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FAQ - AD/AH Exploit Follow-Up



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    cgeorgemocgeorgemo Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bluedarky wrote: »
    PWE wouldn't have to issue refunds, just restore the Zen on the servers, last time I checked you purchased Zen with real money and so long as the Zen is returned after a wipe PWE are not obligated to refund anyone.
    Then they should wipe and give back the Zen and restore Founders Packs once "Open Beta" is over. I'm still hoping for a new server if they don't wipe everything.
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    syrumsyrum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 168 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Well, can we at least have an ETA on being able to access our AD from our Founder Packs? I only withdrew the specific amounts I needed for various purchases... so, yeah. May I have my AD please?
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    manathayriamanathayria Member Posts: 124 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Diablo is full live. I believe they've been out almost a year, and yes they've had some fairly massive issues with their auction house. There it is an outright 'pay whatever the guy requesting asks' for items. With a random loot generator that leaves you praying for ideal stats even on a legendary you may see some of the top end gear going for 25$ per piece or better. They really do have outright 'pay to win' with a large factor from random loot. There the players were requesting a roll back to the point where the exploit was found and used. They did give numbers on those that used it - 415 players in total - and they did choose to ban those that held gold for the individuals exploiting the bug.

    They had their issues on the 10th of May. after patch 1.0.8.

    This portion of Blizzard's reaction to their issues made me giggle: "This means that if your account was not involved in the exploit, you will get to keep your items and gold, as well as any money you received from sales on the real-money Auction House. We'll also be donating all proceeds from auctions conducted by the suspended or banned players—including all of THEIR sale proceeds that we intercepted as well as our transaction fee—to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. "

    TL;DR: Blizzard has similar screw ups and their a bigger company that's dealt with this on a massive scale. It is not just PWE/Cryptic that have it happen. But **** if they didn't have a sense of humor with theirs.
    /Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
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    genryu20genryu20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2
    edited May 2013
    lol Are you people still at it?
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    komilankomilan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    not happy with solution, had spent real money on game, not any more, will consider over next few days if i want to continou to play this game
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    anur86anur86 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any word on our consignments that were posted on the Auction House and bids that we had and were ending soon? Will the auction times be reset or allowed to end and the items sent out?
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    manathayriamanathayria Member Posts: 124 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    cgeorgemo wrote: »
    Then they should wipe and give back the Zen and restore Founders Packs once "Open Beta" is over. I'm still hoping for a new server if they don't wipe everything.

    Their intent from everything I've been reading is to collapse the servers down to one. PWE does not seem to want us all separate, which means it would function much like GW did without the separation of zone chats within town.
    /Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
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    jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ahh, good on Blizzard! They didn't do the rollback though, did they? Then again, I'm not sure how long the exploit was being heavily used in Diablo's case. A seven hour rollback stinks, but one of several days would suck at epic levels. Oh well. I'm please by their decision to donate the ill-gotten/ill-used funds. Good call on their part!
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    jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    komilan wrote: »
    not happy with solution, had spent real money on game, not any more, will consider over next few days if i want to continou to play this game

    Did you actually lose anything that you spent real money on?
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    manathayriamanathayria Member Posts: 124 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    They did individual rollbacks, banned those guilty (and guilty by association). After confirming the bug their AH was down about three days if what I'm reading into on the forums is accurate as it appears, and full audits were still being done on the 10th. If they'd done the roll backs it probably would have erased three days worth of work for most players. They did not do the mass rollbacks we've seen here, however, blizzard has done them in the past.

    @anur86; They said the auctions will expire as normal, you will get items, or AD back as they bring them online - when they bring them online.

    I would assume it will take a few days for the audits and rollbacks to complete on the guilty parties - and I am going to hope that if your items were 'bought' with duped AD you'll end up with the item back - not the AD. Up to them which way they want to pull it though...
    /Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
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    genryu20genryu20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2
    edited May 2013
    Wonders how much longer people are going to threaten quit on a game thats only like a month old haha.
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    swell1swell1 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    anur86 wrote: »
    Any word on our consignments that were posted on the Auction House and bids that we had and were ending soon? Will the auction times be reset or allowed to end and the items sent out?


    in the above link u will see the classic FAQ's of the ages.

