also, if any of those things takes 2.5 months to fix then extra lols. there are better games coming out and there are better games out. This game is a time filler for most people but if it ever hopes to be anything more then 2.5 months is a ridiculous amount of time to ask people to wait.
1. Improve GF and CW aggro, GF blocking.
2. Make the server merger happen.
3. Fix the dungeon queue system.
4. Improve boss mechanics.
5. Rework Need/Greed/Pass to prevent unjust looting.
6. More Monster/NPC types
7. Add a trade channel, freeing up general/zone chat
8. Make deities mean something.. create deity themed cloaks
I took the subset of your list I thought was important and prioritized them my way. #'s 2, 3, 5 and 7 really should be delivered as part of a Player Morale patch, because you can't really move everyone to one server without fixing the other three. The spam/arguments/queue's would cause everyone too much grief otherwise.
I'd also add that "Add more high-end content, even short, 15minute runs, but with variety" would probably be #2 if not #1 in my list.
1: Fix Guardian block and refine/buff skills and threat management.
2: Fix Cleric threat issue
3: Fix bugs in dungeons and skirmish and foundry.
4: More PVP type instead of just 1
5: Improve companion AI and skills
6: Increase level Cap and 2nd path to all classes.
7: Release new class
8: Improve server stability
I would certainly work on
- Improve GF and CW aggro
( take it back to old school mmo )
- Balance solo game mobs & worlds
- Implement official LFG, Help and Trade channel
- Make every dungeon and skirmish scalable and will not be locked out
- More functionality to foundry such as chests, triggers and levers
(For example the idea that author pay a daily fee for special drops in his/her map else map goes offline)
(I would acctually pay montly fee for more elaborated editor)
- Scalable guild housing, such as used in STO
- Implement guild pvp map, defend your land and housing
- Implement vote kick instead in queue & and in pvp
- More options to customize your character & gear
- More solo repeatable quests
- Implement buy to unlock companions lvl restriction
And last
Weekly inhouse video streams and video documentaries
Think it would be though for such a short time but its doible...
1 better grouping features (put M's in mmo)
2 more character options (race class build ect)
3 balancing and fixing of classes(aggro problems gf blocking, and the debatable overpowered properties of rogues)
4 more racial/background/deity aspects (i loved the race specific quest for the teifling)
5 bug and exploit fixes
6 more pvp maps and modes
7 Better queuing (faster with more options)
8 more chat channels
9 better foundry integration
10 More straightforward interface/optional interface tutorials
11 More clarity on currencies (ad/ copper /zen interactions)
12 easier guild joining/creation
13 Cosmetic items merchant
14 more content (items dungeons ect)
15 better tutorials (the sooner someone is able to understand a feature the sooner someone will be able to use it)
@ churchilligc Coding and implementation takes time and while very few of those would take 2.5 months doing all of them probably would. If you feel there are better games then go ahead and play them, those who actually like this game and don't consider it a "time filler" will simply keep playing till the patches are released. I am happy leveling through all the classes and trying different builds until then, and I will be happy if even five of these things get fixed because it will make the game better.
also while not a fix or add on, it would be nice to have more character slots for alts on different servers.
Oh geez, this will be easy
1. Mentoring/sidekicking (Both ways). This is a big one right here. Seriously, this needs to happen sooner than later.
2. Upgrades to the foundry. Allow boss creation, customization of enemies so we can make them more difficult without having to throw more mobs at people for difficulty.Let us bring at least 10 people into the foundry.
3. Give us every emote that an NPC is capable of (including stances, like leaning against walls or arms crossed). Several ways to lay down, sit, kneel, wave, do the burning man. Whatever. Give them to us in emotes, this should not be difficult ...and for the love of god fix /em sleep. People do not sleep standing up when they do not have severe narcolepsy lol
4. 'Persistant' maps in the foundry. Guild housing is important, but letting people freely zone into foundry missions would build a solid foundation for this imo. I say persistent, because you can simply kill it when nobody is inside, and then re-create it like you would any other shard in the game when one person enters. That way, we don't have thousands of empty shards not being used.
5. More character cusomization. Extending most of the sliders would accomplish this just fine as an extremely easy example.
6. Item Preview!!
7. /roll. Do I need to elaborate? D&D game and there is no /roll aside from a consumable grey? Come on, man! ~_^
8. DO NOT nerf xp by 75%, or any percent. This is exactly why we need sidekicking/mentoring.
9. More armor/clothing options all around.
10. Add more stuff to the foundry. Just items that we can place. Different chairs, tables, doors (doors that we can open AND close, like the jail cell door) etc.
