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HighJacked Stronghold



  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    If you drop a penny in the ocean... you won't get It back
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • melindaozmelindaoz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 114 Arc User
    There is a reason we are "Fair Dinkum 2.0" = the original guild was hacked just before Strongholds started. A rank 7 was hacked (or went rogue) and we were all kicked in the middle of the Aussie night. We had to rebuild from scratch. You have my sympathies. The account that stole the guild was well-known and belonged to someone I considered a good gaming friend.
    As an aside, I rebuilt FD from my private guild and all rank 6s are told - if someone says they are me, insist they get on Discord and talk to you. And I will only ever ask via Discord. That's a good way to prevent hijacking (which has been tried a few times)
  • edited May 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    krzrsms said:

    "I do not recommend doing this. There's nothing that we moderators can do, we have no powers in-game. Spamming support with tickets could end badly as well."

    It is exactly this kind of 'customer service' that ensures that I do not, and will not put a dime into the game, especially when it comes to input on my guild. I put in massive amounts of time, but no real money. These are highly valuable properties that in many cases have been grown over years that are being treated as though they are just trash drops we should get over.

    "There's nothing that we moderators can do.." Well thats just plainly not true as you note later on.. "I am forwarding this thread to Julia.." That is SOMETHING. To have a knee jerk reaction when someone has such a loss that is 'suck it up and take it, so sorry your that dumb' is pathetic customer service.


    This game absolutely should implement some safeguards for strongholds as these problems are ongoing. That makes 3 guilds in the last month that I've heard of. Email registration for the original holders.. unanimous vote of rank 7s before demotion or kicking of older rank 7 members. SOMETHING. Right now its harder to leave an alliance than it is for a scammer to dump the entire user base.

    You completely missed the point of my comment.

    While yes, forwarding the thread to Julia is SOMETHING, I do not believe it's going to help much in this particular case, unfortunately.
    Put in tickets, PM the mods, make threads, PM the devs and community manager.
    • Putting in multiple tickets on the same issue only forces your issue to the back of the line. Doing this is bad.
    • PMing the mods is pointless, as we are already aware of the issue and doing what little bit we can do.
    • Making multiple threads about the issue is also pointless as they will just all be merged into one thread, as it's considered spamming to create multiple threads on the same issue.
    • PMing the devs may or may not work. Some of them get hundreds of PMs a day and don't have time to check them. Same with Julia.
    That all being said, I 100% agree with you that they should implement safeguards. I hope to have Julia bring up the issue with the dev team sometime this week, but unless they already have plans to implement it, I honestly do not see it happening before Mod 16 at the earliest, unfortunately.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • hercules125hercules125 Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    Seems like a "Founder of Guild cannot be kicked or demoted" setting wouldnt be that hard to implement by the next mod. To me, this sounds like a top priority issue.

    I also dont see why reinstating the guild creater would be that big of an issue for the GMs.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator

    Seems like a "Founder of Guild cannot be kicked or demoted" setting wouldnt be that hard to implement by the next mod. To me, this sounds like a top priority issue.

    I also dont see why reinstating the guild creater would be that big of an issue for the GMs.

    1. Because that would make it bad for guilds where the founder has quit playing for whatever reason. There are a few other issues with just adding that as well. And usually just because something sounds like it would be "easy" to implement in a game, most of the time, that is simply not the case. There are a lot of factors in play. Based on a lot of different evidence, I would say that Mod 14 is nearing completion and should probably be up on preview by the end of this month (this is just a guess and in no way official).
    2. As for reinstating the guild leader, CS might do this, but they have to gather a lot of evidence to prove that it happened the way that OP says it happened and that there aren't shadier things at play. Perhaps one of the other rank 7s weren't as trustworthy as OP thought, and actually did sell the guild to this individual. We don't know that, CS doesn't know that until they investigate the matter.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • frostflowrfrostflowr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User

    I see so many people taking shots at the devs here (like usual) but you cannot put this entirely on the devs. All I see is attacks on the devs but zero criticism towards the individual who he trusted with rank 7. This isn't one sided. There was an attack like this on EvE a while back similar to those where a guy took down an alliance of thousands and the guy who owned the guild/alliance threatened him and ending up getting banned but not the guy who took over the guild and booted everyone and took their stuff. Now, im not sure what EvE's terms of service are but id imagine it is at least similar. It is YOUR guild and YOU have the power of who you let in and who you think has common sense, trust, loyalty, etc. This is on your friend mostly not taking the time to at least check it was you on other sources. I hope you get it back and this will all be a bad memory but there's needs to be fingers pointed at more people then just the devs.

