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Ravenloft Launch Week Issues



  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    > @fyrstigor said:
    > I think i remember something about the TR smoke bomb being 5 or 6 ticks a while back. Seems to only be ticking 3 times now. Anyone else noticed this ?

    Were you testing on dummies? The bug is in the dummy, not in the smoke bomb.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • muratttimurattti Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 417 Arc User
    why he is invited me i cant chance moving another perzon zone dont going , and map button right on the top i click few i see map another alot zone i d ont see i tried really new mod ı'm really angry.
  • blarghette#9434 blarghette Member Posts: 1 New User
    > @trelamy said:
    > There are transfer instance bugs. We can't transfer to other instances unless we use travel signpost to another Area and then back to Barovia. This is frustrating for those who farm big HE's. The issue persists and is not being solved.

    I was able to fix this for a bit by zoning or restarting. Even that's not working anymore
  • kiraobscurekiraobscure Member Posts: 2 New User
    You have done the patch , good job guys , but you have not solved anything , this game 'Penzola'! Monini Crypts is bugged i cant do a quest , and i cant play. Fix.
  • fra7santofra7santo Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    1- companions "update in loadouts" button doesn't work
    2- "Charm of the serpent" artifact graphic effect changed. before it had a cone effect, now it has a straight-line effect
    3- "Charm of the serpent" artifact: if I use the active power and use at the same time SHIFT+A or SHIFT+D (as a cleric), the artifact's effect direction changes
    4- guild boons of pvp no longer gives GS, I read nothing about this in Ravenloft's release patchnotes
    5- Blinsky Doll quest is buged, you can take the three doll's heads but game doesn't let you finish the quest
    6- Blinsky Doll quest: you can delete the doll from your inventory but you can't delete the doll's heads. to delete them you have to cancell the quest from your quest journal
    7- I bought a random tarokka card using 5 blank tarokka cards, game put it in my inventory, I opened the tarokka pack and saw that was a card that i still didn't have, than i checked my tarokka deck box and noticed that I still haven't it.. the card disappeared
    8- after accepting a random intermediate queue (Valindra tower) today, game crashed, I tried to launch game again and relog into that pg but game crashed again and again.. just in that pg, others still worked. The same thing happened to my friend that was in the same random queue
    9- if I change the language of the client, then close the client and open it again, the client set the language to system default language from itself every time
    10- you are unable to see every istance in the barovia map
    11- you are unable to change istance in barovia map to tranfer in an istance where there is yet a party member
    12- audio problems persist during big heroic encounters or events with lot of players and lot of abilities
    Post edited by fra7santo on
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    There might be a problem with the auto AD refinement when you log in (I'm surprised I don't see it on this list yet). On Tuesday after the patch, I consolidated all my AD into the shared bank. All my toons had 0 AD. Today, day 3, I should have auto refined 300K. But I see

    toon #1 has 190+K
    toon #2 has 9+K (add to toon #1 is exactly 200K)
    toon #3 and #4 has a few K from selling stuff in the AH

    So today's auto refine did not happen. Toon #1 has no RAD now, presumably exhausted it on day 2. I always log in the toons in the same order every morning. I didn't pay attention to the log this morning when I logged the toons in. I will look tomorrow.
  • thyrannoothyrannoo Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Terrored Grips still is the only hunt piece with negative stats on it, even making it have a total combined stat LOSS when wearing the item. It's completely the same buff as the Jawrippers from the Tyrant, only then making you lose a combined total of stats. This makes the item completely useless and I can't think otherwise than assuming this stat is forgotten to take away. Just as happend for the other negative stat items. Also, it's the only 510 IL piece, so think there is some unfinished work there.

    Could you please acknowledge this, or is this really just a troll drop?

    Also I agree on having a bit more transparancy on what you know and don't, that way both sides keep reading less pages.

    Thank you.
  • This content has been removed.
  • percemerpercemer Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 1,048 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    fra7santo said:

    4- guild boons of pvp no longer gives GS

    It is intended

    fra7santo said:

    5- Blinsky Doll quest is buged, you can take the three doll's heads but game doesn't let you finish the quest

    Working on it but I don't understand the origin of the issue for the moment - I was able to complete the quest without any issue :confused:

    Thank you everyone for your precious help!