11. The foundry interface needs a major overhaul. Going into the review tab does nothing but put heaps of lag on your screen, and you can't find anything without the short code.
12. This is a future request, but please, please stop designing such linear zones. The world needs more places that exist for no reason other than to find and use them for roleplay
13. A toggle that allows us to sheath/unsheath our weapons out of combat.
1. Nerf exp given from quests and Invocations to allow more time to PvP, do Foundry missions, dungeons and Skirmishes.
2. Reduce AD cost to unsocket higher-level enchantments.
3. Increase the time interval between NPC audio quips.
4. Give the VA of Kyrn Whitesky a high-five. That guy is awesome.
5. Allow the GWF to excel at something other than AoEing down adds. Preferably single target DPS.
6. I'd prefer to have the option to turn off the menu popup when logging in. I know you guys want
money and all, but c'mon.
7. More music! Going into Icespire Peak and hearing the same music you heard in the Dead Rats' lair isn't very awe-inspiring. Would also appreciate a secondary track while in Neverwinter. The main track is what, 50 seconds long? Gets old fast.
8. All Expert dungeon epic loot should be Bind on Pickup.
9. You should not be able to roll Need on an item your character cannot use.
10. Consider having items already identified when up for Needing/Greeding.
11. Would love to have more variety in mini-boss battles. Not just a larger model of a generic mob who also has the exact same moveset.
fay789Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited June 2013
My top requests:
1. Mentoring/sidekicking
2. Allow boss creation in the foundry and please let us customize facial hair of NPCs! Also, customization of enemies so we can make them more difficult without having to throw more mobs at people for difficulty and let us bring more people into the foundry
3. More emotes!
4. More character customization for us and companions. Let us customize the companion's faces, hair colours, styles, etc.
5. Item Preview
7. More armor/clothing options all around.
8. Add more stuff to the foundry. Just items that we can place. Different chairs, tables, doors (doors that we can open AND close, like the jail cell door) etc.
9. More open-world type zones.
10. A toggle that allows us to sheath/unsheath our weapons out of combat.
2. Allow boss creation in the foundry and please let us customize facial hair of NPCs! Also, customization of enemies so we can make them more difficult without having to throw more mobs at people for difficulty and let us bring more people into the foundry
3. More emotes!
4. More character customization for us and companions. Let us customize the companion's faces, hair colours, styles, etc.
5. Item Preview
7. More armor/clothing options all around.
8. Add more stuff to the foundry. Just items that we can place. Different chairs, tables, doors (doors that we can open AND close, like the jail cell door) etc.
9. More open-world type zones.
10. A toggle that allows us to sheath/unsheath our weapons out of combat.
Item Preview! Gawd Cant believe I forgot that.
navarxidaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited June 2013
* Leader ALONE cannot kick members from the Group.
* Need/Greed Class based.
* Mode AD dailies for lvl60
-Mentoring system
-bank that all characters on account can access
-a separate runebag so more space in regular inventory (am a founder and have 5 bags and still no room)
-unlock companion upgrade tomes
-carpentry and costume(regular clothing) maker professions
-More hairstyles!!
-More town clothing options
-more emotes
azahronMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited June 2013
Alright, I'll give it a shot;
1) Class balancing; having some classes considered worthless for the endgame is a big no no - also fix the Guardian Fighter's block, or replace it with a different mechanic if fixing is impossible due to exploitability.
2) Enhance Groupfinder functionality - a big point being the lack of being able to replace lost groupmembers, I figure that the dailies play a big part in this, if it's such a big issue that someone might get an "easy" reward you can always implement some kind of timer/other participation measuring system that determines whether they get credit for the daily or not.
2.a) Fix the Need/Greed system, currently it leads to a lot of frustrations - make it more inline with other MMO's where you can only roll Need on items your class can use.
3) Add an option to freeze/lock XP or even better yet have some things scale with level (Skirmishes being the first thing that come to mind)
4) Introduce a Vote Kick system rather than randomly placing the power in a random person's hands - we all know that power corrupts!
5) More customization, a mix or Zen store and in game things would be nice - also lower the costs on customizing looks, with how often you upgrade gear there is currently no point in it, short of spending all your AD on it.
