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Full wipe remarks



  • thehighcounselthehighcounsel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 47
    edited May 2013
    ozcollo wrote: »
    It's a shame, really. A full wipe would have helped this game in the long run, in my opinion. I stumbled on Neverwinter by accident and was pleasantly surprised. The combat was fantastic and I love the D&D world/lore as well as the Foundry. Once I hit 60, however, serious issues began to rear their ugly heads. Real money being tied to the main game economy made this game pay to win, considering nothing is Bind on Acquire.

    Then there were the MASSIVE amounts of exploiting. The extent and duration of these exploits as well as this game being advertised as a beta screamed "WIPE SERVERS". They painted themselves into a corner I suppose when they began taking money (why they would do that and still advertise as a beta is beyond my comprehension) and I suppose they didn't want to be seen as going back on their word.

    The only silver lining is that I've seen how these developers handle these situations and now have enough information to base my decision on whether or not I'll continue to play this game. I can say that without a wipe, an economy in shambles, and rampant exploiting going on, I will no longer be a customer. It really is a shame too, this game had so much potential.

    Also, some of the arguments in this thread are borderline Special Olympics debate team quality. Fallacies, fallacies everywhere.
    I have always been up for a full wipe and while I still mostly am, the ammoutn of exploits that keep popping up, I feel in the end it won't matter, the game is broken because they "released" far too early.
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ozcollo wrote: »

    Also, some of the arguments in this thread are borderline Special Olympics debate team quality. Fallacies, fallacies everywhere.

    So had they wiped last time, they would have to wipe this time? What about next time? Is there any sense in even logging in?

    You can view my expectations of a company keeping it's word as Special Olympics if you wish, I find it amusing. If there had been no assurances, there would have been none of my money in Cryptic's pocket. I expect when a company tells me something to get my money that they live up to it. If they can't, they can spare me the work, what little of it there is, and simply refund me. You see, I didn't buy my Founder's Pack until after I had played the game. The Astral Diamonds are still waiting for me to claim them, and I obviously didn't get a headstart. When I call my bank, and let them know that the charges made against my account to this company were the result of my being lied to, I'm getting my money back. You can rant and rave all you like about virtual economies. You can point out "special Olympics" if you like, but the fact of the matter is, in a real world economy, when a business doesn't deliver on it's promises, it's financially liable. Simply put, they won't have any grounds to deny my refund, because they broke violated their word.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • ozcolloozcollo Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So had they wiped last time, they would have to wipe this time? What about next time? Is there any sense in even logging in?

    You can view my expectations of a company keeping it's word as Special Olympics if you wish, I find it amusing. If there had been no assurances, there would have been none of my money in Cryptic's pocket. I expect when a company tells me something to get my money that they live up to it. If they can't, they can spare me the work, what little of it there is, and simply refund me. You see, I didn't buy my Founder's Pack until after I had played the game. The Astral Diamonds are still waiting for me to claim them, and I obviously didn't get a headstart. When I call my bank, and let them know that the charges made against my account to this company were the result of my being lied to, I'm getting my money back. You can rant and rave all you like about virtual economies. You can point out "special Olympics" if you like, but the fact of the matter is, in a real world economy, when a business doesn't deliver on it's promises, it's financially liable. Simply put, they won't have any grounds to deny my refund, because they broke violated their word.

    You should work on your reading comprehension (Just saw your signature and had a hearty laugh). I meant the general arguments between posters. Godwin's, Civil Rights comparisons, etc. You're absolutely allowed to have a differing opinion, I never said that you couldn't. Keep harping on the "Special Olympics" line while ignoring the vast majority of my post though!

    Edit: After the initial wipe, they can only do so much. The main thing would be refund players and stop selling it (Zen). As much as I enjoy the game, it has some serious issues.
  • kadeikadei Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    if they do full wipe forget ur foundry and zen too, u guys are too ****ing egoist asking for a full wipe and keep ur invert money things meanwhile others invert their "time", so u guys want keep ur things? i want keep mine too. Make a full wipe and let my chars like now
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ozcollo wrote: »
    You should work on your reading comprehension. I meant the general arguments between posters. Godwin's, Civil Rights comparisons, etc. You're absolutely allowed to have a differing opinion, I never said that you couldn't. Keep harping on the "Special Olympics" line while ignoring the vast majority of my post though!

    Edit: After the initial wipe, they can only do so much. The main thing would be refund players and stop selling it (Zen). As much as I enjoy the game, it has some serious issues.

