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  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    tharkan wrote: »
    3. A tribute to Gary Gygax!

    Thank you for reminding me about the importance of this again. I have started a thread requesting this.
  • crankorcrankor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Good controls - can't get over how many hyped up games have the worst controls ever (like no mouselook) Preferably not a point and click game

    Challenging bosses - not just lamo ones that just sit there and attack every 4-5 seconds but one that move a little more realisticly and actually having to dodge. Nothing worse than to see a baddass looking boss just to find out her just stands next to you and does wimpy looking hits that do 10000 damage.

    Having more than one way/path to get to destination.
  • alsonarisalsonaris Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    2. To be able to choose from every single race, class, skill, feat, power, and item that's selectable in WotC's 4th edition character builder (yes, this does imply the presence of rituals).

    I absolutely agree with having a wider selection of races, if nothing else. I understand that the game is Free To Play and that that's going to have an impact, to a degree, on the available content; however, I personally believe the current race options are paltry. Where are the Shardminds? Where are the Dragonborn? Where are the Eladrin? D&D has such a rich, diverse race selection, and I really believe the current set doesn't do the game justice.

    On the upside, I like that it uses the 4th Edition build for Wizards. I prefer Sorcerers, but as far as casting goes 4e feels really good to use. If nothing else, I look forward to giving this game a try even if it doesn't have everything I want.
  • orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,064 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    *Enough options to make your toon as individualistic as possible, beyond just it's appearance.

    *Sprawling player hubs. Towns that look and feel like towns.

    *Appearance options on the level of STO.

    *Active player base.


    *Fun gameplay.

    *Simple stat system on the surface but one with greater complexity when you delve into it.
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
  • adamantium1adamantium1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1. I want to adventure in a persistent world on my own terms not down a linear path set for me.

    2. I want to make my own choices for better or for worse.

    3. I want to adventure in dungeons of all sizes(cave, small,medium, large, gigantic) of all sorts of environments.

    4. I want Glory, Renown, Wealth and most importantly a piece of ground to call my own.

    5. I want to trample my enemies while i ride a great warhorse. And the ones that didn't get trampled wil get cracked skulls from my axe.

    6. I wan't to build a fortified Tower with an L shape design on a island off the coast or perhaps on a lake.

    7. I want to create grand campaigns in the foundry, multi-level dungeons, ancient dwarfhold, Castles, Strongholds, villages, towns, Ancient Ruins, wrecked ships, Pirate coves, bandit camps, Temples, and the Underdark itself.

    8. I want a Warhorse!
  • poonpoon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0
    edited June 2012
    Things I would like to see.

    1: Scaled death system, That is to say a player dies first time the penalty is not that great, but this starts a timer (SAY 1 Hour Timer) If that player dies again the penalty is somewhat greater. The player is stubborn and returns only to die again the penalty is even more so. Finally if a player returns a fourth time and dies, Perma Death.

    This of course would be turned off in my next suggestion.

    2: A real arena where players could go and watch or compete in PvP. This would be tracked by the servers and the Players ranked according to actual results. To avoid abuse players could not fight players more than 3 times per cycle, also having a set level difference between combatants would avoid the abuse of a player having friends or ALTS that they could use to skew results. Also allowing other players to enter and watch but not help in any manner would cut down on any unforeseen abuse of the system.

    3: Diversity in starter towns, While this is not uncommon in many games it could be over looked and cause the whole game to be a total waste. I mean Drow and Humans starting the same city would be just a bit much to swallow. Not to mention it preclude the possibility of racial wars and Alliances.

    4: Specialty Classes (Lich,Vampires, Lycanthropes) Should only be unlockable by Players playing those classes to that end. A Player wants to be a lich then they must start out as a mage and actively acquire the knowledge that allows them to undertake the ritual.

    5: Active and meaningful investment in ones Starter town. That is to say as players invest/Donate to their starter/Racial city it is used to upgrade defenses and improve the citys Infrastructure. Which would effect the inhabitants as far as over all health and disease resistances. This could be even taken to the extreme, of races of like mind forming alliances and jointly using resources to build defenses together for the benefit of both races.

