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FAQ - AD/AH Exploit Follow-Up



  • semos1semos1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Did they happen mention about the "pack" being something like "BOA" ?, so I created a new character on the 20th, played through about 17 levels with the little time I had to play. So if my character is deleted and I recreate him today, will he receive the pack later this week?...Cheers
  • arrowmaticarrowmatic Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    genryu20 wrote: »
    Your all so stupid haha.

    The irony here is so rich that this post just set off every metal detector in the northern hemisphere.
  • fold8nfold8n Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I really like this game and I think the devs are doing what must be done in a situation like this. To loose 2-3 levels from 55 isn't a big thing for me, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be as lucky with the lockboxes again :/ That adds to the loss of the CC.
  • fallenweeblefallenweeble Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Satisfactory is a matter of opinion.

    Many of us are not satisfied. This bug has been going on since day one. Only option to actually fix what went wrong is a full wipe.

    If it's called a beta, treat it like one. If not, this is just the live release with "beta" as an excuse for mistakes.
  • bobnobobbobnobob Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    genryu20 wrote: »
    Hot **** you people are so quick to point fingers at guardians/heroes for being exploiters. Your all so stupid haha. Didnt even get to play much during my beta testing and didnt have my AD but yeah...im the exploiter alright. ****, grow a brain ok buddy? ^_^

    So you didn't play much during beta testing but you know what was known and reported to Cryptic during the said testing? Stop, you are embarrassing yourself.
  • charlescobracharlescobra Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2013

    hell ive been play PW games for the last 2 years now, hell im still playing on FW and ive been wonting to play some D&D for a long time now, and agen sory but when are the servers going to be back on line?
  • ctdummy80ctdummy80 Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2013
    I find the discussions in this thread for resolving issues that already have a set decisive course of action shallow and pedantic.
  • lothientearlothientear Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Even after years of MMOs, i never cease to be amazed by the endless ranting of the complainers. Such energy! Such lack of better thigns to say! Well... time will tell if PWE will fix the game and its economy.

    I'd better get some sleep and hope to find the servers online tomorrow.
  • drax1ondrax1on Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What are you planning to do about cat companions and other high end AD purchases that can be traded to mule accounts of the exploiters, their friends, their guild mates, or innocent people who didn't know better prior to the 5:20 am cut off?

    the exploit has been around since day 1, I've seen the negative bids for weeks and wondered why a bug like that was still around when it's been reported many times, and I hate to say it, but if even a fraction of the cats get to the AH and sell then there are still going to be millions of Astral Diamonds floating around that can have the same effect to unbalancing the economy and gear base of the game as the exploit itself, just on a slightly smaller scale.
  • greymasquegreymasque Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    himemidplz wrote: »
    What I don't understand is the bunch of tickets from the closed beta warning PWE about this exploit. Have they all been ignored and "lost" ? Are the developpers too lazy to add a single line to their code ? If (bid<0) {...}. Cmon, it's not like this exploit is hard to fix, it takes about 5 minutes... Is it part of a scam or something ?

    Well, this game is a joke... Uninstalling right now.

    Hope you didn't install Diablo III, WoW, EQII, or MapleStory either. They've all had similar issues, some of them recently.
    And honestly, if you're going to uninstall a game because of a coding error (that was probably erroneously copied from another game before it was fixed), then you're probably the sort who would cut & run at the next major bugfix. (You do understand this is an open beta/soft-launch, right?)
  • ministerofchangeministerofchange Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bobnobob wrote: »
    join date: may

    Why, hello there perfect world employee.

    Nope I have to Agree with Dob, your a troll, just sayin!
  • bigslikbigslik Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bobnobob View Post
    90% of the exploits in this game were KNOWN, REPORTED AND IGNORED BY CRYPTIC way back in CLOSED beta. They deserve everything that is happening to their poorly coded,unfinished game with no content. You people saying "poor devs, they have to deal with big bad exploiters" are the real problem of this game and the gaming industry overall, you are sheep on which developers who release unfinished games and charge for beta access thrive.

    STFU lol No one ignored any of it.

    OK I have too ask : If these issues were not being igored what actually was being done about it up too this point because it seems too me by the actions of the devs and PW they act like they had no idea of these bugs till today. If they knew about these issue and allowed themselves too act accordingly with selling founder packages and anything in zen cart they have a serious problem on there hands>Anyone in there right mind is gonna dispute any transactions with this company and WIN GoodLuck Cyrptic its about time you fall on your face after STO "same issue" Bet this will be a P2P game eventually no one in there right mind gonna spend money on this game now being F2P after all this
  • djibouti262djibouti262 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If this truly fixes damages done ok. I spent my $60 in the thought of helping a game with the name I am familiar with from my childhood. I didn't care about the virtual toys or the rewards. I wanna know that the damage done has been made right. From what I read, from any gamers stand point what was done makes the game have no credibility what so ever.
  • jadedragon1337jadedragon1337 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This was a step in the right direction.

    Thank you Cryptic/PWE for making a step to make things better.
  • dmnyxdmnyx Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well I regret the money I spent on this game. This AH exploit apparently schemed by PWE staff it self. Since they say they are tracking exploiters and only taking precaution with 1 day roll back.
    1st they should fire those employees who didn't do their job properly at close beta by not evaluating player feedbacks on AD exploit.
    2nd Clearly, the ones that did 8000USD etc. is their own employees;
    Becuase look; you are a simply employee working with wage for 1500 USD/month ( maybe even less) and suddenly you receive a secured way to get 1 year work of income in 15 days. . 90% the ones who are incharge of answering tickets are the real exploiters, since they know exactly how to exploit and didn't attemp to fix it it clearify that they exploit it.
    3rd From PWE perspective;
    If more people with glorious horses trilling armor sets appear in short time it will encourage the people who are ambitious and refering to real money for quick solution to pay more. Becuase they can justify the idea "look hundereds of people hanging around with all that staff, think that I'm not the only one paying, I didn't even pay as much as this guy could have done." So PWE win as well.

