why? Simple: you reduce the damage making defenses work, then you make them proc 2 times in 16 seconds instead than 1 time in 20 seconds, you're basically doubling the damage a tene user can deliver, again. So the output would be the same. They can be dodged like any other move, but then i would say, just make them proc/ go to ICD only if the hit actually land.
I think also that it's fair, considering tenes still can be stacked. Which is a HUGE boost they have over other enchants. Greater tenes stacked on a high hp build, even with this nerf, still give a considerable boost. Just not so much more powerful than any other enchant. Which is fair.
Honestly, if people will quit cause they can't deliver monster spike damage thanks to stacked Gtenes and can't tweak their build to adapt, it's better for them to do not play at all.
It's just that Gtenes will go to monster spike damage on tank builds, to still considerable, but not overpowered, damage boost for a tank build. Keep in mind that a tank is NOT supposed to have high DPS or high spike damage. You have to balance defense and offense, you can't have both.
If sentinel tanks will now do weak damage even with tenes... it's just fair, since they already are the most tanky build of all. A sentinel wants more damage? Go hybrid. You want to be a monster tank? Stay full regeneration tank.
I see it that way. Looks fair to me...
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And for your information this is the status quot in the entertainment industry.
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Arguing the legality is really not going to go anywhere. Just be aware that Cryptic/PWE Support is the only entity which can instate a refund or compensation without resulting in at least temporary account closure.
But that's as far as that topic should be discussed. Remember ultimatums are not really productive so let's avoid them. I know this is a hot topic but I would rather not have to moderate any posts if I don't have to.
It strikes me odd, though, that people have requested changes to these enchantments for months now and really I have never seen people argue against them being rebalanced. *shrugs*
Sure I can agree that it would be nice to compensate players who invested a lot into tenebrous enchantments but to me game balance should always be the first priority even if it means taking toys away from people. I'll always vote to compensate people over hefty changes, especially when it involves matters of the economy, but game balance is my main prerogative.
I solo regen Sents all the time in PVP. We had an in house yesterday where I beat one of our best non-tenny Sents in our guild twice 1v1. They had to start sending another back to our point to fight me.
Find me in game, Trace.
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