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Rokuthy's Hybrid Tanking Build (GF) for End Game PvE (and PvP) content.



  • captainlangercaptainlanger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    where are those blue belts from are they the stuff from being top in pvp ?
  • vaichanavaichana Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    Among other things. I think you can find them very rarely as drops around as well, but it doesn't happen often. Best bet is to try and buy some off the AH. Or just play PvP for points and rack up as many kills/conquests as possible.
  • olavertyolaverty Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just checking for clarification on what weapon in full best in slot is the most optimal between timeless scimitar and ancient?
  • rokuthyrokuthy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 179 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    olaverty wrote: »
    Just checking for clarification on what weapon in full best in slot is the most optimal between timeless scimitar and ancient?

    The Scimitar and Timeless sword are theoretically so close in DPS that it doesn't even matter, so I guess go with whichever one compliments your stats the best. Out of sheer laziness, I'm using the Scimitar for PvP and the Timeless for PvE, mainly because I have different runes/enchants in them and don't feel like buying anything. It's the easiest way for me to swap. Realistically, the Scimitar is probably a little better because of the extra crit/arpen, but like I said, it's so close it doesn't really matter.
    @rokuthy on Mindflayer
    Play my foundry campaign, Vermilion: Spirit of Gevaudan. The first quest, The Desperate Messenger is now available @ NWS-DM44FZM2W
  • mindlessbulkmindlessbulk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have a n 0 0 b question...sorry.

    The drop locations for the stalwart are:

    Helm - Lair of the Mad Dragon
    Gauntlets - Cloak Tower
    Greaves - Cragmire Crypts
    Armor - Throne of Idris

    All of these zones are lower level than me. Do they scale up to your level to get the drop or do you need to scale up the level of the dungeon prior to entering? If so, how do you do this?
  • vaichanavaichana Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    They have an Epic version at level 60, which is the one that drops the T1 pieces.
  • mindlessbulkmindlessbulk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vaichana wrote: »
    They have an Epic version at level 60, which is the one that drops the T1 pieces.

    Thanks...much appreciated
  • captainlangercaptainlanger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    is shield of timeless hero from pirate dungeon delve or is it just random ? only thing i need before all the stuff from castle never.
  • tarlockentarlocken Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wouldn't all the other sources of armor pen, buffs and debuffs from other people in your group, make stacking it unnecessary? Is there any benefit after the boss's defense is at 0?
  • supjeremiahsupjeremiah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 569 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    tarlocken wrote: »
    Wouldn't all the other sources of armor pen, buffs and debuffs from other people in your group, make stacking it unnecessary? Is there any benefit after the boss's defense is at 0?

    It goes into the negatives.
    Envy - 60 Guardian Fighter - Mindflayer

    Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer

    Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide

    Youtube Channel

  • sanctumlolsanctumlol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 382 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It goes into the negatives.

    Yep, ArP from gear/dex takes it to 0, then every other debuff takes it under 0.
  • kr0owekr0owe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    is shield of timeless hero from pirate dungeon delve or is it just random ? only thing i need before all the stuff from castle never.

    I got Timeless Hero Shield from the chest at the pirate dungeon yesterday, i also got Stalwart Bulwark armor and gauntlets from there and i guess you also could get the helmet from there?
  • imagine321imagine321 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is it hard getting the stalwart set? As of doing 15 dungeons i have only gotten the greaves. 6 of the dungeons were under the bonus.
    Do they drop on last boss?

    Where do you get the timeless set?
  • elanithelanith Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its not "hard" <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for 3 of the pieces, just time consuming depending on your luck. The helm is the only "hard" piece to get because you need a good group to down the final boss. They drop off the final boss of the dungeon, or if a dungeon delve is going on it can be in the chest.

    Best way to get your pieces is to run dungeons when dungeon delves are going on as you have 2 chance per run to get it. But w/ w/out dungeon delves it can still take a while, just depends on your luck with random loot.
  • imagine321imagine321 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ah, thanks for the answer :)
  • rokuthyrokuthy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 179 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    kr0owe wrote: »
    I got Timeless Hero Shield from the chest at the pirate dungeon yesterday, i also got Stalwart Bulwark armor and gauntlets from there and i guess you also could get the helmet from there?

