xechostormxMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited July 2013
1. merge shards
2. more foundry build options, including option to have chests / nodes in moderator approved quests
3. bot reporting system
4. ability to join a dungeoun already in progress
5. dual spec
raddatackMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
1.) Threat Balance(Especially for GF and DC)
2.) GWF Tweak(If GWF is meant to be a Striker treat it as such)
3.) Skirmish Reward overhaul
4.) More Fashion items
5.) Mentoring System
6.) Companion Tomes
7.) Unbinding of Mounts
8.) Unbinding of Companions
9.) Cooking Profession
10.) Alchemy Profession
11.) More Monster/NPC types in the Foundry
12.) More Emotes(drinking, ect.)
13.) Vote to Kick System
14.) Deity Themed Cloaks(Example Kelemvor Cloaks already in the game)
15.) More Dye Packs
16.) World Bosses
17.) Ability to queue into personal quest instances while party members are not near
18.) Overhaul to Nightmare Weapons from Trade Bar vendor
19.) Add Terror Flame Enchant listed on Nightmare Lockbox
20.) Armor diversity if that makes sense. All the armor pretty much looks the same from 1 to 29 and 30 to 60 to me
1. get the blue boots off the jewelry vendor in the market and put a blue amulet there.
2. start making some of the good foundry areas part of the game (some are better than the game)
3. add more quests so leveling another character is not almost the exact same thing
4. server merge
5. dont server merge without trade channel and LFG channel. And moderate them or those channels will be useless like wow.
6. make AndretheGiant a Program Manager at your company, because he actually gives a rats HAMSTER what we think.
7. Lower the price of the training tomes for the mounts. On two of my toons as they reached 60 they had about 40k AD. Millions of AD for an upgrade? Cmon. FFS it can still look like a dumpy horse so the ZEN boys dont get upset.
8. dual spec or respec for resonable AD price
9. keep me mounted traveling, because really, i am probably RIDING my HORSE to that spot anyways.
10. AH is still broken sorting and a few other items (im sure you have bugs)
11. Need should make item BoP and unsellable. If you need it you will wear it and wont care.
12. vote kick in group instead of the Assad style we have now.
13. fix cloaks trying to strangle me.
14. spend a week bug bashing the HAMSTER out of the game, you know you have a list. 16 hour days, FIX FIX FIX!
15. my cleric companion needs to learn to not heal from in front of the badguys face.
16. my mage companion needs to learn not to pop off his ice nova spell when at range 50 feet away from anyone.
17. should be able to transfer all items betwen account alt. gold/ad/etc. Also, apparently with the necromancer currency from graveyard, its special, because its BoP like no other.
18. 7 day celestial coin rewards stink. I have done it probably 10 times across my toons, all got the same green bs. My gods hate me.
19. fix your RNG, its broken.
20. Make popular NPC's be on a porch or a 50 foot pedistle so Bubba cannot cover him with his uber spider.
bolcien1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
while I have a few ideas I'm gonna stick to one in this post. Better companion AI control.
by that I mean a bar to set how your AI will act, agressive? defensive? healer? or do nothing?
Our cleric companions has this issue about trying to attack and not heal us or themselves, and then wind up dead when they attack a untagged (by us) mob. Also have an attack, option to attack the mob we are targeting or to disengage/go defensive if their health is too low.
basically help us control our companion like we would party members in a real DnD setting, as a leader. (but with more absolute control.)
nephilim83Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
1. Let us make characters that aren't ugly as homemade sin.
2. Remove identify scrolls. It's a terrible, mundane and pointless mechanic, always has been.
3. Auto-translate foundry missions to match my account/client language. Opa's Fightclub in English, please!
4. Get rid of the coins all together. Make enemies randomly drop AD and give everything an AD value.
5. Remove stupid dyes, and allow us to color our costumes as we please, like in STO.
After a string of completely unfun PvP matches, here's a fix I'd make:
1. Fix your horribly broken and inaccurate gearscore system.
2. Have the queue system use the new and improved gearscore to match people up in a balanced manner.
I'm getting so tired of being put in curbstomps against people rocking 20mil worth of gear while me and my team are in poverty gear. There's absolutely no sport in such lopsided matches for either team except for the sociopathic people who get off on slaughtering people who can't defend themselves. It's not fun, all it does is induce the kind of rage that makes you want to reach through the screen and punch the guy that just facetanked everything you threw at him and then proceeded to one-shot you.
2) Bolster PvP by adding in 2 more maps for Domination, adding in a 5v5 Capture The Flag variant, Team Deathmatch variant, and allowing Glory to be exchanged for AD. 2000 Glory = 2000 AD
3) Augment Gauntlgrym so that not only is it based off a rush and capture Domination game, but also make it so that it includes a slight story telling perspective and add in a bonus round for the winners of Gauntlgrym to fight an EPIC-Super Hard boss on a separate stage of Gauntlgrym for a chance to win personal chests for T2 armors, accessories, and weapons.
4) Improve AI by giving all of them 1 skill that players can control. Every skill is to be unique to that companion. For example: Pressing 7 on the keyboard allows Honey Badger to bury underground, dig underground towards the target, and do a PBAoE attack with a 10' radius for 1200 dmg that also knocks back the enemies a range of 20'.
Adding in a another skill effectively gives Very Rare pets 3 active skills and 1 passive skill and lesser pets 3 active skills thus allowing them to be more of aid in end-game Epic dungeons that require more DPS, more tank, and more control to complete.
5) Allow players to create and interact with a purchasable home in Neverwinter similar to that of Foundry creation. There will be 2 3 different purchasable homes: A) Single Story home with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 living room, and 1 kitchen for either 200,000 AD, 70 gold, or 600 zen. 2-Story home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 game room, 1 dueling basement, and 1 work out room for either 500,000 AD, 200 gold, or 1,500 zen. C) Mansion Class home with 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms, 2 game rooms, 2 workout rooms, 1 library, 1 gardening room, 1 crafting room to craft things for your home, 1 dueling basement a personal butler that gives you food that buffs you once per day, and 1 dueling room so you can duel your friends/guild mates for either 1,000,000 AD, 3,500 zen, or 400 gold.