    Like this old fiddle stomper:
    Q: What will happen to auctions that expired during the rollback window?

    A: We do not anticipate that Auction House items will be lost. All items posted on the Auction House are still there, but do not show up as the Auction House is currently offline.

    Edit* I just realized... I linked the first page of THIS thread... *Sigh* Read then ask questions, not the other way around folks. Being able to ask a good question, is the finest skill any human can refine.
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    vitaminaminvitaminamin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cyberkat wrote: »

    We are in open beta. You know what the word beta means?

    I know what beta means...it means you are testing a game that isn't charging you for anything. Being that the item mall is open and they are charging people real money...this is no longer a beta. Oh dear sheep do follow blindly don't they?

    Peace out!
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    ctdummy80ctdummy80 Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2013
    I don't know how other's feel about this, but I am of the opinion that all items on the AH should be returned to their owners due to the fact that we don't know what affects there still might be on the games economy. I would like to not see items immediately bought out and resold for inflated prices by people who have still managed to profit from this.
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    cardew1cardew1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just my two cents worth here ...
    Like others, I have also been grinding away trying to level in an honest way. Have sold stuff and bought stuff (again, in the honest way), and will also be a little pee'd off having to do this all again ... BUT
    in all honesty, the right thing to do is re-imburse the players who bought zen with real money and do a complete wipe.
    Yes, this will mean that Cryptic / PWE will lose loads of funds from those who have already invested in the game ... but at the same time, will go a long way in showing the community that you strive to provide honest and enjoyable gameplay.
    Believe me, those players who are here for the enjoyment, will be angry, but will no doubt stay with the game, as it will once again be fair to all, without having to compete against exploited items stashed and re-introduced into the game by those exploiters at a later stage. Also, with the small rollback as you have currently done, it is my opinion that you are only shooting yourselves in the foot because honestly, few players have confidence in the economy recovery with the small amount of hours rolled back. Will these players be spending real life money on your game again with the current rollback and insecurity? I think not ... so over time you will be losing much more than if you do the right thing upfront.

    Like I said ... just my two cents worth ...


    I completely agree with this!
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    etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Did you actually lose anything that you spent real money on?

    Time spent is money lost. People actually paying for NW are just spending more :P
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
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    paganhawkpaganhawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know what beta means...it means you are testing a game that isn't charging you for anything. Being that the item mall is open and they are charging people real money...this is no longer a beta. Oh dear sheep do follow blindly don't they?

    Peace out!

    Looked up beta in the mirriam-webster dicionary online....

    Definition of BETA
    1: the 2d letter of the Greek alphabet — see alphabet table
    2: beta particle
    3: a measure of the risk potential of a stock or an investment portfolio expressed as a ratio of the stock's or portfolio's volatility to the volatility of the market as a whole
    4: a nearly complete prototype of a product (as software) <released in beta> <the beta version>

    Nowhere does it say anything about NOT charging money for it...... #4 to save your precious time.....

    Hmmmm, how did you say it? Oh yeah.... "Peace Out!"
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    kazanlikkazanlik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xavrath wrote: »
    You obviously do not understand how DHCP works. DHCP will always seek to give you back the same IP address that you have been given previously. The only way that you do not get the same IP address back again is to stay offline long enough to let somebody else get assigned that address. Depending on how your ISP configures their DHCP settings that could mean that you need to stay offline for days before you will get a different IP address.
    I understand it well enough to know that banning solely on the IP is not smart, which was the base of my comment. Even if it took a few months it to change will catch someone one innocent (maybe) for no good reason, when anyone truly determined to get around a ban is going to do so with relatively little problem. Lastly, I know that 1 time out of every 5 that I reboot my router it get's a new IP from the pool. I do watch and record them since to RDP into my home from the office I have to use the IP itself not some DNS friendly name. anyways this is a long time in reply and is basically a dead horse. My last word in it. Be safe. :)
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    chrispybrownchrispybrown Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There are several ways to ban a computer which can consist of identifying hardware and software, but yes, there are ways around that, but that will be a very small minority of people.

