zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited August 2013
Moderator Notice:
. . . . . Insulting and unproductive replies removed. Folks, I'm just as upset, if not more, about this as many of you. Regardless, there is never a need to fling insults. Besides, it's the weekend and most of you very well know that during most Weekends the only Staff on the Forums are the Volunteer Staff. So please, Read the Rules and adhere to them. Do not reply to this Moderator Notice, as doing so is not allowed either. Thanks!
Actually, I've also got a dialog that contains "Summoning your minions" so I'm questioning just that one.
I don't think minion(s) is on the list either. I thought at first it might be like master (master is blocked, but not masters). But a simple check by toggling the filter shows neither minion or minions is blocked in regular chat. I bet it was something else in the dialogue that got it put on the list by mistake.
Halgarth's Legacy-NWS-DSTGFZHFR
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited August 2013
. . . .Yeah, "minion" and "minions" are not censored. I have many NPCs with "minion" in their names or group titles as well as dialog with both singular and plural versions, and they are not censored. Far too many other things are though.
. . . . They should just remove the foundry filter and let the game's censor take care of it, censoring things for people who have it checked. Forcing censoring of words in foundry creation is not helping. Let players report missions for obscene language or turn on their censor filter.
. . . . They should just remove the foundry filter and let the game's censor take care of it, censoring things for people who have it checked. Forcing censoring of words in foundry creation is not helping. Let players report missions for obscene language or turn on their censor filter.
^--- This. I never really understood why the Foundry has a filter, anyhow.
Aside this, it is not the words, but how one uses said (or any kind of) words. A filter will not aid in the long run, only inhibit and therefore reduce overall Foundry quality.
I'm quite positive nine out of ten Authors here would have no problem at all to write a story that would get reported by the first person to dare enter using exceptional innocent wording. Able, but not doing so, not only to prevent getting flagged, reported, stripped of Foundry privileges and/ or banned, but simple due to not wishing to write such a story in the first place.
And then I am not even starting on the fact that Authors actually honour and respect Cryptic. Most of us can be trusted. That one or two bad apples show us to be a bad batch and thus must be forcefully pushed into one or another direction is not a very positive point of view.
It hints that the honour and respect is not mutual, and I do not think I am the only one with this feeling.
. . . .Yeah, "minion" and "minions" are not censored. I have many NPCs with "minion" in their names or group titles as well as dialog with both singular and plural versions, and they are not censored. Far too many other things are though.
. . . . They should just remove the foundry filter and let the game's censor take care of it, censoring things for people who have it checked. Forcing censoring of words in foundry creation is not helping. Let players report missions for obscene language or turn on their censor filter.
I think you are right. The players can always report something that is actually profane using these common words and phrases. The game has a filter and it is up to the player whether or not they choose to use it. They should let it go at that. I could almost understand if it was filtering actual phrases, but the words by themselves simply are not profane in any way. It makes no sense to me at all.
In either case I am unable to update or even finish creating the next part of my campaign due to this. I have already spent 3 weeks just building my maps. I will not spend that much time trying to re-work my dialog over some overly excessive filter. I do hope that this is fixed soon so that I can continue to publish.
The Secret to Paradise: NWS-DCV313OOCFOUNDRY DAILY Part 1 - Paradise Lost? NW-DDMMIKYTB Part 2 - Into the Mist NW-DIJXRI4NT Part 3 - Wind of The North NW-DFB9K8KWH
. . . . They should just remove the foundry filter and let the game's censor take care of it, censoring things for people who have it checked. Forcing censoring of words in foundry creation is not helping. Let players report missions for obscene language or turn on their censor filter.
That would certainly help. I don't understand why the foundry needs a separate filter that only stops what everyone else can block anyway. At this rate though they are censoring themselves. Just today I noticed the low level mail notice that tells you about the blacklake rogue quest had a bit of censored stuff in it too.
Halgarth's Legacy-NWS-DSTGFZHFR
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
ghestapwMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
So, my foundry mission that I've put a LOT of time into (easily 60+ hours) is now all worthless? Because the entire mission is to find a missing child, help a father find his daughter before the Nashers do. But now I can't change, edit, tweak, or improve my foundry because the word "Child" is a profane word?
To quote Inigo Montoya, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
I've worked very hard on my foundry mission and I've spent a LOT of money on this game. I've understood the fact that I couldn't use words like 'titmouse' and had to change them to field mouse instead. But to suggest that my foundry is unacceptable because I use the word CHILD in it? How insane is that? Am I to be forced to scrap sixty hours or more (actually in all likelihood a LOT more) because you've decided to change the filters suddenly?
