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Developer Stream: State of the Game [3/7]



  • gregg1230#3509 gregg1230 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I love questing and lore. I have a strong aversion to grinding. I am beginning to feel like I only end up grinding when I log in. What are your plans for more lore and quests as well as the foundry? I loved working through the Elemental Evil realms, and would love to see more similar content. It took me a long time to work through the Elemental Evil campaign, and I don't have to go grind forever and ever...well other than getting the elemental weapons.
  • Are you ever going to fix the Alchemy Profession glitch?
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    @mimicking#6533 mentioned that he was not that happy with the final results of the HR balance pass. Are you planning a second round like you did for the DC? A lot of HR support powers are basically useless after the Nature tree was taken down, but the previous pass focused on DPS only.

    Do you plan to keep the current trend of single bosses (no adds in boss fights)?

    Any plans for the Temptation SW revamp? It was mentioned there was no time when the SW balance was done, but quite some time passed and no changes have been implemented.

    The game is becoming once again a streamlined DPS/DPS-buffs game like in mod5. Do you plan to make control and non-DPS support meaningful again? Do you plan another big change like in mod6?
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • vida44vida44 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 667 Arc User
    Will you be adjusting the Gem pricing (or the amount one Gem contributes) for SH buildings?

    Gems are a bottleneck for SH progression. Before, Gems could be found in Professions nodes (Nature, Religion and so on) and bots were farming those like crazy. So we had stacks of rank 4's very cheap on AH.
    Developers made the SH Gem pricing around that.
    Of course, when developers decided to remove those gems from the nodes (so bots couldn't farm them anymore) they forgot to adjust the pricing in SH.

    Dropping in a Stack of Rank 5's (which nobody will be part from) is such a small donation that it is not worth it. Even if we drop a Rank 12 enchant (those that are expensive to make) we are getting nowhere. Creating Gem crates from professions is a very slow process especially since there is no more gateway to make this process a bit easier. You can get Influence faster then Gems.

    @terramak tagging you here also since I asked this during the last stream and you said you were not looking at it. Please reconsider.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    Ok now my Question:
    Is there going to be any expansions on the VIP Program, or is this the finalized form? (not that anything is wrong with it, but just wondering if level 12 is a hard tier cap, or will there be any added levels and benefits in the future)

    i agree that their should be some changes or more lvls of vip.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    will you add in different types of gear sets that allow us to play different types of builds on our character. like the legacy gear did in the older mods, have you been thinking about the way RPG works and how to further allow us to make our own playstyles? or will this game be like any other when it comes to roleplaying.

    1 tank 1 healer and 3 dps
    1 healer and 4 dps
    5 dps
    or any combination.

    i really liked how legacy gear let us choose what roleplay we wanted for our characters and how it was more diverse. gear that is just good for 1 dungeon is not my favorite at least.

    demogorgon - drowcraft
    FBI or n/e SVA - relic gear
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    • Plans for PVP and Foundry in 2017
    • Evaluation of Everfrost on Cryptic's end. Was it "successful"? Also versus Black Ice back then.
    • What's the progress on securing nodes vs. botting and bringing back significant loot in them?
    • I like Mod 11 as "catch-up" mod vs. Mod 10 as "endgame/new bis" mod. Is this a pattern that's going to continue?
    • How does the devs currently rate the grind situation. Isn't there too much to do on a daily basis?
    • It's clear the game is build around the grind to BIS. There's plenty to do since getting to the top, but very little once you're there. Are there plans to change that?
    • The cash shop needs a revamp. Any timetable?
    • The profession system needs a revamp. Any timetable?
    • Any plans on Masterwork or Strongholds?
  • pr8orianpr8orian Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I know that thinking on your own can be dangerous.... but if I were to look for buried treasure and new perils I would look underwater. Of course not just anyone could get up the nerve.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    I would LOVE to have a DEV comment on the idea of item equalization in PVP.

    WOW did this, and it seemed to have massive positive results.

    In NW today, a new player or even average player stands zero chance against the best geared PVP players. I know this, because my GWF can tak on 3-4+ enemies at once and win. Back in the pre-module days even the best players were lucky and considered it "good" to take on 2v1.... The amount of "inflation" in stats since module 0 has only lead to extremely difficult balancing for PVP, along with poor matchmaking due to the gear gap.

    What is the future for PVP, is something like what WOW did even "in the cards" for Neverwinter? Meaning, is it POSSIBLE it could come to Neverwinter in 2017 so we can actually have fun in PVP again?

