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Bug Reports & Known Issues



  • impaylersimpaylers Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Game will not load after char is picked starts to load then freezes. I redownloaded the game and it still does it any way to fix this problem. I have a lvl 44 char so dont know why after all this time its messing up any advice would be appreciated ty
  • shuran553#1978 shuran553 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Known issue since the end of the first week, Lostmauth, Valindra, Malabog, we cannot see the one shot mechanics aoe red marker on our screens. This literally has been known since week 1 and 0 has been addressed. One twitter post stating you aknolwedge does not count this is a simple fix. I understand you have an expansion out now but keep in mind if your to cator to a VERY large player base on ps4 without the fickle console gamers losing interest for the next big thing "Destiny expansion" then you might want to ensure your stuff gets fixed in a timely manner. Address it, fix it or you will have wasted your time coming to ps4.
  • fox#1533 fox Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Atm the only three dungeons that seem to be consistently doable by non-overlevelled players are Kessell's, Tuern, and Cragmire. Everything else seem to take a little bit of luck. If you need to get used to Epics, farm Kessell's a bunch of times so you can get used to one-shot aoe attacks, iirc, most random queue groups can clear Kessell no prob.
  • clbutcher78clbutcher78 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Leaving a dungeon early and still stuck in group , can not leave group , also have access to guild deposit but can not deposit
  • asiawildeasiawilde Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    The Pirate King retreat mission can't be queued into. it doesn't show on the queue list and we have had no info on any fixes coming out and it's been a week. come on wth?
  • killerrcanuckkillerrcanuck Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    The queue system is absolute garbage. It seems to place 5 dps or no healer or no tank in 5 man epics, which almost always fail. sure its possible without the regular roles in the group but rarely does a pickup group survive. instead it just cycles through more people that leave and the run goes nowhere. please tell me a rework of your ridiculous queue system is in the works.
  • m4dh4773r5m4dh4773r5 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    There are a number of players, myself included, who have a game breaking trade house bug. I cannot bid on any items once they pass the 15 minutes remaining mark which results in 99% of bids being outbid. Please take a look at the image uploaded here - https://postimg.org/image/qlfp7asil/ showing an item of low AD cost (which I can clearly afford), with 8mins remaining on the auction. However the place a bid option is greyed out. This occurs for any auctions below 15 mins remaining. I am able to bid on anything with a higher duration remaining.

    This is my original discussion topic to see whether anyone else was having this issue - http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/comment/12868222?sso=eyJ1bmlxdWVpZCI6Ijk5MDE4MTg3IiwibmFtZSI6Im00ZGg0NzczcjUiLCJlbWFpbCI6Imtob3JtYXRpQGhvdG1haWwuY29tIiwicGhvdG91cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3LmFyY2dhbWVzLmNvbVwvaW1hZ2VzXC9hY2NvdW50XC91c2VyLmpwZyIsInJvbGVzIjoiTWVtYmVyIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiMTQ0Mzk2ODk4MSJ9+03f58a8221203df8a3e0e8e456585d040756200d+1471756238+hmacsha1

    I have also created a ticket and they suggested that they are unable to do anything and I should create a bug report.

    Please can you look into this bug as a matter of urgency because we are hugely disadvantaged in a "fair" game play environment. The trade house is a key part of building capital and obtaining gear/items but without the capability to bid openly this impacts us significantly.
  • duvaindessduvaindess Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Is it a first Sunday of the expansion the lag i witness?
    I need around 30-90 secs to click on anything (proffesions, campaign tasks, travel, login..... you name it). You noticed i am not talking about any fight with normal mobs. With this lag a normal mob, could kill an OP in several minutes when he is not looking....... (if he could ever pass through the city gates....)
    Post edited by duvaindess on
  • alexonic#7150 alexonic Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Hi, i'm here to report a bug:

    i can't withdraw money and tarmalune trade bar from my bank
  • null
    I also cannot start the task defeat Vanifer even with all the required items...please help I need this boon
  • ileopsoas666ileopsoas666 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Please add as a foremost important the "auction house bidding time" bug...
    For me and many others is impossible to bid when there are 15 minutes or less left ...this is really soulcrushing have seen so many good offers slipping away
  • Fixed my issue the feather was in my overflow bag stolling me from completing this part of the campaign
  • trinbolo#8981 trinbolo Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Also, every one in a while, there will be members listed in the HUD that aren't in the group while participating pay members are not shown.
    The "Contest Scoring" results sometimes show these phantom party members instead of me.

