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Full wipe remarks



  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You haven't Beta tested many games have you?

    Actually....I have. I can remember when companies actually PAID people to beta test their games, instead of the last decade or so where people pay COMPANIES to beta test their games.

    But whether or not I have experience in this field isn't what's being debated here. It's whether or not a wipe should happen. So, please stay on subject?

    Also....@torskaldr.....whether or not I like the current "testing" is moot. I'm here, aren't I? I'm playing, right? I'm also reporting bugs as I come across them. To date, most of my bug reports have been costume clipping issues. Faulty AI issues with companions. Bugged companions just sitting out in the middle of anywhere, that sort of thing. Quality of Life issues, I like to call them. So...perhaps less attacking and less QQing and more posting on subject to you as well. Nice try of derailing the thread.

    I'll say again....developers. Game admins. Community reps. All have gone on record to say there will be no wipes. All of the posters in this thread and the multitude of others so far have not gotten them to change their stance on the subject. Nor should it. It's their company, and their game. Don't like the way they run it? Don't play, right back at you. I have no problems with the state of the game at the moment. Soon as I do, you can bet I'll voice my opinion about it. And if it looks as if it won't change...you can also bet dollars to donuts I'll follow the instructions in my own signature.

    Because end of the day? It's just a game, among many like it.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • enziet1enziet1 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clcmercy. Your Forums signature says exactly what I was thinking lol.

    Everyone who votes yes should just wipe their account clean and start over BAM. You get your wish :D

    I do not support a wipe being that I only about a week ago just started. If you rushed the game, and now just want and excuse to start over. Do us all a favor and just wipe your own account and start over again Thx :)
  • gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Do you have any concept, any at all, about economy principles and online gaming? Apparently you don't.
    Lets start with this: go read about Zimbabwe's inflation.

    Where's the inflation here?
  • kingnewbskingnewbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do not support a full wipe -- even as much as I abhore the exploiters for the issues they've caused us, I would not have spent 3 weeks leveling up to 60 if I'd known there would be a wipe. I'm slow, I play casual and I rarely invest this much time in a game like this. It was fun and I'm going to keep playing as long as it remains fun. But doing all that again does not sound like fun.

    Some folks play lots of characters, multiple alts over all the classes, etc... and some of us just play one. We dabble in the others, but I rarely get even halfway up to level cap on an alt in any game. Maybe that's just me? But I suspect we are legion. :D
    [Beholder] - The Crimson Queen - Trickster Rogue
  • theamorabunnytheamorabunny Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    clcmercy wrote: »
    Wait...Zimbabwe actually has -CURRENCY-?

    See? There you go, good job! Now then, what happens when you have mass inflation. And translate that to the in game practice.

    And now you understand how it affects EVERYONE.
  • kieronblackkieronblack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, considering they said no wipes, and then took my money for that Zen for those cash shop items, the only way I would support a wipe is if all of that money for zen was refunded. Otherwise, hell no. It was spent only because they were firm on the "no wipes."

    I'm not fond of what the exploiters did any more than the rest of you; but unless we are talking a full refund on the Zen, no thanks.
  • theamorabunnytheamorabunny Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    Well, considering they said no wipes, and then took my money for that Zen for those cash shop items, the only way I would support a wipe is if all of that money for zen was refunded. Otherwise, hell no. It was spent only because they were firm on the "no wipes."

    I'm not fond of what the exploiters did any more than the rest of you; but unless we are talking a full refund on the Zen, no thanks.

    No one's wanting a full wipe; we want a wipe but our ZEN purchases (real ZEN purchases, not AD/ZEN swap) refunded then the world started anew.
  • purutzilpurutzil Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rather then a full wipe, what if we instead got just a cash wipe? Just cleaning our items and currency and giving us certain stock values that make sense for our characters and allow us to continue from there, keeping our levels and the likes?
    GWF level 60 (Beholder) - The pains of leveling!
    Cleric level 5X (Dragon) - Holy goblin so much easier!
  • poac1poac1 Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2013
    charononus wrote: »
    Why a wipe won't work.
    Any game not in maintance mode gets updates
    updates can contain bugs
    bugs can be exploited
    sometime in the future you'd be asking for a wipe again.

    You're either the most successful troll or most ignorant person I've ever met. The chances of any 1 patch containing as many game crippling exploits as have been found and used since open beta launch would have to be some mathematical almost impossibility.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No one's wanting a full wipe; we want a wipe but our ZEN purchases (real ZEN purchases, not AD/ZEN swap) refunded then the world started anew.