Normally my polls are filled with well researched/thought provoking questions. This time, I'd like the community to make the poll.
Time for those of us that are planning to be around here for awhile to roll up our sleeves, and make a better Neverwinter for the lot of us.
I'd like everyone to put their Role Playing hats on and imagine you are a Cryptic Neverwinter developer. Your challenge?
You have been given the green light to fix (or add) anything you'd like to work on in the game, but you only have 74 days to get it ready for a major patch on August 16th.
Make a list of the top things you'd fix or add in Neverwinter if you were tasked with such a radically cool responsibility!
1. Fix in game voice chat.
2. Make the server merger happen.
3. Fix the dungeon queue system.
4. Improve boss mechanics.
5. Less Adds.
6. Add guild housing
7. Add collaboration tools to Foundry.
8. Add a trade channel, freeing up general/zone chat
10. Add more powers and allow a custom character creation option.
11. Rework Need/Greed/Pass to prevent unjust looting.
12. Fix mission pathing feature.
13. Add ability to email gold and AD to alts
14. Improve GF and DC aggro, GF blocking.
15. Create a REAL LFG Looking-For-Group feature, such as in DDO.
16. Make players auto dismount when they are near a mailbox auction, NPC or vendor. Also change to stay mounted after traveling to new zone.
17. Enhance ignore feature in game and on forums.
18. Retool companions with better AI, more customization options, including adding inventory space.
19. More Monster/NPC types
20. Make deities mean something.. create deity themed cloaks
* Don't be afraid to list something someone else has already mentioned. The more "votes" something gets, the higher up on the Top 20 it goes! Also if you don't see it on the list already, mention it, it might just bump something off the list!
** My promise to the community is a simple one. I'll make sure the results of our poll get to the powers that be. So keep it clean, keep it positive, and let's get something done, together!
id do all those but id also remove the xp nerf to the foundry missions, the quest line while leveling is the same for every toon and so lame and boring
1. Mentoring system (sidekicking/exemplar)
2. More emotes
3. Ranger class
4. Eladrin race (seriously this is Forgotten Realms and we can't roll moon elves???)
5. Boss type monsters in Foundry
6. Allow more than 5 people to enter a foundry mission.
7. Respecs should be easier to acquire.
8. Cash shop items need huge reductions in cost.
9. More fashion clothes and armor skins.
novashepardMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited June 2013
In no particular order
1. More emotes, including sit down in chairs and a proper lay down/sleep emote
2. more fashion clothing
3. More dyes
4. GF aggro system
5. server merger
6. Foundry collaboration
7. More foundry toys
6. Foundry Audio
7. more then five people able to enter a foundry mission together
8. Player homes
9. guild homes
10. Armor preview
11. More character customization
12. More playable races
1. More races that can be played
2. armor preview
3. increased character customization
4. better foundry tools
5. Ranger class
6. more emotes
7. option for more then five people in a party
8. More fashion items
9. more dyes
10. Audio in the foundry
11. More armor skins
greenizdabestMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
9. Nerf xp granted by 75% across the board, thereby allowing more play of Foundry, skirmishes, and delves while leveling. Loosen current level cap to allow more questing.
DOWNVOTING this. This is the single worst suggestion I have ever seen. THe leveling experience in this game is currently a polish session away from perfect. I understand the need to add more function and viability to the foundry, but putting the leveling experience to a crawl is simply not the way.
Add boss and endgame loot options to the Foundry, but have a system where it must be approved internally by you guys if it contains endgame loot components.
1. Enhance the 'ignore' function with an additional 'mark as invisible' function so that roleplayers have to choice to completely eliminate griefers/trolls from their play experience.
2. Fix character 'bumping', so that griefers/trolls cannot make an emoted character change position (eg. from sitting to standing)
3. Add more roleplay emotes: lay down, sit in chair, hold mug, warm hands on campfire, etc.
4. Increase the maximum number of players allowed in a party.
5. Add additional plain clothing options which can be purchased without requiring zen or AD.
6. Add more deity options on character creation, namely an additional line of race specific deities (I play a hin warrior and cannot choose Arvoreen as an option). Also allow FREE changes to deity in the character history page in game (some people may wish to RP converting religion/deity).
