for utility slots seems that dark enchanments (gain in movement) necklage and rings the first tier can be bought using Drake seals there is a vendor in enclave, now the Grand normal and Ancient version are drops in the other dungeons here are more details
It's possible that he didn't sell his account. Envy was recently hacked, his account was put up for sale on that same website and the writing style on the sale page is similar, and looks like it was written by a 15 year old. I wouldn't be surprised at all.
I somehow doubt someone with this much recognition and this much hard work put into it would just up and sell his character like that. But if it's for real, then good for him. I just hope he realizes what a big disservice he's doing to the "fans". Don't want to play any more? Fine. Sell one of the most famous characters and put its legacy in the hands of some random? That's just stupid. But to each and their own, I guess.
so dude u are here with us??
u have any tip about new patch ?
I'm still around, but like I said a few pages back, I'm not actively playing the game at the moment. I keep an eye on things and I can update the guide as different information proves to be valid and things like that. As far as me personally testing things, not so much. I might pop on this week and do some Gaunt and see how that goes. NW for me was always just going to be something to kill time until FF14:ARR released.
This past weekend was the first P3 weekend so I was busy doing that, and will be busy each weekend from now until release (8/27) testing and playing.
As far as me selling my account: ha, no. I've played online games since 1995 (M59, although I was young and it didn't last long for me), but really dove into it in 1996 with UO. Over the last 17 years of online gaming now, I've sold ONE account ever, back in 2001, and I regret it still to this day. Every few years I've contacted customer support basically offering this company unreasonable amounts of money just to get my original account back for a game that I will never play again.
i am happy to hear that u are here...
if hadent post this guide maybe ill quite my gf but now i love that class!!
i wonder if had to make any pvp gear for the new 20man pvp...any idea?
i am happy to hear that u are here...
if hadent post this guide maybe ill quite my gf but now i love that class!!
i wonder if had to make any pvp gear for the new 20man pvp...any idea?
I use Rokuthy's optimal build for Stalwart (need belt, sword and jewelry though) together with Envys original build (Powers and feats) and I do more then fine in both PvP and PvE in my opinion so no you probably don't have to get new gear if Gauntlgrym doesnt offer new better gear but i doubt it.
ithink the new power is timeless and vorpal XD lol tenes are getting nerfed it seems not sure in any case i will not get tenes or vorpal any time soon lv 57 and getting ready to kick *** at lv 60 will start looking to join Dungeons and stuff :P
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
Rokuthy thank you for this guide! I have been using it since I began playing and I greatly appreciate your effort!
Question: I have been thru your thread and I have noticed that you have never posted a screen shot of your HUD/Hotkey Setup. Could you please post this for me? My biggest challenge has been setting up my hotbar and it would make things a lot easier it I could emulate your setup.
Ideally I would like to see your "default" setup that you find to be "best" for a typical dungeon run.
Your PVP setup would be great as well.
I think this would be a big help to us "beginners" out there. Thanks!!!
Rokuthy thank you for this guide! I have been using it since I began playing and I greatly appreciate your effort!
Question: I have been thru your thread and I have noticed that you have never posted a screen shot of your HUD/Hotkey Setup. Could you please post this for me? My biggest challenge has been setting up my hotbar and it would make things a lot easier it I could emulate your setup.
Ideally I would like to see your "default" setup that you find to be "best" for a typical dungeon run.
Your PVP setup would be great as well.
I think this would be a big help to us "beginners" out there. Thanks!!!
What I use for dungeons:
Frontline Surge - Q
Enforced Threat - E
Lunging Strike - R
Villain's Menace - 2
Fighter's Recovery - 3
Mark - T
Shield Block - Capslock
I've modified my keyboard a little bit, so my Capslock key is technically left control, and my left control key is my Capslock key. I just find the positioning of Capslock to be more comfortable than Shift/Control, especially when it has to be held down. Now, if I'm playing with my Naga (which isn't always, depends on how lazy I am because I'm typically using my Feenix mouse), then I have 1 remapped to Capslock, and I use 1 for blocking - hence using 2/3 for my dailies instead of the default 1/2).
For PvP - I just swap whatever abilities I need in but use the same keybinds. Hope this helps.
This helps immensely!!! And thank you for the quick reply!
If you don't mind me asking a second question?:
What would you say is a good default "tanking rotation"? That would help me get thru most dungeons?
I tried to follow the rotations you posted in the beginning of your thread but found it kind of confusing because I did not understand how you would have all of those skills hotkeyed.
Once again thank you for your help and response to my previous question,this info will help me greatly!
So how do plaguefire and armor penetration interact now? Armor pen + stat directly reduce enemy mitigation? so 24% vs bosses = 0 mitigation? What does plaguefire do now if you have capped armor pen?