Child is not a profane word.
I am not using it in any sense other than the completely harmless description of a lost girl who needs to be found.
This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed ASAP.
Rhev@ghestapw - Co-GL <iTyrant> - ityrantguild.com - Beholder server
Try out my first foundry mission - The Missing Youth - NW-DGX79EG65
bazagMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Most of these new words that have been marked profane are probably not because the word itself is considered profane but because it uses letters that out of context might be considered profane.
eg, Diarrhea is considered profane because of the three letters Dee Eye Ay, which I can only assume is used the block the abbreviation of phrases such as "Die in a Fire". Not saying this is good, just explaining what is likely happening. In game anyway
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
[/COLOR]. . . . They should just remove the foundry filter and let the game's censor take care of it, censoring things for people who have it checked. Forcing censoring of words in foundry creation is not helping. Let players report missions for obscene language or turn on their censor filter.
I agree full-heartedly.
Certain words absolutely should be censored. Most of the big four letter words should remain filtered indefinitely but dam* and *** for example should not be censored except by the in game filter. I mean the developers have used dam* in their own content! Why can't the players?!
I agree full-heartedly.
Certain words absolutely should be censored. Most of the big four letter words should remain filtered indefinitely but dam* and *** for example should not be censored except by the in game filter. I mean the developers have used dam* in their own content! Why can't the players?!
I remember when they said Foundry would be able to make content identical to official content.
keithejrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited August 2013
ok, I just found this thread today after deciding to look why my quest had had no plays in 3 or 4 weeks. I have 34 tasks on my quest from the profanity filter. My quest is called "Master Wa". I literally have to rename my quest and the main characters name and every reference.
An email to me that my quest had been flagged for profane words, either in game or to my registered email would have been nice. I'm really quite annoyed
rokoilMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited August 2013
The profane sensor needs re-calibrated. Indeed. I cannot find out which words exactly are holding me up on a few spots. I have rewritten the initial quest starting dialogue several times and its still profane. Other spots as well. I had to break out the thesaurus and try a few tweaks, its still profane.
Im with the OP. Ive spent a lot of time and more than a few dollars on this game and this kind of censorship is nonsense. Been playing DnD since the 80's and typically the main goal is kill someone for something bad they did or are gonna do, and take their stuff with some other adventure and puzzles in between.
The profane sensor needs re-calibrated. Indeed. I cannot find out which words exactly are holding me up on a few spots. I have rewritten the initial quest starting dialogue several times and its still profane. Other spots as well. I had to break out the thesaurus and try a few tweaks, its still profane.
Easy to skip over in a thread with 200+ replies, but if you hover your mouse over the yellow exclamation sign it *should* show you the word(s) it has flagged. (Apparently it does not always work though, so YMMV).
Easy to skip over in a thread with 200+ replies, but if you hover your mouse over the yellow exclamation sign it *should* show you the word(s) it has flagged. (Apparently it does not always work though, so YMMV).
But it was first thing in the morning, I hadn't had my coffee yet, and I hadn't been to these forums in a few days. I just realized that child was filtered, raged, came here, posted. I did realize later that there was already a topic about it, mea culpa.
Rhev@ghestapw - Co-GL <iTyrant> - ityrantguild.com - Beholder server
Try out my first foundry mission - The Missing Youth - NW-DGX79EG65
ghestapwMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
First of all, let me apologize for making my own thread and not just posting here originally.
Secondly, I've read every post on this thread as I started this response and everyone seems to be missing one major point. Has anyone noticed that this nerf came right at the same time that they put zen and keys on sale AND said "GET EM QUICK!!!!"
I'm not flat out saying that they did this as a distraction, but I've seen this tactic used before in buisness as a justification. "Oh, a small percentage are complaining about something that started last friday? But look at our numbers, our sales are up 700% since friday, so we must be doing something right! Ignore the whiners."
Again, I'm not saying that this was done intentionally, but if you're worried about lawyers / stock holders.... this is what they will care about. The dollars earned, not the number of complaints on a forum.
Finally, 2 responses to other people's posts I've read:
I remember when they said Foundry would be able to make content identical to official content.
Yeah, I remember that too. Remember in beta when they said that there was a 'trial' version of the foundry running? With the implication that the rest of the features (like bosses, nodes, and chests) would be implemented when the game went live?
The devs are doing their best but they have their own constraints (These are called shareholders, lawyers, trademark owners and managers) which will never fully mesh with the players wants and opinions, and the community mods can only pass on peoples wants and opinions, it'll never be up to them what actually gets fixed or what has priority.
