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[PC] Gateway Closing Down



  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Any chance of a gateway without professions, without ZAX, without auction house?
    Many players would appreciate having a view of their gear, statistics, inventory and guild data on the web.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User

    Any chance of a gateway without professions, without ZAX, without auction house?
    Many players would appreciate having a view of their gear, statistics, inventory and guild data on the web.

    They have admitted they don't want to waste resources on this. That is(amongst others) they don't want to have developers on the gateway. So there is no way they will give us that . they will probably reward us by taking something else away as well.
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • kalkelrial#8297 kalkelrial Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    I noticed a huge amount of lag on the game over the weekend - so much so I had to stop playing The lag has increased a heck of a lot since the Gateway went offline as many other people have said.

    I said in an earlier thread that I was deciding what to do - that I didn't want to put another penny into a game whose developers seemingly have no regard to their customers (free or otherwise since time could also be viewed as a currency!).

    I've built up my account over the last two years and was able to create new characters who had nice things to help them start off (unicorn etc). But throughout that time there's always been the Gateway to help since I don't get a great deal of actual game time due to work commitments. Now that has also been removed.

    So I have decided. I'm giving the game another extended break. I'm not saying I'll never play again but I think it doubtful at the moment unless the game gets a serious overhaul in the RP department which, again as many other people have said, is ridiculously unreasonable (I mean to get IL to a level to even try the new content would take me several months of grinding with my schedule - I've not even been able to have a go at Demogorgon yet). I've seen some really good ideas posted about that in this, and other threads, that I think the Devs should take seriously but they probably won't.

    I'll keep an eye on the forums for any updates but that's me for now. Happy hunting guys, hope you have fun. :)
  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    you need to make the companion gear that was available there available in the main game ...... i been waiting for a chance to get rings of loyal avenger and it looks like i never will ... this is messed up.
    also maybe release an app that allows us working folk to access ah and professions from mobile devices and play sca
  • istarinistarin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 20 Arc User
    Is there anyone out there who thinks that this mod and the changes they've made recently to the game are a positive step forward?

    Give us a mod 2 server already as that's when this game peaked.
  • edited September 2016
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  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User

    I've read about eight pages of this and I'm sad to see another feature removed from the game.

    Having said that I must state something...

    @panderus please DO NOT put the Gateway rewards into the Foundry!! Consoles do not have the Foundry and are in desperate need of good, inexpensive companion gear. Putting those gear pieces and companions into the trade bar store or the seals vendor seems like the best options.

    Again, DO NOT put these rewards into the Foundry!!

    What does a console player care in the first place? You're entitled to your opinion of course, but of what value is this statement? Consoles never had the SCA game, so they never had these items in the first place. And you did fine so far, I"m sure. If you're requesting that consoles get access to these items, this isn't the best way or thread to do it.
    So, going by that, why does PC need the gear from SCA?

    Is it because you have had them before?

    You're kinda missing the point, console-players have asked for a way to get the companion-only items for a very long time, and had the developers bothered to do something about that, they could simply have switched PC over to that.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    2 - If you saw someone posting some stacks of resonances for 170k and under that price, that means that either that player is fearful and selling his/her RP or that bots are in the game already.

    Indeed, it is always possible to make an item (or stack) become BoE during a maintenace, as they demonstrated with the Ioun Stone of Radiance. You can never be certain that things can be sold tomorrow.

    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    Been a while since I posted anything so please allow me to say one thing. Bear in mind this was suggested MANY times before.

    You guys want to get rid of the bots? make all Leadership boxes rewards BTA - BOOM job done, well done folks!

    And now for a history lesson:

    - we had AD generated via the LS - removed the tasks -> bots took a hit
    - we had bots running rampage on the nodes - removed the RP from the nodes -> bots took a hit
    - we had Gateway scripts farming LS ( game almost forced many players to take this route even if they didn't want to and didn't even think about it when they started playing - ME INCLUDED) - gateway was nuked -> bots took a hit
    - make all LS related boxes rewards...BTA - bots are screwed big time

    After you've made the above, you can just trash the whole prof system since all others are HAMSTER.

    Good day to everyone!
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • edited September 2016
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  • elvalianonelvalianon Member Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Personally I am not much struck by the gateway going down for the main reasons I see everyone rightfully so cry about. I've played Swordcoast for a while until I got bored of it, I read my mail, did a few proffs but Im lazy at that anyway. I do hope the companion gear comes back and if you are going to implement the Swordcoast in game like I think you will, that's cool for me!