    Wait? So you want to reset all cash, AD and Zen, But keep characters, levels, and gear? How is that going to fix anything? If you dont reset gear anyone with anything in their inventories would get a huge market jump. If you reset gear but keep levels, youll have a whole lot of naked 60's trying to farm to get a jump on the market.

    I understand wipe, dont like it or agree with it, but I understand what it is. But a partial one? Seems to just swap one set of issues for another.
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6YfJO0XecE -diablo 3 gold dupe.If blizzards fail with the bigcompany.Give Cyptic a break.People very bias to wards blizzard they fail harder. when their no reliable company these days.

    And the dif with diablo 3 is that it wasnt beta and it wasnt free.Also btw It was aslo blizzard

    oh ps: remeber this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZidgohZaws - 2 bs!!!

    not to mention all of the xp repeatable abuse that went on in game to get maxx level ina few hours.


    so please cyptic is doinga good job.At least they not blizzard.

    u know i right .leave cryptic alone otherwise go play diablo 3.And get 2 bs!!!
  • bellaralodunbellaralodun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am honestly starting to support a full wipe... and I have so much invested in my account.
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    ONly waya wipe would make sense is if the add 2 big 40 man raids and new pvp content with new gear and spells wiht 2 new classes other than that nope it wont make sense.people will have no reason to level over characters to play the same content over.
  • kieronblackkieronblack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No one's wanting a full wipe; we want a wipe but our ZEN purchases (real ZEN purchases, not AD/ZEN swap) refunded then the world started anew.

    Even then, I would be unwilling to spend another dime with Cryptic. For the first time in any MMO I finally caved in and bought those stupid Nightmare Box keys. In addition to the good items, I got that purple heavy Nightmare mount on my 3rd (and final) key. I'm personally happy with what the character gained through that gamble, and only participated because they said "no wipes, period."

    So, the more I think about it, if they wipe, I'll just take the refund and spend it with another studio. They simply should not have had the cash shop in operation during the so-called Open Beta, then, never mind the Lockboxes.
  • cera001cera001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just wipe it already. Great game has big problems show some backbone and like the famous Nike slogan says, "Just Do It".
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    They will never wipe. The problems are never over.Their will be more ah exploits.They just have to get better at dmg control which they are doing right now.Ah was down nearly instantly this time limiting the spread so the can trade down and single it out and delete items and dfix problem.Exploiters biggest friend is how long it takes admin to find out so they can intergrate it int othe public.The first exploit was bad cus that was 2 weeks it went on so long we dont know where or when it started to do dmg control.but this wasa few days so not so bad.

    people shud stop complain and start help the admins with it.whenu see something thats not right.Report it right away.DOnt try to take advantage of it.Poeple are funny they see these things then qq aobut roll back and ask for wipe.Report anyhing weird.To be heosnt they shud wipe now that i think, just as punish for people not reporting.The should start aban holocast on everyone who gota item from it inocent till proven guilty and wipe if it goes on for more than a week with out people knowing.U will see how fast peopl stop skipping bosses and exploit the game.Aftera month of that people wil leave.

    Then if so good riddance exploiters or they wil stop exploitin period.ban mroe talk less. Wheni exploit in wow. wotlk first uldar ahard mode.I got ban along iwth my raid mate fora week.and we lost our items.Along iwtha warning for perma ban.we got roll back banned and warning guidl mad at us cus no progress this week.I never exploited in wow ever again.

    Cryptic Start getting serious about your disipline.Ban anyone for any slight exploit.If they even look hard at it instant ban.and if people ignore and let it go on.WIpe Start over.but stil bring out new content.U will see how the communtiy will stop point fingers at u and start pointing them at exploiters.Ban even me if try to exploit foundry again.at leasti known not to do it again.

    BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN and roll back that person or wipe them.This is not a democracy.
    Its you game survival on the line start showing some balls cryptic.Get some respect.Why are we protecting exploiters.They aren ot he mafia that will com after yoru family ifu sell them out.andu gonna lose the most ofu get catch with exploitu haven othing to gain along to happen.Its our job to help admin find out the exploit so the can rap it up fast and we wont have ah down for whoel and aneed roll back.
  • theamorabunnytheamorabunny Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    Wait? So you want to reset all cash, AD and Zen, But keep characters, levels, and gear? How is that going to fix anything? If you dont reset gear anyone with anything in their inventories would get a huge market jump. If you reset gear but keep levels, youll have a whole lot of naked 60's trying to farm to get a jump on the market.

    I understand wipe, dont like it or agree with it, but I understand what it is. But a partial one? Seems to just swap one set of issues for another.

