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Does anyone else think it's ridiculous to have to pay $6 for respecing?



  • noosednoosed Member Posts: 247 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I have a question for everyone that has an issue with the $6 respec fee...how much money have you spent on this game currently?
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    noosed wrote: »
    I have a question for everyone that has an issue with the $6 respec fee...how much money have you spent on this game currently?

    I have spent $65.
  • shiftyticksshiftyticks Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think 6$ for respec is pretty steep. That and enchant fuses/wards kind of turn me off on the cash shop all together. As in tipping the game into the territory where I won't spend a single penny because I feel like the cash shop is a rip off esp with a game that has such a hollow end game. Throwing good money after bad sort of mentality.

    Also since this is "soft launch/Open Beta" we expect some bugs and stuff. I have already found several bugged feats and powers with my DC at 41. I feel like if you are going to charge me $6 every time I change up my spec you should at least have the abilities working properly.

    I have played to 41 so far, loving the game actually but not spent a single cent and I do not intend to. Despite the game being good I do not like feeling like I am being screwed on the transactions I make or feel like being forced into them. I don't have an issue plopping down 40$ on a pretty high end mount or excess bag space. I do have an issue paying $10 to fuse a single high end enchant or respeccing. I am voting with my wallet on this one.

    The obvious cash grab on companions is a bit unsettling as well.
  • thumpin101thumpin101 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chintae wrote: »
    The fact that you HAVE to buy to respec your character is ridiculous. Even GW2 understood that people LIKE TO EXPERIMENT and try out different builds.

    Like clerics. There is theory that crits are better, that power is better, that recovery should reign supreme. What if I wanted to take another route? $6. And if it doesn't work? I'M PENALIZED! $6. I try something else....don't like it. NOW I'M PENALIZED AGAIN!!! $6.

    Let's say that I find a build I LIKE that involves an ability. It works good, it works a little too good, simplifying dungeons to a point that healing is too powerful and PWE comes along and nerfs it, rending the ability worthless, pointless and the build I had centered around it NO LONGER WORKS. Now I need to find something else that works.

    Guess what.....$6, because PWE changed something. Not my fault this time BUT I STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.

    No. Respecs should be for free. Sure, spend AD on paragon/feats, but not for powers. That is beyond stupid. I shouldn't have to pay, noone should. Experiementation should be encouraged, not having a cookie cutter build so I can pump out minimum numbers that some D-bag Guild Leader has predetermined I have to meet in order to make the grade.

    Min/maxing has its place, but not in a D&D based game. Nor does it belong in an MMO, period. If Elitist guilds want it, sure, but that shouldn't factor down into the general populace.

    This is yet another facet of PWE not being confident enough in their game to make ESSENTIAL game things free (costing gold or straight up AD) in order to purchase.

    And yes, PWE, delete these threads, but I will keep saying it over and over until you get it in your head. You are not CONFIDENT enough in your game if you have to bully people into purchasing in order to Pay to WIN

    Agreed. Like it or not many of us will just leave if we have to keep paying for respecs.I am only budgeted for $15 a month for video games.So I can pay for a subscription to wow or rift.Or I can play Gw2 or this game.I like to respec.I like playing different play styles and different classes.I get bored if I don't.There is a lot about this game I like and at the moment would rather play this than anything else.But I will not be able to continue if this doesn't change.also there are plenty of parents out there that aren't going to be able to afford this.$6 is nothing but $6 2 times a week for a respec plus $5 for a bag $10 for this or that and all of a sudden some poor kid is fighting with his parrents and getting grounded and banned from playing any games at all.Yes we all need to be responsible consumers But we also need to be responsible businesses. Their are plenty of other avenues for creating revenue here than this.You don't have to carbon copy other games,but it would be self defeating not to take from them what has been proven to work. no one charges for respecs because it is makes people quit.
  • gulrakdarkgulrakdark Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They should not be charging money for such a feature, especially when there are many abilities that are bugged and not working as intended at all. Once you get them you are stuck with them till you can grind the massive amount of AD needed, and all that AD grind for no other purpose than to respec out of broken abilities.