    What I am (and my fellow leaders are) stuck by is loosing character information that was only available in the gateway and not in game for guild administration. That will also be my only complaint, which I've had for a very long time anyway. Why is the guild window so limited? There was quite some valuable information that only the gateway could provide or made it so much easier to look up. I never understood why some of the gateway details were unavailable in game, or just generally terribly designed and hard to filter or get by in game.

    There is so much potential in tweaking and adding guild information in the guild window that I hoped would be introduced with the Stronghold or Alliance mod. I hope these will be added in the future now the gateway can no longer provide for it.

    P.S: I am aware of the export command but I am not sure if they ever intended for it to be used to begin with. I guess we have to consider ourselves lucky while it lasts. If they take it away I will most likely quit my 3+ years of leading this guild and the game because it would make our leader lives very very hard, near to impossible. Our guild community is the only thing keeping me in game.
    Post edited by elvalianon on
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  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    desisti said:

    kemi1984 said:

    - make all LS related boxes rewards...BTA - bots are screwed big time

    After you've made the above, you can just trash the whole prof system since all others are KITTEN.

    Good day to everyone!

    Well, you are almost right... almost. Like many many many players noticed, bots are necessary evil. Take a look at RP requirements that was taken in front of the players. Without enchantments (you can buy R7 for TB) you are looking at a 100m + wall... and mr cryptic is selling 10k worth of RP for how much, 10-20$... I understand concept of greed, but be realistic... they cannot expect that all 12 million of players pay up 10$ for 10k RP...
    12 million...

    Without bots there is no advancing, no advancing no reason to play, no reason to play... well you get the point... Rewarding 1 resonance stone for weekly quest is just -profanity filter- on players face.

    And I totally agree with you here.

    But Cryptic do not see this. Look at the ZEN shop, who in a sane mind will buy blood rubies? Who even thinks about putting them there for that price? Who's thinking anyone will buy them? ffs...

    That's the madness and pure stupidity, they want players money yet they refuse to think how they can get it.

    Bots is the reason game is how it is, this is the dev's perspective. So reduce bot's profits and put reasonable ways to progress.

    One thing you've missed is with BTA RP's from LS you can advance your characters no? where's the issue here? you have your boxes? you have the RP when you have an LS army, right?

    Bot's will be screwed, they can't sell the RP so a big chunk of their profits just went poof. And "legit players" ? well they can still waste their precious gaming time to circle through all those bought char slots managing their professions can't they? sure they can!

    There is no ideal solution, but this one here...saves a lot of Crytpic's precious server stress and handles the botted RP/AD you name it...quite easily and beautifully :)

    "but hey, we've bought all those chars slots you've made cheaper to lure us in!" - yep, you can still use them just do the mass clicking contest 4hrs straight and you will have your RP

    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • edited September 2016
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  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    Yes, but as I said above. We were almost forced to go along this path.

    I had like...4 chars before I left the game for a year. Came back day before mod 6 hit the fan (take than KITTENS !!!)

    Suddenly I realized the mess and started building up my alt army. Was I happy with that? NO, was it fun? NO, did I wasted my game time to rank it up rather than actually playing and enjoying the game? HELL YES!

    It's really simple, design a system that makes you repeat the boring tasks each 2,4,8,12 hours, reward this "system" with main games currency, constantly gut the initial game from whatever fun and entertaining aspects it was build, mix it all together throwing in a browser tool to manage the game outside of the client - than sit back and watch the mayhem.

    Oh and don't forget blaming the world you're so terribly unhappy that the game resources are wasted fighting bots.

    You want less stress on the servers? you want to reduce the bot influence on your game? THINK for more than a minute, LISTEN to those who were (almost) forced to be part of the problem.

    There were dozens of great ideas thrown out there. @ironzerg79 had a great one how to compete with botted RP marked using experience. Many many others said what to do, have they listened? HAMSTER no! all they did, was "looking at the datas" and dismantle the game for normal players piece by piece.

    Now having read all of this, who do you think will go via the shady route and go buy stuff from the botters now?
    Having close to no way to compete with their unbound LS RP potential?

