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Unscheduled Maintenance 6-4-13, 3:30PM PDT



  • tfganhaotfganhao Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    its the stupid rollback that's annoying me....i had just gotten a epic chest for my GF alt which i had been farming all day and now this.....ban the accounts that exploited, they already moved the AD to safety for sure (like last time) but don't rollback and punish ALL the players.

    Oh and that "compensation pack" that you gave us, was really NOT REMOTELLY COMPENSATORY! If you really want to compensate people, give them something really good, like a mount, a pet, a char slot or something, because if you think time isn't money, eventually all your player base is going to leave...
  • sorrowswindssorrowswinds Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 56
    edited June 2013
    enchantment fuse exploiters? never heard of this one either
  • ngeongeo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    NO DC ASTRAL SHIELD FIX. MORE EXPLOITS GG i wont be surprised if the game will end up like the rest of the ****ty mmos...
  • lvl20dmlvl20dm Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Now I'll start off with:

    I don't know why they'd offer in-game purchases using real currency during a beta phase, that's just asking for trouble.

    The beta phase is designed to find/fix these exploits. When dealing with an mmo they can't just have a handful of people testing, they need the whole community, so instead of being whiny littlekids why not write up support tickets, and try to HELP in resolving these issues. It should be everyone's job to find, and report the exploits.

    Now having said that, I don't know who would be dumb enough to drop money on content for a game in beta. Do you realize there is still a chance that this game will never be polished to the point where it's stable? You're literally pissing your money away.

    Stop *****ing about cheaters abusing exploits, and flood the mods with support tickets. Even the most tightly regulated online experiences get exploited, not to this extent, but it does, and will continue to happen.

    By playing a BETA you're pretty much volunteering to be a game tester, rather than a player. Shut up and do your job.
  • callabong1callabong1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cheefaa wrote: »
    why should any of them get banned? when your this **** at coding you deserve to be exploited daily.

    Isnt the whole point of a beta to find these glitches/exploits and stop them before the game comes out of the beta and is fully legit version of the game? its not like any game of call of duty or most other games for that matter are in perfect working order when they are released is it?
  • falson1falson1 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    cheefaa wrote: »
    so your telling me if i happend to take my coal ward out and my enchants still fused i should be banned for that?

    Well yes, that makes you a cheater and you should be banned.
  • neo1313neo1313 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    deezyre wrote: »
    To all the whiners out there who feel the need to bash a company that GAVE you a game for FREE.....THERE"S NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT PROGRAM PERIOD! If you think you can do so much better, THEN SHUT THE HELL UP AND DO IT! Either that or just stop playing if you are so upset about a company being RESPONSIBLE for their product and patching it as THE NEED ARISES. You know, there's always other games that you actually have to pay for....monthly....with MILLIONS of other players. So quit harassing this company for doing exactly what they set out to do.....GIVE US ENTERTAINMENT FOR FREE.
    And to the hard working folks at both Cryptic AND PW, THANK YOU.....Perhaps I will have the pleasure of working for you someday in the next 2 years :) Keep up the good work, and please just ignore these whining little crybabies who OBVIOUSLY live in a world where nothing they ever do goes wrong.

    The fanboi is strong in this one...
  • oldsnakemgsoldsnakemgs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 65
    edited June 2013
    lazenby wrote: »
    I havent seen the evidence to suggest this horrendous economy failure you and other doomsday server wipers refer to...

    All this wipe **** is getting ridiculous - what if something like this does (and will) happen after launch ??? Will they ask for another silly wipe again then ?
  • ruex128ruex128 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wish people would quit complaining saying to wipe the game, its a game, most of us will get bored of it in a few months anyways. Cryptic won't wipe it since they already had people spend millions of dollars on it already. If you're so unhappy with the current state of the game go play something else and wait for it to get fixed, or continue playing and enjoy what there is. Eventually you'll get all geared up and stuff to the max only for them to release new content and have better gear for you to get anyways, by that time most things will be panned out.

    Its just a game first and for most, fair or unfair the choice is ultimately yours to stay or leave. Cryptic is here for the money, wiping won't net more money it'll just <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> a lot of people off. And the Majority of players don't use the forums or know whats really going on anyways, which is cryptics most profit.

    Play the game don't let the game play you peace!
  • lazenbylazenby Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's so awesome hearing the exact same moans on the forum every time they pull the servers down unexpectedly.
  • erdokanerdokan Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ahh, that explains it then. Lol, had a bunch of negation shards in my inventory that I bought for like 500 each. Checked yesterday and noticed the cheapest buyout was like 8k. They sold fast for 5k each, , I was like okay - lesser negation enchants mustve gone up in price then. But when I checked they were way lower than usual, and I mean WAY lower lol. Prices like 40k buyout, which made no sense whatsoever since 1% chance per 4 shards = coalescent = 120k total costs. And the price just kept on dropping :c was so confusing. Anyways, good to see that it got fixed - please ban zhe exploiters !
    David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
  • darkzenithukdarkzenithuk Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All this wipe **** is getting ridiculous - what if something like this does (and will) happen after launch ??? Will you ask for your silly wipe again then ?

