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  • dacai#7293 dacai Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I have the same auction house bug (bid greyed out) only at 15 minutes. Tried just about everything client side, to no avail.
  • terrordactyl#4367 terrordactyl Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Scourge Warlock - Soulbinder Damnation Level 69

    I have the final damnation skill unlocked, which should mean my Soul Puppet is permanent, or at least respawns 15 seconds after causing damage. On a couple of occasions, the Soul Puppet does not respawn after it's death and I have had to log out and back in again to fix it.

    It's not common, it's probably happened to me 3 times in 10 hours of gameplay.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    vote to kick broken. I've just quit out of 6 cta skirmishes because of various jerks sitting on the sidelines doing jack expecting you to carry them thru it and no way to kick the lazy bums out. it's frustrating. I refuse to let people get by with that. so I quit. it hurts me because I don't get it done. but I'll be durned if I'm going to encourage their laziness. please fix the vote to kick.
  • drbubbles#2158 drbubbles Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    I've noticed that in Squirmishes too. It really stinks having dead weight on the team that then gets rewards for doing nothing.
  • trinbolo#8981 trinbolo Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Mornin, development team. Firstly, thank you for the work you are doing to keep our cravings sated.
    I've noticed a minor glitch that allows one to use Lesser scrolls of identification for any level item if you have the appropriate level scrolls in your bank. For instance, with Bound greater scrolls in the bank and Lesser scrolls in your bags, the lesser scrolls will work for all level items. This is also true if there are greater scrolls in the bank AND the bag. In that case, the lesser scrolls will be used before the appropriate scrolls. Take your time fixing this.... I don't mind the 66% AD discount to id my 45-ish gear. : p
    Post edited by trinbolo#8981 on
  • zardash#5849 zardash Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    In Mount Hotenow, in the quest "Venting the Underneath", I am unable to get the explosive runes from the crate. The crate is not selectable at all. I've reloaded the game several times and tried different instances with no luck
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User

    In Mount Hotenow, in the quest "Venting the Underneath", I am unable to get the explosive runes from the crate. The crate is not selectable at all. I've reloaded the game several times and tried different instances with no luck

    Is there an idiot standing on the crate? I had to wait a day because some guy put his character on top of the crate and went AFK. There were 20 some people trying to figure out how to interact with the crate but his location kept it so you could only interact with his character. I eventually left and tried again a few days later.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • zardash#5849 zardash Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    > @ravenskya said:
    > Is there an idiot standing on the crate? I had to wait a day because some guy put his character on top of the crate and went AFK. There were 20 some people trying to figure out how to interact with the crate but his location kept it so you could only interact with his character. I eventually left and tried again a few days later.

    No, not for me. WHen I accepted the quest, there were a million (maybe not quite that much, but a lot) people standing around the crate, so perhaps that affected it somehow.
    But, I came back the next day, and there was no-one near the crate at all. (Everyone was doing some weird rain dance around the tree...)
    The crate was still untouchable.

    One other thing that could be a factor is that I'm Level 60 now, so perhaps it has a level cap?
    I was still able to accept the mission at this level, but maybe the crate has a separate cap?

    If I Abandon that quest, will I be able to start the one following it?
    I'm hoping it is like a "Quest Reset" option, but don't want to try it in case it means I cannot do the remaining missions in that area.
  • d34thgunn3r#8014 d34thgunn3r Member Posts: 1 New User
    (PS4) is there a way to get more Feywild sparks? Because i cant get anymore after putting those first ten into a guild coffer without starting the Sharandar campain.
  • buckswishbuckswish Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited August 2016
    After completing all of the invocations of the god it said I had to wait until 5 am next day. It's been two days and still cannot do invocations to get rewards. The invocation is greyed out.
  • darkmajesdarkmajes Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Yes I am having the same issue and it make it harder.
    When is a fix for this coming to PS4?
  • spacemanrazz#3099 spacemanrazz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I'm having a bug preventing my auction bids from working. Anything under 23 hours is grey and I can not place a bid on it. If it's over 23 hours I can place a bid. This leaves the auction house unusable with the exception of the buy out option.
  • caliosto#7183 caliosto Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    I'm having issues in group queues. When queueing up for a pick up group, I'll be in the instance but not grouped. It's happened on three of my characters so far. It's rather annoying because I miss out on loot rolls.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    buckswish said:

    After completing all of the invocations of the god it said I had to wait until 5 am next day. It's been two days and still cannot do invocations to get rewards. The invocation is greyed out.

