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FAQ - AD/AH Exploit Follow-Up



  • melanducciomelanduccio Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sorry guys, from my point of view, the software house failed, big time too. I don't feel like playing anymore, all the feedbacks previously given are proof enough to me that you were aware of the situation. Also the solution you have found sounds something like "Oh geee, there was a big problem with the economy in game, but no worries, here's a tiny rollback and an additional cookie for you".
    Sorry, I deserve more than that and with this I have decided to leave the game. I am just one in a million probably and I know you won't care at all. Personally I've been feeling like I used to in WoW, where being and hardcore raider meant most likely to undergo all the crappy decisions of the game management. One of the reasons that lead me to change was in fact this one, now I don't see any point in continuing here.

  • lessietronlessietron Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In my opinion, though a ballsy move.. a wipe would be a better strategy for the future of this game long run.Thing is that none of the players know how much duped AD sinked in the economy and there's no way of knowing even with official announcements. I think i'm speaking for many gamers that like to pay to have an edge that this economy has lost its credit as is, and no amounts of official reassuring will convince most of them that their dollar doesn't have less value in this economy.An economy is as good as the faith of investors in it and that gonna be low for lots of days to come cause of the controversial effectiveness of measures taken
  • back2workback2work Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    samarise wrote: »
    My husband and I have been following this event closely (like thousands of other players). We are posting to thank all the people at PWE and Cryptic for their continued efforts. Rollbacks and wipes can be 'scary' especially for players new to MMO's. I think the Game (including developers, management and players) has come through with flying colors. I would like to especially commend the NWN official posters who exhibited patience and compassion in all their posts.

    Well done, Team Neverwinter!

    Really? ... seriously?...ok.. Where is the punch line.
  • anarah77anarah77 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I say we should be given a choice between Astral Diamonds or the pack they are giving. I'm sure people want Zen, but we all know that's not going to be a choice. Some people might want the AD or the pack, depending on their needs in the game.
  • solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    xavrath wrote: »
    There is no hard and fast rule that says there will always be a wipe after beta. Several other games have not had wipes when beta was complete. I would also like to remind people that World of Warcraft was practically unplayable at launch. It took Blizzard months to get that game working right. The difference is that so many people whine now when they get the least little bit of inconvenience because they forget the growing pains. They measure everything against perfect conditions that aren't attainable. If you show me a program without any bugs then I will show you a program that doesn't do anything worthwhile either.

    This is not beta. It doesn't matter what they say. They have accepted money and are now responsible. Never expected perfection, but gigantic, game breaking defects is a lot more than anyone would have expected to see after a soft launch. What exactly were they testing in all those months of unit, integration, and closed beta testing?
  • xavrathxavrath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    kazanlik wrote: »
    There's also somethings called dynamically assigned IP Addresses and DHCP. Obviously you have never heard of them, or you are suggesting a full domain bans? Let's not let anyone from Verizon play! Any sort of ban is problematic to implement, but IP Bans have way too much potential for innocents to be caught in collateral damage while still letting the person you don't want in, in. I don't have an answer, but I know yours is not a good one.

    You obviously do not understand how DHCP works. DHCP will always seek to give you back the same IP address that you have been given previously. The only way that you do not get the same IP address back again is to stay offline long enough to let somebody else get assigned that address. Depending on how your ISP configures their DHCP settings that could mean that you need to stay offline for days before you will get a different IP address.
  • solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    paganhawk wrote: »
    He didn't say refund the MONEY, he said refund the ZEN!!! they would still have the money.

    And they likely won't refund that either so what difference does it make?
  • maniacjimmaniacjim Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xavrath wrote: »
    Are you sure that you didn't upgrade hem to a higher level? There are several crafting tasks that take four lower level items and upgrade them to one higher level one.

    You are probably right. I used 4 mercs to get a Guard, I didnt realize that they would be consumed like a **** potion!! Where did they go? Just sacrifice themselves for this **** guard??

    Anyways, thanks for the info :)
  • xavrathxavrath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    solyad1 wrote: »
    And they likely won't refund that either so what difference does it make?