6) in a 4v5 PvP match, give the players with less people 15% damage increase/resistance per the solution to the equation: Total amount of players of other team - Total amount of players from the lesser players team = Damage increase/resistance amount increased.
Example 5 - 3 = 2 ---> 30% passive damage/resistance increase to all 3 players on one team.
This is a solution to the people that quit matches and thus leave the people that stay on one team to be less effective and have less of a chance to win. This is also one solution to assist with the botting issue in pvp since bots aren't really effective as team mates in PvP.
1. Do a better job at facilitating party formation. An example would be allowing a player to choose to cue as tank,dps, or heals. Score players based on a system that measures tanking, dps, and heals. When the "your cue is ready" pops up, put the players who are in that party in the actual pop up so people can see their party-members and the respective running 'score' of their party members before they hit "accept".
2. 10 person partys. Yes, get rid of comps during dungeons and let the extra space be filled with actual players. Balance by making dungeons tougher.
3. Somehow help the players learn how to play the game. People seem to either not have a clue how to play their class, or they are trying to play this like "any other" mmo. Not sure that is anything the devs could help, but there it is.
oldbuggaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited July 2013
1. Remove or substantially lower respec costs...respec'ing is an integral part of character development (especially without in-game guidance on how to build a character) and should not cost the equivalent of $3 to do every time.
2. Stop with the bazillion adds as the main way to make encounters more challenging...it is boring.....add some more "complex" design to boss encounters other than just more bloody adds.
3. I recently had a couple of trips to hospital which meant losing the celestial coins each time......is there a compelling reason that they have to be re-triggered every day or lose them all? Could you say lose one per day rather than the lot on the first day?
1. Housing, definitely.
2. Account bank.
3. Mailing AD/Gold to other alts.
4. LFG system like in DDO
5. and I like the idea of more deities, some evil.
6. Ability to pick an alignment like in DDO
darkstorn42Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
In no specific order, just as they come to mind.
1. Epic Skirmishes (I enjoyed skirmishes but there is no point to them at 60, seems like a waste)
2. More Race/Classes (I would love to see the entire 4e PHB and the 4e faerun players guide all available as free races and classes, everything added beyond that should be purchased. I really want to play a Dragonborn Warlord.)
3. Some form of sandbox zone for level 60. (As it stand right now there is not terribly much to do at level 60)
4. Fixing Gauntlgrym timer. (Gauntlgrym should be on a 2 hour cool down of its own. 30 min PvE, 30 min PvP, 30 min Dungeon, 30 min CD time. Then there should be stuff in the daily events for GG such as occasional 50% extra rewards for PvE, PvP, and dungeons. All though this is worry some in that it may create another dungeon delves fiasco where people only do the content during the event)
5. Changing dungeon delves. (Right now dungeon delves makes it so that people only like to do dungeons during the delve opportunity. I am not sure how this can be fixed, but it would be nice)
6. Reducing the amount of BoE equipment that drops so its not possible to gear straight to 9k for a small amount of AD right at level 60
7. More diverse boss mechanics, and a rework of all currently existing boss mechanics.
8. Fixing the dungeon que system to make it non automatic. Allowing players to que as healer/DPS/Tank and putting a group together based off that. Allowing us to reque when inside a dungeon instead of sitting there for ever not sure if its even working. This would also allow the system to recognize the difference between GWF tanks and DPS.
9. Fixing GWF tanking and allowing extra threat generated against marked targets. Taking the feat that increases damage against marked targets by 15% and making it also increase threat against marked targets by 30%. This would mean that with this feat a GWF can generate as much threat as a GF and actually be able to tank.
Thats all I got for right now, Im sure theres more that I will think of later and I will add them.
1)Fix the loot issue with the Foundry. Allow for better loot. Also allow for more story elements in Foundry.
2)Cut back on the number of enchants that are dropped. It is too easy to make high level enchants. Drop better loot in general. Drop Astral Diamonds or allow for Glory to be dropped as well.
3) Create a better PVP system, including bonuses for finishing a PVP, a Gear Score consideration for different high level games.
4) Cut back on the exploits, have a referee system instead of report an exploit system.
5) Redesign the variety of PVP maps, include 5 point capture the flag maps with more strategy.
6) Increase the variety of appearance changing items. Increase the availability of different clothing. Increase the variety of weapon types.
7) Change weapons so there are advantages, disadvantages to different weapons.
8) Allow for ability to buy items to increase level of followers.
9) Create a greater variety of sets of armor and other items. It would be nice to have more ring, neck, belt sets or other sets.
10) Allow for a better system of travel to places where you have already been. For example, it is very hard to go back to some places, it takes a long time. The ability to travel to places you have been previously with teleport scrolls, or something similar would be helpful. You might have a map section system. I am trying to finish all the quests in the game to get the complete story. Make it easier to get around.
11) Increase the level limits on characters.
12) Tone down the Lair of the Mad Dragon so can finish getting set. Also Pirate King mobs next to Surgeon on T2s are a bit broken.
13) The Alchemy profession is not very useful with the ease of getting higher level potions. Create unique potions for Alchemy.
14) More skirmishes for high level characters, there is currently only one for 59-60 and it has gotten repetitive.
15) Allow Foundry to create skirmishes or sieges that are short combat oriented runs-- 15 minutes each.
16) Create a better place for character trading, standing next to the auction house is not that interesting.
17) Improve the Gauntlygrim system.
18) Rework loot system in shared dungeons.
19) Create more random high level items. Make items more unique. Having a ton of a particular high level powerful item in the auction house is a bad sign.
20) Fix the Companion AI. The Jagged Dancing Blade AI is terrible making it a powerful, but unusable item.
Fix PVP by reducing the amount of points you get to capture a base. There is no strategy in PVP, GG makes it even more clear. I was expecting an epic 20v20 battle. I was wrong. They do nothing except ride horses around for 30 minutes trying to cap empty bases and fighting as little as possible. This is not PVP and if initial cap was worth less points, it wouldn't be quite so mindless.
Fix the queue. Sometimes tank/healer group queues take quite a while (lower levels only tested, up to lvl 30).
More epic skirmishes.