    Edit * New bug on forum shows 'null' instead of a quoted post.
  • devilvalkyrie#9286 devilvalkyrie Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Well since yesterday one of my characters (second one) have a awful problem, when i play any dungeon like cloak tower, cargmire, and anothers at end of dungeon it dont obtain Any Rought astral diamond... I was played 4 dungeons to check if is only one but no that character cant obtain any rought astral even... And i dont refine any one today i have some videos from this issue please fix it is really sad have a character lvl 68 that dont obtain the dungeon astrals... Only skyrmish and pvp... Pls...
  • saiyukianimel101saiyukianimel101 Member Posts: 2 New User
    My game froze in helms hold so I forced closed the game now I can't log in. When I try to log into my character it freezes on the load screen. I tried creating a character and playing the character for a minute then log into my stuck character but that didn't work either. Can someone fix it?
  • jmq#7732 jmq Member Posts: 1 New User
    The active Ability of companion Crab which is bought from Zen is not working at all. It said 10% chance to root target 3 sec by deal dmg for every 30 sec. Well, never c that happen for even one time. Some one explain?
  • mortenera12#4717 mortenera12 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Continue bug in valindra(epic) on ps4
  • drbubbles#2158 drbubbles Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    It's been a lot longer than a week. Pretty sure this has never worked on PS4
  • sajiahsajiah Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I am having an issue where I cannot unstack items, nor can I sell items if there are more than 1 in the stack. The confirm button is greyed out. So I have a ton of things in my bags that I can't sell or even vendor/ah.
  • alienovyalienovy Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    In my warlock after I revive, I can't use stamina skill in L3, it's not regen after all. That's is annoying.
  • hairybluehairyblue Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    alienovy said:

    In my warlock after I revive, I can't use stamina skill in L3, it's not regen after all. That's is annoying.

    This will happen to my warlock too. I was in a dungeon. Any fix coming.
  • damontar#5477 damontar Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    is it normal to not be able to see the stats on items while in a party? this makes it hard to determine what to drop/sell on the fly with out leaving party.. and for those of you that "SOLO" finding a good party that clicks is hard..

    New to the Epic World of NeverWinter.... 42 Guardian H/E
  • > @pheew#4617 said:
    > While grouped with people and inspecting new equipment the stats comparison between that and the gear you have equipped does not show unless you drop out of your group.

    you can fix this by disabling voice chat. its recommended that you start a party chat if talking is needed but it can be fixed
  • sweetmarie420#2725 sweetmarie420 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Not only is the pirate King broken, so is the beginning of the end mission. Please fix.
  • leizahleizah Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hunter ranger sword "float" when you walk
  • xx66coste99xx#9055 xx66coste99xx Member Posts: 1 New User
    There are many bugs in the game, but these are the most annoying in my opinion:
    -The Sensitivity of motion control.
    -After A while playing the FX disappear (items drops, powers).
    -The Description of objects is not visible while you are in a group.
  • figszx6#1013 figszx6 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
  • Anyone seeing differnce in dmg on lvl 70 bosses in the dungeons? I ran them before no problem now I get hit for 260k dmg.
  • smokey89#6029 smokey89 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Ps4 sound issue. When playing neverwinter recently i have been suffering from really bad audio issues e.g popping clicking very unatural noises which shouldn't occur are you aware of this?
  • iceyblades91#7957 iceyblades91 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Can not log in game kicked me out and now cannot connect to shard provider
This discussion has been closed.