    6: Player owned Guilds that could grow not only within their own cities but reach out and barter and establish trade with other races. This could even be done with races that on the surface do not get along but desire certain goods the other race produces. As this would only require player to player contact and interaction it would not be a issue of coding or more work on the Dev's part. This would by nature not rule out the doublecross and loss of access to those goods, but that would add to the flavor of actually player behavior to the world.

    7: Player Controlled city leaders. Now before anyone has a cow hear me out. I propose that each city be run by a Council. Composed of a odd Number of members dually elected by their own people. Each member would have no more power than the other and each members vote would hold as much forces as any other members. A Odd number ensure that each member must vote and no vote can end in a tie vote thus making it useless.

    This would also come into use when siegeing another city. The Sieged city could vote to surrender and thus come under control of the Attacking forces. These could be rival factions of the same race or a totally alien races expanding it's empire. But again not really reliant on coding but rather allowing the players the freedom to do so.

    As you can most likely surmise I have plenty more but will stop for now.
    If you have to advertise, Your not Famous !!!!!!!
  • adamantium1adamantium1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I like all the points of the above post except #2 about arena's. Dont get me wrong i do enjoy pvp but it needs to be meaningful. ie faction based or realm based.
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2012
    I like all the points of the above post except #2 about arena's. Dont get me wrong i do enjoy pvp but it needs to be meaningful. ie faction based or realm based.

    Agree, having a pvp arena and other "games" its not rly pvp for me. guild vs guild, factions wars etc.... thats what i call pvp :P true objectives behind pvp its what moves me to do it, not just "grind" arenas and get my uber loot lol. But dont get me wrong guys, not saying if is good or bad, i just dont like it thats it.

    Although if cryptic only implement arenas, battlegrounds, etc... it wont bother me coz i wont do them anyways :)

    On topic:

    1: For me the most important thing that Neverwinter should have: SKILLS

    2: A decent crafting system where u can actually craft some great armors/weps, maybe some of the most powerful items ingame.

    3: Another important thing, FEATS. in some screenshoots we have seen in past i think theres was a feat tab but in this new videos they are gone, hopefully was just for the show :)

    4: World Events (it seems they will be there but not sure)

    5: Diferent Factions who can lead u to a diferent story line than other factions. (pvp could be involved)

    6: Good Guild System, maybe with some guild archivements and goals. (pvp could be involved)

    7: Mounts, we already know that there will be a pet system but we dont know if we can ride them. (flying mounts but should be VERY rare)

    8: Rituals, beside is n?8 in my list i think its a very important feature aswell. Some buffs could be done by rituals, maybe even resurrection (like 4th edition rules). Rituals can work as an extra "powers" to use in non combat situations. (some expensive components should be needed for more powerfull rituals)

    9: And finally, A LOT OF CONTENT. Foundry will probably be a huge help here.

    Atm my biggest question is how loot table will work, there will be "named items", is a dungeons always drop the same items like WoW ? I rly hope not but i dont have actually an idea to how loot hould work.... :(
  • jefelobojefelobo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1. PvE offers a challenge in groups and solo. PvE always ends up boring me because there's no challenge involved. In most MMOs you have to hit the max level and start raiding before there is any sort of challenge. Why?

    2. Some option to play in a world where death matters. When I think back to my happiest moments fighting monsters in MMOs it's because they were difficult. There is going to be some frustration, that's part of what creates immersion. Adapt, survive, and reap the benefits or act carelessly, die, and suffer the penalties.

    I understand that a lot of people don't want that, and nearly every mmo caters to them. I myself miss the challenge.

    Do something like "poon" posted above where dying once isn't a big deal, but repeatedly within a relatively small time span is. Or make a server where there's no penalty and another server where you always suffer penalties during death.