You say that, but the only thing it takes to stand up to the legal bullies is a spine and a sense of purpose. IE Lavabit closing it's doors rather than letting the USGovt bully them into spying on their users.
Rhev@ghestapw - Co-GL <iTyrant> - ityrantguild.com - Beholder server
Try out my first foundry mission - The Missing Youth - NW-DGX79EG65
I'm unclear why lawyers need something beyond the basic default profanity filter and 'stuff can be reported as offensive and acted on.' That seems pretty CYA to me.
I also don't know if Cryptic truly appreciates how important Foundry is to NW. NW is not a novel game, the content and gameplay is extremely limited. The only two draws are 'D&D' and 'Foundry', and 'D&D' isn't even a unique draw (since DDO, you know, exists).
The one truly unique thing about this game is Foundry. It stands out from EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO out there (except for STO -- but that's also owned by Cryptic, and it appeals to a mostly different player base, being specific scifi).
Maybe I'm highly biased, but there is literally nothing more important than making sure Foundry is on solid foundations and well-supported. Everything else? Other games do the same, often better.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
And as I said earlier, it's easy to be highly offensive or profane without using bad words.
Here's a paragraph describing someone getting into and starting a car without using any typical terms for such:
'Rodrigo approached the metal and glass vehicle, eyeing its smooth lines. Finally it was his! He inserted the metal, twisted, and the aperture swung open. With one smooth movement he was inside, the luxurious tanned skin beneath him, cradling him in the machine's interior.
He shut himself inside, and turned the conveyance on. What a wonderful sound... the vehicle rumbled low, ready to move.
Setting the handle, he started forward slowly, getting a feel for its movement. Then he pressed down, and away he went!'
I didn't need to use steering wheel, gas, drive, door, key, car, auto, automobile, etc.
But if 'talking about cars' was offensive, it'd still be offensive.
(I'm refraining from doing the same regarding actually offensive stuff because, well, it'd be ACTUALLY OFFENSIVE)
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I can understand the child one. Someone could make a quest where the aim is to go into a school and butcher hundreds of children. I don't agree with it but I understand. (would be far better to just remove the quest when and if.)
But John! Even used in the only way it could be offensive, it is still not offensive. Your a john you are... er... ok! (I could still put.. you pay for the attention of a woman, you are a fool.)
As for some of the others... me in, master, hard on,.....come on! FFS, oh I can have that one.
People that want to be offensive will still be able to be offensive. There is nothing that can be done about it other than remove the quests as and when they come.
May as well scrap the foundry and then the game can offer nothing.
ghestapwMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I also don't know if Cryptic truly appreciates how important Foundry is to NW. NW is not a novel game, the content and gameplay is extremely limited. The only two draws are 'D&D' and 'Foundry', and 'D&D' isn't even a unique draw (since DDO, you know, exists).
Maybe I'm highly biased, but there is literally nothing more important than making sure Foundry is on solid foundations and well-supported. Everything else? Other games do the same, often better.
I couldn't agree with this more. Is neverwinter a well polished game? No, most people exploit dungeons in some way or another. Is the PvP unique or new? No, there are countless pvp games that are better then neverwinter, including one that came out recently (i forget the name) that is an action pvp game with fantasy classes and it does pvp FAR better. Is it an engrossing storyline? Meh, that's up for debate, but one thing you could do to make it secure in that last place is give the fans the tools to create content!
I can understand the child one. Someone could make a quest where the aim is to go into a school and butcher hundreds of children. I don't agree with it but I understand. (would be far better to just remove the quest when and if.)
There is quite figuratively an almost infinite number of ways to offend someone that is playing this game. It makes zero sense to punish the creative authors for something that hasn't happened, or has happened once. We don't look at a drunk driving accident and say "well, let's take away all the cars in this town!"
Rhev@ghestapw - Co-GL <iTyrant> - ityrantguild.com - Beholder server
Try out my first foundry mission - The Missing Youth - NW-DGX79EG65
I can understand the child one. Someone could make a quest where the aim is to go into a school and butcher hundreds of children. I don't agree with it but I understand. (would be far better to just remove the quest when and if.)
You can understand how the word "child" is profane? Then please explain it to me. Your example above has nothing to do with child being profane. I would say that the word "child" is more common then any of the other words that have been flagged as profane.
I have to believe that this whole mess is a huge mistake. If it is not??? I hate to think what comes next.
Sweet Water and Light Laughter Till Next We Meet.