    Foundry - Why has this never been used to create PVP content? This seems like a no-brainer to me in that you can have the community design PVP maps. Before you say "its to hard to quality control" that is just silly. You can easily void that by allowing for a "voting" system during a "Design a PVP Map" event in which players submit maps to be tested via a special PVP Foundry Que, that puts them inside a player made map, once done, the players vote on the map like they do with the current foundry. After the event ends, YOU (Devs) can take the top 3 maps, and do a Quality Control "pass" to make sure it meets criteria, and BAM. You have an awesome PVP map that the PLAYERS voted for and LIKE. How much DEV time did it take? Almost none...
  • andybones65andybones65 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 65 Arc User

    + can you please sort the loot HAMSTER that keeps dropping,i don't need rubbish green and grey items,please add a filter.
    + Also please,can we have a collect and repeat all in profession.this is so boring and wastes gaming time,as i have multiple toons

  • archangelzorak01archangelzorak01 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 324 Arc User
    This seems like an opportune time to pose a couple of questions and concerns I have. Mostly concerning balance.

    So recently you've put forth the effort to equalize the power of weapon enchants. This is good as it gives people choices. The problem is that now some classes gained damage potential by swapping to lightning and for others vorpal still remains king. Support classes have some choices now but I feel like the weapon enchantment change overall really didnt change much.

    One of the major things that has come to my attention due to this weapon enchantment change is that there is a vast discrepancy for a lot of classes where many powers simply do not proc weapon enchants or how some powers take significantly more advantage of weapon enchants. Powers that function very similarly between classes are treated completely differently due to this fact.

    I'll use CW and TR in my first comparison as they each have a power with similar functionality that makes it easy to make the comparison. Icy Terrain and Smoke Bomb. Each of these powers is an aoe, deals damage and has a control function and (depending on spec) can buff the caster. The issue is only one of them proc's weapon enchants. Another class power that can fall into this category is Burning Light, it deals damage has a control function yet doesnt proc weapon enchants.

    An example of a power taking greater advantage of a weapon enchants can be something like Weapon Master Strike. First of all its an aoe at-will capable of procc'ing weapon enchants. Not only will it proc weapon enchants on each target hit but it will do so twice due to its 2-hit mechanic. When you compare this at-will to just about any other at-will (and even some encounters) in the game it gets considerably more out of a weapon enchant that proc's extra damage.

    My final example concerns how the enchants scale, firstly they scale based on weapon damage which differs between classes giving some a greater benefit. Secondly they scale off power and as we all know certain classes get significantly more base power than others. Finally they scale from outgoing damage buffs, once again we all know that certain classes have significantly more outgoing damage buffs than others. In summation certain classes simply have more cards stacked in their favor when it comes to benefiting from weapon damage proc type enchants, and one class in particular seems to have a one-up in just about every one of these categories.

    All in all I feel that some classes simply aren't being equally represented in what they can gain by using different weapon enchants.

    I bring this up because one of the things being discussed in the upcoming DC changes is the ability of certain powers finally being able to proc weapon enchants. This change is long overdue and I'm glad its being looked into. My final question is, Will all classes that do or don't have powers that can or cannot proc weapon enchants be looked into in this manner?
    Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.

  • teledrielteledriel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    What is the status of getting Loyalty / Companion gear from gateway into the game?
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    teledriel said:

    What is the status of getting Loyalty / Companion gear from gateway into the game?

    Not going to happen. The Gambit companion equipment is the replacement.

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • wintermurlocwintermurloc Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    I'm not going to hijack this thread and at this point i really dont have any questions for the lead designer since i already have heard his perspective of things and i find he's done a fine job so far, but i couldn't find that thread where ppl were votting for what they would like on stream and probably the only thing i would like to ask if it's possible to get @asterdahl , @rgutscheradev and @dreadnaught#5263 on stream pls. I would most certainly like to ask plenty of stuff related to what they do.
  • isaintify1isaintify1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 414 Arc User
    Will there be a change/rework for the Oathbound Paladin Oath of Devotion? It lacks a lot of party wide content(buffs,and debuffs), and heals way to much. Its damage is also very slow and takes hours to do the campaigns.
  • xktgxktg Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    I have been around for some time, but rarely post on the forums as I have not seen significant benefit through collaboration between the Devs & Players to make change. With that being said, here are a few questions/points that I have for the upcoming “State of the Game”:

    With the ever increasing amount of grinding as new mods arrive, it continues to provide a less and less alt friendly experience. Most dedicated players have put a significant amount of time into a “Main” character, is it possible to consider a low/no cost option, for when a particular campaign is completed, it is completed on all characters for the given account?

    There are obviously mechanisms in place that allow you to purchase the campaigns (genies gifts for some), but at 4,000 – 5,000 Zen a pop (per campaign, per character), is not a viable solution for the player base.