That 20 sec stealth, even while taking DOT damage, is b.s. in pvp for rogues. Rogues are way too OP. Damage should pull a rogue out of stealth. One encounter spell should not hit for 10k plus. That's what a CW's daily does, not an 8 sec CD encounter.
Better boss mechanics.
There are more, probably mentioned, but I'm unable to think of them off the top of my head. Waiting on my dungeon queue still...
1. i would start with far more customization then there currently is with characters allow mixing of "costume gear" and regular gear. allowing various gear types as "costume gear". il.e i could wear a chain chestpiece with plate greaves. also make teh costume set a FULL SET. not jsut two pieces, but full set of gear that you can mix and match, and is costume only. for reference look at LOtRO's costume mechanic. On those lines...more costumes plx. the current one is nice, just add more now
2. Fix companions. Ai improvements, rebalancing so all comps are viable end game (not just stones/sillycat), and fix/implement the unbind option/level up options that are already in the store
3. merge servers. the implementation of the current servers is very bad...you don't have any information on which time zones, what countries tend to populate it the most, etc. if were all on one server it doesn't matter...
4. I would Kill the BoE market. the fact that I can buy end game gear with a few dollars worth of AD, but a purple companion (that isn't really used end game atm) costs me 30$, is simply ludicrous. purples should be BoP and be worth 0ick to the vendor. eliminate any reason at all for a class that can't use it to roll on it. high end sellable items should be rare birds, and the province of crafting.
1. Shift click into auction search.
2. Add some kind of porting system for way points.
3. Drop price on enclave port.
4. Make Items move to mail message slot.
5. Allow rogue to disarm trap while engaged in combat as long as not interrupted.
There are so many little tweaks I run into I just can't think of them.
Normally my polls are filled with well researched/thought provoking questions. This time, I'd like the community to make the poll.
Time for those of us that are planning to be around here for awhile to roll up our sleeves, and make a better Neverwinter for the lot of us.
I'd like everyone to put their Role Playing hats on and imagine you are a Cryptic Neverwinter developer. Your challenge?
You have been given the green light to fix (or add) anything you'd like to work on in the game, but you only have 74 days to get it ready for a major patch on August 16th.
Make a list of the top things you'd fix or add in Neverwinter if you were tasked with such a radically cool responsibility!
1. Fix in game voice chat.
2. Create a REAL LFG Looking-For-Group feature, such as in DDO.
3. Fix the dungeon queue system.
4. Improve GF and CW aggro, GF blocking.
5. Improve boss mechanics. Redesign bosses to have unique dynamics beyond "avoid the red spot," design bosses to be more thematic in attack structures and defenses. Provide for monster vulnerabilities (ie: frost giants = especially susceptible and responsive to fire based attacks).
6. Reduce trash mobs/ads in dungeons, strengthen whats left.
7. Reduce xp granted by 25-75% across the board, thereby allowing more play of Foundry, skirmishes, and delves while leveling. Loosen current level cap to allow more questing. Minority strongly like xp way it is.
8. Add a trade channel, freeing up general/zone chat.
9. Make the server merger happen.
10. Add more powers and allow a custom character creation option.
11. Rework Need/Greed/Pass to prevent unjust looting.
12. "Vote to kick" system rather than the leader having absolute power - require 3 out of 5 party to kick.
13. Add ability to email gold and AD to alts
14. Add guild housing/player housing.
15. More emotes, including sit down in chairs and a proper lay down/sleep emote
16. Make players auto dismount when they are near a mailbox auction, NPC or vendor. Also change to stay mounted after traveling to new zone.
17. Enhance ignore feature in game and on forums.
18. Retool companions with better AI, more customization options, including adding inventory space.
19. Drastically lower the Exp/Glory rewards for losing in PvP. This alone would cure a lot of the AFKing in PvP type problems.
20. Add collaboration tools to Foundry.
Special mentions:
- Allow players to toggle instantly between 2 different feat selections when they are in protectors enclave (dual-spec). This would be unlocked for a one time cost of 1 respec token
- Make deities mean something.. create deity background Change (Deity, City), deity themed armor(Cloaks, Chest, Weapons) and add more deities (Evil as well)
- Add a report function to report botters/afkers in PVP to perma ban them if caught (zero tolerance here since it ruins the game).
- Add two more paragon paths to all currently released classes, and ensure all classes released in the future have three paragon paths already.
- Exploration zones - the world feels too small, not all of us like point and click - put a bit of sandbox into the game, it won't hurt
- Make a filtering system for foundry quests ie; Story-heavy, Hack'n'slash-heavy, RP-specialty, Non-solo quest, etc.
- More Monster/NPC types
- Greater character customization with the ability to set idle stances, guild logos, as well as to save what has been created.
* Don't be afraid to list something someone else has already mentioned. The more "votes" something gets, the higher up on the Top 20 it goes! Also if you don't see it on the list already, mention it, it might just bump something off the list!
** My promise to the community is a simple one. I'll make sure the results of our poll get to the powers that be. So keep it clean, keep it positive, and let's get something done, together!
*** I'm making a grand list of great ideas based on this thread, delivering it to the developers, and creating a PDF file for public view, so keep putting those thinking caps on!!
I completly agree with nearly all of them, number 7 i think should happen, as with the amount of spare time i have right now,(being on paternity leave) i have levelled 2 characters to 60 in 6 days, and i am now working on another, it's to fast! However i disagree with number 19, i didn't know players AFK to get the experience and glory, and i don't know why they would, to me, it seems low already, but that is my own opinion.
The server merge is a must happen!
I'll add my own suggestion that:
Maybe their should be a Layout of skills for PvE and PvP, for example, right now when you want to do PvP after finishing PvE, you have to drag what skills you want to use from the powers screen to your hotkeys, and whne you want to PvE you have to drag and drop again, now it may seem lazy but it gets annoying when, like me, you help a lot of people in PvE and do a lot of PvP, so why not have an option to create a hotkey skill layout for PvE and PvP where you can switch with the push of a different unset hotkey.