    I didn't say anything about keeping characters/gear.
  • crimsonbludcrimsonblud Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For the most part, you're looking at around 80% give or take of the ingame population who hasn't a clue what happened, or why so many people are crying for a wipe. They rolled the game back, they banned exploiters, they deleted foundry quests that were the issue, if you really want a character wipe that bad; delete your own characters and start fresh.
  • poac1poac1 Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2013
    Since we aren't allowed to post current exploits...the list of crippling economic or otherwise massively advantageous exploits that were 'fixed' but still used from launch are...

    1) Auction house exploit with negative bids. This was done from launch, however they have never detailed what was done about the players with millions of AD and hundreds of stored cats, they simply rolled back the servers a few hours and claimed to have solved it. Many have streamed since to prove anything before the rollback was kept.
    2) Quest hand in exploit for unlimited quest rewards by sharing quests with party members (this was done for items, massive gold, etc)
    3) Set bonus bugs that allowed some classes to hit for millions of damage and farm end game bosses for Bind On Equip drops that they saved hundreds of to sell one at a time, or a few at a time.
    4) Bosses can be bugged causing a reset but still getting the loot drop allowing easy farming.
    5) Reward chests can be bugged to give multiple rewards.
    6) Class special skill meter was client side, this could be memory edited allowing the Guardian Fighter to block constantly and one hit kill any boss.
    7) Chest farming where hundreds of people saved up thousands of runes & tradeskill materials which drove the price into the ground on almost everything.
    8) Foundry leveling where as almost everyone who knew about it got as many toons as they wanted on as many accounts as they wanted to max before the change.
    9) Infinite chest loot in several dungeons if you re-logged.

    And this is only the absolutely ridiculous ones that I can think of offhand, probably nowhere near a complete list.
  • jilkorathjilkorath Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd accept a full wipe. It's not released yet, so I'd anticipate a wipe until then.

    Beta phases are suppose to be spent resolving issues and fine tuning the game, and if these issues give some players an advantage over others, it's blatantly obvious it needs dealt with. Anyone not wanting a wipe clearly doesn't anticipate the longevity of the game, they just want to do as much content as they can and then bounce to the next game. I'd like to stick it out for the long haul.

    A fan of the D&D Realms.
  • theamorabunnytheamorabunny Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    poac1 wrote: »
    Since we aren't allowed to post current exploits...the list of crippling economic or otherwise massively advantageous exploits that were 'fixed' but still used from launch are...

    1) Auction house exploit with negative bids. This was done from launch, however they have never detailed what was done about the players with millions of AD and hundreds of stored cats, they simply rolled back the servers a few hours and claimed to have solved it. Many have streamed since to prove anything before the rollback was kept.
    2) Quest hand in exploit for unlimited quest rewards by sharing quests with party members (this was done for items, massive gold, etc)
    3) Set bonus bugs that allowed some classes to hit for millions of damage and farm end game bosses for Bind On Equip drops that they saved hundreds of to sell one at a time, or a few at a time.
    4) Bosses can be bugged causing a reset but still getting the loot drop allowing easy farming.
    5) Reward chests can be bugged to give multiple rewards.
    6) Class special skill meter was client side, this could be memory edited allowing the Guardian Fighter to block constantly and one hit kill any boss.
    7) Chest farming where hundreds of people saved up thousands of runes & tradeskill materials which drove the price into the ground on almost everything.
    8) Foundry leveling where as almost everyone who knew about it got as many toons as they wanted on as many accounts as they wanted to max before the change.
    9) Infinite chest loot in several dungeons if you re-logged.

    And this is only the absolutely ridiculous ones that I can think of offhand, probably nowhere near a complete list.

    And I should've known better, considering Star Trek Online.
  • grimelrokgrimelrok Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A full wipe ASAP would be best IMHO to fix the current state of the game. Never again will this game get the chance to lose so little and gain so much at the same time. This is THE time for the wipe. Those of us that love the game will continue to play, level up our characters again and do so with a good base of knoweldge to do things more wisely anyway. Both in terms of character decisions and dungeon knoweldge. Yes, I have invested many hours into my character and crafting professions. But I simply do not see another way to fix the broken economy created by people who simply do not care about the game nor its community and only sought to do so for their own personal gains. I do agree with the wipe and I do agree that should PWE/Cryptic perform a full wipe prior to going live with the game, all zen should go back to all accounts in good standing. (as well as the founders packs starting AD)
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    poac1 wrote: »
    Since we aren't allowed to post current exploits...the list of crippling economic or otherwise massively advantageous exploits that were 'fixed' but still used from launch are...