    They should not be charging us to find out what skills are broken and what are not in an open beta. They can make money from so many other sources, and already do, this one was unnecessary.

    Awesome game and would keep more of it's players and attract more if they could make a few key changes. People have to understand it's because we like the game that we argue or ask for it's betterment.
  • spacecowboy3117spacecowboy3117 Member Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    noosed wrote: »
    Soooo...out of curiosity. Who do you think they'd rather keep around here. Someone who likes to play the game, doesn't mind spending a bit of much deserved cash on the store. Or someone on their forums whining about stuff not being cheap enough and comparing their game to north korea, "warning customers of their pricing model"????
    .... IF 'they' care at all, they will probably go after whomever uses more vulgarity and insults in their posts. Everyone is free to decide that for themselves. ..... Also, your cash, and your problem if a potential lack of economic sense causes you to run out someday. I hope that doesn't happen. If it does, I hope you are not the type of person that wants the Federal government to come bail them out. Time will tell.
    noosed wrote: »
    I have a question for everyone that has an issue with the $6 respec fee...how much money have you spent on this game currently?
    $0.... and I will never spend any amount on this game such as it is.... If they would largely do away with most of the cash shop, I'd probably have been willing to pay $60 for it up front... I loved the first two neverwinter games, I subbed to DDO for a bit when it was new... If I had time I'd have probably played PNP DND growing up... so by this pricing model they've lost my money and at least two other people that have been posting in this thread. Time will tell if enough people are willing to pay to keep the servers online and stable.

    ... Meanwhile, I will be in game for a bit, and then using my time for a free activity that will improve my life, like exercise.
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013

    $0.... and I will never spend any amount on this game such as it is.... If they would largely do away with most of the cash shop, I'd probably have been willing to pay $60 for it up front... I loved the first two neverwinter games, I subbed to DDO for a bit when it was new... If I had time I'd have probably played PNP DND growing up... so by this pricing model they've lost my money and at least two other people that have been posting in this thread. Time will tell if enough people are willing to pay to keep the servers online and stable.

    Yeah, a B2P like GW2 with a cash shop is much more consumer friendly, would have been nice.
  • pw3ckapw3cka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I would allow dual spec , maybe even for small charge, like those 200 zens maybe?

    Then I would allow people to respec once for free, and then with every respec I would increase the price somehow..

  • varsas13varsas13 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It is a bit too much, and really needs to be removed OR cost Astral Diamonds and not Zen, I understand that its a Free to Play game and they make money primarly off of the "players decision" to putt $ in it, but Respeccing is a pretty crucial thing in a game, and having to spend a whopping 6$ to do it is flat out ridiculous
  • ratrailratrail Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It blows my mind how people can say things like this, and that makes it okay to not try and be the best they can. I could study for 3 hours but I don't need to- to pass- just to pass, I don't study at all and i'll get a 2. That's why american schools are so far behind, people like you that only need to pass, instead of actually trying to be your best. NOT THE BEST, your best. It's acceptable to be average or below if you aren't trying?

    I have a 44 rogue and 42 CW since may 1st. I am playing the game. I am paying for things too. I actually try to max my play ability, the fact that you don't ---doesn't make me a whiner.

    Best, average, and below average are highly subjective and will vary from person-to-person, which makes your argument rather weak. You missed the entire point of my post, which was that this isn't the type of game where you will want or need to re-spec daily or even weekly, and if people played the game more and complained less, they would see that.