    I don't think I ever 'attacked' the Devs... and if you did actually read what I said, I did take the blame. We did not have the security up like we should have. The Rank 7 in question is actually one of the founders of the guild. I came in later, we were all friends from another guild. I eventually joined the Misfits, and due to the health of the 'owner/founder' was asked to take over for awhile as he had to go to hospital. Then later, again due to his health, he had to step down as 'owner' and asked me to take over.. which I did. There was only Two Rank 7's the others were/are Rank 6's GL.. there were flags, but unfortunately my other Rank 7 just didn't see it.. didn't think it was odd that I had a second account. As I said hindsight is a wonderful thing. I know there is suppose to be a investigation going on, and yes it can take time, I can/could deal with that IF I was being informed that this was actually taking place. We have given them the info as much as we know. Yet there is no 'real' reply just your standard 'canned' reply... and the fact it seems to be a ongoing situation, I would think things would have 'moved' alot faster. I am NOT pointing fingers.. I do accept and take the blame, as does the Rank 7. We just would like the help and get our Stronghold back. And hopefully this won't happen to anyone else.. hopefully more guilds will be more 'aware' of what is going on, what can and does happen.
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    * Theft by new guild members: Just put new members in a guild rank with no access to guildbank whatsoever. Keep them there 1-2 weeks. Most dishonest people are way too impatient to wait that long.
    * Never give people privileges when they ask. If they claim to already be officer/leader/whatever, just tell them to log on their character and fix it themselves.

    In general people need to be less trustful about unknown people on the Internet.
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2018

    Just wanted to chime in to say that we have been exploring safeguard alternatives without it negatively impacting peaceful transitions of power.

    Julia, I would like to suggest, if you haven't done so already, speak with Ambassadore Kael of Star Trek Online. STO fleets have had a safe guard for a few years now that prevents any top level fleet/guild leader from being kicked instantaneously. In STO, there is a built-in "waiting" period, the exact time I don't remember, but it is a few days.
  • travittravit Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    Just wanted to chime in to say that we have been exploring safeguard alternatives without it negatively impacting peaceful transitions of power.

    Thank you i am sure anything will at least help so this won't happen to anyone else.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User

    If you drop a penny in the ocean... you won't get It back

    Depends on where you drop it, don't it?
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    I learned the hard way that there should be only one guild leader (rank 7) with the ability to promote/demote any rank -vs- promote/demote lower ranks and most importantly "remove from guild".

    In guild settings member privileges can be set to almost nothing for a rank 1 guild member and at a worst case scenario, even if every member of the guild has been demoted to rank one, that is not something that cannot be recovered from.

    On the flip side, guild settings can me made so that guild officers (rank 6) can do almost everything - with the exception of "demote/promote any rank" and "remove from guild".

    I hope you get your guild back @frostflowr but speaking from prior experience, I wouldn't hold my breath...
    Post edited by chidion on
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    travit said:

    I see so many people taking shots at the devs here (like usual) but you cannot put this entirely on the devs. All I see is attacks on the devs but zero criticism towards the individual who he trusted with rank 7. This isn't one sided. There was an attack like this on EvE a while back similar to those where a guy took down an alliance of thousands and the guy who owned the guild/alliance threatened him and ending up getting banned but not the guy who took over the guild and booted everyone and took their stuff. Now, im not sure what EvE's terms of service are but id imagine it is at least similar. It is YOUR guild and YOU have the power of who you let in and who you think has common sense, trust, loyalty, etc. This is on your friend mostly not taking the time to at least check it was you on other sources. I hope you get it back and this will all be a bad memory but there's needs to be fingers pointed at more people then just the devs.

    I don't think I ever 'attacked' the Devs... and if you did actually read what I said, I did take the blame. We did not have the security up like we should have. The Rank 7 in question is actually one of the founders of the guild. I came in later, we were all friends from another guild. I eventually joined the Misfits, and due to the health of the 'owner/founder' was asked to take over for awhile as he had to go to hospital. Then later, again due to his health, he had to step down as 'owner' and asked me to take over.. which I did. There was only Two Rank 7's the others were/are Rank 6's GL.. there were flags, but unfortunately my other Rank 7 just didn't see it.. didn't think it was odd that I had a second account. As I said hindsight is a wonderful thing. I know there is suppose to be a investigation going on, and yes it can take time, I can/could deal with that IF I was being informed that this was actually taking place. We have given them the info as much as we know. Yet there is no 'real' reply just your standard 'canned' reply... and the fact it seems to be a ongoing situation, I would think things would have 'moved' alot faster. I am NOT pointing fingers.. I do accept and take the blame, as does the Rank 7. We just would like the help and get our Stronghold back. And hopefully this won't happen to anyone else.. hopefully more guilds will be more 'aware' of what is going on, what can and does happen.
    I am the other rank 7 and a Guild founder in this Guild and it was my mistake that this happened not a chance that myself or the other rank 7 wanted to sell guild it was just me buying into the bs and not seeing what was happening. myself and many others have worked our butts off grinding to get our Guild where it was. We have lost several people who spent lots of cash money in the game to help get us where we were. I was so frustrated and angry that all I got was we don't get involved in guild politics when as I had explained it was fraud. I am an honest and kind person and I take people for their word again it was my fault. I know many of our guild have given a lot of info on the person that did this and have found that he has done this to many others and yet he is still able to play the game. All I have asked is that our stronghold is returned and the culprit be banned as what was done is a clear violation of the code of conduct.
    Brave post to make, he tried it on our guild too but failed. Banning his account wouldn't help, the character he used for scamming was only 7-8K IL (which is why he didn't even get into our guild) and I guess he will make more if he gets that account banned with his main account isolated from the process but not the proceeds.