    Yes they would. They did a character wipe after closed beta and refunded all of the zen that players had used during closed beta to test the zen store. The processes are already in place to wipe and refund all purchased zen.

    Sorry, but at this point you are losing any credibility you have left by just spewing thigns that have been proven to be untrue by past actions.
  • abelcoeurdacierabelcoeurdacier Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have no more piece celeste in my bag since the bug's patch ,when i will had them?
  • xavrathxavrath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    solyad1 wrote: »
    This is not beta. It doesn't matter what they say. They have accepted money and are now responsible. Never expected perfection, but gigantic, game breaking defects is a lot more than anyone would have expected to see after a soft launch. What exactly were they testing in all those months of unit, integration, and closed beta testing?

    While I understand your sentiments, I think the number of problems actually does indicate that they are indeed still in beta. A release game wouldn't actually have any big bugs and exploits. Remember the World of Warcraft release was perfect... oh wait...
  • solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    xavrath wrote: »
    Yes they would. They did a character wipe after closed beta and refunded all of the zen that players had used during closed beta to test the zen store. The processes are already in place to wipe and refund all purchased zen.

    Sorry, but at this point you are losing any credibility you have left by just spewing thigns that have been proven to be untrue by past actions.

    Yea they refunded it because they said they would because it was an actual beta where they told you it was going to wipe at the end you'd get refunded. They have repeatedly said no wipes here because they know they are on the hook because of the RMT and have ZERO plans to refund any of it.

    You can keep living in whatever fantasy-beta you think this is, but the fact is they are accepting money and have obligations. That is a 100% fact.
  • ashrox10ashrox10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I prayed for celestial coins everyday, including my 3 day headstart, now what?
    Vuxadin@Kaelangx on Mindflayer.
    PvE Enthusiast.
  • solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    xavrath wrote: »
    While I understand your sentiments, I think the number of problems actually does indicate that they are indeed still in beta. A release game wouldn't actually have any big bugs and exploits. Remember the World of Warcraft release was perfect... oh wait...

    I never said I expected it to be perfect, but this is unacceptable. Bugs are expected and they are FINE. Major failures of entire systems that destroy your game are not fine. Yea I remember WoW, it was horrific and would be down for days at at time. I also know that was 8 years ago and you'd think someone would be smart enough to learn from their competitor's mistakes and not make them all over again.
  • xavrathxavrath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lessietron wrote: »
    In my opinion, though a ballsy move.. a wipe would be a better strategy for the future of this game long run.Thing is that none of the players know how much duped AD sinked in the economy and there's no way of knowing even with official announcements. I think i'm speaking for many gamers that like to pay to have an edge that this economy has lost its credit as is, and no amounts of official reassuring will convince most of them that their dollar doesn't have less value in this economy.An economy is as good as the faith of investors in it and that gonna be low for lots of days to come cause of the controversial effectiveness of measures taken

    I think this really speaks to the heart of the problem. Economies work because the consumer has the confidence to spend money. Cash flow is the fuel that drives the machine. If people feel like they are getting ripped off then they will sit on their cash and the zen store will suffer from it.

    It is very important for Cryptic to consider a wipe at some point. While they may ban all of the people that exploited to get cheap epic gear, did they also remove any AH transactions where people were able to purchase that ill-gotten gear at ridiculously deflated prices because of having a glut of it on the market? The entire timeline of the endgame gear grind has been circumvented and unless Cryptic can release more content, and a new tier of epic gear, fairly quickly, they will find that way too many people have gotten geared up cheaply and quickly from all that gear being sold.

    I favor a wipe, but not until Cryptic gets all of their big issues figured out and fixed. A wipe is something that you never want to do a second time. They have to get the game right before they do it.
  • rockamusrockamus Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It was less than 29 hours from the last time I invoked, to being able to log back in this morning...but the Celestial Coins are gone!!!
    If there isn't 6 Celestial Coins in that thank you pack they're sending out.......then I hope there is a kiss in it.

    I like to be kissed when I am being screwed!! :/

    And the Devs saying that this was the best solution that they could come up with doesn't bode well for confidence in them.....cause this fix was a total fail IMHO.