7. Add gnome as a playable race.
8. Increase the number of paragon options for increased character customization.
9. Permit one free respec per character when new paragon trees become available for your chosen class.
10. Add the following classes (as a minimum): druid, bard, monk, paladin, ranger.
11. Increase the number of different armour designs, especially for low level/common items.
12. Add a 'preview' function so that one may 'try on' new items so as to check their appearance on one's character.
1) Completely revamp PvE content going forward (the current content will be trivial with raid gear) this includes no more 'every fight has 10 adds a second' mechanics, and more actual mechanics.
2) Raids, MUCH sooner then later.
3) New classes & races finished asap so game balance can mean something.
4) Less PAY-TO-WIN - what I mean is lower the prices on the zen items, having to spend 500$ to get a purple mounts ridiculous. Having to spend 6$ every time you want to theory craft to respec is worse.
1/2/3/4 are all part of the 'same thing' as I see it, which is high end competitiveness. If you make raid gear BoE and don't change how pay-to-win it is, there will be no *real* competition at the high level & you will drive away what remains, if any of the players that want to be competitive.
1. Shard Merge
2. PVP vote kick
3. Guild House
4. Guild PVP
5. GF Threat fix
6. GF Knight's Valor fix
7. less adds
8. scale up the astral diamond reward in the daily quests
9. more bank space
10. trade chat zone
11. more dyes
12. more fashion items
13. RETRAIN token price oh my god 600 zen? srsly so much OP
codenamezeusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited June 2013
Lol? really?
1. Account-wide banks
2. A way to unbind companions
3. No ability to vote "Need" when you can't use the item
4. Working and more auction house filters
5. TRADE chat channel
6. No more 2 hour queues...
7. Well... i can't think of anything anymore:L
1. This game as it is supports greed, egoism and all kinds of abysmal behavior by the players. (for example ninja looting purple items and ripping of new players with bad deals) Look at the MOBA communities, we are very well on the way to get such a community. Their need to be major incentives on helping new players, collaborating and most of all: behaving civilized.
2. Class balance in general. 1TR/2CW/2DC being the top option is plain wrong.
2a. Now it could be that there are good options for groups, but as long as respeccing is as expensive as it is, no one will try. Make it free as long as open beta runs so players can explore the options.
3. Item / Enchantment / Rune balance. As of now, every single class wants the "slavemaster of control" ring, belt, neck in the different tiers. The other items are close on being vendor trash. Same goes on the runes and enchants. Radiant/Dark and Empowered/Arcane stand out, the rest is vastly inferior in value. This leads to the fact that more often then not, a DD event dungeon run will yield no usable item for any of the participants.
4. 4th item set bonus for DCs. I do not know the other classes, but most DCs prefer to get 2x the 2item set bonus, as most if the 4 item set bonuses are utter HAMSTER. (a minor bonus being active at most 20% of the time will never beat a flat +450 power)
5. Better tool tips for powers. Many of the Cleric powers are not specific on how much defense reduce or heal or damage they provide.
6. Boss fights need actual mechanics. The game will get boring very fast, as long as it is only about handling millions of adds.
I personally think before introducing more content, the old content should be fixed.
1. Fix the threat issues with GF and Clerics So we can all enjoy T2's together.
2. Fix The GWF damage so that they can play in T2 land as well.
3. Rper Love. Get more emotes! (Like CO has)
4. Allow more than 5 people to enter foundry missions. This limits the RP we could be having in all these wonderful places.
5. More dyes!
6. More Clothes!
7. Add some armor looking sets to the clothing store as well. A "dress armor" so to speak.
8. Make respecs more available. Trying specs out can be expensive!
9. Raids please!
10. Guild houses!
11. Player Housing!
12. More things to spend Gold on.
13. Less currencies, or if at all possible make a tab for the bounty currencies. Bag space is precious!
14. If possible open up some more areas that have one instance alone. (Like the Moonstone Mask)
15. Open up some of the hairstyles from the foundry for character creation.
That is all I can think of At the moment. Thank you for letting us all be heard!
Edit : Forgot the need before greed! If it is something for your class, another class should not be able to need on it and steal it from you.
llewelyn89Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 129Arc User
edited June 2013
This one is a bit off the track I guess but -
Moderators/more moderators across time zones. They don't have to do much, but you need some people who can lock/hide "how to exploit" type threads, they can do a lot of damage when staff aren't around.
also, if any of those things takes 2.5 months to fix then extra lols. there are better games coming out and there are better games out. This game is a time filler for most people but if it ever hopes to be anything more then 2.5 months is a ridiculous amount of time to ask people to wait.
