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FAQ - AD/AH Exploit Follow-Up



  • paganhawkpaganhawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    solyad1 wrote: »
    And they likely won't refund that either so what difference does it make?

    (Sighs and shakes head)
  • alek340alek340 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Contact support and explain the situation. I doubt that they were reviewing tickets last night as they were trying to fix this, and you unfortunately got caught in the cross-fire. That really sucks. But give them a chance to fix it before you go screaming to Reddit.

    You are right, I need to give them a chance. Unfortunately I have been trying to connect to the support page all morning and it won't load the page. I'm assuming it's bogged down with a lot of traffic.
  • vierzweinullvierzweinull Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Will we be refunded our posting prices on the Auction House? It's not our fault that they're going to expire; I find a loss of my posting prices to be unfair for sure, it's a risk I take to sell it, and it's having to stay up there and -not- sell b/c of exploiters. I won't lose "grand" amounts of AD b/c I wasn't posting anything at unreasonable prices, but I'm also "small time" without endgame characters, so a small loss is a big thing.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Said it at the very beginning, I'll say it again.

    This is why you don't include a cash shop and let people make purchases in an OPEN BETA.

    When game breaking bugs are found, tis much easier to fix than if people have spent money on a broken product.

    Why people would spend money in an incomplete and broken game flummoxes me in the first place.

    Good thing I never spent a dime. Won't until the game goes officially live, either. If it ever makes it that far.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • edgenwedgenw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 124 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    clcmercy wrote: »
    Said it at the very beginning, I'll say it again.

    This is why you don't include a cash shop and let people make purchases in an OPEN BETA.

    When game breaking bugs are found, tis much easier to fix than if people have spent money on a broken product.

    Why people would spend money in an incomplete and broken game flummoxes me in the first place.

    Good thing I never spent a dime. Won't until the game goes officially live, either. If it ever makes it that far.

    You're kidding yourself if you think the game breaking bugs will cease the moment the open beta tag is removed from the game.
  • solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    xavrath wrote: »
    But aren't you pointing out exactly those things that indicate they are still in beta? I agree that such game breaking problems should be fixed before a game is released. I think the big problem really comes from the insistence that they are not going to do any wipes while open beta is happening. That is what gives the impression that this is a "soft" release. If there were not any big problems that broke the game so thoroughly they probably could get away without wipes. After this round of problems I am starting to doubt that they can hold to the promise of no wipes.

    On one hand they will make a lot of people mad with a wipe, but they will restore the integrity of the game, barring that no more game breaking issues arise. On the other hand, if there is no wipe, many players will have serious doubts about the integrity of the game economy.

    The real truth is that it doesn't matter over the long term if there is a wipe or not. In both scenarios they will be able to build back their trust if the game gets fixed and no more big problems happen. I have to admit that seems unlikely at this juncture. There are likely to be several more big issues that are game breaking.

    My advice to Cryptic is that they announce that there will be a wipe at some point in the future. The wipe should happen after Cryptic/PWE is confident that the game is stable and mark the end of open beta. Cryptic should refund all zen spent during this open beta period and start the game fresh as the official release.

    I agree that they need to wipe and start over. There is very little chance they find a significant portion of the counterfeit AD and even less chance that they actually find the legitimate items purchased with the counterfeit AD to launder it.

    If they need to wipe, they better do it sooner rather than later. The people that don't understand the need will be outraged either way, but I can assure you they will be exponentially more outraged if PW waits another few days or a week to make this decision. Do it, refund the Zen, and bring the game back up when it is fixed. Piecemeal fixes will accomplish nothing and they will lose even more credibility if they wait to take the medicine. Do it now, get it over with, and start the very complicated job of rebuilding your reputation with your playerbase.
  • jstncheney1jstncheney1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love how perfect Perfect World is.
  • curahnolcurahnol Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    It was our original goal to avoid doing a rollback, but unfortunately we discovered that this was the only way to ensure that any illegitimate currency was removed from the game in a manner that was fair to all players.

    Just a thought, but what about calculating how many diamonds a player could have, given a top rate of approx 5000 per day, add 10-15 % to account for AH sales, and anything over that is gone. If you had more than 2 times the max amount, your account is investigated and if you had taken the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> on AH, you get banned. Seems fairer than a roll back imo. You'd have punished the exploiters when leaving the honest players alone, most likely. Some honest players could possibly have lost, but not that many I'm guessing. Instead you've hurt everyone. How is that fairer?
  • mrbadilatormrbadilator Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6
    edited May 2013
    I had about 3.9k-4k zen / 1.400.000 ad, some in zen some in AD listed for sale at various prices Saturday.
    now the exchange reports no transactions, I have about 500k AD in listings for sale and I do not see anything to withdraw.
  • unixorunixor Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    solyad1 wrote: »
    I agree that they need to wipe and start over. There is very little chance they find a significant portion of the counterfeit AD and even less chance that they actually find the legitimate items purchased with the counterfeit AD to launder it.

