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Astral Diamond Exchange and Auction House Offline



  • mikemotamikemota Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i don't see how they can punish everyone that abused of this,the ones that sold itens for high prices will probably keep the ad

    all my farm is worthless now
  • ixsparixspar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tormeanted wrote: »
    There may/will be rollbacks of everything? Toon level progress? Crafting progress? Money progress only?
    Should I even play at this point? Or will I lose any progress? May? Will? Etc.?

    This post could be so much more informative.

    I'm not sure what everyone is so wound up about. If they did a roll back of all progress, what difference does it make in the long run? You run a few missions all over again? You have a chance at getting some other gear? Perhaps a little frustrating, but much better than an over-inflated economy by far.

    DCUO had a problem with a similar exploit in the Auction House and they didn't want to take the measure needed to fix it early. The result is that DCUO's game economy is still severely, severely broken.

    I, for one, would much rather see strong measures taken now to save the headaches a month or a year from now.
  • slugormasterslugormaster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I purchased a founders pack after about 5 days of playing. I spent REAL MONEY to support this game. And I can assure you, that ANYONE who spent real money to support this game will support a FULL WIPE. Look at the number of people who purchased packs, be it $20.00 or $50.00 or $200.00. We PAID to support this game, but the exploit was STEALING our money. I have 2 lvl 60's and an lvl 30, and I fully support a total wipe. As long as I get my AD and ZEN back to original purchase value, I have no problems doing it all over again. If the exploit was being used from Day 1, then the VALUE of my AD/ZEN was corrupted from what I purchased, and I LOST money. I probably have over 100 hours invested, but I'll give up that time to have a fixed economy. Permanently BAN all the exploiters by IP address, and reset it back to zero. And for the record, KEEP the AH offline. Just like Diablo 3, as soon as you have REAL MONEY involved in fake transactions, you ARE going to have exploiters. The short term fix is to wipe, refund all AD/ZEN, and keep the AH offline. The longer term fix is to sell stuff to vendors, and let the vendors resell stuff at a markup. That way if the vendor offers you 250K AD for your T3 gear, you could BUY it from the vendor for 500K. Stop mixing AD with ZEN. Make it so you can BUY stuff for AD from the special vendors. Heck, if a Bag of Holding is 1000 ZEN, and you want a 300-1 ZEN/AD ratio, then SELL the Bag for 300,000 AD. or whatever ratio works. Sure, there will always be people exploiting the game. But, as long as it doesn't affect MY money, I don't care so much. This exploit DIRECTLY affected how I could play the game, so a full wipe/ban is the only fix. Look at the number of people who paid money for this. THOSE are the ONLY people you should care about, and THOSE are the ones who got screwed.
  • entalyanentalyan Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2013
    tormeanted wrote: »
    Servers up....

    let's see how much of a rollback there was...

    Why would the servers be up? It will probably be a few hours before they will be...
  • captainlangercaptainlanger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tormeanted wrote: »
    servers up....

    Let's see how much of a rollback there was...

    trolll troll in the dungeon !!
  • captainbannon1captainbannon1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tormeanted wrote: »
    Servers up....

    let's see how much of a rollback there was...

    Just checked still isn't up
  • bugs55678bugs55678 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Guys on their twitter they've already stated that complete wipes are off the table.
  • drbeat200drbeat200 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You assume a lot if you think we're not upset with the exploiters as well. Unfortunately in a situation like this, the responsibility falls on the developers. This was a known issue. They could have taken steps to fix it much sooner than now. It's happened before. They have the resources available to fix this issue. STO had this EXACT same issue. It's been fixed. Why are we dealing with this again? Because incompetent people were allowed to spill their incompetence all over the game and make a mess.

    We are mad at the exploiters, but if the Neverwinter dev team had done it's job... we wouldn't be here talking about this.

    "thumbs up"
  • masarykmasaryk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If this was all a PWE ploy to gain twitter followers, they've gained thousands lol.
  • crypttwotencrypttwoten Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cutegay wrote: »
    What Crytic FAILS to REALIZE is that this game is FREE TOO PLAY so banning has no consequences what so ever.

    The Exploiters will always come back on another account.

    I have a level 60 character and I wouldn't mind a complete wipe to fix all this.

    This has been going on since day 1. People have been selling 17mil AD for real cash outside neverwinter.

    Just google 'neverwinter cheap astral diamond'

    people selling ad outside of neverwinter was not the problem they are having
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just wow , at least copy / paste your posts correctly this is a totall disgrace .
  • problem404problem404 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A rollback wouldn't remove any foundry saves would it? They're locally saved... right?
  • foxwaterfoxwater Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually, refunding the zen and giving it back to the customer protects them from any lawsuits, also the TOS i am sure cover all the virtual use in game and allow them to at ANY time take your account away, no repercussions legally.
    Kitsunami Lupo
    Head of PR
  • greymasquegreymasque Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    am0nr3x wrote: »
    It's not Beta. It's Live. Get your facts straight.


