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  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    There are "hins" - didn't you read FAQ? There was an interesting dialogue back then with Qumi and truth...

    p.s. @truth I posted that wallpaper, it holds true doesn't it?

    Yep. It is.
  • catburger003catburger003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Something about acrobatics. Like you have to jump for areas that can't be reached by running.
    I want to HAMSTER in Neverwinter, whenever I want, for as long as I want.
  • justyntimejustyntime Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I did not read all the posts and this may have been mentioned. I know I saw DDO style active combat which it looks like this game will have.

    I would like the ability to use a controller like an Xbox 360 controller and map my buttons, this was a big plus for me in DDO.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    justyntime wrote: »
    I did not read all the posts and this may have been mentioned. I know I saw DDO style active combat which it looks like this game will have.

    I would like the ability to use a controller like an Xbox 360 controller and map my buttons, this was a big plus for me in DDO.

    Look here.

    And here.

    And even here and here.

    Gamepad/controller/Xbox topics have popped up for quite a while. Cryptic offers gamepad support in all of their released games, and this should not be any exception.
  • justyntimejustyntime Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Thanks for the response Truth!
  • mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    One thing I really wish they will have at launch, and integrated in all instances. Skill checks, strength checks, search, spot all of the D&D experience, I really hope it does not just end up being an RPG Hack & Slash set in a D&D realm.

    Would feel like a game based around dragons, but with no dragons. I already assumed that this would be in, the skill checks. But hearing that they may not be in has really shaken me a little, and I really hope they can get it in place, I want traps blowing up in my face because no one searched for it until it was to late! I want that Fighter to burst through doors or the thief picking that lock!

    They may be just simple strings in a chain of variables but isn't it these little things that give that true D&D experience? Not only that, but it empowers people like me who wish to work extensively with the foundry system, it gives us so many options and choices to add these little details. Don't have a thief in the party to pick that locked chest? no problem we can get the fighter to bash the chest open, but watch you don't slip and break the goods...

    These simple things would go along way to making much more interesting and exciting encounters and dungeons, rather than just the simple, go and kill X amount of trash mobs, kill a boss at the end and get an item to hand in to the NPC that started the quest.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
  • jojinraiunjojinraiun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    mewbrey wrote: »
    One thing I really wish they will have at launch, and integrated in all instances. Skill checks, strength checks, search, spot all of the D&D experience, I really hope it does not just end up being an RPG Hack & Slash set in a D&D realm.

    I have not seen any mention of this, but given past games from Cryptic and the information we do have thus far, I don't think these will make it into the game.

    I would also like it if it could, as flat and simplistic can get boring quickly, even with 'action combat'.

    There is a good reference for those things in DDO, so how to use them has already been honed.
  • mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    jojinraiun wrote: »
    I have not seen any mention of this, but given past games from Cryptic and the information we do have thus far, I don't think these will make it into the game.

    I would also like it if it could, as flat and simplistic can get boring quickly, even with 'action combat'.

    There is a good reference for those things in DDO, so how to use them has already been honed.

    I do not think it would be that hard to add in these kind of checks, especially considering the game already has the foundation for it with stats. Adding it to the foundry would be simple as well, they already have the ground work for this too with the variables and conditions.

    While I know they are a small team and already have allot of work cut out for them, I really do think this will bring so much to both the game and foundry. This is one thing I felt DDO did well, however they lacked the options, if it was a door that needed to be picked, it had to be picked, but this is where the foundry comes in place, we add another string with the variable opening the choice and allowing much more creative game play from the players that are engaging in the content.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
  • ezrasteel1ezrasteel1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2012
    (Sorry for the necro...)

    Back in the days when I was a forum manager for a game on AOL, I use to role play a great deal. The game had a main room in which everyone would role play and many scenes were done in instant messages (IM?s). This really taught me a lot and was one of the main reasons that I played that particular game. As time would have it, the game folded and I moved on to other pursuits, but I never lost my passion for role playing interesting scenes.