    Post edited by percemer on
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  • cilginordekcilginordek Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    The mists on the borders of Boravia map kills performance. Please consider making it possible to turn off on lower settings.
  • ginnalin01ginnalin01 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Client crashing during zoning is still occurring after the Friday patch.
    Mouse cursor highlighting chat links is also still occurring.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    client crashed when travling to the Makos camp for the Festival of Bryn Shander quest
    error report id : 118220314

    edit: force verify didn't find anything to repair after the crash.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • muratttimurattti Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    what is it ? i cant farming bhe ?


  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited July 2018

    huge fps drop across various zones and instances

    I notice this on several classes sometimes. Many Daily, Encounters, or At-Wils often render, then pause, render, then pause... It can often be a .15s - .25s just enough for the eye to notice before continuring on sometimes rendering for 1-2 seconds fine or can have several or many pauses over 3-7 seconds. I never ever noticed this prior to MOD 14.

    Though I have noticed the big black squares on many maps that used to appear in 3 to 5 different shades and perfect 2-3 inch squares (are mostly GONE now) it never use to OCCUR 1-3.5 years after the game first released. But seen a lot of that the last 1.5 years... Though I've seen less almost none of that since MOD 14.

    Still I think there is a Graphic Memory error or something happening that may be either causing the pauses, cause also while in River I regularly notice many RITUAL sites the Mini Boss stand on or what you donate MAGIC -- there are entirely often missing. Though sometimes they will refresh and redraw.
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    percemer said:

    fra7santo said:

    4- guild boons of pvp no longer gives GS

    It is intended

    fra7santo said:

    5- Blinsky Doll quest is buged, you can take the three doll's heads but game doesn't let you finish the quest

    Working on it but I don't understand the origin of the issue for the moment - I was able to complete the quest without any issue :confused:

    Thank you everyone for your precious help!

    I got the same blinksy doll issue, the problem was that you collect the head from the relevant container, but the location doesn't disappear from the 3 in the quest log and you can immediately loot it again.

  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    @nitocris83 dc doge using shift key + directional key i not moving dc properly, pulling dc back to the begining like he is fighting an invisible force that doesnt let him dodge properly, havened during hunts and during dungeons.
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    also something is odd, my dc has 55k power when proc bondings , 77% crit chance and 11k arm pen giving a total of 99% resistance ignored and still feels like im hiting with a stick, does anyone know any problem related with this?
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    Not quite sure why since 06/28 patch went live on Friday... though it could have started earlier?

    While in Bravaria you only see 1 maybe 3 at the very very most for instances that are available. So if your in zone looking for a BHE party... you join them then are unable to switch to their instance... the only way to do so is going to PE and then using the travel gate to travel all the way back to Bravaria again.

    You'll clearly see member's of your party in Instance 25, 35, 41 or something like or even 2 or 3 in different one all trying to get to the party leaders instance. Yet when you click on change instance the only 2 shown to you might be 4, and 34 and non of the instances which you clearly see other party members within?

    This makes it extremely inconvenient to finding and switching to the BHE..
  • oldtimer#7525 oldtimer Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    arcanjo86 said:

    also something is odd, my dc has 55k power when proc bondings , 77% crit chance and 11k arm pen giving a total of 99% resistance ignored and still feels like im hiting with a stick, does anyone know any problem related with this?

    My main GWF at the moment has about the same amount of power and even with Unparalleled Fey and 15k IL my damage is mediocre to pathetic on mobs and only slighty lower if not the same as it used to be on dummies. Fully stacked fighting half HP mobs with 100% arpen i can't even hit IBS crits for 50% of my damage on dummies most of the time with wild fluctuations. I was critting for less than 150k, as low as 120k, in Barovia, Dread Ring and Throne before the bonding fix with about 48k power and 95% arpen.

    My guess would be that arpen or mob DR doesn't work properly since my damage on dummies is about where it should be but my ~11k alts that are sporting around 70-80% arpen don't seem to show any real damage loss which is very weird. The game crashes and freezes within minutes of me logging in each time so i have no way of actually testing to figure it out.
  • redbull#3530 redbull Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Terrored Grips have false stats ... Please FIX it
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    client crashed when travling to the Makos camp for the Festival of Bryn Shander quest
    error report id : 118220314

    edit: force verify didn't find anything to repair after the crash.