    I too agree with a wipe and the sooner the better before I regret saying it.
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    hedas8hedas8 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2013
    "We know that character progress matters in Neverwinter, so as an apology for the lost time and as profound thanks for your continued support throughout this Beta, we are putting together a package of items to give everyone. We plan to distribute this towards the middle or end of this coming week, possibly on Friday 5/24."

    hmmm, do i get 10 lockboxes or 100 party poppers? if I'm lucky both!
    "Vera libertas dissipabis omnem tantibus" me.
    Hedas 60 GWF.
    Hrod 60 GF.
    Alain Loreweaver 60 CW.
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    divinedingdivineding Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i notice there is a maintenance today . What are the patch notes? Any heads up would be cool
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    dmchaosmainlinedmchaosmainline Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rawsome83 wrote: »
    Oh and a tip for the "care package": It should include a title; "Cat-aclysm Survivor"

    AND a taxidermed feline hindquarters mounted on a plaque... Cat-***-trophy... Catastrophe.
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    talbert06talbert06 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It still says im the same level as i was after playing but i dont have skill points speced into the abilities i spent them on yet at the bottom it says ive spent 35 skill points but i only have 23 into my build and none to spend what do i do about this?
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    ashah78ashah78 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Good JOB guys ... I don't want to play a game with people faking the economy and can u parade the bodies of the bad guys in a market hahaha and throw rotten tomatos at them too .... :D
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    ashah78ashah78 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just means grind more hahahahaha .... but I hate exploiters ... they don't work for the loot like we do. So good job Neverwinter..... Death to the zombies.
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    nowwithlimenowwithlime Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It sucks that it had to resort to a rollback because players that found a exploit decided to exploit it with disregard to everyone else. But I am glad to see that you care enough to try to fix this problem and did so in a timely manner with out resorting to a full on wipe.

    Thanks again for your work.
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    karn89karn89 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So just wondering, what will be in the pack, hopefully another character slot.... I mean 2 is kinda harsh, you have 5 classes to choose from 6 soon, and can start with only two? Anyone else think a character slot would be a good thing in the pack, more characters means more play time and more of a chance for PWE to make some money on this awesome game.
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    blankman261blankman261 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have read many posts on numerous sites and I also find this bug has been in the game for a long time. Only reason it was acted upon so fast at this point was because it was going to cut into real money profits. It has been shown on other posts screen shots of the same bug in STO, so it is safe to assume this was a copied code from that game and it is safe to assume it was a known issue from the development side. I have lost all trust in this game and it's companies that make and support it.
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    bulwyfbaldursonbulwyfbaldurson Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is there any word on when the auction house will open up again? The roll back kinda sucked saying I sarted sat night and then all this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> happened. I understand their decision but still. now I cant even do the auction house mission... :(
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    pbearpbear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    I have a question. With this not being the only exploit in the game that affects the community, why does PWI continuously back the no shard wipe? Characters level to 60 by afk pvp and through foundry exploits. This in itself is an economy destroyer, with a bunch of cheaters essentially building the economy I will level into. Not to mention the fact the exploit used to farm a certain boss, over and over and over again, to gain as many rare items as they want. Then you have this AD debacle that has completely and utterly destroyed the economy. So, we have a bunch of level 60s who cheated to get there, a bunch of these cheaters at level 60 who cheated to fatten their wallets in game, and now a broken game in "beta" taking anyone and everyone's money's, then turning around and not listening to these very same people, who are begging for a server wipe. You have a funny way of supporting your supporting customers, and I have a feeling you will be losing a lot more money by not wiping the shards, than if you do wipe the shards. The people who love the game will level up to 60 again, the correct way, the only people who will quit are going to be the cheaters, you know the guys we don't want in the game anyways. So, be smart PWI, wipe the servers, make your customers happy, they will return the favor. Much more so than a bunch of exploiters who you are currently supporting, and they will bring your ship down.
This discussion has been closed.