    Anything in your overflow bag? You can't invoke if you have items in overflow
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • hallowsxhallowsx Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    SPinward Rise Boon bug, Was sent here from a support ticket that was open for over a week for them to just sendme here. The spinward Rise shows completed completely and on the part where you select your boon I had chosen it, but when I go back to the boons page and look at the campaign itself it tells me that the boon is not available yet its completed,,,,,, any help would be greatly appreciated. dumped so much money into this game that I do enjoy but now this has made my decision on not buying the Dragonborn pack as well as other things. its really discouraging. Please shine some light.
  • wahr#3255 wahr Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Been trying to do Valindra's tower on epic, my group and I got to the final boss and when we drop her to 75% health, she goes into this phase where she summons little death minions, we avoid those fine, but then get one-shitted by these shockwaves that appear out of no where. All of the videos I have watched have red lines appearing on the screen, these do not appear for anyone in my group and we all die. I am on Module 9 and on PS4.
  • dizzy00666#8950 dizzy00666 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I am not sure if anyone else has been having issues with extreme lag and glitching since the update on august 16th but I have been having a lot of trouble with my character running forward then suddenly glitching back a few steps or sometimes quite a large distance also I have been having issues with my inventory not displaying Item descriptions or comparisons and I've even been kicked to the main screen a couple times I've checked my router and it is fine and my connection is good and non of this happened until after that update.
  • foxx2psn#6980 foxx2psn Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    and the crash problems (ce-34878-0) and disconnections has repetitions in dungeons, nobody talks about?
    because visibly, the community seems to be accustomed to this problem in the dungeons.
    yesterday, the game crashed at the end of ToS Master just before the chest, it's a shame, need high priority for it, otherwise the players will go to another game, they prefer to leave the game rather than break their console! (it's my case)
  • xeiroflora#6924 xeiroflora Member Posts: 1 New User
    I can't start the game, I don't know what to do but it crashes on the start up screen all the time, it goes fine up till picking character, I'm missing the Waukeen Coin Purse event now. :(
  • So, i've been level 70 for almost a couple of weeks. Got my gear up to just over 2k, and my campaigns going. Playing the required skirmishes with no issues. But then there are Epic Dungeons, and that is where things have got frustrating. Here is brief account of my not so epic encounters so far:

    M's castle. Spawned in at the end, so the map was empty and had to trek all the way to the boss. Players are literally scattered across the map, some doing nothing. One guy jumping up and down on his mount. I enter the boss room with one other player and so we get wrecked. People leave and so do I. My gear score was around 1800 as a TR.

    Valindra. This one actually went okay, until we got to Valindra and then no one knew what to do during her phase two (?) When people are one shotted and hands grab you. There were several vain attempts, lots of waiting around, and inevitably a sad disbanding. Gear score 1900 ish.

    Lostmouth. Not sure where I dropped in, but after a few ads we take on the guy riding the dragon (first boss?). Again, no one seemed to have a clue what to do, and players dropped in and out for several attempts as he one shotted people. My gear score was just over 2000, and I was the highest. It was late, and clearly we weren't going to beat him so I bailed. Plus for some reason there was no healing going on what so ever, unlike Valindra above where the healer was top notch.

    So what is the deal here? Is the recommended gear score for these Epic Dungeons just really misleading? Is it a case of randoms just don't work and guild play is essential? Bad luck?

  • rawrnookarawrnooka Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Gear scores are absolutely misleading. Having companions decked out, in some cases having multiple companions - knowing your class, and which skill are appropriate to use. Understanding that nearly every mob, let alone bosses normal frontal attack is an AoE And all of which will 1 shot you unless you're a tank. And even sometimes the tank. That and you also went into the 3 broken dungeons. Lostmauth is the least messed up and completely doable but absolutely broken.

