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Upcoming Changes to Skill Nodes



  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User

    Either way, just want to make sure it is understood that what you make sound easy is only easy if you have made significant investments in the game already. Otherwise it still looks like a paywall to anyone else.

    Things do get easier when you have Leadership at lvl 25 and all nine profession slots available. Only four of my nine characters with LS25 have all slots unlocked, the other five only have six. I focus on Resonance Stones, Thaumaturge Stones and coffers for the chance of GMoP (silly I know :| ) Opening the coffers during 2x enchants/runestone events nets you a tidy sum of R4s/R5s. I have probably built up 50 stacks of R4 alone since the last double RP event last month with these methods. However I did rely on RP from skill kits too - like looting greens, people say it's a waste of time but every little bit helps, esp when the nerfs keep coming.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User

    lirithiel said:

    Every player currently in possession of a mythic or legendary equip acquired it with RP from the market.

    Ja okay sure, whatever you say. Strange then that I have seven Mythic artifacts and five legendary artifact weapons all refined without spending a single AD on the AH. L2P when it comes to refining before you start sprouting stupid HAMSTER.
    If I have to L2P to grind all day for months/years to get those artifacts, and have no life, I'd rather not L2P it. Not very smart or heathly
    I've been producing enough resonance stones from Leadership (plus whatever DHE drops) for two legendary items per 2xRP event since I actually started trying to. So about one orange item per month, and that's still without running tasks that give resonant bags as often as I technically could.
    So the resonance tasks are level 21, right? And it takes hundreds (if not thousands) of hours to level leadership to that point if you are very assiduous about it...right?

    And although you make it sound kind of offhand about picking up stuff via DHE, you didn't say how much you play or which version of them you have. Big difference (in price and rate) between the 1% versions and the 3% versions.

    Basically, if you are a "have" (have been playing the game forever/open wallet) you won't notice a difference. If you are newer, well then tough luck.

    Those in positions of power are always interested in preserving their advantages. And, since it will be brought up, yes those not in positions of power always want a faster route to those advantages.

    Either way, just want to make sure it is understood that what you make sound easy is only easy if you have made significant investments in the game already. Otherwise it still looks like a paywall to anyone else.
    Yeah, I'm a beta player who came into the level cap raise with multiple characters that already had rank 20 Leadership.

    If it's any indication though, my newest to max his Leadership has 222 ardent coins (meaning that's how long I've been able to profession with him), levelled every other profession to max before really buckling down on Leadership, and that's maxed out too, using footmen, and then a way more recent addition of 3 heroes from lockboxes. The heroes maybe shaved off a couple of weeks due to being able to do 3 daily rotations of the best training task available instead of only 2 . It's a long haul between 18 and 21, and way faster after that due to the better training task. It used to take me about 2 months of regular task rotation to achieve 20 Leadership on a character, but I haven't closely tracked length of time to go all the way. You have to commit to it.

    My DHEs give 10% total drop chance. They weren't upgraded until after the AD cost reduction, and I produced all the reagents and RPs myself, though I bought Genie's Gifts for the currency when the price on them was bottomed out. I tend to play for long hours but relatively little time actually murdering things, so I'll be doing bizarre activities like Portal to Tuern x12 (because alts).

    You are right, and I've put a ton of time and effort into this game and continue to find ways to use that to my advantage. And I think the devs ought to address things like making Leadership more accessible for newer players.

    So much of it is having a solid understanding of when specific items will be cheap, or expensive, so that you can use your resources efficiently though, and that's a skill set that anyone can work on learning at any time.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • lilrastalilrasta Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    the solution to that is bound to account!! need to be blind not to see that but I guess you already know isnt ...

    like other stuff you took off ....3 years and you neva learn , botting before players.

    same goes to the ward you took off instead making it BOA ....

    So they took the easiest way out. Not for us but for the programmers with the highest impact on botting as always.

  • seigne2014seigne2014 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    You are so wrong in making this change! I have spent countless hours wasting my time (apparently). Every time I seem to find a means to improve my Toon for free, you edit it and remove the ability, You claim in fairness to the game, or to combat Bots.. However, the simple things that you do like removing certain items from the Tarmaline, or NOW pulling refinement items from the Professions, I BELIEVE IS SIMPLY A MEANS to attempt to extort money from those players that want to play for free.
    You are so completely wrong. In any other industry, I would be able to bring suit against you. I have spent a lot of time developing the professions on my toons. Now for you to remove one of the main reasons that I spent that time, on them. I am so close to pulling everyone from my group into a pay to play site like Elderscrolls, at least they are honest about wanting money. Your adjustments to the monetary system, and previous adjustments removing the AD from professions are simply a means to force people to spend money to advance. Why not allow the keys to fall from drops??? I have already been agrivated on how hard it is to upgrade an artifact, or piece of equipment. If this plays out like I believe it will, then you will have lost another player that actuly spends a considerable amount of money ( between my wife and I we have spent over 3000.00 in the last 9 months playing your free to play game, An additional 2000.00 could easily be attributed from my adult kids that play online with me Co, AL and AZ. sMALL POTATOES TO YOU, BUT AS EASY GOING AS I AM, I CAN OLY IMAGINE - HOW MANY OTHERS ARE SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING A DIFFERNT GAME OR OUTLET FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT... tHIS NEW CHANGE MAY BE THA LAST STRAW FOR ME.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    I have spent a lot of time developing the professions on my toons.

