I am wanting to make a video series demonstrating my run through of this game which I want to upload to Youtube for public viewing. Beforehand, however; I want to know whether or not a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) is in place in the open beta? Granted, I know most open betas have NDA lifted, however I have not seen any information about this for this particular game.
Do you intend on breaking the game by putting the best gear and cash shops and having us pay out the wazoo for it? I want to know now so I can uninstall it and call it a failure like most PWE games, your all to greedy. Or is PWI your cash cow and your ready to actually be a balanced game like Tera Online, or Guild Wars 2? Cause if your just going to throw gear into the cash shop... I'd rather just play runescape 2007 Old school servers. Hope greed doesn't effect you like it did all your other games.
Astral Diamonds are a rare type of currency used in-game to purchase gear and to bid in the auction house, similar to Dilithium in Star Trek Online or Questionite in Champions Online.
Typically, a player can earn Astral Diamonds by doing certain types of quests and missions. This content is generally time-limited so a player can only repeat this type of gameplay so often.
Will Neverwinter have a paid-for currency?
Yes, Neverwinter will use ZEN, the universal currency used across all Perfect World games.
Can I obtain the items that are available for purchase using ZEN without spending money?
You can! That's the beauty of this system.
You can get everything you want by playing. Everything. This includes mounts, costumes, etc. Why? How? Because you can put the Astral Diamonds you've earned up on an auction house and sell them for micro-transactable points. Then you can purchase anything you'd like in our micro-transaction store. Committed players never need spend a dime in Neverwinter. Anyone can bankroll a hero simply by playing.
What sort of items will I be able to buy with ZEN?
None of the specific items have been announced yet, but they will be awesome!
I bought an item on the Zen Market that can be claimed on multiple characters. How do I get it?
-Log in to the character that you want to claim the item for
-Press Y to open the Zen Market window
-Click on 'Featured Items'
-Highlight the item you wish to claim, then click 'Claim'
This process can be repeated for all characters on an account.
How do I claim the Astral Diamonds I received from my Founder
I really hope you don't break this game like all your other games. You completely ruined Perfect World International. That SHOULD be apparent to all the people you've lost over the years. I've tried playing a majority of your other games. To no avail they where all pretty bad. Auto Bot system's, GRIND FEST to no end.
I'm not trying to "Flame" this game or the company, this is meant to be "TRUTHFUL" I just want to know what your plans are to make revenue cause if your going to destroy the game with Cash Shop GEAR. I don't want any part of this community. I hope structural criticism has finally reached the Developers across the pond. Not to mention the share holders. Then again why bother, I should now the answer already...
Are we Actually GOING TO HAVE GM'S THAT ARE FOR THE COMMUNITY?? Or just greedy self centered supports?
No. But it is not needed. My Fiance is in the Netherlands and I am, for the moment, in the US. We both play together with no lag, no issues at all. She absolutely loves this game and we have both been very impressed by the stability (after they patched it, of course. We had the rubber banding issues everyone had, but after the last patch all stability issues completely went away for us! WOOHOO!)
The first helpful thing is if you have already logged into the game, open your launcher. By default the launcher remembers your handle, and all you have to do is enter your password. However, another thing is to check your emails. Cryptic emails often refer to you by your handle. Also, the email you received when you signed up has your log-on information.
If all of this fails, you can always contact support, verify who you are and they will help you.
I hope this helps.
OH . . . If all of the above should fail, flag down a passing flying saucer and explain to them that it is vitally important to leave before your phone bill arrives (I doubt anyone gets that reference but . . . )
I got the guardian founders pack and was wondering if all characters get the items?
If so then y can I not find my items in mail or anywhere else?
Want to know if my other char gets the mount or do I have to buy one for second char
I got the guardian founders pack and was wondering if all characters get the items?
If so then y can I not find my items in mail or anywhere else?
Want to know if my other char gets the mount or do I have to buy one for second char
All characters do get most of the items. The ONLY two that not all characters get are:
- Astral Diamonds (that is only once per account, so spend wisely!)
- Starter Pack (the bag icon that gives a bunch of consumables, etc.)
Everything else is immediately available to your characters. In fact you do NOT have to wait for the email. Every character I bring out of the tutorial, I shoot straight to the Founder merchant, click ont he "Re-Claim" tab and everything is there. For my initial character, the starter pack was under "Claim", but everything else is under "re-claim".
Hello, could someone please advice if the open beta is under NDA or not? I cannot currently make new threads so would really appreciate it if this could answered!
There is absolutely no NDA for Open Beta here. You can video, post, screenshot, talk, share and be merry.
The ONLY section of testers that were still under NDA (and still are, as they should be) were the Alpha testers, but no one in Beta is under any NDA at all
I purchased zen, but havent got it yet... how long does it take for me to get my zen?