    1) Auction house exploit with negative bids. This was done from launch, however they have never detailed what was done about the players with millions of AD and hundreds of stored cats, they simply rolled back the servers a few hours and claimed to have solved it. Many have streamed since to prove anything before the rollback was kept.
    2) Quest hand in exploit for unlimited quest rewards by sharing quests with party members (this was done for items, massive gold, etc)
    3) Set bonus bugs that allowed some classes to hit for millions of damage and farm end game bosses for Bind On Equip drops that they saved hundreds of to sell one at a time, or a few at a time.
    4) Bosses can be bugged causing a reset but still getting the loot drop allowing easy farming.
    5) Reward chests can be bugged to give multiple rewards.
    6) Class special skill meter was client side, this could be memory edited allowing the Guardian Fighter to block constantly and one hit kill any boss.
    7) Chest farming where hundreds of people saved up thousands of runes & tradeskill materials which drove the price into the ground on almost everything.
    8) Foundry leveling where as almost everyone who knew about it got as many toons as they wanted on as many accounts as they wanted to max before the change.
    9) Infinite chest loot in several dungeons if you re-logged.

    And this is only the absolutely ridiculous ones that I can think of offhand, probably nowhere near a complete list.

    anyone doing any kidna of exploit BAN BAN BAN BAN .ayeu have to much item in you bag BAN.Aye whyu run up that wall report.BAN.Aye u have mroe than 30 mill ad.HOwu get so much BAN.BAN BAN BAN BANB BANBANBANBANB.BAN tghem all.And dont wipe.Give out bans liek condoms.Like how athene got it .Aye athene u level to fast to 80 BAN.
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    BAn like crazy to the point peopel so scaried to exploit that it wil be ez to find whos exploint and ban them instantly.Aye you doing more than 3 DD in one set BAN.And ifu do it agian u wil get perm ban.People start leaving pug wherep eople exploiti n middle of dd cus they dont wanna get ban.
  • travail01travail01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    There are still so many bugs and exploits in the game, what would a wipe do, now? Literally as we speak, there are players exploiting bugs in the game. If they wiped the game tonight, those exploits would still be possible, and the economy would quickly return to it's current state of shambles.

    Come back after they've fixed the vast majority of these exploits, and ask for a wipe then. Or, ask for a wipe when they are ready to "fully" launch the game. It won't do any good, today.

    Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
  • drak0vdrak0v Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like the game very much and spend close to 200h in it so far but since I have all this free time I didn't spend any real money for Zen but instead used AD i collected to buy what I needed. Now ... I read here that some ppl support the refund of Zen bought only with $ and not AD>Zen transfer. Well in that case I would simply have wasted more than half of the time I played (except the leveling part) and that would not be fair either. What I could accept would be the refund of the AD I spent buying Zen, instead of the actual Zen, at a rate that was viable during these weeks since open beta was released (which is around 39x).
    Other than that i voted pro full wipe. I can level again no big deal for me.
    Also to not would be a cash wipe which was discussed earlier.
  • ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    Spending money in game is mroe reason foru to com on on exploiters your self.If paid money in thsi game .Eve guy i see doing anythign close toa a exploit gets reported pluss ss.SO yeah U spend money ingame stop com plaing and start loooking for exploiters an reporting them.Stop it before it happen or before it sppread and it help admin lock down in ti easier for better dmg control avoid roll back and wipes start treating the game with respect like uwould you own home.Dont leta stranger f it up start taking action.Report anything strange,
  • abueroabuero Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fully support full wipe and servers closed for week+ until ALL CURRENT EXPLOITS are resolved and not opened a minute before. I have legit leveled 5 characters to 60 and geared out 2 of them. Game is in tatters and is effectively trash without a restart.
  • bellaralodunbellaralodun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please just do a full wipe. I would like it very much, and I believe many people would enjoy it too. Something about the game is just so "off" now with people who are AD capped from dozens of exploit from the AH & Boss exploits. Its just starting to bother me when people have all this stuff they got because they exploited the game.
  • bellaralodunbellaralodun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6YfJO0XecE -diablo 3 gold dupe.If blizzards fail with the bigcompany.Give Cyptic a break.People very bias to wards blizzard they fail harder. when their no reliable company these days.

    And the dif with diablo 3 is that it wasnt beta and it wasnt free.Also btw It was aslo blizzard

    oh ps: remeber this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZidgohZaws - 2 bs!!!

    not to mention all of the xp repeatable abuse that went on in game to get maxx level ina few hours.


    so please cyptic is doinga good job.At least they not blizzard.

    u know i right .leave cryptic alone otherwise go play diablo 3.And get 2 bs!!!
    2 Beeezzzzz 2 Beeeeezzzz *SNIPPED*
This discussion has been closed.