I'd really jsut like to see One thing done, in one of two ways... A) The ability to toggle(like in STO) between the current control scheme and a more traditional mmo set up. ( Mostly keyboard, mouse for grab and drag "looking" numbers or mouse clicks for powers.. etc.) I jsut really don't much care for this kind of set up. They use it over on DCUO too. Even worse I had a hard time adapting myself to it there, and again here, even with practice. That being said.. we move on to.. 2) Add generic usb controller support. When was ready to jsut give up on DCU, it was pointed out to me I could, if I had one use a controller instead. This while still not my preffered playstyle, cleared up my problems with controlling my character, and making the best use of my abilities. One of these two things would make the game Alot more enjoyable for me. Though I think I might be in the minority here. lol
* Access to all content at all levels, no "monetary" reward required. Tied to rapid leveling, too much to do at any level -- these are not inherently bad things, many players crave these things, but for people who want to do them all, or who are crafting, or get stuck in a broken queue, or any number of things, it's beyond infuriating to outlevel a skirmish when you HAVE been waiting in queue for hours for it. It's just as stupid to be sitting around in queue not playing in order to try to get into one when your play time is when you should be playing, not waiting to get into a skirmish.
* In fact, making all skirmishes have an epic level 60 variant would likely solve this dilemma entirely as well as repurpose all the earlier content and give us more to do at 60. As many have said, the same old skirmish over and over again is boring. Not all of us want to invest in the amount of time a dungeon takes on a regular basis.
* Similarly, lore for missions or dungeons or places that one has already completed the mission -- a player should be able to re-enter an empty instance (no loot, no mobs) and explore. In group settings, especially pick-up groups, it can be impossible to get the chance to grab a lore item (skirmish NPC or dungeon, or if not solo running a quest instance etc). Find some way to open up areas for us to explore rather than a one-time shot at these things.
* Allow foundry creators to put some resource nodes into the foundry quests and try to properly balance reward against effort. At 60, most quests scale to gear score. I may be geared for dps and not self-defense so much, and it makes it excessively unworthwhile to continue to play foundry at 60 on some classes.
* Dual spec and dual gear on character doll, one time dual spec fee for a character. Preferably 3 specs even -- PVP, group playing, and solo grinding.
* Preview in auction. You also need a miscellaneous category so that things that are not properly categorized DO show up in some catch-all slot until you get around to structuring where they show up. (id scrolls, or say the alchemy stuff when that was first released).
* Account-wide bank with AD and Gold exchange mechanism (and any other character-bound currencies). Ability to purchase slots in account bank. Need single repository for things that all characters use/share. Also account wide storage for crafting goods would be VERY nice.
* Stables type functionality for mounts; wardrobe for non-armor gear. Fix clipping on clothing (eg cloaks, hairstyles and tiefling hair). Provide more 'costume' items. Make idle companions account bound/wide access.
* Make mount speeds (adjust pricing as needed) not tied to each individual mount on each individual character. If you want me to buy blue or green mounts, don't charge me to raise each to purple level on each character I may want to use them on. I just plain won't do it. It dilutes the point of having them be account bound. Instead of doing something that out and out greedy, just pick a flat price for the mount at different speeds, or charge me to be able to ride faster. Give me the option to raise them *all* at once or to always ride fast. Or you won't be selling me different mounts.
* Or companions for that matter. I can understand companions not generally being account bound due to the leveling process, but you can always take a level 30 companion that I leveled on a level 60 character and lower its effective level if I use it on a level 2 alt. There are other ways around problems. Scaling for one.
I'm sure there are other things. Most things I would consider "issues" would revolve around the desire to be able to experience as much or all of the content on a single character. And not have to keep jumping through hoops over and over again.
If you want me to invest in 'collecting' everything, I need to feel that I'm getting more out of the game, and I need to feel that over time I will be able to experience all of the game.
papaspragueMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited July 2013
Add in more classes. I know people said before that there was game data present for Archer Ranger, Scourge Warlock, and Protector Paladin. Would be nice to see a ranged physical class, a less-CC-more-DPS caster, and I'd pray Paladins could heal or tank, maybe with two Paragon paths (one for mitigation, one for healing). Or add another Divine class that could cast healing spells, such as a Favored Soul or Bard. (Yes, I'm aware Bard spells were considered Arcane, but they were pulled from a Divine spell list for the most part, IIRC.)
I'm not sure if I mentioned it in this thread before but:
1. Get rid of my red health bar in pvp, it looks too much like the opponents. Make it green or disappear please.
2. Please make the recticule targeting thingy adjustable in height, so I don't have to get seasick from first targeting my feet and then something way up high.
I went back and checked a few things. The ability for crafting clothing would give me some incentives to invest in leatherworker-- a leather hat, jacket would be nice for regular clothes, also for cloth making-- dress, dress pants.
I would also like to see more lore added and even a possible lore skill.
Another thing I would like would be three branching prestige classes for level 60-- for example for GF, make the top three skills into classes-- Conqueror, Protector, Strategist
I also like the idea of having housing in different districts. You could buy access to a room in a house in the Protectors Enclave or Tower District, etc.
I'd like everyone to put their Role Playing hats on and imagine you are a Cryptic Neverwinter developer. Your challenge?
shall i put up my real bank account too so you can pay me creating the game ;p
because this imagine thing still takes real time.
here`s a free hint what should be changed. pvp pointsystem, i know xp cap of it is at 15 min, after that all what matters is winning or losing.
so xp gain is till 15 min, if it looks like it s ending in 7 min, i just go afk for xp if winning, watch a little. it gains per minute, or even second, didn`t check seconds closely.
extending time is just free xp for the winning and losing team.
maybe there should be just one number of xp to gain from win, no matter how long it takes.
and decrease xp for the losing team by performence.
so if for example a win gives 4000xp.
and the final score is 100% vs 50% of the winbar.
losing team should get 2000xp, (edit : or actualy less the 50% of max xp because otherwise it`s just about spending time in arena.)
this causes competitive gameplay, so no one is granting the other team points.
because now, a team that is most likely not to win because of playstyle or being overpowered or whatever the reason is,
is giving the winning team double xp what they`re gaining themselves by keep playing.
this is just statistics ;p
i know you can still win sometimes, but that isn`t the point.
ps: if you re troubled about premade teams, you maybe already should be worried about premades that extend.
because, here come the statistics again:
1 win in 7 min means low xp for winning and losing team, extending means double xp win vs half xp loss.
losing teams get ..%(depending on time and win/lose in the other matches you could have played) value of their time wasted by extenders.
but ok, you re getting it free ;p
not always liked ofcourse.
it destroys gameplay a bit, but caused by the system.
also if it extends unintended. (giving the winners double xp for keep playing as losing team)
i know there`s not a lot of people using it yet, but guess it will if they want their max reward for their time and effort.
same goes for glory i guess, didn`t watch it closely, but guess it`s tied to the same principle.
but to make this more succesfull there must be a votekick and replace system.
and maybe: give the xp of time played to the kicked ones, prevents a bit of disapointment i guess.
so.. xp should be gained in real time, instead of at the end of a match.
not 100% but like 80% of the number of xp a team would get for a loss, for both teams, and the difference for the win, and 20% of the loss at the end.
the 20% cut, for people not going afk at ending games and still can be kicked.