    I think you don't understand the key difference between levelling up a profession (like tailoring, or leadership) and looting a profession node (like arcana, or nature). Sparkly things, press F to loot, you know? No training required to open them, just kits.

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    lirithiel said:

    It's the method of refining that makes the difference. If you are throwing all your RP straight into one artifact you are doing it wrong. There are a good few sources that provide artifacts that can be used for fodder to fast-track the refining process. If you get an artifact of the same type, level it up to either 59 or 99 (depending if you have excess GMoP) and then use that to refine your artifact and only during 2xRP events. If you're doing it outside of the event you are either an idiot or rich (or both :p).

    Well, sure this method eases artifact refinement. But even with 2xRP event, you need like 8.5 feeder artifacts to take an artifact from 0 to mythic (not counting crits). Now one has to acquire the feeders. The catalog and water has been selling for 60K AD in the AH. The feeders would cost half-million AD. This cost does not include the RP needed to upgrade the feeders (about 11 stacks of R5s during 2xRP)

    Contrast this with buying enchants from the AH and using them directly. During 2xRP, you need 49 stacks of R5s to take an artifact from 0 to mythic (not counting crits). If you buy them at average price of say 4K, it would cost only 196K!

    For the same cost, you could have gotten three mythics instead of one. What's wrong with bots?
  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User

    You are so wrong in making this change! I have spent countless hours wasting my time (apparently). Every time I seem to find a means to improve my Toon for free, you edit it and remove the ability, You claim in fairness to the game, or to combat Bots.. However, the simple things that you do like removing certain items from the Tarmaline, or NOW pulling refinement items from the Professions, I BELIEVE IS SIMPLY A MEANS to attempt to extort money from those players that want to play for free.
    You are so completely wrong. In any other industry, I would be able to bring suit against you. I have spent a lot of time developing the professions on my toons. Now for you to remove one of the main reasons that I spent that time, on them. I am so close to pulling everyone from my group into a pay to play site like Elderscrolls, at least they are honest about wanting money. Your adjustments to the monetary system, and previous adjustments removing the AD from professions are simply a means to force people to spend money to advance. Why not allow the keys to fall from drops??? I have already been agrivated on how hard it is to upgrade an artifact, or piece of equipment. If this plays out like I believe it will, then you will have lost another player that actuly spends a considerable amount of money ( between my wife and I we have spent over 3000.00 in the last 9 months playing your free to play game, An additional 2000.00 could easily be attributed from my adult kids that play online with me Co, AL and AZ. sMALL POTATOES TO YOU, BUT AS EASY GOING AS I AM, I CAN OLY IMAGINE - HOW MANY OTHERS ARE SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING A DIFFERNT GAME OR OUTLET FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT... tHIS NEW CHANGE MAY BE THA LAST STRAW FOR ME.

    Hate to say it Mate... a fool and his money are soon parted. You obviously exemplify this adage. Myself, I have NEVER spent a Dime on this game and NEVER will, because their track record is beyond abysmal, beyond despicable, beyond the ken of reason. Mind you, in the early days I THOUGHT about spending money, but once I analyzed JUST how much I would NEED to spend to make top level toons I said to myself "You've GOT to BE JOKING".

    And if you were unable, unwilling, or lacked the patience to do the same I don't feel sorry for you at all. BTW, what exactly would you be bringing suit for anyway? Changing skill nodes and their drops is well w/in the scope of the game devs authority. It's nothing like totally NERFING leadership so that you can't make AD's w/ it anymore, for instance.

    Nuff 'said.
  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    lirithiel said:

    Every player currently in possession of a mythic or legendary equip acquired it with RP from the market.

    Ja okay sure, whatever you say. Strange then that I have seven Mythic artifacts and five legendary artifact weapons all refined without spending a single AD on the AH. L2P when it comes to refining before you start sprouting stupid HAMSTER.
    If I have to L2P to grind all day for months/years to get those artifacts, and have no life, I'd rather not L2P it. Not very smart or heathly
    I've been producing enough resonance stones from Leadership (plus whatever DHE drops) for two legendary items per 2xRP event since I actually started trying to. So about one orange item per month, and that's still without running tasks that give resonant bags as often as I technically could.
    So the resonance tasks are level 21, right? And it takes hundreds (if not thousands) of hours to level leadership to that point if you are very assiduous about it...right?