I took the subset of your list I thought was important and prioritized them my way. #'s 2, 3, 5 and 7 really should be delivered as part of a Player Morale patch, because you can't really move everyone to one server without fixing the other three. The spam/arguments/queue's would cause everyone too much grief otherwise.
I'd also add that "Add more high-end content, even short, 15minute runs, but with variety" would probably be #2 if not #1 in my list.
2: Fix Cleric threat issue
3: Fix bugs in dungeons and skirmish and foundry.
4: More PVP type instead of just 1
5: Improve companion AI and skills
6: Increase level Cap and 2nd path to all classes.
7: Release new class
8: Improve server stability
- Improve GF and CW aggro
( take it back to old school mmo )
- Balance solo game mobs & worlds
- Implement official LFG, Help and Trade channel
- Make every dungeon and skirmish scalable and will not be locked out
- More functionality to foundry such as chests, triggers and levers
(For example the idea that author pay a daily fee for special drops in his/her map else map goes offline)
(I would acctually pay montly fee for more elaborated editor)
- Scalable guild housing, such as used in STO
- Implement guild pvp map, defend your land and housing
- Implement vote kick instead in queue & and in pvp
- More options to customize your character & gear
- More solo repeatable quests
- Implement buy to unlock companions lvl restriction
And last
Weekly inhouse video streams and video documentaries
Think it would be though for such a short time but its doible...
2 more character options (race class build ect)
3 balancing and fixing of classes(aggro problems gf blocking, and the debatable overpowered properties of rogues)
4 more racial/background/deity aspects (i loved the race specific quest for the teifling)
5 bug and exploit fixes
6 more pvp maps and modes
7 Better queuing (faster with more options)
8 more chat channels
9 better foundry integration
10 More straightforward interface/optional interface tutorials
11 More clarity on currencies (ad/ copper /zen interactions)
12 easier guild joining/creation
13 Cosmetic items merchant
14 more content (items dungeons ect)
15 better tutorials (the sooner someone is able to understand a feature the sooner someone will be able to use it)
@ churchilligc Coding and implementation takes time and while very few of those would take 2.5 months doing all of them probably would. If you feel there are better games then go ahead and play them, those who actually like this game and don't consider it a "time filler" will simply keep playing till the patches are released. I am happy leveling through all the classes and trying different builds until then, and I will be happy if even five of these things get fixed because it will make the game better.
also while not a fix or add on, it would be nice to have more character slots for alts on different servers.
1. Mentoring/sidekicking (Both ways). This is a big one right here. Seriously, this needs to happen sooner than later.
2. Upgrades to the foundry. Allow boss creation, customization of enemies so we can make them more difficult without having to throw more mobs at people for difficulty. Let us bring at least 10 people into the foundry.
3. Give us every emote that an NPC is capable of (including stances, like leaning against walls or arms crossed). Several ways to lay down, sit, kneel, wave, do the burning man. Whatever. Give them to us in emotes, this should not be difficult
4. 'Persistant' maps in the foundry. Guild housing is important, but letting people freely zone into foundry missions would build a solid foundation for this imo. I say persistent, because you can simply kill it when nobody is inside, and then re-create it like you would any other shard in the game when one person enters. That way, we don't have thousands of empty shards not being used.
5. More character cusomization. Extending most of the sliders would accomplish this just fine as an extremely easy example.
6. Item Preview!!
7. /roll. Do I need to elaborate? D&D game and there is no /roll aside from a consumable grey? Come on, man! ~_^
8. DO NOT nerf xp by 75%, or any percent. This is exactly why we need sidekicking/mentoring.
9. More armor/clothing options all around.
10. Add more stuff to the foundry. Just items that we can place. Different chairs, tables, doors (doors that we can open AND close, like the jail cell door) etc.
11. The foundry interface needs a major overhaul. Going into the review tab does nothing but put heaps of lag on your screen, and you can't find anything without the short code.
12. This is a future request, but please, please stop designing such linear zones. The world needs more places that exist for no reason other than to find and use them for roleplay
13. A toggle that allows us to sheath/unsheath our weapons out of combat.
2. Reduce AD cost to unsocket higher-level enchantments.
3. Increase the time interval between NPC audio quips.
4. Give the VA of Kyrn Whitesky a high-five. That guy is awesome.
5. Allow the GWF to excel at something other than AoEing down adds. Preferably single target DPS.
6. I'd prefer to have the option to turn off the menu popup when logging in. I know you guys want
money and all, but c'mon.