    If they need to wipe, they better do it sooner rather than later. The people that don't understand the need will be outraged either way, but I can assure you they will be exponentially more outraged if PW waits another few days or a week to make this decision. Do it, refund the Zen, and bring the game back up when it is fixed. Piecemeal fixes will accomplish nothing and they will lose even more credibility if they wait to take the medicine. Do it now, get it over with, and start the very complicated job of rebuilding your reputation with your playerbase.

    How about they fix the bug, ban exploiter and their associates accounts and open a new servers for all you care bears wanting a wipe? Because I for one don't have time or desire to go through lvling my toons and profs again.
  • aevlomaevlom Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clcmercy wrote: »
    Said it at the very beginning, I'll say it again.

    This is why you don't include a cash shop and let people make purchases in an OPEN BETA.

    When game breaking bugs are found, tis much easier to fix than if people have spent money on a broken product.

    Why people would spend money in an incomplete and broken game flummoxes me in the first place.

    Good thing I never spent a dime. Won't until the game goes officially live, either. If it ever makes it that far.

    The problem is that you're still buying the claim that this is an "open beta". It's not. Open betas have data/character wipes before release. This is a full blown release with "open beta" stamped on it to lessen criticism of a game not ready/polished.
  • solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    unixor wrote: »
    How about they fix the bug, ban exploiter and their associates accounts and open a new servers for all you care bears wanting a wipe? Because I for one don't have time or desire to go through lvling my toons and profs again.

    Carebear because I want a game that isn't full of conterfeit currency and items purchased with counterfeit currency? Carebear because I want a game that isn't full of exploits and major system failures? If I'm a carebear, I have no idea what you are, but if you're happy being served a dog terd wrapped in plastic wrap and being told it's a Tootsie Roll, ENJOY you are welcome to it.
  • lordbane40lordbane40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic had reports of the game-ruining bugs BEFORE releasing "Open Beta" and didn't fix them. They released the "Open Beta" knowing the game would be exploited immediately and legit players and paying customers would be screwed from the get go. THAT IS WHAT BURNS ME THE MOST. THEY KNEW!

    Then, when they get the chance to set things right (e.g. announce a new server being launched with all the exploits fixed, then once ready, a full wipe of the exploited shards and refund of Zen people bought legitimately and their Founder rewards restored for the fixed servers), they waffle and take the cowards way out.

    Thanks to their string of horrible decisions and utter incompetence, the exploiters and gold farming sites have destroyed a game not even a month into it's life.
  • nojnornojnor Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This isn't specifically about the fixes or how effective they will be. I just love seeing all the posts that have the lines "All the hard work" I put in leveling my toon or farming AD. As soon as the words "hard work" go through your mind when it comes to a video game, its time to re-evaluate your life choices, maybe step away from the mouse and go outside for a bit. As soon as something that is supposed to be for entertainment starts to feel even remotely like work (not even hard work) and is no longer fun, I call it quits.

    I'm also wondering as to what the reaction is of the folks that used the exploit. It would seem to me that they are much like trolls and are just sitting back and laughing at all this craziness they helped cause.
  • yuuxuuyuuxuu Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    May 6 at 6:15am at facebook site, one man posted the bug. U can see it even now. I will not post the site here were i did find this news, but gonna post what he wrote.
    Myself and several of my guild mates reported the exploit, in game, both the day the open beta started, and 2 days later again when it appeared we were ignored. I even personally went so far as to post on the forums, facebook, & twitter that I had found a exploit that could destroy the economy, and asked that someone contact me for details. No one ever contacted me at all about any of it.

    I was asked for proof of this so I dug up one of the facebook posts I made in regards to it on May6th. Given prior attempts to report this exploit had gone on deaf ears, I actually posted it in response to a "how was your NW weekend" post that one of the Cryptic employee's was being active in in hopes that I would actually get some attention. Needless to say, my post was ignored like all of the others.