    Yep, I have to tailor my arguments to the target audience. Of course, I shouldn't have to point that out, you brought it up. The rest of your post may as well be a cut/paste of every other "wipe or I quit" post made on the forums since, well, the very first one. There's nothing fresh or exciting about yet another "wipe or I'll quit" post, even if your not expressing your intent, or even if you're note even thinking along those lines. It's the same spiel, day in and day out: OMG, somebody has something I don't, or got something I have that made me feel special, so we have to wipe. That's the general mood of these threads, and if you disagree, you're either one of the exploiters, or you belong in the Special Olympics; so yeah, I pointed out the fallacy of that remark pertaining to the rest of your post. If you had intended something else, perhaps you could have stated it as such instead of running with they need to wipe, and some of you belong in the Special Olympics?
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • ozcolloozcollo Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yep, I have to tailor my arguments to the target audience. Of course, I shouldn't have to point that out, you brought it up. The rest of your post may as well be a cut/paste of every other "wipe or I quit" post made on the forums since, well, the very first one. There's nothing fresh or exciting about yet another "wipe or I'll quit" post, even if your not expressing your intent, or even if you're note even thinking along those lines. It's the same spiel, day in and day out: OMG, somebody has something I don't, or got something I have that made me feel special, so we have to wipe. That's the general mood of these threads, and if you disagree, you're either one of the exploiters, or you belong in the Special Olympics; so yeah, I pointed out the fallacy of that remark pertaining to the rest of your post. If you had intended something else, perhaps you could have stated it as such instead of running with they need to wipe, and some of you belong in the Special Olympics?

    Holy hell, way to put words into my mouth. People are allowed to have differing opinions. I commented on the quality of arguments on both sides. You didn't "point out any fallacies". You've literally done nothing but completely miss the entire point of that statement. You should take your signature to heart, here I'll quote it for you "Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication."
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ozcollo wrote: »
    Holy hell, way to put words into my mouth. People are allowed to have differing opinions. I commented on the quality of arguments on both sides. You didn't "point out any fallacies". You've literally done nothing but completely miss the entire point of that statement. You should take your signature to heart, here I'll quote it for you "Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication."

    Obviously I'm not explaining my intent very well, although I thought I was pretty clear last time, so:

    Your post is exactly like every other "wipe or I quit" post that's been made since the inception of the concept. Are you with me so far?

    Since your post is exactly like every other "wipe or I quit" post to date, people, such as myself, are going to react accordingly when you state: Some of these arguments belong in the Special Olympics"<--- very rough paraphrase. Is there any part of this you're not clear on?

    You see, I have been told that, because I don't want them to wipe, I am an exploiter, stupid, and, that I should be able to participate in the Special Olympics. Are we clear to this point?

    Your post doesn't exactly lend itself to "some of the people on both sides are xxxx", but reads exactly like every other post by somebody insisting, even after Cryptic has made it clear they have no intention of wiping, that the game needs to be wiped. So, if you go out of context on your own post to "attack" both sides, w/out clearly stating as such, all I see is yet another "you must be an exploiter etc etc..." if you disagree. Are we clear to this point?
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • ozcolloozcollo Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Obviously I'm not explaining my intent very well, although I thought I was pretty clear last time, so:

    Your post is exactly like every other "wipe or I quit" post that's been made since the inception of the concept. Are you with me so far?

    Since your post is exactly like every other "wipe or I quit" post to date, people, such as myself, are going to react accordingly when you state: Some of these arguments belong in the Special Olympics"<--- very rough paraphrase. Is there any part of this you're not clear on?

    You see, I have been told that, because I don't want them to wipe, I am an exploiter, stupid, and, that I should be able to participate in the Special Olympics. Are we clear to this point?

    Your post doesn't exactly lend itself to "some of the people on both sides are xxxx", but reads exactly like every other post by somebody insisting, even after Cryptic has made it clear they have no intention of wiping, that the game needs to be wiped. So, if you go out of context on your own post to "attack" both sides, w/out clearly stating as such, all I see is yet another "you must be an exploiter etc etc..." if you disagree. Are we clear to this point?

    I stated my opinion on the current state of the game and why I'm unhappy with the outcome. I'm well aware of the players that would feel cheated if it indeed happened. I felt it was the best course of action, clearly the developers didn't. I clearly listed my issues in a thread where others have done the same. It was clear and concise and I never criticized another posters stance on the subject.

    It's also not my fault that you misread a statement I made and had a knee-jerk overreaction. I was never inflammatory to one side or the other, you just assumed it was a slight against you. Have I told you that you were an exploiter, stupid, or that you should participate in the Special Olympics (unless you're one of those that have been involved in the terrible arguements)? Are we clear about this point yet? You're allowed to have a different opinion, I'm fine with you not wanting a wipe. I thought it was clear seeing that "arguments" was plural that it would cover both sides. Maybe that's where the main misunderstanding lies.

    Your knee-jerk reactions, lack of reading comprehension and victim mentality lend very little to this discussion. So if my post did nothing but read as one of the hundreds that you're tired of, why even reply to it.
  • soth007soth007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I support an economy wipe. Delete all currency currently in the game, and all items/equipment/enchants/consumables.