    For instance when I ran Lostmauth as a OP I got to the scorps and was wrecked instantly. 2nd try a bit better but ultimately we gave up. Temple of spiders I got to the 2nd boss, and she kept ninja flipping and kicking the HAMSTER out of everyone. Oh and then theres Castle Never. The whole run was flawless. Then I walked up to Orcus and said hello before it came out my mouth the whole team was resetting. Then I learned about a Skill I had, and never knew about. My guild leader joined chat and told me all about it. I felt stupid, (This didn't help much, I lasted a bit longer, sure) But I also only had 10k Defense, I thought Deflection was more important than Defense, Oh I was wrong. I had to buy a new mount, change my defensive enchantments several things that did not effect my gear Score at all. Lostmauth, I can run with 4 DPS and my self, I laugh at the ninja chick.
  • derio#3255 derio Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Recommended Gs is really off. Especially if you are a tank or melee dps. One shots everywhere. I didn't have survivability until my Gs was over 1800 and even then it didn't get easier until I got over 2k.

    Also the queue system doesn't guarantee you a tank and a healer.
  • I think they should absolutely revise the recommended gear score then, as that is what new players (like me) are going by. So you have these rag tag groups of underpowered players that the game gives the thumbs up to. I guess you might get lucky and find a group that gels, but ultimately everyone leaves frustrated most of the time. If the answer is guilds, then that is fine, but then just revise the recommended gear score or/and remove matchmaking.
  • superxmario128#6678 superxmario128 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I haven't even attempted to do most of the epic dungeons aside for Kessell which seems to be the only dungeon with perfect balance imo because whenever i try to attempt a different one it usually puts me in a group that's struggling at a instant killing boss who is bugged and doesn't display the red attack lines.
    I hope the main gimmick and the challenge of these dungeons isn't just avoiding a boss's instant killing move because that alone isn't fun to me. Make the bosses strong sure but don't give them instant kill attacks.
    For the most part whenever i see players rocking a lot of purple gear i'm just assuming they are getting it from lockboxes and the auction house because i can't imagine too many people getting through these dungeons easily at their current state.
    Either that or they've found the one easy to do/farm epic dungeon that i haven't discovered yet.
  • devlin#3775 devlin Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    The ilvls/gs/whatever you want to call it are more or less appropriate entry level requirements. You are having trouble with these dungeons because they are bugged. Except for Kessels dungeon, all of the other bosses have abilities where the "red" on the ground isnt showing. Hence, you/your team gets randomly one-shotted.

    For the time being, I'd recommend only playing Kessels (which gets boring, I know), or going in with a group thats massively overlevelled so you can survive the one-hits.

    They do appear to be aware of the issue but no mention that I've seen on a fix.
  • mrrkmiller#5591 mrrkmiller Member Posts: 108 Arc User

    Recommended Gs is really off. Especially if you are a tank or melee dps. One shots everywhere. I didn't have survivability until my Gs was over 1800 and even then it didn't get easier until I got over 2k.

    Also the queue system doesn't guarantee you a tank and a healer.

    This is the biggest issue.

    You have people who think they are tanks and heals and it does not happen. When you have a good tank that keeps aggro so you can attack and an actual healer then they are possible. This is if you are 2k or less. I run with my guild, where most are 2800+. We kill elol in minutes. One guy does like 30 mil damage when the rest of us do 5 mil. Boss was dead in two minutes or less even with the lava phase. I would not recommend queuing with randoms. Most hit the minimum requirements and cannot play their class. Try to stick to your guild or friend players you do queue with who are good. Good Luck!!
  • The ilvls/gs/whatever you want to call it are more or less appropriate entry level requirements. You are having trouble with these dungeons because they are bugged. Except for Kessels dungeon, all of the other bosses have abilities where the "red" on the ground isnt showing. Hence, you/your team gets randomly one-shotted.

    For the time being, I'd recommend only playing Kessels (which gets boring, I know), or going in with a group thats massively overlevelled so you can survive the one-hits.

    They do appear to be aware of the issue but no mention that I've seen on a fix.

    Ah...this explains a lot. Thanks!
  • devlin#3775 devlin Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    > @cavalierarcher#2964 said:

    > Ah...this explains a lot. Thanks!

    No worries. And to clarify about ilvl. It is the minimum requirement, so if your group is full of 1600's it could be a struggle. But if it's all falling apart at the bosses and not to random mobs, the group was fine. But it's hard to dodge one-shot abilities when the red warnings are missing from those encounters. The only options are being so overlevelled that you cant be one-shotted anymore, play the boss enough times that you guess or get lucky and dodge the one-shots, or you dont beat the dungeon.
  • gr1mm4ssgr1mm4ss Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    The AOE zones during Valindras second Phase are not visible. Spent a good hour or two trying to beat it, pretty much impossible without being able to see those Zones.
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