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Dear Perfect World and Community If you think Cleric will be walkin Solo not in Pair



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    kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Not really, pre 4E, they wore plate armor and could actually take a hit as well dish out a hit. Even if they were devoted to healing, they could still actually swing their mace efficiently. I don't know who has been your DM, but if you are in a dungeon crawl, very rarely is the cleric "safe" in the back, its not like you have a wide open battlefield.

    In 4E the completely separated the class in to two different varieties. Basically they made the DC a mage that cant heal for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and cant dish out any real DPS and agros everything for life (concerning this game)
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    mbakley1978mbakley1978 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Looks like ill be playing my CW allot more because cleric survivablility will be complete garbage the 66% up-time of AS is complete trash i could see the stack nerfs etc but nerf the up-time come on its our only real heal tool and 4 seconds without it can be instant death i would love to see a lower CD on bastion if that's the case i wish they would look into that power a bit more then the uptime of AS wouldn't bother me as much. I really hope this doesn't make it live.
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    maukadwellermaukadweller Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2013
    clortbags wrote: »
    I think a many of our concerned clerics are forgetting that they'll probably have a lot less aggro on them after the threat aggro / balancing of other classes.

    How will the threat generation change benefit the cleric in PvP?

    Hmm...I guess since the cleric will die faster, he'll lose aggro from the other team faster.
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    kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    How will the threat generation change benefit the cleric in PvP?

    Hmm...I guess since the cleric will die faster, he'll lose aggro from the other team faster.

    Oh that's easy! The other players will die in laughter of someone actually bringing a cleric in to a pvp match LOL.
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    maukadwellermaukadweller Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2013
    chintae wrote: »
    Yes...Because WoW was the *first* MMO.

    This was hardly the case for EQ. Clerics were just as good as any of the plate classes (warrior, Paladin, SK) for 'taking the hits' The reason you placed them at ranged was so that they wouldn't get hit, not that they couldn't. You didn't want to spend resources healing a cleric when the focus should be on healing the tank.

    Vanguard also had a similar outlook. Clerics wore plate and actually had abilities that DEMANDED you be in melee and hitting the mob shoulder to shoulder with the tanks (two of your buffs were combat buffs, increasing STR CON and DEX for 5 mins, and the other was increased damage and crit).

    DDO also had tank-like clerics who wore plate and was as good, if not better than paladins or fighters.

    Rift had clerics that could TANK, or be tanky yet still heal effectively. It wasn't so that they'd tank the raid boss, but it was so that they could take a hit or two before pulling healing resources off the tank and to themselves.

    You're assumption that clerics are ranged squishies in ALL games is wrong, and based on a *limited* market of MMO's out there. WoW is not a standard, except for how 'popular' it is.

    When I was hoping the cleric in this game would be somewhat like DDOs FVS in that you could DPS, heal, and tank (because you could DPS and self heal). May not be as good in any of those roles as a dedicated spec, but good enough to fill whatever role was needed in the party in any given situation.

    If the so-called "holy trinity" is the end all be all, then why even bother with class names or any build options? Just call them DPS, Tank, Heal and be done with it.

    Well I suppose the build options are so that people can screw up and then buy a respec token so I suppose there is a profit motive there. Make things sound great in the tooltip and then have it bugged or be utter trash so that people respec out.
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    maukadwellermaukadweller Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2013
    Oh that's easy! The other players will die in laughter of someone actually bringing a cleric in to a pvp match LOL.

    Well in the upcoming 20v20 PvP, I'm thinking there will have to be some clerics to be able to do the dungeon part afterwards.
    They should probably have the clerics zone into a different PvP area so that the clerics would just fight other clerics to make things somewhat even.
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    kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Well in the upcoming 20v20 PvP, I'm thinking there will have to be some clerics to be able to do the dungeon part afterwards.
    They should probably have the clerics zone into a different PvP area so that the clerics would just fight other clerics to make things somewhat even.