    Then refund everyone back their zen and founder AD.

    Make this an in-game poll that people get a big pop up when they log into the game. If the majority want it, do it.

    Probably a better solution is to create a 'clean' server which starts new. On this clean server there should be a warning that roll-backs of up to 2 days can and will occur whenever an exploit to the economy warrants it.
  • elahndraelahndra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    soth007 wrote: »
    I support an economy wipe. Delete all currency currently in the game, and all items/equipment/enchants/consumables.

    Then refund everyone back their zen and founder AD.

    Make this an in-game poll that people get a big pop up when they log into the game. If the majority want it, do it.

    Probably a better solution is to create a 'clean' server which starts new. On this clean server there should be a warning that roll-backs of up to 2 days can and will occur whenever an exploit to the economy warrants it.

    I could see something similar being a middle-ground. Let people keep their levels if it really is what they want. I do think they have removed most of the exploited currency though as, like an earlier poster said, most prices have normalized aside from this most recent fiasco. An in-game poll would be neat since we would get more of an equal representation that way. Im not sure clearing gear is the answer as people have invested a lot of time into their individual characters and I can understand how that would be a bit harsh for legitimate players . I think I was a bit rude about that earlier and I apologize if I was badgering anyone. Bad mix of not enough coffee and not enough sleep. The clean server may also be a good way to appease both groups. Good ideas :)
  • theamorabunnytheamorabunny Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    clcmercy wrote: »
    Oh, sure. Get up on a high horse and claim people are here actually testing. Bull puckey. People are here just playing the game. I'd go so far as to guess that 99% of the people here are playing the game, too. So 99% of the population is just dead weight?

    Go stick your head in the sand.

    Also, it's been pretty much established by reputable MMO reviewers (Ten Ton Hammer, MMORPG.com, etc.) that indeed, if a game company is actually charging its customers for goods, then the game has moved from beta testing to launch. Some have even written articles calling Cryptic out on hiding its buggy, incomplete product behind the beta label as a method of avoidance, which I agree with.

    You haven't Beta tested many games have you?
  • bigbradfordbigbradford Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hell no.
    leveling is not fun. Endgame (from what ive seen) is also not fun.
    I don't want to have to do this **** all over again
  • assassin83assassin83 Member, Banned Users Posts: 276 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I support wiping this Thread
  • cerebral79cerebral79 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    assassin83 wrote: »
    I support wiping this Thread

    Agreed! Take your server wipe and shove it, i can play a few hours here and there throughout the week and given that i could care less how much AD or purples the next guy has, i shouldn't lose all my work because of some idiot cheaters.
  • jadedragon1337jadedragon1337 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A wipe is the only thing that will make me invest any more time or money in this game. Cause i'm not big on wasting both and I feel like I invested thin air at this point.
  • cerebral79cerebral79 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A wipe is the only thing that will make me invest any more time or money in this game. Cause i'm not big on wasting both and I feel like I invested thin air at this point.

    How does a wipe benefit you? i assume it means less fully geared ppl in pvp to roll your face but what exactly would a wipe do to benefit you, and i dont mean things you cant back up with fact or just some random comments like "the server is f'ed so it needs a wipe"
  • insidiousangelinsidiousangel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I personally could go either way with it. I play casual with a friend of mine, have a couple of 20ish characters getting the feel of the classes. My only concern is refunding of ZEN. If that is guaranteed then I have no problems with a wipe. I just don't want to lose (nor see anyone else lose) out on either their earned or spent money on ZEN. I mean, you have any idea how many videos I had to watch to get my max speed mount?? =)
  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clcmercy wrote: »
    Oh, sure. Get up on a high horse and claim people are here actually testing. Bull puckey. People are here just playing the game. I'd go so far as to guess that 99% of the people here are playing the game, too. So 99% of the population is just dead weight?

    Go stick your head in the sand.

    Also, it's been pretty much established by reputable MMO reviewers (Ten Ton Hammer, MMORPG.com, etc.) that indeed, if a game company is actually charging its customers for goods, then the game has moved from beta testing to launch. Some have even written articles calling Cryptic out on hiding its buggy, incomplete product behind the beta label as a method of avoidance, which I agree with.
    lolwut? mmorpg.com, tth, zam, massively and the rest exist soley for the purpose of driving ad revenue. They don't have some special word or insight. They don't get to decide anything except who and what they cover. The quality of news "journalism" on some of those sites is highly questionable and I cite the recent ign report on Trion layoffs as support.

    A company offers access to beta products and it is up to the individual whether to participate or not. Some tech companies only provide beta access of their products to paying customers. Some Microsoft preview and test programs are set up this way as one example.