    Exactly. Banning the exploiters is enough, we don't need to punish the majority for the actions of the minority.
    Mortem a mundo, ortum republica, imperii ruina.
  • shamazzleshamazzle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tfganhao wrote: »
    its the stupid rollback that's annoying me....i had just gotten a epic chest for my GF alt which i had been farming all day and now this.....ban the accounts that exploited, they already moved the AD to safety for sure (like last time) but don't rollback and punish ALL the players.

    Oh and that "compensation pack" that you gave us, was really NOT REMOTELLY COMPENSATORY! If you really want to compensate people, give them something really good, like a mount, a pet, a char slot or something, because if you think time isn't money, eventually all your player base is going to leave...

    Where is this roll back mentioned?
  • cliffwalkercliffwalker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You know... I don't know how you guys do it... but somehow you know... probably instinct, I'm not really certain... but you know when I get free time to play this game, and then you pull the plug. And as an added bonus, this time you guys pulled it once I reached the end of a particularly grueling cave. Already killed the boss, just had to finish off the runts and collect. BTW, the little notification I got said "10 minutes until emergency maintenance." 10 minutes? I'm in the middle of killing off a cave full of Mindflayers! 10 minutes? If I had known at say the 20 minute mark, I might have been able to finish what I was doing. 10 minutes... what a joke.
    Eat your dessert first, for life is uncertain.
  • inkiesquidinkiesquid Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jilkorath wrote: »
    You sound like one of those people saying, "Well, what was she wearing? Maybe she was asking for it..."


    Just because the police are inept and the justice system is laughable, it doesn't mean that laws shouldn't be upheld occasionally.
    Same principle.
  • jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lvl20dm wrote: »
    Now I'll start off with:

    I don't know why they'd offer in-game purchases using real currency during a beta phase, that's just asking for trouble.

    The beta phase is designed to find/fix these exploits. When dealing with an mmo they can't just have a handful of people testing, they need the whole community, so instead of being whiny littlekids why not write up support tickets, and try to HELP in resolving these issues. It should be everyone's job to find, and report the exploits.

    Now having said that, I don't know who would be dumb enough to drop money on content for a game in beta. Do you realize there is still a chance that this game will never be polished to the point where it's stable? You're literally pissing your money away.

    Stop *****ing about cheaters abusing exploits, and flood the mods with support tickets. Even the most tightly regulated online experiences get exploited, not to this extent, but it does, and will continue to happen.

    By playing a BETA you're pretty much volunteering to be a game tester, rather than a player. Shut up and do your job.

    I mean, that's all well and good, until those support tickets you flooded in get trashed instead of answered. Oh, that happened, and is still happening.

    Get over the beta thing. They take money. Beta is over. The sad thing is taking money to respec, when a lot of people respec because the skills they take are broken/useless.

    As for who would be dumb enough to drop money on a beta, aren't all games technically in beta, if they fix things? Don't be a moron. Stop being so naive.
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
  • falson1falson1 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    shamazzle wrote: »
    Where is this roll back mentioned?

    There is no rollback mentioned nor is one happening. They are just assuming yet again. Just like the people saying there would be a wipe and such.. just more nonsense from the idiots.
  • insomeatinsomeat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    EMERGHERD CYPTIC you're company so ****, how dare this free beta game not be perfect!! Another exploit in a massive game containing thousands of variables... YOU SHOULD BE BURNED ALIVE AT THE STAKE!! THIS IS THE FINAL STRAW... your fired ??

    I serve fries at McDonalds and obviously dont know **** about coding or making a game but my entitlement commands me to declare your obviously lazy ****ty people and I could do so much better if i ever bother to get out of moms basement .. HURRR DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
  • cipher9nemocipher9nemo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So Cryptic will shut down servers without warning if they find an exploit that devalues anything you spend real money for (happened multiple times now). But when we need critical fixes for other broken things it gets the back burner treatment.

    Yeah, I'm seeing a pattern. :rolleyes:

    Oh well, I'll go play other games or do something else. All of this downtime to fix "exploits" just takes away from me making free content for them in the Foundry any ways, which is pretty much all I do.
    Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
  • acieleaciele Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tfganhao wrote: »

    Oh and that "compensation pack" that you gave us, was really NOT REMOTELLY COMPENSATORY! If you really want to compensate people, give them something really good, like a mount, a pet, a char slot or something, because if you think time isn't money, eventually all your player base is going to leave...

    Mh...actually i play for fun not for money...but yeah i guess some people need to compensate...something...!
  • gutotitogutotito Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There will always be exploits. No matter how much you patch, code review, and test, somebody will come along and find something you didn't think of. Look at Java: in active development for many, many years, and they're still finding exploits daily.