    And before I hear it, I don't give a kittens HAMSTER about the game anymore.
    Just express all too obvious incompetence pouring out of these posts written by the very concerned game handlers.

    Had they listen to valid arguments, this game would be far far better than it is now.
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • blairreblairre Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    desisti said:

    kemi1984 said:

    One thing you've missed is with BTA RP's from LS you can advance your characters no? where's the issue here? you have your boxes? you have the RP when you have an LS army, right?


    My LS army consists out of 3 characters, main (CW sitting at 3.4 not close to BIS, played from the beginning - joined few days after caturday) and 2 alts (DC made for sigil and TR made... cause we all make mistakes :smiley: ) and that is it. I agree with you, cryptic made this veeeeery bot friendly cause having 50+ characters on one account is invitation to them. Problem is, most of the people here are talking about 50 characters like that is perfectly normal... well... not everybody have 20, 30, 40 characters - that is not normal (although cryptic with their approach made it not only normal but desirable and profitable).

    This should be treated as a game:

    play a game -> get rewarded -> advance -> play more -> repeat

    not like we have now:

    create character -> get it to 11 -> start leveling LS -> create character -> get it to 11 -> start leveling LS -> repeat as much as possible

    Well now it will be play game ->save ad->spend all ad on what people with armies have saved ->bots run in game script or manually craft = wait for it = bots still win and make mills in ad general player base looses...
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    desisti said:

    kemi1984 said:

    This should be treated as a game:

    play a game -> get rewarded -> advance -> play more -> repeat

    not like we have now:

    create character -> get it to 11 -> start leveling LS -> create character -> get it to 11 -> start leveling LS -> repeat as much as possible

    Though I agree, you kinda have to make a LS army if you want to progress at a steady pace, at first with ADs then with RPs. I have like 10 characters (I can't remember, I barely play anymore), and two of them were made especially for LS farming, but even when I was active on all my characters, most of my resources were going into my main.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • farla47farla47 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I would also like to add my opinion on the murdering of the gateway-

    This is HAMSTER.
    (almost)All my friends are Imaginary!
  • raykethrayketh Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    The complete lack of customer support and communication from this company is absurdly unprofessional. I've seen better from indie groups doing Steam Greenlight games.

    There was no announcement and no official communication from anyone before or during the gateway shutdown. Only now that it is gone for good do we get official word.
    "Oh but they posted here in the forums?" They posted on a PLAYER MADE forum thread, many pages deep. These are your standards for official statements? You have a twitter feed. You have a news/announcements page. You have a screen before you launch the game that you can put news on. You can email the players. Anyone who did not search out the information in the forums would have no way of knowing (and still doesn't?) that the Gateway is down permanently. Hell, put a message on the landing screen of the Gateway itself FFS!

    I remember reading an article from Blizzard that <10% of players use the forums. Were you planning on informing them at all or just assuming eventually they'd get bored and stop trying? I certainly didn't use the forums until I was Googling why the gateway was down.

    Frankly, this is ridiculous and I'm not putting myself through this frustration anymore. Good thing I only bought a month of VIP so I don't need to get a chargeback done.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    I respect your decision and hope to adapt to these changes even though its going to result in a little bit more in game time, and thanks for the companion I will cherish it and keep it as a reminder of gateway.

    I just realized the companion looks like a robot, I see what you did there. ;)

    Sure we have to respect it. Too many Contrsuction side at once in this game for an obviuos small ammount of devs.
    Maybe they can focus on other things that way, and I am sure they will implement loyal gear in game asap. So do not buy those rings for 10 million AD !
    I used the gate from time to time , being on vacation maybe, but it´s not that important for my overall game experience at all.
    Only benefit was to look for other player in PVP in the menue and watch their IL and gear at times we were prohibited to inspect the opponent.
    Byby gateway, I won´t miss you that much, whatever the reason might be to shut you down.
    I also did not do professions every 6 hours a day at, night, at work, in the morning, in the evening..whatever. Can be a release for soem player I guess :)

    About AD and rp. I run quartermaster 1-2 enchants (lev 4x9, 1x10) on 4 toons (atm I switch between DC-GF-WL).
    Doing so you can farm enchants rank 6-7 for a considerable ammount. On double rp you equip the QM on your toons up to 10,5% and open those bags, afterwards switching enchants to next char. After the nerf this can´t be called a very effective way to farm enchants...but I bought them and I can farm those bags passively. Dragonhoards seems to be completely useless.