    I think it was preplanned by PWE. If it is otherwise PWE should fire the employees who didn't do their work properly and cause exploit. But I think PWE can't do it because if they do those employees will declere this exploit is encourased by PWE himself as a plot to get more money in short time.

    Personally I don't want to see a ban list, it is totaly null and void, those who get banned would only lose few hours of work from their life, I want to see identities of real people who got fired.

    Only actions taken in real life can prove PWE is a serious company who don't set such plot for quick money.
  • fallenweeblefallenweeble Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's a beta, don't play betas if you don't like roll backs.

    If you spent real money, I can almost guarantee that it won't just disappear.
  • kassadiskassadis Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    greymasque wrote: »
    Hope you didn't install Diablo III, WoW, EQII, or MapleStory either. They've all had similar issues, some of them recently.
    And honestly, if you're going to uninstall a game because of a coding error (that was probably erroneously copied from another game before it was fixed), then you're probably the sort who would cut & run at the next major bugfix. (You do understand this is an open beta/soft-launch, right?)

    couldn't help but notice Join Date
    May 2013 seems to be the same with all positive feedback
  • bigslikbigslik Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nope I have to Agree with Dob, your a troll, just sayin!
    Calling someone a troll is being a troll which is breaking ToS what makes you so special!!!
  • justworknamejustworkname Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2013
    This has been going on for longer than just a single day.

    Some of us posted bug reports about this a week ago or more.

    This bug never should have happened, it was a known issue dating back to the closed beta for star trek online. The gateway should have never been allowed to go live without the fix(which already existed) being applied.

    It just boggles the mind, it really really does.

    99% of the ppl claiming to have posted about this bug did no such thing. Thats a nice claim to make after the fact... Given the way things suddenly went widely out of control, its clear most ppl claiming ot have reported this bug actually played the old game of, "hey, don't tell anyone about this exploit but here is how it works"...

    I'm sure there were some ppl who did report this, don't get me wrong. But understand as well that your report likely is sitting in an inbox of 1000s of other bug reports. If and when you find something that can be this detrimental, send a PM to someone who can get a message through the chain of command a little faster than the standard channels.

    If anyone did do taht and were still here at this juncture, THEN thats a prblem. But those are a lot of assumptions with no evidence atm except for ppl making a lot of claims atm.
  • fold8nfold8n Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    semos1 wrote: »
    Did they happen mention about the "pack" being something like "BOA" ?, so I created a new character on the 20th, played through about 17 levels with the little time I had to play. So if my character is deleted and I recreate him today, will he receive the pack later this week?...Cheers

    It will propably be account bound.
  • magicalcarpetmagicalcarpet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i am a founder and have spent $300 us dollars on the game and all they are doing is rolling it back 7 hours when this exploit has been going on since closed beta.if you are a dev admin or whatever and read this i want a full refund or a wipe of all servers that is the only exceptable solution to this whole ordeal get your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> together please and do right by the people who actually pay your bills by spending their hard earned cash on your games!
    thank you
  • run3wolfrun3wolf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOLOL everyone is thank full now but a week later everyone will again be crying why the market is so fcked up and why the economy is out of whack....."cryptic you are doing a good job "????? wtf ..... no wonder they can do what ever the hell they want.... blind morons....greed ...mothafacking greed
  • genryu20genryu20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2
    edited May 2013
    arrowmatic wrote: »
    The irony here is so rich that this post just set off every metal detector in the northern hemisphere.

    Wow a grammar troll. Haven't met those before. STFU as no one was even addressing you
  • herbalawherbalaw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    boohoo, crying because you lost a few hours. You should have been at work/school anyway. Your lucky we didn't get a server wipe people, and frankly.. I wish we did.
    My Class is Warlock ... "The darkness holds no terror for me, demon! I curse you now under the Sign of Ill Omen!"
  • redlanceredlance Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 95
    edited May 2013
    drax1on wrote: »
    What are you planning to do about cat companions
    They should give a cat companion to everyone. So who bought with the explited AD won't have any real advantage
  • justworknamejustworkname Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2013
    bigslik wrote: »
    Calling someone a troll is being a troll which is breaking ToS what makes you so special!!!

    I'm not calling you a troll.. I'm calling you a hypocrite :)

    Relax, that was meant to be a joke people.
  • himemidplzhimemidplz Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    greymasque wrote: »
    Hope you didn't install Diablo III, WoW, EQII, or MapleStory either. They've all had similar issues, some of them recently.
    And honestly, if you're going to uninstall a game because of a coding error (that was probably erroneously copied from another game before it was fixed), then you're probably the sort who would cut & run at the next major bugfix. (You do understand this is an open beta/soft-launch, right?)

    An exploit has been discovered ? Right, it happens. But it's been pointed out. And NOTHING has been done for weeks. Not even editing the AH code with just a single line preventing negative bids. It's a joke. You call that a simple bug ? I call that a scam.
  • tswericreedtswericreed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wow, I guess you didn't get to play very long. I disagree with your review. You can't understand a game in 2 hours time. The game is fun and cash shop is better than most F2P. No monthly subscription is great way to have fun without worrying about having money in real life. The story is better than most MMO's and the game combat is great. I'm not letting AH/AD keep me from playing it.
  • hermeoushermeous Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think they banned us all for 15+ hrs
  • riesj74riesj74 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mddoughts wrote: »
    I pay for my games because I like my game developers to be able to feed their families. I like to pay for the content that I get because it means I might get more content like it later.

    Where's the upvote button??.. you sir have the right mentality.
This discussion has been closed.