    The Relic Armor and Weapons take a considerable amount of effort to make usable, in the future have there been any considerations to reduce the requirements for these types of items?


    Being a near day one Xbox player and having dedicated a good amount of time and monies into the game, I wonder have there been any considerations regarding alternate methods to obtaining Coal/Preservation wards? The Celestial Coffers and/or purchasing through the Zen market continue to guarantee that most high level items stay unobtainable to new players (Keep the Rich, Rich and the Poor, Poor methodology). I am not proposing putting them back in the tradebar store but there should be an alternate method in which the likelihood of obtaining them (free) is a little more frequent.


    Thoroughly enjoying PVP has been one of the mainstays of this game for me, reading through the forums on occasion, I see quite a bit of good commentary (sometimes getting off track), but there is very little to no interaction from the team in charge of making it better (Devs). Could we see more interaction when it comes to making things better in this area? I understand that PVE is the foundation in which D&D was built, but PVP is a component of the game that has been ignored for far too long.


    Secondary Sellers (Independent businesses making money from this game) continue to be problematic from my perspective. Are there any plans in the works to mitigate the amount of advertising/chat spam they conduct? If this problem could be solved, I see an opportunity for Zen market prices to be reduced and the lost revenue (both from secondary sellers and a potential price reduction) recouped through increased sales/transactions.


    Over the months there have been plenty of conversations around the frequency of loot drops, decent drops are nearly impossible to come by and salvage drops are frequent. Is there not a medium that can be found so that the market is not flooded/bare of these highly sought after items? For example: I have run ELOL more than 1000 times and still have not had a horn drop, sure I know that I can buy it from the market for cheap (as I have done), but that’s beside the point.


    I think my final item is more of a request than a question, but can you please make this “game” feel more like a “game” and less like a “second job”? I use to look forward to new mods, but find myself asking how much grind is this next mod going to take (effectively ruining any chance I would have had at an enjoyable experience).

    Thank you for any time and considerations in reviewing my questions/points

    Post edited by xktg on
  • coolgeek357coolgeek357 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 91 Arc User
    When are you going to address master crafting for the player in a small guild or the solo player. Please don't say the guild alliance system addresses that because it doesn't. Guilds are not helping each other because none have reached the level they can't do anything else with their own guild. So even if you are in an alliance your guild is not moving up any faster. This make relic and the new river district weapons a pipe dream. This situation makes me want to quit the game.
  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    Oh. It this module based on the Abolethic Sovereignty book trilogy?
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • markeen#2032 markeen Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Very new to the forums here and this would be my first livestream view but I do have some questions.

    Does the livestreams cover all game formats i.e pc, PS4, Xbone or is it only directed towards the pc community?

    Will consoles see the Foundry introduced now that Sony and Microsoft have opened up some with game mods?

    Any plans to reduce the gear leveling cost? The double refining xp is awesome but unless a gamer spends high amounts of real money it would take forever.

    Any plans to adjust AD payouts to curb poor RNG? RNG in Neverwinter can be a real let down especially after grinding for weeks. The AH is an alternative for sought after items but cost sometimes is beyond reasonable.

    As a player who spends hundreds of real money a month in Neverwinter, has 6 toons on PS4 (5 are level 70) and 1 toon on PC I really do enjoy the game. However, it lacks in story. I mean, it's there. But it's not.

    My final question is will you add more story driven content? Yes it's an MMO but it also has an RPG side that seems lacking.

    Founder of Knights of Ra guild in Neverwinter PS4. Founder of The Arashikage Clan in Defiance, formally of PlayStation Home.
  • asterfarwell#5559 asterfarwell Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    1. I want to be able to make Dragonborn/Metallic Dragonborn race characters as thin as humans and elves. Currently, the Dragonborn/Metallic Dragonborn race look like bulky raccoons. Not fashionable at all.

    2. I would like to be able to change my class at least once every 30 days. I'm tired of being a Cleric. My base power is over 45K. I would be better off as a DPS class. Also, since I cannot transfer mounts from my current character to another there is no reason for me to create more than one character.
    Post edited by asterfarwell#5559 on
  • xxmantaraxxxxmantaraxx Member Posts: 362 Arc User

    Can you comment on using layers of RNG in order to delay player progression and the impact this has on player satisfaction and feelings of making meaningful or measurable gains? (RNG restoration components and bound marks/items vs. ichor where you could calculate a precise number of keys needed.)

    Look at this very pertinent thing I just yanked out of the Twitter feed of one of your developers.