    Notice the 'L' next to Neverwinter? That means 'Live.' If this was still an Open Beta, it would be an 'O.'

    Notice the huge graphic on that page you linked to that says "NEVERWINTER: Now in Open Beta!"
    That means it's an open beta. That "L" is either a mistake, or this game had an open beta of about 5 minutes (since I saw that L there on April 30).
  • ashkedawnashkedawn Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    foxwater wrote: »

    No wipe is not a good idea. I know it would have pissed off a lot of people but it would have restored faith in the community as well. The 'no wipe' means your going to miss a group of them, they are going to return and they are goign to destroy the economy completley again, and you will be back to square one.

    Or, your left with leaving several happy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> who can completely overpower anybody in pvp because they have godly equipment slotted, or who can fund endless expansions to their guild or friends because they have too much zen, or artificially keep the prices on transfer high cos they have so much...etc

    Thats not even talking about th large mass of idiots who steamrolled from 1-60 in 2-3 hours, then not knowing how to play their class at all for the most part proceeded to complain on forum about everything and anything...(Frankly no matter how much experience you have, if you went 1-60 via exploits you didnt have the time required to really get to grips with your class and shouldnt be commenting balance. at all.)

    Oh well. I'll keep playing and having fun but I guess the economy is going to take months to recover.

    Yep, very disappointed. I think months for the economy to recover is a bit of wishful thinking. I am holding out now for a new shard with no broken economy. If that doesn't happen I can just find another game or something to amuse me til Wildstar. Sad because this was otherwise a nice game, but now it's ruined for me, and absolutely no faith at all in PWE, none at all.
  • phoenixstarrfirephoenixstarrfire Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Y'know, tossing my two copper into this.. I think we should replace the currency of the AH from Astral Diamonds to just Gold, Silver and Copper. And fix that minus exploit too.

    Also where do these Astral Diamonds come from? Where are they mined? Is it some sort of special plane that they are mined from? I would accept them alot more if I knew about these strange stones and their meaning.
  • dwg38dwg38 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I purchased a founders pack after about 5 days of playing. I spent REAL MONEY to support this game. And I can assure you, that ANYONE who spent real money to support this game will support a FULL WIPE. Look at the number of people who purchased packs, be it $20.00 or $50.00 or $200.00. We PAID to support this game, but the exploit was STEALING our money. I have 2 lvl 60's and an lvl 30, and I fully support a total wipe. As long as I get my AD and ZEN back to original purchase value, I have no problems doing it all over again. If the exploit was being used from Day 1, then the VALUE of my AD/ZEN was corrupted from what I purchased, and I LOST money. I probably have over 100 hours invested, but I'll give up that time to have a fixed economy. Permanently BAN all the exploiters by IP address, and reset it back to zero. And for the record, KEEP the AH offline. Just like Diablo 3, as soon as you have REAL MONEY involved in fake transactions, you ARE going to have exploiters. The short term fix is to wipe, refund all AD/ZEN, and keep the AH offline. The longer term fix is to sell stuff to vendors, and let the vendors resell stuff at a markup. That way if the vendor offers you 250K AD for your T3 gear, you could BUY it from the vendor for 500K. Stop mixing AD with ZEN. Make it so you can BUY stuff for AD from the special vendors. Heck, if a Bag of Holding is 1000 ZEN, and you want a 300-1 ZEN/AD ratio, then SELL the Bag for 300,000 AD. or whatever ratio works. Sure, there will always be people exploiting the game. But, as long as it doesn't affect MY money, I don't care so much. This exploit DIRECTLY affected how I could play the game, so a full wipe/ban is the only fix. Look at the number of people who paid money for this. THOSE are the ONLY people you should care about, and THOSE are the ones who got screwed.

    My god man, let it go! A full wipe is absurd and it's just not happening. Sorry you wasted your $200, but you're not getting that back. I wasted @24k on a Durango in the 90s and nobody gave a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> then, either ...
  • masarykmasaryk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Im in for 260 bucks, been playing 2 weeks, and I support a wipe.
  • aeofellaeofell Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alryc wrote: »

    First off, stop saying this is beta. When you're charging money and not doing wipes, it's a launch.

    No it is deffo beta, and they have not charged me a single penny.

    Have fun.
  • tredotredo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    selaral wrote: »
    Hopefully there is. Beta or not. People did it knowing that it was a broken mechanic.