    Everything is more meaningful when there is something to lose.
  • nilfheimpwnsnilfheimpwns Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would like to see an optional but potentially heavy emphasis on rp, such as realistic and fluid changing alignment, and joining the Netherese/Shadovar or Thayans.
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would like to see an optional but potentially heavy emphasis on rp, such as realistic and fluid changing alignment, and joining the Netherese/Shadovar or Thayans.

    Same here as far as joining the Netherese/Shadovar or Thayans!
  • jet777jet777 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Dragonborn. Just...I want dragonborn, mostly.

    That said, I understand why they're not slated to be in at release...They have a distinctively less-human facial structure in the 4E art for them (They never -did- have human facial structure in 3.5, but that's splitting hairs for this,) which would necessitate a whole new set of helmet models and facial animations for them, as opposed to the essentially human-with-slots-for-horns/ears/EPIC DWARF BEARDS facial structure. That said, I -still- want them sooner or later. Heck, it's a Cryptic game, use modified Gorn heads from STO if you're feeling lazy. :P

    ...Other notes, I want to see customizable armor...Not necessarily "I want the +5 AC from this, the immunity to sneak attacks from this," which would be stupidly overpowered, but...Well, call me silly, but given the options between the stupidly huge, Warhammer 40K-style impossible pauldrons and the simpler, more reasonable shoulderguards in WoW, I preferred the look of the lighter ones. Being able to revisit "lesser" armor designs without sacrificing stats would be nice to see...Perhaps a catalog of armor designs you've worn before and letting you pick-and-choose your favorite parts? That's semi-reasonable, right? Maybe?

    ...Third 'I wish for this,' for my skills outside of 'hit it with an axe/knife/fireball' to mean something. I want my acrobatic rogue to be able to walk the tightrope or climb the sheer wall...I want my wizard who memorized his planar Lore to be able to figure out that holy snap, they're summoning a greater Devil! For my noble, sociable Paladin to be able to find out that maybe the noble in the manor isn't nearly so kind as he pays to have his image look...Stuff like that. This was one of my biggest problems in DDO, where your talky skills amounted to "Pay attention to me!" or "Here's a great idea: Go bury your mace in my friend's skull instead." ...This part's probably the least feasible, but this -is- a 'what do you want to see?' topic, eh, heh, heh...
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Three things I would like to see are:

    1) the ability to cosmetically apply armor or clothing (head, shoulders, hands, chest, ect.) with a range of colors that can be applied to each piece.

    2) persistant player housing, with decor both inside and on your portion of land immediately around it if applicable.

    3) eventually a broader range of races; Halfling, Gnome, Orc. I am not expecting them at initial launch, but the eventuality of them. Orc, I think needs to be a race available because at the point in time that this game is set in orcs in certain areas of FR are trying to become civil with other races.

    That's my eventual hopes for the game.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    faleth77 wrote: »

    3) eventually a broader range of races; Halfling, Gnome, Orc. I am not expecting them at initial launch, but the eventuality of them. Orc, I think needs to be a race available because at the point in time that this game is set in orcs in certain areas of FR are trying to become civil with other races.

    In 4e Orc isn't even an accepted played class (potentially doable as an option approved by the DM, but only half-orc is cannon,) let alone the difficulty off drawing and rendering motion for a newly-appearing race. They can't even get the current tiefling's horns to work in their fighter helmets, and we're having a one year overhaul...so how tusks would work with face helmets is an even bigger issue, let alone all the other image rendering things...and it's not a normal playable class in the lore.

    So perhaps down the line post release, but there are problems with that race. both in tabletop and this MMO game issues.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If this is a thread for wishes, I would like to see dragon and devil as playable race too - not dragonborn and tieflings but actual things.