Instant. Zen does not go into your game account. It goes into your PWE Wallet. Log into your PWE account, go to "My Wallet" and then see the zen there. Transfer that Zen to the game of your choice (in this case, Neverwinter) and you should be golden.
Just going to put my response here, because I'm not going to even bother with the game until basic, simple stuff is addressed.
1.)The unskippable cinematic when the game launches is a problem.
This might be a huge revelation, but no one gives a HAMSTER about story or visuals that don't match your graphics in game. No one cares about story in MMO's in general. We have come here to farm loot and grind monsters. Gratz on your GW2 clone and everything but the dramatics are unnecessary.
2.) Please name your classes normal names... Half orc, half human, giant spaghetti monster. Holy HAMSTER.This cliche has been going on for so long that it's more cliche to avoid it than it is to just tell us what the classes are. Ranged DPS. Melee DPS. Tank, Just tell us what the classes do in their names. Is this really that hard? We all know what they're going to do anyways, less nonsense.
I hate that I have to sit here and explain this. Tank class, Mage class, Healer class, DPS dagger class, ranged bow class, whatever. Please just call it what it is. You don't need to be clever when you follow a formula.
Also for everyone who's complaining about it- welcome to Cryptic. They love cash shops. They report to their Communist overlords in China every month with their two dollar sales totals. They bailed on City of Heroes, ruined Champions Online with under-development, made a lolstar trek game that no one gives a **** about. And now they finally get a chance to make a WoW clone. Wooo Cryptic! Nice WoW clone. That's the point of these forums right?
Just going to put my response here, because I'm not going to even bother with the game until basic, simple stuff is addressed.
1.)The unskippable cinematic when the game launches is a problem.
This might be a huge revelation, but no one gives a HAMSTER about story or visuals that don't match your graphics in game. No one cares about story in MMO's in general. We have come here to farm loot and grind monsters. Gratz on your GW2 clone and everything but the dramatics are unnecessary.
2.) Please name your classes normal names... Half orc, half human, giant spaghetti monster. Holy HAMSTER.This cliche has been going on for so long that it's more cliche to avoid it than it is to just tell us what the classes are. Ranged DPS. Melee DPS. Tank, Just tell us what the classes do in their names. Is this really that hard? We all know what they're going to do anyways, less nonsense.
I hate that I have to sit here and explain this. Tank class, Mage class, Healer class, DPS dagger class, ranged bow class, whatever. Please just call it what it is. You don't need to be clever when you follow a formula.
Also for everyone who's complaining about it- welcome to Cryptic. They love cash shops. They report to their Communist overlords in China every month with their two dollar sales totals. They bailed on City of Heroes, ruined Champions Online with under-development, made a lolstar trek game that no one gives a **** about. And now they finally get a chance to make a WoW clone. Wooo Cryptic! Nice WoW clone. That's the point of these forums right?
1) If you are referring to the cutscene that is right at character create - it is skippable. If you mean the one that is when you create and just entered the tutorial, it is skippable. There is no cinimatic when launching the game itself, so I know that's not what you are referring to. Did you try the basics? Escape? Space Bar? Both work fine for me. Nothing is not able to be skipped.
2) Classes are named after . . . ~gasp~ . . . wait for it . . . what the game is modeled after. I am not going to explain further other than to refer you to either read up on D&D, Forgotten Realms and Neverwinter or do other research into the background of a game before trying to have them bend to your personal wants for a game. They are not trying to be "clever". They modeled themselves after a specific gaming universe and have correctly and properly named their classes, races and such after that universe.
Besides . . . the rest of us understood clearly what all the classes, etc. are. So my recommendations are: Read the lore and . . . as far as the cutscenes go . . . learn where the escape and space bar buttons are and try using them, because they work perfectly, and are the first things any gamer uses to skip a cut-scene.
My character is stuck and can't move anywhere, can someone teleport me or something please!
Enter your chat and type /stuck. The /stuck command is used for just this type of purpose. I hope this helps. If it does not, you'd most likely get a faster response for that sort of issue by filing a support ticket in game or through the support link:
so is beta being wiped or not? The FAQ says there will be a wipe, but an article I ready called it a "soft release" and said there will be no wipe?
Also - at what level can you start pvping and doing foundry quests and how do you access those areas?
Answered with your own post. Please see that FAQ again and read the rest of that sentence It states when the wipe will occur and after that time which there will be no wipes. I'll leave it up to you to find that date
I am wanting to make a video series demonstrating my run through of this game which I want to upload to Youtube for public viewing. Beforehand, however; I want to know whether or not a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) is in place in the open beta? Granted, I know most open betas have NDA lifted, however I have not seen any information about this for this particular game.
Is an NDA in effect for the current open beta?
I'm not trying to "Flame" this game or the company, this is meant to be "TRUTHFUL" I just want to know what your plans are to make revenue cause if your going to destroy the game with Cash Shop GEAR. I don't want any part of this community. I hope structural criticism has finally reached the Developers across the pond. Not to mention the share holders. Then again why bother, I should now the answer already...