    Having played a number of MMO?s over the years since that time, the one thing I really found to be lacking was that ability to role play scenes with other players. Some games have given it attention, such as SWG, and others have completely dismissed it. The feature I would like to see incorporated in this game is a dedicated channel or ability to role play with other players. To be honest, in the most recent games that I have played, I pay little attention to the chat channels, as they typically hold very little interest to me. But if this game were to include the ability of players to chat (role play) with one another while adventuring, I believe that this would be a real benefit to the players and greatly enhance the game play experience. One of the main features that I believe would be needed in this implementation would be the ability to log the chat so that the players can go back and edit it and post it in the form of a story for their character or guild.

    MMO?s are by their very nature social games. A lot of games today seem to ignore that fundamental fact. Many players are logging into the games, running quests by themselves, putting in time without interacting with their fellow gamers. By including something like I?ve described, Neverwinter can enhance the social aspect of the game and I believe that it will become one of the hallmark features of the game.

    Well that?s my two cents, what do you think?
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    ezrasteel1 wrote: »
    (Sorry for the necro...)

    Back in the days when I was a forum manager for a game on AOL, I use to role play a great deal. The game had a main room in which everyone would role play and many scenes were done in instant messages (IM?s). This really taught me a lot and was one of the main reasons that I played that particular game. As time would have it, the game folded and I moved on to other pursuits, but I never lost my passion for role playing interesting scenes.

    Having played a number of MMO?s over the years since that time, the one thing I really found to be lacking was that ability to role play scenes with other players. Some games have given it attention, such as SWG, and others have completely dismissed it. The feature I would like to see incorporated in this game is a dedicated channel or ability to role play with other players. To be honest, in the most recent games that I have played, I pay little attention to the chat channels, as they typically hold very little interest to me. But if this game were to include the ability of players to chat (role play) with one another while adventuring, I believe that this would be a real benefit to the players and greatly enhance the game play experience. One of the main features that I believe would be needed in this implementation would be the ability to log the chat so that the players can go back and edit it and post it in the form of a story for their character or guild.

    MMO?s are by their very nature social games. A lot of games today seem to ignore that fundamental fact. Many players are logging into the games, running quests by themselves, putting in time without interacting with their fellow gamers. By including something like I?ve described, Neverwinter can enhance the social aspect of the game and I believe that it will become one of the hallmark features of the game.

    Well that?s my two cents, what do you think?

    No worries, it is only considered "necroing" when a thread has been inactive for 30 days or more.

    I too used to RP in AOL chat rooms and can definitely relate to your post here. I think being able to log chat channels is a good idea also.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Just to throw my opinion out there there's a balancing act to be had with any multiplayer game.

    Just because it is a multiplayer game doesn't mean it should be forced on any person. I love playing with other people and will do so as often as I can but at the same time I also hate organizing parties. The log-in-and-play-ability is likely the biggest factor in me enjoying any game.
    I don't want to populate my friends list just so that I can log in and play the game. A few great friends will always be better to me than a hundred acquaintances.

    I think MMO's have been heading down a dangerous path in recent years by removing the 'log in and play' content. The early concepts behind MMO's was literally "RPG's are fun but RPG's with other like-minded players is even more fun" and the recent group content craze MMO's have been pushing don't actually follow the original concept of MMO's.
    Sure you can stick 50 people into a group and say they're like minded because they all want to go out, hunt the dragon and get the leet lootz...

    But while this content does, in some cases, instigate lasting friendships between players it's really not an ideal method to do that. It's more like a probable certainty than matchmaking.

    Current MMO Group Content is fine and fun in it's own right to some but I'm waiting for the MMO which will re-invent the social interaction incentives.
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have only 2 decent wishes:

    I want a progression curve that makes a char reach max level only after a minimum of 250 hours of play.

    I want a dead penalty that makes me think twice about repeating any encounter where my char just died.