    Basically, if you are a "have" (have been playing the game forever/open wallet) you won't notice a difference. If you are newer, well then tough luck.

    Those in positions of power are always interested in preserving their advantages. And, since it will be brought up, yes those not in positions of power always want a faster route to those advantages.

    Either way, just want to make sure it is understood that what you make sound easy is only easy if you have made significant investments in the game already. Otherwise it still looks like a paywall to anyone else.
    It takes about a minimum of four months to level leadership to 21. Might take 3 months if you focus solely on leadership once you have opened all nine slots. And that assumes that you have blue adventurers and green men at arms to speed up the process. Now, During that level up you can focus on tasks that will give you lower level RP drops. Sure, a stack of lvl 2 or lvl 3 Enchants doesn't go very far, but it's better than nothing.
  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User


    greywynd said:

    Exactly. You can spend every waking hour from now till the game closes its doors and a player would not be able to farm enough BtA RP for one mythic or legendary equip. Even if the player uses alts and diverts all resources to one toon. Every player currently in possession of a mythic or legendary equip acquired it with RP from the market.

    No, I didn't. Mainhand is legendary. I have a mythic Lantern. No RP came from the market on either.
    But that most certainly took you years. What about people just starting or if you want an alt? Seems to be pointless even to start now if RP is so hard to get with the amount you actually need. How to get to 2.5k IL if you can't get your artifacts to legendary?
    I wish they would just put it in a vendor somewhere, like 5 tradebars for a stack of rank 5 enchants, account bound. Or make blood rubies a lot cheaper. Something to help people get through the grind. The bots obviously provided a needed service, and even if I never liked that, I still bought the damn enchants.
    Dude. You are DELUDED. Obviously you don't use Leadership. And that's the next thing that I predict the Devs will screw over AGAIN, using this train of node BS logic as a reason. Anyway, my point is using Leadership, AS INTENDED, gives you things like Chests that drop lvl 5 RP stones.

    So what you do Is build a stack of these things and then open them on a double drop weekend, like we've had TWICE recently. And then you've got SCADS of lvl 4 and lvl 5 RP stones, all legally and LEGITIMATELY.

    And it's even easy to do WITHOUT ANY BOTTING. I log in three or four times daily, just to get My AD's from invocation. I have over 6 alts that are all Maxed leadership, all have Blue and green guys to run the tasks. So as I cycle thru my toons I spend a couple of minutes on each one getting my rewards and assigning new tasks.

    Yes, I spent MONTHS building all those up. But let it be said, MONTHS BEFORE THE LEADERSHIP NERF. NOW, an adventurer runs about 25k AD on the AH, if that. When I was buying them, burning up every AD I could scrimp and save, those same Adventurers averaged 170,000 AD. EACH.

    So quit your whining. 1000's of players were SCREWED by the leadership nerf. This node thing is barely a blip in comparison.
  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User


    greywynd said:

    Exactly. You can spend every waking hour from now till the game closes its doors and a player would not be able to farm enough BtA RP for one mythic or legendary equip. Even if the player uses alts and diverts all resources to one toon. Every player currently in possession of a mythic or legendary equip acquired it with RP from the market.

    No, I didn't. Mainhand is legendary. I have a mythic Lantern. No RP came from the market on either.
    But that most certainly took you years. What about people just starting or if you want an alt? Seems to be pointless even to start now if RP is so hard to get with the amount you actually need. How to get to 2.5k IL if you can't get your artifacts to legendary?
    I wish they would just put it in a vendor somewhere, like 5 tradebars for a stack of rank 5 enchants, account bound. Or make blood rubies a lot cheaper. Something to help people get through the grind. The bots obviously provided a needed service, and even if I never liked that, I still bought the damn enchants.
    Dude. You are DELUDED. Obviously you don't use Leadership. And that's the next thing that I predict the Devs will screw over AGAIN, using this train of node BS logic as a reason. Anyway, my point is using Leadership, AS INTENDED, gives you things like Chests that drop lvl 5 RP stones.

    So what you do Is build a stack of these things and then open them on a double drop weekend, like we've had TWICE recently. And then you've got SCADS of lvl 4 and lvl 5 RP stones, all legally and LEGITIMATELY.

    And it's even easy to do WITHOUT ANY BOTTING. I log in three or four times daily, just to get My AD's from invocation. I have over 6 alts that are all Maxed leadership, all have Blue and green guys to run the tasks. So as I cycle thru my toons I spend a couple of minutes on each one getting my rewards and assigning new tasks.

    Yes, I spent MONTHS building all those up. But let it be said, MONTHS BEFORE THE LEADERSHIP NERF. NOW, an adventurer runs about 25k AD on the AH, if that. When I was buying them, burning up every AD I could scrimp and save, those same Adventurers averaged 170,000 AD. EACH.