    There's definitely a chance at T1 items from T2 chests, I just don't know if it's completely random or if there's some sort of system to it.
    @rokuthy on Mindflayer
    Play my foundry campaign, Vermilion: Spirit of Gevaudan. The first quest, The Desperate Messenger is now available @ NWS-DM44FZM2W
  • jaecernjaecern Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank you for ya time to make one. I'm currently using this build but I'm stuck with Indomitable Set since I still suck at the loony dragon raid. Great build! For that I give ya 5 imaginary stars: * * * * * ;)
  • sickboyddosickboyddo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    in the guide (the feats screenshoot) shows that you have 23 heroic point, I only have 20

  • rokuthyrokuthy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 179 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    sickboyddo wrote: »
    in the guide (the feats screenshoot) shows that you have 23 heroic point, I only have 20

    Human racial bonus.
    @rokuthy on Mindflayer
    Play my foundry campaign, Vermilion: Spirit of Gevaudan. The first quest, The Desperate Messenger is now available @ NWS-DM44FZM2W
  • sickboyddosickboyddo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thank you for the answer

    but sadly i've done a mistake with the feats, ive spent 150k diamonds on Respect, and when ive spent the points to follow the guide i havent seen that he had 23 points.

    I thought meaby the extra points he gets were from a special quest or something :(, and one of the points i've missed is the (3rd feat of the 3erd Row), and I think that this feat is the most important one in the build, because triggers Maximum extra HP when you are Healed.

    I think that I have to do another respect,

    Thank you anyways, your guide is awsome :D
  • sickboyddosickboyddo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    EDIT: 2 post :(.
  • sanctumlolsanctumlol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 382 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    sickboyddo wrote: »
    thank you for the answer

    but sadly i've done a mistake with the feats, ive spent 150k diamonds on Respect, and when ive spent the points to follow the guide i havent seen that he had 23 points.

    I thought meaby the extra points he gets were from a special quest or something :(, and one of the points i've missed is the (3rd feat of the 3erd Row), and I think that this feat is the most important one in the build, because triggers Maximum extra HP when you are Healed.

    I think that I have to do another respect,

    Thank you anyways, your guide is awsome :D

    In my humbe opinion, these 20 are the most important feats: http://i.imgur.com/vbyFk0m.jpg
  • rokuthyrokuthy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 179 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    sanctumlol wrote: »
    In my humbe opinion, these 20 are the most important feats: http://i.imgur.com/vbyFk0m.jpg

    Endorsed. Perfect for all non-humans.
    @rokuthy on Mindflayer
    Play my foundry campaign, Vermilion: Spirit of Gevaudan. The first quest, The Desperate Messenger is now available @ NWS-DM44FZM2W
  • humunguzhumunguz Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2013
    and how is it with the Knight Captain set, with arpen as set bonus... is anyone using it? I think its good for pvp, isnt it ?
  • b45h74571cb45h74571c Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sanctumlol wrote: »
    In my humbe opinion, these 20 are the most important feats: http://i.imgur.com/vbyFk0m.jpg

    okay, now i need to delete my feats and try it again because im new to the game and i didnt know the difference between human feats and other races feats. well, im just lvl 23, but ive got a question about one of your chosen feats: ive heard, that gf's have got problems with getting enough threat and its hard to tank, so why did you just pick 1 instead of all 3 from potent challenge? does one still gain enough threat without the extra 10%?

    and the other question i still have, well, its a **** question, bout how can i get these astral diamants for respeccing my feats? i know it costs 12,5k diamants, but ive got 1,4k from a quest and i dont know where to get more^^ and maybe im mistaken, but i think that the respeccing costs were like 11,xk at lvl 22, so do the costs raise with my level?
  • stagonokratorasstagonokratoras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ok first things first.

    At lvl 23 u can make a new char. IF u do not want to(and it is perfectly understood, trust me) u can respec your feats(ONLY your feats, not your powers too) for an X amount of Astral Diamonds(aka ADs) which indeed increases as u lvl up.
    U can get ADs from:
    -completing daily quests(skirmish, pvp, dungeon and Foundry) which u can find by pressing L(by default) and clicking at the bottom right image displaying "Daily quests" or something like that,
    -praying(ctrl+I by default)
    -and finally professions(N by default) in some specific crafts that indicate ADs as a reward.