1. Hire experienced developers, fire the current crop because they do not know what they are doing.
2. Fine the current lead developer and the team for releasing this game in its current state.
3. Start an investor investigation into wasted money and asset management and why the population dropped so drastically in 2 months.
4. Stop cryptic employees or rent a mods from constantly creating threads or joining in on conversations like everything is fine.
5. Create a new money model for this game and release the simplest gameplay functionality back to the players.
6. Hire enough new developers to work on this game....AND....Star trek Online, they obviously cannot do both, source, the last two months of this games release.
7. Content.
8. Content.
9. Content.
10. Content.
About all I can come up with.
There is no worse feeling in the world than the moment during an argument you realize you are wrong.
Can you clean this up into a list please? It's really rough to read that.
Thanks for your input.
the problems:
- 15 min xp cap, after 15 min if one team is too far behind to win they can stop playing, because there is no gain after 15 min.
- easy to win matches can be time extended by giving losing team points, make the game last longer,
but winning team gets double xp vs the 50% xp a loss gives.
essentialy taking time from other people for double the benefit.
- people have to pretend play again if with this pointsystem the votekick is active.
because it`s not known to many about the 15 min cap, and people might start kicking players who just know it and don`t want to put in effort playing for nothing after that time period.(or stop a little sooner if they see it happening the match will last 15 min)
the solutions:
- get rid of xp cap tied to time.
win in 7 min, same xp as win in 15 min.
if that`s too scary for arena being farmed by premades, put in a max time a match will last.
so set time to 15 min for example. highest score wins.
(it already means nothing to win fast, so just as well extend it as rule)
- xp in real time, so everyone each min for example get 60% xp based on what a losing team would get, to make it less painfull for the ones that get kicked (reasons may not always be that valid) but also not causing an afk reason if games tend to lose and players just go sit around.
because they still can be kicked for afk then and not benefit the entire reward for losing.
making it mean something to get kicked and not to make it just time spending in arena and do whatever you want.
so filling the rest of the xp at completing arena.
i can`t go on because there are ifs for each system and have to overthink each thing i type multiple times to see if there`s flaws in it ;p
for example it shouldn`t be possible to kick someone in the last minute, because it already means so little if the system first has to find a player and if it s lost already it s lost anyway, so to prevent crimekicks.
(yes groups can develop an opinion about someone in the last minute deciding to kick, taking the rest of the player`s xp while he played obviously an entire match. otherwise he/she would have been kicked sooner.
and ok, each thought it makes more confusing for others to read. i get that stuf a lot ;p
so i stop.
but simple things lead to exploit, or well hahaha.
the first point system was doomed before the maker thought of it.
this second system has the extend time thing.
i don`t see it as exploit it`s just using the pointsystem how it`s created.
another thought, getting kicked 3 times in 30 min for example should deny acces for a period of time to arena, like an hour or something.
i know some would like to see the thing coming about acces deny after getting kicked, but wouldn`t be fair if it s just not a very valid kick and happens one time.
2. more foundry build options, including option to have chests / nodes in moderator approved quests
3. bot reporting system
4. ability to join a dungeoun already in progress
5. dual spec
2.) GWF Tweak(If GWF is meant to be a Striker treat it as such)
3.) Skirmish Reward overhaul
4.) More Fashion items
5.) Mentoring System
6.) Companion Tomes
7.) Unbinding of Mounts
8.) Unbinding of Companions
9.) Cooking Profession
10.) Alchemy Profession
11.) More Monster/NPC types in the Foundry
12.) More Emotes(drinking, ect.)
13.) Vote to Kick System
14.) Deity Themed Cloaks(Example Kelemvor Cloaks already in the game)
15.) More Dye Packs
16.) World Bosses
17.) Ability to queue into personal quest instances while party members are not near
18.) Overhaul to Nightmare Weapons from Trade Bar vendor
19.) Add Terror Flame Enchant listed on Nightmare Lockbox
20.) Armor diversity if that makes sense. All the armor pretty much looks the same from 1 to 29 and 30 to 60 to me
2. start making some of the good foundry areas part of the game (some are better than the game)
3. add more quests so leveling another character is not almost the exact same thing
4. server merge
5. dont server merge without trade channel and LFG channel. And moderate them or those channels will be useless like wow.
6. make AndretheGiant a Program Manager at your company, because he actually gives a rats HAMSTER what we think.
7. Lower the price of the training tomes for the mounts. On two of my toons as they reached 60 they had about 40k AD. Millions of AD for an upgrade? Cmon. FFS it can still look like a dumpy horse so the ZEN boys dont get upset.
8. dual spec or respec for resonable AD price
9. keep me mounted traveling, because really, i am probably RIDING my HORSE to that spot anyways.
10. AH is still broken sorting and a few other items (im sure you have bugs)
11. Need should make item BoP and unsellable. If you need it you will wear it and wont care.
12. vote kick in group instead of the Assad style we have now.
13. fix cloaks trying to strangle me.
14. spend a week bug bashing the HAMSTER out of the game, you know you have a list. 16 hour days, FIX FIX FIX!
15. my cleric companion needs to learn to not heal from in front of the badguys face.
16. my mage companion needs to learn not to pop off his ice nova spell when at range 50 feet away from anyone.
17. should be able to transfer all items betwen account alt. gold/ad/etc. Also, apparently with the necromancer currency from graveyard, its special, because its BoP like no other.