    As far as your BS line about American education, it turns out that I did more than just pass when it comes to earning an education, so I can afford the occasionally $6 expense without having to whine about it (especially for a game that I didn't have to buy and don't have to pay a subscription to play). So, thanks for the misguided insult, but perhaps you should focus on more on min-maxing out of game, and then the occasional $6 expense won't seem so daunting to you.
  • epixcomixepixcomix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Everyone has a different idea regarding how easy respecs should be. As things are right now, you can purchase a respec without ever paying a single dime of real money. The AD amount sounds horrendously high, but when you see the level 60 purples selling for hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of AD, then it puts into perspective how easy it really is to purchase a respec if that's what you really want. This means you have to level up to 60 and start doing the dungeons so you can get some of that gear to sell for your respec, not an unreasonable thing. If you don't want to spend real money...that's fine, but telling them you just want free respecs because that's what you prefer is probably not going to get it done. The current system does allow for someone who actually plays the game to get a respec if they so need. They simply have to invest more time and effort into it rather than having it handed over to them.

    Also, if it's like the other Cryptic games, if they make major changes to classes, they often hand out a free respec at that time.
  • cookjkcookjk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    I don't think respect should be in any game for any reason at all...EVER! It is one of the worst things to happen to online gaming and only caters to casuals. That includes you L33T raids!
  • stringsestringse Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 63
    edited May 2013
    I see so many of these post's for god sake it is $6 DOLLARS!!!! Not like its asking $20 or $10 for that matter...
  • oreoz2573oreoz2573 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stringse wrote: »
    I see so many of these post's for god sake it is $6 DOLLARS!!!! Not like its asking $20 or $10 for that matter...

    you didn't read through did you?

    What if you want to spec for pvp, or try new feats, or you realize that your existing feats are broken, or maybe you want to try a different paragon path since THEY'RE NOT ALL AVAILABLE YET?

    It's not about how expensive it is.

    It's about how expensive it will BECOME to anyone who actually wants to...well.....play.

    Which they won't for the aforementioned reason.
    "If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
  • eversummernightseversummernights Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah this is one of the lamer cash grabs, though not nearly as offensive as the 160$ enchants thatll be required to PvP competitively.
  • spacecowboy3117spacecowboy3117 Member Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    stringse wrote: »
    I see so many of these post's for god sake it is $6 DOLLARS!!!! Not like its asking $20 or $10 for that matter...

    I believe a wise man once said, a penny saved is a penny earned, I also don't think anyone who says 'its only $6' has much in the way of financial wisdom. six dollars can go pretty darn far, if you make it.... 'its only $6' is the reason America is about to be owned and operated by the Chinese.
  • spacecowboy3117spacecowboy3117 Member Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    noosed wrote: »
    Hey cowboy, you're just a straight up ****ing idiot. I really hope you know that. Guess what dip****, you dont get to play video games for free, you're gonna have to pony up a little to enjoy your hobbies, so get the **** over it already.

    Nice to know you care :-)
  • oreoz2573oreoz2573 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noosed wrote: »
    Hey cowboy, you're just a straight up ****ing idiot. I really hope you know that. Guess what dip****, you dont get to play video games for free, you're gonna have to pony up a little to enjoy your hobbies, so get the **** over it already.

    holy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> hahahha
    I love this kind of illogical rage. Hilarious.

    Not even gonna try to explain to you why paying for a respec is ridiculous. Especially when all the speccing options aren't even available to us yet. LOLZ
    "If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
  • spacecowboy3117spacecowboy3117 Member Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    oreoz2573 wrote: »
    holy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> hahahha
    I love this kind of illogical rage. Hilarious.

    Not even gonna try to explain to you why paying for a respec is ridiculous. Especially when all the speccing options aren't even available to us yet. LOLZ

    The really funny part is he likes the game as is, but we're the ones that are happy, relaxed and enjoying ourselves :-)
  • thegodporingthegodporing Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Worst idea since crossbreeding flying fish and sharks.

    You win the internet for today.
  • maho4200maho4200 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 526 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    noosed wrote: »
    Hey cowboy, you're just a straight up ****ing idiot. I really hope you know that. Guess what dip****, you dont get to play video games for free, you're gonna have to pony up a little to enjoy your hobbies, so get the **** over it already.
    I hope you are unable to breed.
    Neverwinter Online Open Beta is an ongoing success
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Look folks, bad behavior on forums is acceptable. Especially towards paying customers., like me who are willing to pay some now, and maybe more later if things get better ... and have something to say that doesn't reflect on the game in a positive manner.