    It can be a playable race, or otherwise, if I can play as a monster waiting for players in dungeons ... that would be nice :-) And me as a dragon who starts with killer move and takes them out quickly would be awesome
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well, if we're going all wish-y and outside the player rules thing, I'd like to play an assimar. We have tieflings but were are the angelic descendants that used to exist in previous editions?
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well, if we're going all wish-y and outside the player rules thing, I'd like to play an assimar. We have tieflings but were are the angelic descendants that used to exist in previous editions?

    devas? I liked the concept of assimar but I don't think they can incorporate assimar if they incorporate devas - devas are based on assumption that gods can't procreate, something that assimar defies. So we will need alternate reality universe to include both :)
  • paladinspiritpaladinspirit Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    what i would like to see would be race reactions, where humans, dwarves , elf's etc are expected to be around and there are minor difference to them, most don't expect a drow to just walk in the door, and are not going to deal with them as well.
    where i like drow and will probably play one at some point, i would not expect to be openly excepted until i build up some sort of reputation within the community showing that i am not what is expected from my race.
  • qumi0qumi0 Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would, as I already mentioned somewhere, like to have good sight/darkness system. So that darkvision does matter. Without it - you simply can't see anything or you have to buy a torch or cast light.
  • pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    qumi0 wrote: »
    I would, as I already mentioned somewhere, like to have good sight/darkness system. So that darkvision does matter. Without it - you simply can't see anything or you have to buy a torch or cast light.

    Might be fun but only if they also add in the inherent weakness to light some of these races abilities bring along with it, like Drows weakness to light or has Drow been changed in 4e not to have this?
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
  • aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would like to see a lack of dependance on buying tomes to enhance stats.

    Why should I have to buy a book that makes me stronger or wiser in order to make the most of the game? Can't the game be made so it's fun AND playable by even the mediocre build? It's it about the player?

    I just think this would be refreshing!
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    pilf3r wrote: »
    Might be fun but only if they also add in the inherent weakness to light some of these races abilities bring along with it, like Drows weakness to light or has Drow been changed in 4e not to have this?

    Yes, drow are a playable normal race with no effective character level or light-sensitivity. They have darkvision and can (chose one at character creation) either as a racial power cast a darkness sphere or outline their enemy (granting combat advantage) with a purple light (similar to faire fire) once an encounter.

    aescleal wrote: »
    I would like to see a lack of dependance on buying tomes to enhance stats.

    Why should I have to buy a book that makes me stronger or wiser in order to make the most of the game? Can't the game be made so it's fun AND playable by even the mediocre build? It's it about the player?

    I just think this would be refreshing!

    Since we pretty much get two stats updated every four levels AND have all stats updated every tier (Paragon, Epic,) Stat tomes/wearable stat booting items no longer are used as the dependence power gain they were in the 3.x version. They are effectively gone from the Fourth enition world based on how the game system works, characters able to start with a stat at 20 (and a negative ability bonus stat, or have two stats at 16, before any racial bonus, or just allocate points or lucky dice rolls however they want/it rolls.) and have it end up with 30 or higher by the time they are in Epic levels.
  • draygothdraygoth Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1) Racial mounts : Being a Dwarf I am tired of only being able to ride ponies(Boring). Boars are by far a more interesting ride.
    2) Beards: "This is serious stuff" What respectable Dwarf doesn't have a braided beard.
    3) Dye to match up all my mismatched armor.
    4) Expanded map(I know not at launch), but I want to be able to travel through out the realms and visit many of the famous locations. Luskin, Calimport, Longsaddle just to name a few.
  • qumi0qumi0 Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1. Meh, ratial mounts is the most illogical feature of WoW. That was never the case with DnD, mounts simply required Riding skill or Animal Handling or simply having them. I wonder though if we get the ritual Phantom Steed...

    2. Rebels, Exiles - I would like dwarven beards being optional.

    3. Dye is pretty much there alreayd, it was in some very old interview.

    4. Now, here I wonder if with Foundry we can do that...

    I would very much like some grandson of Deekin, the kobold bard:P
  • galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hello All,

    Well lets see..... going through all the posts in this thread so may as well go in order.

    Make the world as vast as possible that programming will allow using as much of the known content from this world as possible.

    I like the idea of having areas persistant, explore today and doesn't seem to be anything around but explore tomorrow and wow!! where did everything come from, if at all possible these things could be based on time of day seasons etc...