    WIPE it clean or start a new shard after the exploit is fixed and BAN Hammer has been used to the max and all misappropriated AD has been taken away from said accounts, mule accounts, secondary accounts... see where I am going with this.... no way to track it all down imo.... its broken.... WIPE it clean.

    I can see the amount of refunds/charge backs that will be put through banks when people see their Founder Packs are full of worthless AD now! Staggering how wiping the server is so much easier to do, but loosing all the money in people leaving and of course the worse snafu in MMO "soft launch" history!! Doubt many companies follow in the soft launch idea now!!

    Just wipe it, restart it, so we can get back to playing for crying out loud, you are spending all this time working on fixing an issue that cant be bits and pieces picked and sifted through to find all the accounts that have 100,000,000+ AD scattered through the game on several accounts and mules. Their have been many posts about how you couldn't and didn't find it before here http://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/1eebyi/an_exploiter_claims_to_have_made_almost_six/ What makes you think a few hours of downtime is going to allow you to find them all now??

    And this had potential too... too sad!
  • darkaninddarkanind Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 72
    edited May 2013
    No wipe or no rollback means they lost this legit, paying customer.

    The economy is ruined. People converted their unlimited AD to gold, handed out a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ton of items (none of which I took, I just logged on today to read all the drama), cats, gold, etc. Just banning some people isn't fixing it.
  • qchongfuqchongfu Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    irritatus wrote: »
    It's a BETA, I'm glad someone tried to game the system during the BETA, they should get the gold star award, not a ban. Everyone whining in the thread about "I lost 12 hours of game play and i only play on the weekend" and demanding details, or anything for that matter, shouldn't of signed up to be involved in the BETA. You sound like a child that whined and moaned every day for a week and mom and dad finally let you open your Christmas presents early. Then are throwing a tantrum because you have nothing to open on Christmas day!

    That's just silly.

    The people who should get a "gold star" are the ones who everyday stumble upon exploits and quietly report them via the proper channels. That's the proper way to help a company during a BETA. The people who were exploiting weren't exploiting for the good of the game, or to help fix holes in the gameplay, they were hoping not to get caught and to profit at the expense of the game itself and other gamers by extension of a ruined economy.

    Finding exploits is crucial to the game's long-term survivability regardless of how they are found, however, breaking a part of the game in the process is counter-productive.
  • jaraxaljaraxal Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not only should there have been back-end constraints, I'm amazed that the front-end allows negative inputs for currency related fields. This is basic input/form validation. There should have been checks on the back-end and the front-end. I'm amazed that something this common and honestly trivial was not implemented.
    shannaira wrote: »
    Etup was yacking about not sanitizing inputs. I come from a Database Architecture/Administration perspective.

    Whoever is the Database Architect/Administrator who came up with a database model and didn't slap a constraint on the bids such that this couldn't happen, needs to be fired. immediately.
  • aeonaheartaeonaheart Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    alryc wrote: »
    Sorry to say this is mostly Cryptic's fault.

    First off, stop saying this is beta. When you're charging money and not doing wipes, it's a launch. News media have a term for this: a "soft launch". Cryptic knew this game wasn't ready for launch, but they launched anyways.

    Dude... what are you talking about. Perfect World Entertainment owns & operates Neverwinter. Cryptic has nothing to do with this. Zen is Perfect World money. Cryptic didn't launch the game. Perfect World did. Hello.

    (idk why quote fails when you remove the TL;DR bits... but oh well..)
  • sickenme56sickenme56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I purchased a founders pack after about 5 days of playing. I spent REAL MONEY to support this game. And I can assure you, that ANYONE who spent real money to support this game will support a FULL WIPE. Look at the number of people who purchased packs, be it $20.00 or $50.00 or $200.00. We PAID to support this game, but the exploit was STEALING our money. I have 2 lvl 60's and an lvl 30, and I fully support a total wipe. As long as I get my AD and ZEN back to original purchase value, I have no problems doing it all over again. If the exploit was being used from Day 1, then the VALUE of my AD/ZEN was corrupted from what I purchased, and I LOST money. I probably have over 100 hours invested, but I'll give up that time to have a fixed economy. Permanently BAN all the exploiters by IP address, and reset it back to zero. And for the record, KEEP the AH offline. Just like Diablo 3, as soon as you have REAL MONEY involved in fake transactions, you ARE going to have exploiters. The short term fix is to wipe, refund all AD/ZEN, and keep the AH offline. The longer term fix is to sell stuff to vendors, and let the vendors resell stuff at a markup. That way if the vendor offers you 250K AD for your T3 gear, you could BUY it from the vendor for 500K. Stop mixing AD with ZEN. Make it so you can BUY stuff for AD from the special vendors. Heck, if a Bag of Holding is 1000 ZEN, and you want a 300-1 ZEN/AD ratio, then SELL the Bag for 300,000 AD. or whatever ratio works. Sure, there will always be people exploiting the game. But, as long as it doesn't affect MY money, I don't care so much. This exploit DIRECTLY affected how I could play the game, so a full wipe/ban is the only fix. Look at the number of people who paid money for this. THOSE are the ONLY people you should care about, and THOSE are the ones who got screwed.