    Because I play MMOs for a single reason: Every action counts
    No savegame, cheat or godmode
    And I can do perfectly without a difficulty slider.
    If a whole floor of people works on an MMO for years they should be able to BALANCE their game for gods sake - instead of putting it into our hand AGAIN!
    I agree with your power progression thought that 250 hours could be increased to 500 hours. I know Neverwinter Nights 1 had some persistent servers with permanent death. Those permanent death servers were only a small minority of the persistent world servers. I played on a server with 10 % exp loss on death which was very hard penalty. In WOW you become ghost and you really do not want to die in WOW either since corpse running as ghost to your corpse takes time. No permanent death will ever be accepted by the community but yeah some kind of penalty though less then 10 % exp loss if it is exp loss please.
    They are probably going to do whatever appeals to the largest audience.
    Correct, but there must be very noticeable death penalty.
    #1. I would like to see a vast realm underground. the Underdark made up of the Upperdark, MiddleDark, and Lowerdark.

    #2. A multitude of dungeons large and small. Small caves, Large caves, tombs, crypts, Ruins, Mines, castles, towers, shipwreks, geographical location etc etc.

    #3. I hope they expand further out from Neverwinter above ground. To the north the ruined city of Luskan, the spine of the world Mountains and Icewind Dale, Mirabar, Lurkwood, Dark arrow keep, Mithral Hall, Glimmerwood, to the east the Evermoors, Silverymoon, Everlund the High forest, Lost Peaks to the south the sword mountains, and WaterDeep.

    #4. I would love to play as an Uthgargardt Barbarian from glimmerwood, or a Half Elf from Everlund, a dwarf from Mithral Hall or Mirabar. An orc perhaps from the kingdom of Many-Arrows.

    5. D&D has a tremendous amount of monsters. I would like to see as many as possible.

    These are some of the things i would like to see in this world what are yours?

    If I have understood the first one: 1. will never happen through Cryptic. They have license to have Drow, but they do not have license to create adventures about very deep Underdark like the drow city Menzoberranzan or Lloth plane of existence. However I can't see how they could prevent a player creating such things with foundry as an instance, but that will not be part of the open World.

    The other stuff you tell sound interesting and I have read lots of DD books.

    I would add to that:
    1. Powerprogression that takes very long time though it does not need to take forever.
    2. 10 people raids in future no need to stress to create them for release.
    3. PvP battlegrounds and not simple arena.. I like battleground maps. Yeah no huge system requirements so I would be pleased with 5vs5 and 10 vs 10 PvP maps for example.
    For those who do not know what Battleground is it is an instance area could have forest etc...
    Hopefully PvP will support also Capture The Flag and not only deathmatch.
    4. Horror monsters and also other shapeshifters then Werewolves... Doppleganger is like a monster from the Thing movie that can kill and eat its victim and then shapeshift into the Victim.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    : 1. will never happen through Cryptic. They have license to have Drow, but they do not have license to create adventures about very deep Underdark like the drow city Menzoberranzan or Lloth plane of existence.
    I don't see why they can't have that license in future? Also, I am quite sure after paragon tier they will have an expansion with signils for planar travel - like in pnp. That way we can go to each of the gods domain in Astral plane, Abyss etc. That has to be the plan - as long as game is successful.
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    I don't see why they can't have that license in future? Also, I am quite sure after paragon tier they will have an expansion with signils for planar travel - like in pnp. That way we can go to each of the gods domain in Astral plane, Abyss etc. That has to be the plan - as long as game is successful.

    Ok sorry they could in theory have license about that in the future. However currently they do not and I think that was answered in another thread directly by developers about Lloth and Underdark in the game. The closest you can come to that in Cryptic generated content at release is maybe some Drowpriestess adventure that involves drow raiding party coming near/above surface and of course a Priestess can call her deity powers as in Lloth.

    Its not only about plane travel it is about deep Underdark as in Menzoberranzan. Plane travel I suspect that could be content for expansion and much higher level characters.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    Ok sorry they could in theory have license about that in the future. However currently they do not and I think that was answered in another thread directly by developers about Lloth and Underdark in the game. The closest you can come to that in Cryptic generated content at release is maybe some Drowpriestess adventure that involves drow raiding party coming near/above surface and of course a Priestess can call her deity powers as in Lloth
    lol, don't say sorry or something because we are only speculating and collaborating our knowledge. The word kind of makes me feel guilty.