7. More music! Going into Icespire Peak and hearing the same music you heard in the Dead Rats' lair isn't very awe-inspiring. Would also appreciate a secondary track while in Neverwinter. The main track is what, 50 seconds long? Gets old fast.
8. All Expert dungeon epic loot should be Bind on Pickup.
9. You should not be able to roll Need on an item your character cannot use.
10. Consider having items already identified when up for Needing/Greeding.
11. Would love to have more variety in mini-boss battles. Not just a larger model of a generic mob who also has the exact same moveset.
1. Mentoring/sidekicking
2. Allow boss creation in the foundry and please let us customize facial hair of NPCs! Also, customization of enemies so we can make them more difficult without having to throw more mobs at people for difficulty and let us bring more people into the foundry
3. More emotes!
4. More character customization for us and companions. Let us customize the companion's faces, hair colours, styles, etc.
5. Item Preview
7. More armor/clothing options all around.
8. Add more stuff to the foundry. Just items that we can place. Different chairs, tables, doors (doors that we can open AND close, like the jail cell door) etc.
9. More open-world type zones.
10. A toggle that allows us to sheath/unsheath our weapons out of combat.
Item Preview! Gawd Cant believe I forgot that.
* Need/Greed Class based.
* Mode AD dailies for lvl60
-bank that all characters on account can access
-a separate runebag so more space in regular inventory (am a founder and have 5 bags and still no room)
-unlock companion upgrade tomes
-carpentry and costume(regular clothing) maker professions
-More hairstyles!!
-More town clothing options
-more emotes
1) Class balancing; having some classes considered worthless for the endgame is a big no no - also fix the Guardian Fighter's block, or replace it with a different mechanic if fixing is impossible due to exploitability.
2) Enhance Groupfinder functionality - a big point being the lack of being able to replace lost groupmembers, I figure that the dailies play a big part in this, if it's such a big issue that someone might get an "easy" reward you can always implement some kind of timer/other participation measuring system that determines whether they get credit for the daily or not.
2.a) Fix the Need/Greed system, currently it leads to a lot of frustrations - make it more inline with other MMO's where you can only roll Need on items your class can use.
3) Add an option to freeze/lock XP or even better yet have some things scale with level (Skirmishes being the first thing that come to mind)
4) Introduce a Vote Kick system rather than randomly placing the power in a random person's hands - we all know that power corrupts!
5) More customization, a mix or Zen store and in game things would be nice - also lower the costs on customizing looks, with how often you upgrade gear there is currently no point in it, short of spending all your AD on it.
Do away with the need/greed/pass system entirely. Replace it with individual loot like every other modern action mmorpg has.
2. Provide a better option for re-spec. 1 time fee more unlimited re-spec or duel spec.
3. Vote to kick option in parties.
4. Better loot system.
5. Gear Preview option.
1) Nerf xp granted by 75% across the board
2) Add .. housing*
3) Make the server merger happen
4) Make deities mean something
* - with a more than 5 player cap**
** - which leads to my 5) holy sheets allow the folks that wanna create let more than 5 people into their HAMSTER!!!
id do all those but id also remove the xp nerf to the foundry missions, the quest line while leveling is the same for every toon and so lame and boring
2. More emotes
3. Ranger class
4. Eladrin race (seriously this is Forgotten Realms and we can't roll moon elves???)
5. Boss type monsters in Foundry
6. Allow more than 5 people to enter a foundry mission.
7. Respecs should be easier to acquire.
8. Cash shop items need huge reductions in cost.
9. More fashion clothes and armor skins.
1. More emotes, including sit down in chairs and a proper lay down/sleep emote
2. more fashion clothing
3. More dyes
4. GF aggro system
5. server merger
6. Foundry collaboration
7. More foundry toys
6. Foundry Audio
7. more then five people able to enter a foundry mission together
8. Player homes
9. guild homes
10. Armor preview
11. More character customization
12. More playable races
I think that is it.
2. armor preview
3. increased character customization
4. better foundry tools
5. Ranger class
6. more emotes
7. option for more then five people in a party
8. More fashion items
9. more dyes
10. Audio in the foundry
11. More armor skins
DOWNVOTING this. This is the single worst suggestion I have ever seen. THe leveling experience in this game is currently a polish session away from perfect. I understand the need to add more function and viability to the foundry, but putting the leveling experience to a crawl is simply not the way.