    I actually have connections with another as yet unreleased MMO and one of the key lessons I've learned from this and other stuff that's gone on in NW with exploits, bots and the like is that to be able to police this properly, you need to be able to track the flow of currency between characters and NW just can't do this to the required level.

  • sw1tchstarsw1tchstar Member Posts: 53 Arc User

    If you drop a penny in the ocean... you won't get It back

    that's just not true at all, i can swim man... well even
  • estasia1estasia1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 107 Arc User
    wintersmoke I think this is very bad and losing players due to this is bad. If you want a home until this get settled you and your players may come to Silver Ravens and when it is settled we can help you restart or replace anything lost. Just let me know, I want to help.

    Angel Rose@estasia1
  • estasia1estasia1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 107 Arc User
    Sorry saying wintersmoke when I meant
  • luks707luks707 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    I was under the (clearly mistaken) impression that the demotion timer had already been implemented. It is deeply disappointing that it has not and should be made a priority now that guilds are the most valuable "item" in the game.
  • sgtpostal#4408 sgtpostal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    im a ps4 player an have had somewhat similar problems with guilds.... not so much as scammers but people buying high rank guilds and kicking everyone in the bought guild.... that happened to me in my old guild... i ended up rejoining a guild in the same alliance as my old one they had a nice remedy for this said scam/guild buying problem......whoever created the guild is the only one who is allowed to be the highest rank in the guild.... henceforth 1 rank 7...... while there are still high rank 6's and 5 and etc the rank 7 as set by the premissions is the only one who can promote anyone to rank 7 so i think this method might be a good method for the future guilders...... seems to be working just fine in my new guild.
  • frostflowrfrostflowr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    Thank you AngelRose, we have decided to start our Stronghold over again.. We are waiting to see if the Alliance we were in, will let us back in, they are voting, and at this time, it doesn't look too good. We have managed to replace just about everything that was in our guild bank, some of us are 'hoarders'! We bought 4 bank slots, and they are almost full. At this moment, 'time' is against us, we are already ranking up our stronghold from 2 to 3 and it will take until tomorrow to complete. After that we will be able to put in the Quarry and Mine. Each time we rank up the stronghold, the amount of 'time' it takes increases, so as I said 'time' is against us. We have, between the 34 people, enough items to put in the coffer, we do Influence runs daily, well some of us do..Im not always on when those are being ran, of course alot of our members do it by themselves. We are still hoping that some how, some way, we get our Rank 18 StrongHold back. It may have already been sold, I don't know. I have no idea what the 'Devs' are doing, as I have not been notified. I was told they would investigate but it was 'private' I still don't understand that one. Why is it private? We were the victims here, the ones that someone came in and STOLE our property.. Once again, YES it was our fault that we were not as careful as we should have been. But why do we always blame the victim?? Your innocent until proven guilty, however if you are the 'victim' you are the one that gets the blame, you should have done this, you should have done that.. yes we should have. The shoulda, coulda, woulda, just doesn't help at this moment. Hindsight wonderful thing.. We now know. But that really doesn't help us NOW. I do thank all of you that have been most supportive of us. It is nice to know that there are people out there that are willing to help out. I just wish that whoever is in charge, would take the terms of service a bit more seriously, as they have been ignored, and because of this, this person will continue to 'steal' from other people. But because it wasn't an actual 'hack' or a 'bot' nothing seems to be getting done. So let me say this one more time.. This was NOT a fight between two Rank 7's, this was someone who pretended to be me on another account, fooled the other Rank 7, and was able to take over our stronghold, that was in the process of Ranking up to Rank 18. If it had been a fight between two Leaders, I would NOT be here. I would have sent the first ticket, be told they couldn't do anything, and gone my Merry way.. fustrated yes, angry yes.. but I wouldn't be putting myself out there/here to be the 'butt of the joke' as I am sure we are. We are a very simple guild that enjoys each others company, we do things together, and on our own, if we need help there is usually someone on that can and does help. Most of the guild members has been with us for over a year and have put a lot of time and energy AND money to make The Crazy MisFits what we are. Our home was stolen. And the person that did that is getting away with it.

    Again thank you for your time.