    Bottom line man...I'm not against you at all, but you seem to hark on the fact that your $ value of intangible goods went down. Welcome to life. Your' $ value goes down EVERYDAY..to make it simple for you look at gas prices..they change daily...you may have spent $5 a gallon yesterday and drive by the SAME gas station the next day to find that the price is $4.15...stfu
  • xdprophetxdprophet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Permanently BAN all the exploiters by IP address, and reset it back to zero

    Wow. I guess you will never be IT. Maybe you should go to college. Ever heard of NAT (Network Address Translation)? 100's of thousands can share the same public IP.
  • cutegaycutegay Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm saying the exploiters have been selling the Astral for real cash.
  • rubberduckie3rubberduckie3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 62
    edited May 2013
    I purchased a founders pack after about 5 days of playing. I spent REAL MONEY to support this game. And I can assure you, that ANYONE who spent real money to support this game will support a FULL WIPE. Look at the number of people who purchased packs, be it $20.00 or $50.00 or $200.00. We PAID to support this game, but the exploit was STEALING our money. I have 2 lvl 60's and an lvl 30, and I fully support a total wipe. As long as I get my AD and ZEN back to original purchase value, I have no problems doing it all over again. If the exploit was being used from Day 1, then the VALUE of my AD/ZEN was corrupted from what I purchased, and I LOST money. I probably have over 100 hours invested, but I'll give up that time to have a fixed economy. Permanently BAN all the exploiters by IP address, and reset it back to zero. And for the record, KEEP the AH offline. Just like Diablo 3, as soon as you have REAL MONEY involved in fake transactions, you ARE going to have exploiters. The short term fix is to wipe, refund all AD/ZEN, and keep the AH offline. The longer term fix is to sell stuff to vendors, and let the vendors resell stuff at a markup. That way if the vendor offers you 250K AD for your T3 gear, you could BUY it from the vendor for 500K. Stop mixing AD with ZEN. Make it so you can BUY stuff for AD from the special vendors. Heck, if a Bag of Holding is 1000 ZEN, and you want a 300-1 ZEN/AD ratio, then SELL the Bag for 300,000 AD. or whatever ratio works. Sure, there will always be people exploiting the game. But, as long as it doesn't affect MY money, I don't care so much. This exploit DIRECTLY affected how I could play the game, so a full wipe/ban is the only fix. Look at the number of people who paid money for this. THOSE are the ONLY people you should care about, and THOSE are the ones who got screwed.

  • rogerveerogervee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3
    edited May 2013
    Its being taken care of. But btw does anyone realize that all MMO players who actually rage on forums are : Astronauts, doctors, lawyers, cowboys, ninjas, Buddhist priests, shaolin monks, physicists, economists, philosopher, prophets, gun-experts, combat veterans (that defy normal combat veterans and boast about exploits), politicians, business majors, and super star athletes all wrapped into one person?

    THERE will most likely be a rollback and banning of the most heinous exploiters, NO they won't provide you names or addresses to lynch them, NO the supreme court will not hear any cases about how PWE refunded your Zen and you don't feel spiritually whole or complete.

    THE ECONOMY will easily recover, this has happened before in STO about 9 times, on a much larger scale and has been dealt with rapidly and the economy stabilized after 2 weeks. 120-200 AD for Zen is a normal price so dont get worked up about it, you simply just reached that point sooner than it normally would have been.

    THE DEVS are awesome and this game is in transition to the full live status, its not bug free and with modern MMOs consisting of over 15-20 million lines of code, bugs and exploits will always be part of the game.

    THE SUN will rise tomorrow and the day after and the day after that for around 4-5 billion years. IT IS NOT THE END OF YOUR EXISTENCE. So chill, and if still you are not satisfied that the people who exploited aren't burned, crucified, lynched, beaten, stoned, shot, curb stomped, permanently banned and you feel the need to quit, by all means don't let the door hit you on the way out. This is by far one of the smoothest transitions from open beta to live processes that PWE and other companies have had. If you disagree clearly you weren't paying attention or your new, and if you are new, you stop getting worked up after your 5th or 6th beta so...deep breaths.

    Dragon Server
  • mohoggmohogg Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    are we going to get our AD back from the bogus auctions
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