    I reported this separately because I didn't think it was necessarily new mod related. Had you purchased campaign completion ? I had (but wanted the everfrost resist piece) and wasn't sure if it was related to that.

  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    > @fyrstigor said:

    > I think i remember something about the TR smoke bomb being 5 or 6 ticks a while back. Seems to only be ticking 3 times now. Anyone else noticed this ?

    Were you testing on dummies? The bug is in the dummy, not in the smoke bomb.

    I was. Didnt know about that bug, tested on normal mobs and looks fine there :D
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited June 2018

    regenerde said:

    client crashed when travling to the Makos camp for the Festival of Bryn Shander quest
    error report id : 118220314

    edit: force verify didn't find anything to repair after the crash.

    I reported this separately because I didn't think it was necessarily new mod related. Had you purchased campaign completion ? I had (but wanted the everfrost resist piece) and wasn't sure if it was related to that.
    i bought the Campaign Buyout Pack for my Oathbound Paladin, but tried doing the quest with my Guardian Fighter...
    and i haven't had this kind of problem before Ravenloft with other characters either.

    should this problem really be tied to the Campaign Buyout Pack, then i hope they're working on a fix atm., or tell their support GMs to start granting campaign unlocks for bugged accounts.

    besides, there're even reports of players crashing repeatetly while trying to get into Monini Crypts in Neverdeath Graveyard or instances in other areas. and there allways seems to be some kind of "patching" going on whenever i go from one area to another or switch an map instance, another problem that came along with Ravenloft too.

    on-demand patching is disabled, checked that again today just to be sure...
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • darkan#3756 darkan Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    wich is the drop rate hags rag 0% ? yesterday hunted 3 ras manca currently hunt 6 ras manca and still none drop me hags rag is the drop this ítem very low or is just my very very bad lucky ?
  • bluangelukbluangeluk Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    fra7santo said:

    5- Blinsky Doll quest is buged, you can take the three doll's heads but game doesn't let you finish the quest

    Working on it but I don't understand the origin of the issue for the moment - I was able to complete the quest without any issue :confused:

    Thank you everyone for your precious help!

    Had Blinsky quest on two characters, on the first; I took the head multiple times from Berez box, once from Graveyard box, neither registered. So I left it. However when I logged in the next day, and decided to go to the Bonegrinder box, it registered that I had taken that head. So my quest updated to 1/3. But no further progression. ((I will try again tomorrow! :sunglasses: ))

    Tried it on a second character and it wouldn't register in either of the three locations. Seems to be an issue with perhaps inventory/quest link recognition? And the box allowing no registering that one item has been taken?

    Probably not a high priority fix, but good to see I'm not the only person that always picks up the little drop quests! :blush:
    "Here's a circle... I'm not sure it's a real circle, so don't trust it too much!" Idril (AoGlyph)
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    I've noticed this as something similar reported by others in a few threads:

    It's like Encounters (mostly) but also notice with Daily's or At-Wils will Render have a subtle .25-.35 second pause before they continue to render fine. The pause or interruption I'm not sure if it's caused cause the servers are just overloaded but I've never ever seen this before in all the years of playing Neverwinter.

    I mean I don't notice it when on my mount or walking or running just when I use Encounters, Daily's or At-Wils the effects render -pause briefly- render. It's not even .24-.35 seconds but enough for the eye to go something doesn't look right or to notice the momentary pauses in between sometimes every 2-3s at least once or twice...

  • ilithynilithyn Member Posts: 452 Arc User
  • cerberusforcescerberusforces Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    Anyone have this huge lags after 30 min in game, maybe it's not only lags but the game stutters.
    And Valindra Que crash.
  • alfared#9239 alfared Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    I'm sadennewd to report that the artifact Bruenor's Helm is still not working...no visuals...altought i think that the effect are on...look forward to a fix!
  • tradolftradolf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 37 Arc User

    And next bug, game crashed on loading screen in mission "The Runestead" in SOMI campaign.

    Same for me and at least 2 of my guildies.
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