    No matter how many times I say I like this game ... but -
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • crysidiacrysidia Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jazzneo wrote: »
    people who dont want pay you have option to delete your character and redo it

    Okay, so everytime I want to swap between PvPing and PvEing, I have to start a new character? Sounds extremely reasonable.
  • crysidiacrysidia Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stringse wrote: »
    I see so many of these post's for god sake it is $6 DOLLARS!!!! Not like its asking $20 or $10 for that matter...
    It's $6 dollars once. I'm sorry we don't all have tons of money to spend on respecing multiple times if we want to swap from PvP to PvE or try other specs. It's also the fact that they almost force you to pay $6 in the first place. Then if you want to attempt other things and swap specs often, it will add up quite quickly. If I swap 10 times a month because I enjoy doing more than one spec, that's $60 a month for a FREE TO PLAY game.
  • galidassgalidass Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I never had to pay anything.. I just did a couple of surveys, earned 1000 zen, bought my free respec, and a lot of epic gear when I hit 60. Best game ever.
    Pay to win? LOL! Get your facts straight, this game got surveys. Click on Charge Zen, and choose Earn Zen before you complain about 6$ respec, unless you can't do them ofc.
  • spacecowboy3117spacecowboy3117 Member Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    galidass wrote: »
    I never had to pay anything.. I just did a couple of surveys, earned 1000 zen, bought my free respec, and a lot of epic gear when I hit 60. Best game ever.

    Likely to spend time or money on a system reboot in the future...
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    galidass wrote: »
    I never had to pay anything.. I just did a couple of surveys, earned 1000 zen, bought my free respec, and a lot of epic gear when I hit 60. Best game ever.

    a couple of surveys and earned 1k zen right. a couple gets you a couple hundred. and tell me what says all these surveys are safe to take for my machine?
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • galidassgalidass Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Likely to spend time or money on a system reboot in the future...

    doesn't even make sense..
    Pay to win? LOL! Get your facts straight, this game got surveys. Click on Charge Zen, and choose Earn Zen before you complain about 6$ respec, unless you can't do them ofc.
  • crysidiacrysidia Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noosed wrote: »
    Hey cowboy, you're just a straight up ****ing idiot. I really hope you know that. Guess what dip****, you dont get to play video games for free, you're gonna have to pony up a little to enjoy your hobbies, so get the **** over it already.
    I've spent a decent amount on this game already, but I don't think that respecs should be in the area of real money. I think Free to Play games should offer cosmetic and stuff that doesn't give advantages to people who pay. Think about League of Legends. I never had to spend a dime on that game, but I've spent quite a lot because they don't **** their players and only really make you pay for cosmetic stuff. I prefer a company that doesn't make basic components of a game (Respecing is a basic component of MMO's now whether you want to admit it or not) cost money to access. I pay $15 dollars a month for WoW. By that standard, I've paid for 6 months of this game and I don't even get equal opportunity as others who have spent more. It isn't even that it bothers me. It's that I don't even get a basic component of any MMO for a purchase using in-game currency. If you make a good game and make it F2P, people will pay if they think it's worth it. League of Legends is massive and they don't force you to buy game altering **** that makes you have an advantage.
  • mutharexmutharex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    crysidia wrote: »
    It's $6 dollars once. I'm sorry we don't all have tons of money to spend on respecing multiple times if we want to swap from PvP to PvE or try other specs. It's also the fact that they almost force you to pay $6 in the first place. Then if you want to attempt other things and swap specs often, it will add up quite quickly. If I swap 10 times a month because I enjoy doing more than one spec, that's $60 a month for a FREE TO PLAY game.

    Wouldn't you change feats to change build? I mean more than Powers. Aren't Feat retrainable for AD already?

    And to answer your other question, all F2P games monetize respecs or classes or bag space, in a measure or another. That's why when I play STO or LOTRO I always sub (and would have subbed for this if they gave the possibility)
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