    However, can you link where the devs said about lloth and underdark, I might have missed that? Or if you remember roughly the time when dev made that post?

    And yes, I was talking post-paragon (i.e. EPIC levels) which will be after 60 when you can use signils in pnp(after 20).
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short of a joint inter-game agreement, Turbine has licensed the Underdark (including Lloth) and Cryptic has licensed Neverwinter IP and won't show up in the competitor's games.
  • iamruneiamrune Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short of a joint inter-game agreement, Turbine has licensed the Underdark (including Lloth) and Cryptic has licensed Neverwinter IP and won't show up in the competitor's games.

    I'd like to see a source on this. I was given to understand Cryptic had the rights to the entire Forgotten Realms, including every area of it's reality and plain of existence it's stories traveled too. I fully expect to See Drizzt and possibly adventure with him, and visit the Underdark as a dungeon delve instance.

    I haven't seen anything anywhere that would make me discount that, but rather DDO and Turbine specifically requested and purchased additional setting rights to allow it's otherwise Eberron set campaign to take high level players into the Forgotten Realms Underdark, and only the Underdark.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    iamrune wrote: »
    I'd like to see a source on this. I was given to understand Cryptic had the rights to the entire Forgotten Realms, including every area of it's reality and plain of existence it's stories traveled too. I fully expect to See Drizzt and possibly adventure with him, and visit the Underdark as a dungeon delve instance.

    I haven't seen anything anywhere that would make me discount that, but rather DDO and Turbine specifically requested and purchased additional setting rights to allow it's otherwise Eberron set campaign to take high level players into the Forgotten Realms Underdark, and only the Underdark.

    Driz is NW BTW. Long story short, MMO companies make agreements with WoTC (or other publishers) to license, and they get contractual exclusives. I won't speak for Cryptic and let them mention the level of exclusivity themselves, but since I haven't seen the third party linked site after the announcement of Turbine'S MotU nine months ago mentioning the licensing agreements, I don't have the link mentioning the exclusivity anymore. I'll gladly drop it since I don't have any more current proof to this statement.
  • alfrunaalfruna Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    1) A game that is engaging from the start - make it so that there isn't a compulsion to rush to the end game. I want to have enough fresh content to run several alts and not get bored.
    2) I don't want to feel that the world is painfully linear... I want choices as to where I can go (or not go).
    3) Player housing! I was let down by the customization options in LOTRO, but I do like the housing in EQ and EQ2.
    4) Nice opportunities for rogues to shine (DDO made nice use of traps and such while most other games seem to be lacking).
    5) Plenty to do at end-game that does not center around raiding (things that small groups could enjoy).
    6) I do not like that in most games you can rush from 1 to 50 in a week (or less in some cases). I do not like the idea of a painful grind to get to higher levels either. I guess it goes back to my first statement, lots of engaging content for ALL levels making grinding or rushing to the top unnecessary.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited October 2012
    I thought traps in DDO were boring. Click on the box, wait for your character to disable it.
    I'd much more like to see something like thief 3 or even morrowind. A minigame for disabling traps, where part of the mechanic is variable depending on your character's skill.
  • mokahmokah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    For the game & the Foundry:
    • Plenty of NPC types - For storytellers to thrive, you have to have bucket loads of options. Give authors every FR critter you possibly can, and then double that number.
    • Non-combat related experience or rewards. DnD is not just about combat. It is about thinking through an encounter. Allow us as authors to reward the smarty pants wizard that thinks their way around a fight, or a rogue that sneaks into a treasure vault without being scene by the guards. This is every bit a part of the DnD experience, and should be supported by the game.
    • Traps and environmental hazards - Orcs and drow shouldn't be the only dangers. Give me a patch of yellow mold, or a good old fashioned spike trap.
    • Monsters with different attack strategies and abilities - rust monsters, gelatinous cubes, mind flayers, these are all great critters to encounter because it takes more than just swinging a sword to beat them. Give players and builders variety.
    • Full x-y-z rotation and scaling and even tinting of placeable props can extend the building options way more than you think. NWN2 has the ability to scale and tint a lot of props and you'd be shocked at how useful that can be.
    • Skill checks for dialogue, item interaction, and even triggers on the ground open up a ton of options for builders. Skill checks ARE DnD.
    Mokah - The Grumpy Strumpet
  • alfrunaalfruna Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think I was just happy that there WERE traps in DDO... so many other games have the thief class, but no traps at all (or they are so few and far between that you completely forget about them). I've never tried a rogue/thief type in Morrowind though, so cant speak to those (might have to try one out now).
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short of a joint inter-game agreement, Turbine has licensed the Underdark (including Lloth) and Cryptic has licensed Neverwinter IP and won't show up in the competitor's games.
    Correct. Turbine has access to Underdark and Lloth.