Add boss and endgame loot options to the Foundry, but have a system where it must be approved internally by you guys if it contains endgame loot components.
2. Fix character 'bumping', so that griefers/trolls cannot make an emoted character change position (eg. from sitting to standing)
3. Add more roleplay emotes: lay down, sit in chair, hold mug, warm hands on campfire, etc.
4. Increase the maximum number of players allowed in a party.
5. Add additional plain clothing options which can be purchased without requiring zen or AD.
6. Add more deity options on character creation, namely an additional line of race specific deities (I play a hin warrior and cannot choose Arvoreen as an option). Also allow FREE changes to deity in the character history page in game (some people may wish to RP converting religion/deity).
7. Add gnome as a playable race.
8. Increase the number of paragon options for increased character customization.
9. Permit one free respec per character when new paragon trees become available for your chosen class.
10. Add the following classes (as a minimum): druid, bard, monk, paladin, ranger.
11. Increase the number of different armour designs, especially for low level/common items.
12. Add a 'preview' function so that one may 'try on' new items so as to check their appearance on one's character.
2) Raids, MUCH sooner then later.
3) New classes & races finished asap so game balance can mean something.
4) Less PAY-TO-WIN - what I mean is lower the prices on the zen items, having to spend 500$ to get a purple mounts ridiculous. Having to spend 6$ every time you want to theory craft to respec is worse.
1/2/3/4 are all part of the 'same thing' as I see it, which is high end competitiveness. If you make raid gear BoE and don't change how pay-to-win it is, there will be no *real* competition at the high level & you will drive away what remains, if any of the players that want to be competitive.
1. Shard Merge
2. PVP vote kick
3. Guild House
4. Guild PVP
5. GF Threat fix
6. GF Knight's Valor fix
7. less adds
8. scale up the astral diamond reward in the daily quests
9. more bank space
10. trade chat zone
11. more dyes
12. more fashion items
13. RETRAIN token price
1. Account-wide banks
2. A way to unbind companions
3. No ability to vote "Need" when you can't use the item
4. Working and more auction house filters
5. TRADE chat channel
6. No more 2 hour queues...
7. Well... i can't think of anything anymore:L
2. Class balance in general. 1TR/2CW/2DC being the top option is plain wrong.
2a. Now it could be that there are good options for groups, but as long as respeccing is as expensive as it is, no one will try. Make it free as long as open beta runs so players can explore the options.
3. Item / Enchantment / Rune balance. As of now, every single class wants the "slavemaster of control" ring, belt, neck in the different tiers. The other items are close on being vendor trash. Same goes on the runes and enchants. Radiant/Dark and Empowered/Arcane stand out, the rest is vastly inferior in value. This leads to the fact that more often then not, a DD event dungeon run will yield no usable item for any of the participants.
4. 4th item set bonus for DCs. I do not know the other classes, but most DCs prefer to get 2x the 2item set bonus, as most if the 4 item set bonuses are utter HAMSTER. (a minor bonus being active at most 20% of the time will never beat a flat +450 power)
5. Better tool tips for powers. Many of the Cleric powers are not specific on how much defense reduce or heal or damage they provide.
6. Boss fights need actual mechanics. The game will get boring very fast, as long as it is only about handling millions of adds.
I personally think before introducing more content, the old content should be fixed.
2. Fix The GWF damage so that they can play in T2 land as well.
3. Rper Love. Get more emotes! (Like CO has)
4. Allow more than 5 people to enter foundry missions. This limits the RP we could be having in all these wonderful places.
5. More dyes!
6. More Clothes!
7. Add some armor looking sets to the clothing store as well. A "dress armor" so to speak.
8. Make respecs more available. Trying specs out can be expensive!
9. Raids please!
10. Guild houses!
11. Player Housing!
12. More things to spend Gold on.
13. Less currencies, or if at all possible make a tab for the bounty currencies. Bag space is precious!
14. If possible open up some more areas that have one instance alone. (Like the Moonstone Mask)
15. Open up some of the hairstyles from the foundry for character creation.
That is all I can think of At the moment. Thank you for letting us all be heard!
Edit : Forgot the need before greed! If it is something for your class, another class should not be able to need on it and steal it from you.
Moderators/more moderators across time zones. They don't have to do much, but you need some people who can lock/hide "how to exploit" type threads, they can do a lot of damage when staff aren't around.
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