18. 7 day celestial coin rewards stink. I have done it probably 10 times across my toons, all got the same green bs. My gods hate me.
19. fix your RNG, its broken.
20. Make popular NPC's be on a porch or a 50 foot pedistle so Bubba cannot cover him with his uber spider.
by that I mean a bar to set how your AI will act, agressive? defensive? healer? or do nothing?
Our cleric companions has this issue about trying to attack and not heal us or themselves, and then wind up dead when they attack a untagged (by us) mob. Also have an attack, option to attack the mob we are targeting or to disengage/go defensive if their health is too low.
basically help us control our companion like we would party members in a real DnD setting, as a leader. (but with more absolute control.)
2. Remove identify scrolls. It's a terrible, mundane and pointless mechanic, always has been.
3. Auto-translate foundry missions to match my account/client language. Opa's Fightclub in English, please!
4. Get rid of the coins all together. Make enemies randomly drop AD and give everything an AD value.
5. Remove stupid dyes, and allow us to color our costumes as we please, like in STO.
1. Fix your horribly broken and inaccurate gearscore system.
2. Have the queue system use the new and improved gearscore to match people up in a balanced manner.
I'm getting so tired of being put in curbstomps against people rocking 20mil worth of gear while me and my team are in poverty gear. There's absolutely no sport in such lopsided matches for either team except for the sociopathic people who get off on slaughtering people who can't defend themselves. It's not fun, all it does is induce the kind of rage that makes you want to reach through the screen and punch the guy that just facetanked everything you threw at him and then proceeded to one-shot you.
2) Bolster PvP by adding in 2 more maps for Domination, adding in a 5v5 Capture The Flag variant, Team Deathmatch variant, and allowing Glory to be exchanged for AD. 2000 Glory = 2000 AD
3) Augment Gauntlgrym so that not only is it based off a rush and capture Domination game, but also make it so that it includes a slight story telling perspective and add in a bonus round for the winners of Gauntlgrym to fight an EPIC-Super Hard boss on a separate stage of Gauntlgrym for a chance to win personal chests for T2 armors, accessories, and weapons.
4) Improve AI by giving all of them 1 skill that players can control. Every skill is to be unique to that companion. For example: Pressing 7 on the keyboard allows Honey Badger to bury underground, dig underground towards the target, and do a PBAoE attack with a 10' radius for 1200 dmg that also knocks back the enemies a range of 20'.
Adding in a another skill effectively gives Very Rare pets 3 active skills and 1 passive skill and lesser pets 3 active skills thus allowing them to be more of aid in end-game Epic dungeons that require more DPS, more tank, and more control to complete.
5) Allow players to create and interact with a purchasable home in Neverwinter similar to that of Foundry creation. There will be 2 3 different purchasable homes: A) Single Story home with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 living room, and 1 kitchen for either 200,000 AD, 70 gold, or 600 zen.
6) in a 4v5 PvP match, give the players with less people 15% damage increase/resistance per the solution to the equation: Total amount of players of other team - Total amount of players from the lesser players team = Damage increase/resistance amount increased.
Example 5 - 3 = 2 ---> 30% passive damage/resistance increase to all 3 players on one team.
This is a solution to the people that quit matches and thus leave the people that stay on one team to be less effective and have less of a chance to win. This is also one solution to assist with the botting issue in pvp since bots aren't really effective as team mates in PvP.
2- Dual Spec
2. 10 person partys. Yes, get rid of comps during dungeons and let the extra space be filled with actual players. Balance by making dungeons tougher.
3. Somehow help the players learn how to play the game. People seem to either not have a clue how to play their class, or they are trying to play this like "any other" mmo. Not sure that is anything the devs could help, but there it is.
2. Stop with the bazillion adds as the main way to make encounters more challenging...it is boring.....add some more "complex" design to boss encounters other than just more bloody adds.
3. I recently had a couple of trips to hospital which meant losing the celestial coins each time......is there a compelling reason that they have to be re-triggered every day or lose them all? Could you say lose one per day rather than the lot on the first day?
2. Account bank.
3. Mailing AD/Gold to other alts.
4. LFG system like in DDO
5. and I like the idea of more deities, some evil.
6. Ability to pick an alignment like in DDO
1. Epic Skirmishes (I enjoyed skirmishes but there is no point to them at 60, seems like a waste)
2. More Race/Classes (I would love to see the entire 4e PHB and the 4e faerun players guide all available as free races and classes, everything added beyond that should be purchased. I really want to play a Dragonborn Warlord.)
3. Some form of sandbox zone for level 60. (As it stand right now there is not terribly much to do at level 60)
4. Fixing Gauntlgrym timer. (Gauntlgrym should be on a 2 hour cool down of its own. 30 min PvE, 30 min PvP, 30 min Dungeon, 30 min CD time. Then there should be stuff in the daily events for GG such as occasional 50% extra rewards for PvE, PvP, and dungeons. All though this is worry some in that it may create another dungeon delves fiasco where people only do the content during the event)
5. Changing dungeon delves. (Right now dungeon delves makes it so that people only like to do dungeons during the delve opportunity. I am not sure how this can be fixed, but it would be nice)
6. Reducing the amount of BoE equipment that drops so its not possible to gear straight to 9k for a small amount of AD right at level 60
7. More diverse boss mechanics, and a rework of all currently existing boss mechanics.
8. Fixing the dungeon que system to make it non automatic. Allowing players to que as healer/DPS/Tank and putting a group together based off that. Allowing us to reque when inside a dungeon instead of sitting there for ever not sure if its even working. This would also allow the system to recognize the difference between GWF tanks and DPS.
9. Fixing GWF tanking and allowing extra threat generated against marked targets. Taking the feat that increases damage against marked targets by 15% and making it also increase threat against marked targets by 30%. This would mean that with this feat a GWF can generate as much threat as a GF and actually be able to tank.
Thats all I got for right now, Im sure theres more that I will think of later and I will add them.
2)Cut back on the number of enchants that are dropped. It is too easy to make high level enchants. Drop better loot in general. Drop Astral Diamonds or allow for Glory to be dropped as well.
3) Create a better PVP system, including bonuses for finishing a PVP, a Gear Score consideration for different high level games.