. . . . . Insulting and unproductive replies removed. Folks, I'm just as upset, if not more, about this as many of you. Regardless, there is never a need to fling insults. Besides, it's the weekend and most of you very well know that during most Weekends the only Staff on the Forums are the Volunteer Staff. So please, Read the Rules and adhere to them. Do not reply to this Moderator Notice, as doing so is not allowed either. Thanks!
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Actually, I've also got a dialog that contains "Summoning your minions" so I'm questioning just that one.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I don't think minion(s) is on the list either. I thought at first it might be like master (master is blocked, but not masters). But a simple check by toggling the filter shows neither minion or minions is blocked in regular chat. I bet it was something else in the dialogue that got it put on the list by mistake.
. . . . They should just remove the foundry filter and let the game's censor take care of it, censoring things for people who have it checked. Forcing censoring of words in foundry creation is not helping. Let players report missions for obscene language or turn on their censor filter.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
^--- This. I never really understood why the Foundry has a filter, anyhow.
Aside this, it is not the words, but how one uses said (or any kind of) words. A filter will not aid in the long run, only inhibit and therefore reduce overall Foundry quality.
I'm quite positive nine out of ten Authors here would have no problem at all to write a story that would get reported by the first person to dare enter using exceptional innocent wording. Able, but not doing so, not only to prevent getting flagged, reported, stripped of Foundry privileges and/ or banned, but simple due to not wishing to write such a story in the first place.
And then I am not even starting on the fact that Authors actually honour and respect Cryptic. Most of us can be trusted. That one or two bad apples show us to be a bad batch and thus must be forcefully pushed into one or another direction is not a very positive point of view.
It hints that the honour and respect is not mutual, and I do not think I am the only one with this feeling.
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
I think you are right. The players can always report something that is actually profane using these common words and phrases. The game has a filter and it is up to the player whether or not they choose to use it. They should let it go at that. I could almost understand if it was filtering actual phrases, but the words by themselves simply are not profane in any way. It makes no sense to me at all.
In either case I am unable to update or even finish creating the next part of my campaign due to this. I have already spent 3 weeks just building my maps. I will not spend that much time trying to re-work my dialog over some overly excessive filter.
Part 1 - Paradise Lost? NW-DDMMIKYTB
Part 2 - Into the Mist NW-DIJXRI4NT
Part 3 - Wind of The North NW-DFB9K8KWH
Leave feedback for The Secret to Paradise
On the other hand, I have also discovered that minion and minions are not considered profanity so I have removed them from the list.
You can add "Whispers.." that is considered profanity.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Not tagged in my Following the Whispers campaign, though.
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
That would certainly help. I don't understand why the foundry needs a separate filter that only stops what everyone else can block anyway. At this rate though they are censoring themselves. Just today I noticed the low level mail notice that tells you about the blacklake rogue quest had a bit of censored stuff in it too.
But tagged in my "The Bloodied Letter"
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
How odd o.O
I wonder why, maybe the ellipsis?
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
Dunno, I don't really care though haha, Just found it funny.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
To quote Inigo Montoya, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
I've worked very hard on my foundry mission and I've spent a LOT of money on this game. I've understood the fact that I couldn't use words like 'titmouse' and had to change them to field mouse instead. But to suggest that my foundry is unacceptable because I use the word CHILD in it? How insane is that? Am I to be forced to scrap sixty hours or more (actually in all likelihood a LOT more) because you've decided to change the filters suddenly?
Child is not a profane word.
I am not using it in any sense other than the completely harmless description of a lost girl who needs to be found.
This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed ASAP.
Try out my first foundry mission - The Missing Youth - NW-DGX79EG65
eg, Diarrhea is considered profane because of the three letters Dee Eye Ay, which I can only assume is used the block the abbreviation of phrases such as "Die in a Fire". Not saying this is good, just explaining what is likely happening. In game anyway
I agree full-heartedly.
Certain words absolutely should be censored. Most of the big four letter words should remain filtered indefinitely but dam* and *** for example should not be censored except by the in game filter. I mean the developers have used dam* in their own content! Why can't the players?!
An email to me that my quest had been flagged for profane words, either in game or to my registered email would have been nice. I'm really quite annoyed
Im with the OP. Ive spent a lot of time and more than a few dollars on this game and this kind of censorship is nonsense. Been playing DnD since the 80's and typically the main goal is kill someone for something bad they did or are gonna do, and take their stuff with some other adventure and puzzles in between.
Easy to skip over in a thread with 200+ replies, but if you hover your mouse over the yellow exclamation sign it *should* show you the word(s) it has flagged. (Apparently it does not always work though, so YMMV).