    I also bought that spider in the zen store (http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Gilded_Giant_Spider), wich is the best investment in game.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    In my opinion, this is all a smoke screen. They made up their mind long time ago when they released the console version. Whatever that is not applicable to the console, they will be eliminated one by one.

    In my opinion, this Gateway shutdown was scheduled, was planned. They knew it was coming. It was not an emergency during labour day weekend. It is more like we needed to shut it down in September. They don't want to tell us. They just needed to invent a reason. However, this reason has been used so many times that most people who went through this X times would not believe that anymore.

    Whatever "reasonable" suggestions we provided will not change their mind. They already made up their mind. There is an agenda they don't want to tell you.

    The PC version may not last long either if the console version is doing well or this "test bed" is considered not necessary.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    urabask said:

    1-And your elementary English teacher would've told you to use context to understand a sentence if you're unsure of what it means.

    2-The thing is there isn't even enough RP on the AH to say this. The amounts being posted just don't support this idea. Not to say that they won't move in game but even if they are they haven't started posting much of anything to the AH. It's entirely possible that there aren't all that many of the in the game yet.

    1 - trolololololo. Context: "RP prices will drop until the supply drys up because i saw someone undercutting under 170k" -> Answer: "Even if the supply doesn't dry up completly, the useful items usually tends to rise their prices, not to drop them, as they get harder to obtain" (one of a lot of points that the "supply and demand" stupid mantra hard ignores, btw) . If you want a context, read 2.

    2 - If you saw someone posting some stacks of resonances for 170k and under that price, that means that either that player is fearful and selling his/her RP or that bots are in the game already.
    1- This is already happening ... Prices rose to 199k and then people started posting again and they dropped back to 170k.

    2- Oh please, it just means that some of these people need AD and don't need lesser reso stacks. I'll be selling most of mine after next 2x RP too. Lesser reso stacks haven't been much above 170k for a while either.
  • edited September 2016
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  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    clonkyo1 said:

    urabask said:

    1- This is already happening ... Prices rose to 199k and then people started posting again and they dropped back to 170k.

    2- Oh please, it just means that some of these people need AD and don't need lesser reso stacks. I'll be selling most of mine after next 2x RP too. Lesser reso stacks haven't been much above 170k for a while either.

    1 - 170k last time i checked the price on lesser reso stacks and dropping (i saw down peaks of 167500 but, as i said, these were just that: peaks) . This means that if the "source" were dry or close to be, the price would have rise up by now even further than 200k per stack, not drop from 200ks as we can check right now on AH. This is translated as:

    - players have a really huge reserve of bound RP to be able to sell their unbound one.
    - bots are still in game farming like almost nothing changed at all for them.

    And knowing how the majority of players do play this game, i bid for the second option (i will not take the "size of the sample/experiment" or other factors into consideration) . If were what you said, the thing is that the price would be even grown further as happened with coals back in the day and still suffering. What we saw there, is called "alarm wave" (don't remember the correct word for it in english, sorry) and it happends a lot in market and bussiness.

    Devs had stated that the clousure of Gateway was to make easier for them to track bots... but, what i fear on their solution, is that we, legit players with "Alt armies" are also "included/affected" on their (IMO, really poor) solution as the system can take us as "botters" by just doing profession tasks.

    2 - Yes, thats the other option i said ("due fear" but i should have called it "due human reaction" instead, my apologies here) and I will sell mine after some gear and enchant upgrades if i can open all those bags without diying of boredom or not killing my mouse, so, TBH, i don't know what do you want to say on this point at all . As an additional note, i had sold my unbound lesser reso stacks even for 200k AD back in the days...
    1-I think you're confusing the idea of supply on the AH with supply outside the AH. The only supply that matters for an item like lesser resonance stones is what makes it onto the AH. That's what affects pricing. Even if bots stopped existing the amount being created is so massive that the price is set less by the amount that exists and more by the amount that is posted to the AH. I mean ffs there are people with so many reso bags that they don't bother opening them. If they all started competing they could crash the price any time they wanted to.

    2-Human reaction isn't even accurate. It's happening because demand is declining. If it was because bots were posting massive amounts of stones we'd see a lot more stacks on the AH. If you look at the bot advertisements you'd notice a lot of them selling lesser reso stones directly for cash too.