    Especially considering the common strat for players is to use some knockback with knockdown and with the reduction in AS, by the time you scoop yourself off the ground and if you are still alive, you AS will be down and you will be a wounded duck for about 4 to 5 seconds before you can even attempt something, and even if you do manage to escape that far, their knock will have recycled by then and you will be dead after that. This is all assuming they don't have a lurking rogue to pounce on you once you are flat on your face.

    Seriously, they really must hate clerics. Someone does... this is the worst cleric design I have ever seen.
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    capricornus16capricornus16 Member Posts: 62
    edited June 2013
    and Perfect Word again not responding for topic 22 pages.. comon..
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    johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    relax. everythngs gonna be alright
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    wingsforwingsfor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    so clerics complaining now because of cooltime? what about the AS exploit i didnt see any clerics talking about this

    r u crazy? do u really think any Cleric enjoyed the double dc runs where there role was reduced to stacking shields and dodging incomming mobs?
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    wingsforwingsfor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jmadfour wrote: »
    I think I'm gonna make me a Cleric.

    just because every single cleric in the game is apparently going to quit if they can't keep Astral Shield up permanently.

    r u crazy 2? u think ppl enjoy using a heal where they have nothing else to do than putting down a boring shield? i actually am looking foreward to the fact, that playing a dc will not be about stacking power and getting AS cd on 14 s.
    It will involve much more thought and if god wills even demand teamplay and cooridination of skills from different classes.It will also to sort the wheat from the chaff. good things imho.
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    sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey everyone! lordgallen has posted some more info about the changes to Astral Shield here: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?359712-Reasoning-behind-Astral-Shield-change.

    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
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    vmlinuxvmlinux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wingsfor wrote: »
    r u crazy? do u really think any Cleric enjoyed the double dc runs where there role was reduced to stacking shields and dodging incomming mobs?

    Are you even a cleric? You do realize that AS allowed clerics to use their other non-healing skills right? We could seriously have fun as long as AS was down. Now you STILL have to throw AS down every 15 seconds, but you also have to try and throw 3 other crappy heal spells while it is not down, so you can't use any of your cool nukes, dots, etc.
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    dercavadercava Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is making me sad.

    Clerics are perfectly fine the way there are now. I find it ever more enjoyable with the AS change than it was pre-patch, it's just more fun.
    I'm actually missing all the aggro, kiting the mobs was fun aswell.

    I believe that any cleric who was able to easily run dungeons pre-patch is able to do the same thing now.

    But unfortunately there are still those ****ty players that for some reason fail at a 3 button game, that whine and QQ about stuff the whole time, until everything gets changed so the only thing they have to do is use 1 spell and win.

    I seriously hope the AS stays the same as it is now, so all the baddies break their teeth and cry their asses off until they get better and then perhaps come up with constructive posts / requests.

    I shall now leave and enjoy my 10sec uptime on AS (or however long it is now).
    Cyclop.. and I like coffee
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    thestonedpriestthestonedpriest Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am not sure I get it, I still single heal castle never...
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    thestonedpriestthestonedpriest Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vmlinux wrote: »
    Are you even a cleric? You do realize that AS allowed clerics to use their other non-healing skills right? We could seriously have fun as long as AS was down. Now you STILL have to throw AS down every 15 seconds, but you also have to try and throw 3 other crappy heal spells while it is not down, so you can't use any of your cool nukes, dots, etc.

    Your either dumb, bad or both.

    I heal castle never solo & I still do a TON of damage with my other spells. I fight for second often enough. If you can not cast white AS is down then you sir are bad.
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    ryusai2ryusai2 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And I Agree here, besides CastleNever I was 100% walki solo.

    I didn't respec since nerf and I STILL solo castle never... When I join a group with 2 clerics I leave, 1 cleric is enough alltime
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    dercavadercava Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ryusai2 wrote: »
    I didn't respec since nerf and I STILL solo castle never... When I join a group with 2 clerics I leave, 1 cleric is enough alltime

    Double Linked Spirit + double Divine Glow is so much fun.
    Cyclop.. and I like coffee
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