    That's software. That's life. Stop screaming for a wipe every time somebody borks the game.
  • falson1falson1 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    cheefaa wrote: »
    k i had to post 1 more time since your clearly as dumb as can be, how does that make me a cheater u ****, if i was at random doing enchants and took a coal ward out and it still fused i shouldnt do that again? Cause u say it makes me a cheater, can u explain in anyway shape or form how u consider that cheating.....? Thats like saying, all wall-marts **** is on sale but i much perfer shopping at best buy cause they cost 3x as much.

    It makes you a cheater if you did not report it as soon as it happened. Duh.. So you clearly profited and kept your mouth shut. That makes you a cheater. If you are roaming in the woods and find a dead body with a suitcase of cash.. you take the cash and leave the body. Guess what? you just commited a felony because you didn't report it.

    Enjoy your banning cheater.
  • swoomustdienowswoomustdienow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    cheefaa wrote: »
    k i had to post 1 more time since your clearly as dumb as can be, how does that make me a cheater u ****, if i was at random doing enchants and took a coal ward out and it still fused i shouldnt do that again? Cause u say it makes me a cheater, can u explain in anyway shape or form how u consider that cheating.....? Thats like saying, all wall-marts **** is on sale but i much perfer shopping at best buy cause they cost 3x as much.

    I'm having a little trouble following this but it sounds like you are saying:
    *You went to fuse an item
    *You removed the Ward during the fuse, thus using the exploit to gain infinite guaranteed combines.
    *You then repeated the process.

    If that's the case then yes, you are a cheater, and yes, you should be banned.

    If I read this wrong however, my apologies for the insinuation.
  • cipher9nemocipher9nemo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gutotito wrote: »
    There will always be exploits. No matter how much you patch, code review, and test, somebody will come along and find something you didn't think of. Look at Java: in active development for many, many years, and they're still finding exploits daily.

    That's software. That's life. Stop screaming for a wipe every time somebody borks the game.


    And it would be nice if Cryptic could handle these exploit fixes on a more individual basis (ban the exploiters) and fix the exploits on their own time instead of pulling the plug. So that means every time Cryptic sees an exploit they're going to yank the plug? I hope they work on creating a *real* live patcher like so many other developers use.
    Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
  • billybondsbillybonds Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    caiustrii wrote: »
    omg thank you so much. Maybe I can go back to actually being able to afford shards now

    dunno what you're talking about, you could just buy lesser enchants for less than the price of a coalescent so you were already getting a bargain if you weren't exploiting directly.
  • falson1falson1 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    cheefaa wrote: »
    falson your logic in life is useless, just cause your too stupid to figure **** out don't matter to any of us, and were not talking about ****ing murder im talking about a VIDEO GAME.

    Duh its not the same thing. But breaking a rule is breaking a rule, and it was just a quick example. If it was a accident he cheated, then he should have opened a ticket right there, instead he decided to profit from it. Which makes him a cheater.

    Now calm down and go ask your mommy for a diaper change, you sound a bit angry.
  • thebrimanthebriman Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tfganhao wrote: »
    Oh and that "compensation pack" that you gave us, was really NOT REMOTELLY COMPENSATORY! If you really want to compensate people, give them something really good, like a mount, a pet, a char slot or something, because if you think time isn't money, eventually all your player base is going to leave...

    Uh, maybe I missed something, but when did PWE offer us a "compensation package"? They offered us a "Token of Gratitude". If you honestly think gratitude and compensation are remotely synonymous, you need to spend some time with a dictionary. The gift package was a way of saying thank you for sticking with us through these issues, not an attempt to compensate anyone for anything. You may feel you need compensation, but that is clearly not the stated purpose of the gift package.
  • capnrogerscapnrogers Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What sickens me is how many of myh guild mates are proud to have exploited the fuse bug and are confident they won't get more than a temporary ban, which they say would be worth it for the amount of AD they obtained by exploiting.

    I quite enjoy the game but the dev's pussyfooting around is driving me away, I feel they have to come down harder and perm ban people who are abusing exploits, as at the moment people feel its worth the risk exploiting as the chance of being banned is slim, this is harming the rep of the game imo.
  • shananabananazshananabananaz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    falson1 wrote: »
    It makes you a cheater if you did not report it as soon as it happened. Duh.. So you clearly profited and kept your mouth shut. That makes you a cheater. If you are roaming in the woods and find a dead body with a suitcase of cash.. you take the cash and leave the body. Guess what? you just commited a felony because you didn't report it.

    Enjoy your banning cheater.

    Is This Guy For Real? Do I Smell A Troll?
  • drakonacidedrakonacide Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cheefaa wrote: »
    k i had to post 1 more time since your clearly as dumb as can be, how does that make me a cheater u ****, if i was at random doing enchants and took a coal ward out and it still fused i shouldnt do that again? Cause u say it makes me a cheater, can u explain in anyway shape or form how u consider that cheating.....? Thats like saying, all wall-marts **** is on sale but i much perfer shopping at best buy cause they cost 3x as much.

    You sir are a cheater, when you saw there was problem you should have sent in one of those useless tickets you talk about and went about doing it the right way.

    At least that's what a honest player would do .
This discussion has been closed.