    I found a potentially game breaking bug that could pretty much destroy the economy of the game. But can't get ahold of anyone to discuss it with. Have left bug reports, support tickets, and even posted on the forums that someone get in contact with me.
  • xavrathxavrath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    unixor wrote: »
    How about they fix the bug, ban exploiter and their associates accounts and open a new servers for all you care bears wanting a wipe? Because I for one don't have time or desire to go through lvling my toons and profs again.

    Oh give me a break! Leveling is so fast in this game that it is a joke! You can level from 1-60 in a couple days if you put the time in. If you don't have the time then it may take you all of two or three weeks, absolute maximum. Wow, that is such a major imposition! If you are complaining about that then you obviously have no plans on playing this game for very long anyway and losing you really isn't much of a problem.
  • xavrathxavrath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    nojnor wrote: »
    This isn't specifically about the fixes or how effective they will be. I just love seeing all the posts that have the lines "All the hard work" I put in leveling my toon or farming AD. As soon as the words "hard work" go through your mind when it comes to a video game, its time to re-evaluate your life choices, maybe step away from the mouse and go outside for a bit. As soon as something that is supposed to be for entertainment starts to feel even remotely like work (not even hard work) and is no longer fun, I call it quits.

    I'm also wondering as to what the reaction is of the folks that used the exploit. It would seem to me that they are much like trolls and are just sitting back and laughing at all this craziness they helped cause.

    I had to laugh when I read your post. All the nerd drama over the possibility of a wipe is amazing. Whether they wipe the characters or not makes no difference. The people that like the game will stay and the people that get mad will have a decision to make. The people that get mad and quit over a character wipe should start realizing that even if there were a wipe, it is so fast to level in this game that you could get back to level 60 after the wipe and still have a quarter of the time invested that it took to get a WoW toon to 60.
  • sqbi87sqbi87 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Shi** I logged in today and what do I see? My character is lower lvl and don't have all items. GG Neverwinter great solution just rollback everyone on the server...I'm out!
  • ambermajambermaj Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aevlom wrote: »
    The problem is that you're still buying the claim that this is an "open beta". It's not. Open betas have data/character wipes before release. This is a full blown release with "open beta" stamped on it to lessen criticism of a game not ready/polished.

    Massively calls these types of 'Open Betas' a Soft Launch. I think the name kinda fits.
    Cuz you sebestimated me!
  • scry6escry6e Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It is simply amazing, well... not really, how quickly (and how many people) jump right to gloom and doom and/or I'm quitting, or I want some cash back, or even suggesting the game is on the verge of death or people are leaving all of the time.

    Of course people are leaving, some people just don't dig it, or they suck. Who cares. I don't.

    I like the game, it's a beta, and if it wasn't a beta, it is still a fledgling game. These things happen and will probably happen a few more times. I for one would just prefer to see all the whiners take a hike. Maybe a different game would take them back and those who enjoy this game can just do so without a bunch of negativity.

    Or, i can just play and not look at the chat window, which is usually the best answer anyhow.
  • scry6escry6e Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    by way of example...

    @ sqbi87

    "Shi** I logged in today and what do I see? My character is lower lvl and don't have all items. GG Neverwinter great solution just rollback everyone on the server...I'm out! "

    Later days!
  • unixorunixor Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xavrath wrote: »
    Oh give me a break! Leveling is so fast in this game that it is a joke! You can level from 1-60 in a couple days if you put the time in. If you don't have the time then it may take you all of two or three weeks, absolute maximum. Wow, that is such a major imposition! If you are complaining about that then you obviously have no plans on playing this game for very long anyway and losing you really isn't much of a problem.
    xavrath wrote: »
    I had to laugh when I read your post. All the nerd drama over the possibility of a wipe is amazing. Whether they wipe the characters or not makes no difference. The people that like the game will stay and the people that get mad will have a decision to make. The people that get mad and quit over a character wipe should start realizing that even if there were a wipe, it is so fast to level in this game that you could get back to level 60 after the wipe and still have a quarter of the time invested that it took to get a WoW toon to 60.

    Double post - the new caps lock! True forum warrior. You can have as many breaks or laughs as you want - but character wipe isn't a solution here. They can trace back the currency flow from exploiter accounts back to the last gem and that\s what they're doing.. I hope.
  • mullacllahdoowmullacllahdoow Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I appreciate it must be difficult to estimate, but is there any approximation as to how long before the AH re-opens? As in are we talking a matter of hours, another day or two, or up to a week from now etc?
  • lordbane40lordbane40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    Without a full wipe, if you are a legit player who actually spent money on the game, especially if you used ZEN to buy AD on the exchange, you are getting screwed by Cryptic and the script kiddies that exploited from day 1 to ruin the economy and the end game for legit players. I don't feel like re-leveling all of my toons either, but the current state of affairs is unacceptable.
  • ajh101ajh101 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lordbane40 wrote: »
    Without a full wipe, if you are a legit player who actually spent money on the game, especially if you used ZEN to buy AD on the exchange, you are getting screwed by Cryptic and the script kiddies that exploited from day 1 to ruin the economy and the end game for legit players. I don't feel like re-leveling all of my toons either, but the current state of affairs is unacceptable.