Are we Actually GOING TO HAVE GM'S THAT ARE FOR THE COMMUNITY?? Or just greedy self centered supports?
Answered multiple times on these forums in threads titled precisely as asked. Search is your friend.
No. But it is not needed. My Fiance is in the Netherlands and I am, for the moment, in the US. We both play together with no lag, no issues at all. She absolutely loves this game and we have both been very impressed by the stability (after they patched it, of course. We had the rubber banding issues everyone had, but after the last patch all stability issues completely went away for us! WOOHOO!)
The first helpful thing is if you have already logged into the game, open your launcher. By default the launcher remembers your handle, and all you have to do is enter your password. However, another thing is to check your emails. Cryptic emails often refer to you by your handle. Also, the email you received when you signed up has your log-on information.
If all of this fails, you can always contact support, verify who you are and they will help you.
I hope this helps.
OH . . . If all of the above should fail, flag down a passing flying saucer and explain to them that it is vitally important to leave before your phone bill arrives (I doubt anyone gets that reference but . . . )
If so then y can I not find my items in mail or anywhere else?
Want to know if my other char gets the mount or do I have to buy one for second char
All characters do get most of the items. The ONLY two that not all characters get are:
- Astral Diamonds (that is only once per account, so spend wisely!)
- Starter Pack (the bag icon that gives a bunch of consumables, etc.)
Everything else is immediately available to your characters. In fact you do NOT have to wait for the email. Every character I bring out of the tutorial, I shoot straight to the Founder merchant, click ont he "Re-Claim" tab and everything is there. For my initial character, the starter pack was under "Claim", but everything else is under "re-claim".
The ONLY section of testers that were still under NDA (and still are, as they should be) were the Alpha testers, but no one in Beta is under any NDA at all
Somehow the old link was broken. This is the new link.
Instant. Zen does not go into your game account. It goes into your PWE Wallet. Log into your PWE account, go to "My Wallet" and then see the zen there. Transfer that Zen to the game of your choice (in this case, Neverwinter) and you should be golden.
1.)The unskippable cinematic when the game launches is a problem.
This might be a huge revelation, but no one gives a HAMSTER about story or visuals that don't match your graphics in game. No one cares about story in MMO's in general. We have come here to farm loot and grind monsters. Gratz on your GW2 clone and everything but the dramatics are unnecessary.
2.) Please name your classes normal names... Half orc, half human, giant spaghetti monster. Holy HAMSTER.This cliche has been going on for so long that it's more cliche to avoid it than it is to just tell us what the classes are. Ranged DPS. Melee DPS. Tank, Just tell us what the classes do in their names. Is this really that hard? We all know what they're going to do anyways, less nonsense.
I hate that I have to sit here and explain this. Tank class, Mage class, Healer class, DPS dagger class, ranged bow class, whatever. Please just call it what it is. You don't need to be clever when you follow a formula.
Also for everyone who's complaining about it- welcome to Cryptic. They love cash shops. They report to their Communist overlords in China every month with their two dollar sales totals. They bailed on City of Heroes, ruined Champions Online with under-development, made a lolstar trek game that no one gives a **** about. And now they finally get a chance to make a WoW clone. Wooo Cryptic! Nice WoW clone. That's the point of these forums right?
1) If you are referring to the cutscene that is right at character create - it is skippable. If you mean the one that is when you create and just entered the tutorial, it is skippable. There is no cinimatic when launching the game itself, so I know that's not what you are referring to. Did you try the basics? Escape? Space Bar? Both work fine for me. Nothing is not able to be skipped.
2) Classes are named after . . . ~gasp~ . . . wait for it . . . what the game is modeled after. I am not going to explain further other than to refer you to either read up on D&D, Forgotten Realms and Neverwinter or do other research into the background of a game before trying to have them bend to your personal wants for a game. They are not trying to be "clever". They modeled themselves after a specific gaming universe and have correctly and properly named their classes, races and such after that universe.
Besides . . . the rest of us understood clearly what all the classes, etc. are. So my recommendations are: Read the lore and . . . as far as the cutscenes go . . . learn where the escape and space bar buttons are and try using them, because they work perfectly, and are the first things any gamer uses to skip a cut-scene.
Enter your chat and type /stuck. The /stuck command is used for just this type of purpose. I hope this helps. If it does not, you'd most likely get a faster response for that sort of issue by filing a support ticket in game or through the support link:
//EDIT// Here is a link to their official advice on stuck characters:
I have other question... is possible run the NW under linux?
My SO is linux mint 14.. Anyone know anything about this? Ty !!
Also - at what level can you start pvping and doing foundry quests and how do you access those areas?
Answered with your own post. Please see that FAQ again and read the rest of that sentence