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
(Daily eligible! Could use more reviews. Largely complete.)
Yes, very sorry.
I've actually been reading
Where I should have posted.
But it was first thing in the morning, I hadn't had my coffee yet, and I hadn't been to these forums in a few days. I just realized that child was filtered, raged, came here, posted. I did realize later that there was already a topic about it, mea culpa.
Try out my first foundry mission - The Missing Youth - NW-DGX79EG65
Secondly, I've read every post on this thread as I started this response and everyone seems to be missing one major point. Has anyone noticed that this nerf came right at the same time that they put zen and keys on sale AND said "GET EM QUICK!!!!"
I'm not flat out saying that they did this as a distraction, but I've seen this tactic used before in buisness as a justification. "Oh, a small percentage are complaining about something that started last friday? But look at our numbers, our sales are up 700% since friday, so we must be doing something right! Ignore the whiners."
Again, I'm not saying that this was done intentionally, but if you're worried about lawyers / stock holders.... this is what they will care about. The dollars earned, not the number of complaints on a forum.
Finally, 2 responses to other people's posts I've read:
Yeah, I remember that too. Remember in beta when they said that there was a 'trial' version of the foundry running? With the implication that the rest of the features (like bosses, nodes, and chests) would be implemented when the game went live?
You say that, but the only thing it takes to stand up to the legal bullies is a spine and a sense of purpose. IE Lavabit closing it's doors rather than letting the USGovt bully them into spying on their users.
Try out my first foundry mission - The Missing Youth - NW-DGX79EG65
I also don't know if Cryptic truly appreciates how important Foundry is to NW. NW is not a novel game, the content and gameplay is extremely limited. The only two draws are 'D&D' and 'Foundry', and 'D&D' isn't even a unique draw (since DDO, you know, exists).
The one truly unique thing about this game is Foundry. It stands out from EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO out there (except for STO -- but that's also owned by Cryptic, and it appeals to a mostly different player base, being specific scifi).
Maybe I'm highly biased, but there is literally nothing more important than making sure Foundry is on solid foundations and well-supported. Everything else? Other games do the same, often better.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Here's a paragraph describing someone getting into and starting a car without using any typical terms for such:
'Rodrigo approached the metal and glass vehicle, eyeing its smooth lines. Finally it was his! He inserted the metal, twisted, and the aperture swung open. With one smooth movement he was inside, the luxurious tanned skin beneath him, cradling him in the machine's interior.
He shut himself inside, and turned the conveyance on. What a wonderful sound... the vehicle rumbled low, ready to move.
Setting the handle, he started forward slowly, getting a feel for its movement. Then he pressed down, and away he went!'
I didn't need to use steering wheel, gas, drive, door, key, car, auto, automobile, etc.
But if 'talking about cars' was offensive, it'd still be offensive.
(I'm refraining from doing the same regarding actually offensive stuff because, well, it'd be ACTUALLY OFFENSIVE)
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I can understand the child one. Someone could make a quest where the aim is to go into a school and butcher hundreds of children. I don't agree with it but I understand. (would be far better to just remove the quest when and if.)
But John! Even used in the only way it could be offensive, it is still not offensive. Your a john you are... er... ok! (I could still put.. you pay for the attention of a woman, you are a fool.)
As for some of the others... me in, master, hard on,.....come on! FFS, oh I can have that one.
People that want to be offensive will still be able to be offensive. There is nothing that can be done about it other than remove the quests as and when they come.
May as well scrap the foundry and then the game can offer nothing.
I couldn't agree with this more. Is neverwinter a well polished game? No, most people exploit dungeons in some way or another. Is the PvP unique or new? No, there are countless pvp games that are better then neverwinter, including one that came out recently (i forget the name) that is an action pvp game with fantasy classes and it does pvp FAR better. Is it an engrossing storyline? Meh, that's up for debate, but one thing you could do to make it secure in that last place is give the fans the tools to create content!
There is quite figuratively an almost infinite number of ways to offend someone that is playing this game. It makes zero sense to punish the creative authors for something that hasn't happened, or has happened once. We don't look at a drunk driving accident and say "well, let's take away all the cars in this town!"
Try out my first foundry mission - The Missing Youth - NW-DGX79EG65
You can understand how the word "child" is profane? Then please explain it to me. Your example above has nothing to do with child being profane. I would say that the word "child" is more common then any of the other words that have been flagged as profane.
I have to believe that this whole mess is a huge mistake. If it is not??? I hate to think what comes next.