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
Plague Fire reduces a % of their defence just like the GWF debuff. If what they say is true it should allow you to dip their armor into negative values. So with enough ARP to lower a mobs damage reduction to 0 it still counts as straight damage just a far lesser amount.
If would need testing now to see if the debuff is applied before or after ARP. Also to see if it stacks additively or multiplicitvely.
Wheeew this guide is amazing made me from useless tactician to a BEAST!!!
jaeldynMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited June 2013
How does the Stalwart Set synergizes with the Conq final feat ? I suppose the 25% power boost isn't doubled, but i'm never sure, 50% power of your total hp may be a bit too huge.
And I finally dropped my full Timeless Hero set, starting to farm the Stalwart Bulwark. What is you rotation ? Do you use every Lunging Strike, wait 5 seconds before using another spell, etc etc ? Or just spam everything since Enforced Threat gives you 3 stacks of the Timeless crit buff if it hits 3 or more enemies, so does Frontline Surge.
Funny thing is, Into The Fray also gives you 3 stacks of the Timeless buff if it buffs 3 or more teammates
We have to buy it and for some reason not many people can do that place.
maenaderyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited June 2013
Help! So I finally saved up enough AD and bought the Helm of the Stalwart Bulwark off AH. I already have the Greaves, the Armor, and the Gauntlets. But when I equipped it, it doesn't show up as 4/4, a complete set. Instead, when I hover over the Helm, it says 1/4, and when I hover over any of the other items, they say 3/4, just missing the helm. Has anyone else experienced this problem and does anyone know how to solve it? And yes, it is the proper Stalwart Bulwark set, not the Unicorn one from the merchant.
I've done Mad Dragon 4 times and still no helm, so here I was hoping the AH would end this frustration, but now I've spent pretty much all my character's life savings to be defeated by the pieces not recognizing one another.
bitz06Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
Check the lvl of your items. The under-leveled set pieces wont work with the lvl 60 pieces. You need a full set that all require lvl 60 or a full set that requires lvl 38, 42, 49 & 52, the 4 set wont work if you mix them.
Check the lvl of your items. The under-leveled set pieces wont work with the lvl 60 pieces. You need a full set that all require lvl 60 or a full set that requires lvl 38, 42, 49 & 52, the 4 set wont work if you mix them.
This is correct, it's a bug that they have admitted to and are working on.
I have a few questions. My GF will be 60 in a few days. Leveling this class is great fun.
I already bought the recommended rings and necklace. Unfortunately, I do not have enough AD atm to buy the Stalwart set or the Timeless Hero set. Could you name other options I can start with? Is the Knight Captain set any good? Two pieces give 400 ArPen as set bonus. Sounds good to me since we wanna reach 22% ArPen. So I could two Knight's Captain pieces. What else? Two other non-set epics with good stats?
And what 'cheap' weapon and shield can you recommend?
maenaderyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
Check the lvl of your items. The under-leveled set pieces wont work with the lvl 60 pieces. You need a full set that all require lvl 60 or a full set that requires lvl 38, 42, 49 & 52, the 4 set wont work if you mix them.
Thank you for your answer and Karnson for the confirmation!
Grah...I guess this means more farming. Would you happen to know if the stats are different for the two sets and also if there is a difference in drop location? I'm wondering if it's less painful to farm level 60 version of the other three items or keep at Mad Dragon for the chance to get the level 52 helm. Or try whining incessantly at the devs until they fix this bug. Not my favourite option, that last one, but spending 915k to find out I got the wrong version of the right helm really sucks.
I have a few questions. My GF will be 60 in a few days. Leveling this class is great fun.
I already bought the recommended rings and necklace. Unfortunately, I do not have enough AD atm to buy the Stalwart set or the Timeless Hero set. Could you name other options I can start with? Is the Knight Captain set any good? Two pieces give 400 ArPen as set bonus. Sounds good to me since we wanna reach 22% ArPen. So I could two Knight's Captain pieces. What else? Two other non-set epics with good stats?
And what 'cheap' weapon and shield can you recommend?
I had the same problem when I hit 60, I didnt have enough AD to buy Stalwart or Timeless. Then I found the Knight Captain set in the AH, and I thought it was great, it gives you 400 ArPen. Then I found High General set, it's basically an upgrade of Knight Captain, and it gives you 450 ArPen. Guess what, Im wearing a combination of Knight and High General set, it gives me 850 ArPen. And both set are quite cheap 15 - 50k AD for each part.
I did not expect that at all xD
Edit: Wait, does that mean that he's not going to update this guide anymore? :<
That's news to me.
so dude u are here with us??
u have any tip about new patch ?
I'm still around, but like I said a few pages back, I'm not actively playing the game at the moment. I keep an eye on things and I can update the guide as different information proves to be valid and things like that. As far as me personally testing things, not so much. I might pop on this week and do some Gaunt and see how that goes. NW for me was always just going to be something to kill time until FF14:ARR released.