    The idea of being able to progress a charcater in a short period of time, hmmmm.... don't really like that idea, for myself I would like to have an adventure and feel like I am made to accomplish something, if the format of charcter progression is based on time then you know your going to make it eventually, personally instead of a death penaulty I would like to see it that you could only be rezzed a certain amount of times before you soul is totally lost.

    Definitely put NPC's from the originals in, Aribeth, Aribeth, Ahhhhhh..... Nuff said there Heheheh

    What Post #5 said

    Only because I have been playing DDO I like that style of combat so I think that works really well so that same format would be nice unless your key binding I don't want to see mutli keys to do a simple funtion

    When it comes to Guilds I would like to see a charater having to be with the classes Guild as an achoring point, home. And then have a playing Guild for when your online,

    Most of all good combat that scales well with the groups size

    Post #7 Please don't do any vanity stuff, no rainbows, no fluffy teddy bears ( Like Those Smilies ) please get rid of those, put some fantasy stuff there in its place, OMG!!! its D&D for Petes' sake, not the Care Bear Hour

    If your thinking on doing mounts which isn't that bad I suppose, but do it as a Side thing, Like a jousting tourny, In DDO they would have these events ( Just Grind fests really ) maybe do the same thing but based on the content, area etc.

    Absolutely, have cursed items and the like, isn't that what lore and Identify are for???

    I think I may have missed something about crafting that would be a good thing, if your toon takes the Points into it, and can find a good mage to help you out why not

    Hmmmmm things seemed to take a nose dive on the " What I would LIke To See " to a full all out dev disscussion, ahh.... Here we are back to " LIke to See "

    Ahhh... Yes the dreaded " Ah.... Crapp!!! I messed my build up, being able to retrain is a nice idea able to respec the whole toon to fix the oops! moment, but then again thats part of the process, but at least 1 respec for free , it' costs the next time......

    The min/max debate, if you know that your going to be grouping most of the time then this shouldn't be an issue, what one lacks in a group there is someone else to make up for it, however if your a solo'er then you may have to spread it thin but then thats the reality of the situation

    Really nice idea with the class specific quests, and the idea of being able to pick pocket in game could be interesting I hope it doesn't happen, I'm playing a game to get away from the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that goes on in real life not to come on and get robbed vitually as well, if it does happen, if I detect it and swing around and you get killed in the process that should be a perma death on the spot, or change your toon colour in game as a warning to all the others on at that time.

    The fantasy weapon/armour grind, to each there own but don't make it something that has to be done in order to complete something unless it is absolutely a must

    Camera angles, maybe have 3 default views and a custom view, for myself there are times when I play NWN2 that when I'm in a dungeon with ceilings on I like to have my camera set a certain way that I can use key movement just to have that little extra, not being able to fully see around that corner due to camera angle, default angles never seem to get it right, customize it and be able to lock and save

    When it comes to selling/Auctioning items there should be a default selling amount, I don't want to sell an item to a vendor and then see that same item on the Auction selling for 50 times the price, if default prices are shown on the item them then thats what you will get at the vendor +/- Abilty mods.

    I remember playing DDO and was on the AH and seen the exact same swords 1 being say 5000 pp the other selling for 100000 pp, now if that would have been 500000 I would have said it was a typo, but a completely different price.... unexceptable, talk about ripoffs

    Levels gained should be souly based on what can be achieved in the D&D rule set, If preset rules say 30 is the max then thats it, if you get to the point of God-like then original content is no longer available and the new content should be there, either by game devs themselves or Via Foundry

    PvP'ing I never got into this but if it causes a server issue like Lag etc, for others in game then PvP'ing should be its own server

    Stats and tomes, I don't think it's a bad idea to be able to find such things in game to help out, but don't make it a pre-requisite, if anything if there is a true rez option like in ddo Then make those items availible during the process as a purchase or something along that line, better yet being able to search for a mage that can cast this type of spell on you for the skill increase would be kind of interesting, this is fantasy after all