    The Crazy MisFits
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User

    If you don't get your guild back and choose not to rebuild feel free to contact me in game about maybe joining us in Ember. Guild hall 20, discord, etc. We have space in our guild for approx 50 accounts but might be able to free up more. Might be a way to keep your crew together.

  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    We are still hoping that some how, some way, we get our Rank 18 StrongHold back. It may have already been sold, I don't know. I have no idea what the 'Devs' are doing, as I have not been notified. I was told they would investigate but it was 'private' I still don't understand that one. Why is it private?
    *and snails*
    Again thank you for your time.

    The Crazy MisFits

    I find this almost as disturbing as the original post. There is now way that this should be hidden away in the dark. This should be, if not public, then at least as transparent a process as possible. If there was ever an exception for the "naming & shaming" rule, this should be it. For the protection of all the other guilds.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    reg1981 said:


    If you don't get your guild back and choose not to rebuild feel free to contact me in game about maybe joining us in Ember. Guild hall 20, discord, etc. We have space in our guild for approx 50 accounts but might be able to free up more. Might be a way to keep your crew together.


    They already had similar offers from other guilds in the alliance they were in but decided to start over.

    Sad to see them go.
  • odyeodye Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    Sad to see us go ? Just vote "yes" then.
    The alliance is dumping us like trash just because they would loose a little strenght...
    It's been less than a week and we are almost guild hall rank4. I've been doing some math and grinding/farming previsions, and i believe we will be at least lvl 15 in 6 month. We are currently wworking our HAMSTER off and are not gonna stop any soon.

    Everyone in the alliance is offering us to join, but no one understands that we want to stay together as friends and have our destiny into our own hands. We are closer friends than you can imagine.

    Sad to see us go ? Not as sad as seeing the alliance level decrease a bit for 6 month it appears.

    Should we stike a deal we the alliance, like, take us in for 6 months, and if in 6 month we are not yet strong enough for you liking, then you can drop us.. Don't forget that the alliance also helps us upgrade SH far more quickly.

    Have a nice day,

    Irina of the crazy misfits
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    If you wont find anything better, I may be able to offer you ~3.1% discount in about 3/4 weeks. Not a real alliance, and not much of a discount, but at least something.

    Once that project is done (in 3 weeks) maybe we can help you out with some influence and gems. No promises, I haven't asked my guild yet, and we still need to finish upgrading that thing.

    And if you want to plan ahead in terms of donations here something that may help:

  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer

    Just wanted to chime in to say that we have been exploring safeguard alternatives without it negatively impacting peaceful transitions of power.

    Julia, I would like to suggest, if you haven't done so already, speak with Ambassadore Kael of Star Trek Online. STO fleets have had a safe guard for a few years now that prevents any top level fleet/guild leader from being kicked instantaneously. In STO, there is a built-in "waiting" period, the exact time I don't remember, but it is a few days.
    The waiting period that the STO team has is one of the options the NW is looking into :)
  • trgluestickztrgluestickz Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User

    Just wanted to chime in to say that we have been exploring safeguard alternatives without it negatively impacting peaceful transitions of power.

    Julia, I would like to suggest, if you haven't done so already, speak with Ambassadore Kael of Star Trek Online. STO fleets have had a safe guard for a few years now that prevents any top level fleet/guild leader from being kicked instantaneously. In STO, there is a built-in "waiting" period, the exact time I don't remember, but it is a few days.
    The waiting period that the STO team has is one of the options the NW is looking into :)
    Whatever you guys plan on doing, please do not wait ages to do it, if need be, make this update outside of a module as a patch instead of waiting months for a module to slip it into.
    PVP Rogue,
    --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
    Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
    Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
    Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
    Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
    Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
    Platform: PC
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    I'm sure someone would be willing to take you in. My guild (Order of the Raven) is a rank 14 helm, but our account roster is full (though that's partly because I tend to resist culling inactives until I have no other choice). We do have four slots open in our alliance, though.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    Just wanted to chime in to say that we have been exploring safeguard alternatives without it negatively impacting peaceful transitions of power.

    Julia, I would like to suggest, if you haven't done so already, speak with Ambassadore Kael of Star Trek Online. STO fleets have had a safe guard for a few years now that prevents any top level fleet/guild leader from being kicked instantaneously. In STO, there is a built-in "waiting" period, the exact time I don't remember, but it is a few days.
    The waiting period that the STO team has is one of the options the NW is looking into :)
    This needs to be optional, with a delay before it can be turned off obviously. One of my guilds is the overflow to my main guild. It and and the helm's overflow guild share the 13th slot in the alliance, so there is a need to remove the guild from the alliance every few weeks, which means demoting the other leaders, removing the guild from the alliance and then repromoting them.

    I seem to need to even demote my own alts (although I could simply log them in and vote), am I really going to vote differently on different alts, should be one vote per account.
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