    Thanks for sharing that article! Its a great read. I wish some devolopers would take some hints form it.

    Ara Atheanes GWF
    Traxus Atheanes GF
    Bastiel Atheanes DC
    Ellara Atheanes CW
    Keira Atheanes TR
    Sarasin Atheanes SW
    Jerkface McGee HR

  • daaksanirdaaksanir Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 30 Arc User
    Not as much a question as a fact on how this game demoralize new players.
    The grinding is harsh if you start this game now. It's easy to campaign through to level 70, it's also fairly easy, albeit time consuming to get the first campaign boons. The real issue lies in the gearing from level 70, it sucks and it takes forever to get good gear, higher enchants and woe be you if you decided to be a tank or healer, one can pretty much forget about during dailies unless in groups, and must people do not want to group for dailies. In essence you screwed. The new River District is really badly tuned, It's easy on my main, but he needs nothing, it's impossible to solo on my Cleric, she needs it the most and it takes forever to do on my tank. It is soooo many dailies, and the worst part there are so many items that floats around in the bags, a ridiculous amount. And why is it that every single mod, farming goes per character, why not let everything we get be account wide, or able to sell, I seriously hate farming on my tank/cleric.

    So to sum up, make the game more alt friendly, lower the cost for campaign on alts, make the content easier to grind solo, especially since you get no rewards except moving forward in the daily grind toward unlock in a campaign. Stop having all this HAMSTER used for the campaign or create a campaign bag. Fix your skirmish, takes to long for crappy reward and make the +4 companion gear sellable on AH, and increase the drops on gear if you continue the fight. Still haven't seen a +4, then I need the item to be the right kind and then it needs the right stats. I stopped during the skirmish cause the rewards sucks.

    BTW Worst mod ever for me.
  • ariandel#8350 ariandel Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Will you add 1vs1(duel) open-world pvp, many games have this feautre by having an option like 'challenge palyer' or 'invite to duel' and then a timer begins when the player accepts then they start deuling.
    this is a really cool feautre just for having fun and actually I was surprised when I started palying neverwinter that duel doesn't exist.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    Bring old dungeons back!

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    I love the new approach with two way communication on upcoming changes. The weapon enchantments and DC class changes have been very productive, giving players input on the changes and seeing their recommendations acted upon increases buy-in, acceptance, the fixing of issues that have bothered them for a long time without creating any imbalances.

    It would be great if classes that received recent changes were revisited to iron out some problems that came from those updates; specifically the Paladin, Warlock and Ranger - and that this approach is also used for the anticipated Control Wizard and Rogue updates.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    daaksanir said:

    Not as much a question as a fact on how this game demoralize new players.
    The grinding is harsh if you start this game now. It's easy to campaign through to level 70, it's also fairly easy, albeit time consuming to get the first campaign boons. The real issue lies in the gearing from level 70, it sucks and it takes forever to get good gear, higher enchants and woe be you if you decided to be a tank or healer, one can pretty much forget about during dailies unless in groups, and must people do not want to group for dailies. In essence you screwed. The new River District is really badly tuned, It's easy on my main, but he needs nothing, it's impossible to solo on my Cleric, she needs it the most and it takes forever to do on my tank. It is soooo many dailies, and the worst part there are so many items that floats around in the bags, a ridiculous amount. And why is it that every single mod, farming goes per character, why not let everything we get be account wide, or able to sell, I seriously hate farming on my tank/cleric.

    So to sum up, make the game more alt friendly, lower the cost for campaign on alts, make the content easier to grind solo, especially since you get no rewards except moving forward in the daily grind toward unlock in a campaign.

    One answer to this of course would be allowing dual-speccing that included feats. Clerics and GFs have dps paths that are great for soloing but bad for groups - and most of the differences are Feat based.

    Having a lot of high level solo content discourages players from running group oriented builds but allowing them to spec out two builds and switch between them at will would solve this. It would also enable players to have pve and pvp builds, which I'm pretty sure would be welcomed by a lot of pvp'ers.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I don't have questions so much as things I'd like to see changed (state of the game) to be more player friendly.

    * I'd like to see the ah modified to be more user friendly. at least allowing things like bolene search and being able to search stack vs single.

    * the hr needs to be revisited. There are some very broken things here is the thread from the wilds outlining the things we've found.


    thorned roots is the real issue. we have a bug where the ticks are delayed by 2 seconds. often that is enough time where the mobs are dead by the time we have any effect. also the orcus set does not work with a number of our damage features making it far worse for us than other classes. we don't have any viable sets to work with compared to the boost other classes get from it.

    other classes need to be revisited as well after their changes but I don't really play those classes so I don't know how to comment on that.