    Coal wards are a bad comparison because they have a set price. The price was set by the zen cost when it was 200 tbars, at 75 tbars it was no longer set by the zen cost. There wasn't an "alarm wave", the value just changed because the price was being set by a different metric.

    Bots behave in ways that make them easy to spot. Their tools for detecting bots would have to be terrible beyond belief to have false positives.
    Post edited by urabask on
  • tigressbtigressb Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I hit level 10 on an alt last night and completing the professions quest still sends the email introducing the gateway. Can this please be turned off? As a newer player (just started back a couple of weeks ago - I played when the game first launched but went back to EQ2) it already was a bad first impression to get an email pointing me to something that was down, but now that it's announced as being taken down permanently to keep getting the email is irritating.

    Every time I look at something shiny on the market and debate buying something I lag out, or rubberband, or get disconnected. I have never experienced this in any MMO I have ever played. I see posts saying "it's Cryptic, it is what it is" (including from my husband who plays STO) and that boggles my mind. I have money to give, but I can't justify spending money on a game that can't even turn off auto-sending emails introducing the gateway. That email should have been turned off 2 weeks ago.
  • arnzilla69arnzilla69 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Waiting on a network redesign. Might take a few hours. Sure would be nice to reload professions and play some SCA about now.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    urabask said:

    1-I think you're confusing the idea of supply on the AH with supply outside the AH. The only supply that matters for an item like lesser resonance stones is what makes it onto the AH. That's what affects pricing. Even if bots stopped existing the amount being created is so massive that the price is set less by the amount that exists and more by the amount that is posted to the AH. I mean ffs there are people with so many reso bags that they don't bother opening them. If they all started competing they could crash the price any time they wanted to.

    This is what panderus said on September 9th. Believe it or not, well ....

    We took it down because automated activity was putting undue pressure on our servers and it was clear that it was risky to leave Gateway up any longer as it was causing performance issues to more than just the Gateway servers. We have been monitoring the amount of RP generated from Leadership and have not identified it as causing enough distortion to the RP economy to make any changes at this time.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • edited September 2016
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  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I don't believe panderus' first sentence. IMO, at best, this may have partial truth for the covering story. Hence, I also have doubt with his 2nd sentence.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited September 2016
    @panderus - Thank you for communicating with the community on this topic. I'd like to take this time to toss out my feelings, opinions, and feedback.

    Loosing the Gateway will have little to no impact upon me, as I rarely used it anymore on the PC and have been enjoying the game just fine there. As well, I have been enjoying the game on the XBOX One and PlayStation 4 just well without the Gateway there.

    However, I do feel that some aspects of the Gateway should be maintained and available for players. Such things should be in a read-only format so there is no outside manipulation of the game. These things I feel should be maintained and available include, but not limited to:
    • Character Sheet Viewing
      (additionally, I'd like to see the character sheet extended to also show powers, feats, boons, mounts, companions, etc.)
    • Inventory Viewing
    • Profession Status Viewing
    • Guild Management Viewing
    • Mail Viewing
    I'd then like to see the Sword Coast Adventures introduced in the game itself in some form or fashion, where you play it in the game. Or at least provide something in the game for our Idle Companions to do. I really enjoy the "pet" side game-play in other MMOs and Neverwinter's was the Sword Coast Adventures. Give us something for our companions to do that we have worked so hard to collect and rank up. I have, just on the PC, 83 companions on my main character alone. I'd like to be able to utilize them all in some form of a mini-game again.

    I'd also like to see the Dice-Roll implemented in game. Add it to a tab in the Home Screen and then add a button on the Home Screen that flashes if you haven't rolled on that character yet today. Have the Home Screen open up automatically upon login if that character hasn't rolled their dice yet for that day.

    Lastly, I'd like to see the companion gear and the two SCA only companions be available through game-play and not as a Trade Seal, Tarmalune Bar, Wondrous Bazaar, or Zen Shop item. Please make them either a drop in game or a repeatable campaign reward that encourages game-play.

    In short, keep the Gateway as a read-only source. This could then potentially allow you to provide this glorious service to the XBOX and PlayStation since there'd be no outside manipulation of the game.
    Post edited by zebular on
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