4) Cut back on the exploits, have a referee system instead of report an exploit system.
5) Redesign the variety of PVP maps, include 5 point capture the flag maps with more strategy.
6) Increase the variety of appearance changing items. Increase the availability of different clothing. Increase the variety of weapon types.
7) Change weapons so there are advantages, disadvantages to different weapons.
8) Allow for ability to buy items to increase level of followers.
9) Create a greater variety of sets of armor and other items. It would be nice to have more ring, neck, belt sets or other sets.
10) Allow for a better system of travel to places where you have already been. For example, it is very hard to go back to some places, it takes a long time. The ability to travel to places you have been previously with teleport scrolls, or something similar would be helpful. You might have a map section system. I am trying to finish all the quests in the game to get the complete story. Make it easier to get around.
11) Increase the level limits on characters.
12) Tone down the Lair of the Mad Dragon so can finish getting set. Also Pirate King mobs next to Surgeon on T2s are a bit broken.
13) The Alchemy profession is not very useful with the ease of getting higher level potions. Create unique potions for Alchemy.
14) More skirmishes for high level characters, there is currently only one for 59-60 and it has gotten repetitive.
15) Allow Foundry to create skirmishes or sieges that are short combat oriented runs-- 15 minutes each.
16) Create a better place for character trading, standing next to the auction house is not that interesting.
17) Improve the Gauntlygrim system.
18) Rework loot system in shared dungeons.
19) Create more random high level items. Make items more unique. Having a ton of a particular high level powerful item in the auction house is a bad sign.
20) Fix the Companion AI. The Jagged Dancing Blade AI is terrible making it a powerful, but unusable item.
Fix the queue. Sometimes tank/healer group queues take quite a while (lower levels only tested, up to lvl 30).
More epic skirmishes.
That 20 sec stealth, even while taking DOT damage, is b.s. in pvp for rogues. Rogues are way too OP. Damage should pull a rogue out of stealth. One encounter spell should not hit for 10k plus. That's what a CW's daily does, not an 8 sec CD encounter.
Better boss mechanics.
There are more, probably mentioned, but I'm unable to think of them off the top of my head. Waiting on my dungeon queue still...
2. Fix companions. Ai improvements, rebalancing so all comps are viable end game (not just stones/sillycat), and fix/implement the unbind option/level up options that are already in the store
3. merge servers. the implementation of the current servers is very bad...you don't have any information on which time zones, what countries tend to populate it the most, etc. if were all on one server it doesn't matter...
4. I would Kill the BoE market. the fact that I can buy end game gear with a few dollars worth of AD, but a purple companion (that isn't really used end game atm) costs me 30$, is simply ludicrous. purples should be BoP and be worth 0ick to the vendor. eliminate any reason at all for a class that can't use it to roll on it. high end sellable items should be rare birds, and the province of crafting.
2. Add some kind of porting system for way points.
3. Drop price on enclave port.
4. Make Items move to mail message slot.
5. Allow rogue to disarm trap while engaged in combat as long as not interrupted.
There are so many little tweaks I run into I just can't think of them.
I completly agree with nearly all of them, number 7 i think should happen, as with the amount of spare time i have right now,(being on paternity leave) i have levelled 2 characters to 60 in 6 days, and i am now working on another, it's to fast! However i disagree with number 19, i didn't know players AFK to get the experience and glory, and i don't know why they would, to me, it seems low already, but that is my own opinion.
The server merge is a must happen!
I'll add my own suggestion that:
Maybe their should be a Layout of skills for PvE and PvP, for example, right now when you want to do PvP after finishing PvE, you have to drag what skills you want to use from the powers screen to your hotkeys, and whne you want to PvE you have to drag and drop again, now it may seem lazy but it gets annoying when, like me, you help a lot of people in PvE and do a lot of PvP, so why not have an option to create a hotkey skill layout for PvE and PvP where you can switch with the push of a different unset hotkey.
* In fact, making all skirmishes have an epic level 60 variant would likely solve this dilemma entirely as well as repurpose all the earlier content and give us more to do at 60. As many have said, the same old skirmish over and over again is boring. Not all of us want to invest in the amount of time a dungeon takes on a regular basis.
* Similarly, lore for missions or dungeons or places that one has already completed the mission -- a player should be able to re-enter an empty instance (no loot, no mobs) and explore. In group settings, especially pick-up groups, it can be impossible to get the chance to grab a lore item (skirmish NPC or dungeon, or if not solo running a quest instance etc). Find some way to open up areas for us to explore rather than a one-time shot at these things.
* Allow foundry creators to put some resource nodes into the foundry quests and try to properly balance reward against effort. At 60, most quests scale to gear score. I may be geared for dps and not self-defense so much, and it makes it excessively unworthwhile to continue to play foundry at 60 on some classes.
* Dual spec and dual gear on character doll, one time dual spec fee for a character. Preferably 3 specs even -- PVP, group playing, and solo grinding.
* Preview in auction. You also need a miscellaneous category so that things that are not properly categorized DO show up in some catch-all slot until you get around to structuring where they show up. (id scrolls, or say the alchemy stuff when that was first released).
* Account-wide bank with AD and Gold exchange mechanism (and any other character-bound currencies). Ability to purchase slots in account bank. Need single repository for things that all characters use/share. Also account wide storage for crafting goods would be VERY nice.
* Stables type functionality for mounts; wardrobe for non-armor gear. Fix clipping on clothing (eg cloaks, hairstyles and tiefling hair). Provide more 'costume' items. Make idle companions account bound/wide access.
* Make mount speeds (adjust pricing as needed) not tied to each individual mount on each individual character. If you want me to buy blue or green mounts, don't charge me to raise each to purple level on each character I may want to use them on. I just plain won't do it. It dilutes the point of having them be account bound. Instead of doing something that out and out greedy, just pick a flat price for the mount at different speeds, or charge me to be able to ride faster. Give me the option to raise them *all* at once or to always ride fast. Or you won't be selling me different mounts.
* Or companions for that matter. I can understand companions not generally being account bound due to the leveling process, but you can always take a level 30 companion that I leveled on a level 60 character and lower its effective level if I use it on a level 2 alt. There are other ways around problems. Scaling for one.