    * PVP and PVE need to be separate. tweaking classes because one thing has been complained about on one side or the other only ends up hurting everyone. have pvp load outs with feats and what not and pve load outs. the pvp encounters should be pvp encounters not encounters that can work against monsters or players. it should be it's own animal.
    furthermore pvp needs to be streamlined. it's not balanced. all the extras should be cut out. all pvp should end game out at a certain point. high level enchants drains, ect should be not there. powers should be basic.

    * the new content grind is ridiculous. the gate to entry is ridiculous. people can't find support because there isn't a lot to offer the grind while bad for dps is OUTRAGEOUS for support. it should not be behind a firewall of a huge campaign. unlock it for support automatically. this will help EVERYONE. if it can't be unlocked for support automatically at least let it be open for alts once one character has unlocked it.

    * take the voninblood enhancements off the gear.

    * ilvel should be adjusted for all the new things added to the game ie. pets, their rank, bondings and all the jewelry we add to them. mounts and the insignia bonus should an addition to ILvl. utility slots should be taken off the ilvel or greatly reduced in how they count towards Ilvel.

    *the amount of the cost and time to make keys should be reduced in the campaigns tabs. it is ridulous to have to do hours of grinding to get a key that takes 20 hours to make. and 15 minutes to run. (as others have mentioned this starts to seriously feel like a job we're paying to be at instead of fun time)

    *reduce the cost in gold to take enchantments off. (or better yet just get rid of the gold cost. it's silly) or make it so when you change gear the enchantments stay in place but the gear changes. Right now it's not really that easy for me to run the new content because I am not going to wear the bad gear constantly while running other things and the cost to take my enchantments off and on again is eating me out of house and home. I can easily go thru 100 gold just taking gear off and on again. I dont' make that much gold. I can't run the content often because of it. its silly.

    *make more vip ranks that do things like get rid of the gold cost to enchantment changing, instant teleporting across huge maps and more keys.

    * unnerf the ninja nerf that was put in effect on things like the orange rings from the chests. they were droppiing pretty regularly the first week or two then people stopped chirping up. Hey got a orange.. it just went silent. I have been grinding for one and still haven't got one. the legendary marks are also ridiculously hard to get in game. increase the drop rates for these items or make there be some way to earn them.
    * give us a lock option on items so we don't accidently delete.
    * give us some mailbox options like NEVER delete a mail with an item attached option.
    * give us an option to never finish a task early in professions. lag makes it very easy to end a task early that you'd never in your right mind choose to end early. If it's a check box if it is a rare occasion we want to end it early we can temporarily enable the feature. I lose about 35k a day to this.
    * give us a mass delete option for our mailboxes for no items attached emails.
    * update professions. there are a lot of very out of date things in there making it mostly an obsolete thing.

    Post edited by thefiresidecat on
  • diloul31diloul31 Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Post edited by diloul31 on
  • diloul31diloul31 Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    - Can you please consider that many great games are coming and if you want us to keep playing your game from time to time, you MUST ease the endless grinding ?
    ( rp for refine, i eard 2 events max a year, this is a very bad move and all the stuff for restoring weapons and gear) The voninblood.... This is too much, you know that !

    Playing your game is becoming a full time job after our jobs, there is a limit of what you can ask to players to support your game...

    - Will you fix POM chest not opening...

    - The new addition to dunjeons are cool but why everything binded and useless ( green companions, ect...) ?
    In general, we have loads of companions and mounts but in fact not even 5% of them are good or usuable...

    Can't you do something like you just did with enchants to make these things that took you time to create not useless ? (And by that i DONT mean nerfing archons ofc...)

    -The new 150 gear is very bad and useless exept maybe the blooface visage...

    - You know we desesperatly need more Healers and tank, do you have some plans to fix that ? ( Going again throught campains, grind for gear and rp just seem an impossible task, it took me more than half a year to get my main to 3k +).

    - can you fix the SW bugs : curses not showing on mobs heads, stats bugged when changing maps or joining by invitation ?

    - It seems a consensus that after first week of key update, drops have been ninja nerf on the best stuff, can you confirm ?

    - Can you please fix the drop rate on msva for marks like NOW. This is unfair that PC have alreay it patched when us on ps4 still have the old drop rate. It's an easy patch, no one will believe it's that hard to patch or that you need time for that.

    The list is so long but this is what concern me the most...

    PS : This tread id for devs not for players to comment so please DO NOT give your opinions on that matter.
  • hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    Would like for you to discuss Skill caps and deminished returns that was changed back in Mod.6 . And your general plans on balance moving forward. Thank you.
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