    It's BETA !!!!

    Firstly - Well done Dev's for sorting!

    If some of you are STUPID enough to pay real money for Zen in BETA.. Well, other than a Disclaimer maybe required to point out the S word above, serves you right..

    I can't wait for the torrent of abuse aimed at Dev's when game goes live ! OMG, You mean I have to start again (sob).

    WTF ppl.. I hope all the haters do leave.. Let's call it "Natural Selection" :D
  • skylia120410skylia120410 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    solyad1 wrote: »
    And they likely won't refund that either so what difference does it make?

    actually the Zen I purchased with my CC at 9:00 AM EST or around there which is after rollback was all there when I logged in this morning including the boxes I had opened so YES THEY DID ROLLBACK ZEN!
    Character handle:@skylia120410
    GWF GUIDE SITE: Still being worked on not 60 yet
    Divine Misfits (one of the Guild Leaders)(Guild Site Manager)
  • ciridaeciridae Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I lost zen and 250k AD as a result of the roll back. The zen was used to open nightmare lockboxes and the AD was in a bid on gear on the AH. I dont have the zen and I did not get my AD from the bid. This is getting ridiculous. First they have all these problems with exploits and now they can't even do a proper rollback. I opened tickets with support but seeing as how PWE support is one of the worst in the industry, I probably wont even get a response. What a terrible experience.
  • mmosoulmmosoul Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lordbane40 wrote: »
    Without a full wipe, if you are a legit player who actually spent money on the game, especially if you used ZEN to buy AD on the exchange, you are getting screwed by Cryptic and the script kiddies that exploited from day 1 to ruin the economy and the end game for legit players. I don't feel like re-leveling all of my toons either, but the current state of affairs is unacceptable.

    They could wipe everyone's funds without wiping the toons, leave us at level and put us all is base level greens for our level with a set amount of gold and AD. I would much rather them do that then what they did but the fact of the matter remains. They didn't give a dang about it until it ballooned in open chat. The few exploiters that were doing it only helped them by inflating the economy. It wasn't until the masses figured out what was going on and started trying it that they acted. The bug came from STO they knew about it already. But when the masses found out then nobody would need to buy anything from them so they had to fix it. The economy was screwed long before the last few hours that they rolled back and will be from now on. They might ban the main accounts but all of the funds have been laundered. It would cost them boatloads of cash to trace all of that down. They will ban a few accounts to appease the masses and not even touch the mule accounts with all the loot. Eventually all the hype will go away and it will only be mentioned in a random conversation. Exploiters win, we all lose. Our only hope is that the game gets so big they need to add a new server but then if they allow transfers then that economy will be screwed as well. Another game that failed before it "launched".
    ajh101 wrote: »
    It's BETA !!!!

    Firstly - Well done Dev's for sorting!

    If some of you are STUPID enough to pay real money for Zen in BETA.. Well, other than a Disclaimer maybe required to point out the S word above, serves you right..

    I can't wait for the torrent of abuse aimed at Dev's when game goes live ! OMG, You mean I have to start again (sob).

    WTF ppl.. I hope all the haters do leave.. Let's call it "Natural Selection" :D

    It's NOT beta. Game developers are using that as a ploy to get double press. They get talked about on a lot more pages that way. It's a publicity stunt no more. Without a wipe at the end then it's live not beta. We get to play with the same toon from now on, we lose nothing, how much more live can it get aside from not having all the bugs from being released before it was ready. They know if they said there was going to be a wipe they would get less people and less people buying from the market.
  • darksxdarksx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I love how they tell us that they want to preserver the integrity of the economy, and don't get me wrong, I'm glad those who abused the system got banned. but its strikes me rather odd that there really is no way to ensure the integrity of the Astral Diamond Economy when someone can easily purchase tons of Zen if they desired and flood the market with Diamonds buying items.

    I know that not everyone will do this, but again, some rich kid or person **** well can do that if they desired to. In reality there is no way at all that this economy can be preserved when you have a real money market on hand for those to use.
  • jukejointjezebeljukejointjezebel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    double post
This discussion has been closed.