I'm sure there are other things. Most things I would consider "issues" would revolve around the desire to be able to experience as much or all of the content on a single character. And not have to keep jumping through hoops over and over again.
If you want me to invest in 'collecting' everything, I need to feel that I'm getting more out of the game, and I need to feel that over time I will be able to experience all of the game.
DDO - Brysies Malakai (Ranger), Raegall Sprague (Paladin) - Ghallanda
1. Get rid of my red health bar in pvp, it looks too much like the opponents. Make it green or disappear please.
2. Please make the recticule targeting thingy adjustable in height, so I don't have to get seasick from first targeting my feet and then something way up high.
I would also like to see more lore added and even a possible lore skill.
Another thing I would like would be three branching prestige classes for level 60-- for example for GF, make the top three skills into classes-- Conqueror, Protector, Strategist
I also like the idea of having housing in different districts. You could buy access to a room in a house in the Protectors Enclave or Tower District, etc.
shall i put up my real bank account too so you can pay me creating the game ;p
because this imagine thing still takes real time.
here`s a free hint what should be changed. pvp pointsystem, i know xp cap of it is at 15 min, after that all what matters is winning or losing.
so xp gain is till 15 min, if it looks like it s ending in 7 min, i just go afk for xp if winning, watch a little. it gains per minute, or even second, didn`t check seconds closely.
extending time is just free xp for the winning and losing team.
maybe there should be just one number of xp to gain from win, no matter how long it takes.
and decrease xp for the losing team by performence.
so if for example a win gives 4000xp.
and the final score is 100% vs 50% of the winbar.
losing team should get 2000xp, (edit : or actualy less the 50% of max xp because otherwise it`s just about spending time in arena.)
this causes competitive gameplay, so no one is granting the other team points.
because now, a team that is most likely not to win because of playstyle or being overpowered or whatever the reason is,
is giving the winning team double xp what they`re gaining themselves by keep playing.
this is just statistics ;p
i know you can still win sometimes, but that isn`t the point.
ps: if you re troubled about premade teams, you maybe already should be worried about premades that extend.
because, here come the statistics again:
1 win in 7 min means low xp for winning and losing team, extending means double xp win vs half xp loss.
losing teams get ..%(depending on time and win/lose in the other matches you could have played) value of their time wasted by extenders.
but ok, you re getting it free ;p
not always liked ofcourse.
it destroys gameplay a bit, but caused by the system.
also if it extends unintended. (giving the winners double xp for keep playing as losing team)
i know there`s not a lot of people using it yet, but guess it will if they want their max reward for their time and effort.
same goes for glory i guess, didn`t watch it closely, but guess it`s tied to the same principle.
but to make this more succesfull there must be a votekick and replace system.
and maybe: give the xp of time played to the kicked ones, prevents a bit of disapointment i guess.
so.. xp should be gained in real time, instead of at the end of a match.
not 100% but like 80% of the number of xp a team would get for a loss, for both teams, and the difference for the win, and 20% of the loss at the end.
the 20% cut, for people not going afk at ending games and still can be kicked.
Can you clean this up into a list please? It's really rough to read that.
Thanks for your input.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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1. Hire experienced developers, fire the current crop because they do not know what they are doing.
2. Fine the current lead developer and the team for releasing this game in its current state.
3. Start an investor investigation into wasted money and asset management and why the population dropped so drastically in 2 months.
4. Stop cryptic employees or rent a mods from constantly creating threads or joining in on conversations like everything is fine.
5. Create a new money model for this game and release the simplest gameplay functionality back to the players.
6. Hire enough new developers to work on this game....AND....Star trek Online, they obviously cannot do both, source, the last two months of this games release.
7. Content.
8. Content.
9. Content.
10. Content.
About all I can come up with.
the problems:
- 15 min xp cap, after 15 min if one team is too far behind to win they can stop playing, because there is no gain after 15 min.
- easy to win matches can be time extended by giving losing team points, make the game last longer,
but winning team gets double xp vs the 50% xp a loss gives.
essentialy taking time from other people for double the benefit.
- people have to pretend play again if with this pointsystem the votekick is active.
because it`s not known to many about the 15 min cap, and people might start kicking players who just know it and don`t want to put in effort playing for nothing after that time period.(or stop a little sooner if they see it happening the match will last 15 min)
the solutions:
- get rid of xp cap tied to time.
win in 7 min, same xp as win in 15 min.
if that`s too scary for arena being farmed by premades, put in a max time a match will last.
so set time to 15 min for example. highest score wins.
(it already means nothing to win fast, so just as well extend it as rule)
- xp in real time, so everyone each min for example get 60% xp based on what a losing team would get, to make it less painfull for the ones that get kicked (reasons may not always be that valid) but also not causing an afk reason if games tend to lose and players just go sit around.
because they still can be kicked for afk then and not benefit the entire reward for losing.
making it mean something to get kicked and not to make it just time spending in arena and do whatever you want.
so filling the rest of the xp at completing arena.
i can`t go on because there are ifs for each system and have to overthink each thing i type multiple times to see if there`s flaws in it ;p
for example it shouldn`t be possible to kick someone in the last minute, because it already means so little if the system first has to find a player and if it s lost already it s lost anyway, so to prevent crimekicks.
(yes groups can develop an opinion about someone in the last minute deciding to kick, taking the rest of the player`s xp while he played obviously an entire match. otherwise he/she would have been kicked sooner.
and ok, each thought it makes more confusing for others to read. i get that stuf a lot ;p
so i stop.
but simple things lead to exploit, or well hahaha.
the first point system was doomed before the maker thought of it.
this second system has the extend time thing.
i don`t see it as exploit
another thought, getting kicked 3 times in 30 min for example should deny acces for a period of time to arena, like an hour or something.
i know some would like to see the thing coming about acces deny after getting kicked, but wouldn`t be fair if it s just not a very valid kick and happens one time.
now i need to go back to my life ;p
here a little data about the 15 min cap and amount of xp gained to show win/lose is 100/50%xp (link)
made the topic about 3 days after the 2nd point system came.
Same as report spam, ignore, befriend or invite a player.
- Captcha's
For when you are reported as a bot and for entering pvp.