    Now to answer your first question: Nop...tanks do not tend to tank THAT much in NW. And even if they DO tank they use raw damage to do so. Threat mechanics in NW(mark) are a bit messed up as they are removed from the target as soon as u do not block EVERY SINGLE FREAKING hit from EACH target marked. So if for example I mark a boss(mark increases threat gain on the target) and the boss manages to land even a single hit on me, then my mark is gone and I need to re-apply it. Now imagine that on multiple mobs.
    We get 2 mechanics to apply mark on multiple mobs:
    a) Enforced threat: encounter power with target limit and cd and
    b)Threatening rush: at will Single Target power that marks the main target and everything that is close to it.
    again mark is lost if u get hit.
    The result of these mechanics is that in order to keep our mark on everything we need to block everything. Blocking though leaves room for just 2 skills that u get along with your Tab skill(mark). A stabby stabby attack that generates more threat, and a skill similar to tide of iron but with less dmg,5% block meter increase instead of 10%, and no 10% more dmg debuff. Every other skill u have cannot be used while holding shift!!!
    Thus most of us(GFs) tend to play the damage dealer AoE role with Rokuthy here being the perfect example of what can a GF do damage-wise.
    I truly hope they fix tanking as when I too started the game I thought I would get to cover every1 with my ridiculously big tower shield while the rest of the party would unload their raging fury on the enemies...not that I complain now that we can pull that much AoE dmg, but I thought that would be what Great Weapon Fighters were supposed to do ;(

    I hope I did not tire u too much and that I managed to answer some of your questions,

    see ya all online,
    Stagonas aka ItankUSpank@Stagonokratoras,playing at Dragon :)
  • b45h74571cb45h74571c Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    first of all, thank you very much for this informative answer, thats way more than i expected. i think starting a new char would be the best option for me, because lvl 23 is not that high, even if it lasts 3days+ for me, but it would be still easier than farming astral diamants and stay on lvl 23, because the price raises pretty much each lvl up, as i tested some minutes ago, i became lvl 24 and the price raised from 12,5 to 14k or something like that, so id need to stay on lvl 23 until ill get the 12k diamans which would last around 3-6days. but ill come to this point lateron :)

    well, thats really interesting, especially that threat is gonna be removed after the mob hits me. i thought it would be like in other mmos were the tank (normally) has got enough threat the hole fight long, but not that he has to start threatening like every 5 seconds. to be honest, thats a little sad. id enjoyed playing a tank for many years in many mmos so i thought it would be the same for nw. but i wont blame them! they made a nice game with some good ideas, and i should probably just change my oppinion and playstyle.
    so, when you say that gf's tend to be more dd's than tanks in this game, id probably go for a real dd class, or is the gf goos as a dps class, because, you know, for me it sounds a bit like the gf would be too bad for tanking, probably coz of the (broken?) skillsystem, but is maybe also not that good for dps.
    i guess ill think about this for a while, because on the other hand i really enjoyed leveling with my gf and honestly its one of the few classes, which has good looking races :) yes, i know, every class can pick every race, but id like to max out the best out of my char and a dwarf was a good solution for a gf. for tr's (which id maybe taken instead of the gf) it is half-orc or tiefling, which i personally dont like that much...

    so again thank you very much for your answer and i hope its not too much offtopic in my post
  • sanctumlolsanctumlol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 382 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    b45h74571c wrote: »
    okay, now i need to delete my feats and try it again because im new to the game and i didnt know the difference between human feats and other races feats. well, im just lvl 23, but ive got a question about one of your chosen feats: ive heard, that gf's have got problems with getting enough threat and its hard to tank, so why did you just pick 1 instead of all 3 from potent challenge? does one still gain enough threat without the extra 10%?

    and the other question i still have, well, its a **** question, bout how can i get these astral diamants for respeccing my feats? i know it costs 12,5k diamants, but ive got 1,4k from a quest and i dont know where to get more^^ and maybe im mistaken, but i think that the respeccing costs were like 11,xk at lvl 22, so do the costs raise with my level?

    Because my feats are about maximizing dmg. More dmg=more threat anyways.
  • malvoumalvou Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    where are those blue belts from are they the stuff from being top in pvp ?

    Would like an answer for this too.

    With the AH offline, trying to find a way to get the Occult belt.

    Was recently outbid on one too :|
  • captainlangercaptainlanger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    malvou wrote: »
    Would like an answer for this too.

    With the AH offline, trying to find a way to get the Occult belt.

    Was recently outbid on one too :|

    i have been getting a few blue items when i come top in pvp. haven't got the right ones yet but i do get one everytime i'm top. if your having trouble getting top try to concentrate on capping points, 300 points compared to 50 for a kill you will most likely be top for a lot of games, and if your following this build then you will easily be getting kills on top of the capping points :D then all it takes is praying for the right ones or find it once the AH is back up.
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