    One last thing, if Neverwinter intends to have hirelings, please give them a true A.I. brain, now I don't want them to be able to solve the secrets of the universe, but I don't want them standing in plain site getting snipped, that they look like a pin-head after the fight, or running off when I click the " STAND STILL " icon, nor do I want them standing in a Lava pool when I need a heal. it would be nice to be able to set behavior for them, not unlike NWN2

    So in closing I hope that NWO stays true to its roots, take ideas that work, from other games like it, but don't make it look like I'm playing a knock off of some other MMO

    It's Neverwinter hope it stays that way,

    Cheers! All


    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    this is fourth edition in its timeline and game rules essentially. That means no true res (it's all raise dead for three tiers: Heroic Paragon and Epic,) there are no stat tomes since you gain two stat points essentially every four levels and one stat point for ALL attributes every new tier (Paragon and epic) as well as being a century later from third edition thus many of the "original NPC's" are long dead. My Neverwinter New Users Guide addresses this last part.
    Will I meet any of the famous characters of Historic Neverwinter?

    Due to this taking place a century later, most of those heroes are dead. However, it is said that certain characters from R.A. Salvatore's "Neverwinter Tales" series tied-in with this game will make an appearance, including a certain Drow....
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Definitely put NPC's from the originals in, Aribeth, Aribeth, Ahhhhhh.....
    It is not 'Neverwinter Nights' It is different. And I doubt that they have the rights to Aribeth.

    As it is cannon(or is it?), maybe they can put some information on a codex or something, but using Aribeth as npc may also require bioware's approval (not sure, maybe).
    Absolutely, have cursed items and the like, isn't that what lore and Identify are for???

    I don't like easy way to identify cursed item, imo it should be a ritual that can only be done at campsite/inn/a specific place where sacred magic is high.
  • plamgarplamgar Member Posts: 132 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2012
    1.Huge scale guild or faction wars
    2.Barber shop
    3.Dyes that can change my armor and weapon colors
    4.Deities-choosing one that gives small bonuses or quests in certain factions(like in NWN2)
    5.Epic mounts
    6.Flexible combat
    7.Epic story
    I think thats all.
  • galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Good Day All,

    Yes I understand that this isn't NWN, and time has gone by, so things from the O.C.'s won't apply, but there is always family. And seeing how there is going to be a toolset I'm sure someone will make a mod to deal with it.

    " Aribeth's Redemption " ( NWN ) was a great community mod on the Vault gave the closer needed for players like myself. And seeing how great the " Vault " was for NWN series, I can only hope the " Foundry " becomes the same.

    I would really love to see someone do commmunity content based on some of the old classics, seeing how the graphics are always getting better and if the Toolset is going to be as useer friendly as they make it out to be. I always wanted to play a good remake of " Temple of Elemental Evil " or " Against The Giants " and definitely like to see a community creation based on the " Dragon Lance " saga.

    And again I understand that this isn't NWN I think I'm only mentioning these things in hopes that the Devs keep in mind where it all started and how things came to fruition.

    And like I stated at the end of my original post I don't want to play a knock off, this comment holds true for NWN itself as well, I don't want a beefed up version of NWN either, just remember where it all started and what it became.

    Cheers! Galahad

    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    galahad01 wrote: »
    I Always Wanted To Play A Good Remake Of " Temple Of Elemental Evil " Or " Against The Giants " And Definitely Like To See A Community Creation Based On The * " Dragon Lance " Saga. *

    And Again I Understand That This Isn't Nwn I Think I'm Only Mentioning These Things In Hopes That The Devs Keep In Mind Where It All Started And How Things Came To Fruition.

    And Like I Stated At The End Of My Original Post I Don't Want To Play A Knock Off, This Comment Holds True For Nwn Itself As Well, I Don't Want A Beefed Up Version Of Nwn Either, Just Remember Where It All Started And What It Became.

    Cheers! Galahad

    *= +5

This discussion has been closed.