    Here is the discussion about Lloth!

    I hate to also bust anybody's expectation, but due to Turbine's DDO IP agreement with WotC called Menace of the Underdark,
    Lloth will not be in the NWO game and neither will the Underdark. The video on this is here


    At the end of the day it only prevents Cryptic, but players can create an Underdark adventure.
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    I would add to that:
    1. Powerprogression that takes very long time though it does not need to take forever.
    2. 10 people raids in future no need to stress to create them for release.
    3. PvP battlegrounds and not simple arena.. I like battleground maps. Yeah no huge system requirements so I would be pleased with 5vs5 and 10 vs 10 PvP maps for example.
    For those who do not know what Battleground is it is an instance area could have forest etc...
    Hopefully PvP will support also Capture The Flag and not only deathmatch.
    4. Horror monsters and also other shapeshifters then Werewolves... Doppleganger is like a monster from the Thing movie that can kill and eat its victim and then shapeshift into the Victim.
  • torgaardtorgaard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    A DM Client.

    I understand what they're doing with the limitations of the Foundry, encounters, itemization, stuff like that; it's pretty dang smart. I'm askin' for alot, but I guess I'd kinda like to see them integrate a "non-official" (ie items or maybe characters used in non-official, DM Client adventures; can't be used in official adventures due to exploit risks, etc) sub-set of player created Foundry missions, where we can truly create our particular style of campaign.

    If not that, then a DM Client again; but a client that can be privately host missions/campaigns/worlds on our own servers (and again; DM Client non-official characters and content could never join the official Neverwinter game).
  • pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    Correct. Turbine has access to Underdark and Lloth.

    Here is the discussion about Lloth!

    I hate to also bust anybody's expectation, but due to Turbine's DDO IP agreement with WotC called Menace of the Underdark,
    Lloth will not be in the NWO game and neither will the Underdark. The video on this is here


    At the end of the day it only prevents Cryptic, but players can create an Underdark adventure.

    I would like to know what exactly ddo has the right to? Just the underdark and the cormyr area?

    Does Neverwinter have the right to expand to other areas in the savage frontier and other areas around it?
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    pilf3r wrote: »
    I would like to know what exactly ddo has the right to? Just the underdark and the cormyr area?

    Does Neverwinter have the right to expand to other areas in the savage frontier and other areas around it?

    Short answer I don't know. I suspect Neverwinter can expand, but this is not big Open world game like Elder scrolls. However I do hope that cryptic will increase the Open World in time. I don't think it is a license thing to expand but I believe open world area will not be big since it is a lot of effort/work and this is a free game. Most of the playable content will be in instances and not the open world at least that is the impression I have got.
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    torgaard wrote: »
    A DM Client.

    I understand what they're doing with the limitations of the Foundry, encounters, itemization, stuff like that; it's pretty dang smart. I'm askin' for alot, but I guess I'd kinda like to see them integrate a "non-official" (ie items or maybe characters used in non-official, DM Client adventures; can't be used in official adventures due to exploit risks, etc) sub-set of player created Foundry missions, where we can truly create our particular style of campaign.

    If not that, then a DM Client again; but a client that can be privately host missions/campaigns/worlds on our own servers (and again; DM Client non-official characters and content could never join the official Neverwinter game).

