If you want to join our guild, you must submit an application. After that contact a member in game and get vent information and join our vent. PARTICIPATE or no one will know anything about you and not want to sponsor your application. If you do NOT have a sponsor, you will NOT be invited to the guild. Get in groups and play with our members! We are not looking to give you a skill test, but a social test!
If you do one liners on your application, then no one will be giving your application a vote of approval, lol. Don't need a book but you are making a first impression on an entire guild. Food for thought.
We have said it 10000 times but I will say it again. If you do one lines on your application, no one is going to learn anything about you and have no basis to make a decision on if they want to sponsor you into the guild or not. We are not hurting for players with 250+ active members in game. We are leaders in progression for PvE and PvP on Dragon server. We are always interested in qualified players joining our guild. If you think you have what it takes to be the best, apply to become a Black Heart today! We even get applicants from other major guilds and we do not try to recruit! On the other hand I like how some guilds are trying to recruit our members, lol. If you manage to get any away from us, they weren't good members to begin with, so have at em!
We had a new friend join us in vent last night! Woo!!! Would love to see some more. With Alpha running most of the evenings, we have a group on vent talking about it and playing together. You should come and join us!!!
That was me, just checked & u guys still have same vent details, i might jump on again, im playing Dragon shard now
If you are not looking to be apart of a guild of friends that you want to play games with, we are NOT the guild for you. If you feel the need to exploit and cheat, we are NOT the guild for you. If you are racist and ignorant, we are NOT the guild for you. We will remove ANYONE for breaking our core beliefs without a second thought, no matter how much we like them otherwise. If you are looking at a guild that lives up to its values, stop by and put in an application.
Hello, FadingMoon here I am gonna be in your vent for awhile to get to know you all~ I hope to see you soon! I wanted to join Black Hearts for the longest time.
So I am going to check out the website, app and all that good stuff as this guild sounds like a perfect MMO home for me in my NWO adventures... but I have to ask Starkillian - are you tired of beating the 'no one line answers' horse to death yet?
Yeah, I was actually hating life trying to get up there, which is why I had to swap over to the rogue and just teleport. No jumping puzzles for this Wizard. Hahaha!
Black Hearts want to offer our full support and encouragement to PW for dealing with cheaters. I just hope they are not too easy on them, make them regret their actions.
It sill amazes me after so many posts about it, that we are still getting one line applications. Not only that but applications looking like they were done by 4 year olds. A little effort if you want to join us, that is all we ask for lol.
Some guilds brag about being sponsored. That is all and well for them, letting someone with money dictate policy to them and how they have to perform if they want to keep being sponsored. That is part of what being in a mature guild lets you get away from. We have enough people in the guild with lucrative careers, we can pay for our own lifetime vent server and website and not have to compromise our values and be told how to run our guild or what we have to achieve if we want to keep being paid. LOL, I find it hilarious guilds have to be paid in order to function properly. We like the way we have and will kick cheating *****es out without a thought. Didn't get server first on this mob? Who the flip cares! LOL play the game and have fun with your friends!
torg3Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 18Arc User
It sill amazes me after so many posts about it, that we are still getting one line applications. Not only that but applications looking like they were done by 4 year olds. A little effort if you want to join us, that is all we ask for lol.
I second that! Put some effort forth or get lost.
Welcome to all the new recruits!
maligkn0Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
mmm this kinda guild its what im looking for me being an experienced gamer but too bad im on shard mindflaya
still looking fora group there if someone can point me in the right direction i have a 9k gs TR and a 12k gs GF mostly pvp focused characters but i can clear any dungeon.
LOL omg, I can not believe how people think Castle Never is hard. Been busy with work and moving and just did my first run tonight, 2 of us haven't been in it since launch and 1 had only been to first boss. 1 shot first 2 bosses and 2 shot 2nd boss. Would have pressed on but been a long weekend with nephew graduating. Just saying all the exploiters and cheaters making a big deal about dungeons when they are not difficult is funny stuff. Maybe they should just have had the CORRECT group composition and actually took tanks and would not have had such a hard time lol.
neverasherMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Grats everyone on killing the draco-lich tonight in Epic Castle Never; no 2 cleric cheese either!
And yet another one removed for exploiting and two removed for talking HAMSTER about guild members on twitch, on top of just being baddies that couldn't get out of the red spots on the ground! ARGH! Why do people join without reading what we are about first? Do NOT apply if you do NOT agree with our rules, guidelines and outlook on gaming! People that do feel free to apply!
All to easy. I really can't believe how people thought CN was hard. It is not the easiest thing ever, but it is not hard. Also can't believe people think GF's are useless and you can't do dungeons with them. Absolutely incredible how dumb bad players are.
Looking for more Euro time frame players that are looking for a great community and not looking to exploit! Shout at one of us today and come join the Freak Show!
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited June 2013
Players can't remove/move posts on the forums. Only Cryptic/PWE Staff Members and a select few volunteer community members may. Please keep recruitment threads on topic.
If you had a bad experience with a guild it's best to just leave it behind. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean others will. The guild recruitment forums are specifically for guilds to recruit. You may not insult, fight with or defame guilds on the forums. Guilds, members and former members should leave the disputes in the game and off the forums
On that note, The Black Hearts Clan is still recruiting active, mature players who understand that exploiting a game is not only harmful to the in game experience of other players but to themselves and there reputation as well. If you feel like you might be a good fit for us, swing on by www.blackheartsclan.com and fill out an application today! And remember, take your application seriously, I read them all.
If you are planning on taking Gauntlgrym seriously, you should apply today. We dominated Gauntlgrym in testing, dominated in world PvP in WAR with 2nd city siege worldwide, owned 2 castles on the Kain server in Lineage2, ran other guilds out of APW on Sartok in Vanguard, destroyed Meridian in Rift so badly they had to add tons of raid guards to keep us out on a daily basis and we will continue our excellence at world pvp here as well. Oh yeah and we were on Jade Quarry for GW2 as well in world pvp but that game is just so bad...
If you want to join our guild, you must submit an application. After that contact a member in game and get vent information and join our vent. PARTICIPATE or no one will know anything about you and not want to sponsor your application. If you do NOT have a sponsor, you will NOT be invited to the guild. Get in groups and play with our members! We are not looking to give you a skill test, but a social test!
That was me, just checked & u guys still have same vent details, i might jump on again, im playing Dragon shard now
I second that! Put some effort forth or get lost.
Welcome to all the new recruits!
still looking fora group there if someone can point me in the right direction i have a 9k gs TR and a 12k gs GF mostly pvp focused characters but i can clear any dungeon.
If you had a bad experience with a guild it's best to just leave it behind. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean others will. The guild recruitment forums are specifically for guilds to recruit. You may not insult, fight with or defame guilds on the forums. Guilds, members and former members should leave the disputes in the game and off the forums
Consider this an official warning.