    You don't like to pay during a test period, then don't. If you don't like how they test is being run then don't participate. It's pretty simple.
  • purutzilpurutzil Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The game itself isn't really that huge on what it has to work towards so a full wipe honestly isn't bad. I'll gladly slave over releveling a GWF (which is painful mind you) to get a fresh start with exploits taken care of and things in repair. So long as all items purchased are refunded/correctly given, and theres something to say 'thank you for baring with our mess up' to prompt players to be excited to come back after a wipe, I have a feeling a majority of the player base will gladly jump right back into the game without a problem. Most against it likely have already left, though I am sure (as the poll shows) there are some who aren't huge on it, which i feel can be addressed by as I said giving 'benefits' for having invested time in the game.
    GWF level 60 (Beholder) - The pains of leveling!
    Cleric level 5X (Dragon) - Holy goblin so much easier!
  • giggliatogiggliato Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    charononus wrote: »
    Why a wipe won't work.
    Any game not in maintance mode gets updates
    updates can contain bugs
    bugs can be exploited
    sometime in the future you'd be asking for a wipe again.

    And why not simply wipe a game when it needs to be wiped??

    Clean as a whistle.
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6YfJO0XecE -diablo 3 gold dupe.If blizzards fail with the bigcompany.Give Cyptic a break.People very bias to wards blizzard they fail harder. when their no reliable company these days.

    And the dif with diablo 3 is that it wasnt beta and it wasnt free.Also btw It was aslo blizzard

    oh ps: remeber this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZidgohZaws - 2 bs!!!

    not to mention all of the xp repeatable abuse that went on in game to get maxx level ina few hours.


    so please cyptic is doinga good job.At least they not blizzard.
  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    purutzil wrote: »
    The game itself isn't really that huge on what it has to work towards so a full wipe honestly isn't bad. I'll gladly slave over releveling a GWF (which is painful mind you) to get a fresh start with exploits taken care of and things in repair. So long as all items purchased are refunded/correctly given, and theres something to say 'thank you for baring with our mess up' to prompt players to be excited to come back after a wipe, I have a feeling a majority of the player base will gladly jump right back into the game without a problem. Most against it likely have already left, though I am sure (as the poll shows) there are some who aren't huge on it, which i feel can be addressed by as I said giving 'benefits' for having invested time in the game.

    I would prefer not to nuke and pave, but if it happens I would deal with it and move on. There are some messy points though. A lot of people got special mounts and other goodies. Taking that away in a wipe seems as unfair to them as it does to those who want a wipe because they feel game is ruined for them presently.
  • zedfighterzedfighter Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Shut it down, wipe it and put it back in closed beta where honestly, most of you know it belongs.

    Then again that would most likely hurt the game irreparably. Either way it's not going to do near as well as it could have.
  • doza02doza02 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For some reason i'm just weary of putting money toward this game. I'm sitting on thousands in a gaming budget, and i don't feel comfortable investing even 10$ for this game.

    I loved Champions Online, maybe i wasn't aware of the exploits in that game or that people were abusing them, but i felt more comfortable paying a sub for that game than buying Zen for this one.

    A wipe would only work if they have a better system for protecting the integrity of the game prior to the wipe. If nothing else a better system for tracking currency.
  • kurre2kurre2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Take away my characters and I walk. I loathe the idea that I should loose that investment due to cheaters and frauds that have little or no impact on my game experience.
  • theamorabunnytheamorabunny Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    cerebral79 wrote: »
    How does a wipe benefit you? i assume it means less fully geared ppl in pvp to roll your face but what exactly would a wipe do to benefit you, and i dont mean things you cant back up with fact or just some random comments like "the server is f'ed so it needs a wipe"

    Do you have any concept, any at all, about economy principles and online gaming? Apparently you don't.
    Lets start with this: go read about Zimbabwe's inflation.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013

    People. It's been said already by the developers that there will be no wipes. Get over yourselves. If the game and its "condition" bother you that much, perhaps instead of seeking to ruin everyone's fun for the sake of your own, you should take my signature advice.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Zimbabwe's inflation.

    Wait...Zimbabwe actually has -CURRENCY-?

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A wipe is a last possible resort to fix a ruined game that has very negative repercussions for the future growth of the game. Some people have said that they will leave if a wipe doesn't occurs, but far more people will leave if a wipe does occur. A wipe would also remove a good portion of Cryptic's integrity when they have constantly said that there would be no wipe. Most of the people that don't want a wipe don't see the game as ruined. Any problem the game currently has will be fixed over time. You don't use a nuke when a sniper rifle is a far more effective weapon.
  • desadariusdesadarius Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Full wipe = Give me back all my money ever spent on this game and I'll gladly go play one of the other dozen MMO's coming out this year.
This discussion has been closed.