    There is no support for DM client. This is not NWN1/NWN2 with support for persistent servers. Forget that. What players can create is adventures(instances) for 1-5 players. Those instances can also be 100% above ground so it does not mean it has to be Dungeon adventure.

    Exp and random loot from will carry over to offcial campaign from custom made content. Cryptic has not decided if they will allow specific items, but if they will then those will be balanced for sure according to level/adventure.

    I really don't get what you mean by characters carry over? If you mean NPC absolutely no, but it is the same characters that you play in the main world with. You do not create some specific characters for a custom made adventure. Of course you can advertise for what level characters an adventure is meant for etc.

    There are other topics like FOUNDRY where details can be discussed. See the videos and read in this topic:
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    pilf3r wrote: »
    I would like to know what exactly ddo has the right to? Just the underdark and the cormyr area?

    Does Neverwinter have the right to expand to other areas in the savage frontier and other areas around it?

    Well, considering in one of the Videos that showed a small bit of character creation in NWO, we are able to choose that we come from a Cormyrian background, I would say that whatever rights each company does have is not what people are expecting.

    The bottom line is that everyone who is saying who owns what is just speculating their own opinion for no one has been able to show any legal documents of who owns what and the Producers haven't spoken of this either.

    Personally, I would find it very silly of Hasbro to licence everything in the Realms to Cryptic/PWE except for The Underdark and Lolth - considering the massive amount of historical lore that is intertwined within almost every aspect of Faerun. As well, we must consider that Lolth is now a Greater Goddess. You simply cannot omit such a thing without changing the very Campaign Setting itself.

    Furthermore, we have to consider that this is also being based off of both the works by R.A. Salvatore, the author behind Faerun's most famous drow, Drizzt Do'Urden, and the Neverwinter Campaign Setting itself. To omit the Underdark would strip Gauntlgrym from both the Novels and Campaign Setting, which go deep into it. Heck, even one of R.A. Salvatore's books, that NWO is based on, is called "Gauntlgrym." As well, there are several pages of a chapter in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting dedicated to this section of the Underdark.

    It is more likely that Turbine acquired limited rights for their expansion, not exclusive rights.
  • varrvarrvarrvarr Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    At the end of the day it only prevents Cryptic, but players can create an Underdark adventure.

    This will be interesting to see what restrictions there are on things in the EULA. STO can be some what restrictive when it comes to the use of characters, so I'd say Lolth is probably a no go for foundry authors but the Underdark is ok. Just my guess though.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    zebular wrote: »
    Personally, I would find it very silly of Hasbro to licence everything in the Realms to Cryptic/PWE except for The Underdark and Lolth - considering the massive amount of historical lore that is intertwined within almost every aspect of Faerun. As well, we must consider that Lolth is now a Greater Goddess. You simply cannot omit such a thing without changing the very Campaign Setting itself.

    Furthermore, we have to consider that this is also being based off of both the works by R.A. Salvatore, the author behind Faerun's most famous drow, Drizzt Do'Urden, and the Neverwinter Campaign Setting itself. To omit the Underdark would strip Gauntlgrym from both the Novels and Campaign Setting, which go deep into it. Heck, even one of R.A. Salvatore's books, that NWO is based on, is called "Gauntlgrym." As well, there are several pages of a chapter in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting dedicated to this section of the Underdark.

    It is more likely that Turbine acquired limited rights for their expansion, not exclusive rights.

    I believe the drawing up of the licensing agreements for Turbine & PW/Cryptic might have a bit more to do with the fact that we the games live in different editions (3.5e vs 4e), which also contain different time lines.

    Worded in this way both publishers would have virtually free reign to tell their stories now and in the future updates/mods. WotC I'm sure reserves veto power if it doesn't like any detail, for whatever matter, in addition to providing assistance to ensure uniformity of certain D&D principles. In many ways even though Turbine and PW are competitors, they are very much part of a team.

    It's just a guess on my part, but I doubt we'd ever get a moderator or publisher to confirm or deny, or break it down for us (right Stormshade? hehe)

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