  • lordbane40lordbane40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    People exploited and cheated their way to the end game days after release due to bugs. They ruined the economy since day 1 of "Open Beta" with BoE epics they farmed and Astral Diamonds they duped. Anyone who used the Astral Diamond Exchange legitimately has been ripped off since the beginning. This game was NOT ready for release to the public, especially with a functional cash shop and way to exchange exploited currency for real money.

    There should have been a complete wipe and these bugs fixed.
  • ph0enix81ph0enix81 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The pieces of **** that exploited the bug are the ones to blame. A 5-year old could deduce that it would come to the attention of the game developers and that it would affect all gamers in some way when they fixed it. And I shouldnt have to remind you that its a free beta version.
  • iniarkiniark Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    when the auction house will be restored? and the items bought / sold in the auction house, will also be restored?
  • lordbane40lordbane40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    Or if not a complete wipe, keep the live servers running until they are ready for release, then give people an option to "cash out" of the existing, broken, exploit-ridden servers and restart on fresh shards without the exploits (e.g. they actually listen and FIX them) with their Founder Packs available to them there.
  • xavrathxavrath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    solyad1 wrote: »
    I never said I expected it to be perfect, but this is unacceptable. Bugs are expected and they are FINE. Major failures of entire systems that destroy your game are not fine. Yea I remember WoW, it was horrific and would be down for days at at time. I also know that was 8 years ago and you'd think someone would be smart enough to learn from their competitor's mistakes and not make them all over again.

    But aren't you pointing out exactly those things that indicate they are still in beta? I agree that such game breaking problems should be fixed before a game is released. I think the big problem really comes from the insistence that they are not going to do any wipes while open beta is happening. That is what gives the impression that this is a "soft" release. If there were not any big problems that broke the game so thoroughly they probably could get away without wipes. After this round of problems I am starting to doubt that they can hold to the promise of no wipes.

    On one hand they will make a lot of people mad with a wipe, but they will restore the integrity of the game, barring that no more game breaking issues arise. On the other hand, if there is no wipe, many players will have serious doubts about the integrity of the game economy.

    The real truth is that it doesn't matter over the long term if there is a wipe or not. In both scenarios they will be able to build back their trust if the game gets fixed and no more big problems happen. I have to admit that seems unlikely at this juncture. There are likely to be several more big issues that are game breaking.

    My advice to Cryptic is that they announce that there will be a wipe at some point in the future. The wipe should happen after Cryptic/PWE is confident that the game is stable and mark the end of open beta. Cryptic should refund all zen spent during this open beta period and start the game fresh as the official release.
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This Faq needs an update
  • xavrathxavrath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    ph0enix81 wrote: »
    The pieces of **** that exploited the bug are the ones to blame. A 5-year old could deduce that it would come to the attention of the game developers and that it would affect all gamers in some way when they fixed it. And I shouldnt have to remind you that its a free beta version.

    Exploiters don't care about any of that. Many of them just have fun breaking the game and that is their goal. It is the same type of mentality where people think it is cool to insult other people, or get into fights. The never learned what is right or wrong, or simply don't care.
  • uberoverpoweruberoverpower Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xavrath wrote: »
    You obviously do not understand how DHCP works. DHCP will always seek to give you back the same IP address that you have been given previously. The only way that you do not get the same IP address back again is to stay offline long enough to let somebody else get assigned that address. Depending on how your ISP configures their DHCP settings that could mean that you need to stay offline for days before you will get a different IP address.

    Unless...you do the really hard, really time demanding work of 5min of forcibly changing the MAC address and conecting to be assigned a new IP then change back and connect again. Fresh new IP right there. Do this aaaaallll the time when I get a really bad route or set of IPs.
  • alreadytakentooalreadytakentoo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm very annoyed at all the talk about Cat. I got mine legitimately and felt awesome about it, as it's the best pet and very adorable. Now all the exploiters have it too, which no longer makes it cool, but rather more of a symbol of cheating than anything, which I haven't done.