This past weekend was the first P3 weekend so I was busy doing that, and will be busy each weekend from now until release (8/27) testing and playing.
As far as me selling my account: ha, no. I've played online games since 1995 (M59, although I was young and it didn't last long for me), but really dove into it in 1996 with UO. Over the last 17 years of online gaming now, I've sold ONE account ever, back in 2001, and I regret it still to this day. Every few years I've contacted customer support basically offering this company unreasonable amounts of money just to get my original account back for a game that I will never play again.
if hadent post this guide maybe ill quite my gf but now i love that class!!
i wonder if had to make any pvp gear for the new 20man pvp...any idea?
I use Rokuthy's optimal build for Stalwart (need belt, sword and jewelry though) together with Envys original build (Powers and feats) and I do more then fine in both PvP and PvE in my opinion so no you probably don't have to get new gear if Gauntlgrym doesnt offer new better gear but i doubt it.
Question: I have been thru your thread and I have noticed that you have never posted a screen shot of your HUD/Hotkey Setup. Could you please post this for me? My biggest challenge has been setting up my hotbar and it would make things a lot easier it I could emulate your setup.
Ideally I would like to see your "default" setup that you find to be "best" for a typical dungeon run.
Your PVP setup would be great as well.
I think this would be a big help to us "beginners" out there. Thanks!!!
What I use for dungeons:
Frontline Surge - Q
Enforced Threat - E
Lunging Strike - R
Villain's Menace - 2
Fighter's Recovery - 3
Mark - T
Shield Block - Capslock
I've modified my keyboard a little bit, so my Capslock key is technically left control, and my left control key is my Capslock key. I just find the positioning of Capslock to be more comfortable than Shift/Control, especially when it has to be held down. Now, if I'm playing with my Naga (which isn't always, depends on how lazy I am because I'm typically using my Feenix mouse), then I have 1 remapped to Capslock, and I use 1 for blocking - hence using 2/3 for my dailies instead of the default 1/2).
For PvP - I just swap whatever abilities I need in but use the same keybinds. Hope this helps.
If you don't mind me asking a second question?:
What would you say is a good default "tanking rotation"? That would help me get thru most dungeons?
I tried to follow the rotations you posted in the beginning of your thread but found it kind of confusing because I did not understand how you would have all of those skills hotkeyed.
Once again thank you for your help and response to my previous question,this info will help me greatly!
If would need testing now to see if the debuff is applied before or after ARP. Also to see if it stacks additively or multiplicitvely.
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
And I finally dropped my full Timeless Hero set, starting to farm the Stalwart Bulwark. What is you rotation ? Do you use every Lunging Strike, wait 5 seconds before using another spell, etc etc ? Or just spam everything since Enforced Threat gives you 3 stacks of the Timeless crit buff if it hits 3 or more enemies, so does Frontline Surge.
Funny thing is, Into The Fray also gives you 3 stacks of the Timeless buff if it buffs 3 or more teammates
It drops off the dragon yes, but there is a small % as like all end bosses he has a large loot table.
The other place it can drop is in a chest at the end of a dungeon delve see for the rough chances of the chests.
The reason for its price is everyone knows its the best set and its the hardest piece to get in that set.
I've done Mad Dragon 4 times and still no helm, so here I was hoping the AH would end this frustration, but now I've spent pretty much all my character's life savings to be defeated by the pieces not recognizing one another.
Check the lvl of your items. The under-leveled set pieces wont work with the lvl 60 pieces. You need a full set that all require lvl 60 or a full set that requires lvl 38, 42, 49 & 52, the 4 set wont work if you mix them.
TSYM Website
Dragon Server
This is correct, it's a bug that they have admitted to and are working on.
I already bought the recommended rings and necklace. Unfortunately, I do not have enough AD atm to buy the Stalwart set or the Timeless Hero set. Could you name other options I can start with? Is the Knight Captain set any good? Two pieces give 400 ArPen as set bonus. Sounds good to me since we wanna reach 22% ArPen. So I could two Knight's Captain pieces. What else? Two other non-set epics with good stats?
And what 'cheap' weapon and shield can you recommend?
Thank you for your answer and Karnson for the confirmation!
Grah...I guess this means more farming.
I had the same problem when I hit 60, I didnt have enough AD to buy Stalwart or Timeless. Then I found the Knight Captain set in the AH, and I thought it was great, it gives you 400 ArPen. Then I found High General set, it's basically an upgrade of Knight Captain, and it gives you 450 ArPen. Guess what, Im wearing a combination of Knight and High General set, it gives me 850 ArPen. And both set are quite cheap 15 - 50k AD for each part.