    This rollback seems to catch the tail end of the exploiters - the idiots who can't think for themselves and just follow other people around - these guys didn't benefit nearly as much as those who caught on early. I could be wrong, but I think this rollback was designed specifically to appease the large number of you who are easily pacified, as opposed to being designed to actually fix the problem.

    I think setting a cap (or a lower cap if there is one) on AD and Zen bought with AD is a good Idea. I also think setting everyone at an amount of AD that will hit the exploiters hard would be a good thing. Maybe take all the AD that existed before some of these people turned them into real money over a reasonable amount someone could have earned by their own hard work, and distribute all the excess evenly among players. Take from the exploiters and give to everyone. Those of us who didn't cheat will get a nice little reward (sounds like all the exploiters will be getting the thank you packs, so woot! Thank you!). When something is given to everyone, it's not perceived as special any more - The AD they made will no longer be an issue because it will have been shared out for all to enjoy. The highest amount anyone has claimed to have earned on their own that I've seen in Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter comments, was 6.5Million. I'm sitting at about 200k, and if I saved everything and never spent any at all, I might have 2Million. With their programmers and some basic knowledge of math applied to their data, they should be able to figure out a reasonable cut-off.

    I'm in the fix-the-bugs-and-do-a-full wipe group. I realize this would <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> a lot of people off enough to quit and they'd then be stuck with a bunch of truth crusaders like me, which isn't the best option for their bottom line, but that's the only way I'm going to feel like we're all on the same playing field unless they do a wealth redistribution. If this was actually a BETA, they would do one or the other. Fact is, though, this is NOT Beta. This is a new game state they call beta to escape having to answer to experienced gamers. You see the effect of this all the time...all the idiots who say "it's in beta, people, give them a break!." (This is WHY they say it's in Beta - people like you.) No. It's not. and I won't. Stop being stupid.

    Side-note for those of you asking about professions, All the AD I had my guys out getting from Leadership just vanished into dust when I collected my result. Was supposed to be 2800 and I got none of it. Which isn't a huge issue for me, but there's your answer. *Poof*
  • liquinliquin Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While I think people are vastly over-reacting I do agree that this will have an impact on NW's bottom line.

    If there is something Cryptic needs to take from this it's that it's going to have to beef-up & speed up it's bug fixes.

    If people reported this bug 9 months ago... I don't really know if it's defensible that it was still there. Especially a COMMERCE bug.. The truth is they need to put more focus on bugs. Cryptic has always been slow on them. I waited 3 years for them to fix the Champions "pick up object" bug.. still broken. Now they've had one that really hurts, so I hope they can increase the priority of bug fixing.

    I also hope they go through ALL exploiter accounts (from 9 mo ago) & nuke em all. Or at least nuke everything they have, zen & AD down to 0.
  • mysticaskmysticask Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Im selling yesterday in auction all my Rank 7 enchants + weapon enchants + armor enchants all my property was in that enchants now I havent items and I havent money from that trade !!! I LOSE MORE THAN ONE MILION AD in material !! Give me AD or give me me back my enchants ! Im totaly in bankrot.
  • fl4m3ph03n1xfl4m3ph03n1x Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey, I lost 4 levels and 3 gold. Is there a way I can ever get them back? Can I simply get what I lost back instead of an item pack? How can I talk to a GM and how can I place a support ticket? =(
  • sinamonsinamon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey, I lost 4 levels and 3 gold. Is there a way I can ever get them back? Can I simply get what I lost back instead of an item pack? How can I talk to a GM and how can I place a support ticket? =(

    They dont check the tickets thats obvious, Ive made multiple reports on different things and not once heard from a GM. They have the system there just for looks and dont do anything with it. Look at the fact this was reported in CB and still made it to release.
  • sirhitmansirhitman Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Q: What will happen to auctions that expired during the rollback window?

    A: We do not anticipate that Auction House items will be lost. All items posted on the Auction House are still there, but do not show up as the Auction House is currently offline.

    Auctions will expire as intended, though they will not be sent back immediately. They will be sent back when Auction House services are re-enabled.

    So a item that is put into auction and have a low start bid (normally to draw attention to it) and expected to have a bid war towards the end. Will they be won by the current highest bid?
This discussion has been closed.