    So quit your whining. 1000's of players were SCREWED by the leadership nerf. This node thing is barely a blip in comparison.
    You are right, I don't use leadership. Hated it ever since I came to this game. Back then it was necessary to progress, so I leveled it up a bit. Then they removed AD from it, which made me immensely happy. You can get AD by playing the game proper. Now it seems we are back at square one; you need leadership to progress in the game.
    Yeah, I hope they go and remove RP from leadership too, and put it into playable areas of the game again. Seriously, how can anyone be happy to be forced to play a stupid timer minigame?
    All the professions are terrible, they don't give anything useful until max level and are totally boring "click and wait for hours" games, but leadership is the worst because it's so slow to level up. Making that of all things mandatory again, it's just such a terrible decision.
  • cerberusxllcerberusxll Member Posts: 387 Arc User
    of all the knee-jerk reactions, you had to take the hardest and most unnecessary. a typically cryptic tactic.

    not surprised in the slightest!
    Cerberus | Scylla | Orion | Makelo | Nemesis | Ares | Artemis | Asclepius | Nyx | Hades | Dexithea | Dolos | Demonax | Athena | Enyo | Medusa | Talos | Alcyone
  • torontodavetorontodave Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 992 Arc User
    Okay everyone, yell "BIND TO ACCOUNT" into the wind. Maybe that will help.
    NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
    NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
    Thanks for all the fish.
  • sm0ld3rsm0ld3r Member Posts: 236 Arc User

    Based on community feedback - believe me, there has been a lot - we're making changes to skill nodes to combat botting. I know these changes may cause some players to be upset, but as we continue to improve the quality of life in Neverwinter, changes like these need to be done.


    This is awesome news. Finally! I look forward to them increasing the cost of GMOPS, SMOPS wards and everything. I expect them to double everything since AD is far too abundant in the game. I must clearing at least 100M a day in AD and need more ways to keep it from rising so fast. Who needs new content when all that was needed were more AD sinks.
  • sm0ld3rsm0ld3r Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    zebular said:

    Based on community feedback - believe me, there has been a lot - we're making changes to skill nodes to combat botting. I know these changes may cause some players to be upset, but as we continue to improve the quality of life in Neverwinter, changes like these need to be done.


    Sounds good. My only quam is that these and more things need to be Bound to Account when acquired. Actually, I strongly feel that almost everything in game that is BoP should be BtA on pickup. All Bound refinement items need to be changed to BtA and these insignias should be as well. Of course, there's exceptions... yet things like this and most all equipment in game should be BtA until equipped. This change would be the perfect time to usher in an overhaul of the Bind mechanic to make it more player friendly and in-line with what the Community has been asking for, for quite some time now.
    Dissagree. Everything should just be BtA and no need to bind anything (including mounts) after equipped. They keep messing with classes changing them in fundamental ways. Even if you could argue it's not a nerf, they are changing them enough that it is reasonable to believe folks that played the class for a long time will no longer find that class fun. Thus they shouldn't lose all their hard work when migrating to a new class.
  • coliercolier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    BTA is the only solution for players that play for themselves and their alts, with some exceptions. Leadership RP is so slow to generate as is with some of the lower (4 hour) RP generation boxes only give a chance of RP. Mostly they are just Skill Kits, Potions and Profession items which are not worth much anyways.

    The higher level Leadership rewards can take anywhere from 8 to 16 hours to complete and then the reward is 3 pieces, total of 9 RP items every 8 hours or so unless you have all blue and purple leadership hero's. With Purple Hero's the time would be cut to 4 to 8 hours. And even at 4 hours 9 RP items is nothing. So a total of 9 pieces from a single set of the different types of RP you can get every 4 to 8 hours per ALT is not that much of a reward...especially when you were able to gather 100's of RP just from Skill nodes in a very short time compared to Leadership if you wished.

    Bind to Account (BtA) is the only real answer on all RP...why keep hurting legit players when there is a true way to stop the bots from selling RP...that is if this change is really being done due to bots and not a redirection to the Zen Store.

    Sorry in advance for my bad grammar.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    craolus said:

    To make a rank 100 artifact requires 3.8m rp or 3756 rank 5 enchants. A Mythic Artifact requires 10.5m rp or 10,225 r5 enchants. Just where are people supposed to get them?

    Blood Rubies of course! At $8 a pop that would just take $608 for Orange (3,800,000 / 50,000 * 800 Zen)
    and $1,680 for Mythic.
    Of course if you buy Blood Ruby 3 packs it will cost less and with a discount coupon even less (under $500 for Orange, under $1000 for Mythic) and half of that if you wait for Double RP.
  • throsbithrosbi Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    zebular said:

    Based on community feedback - believe me, there has been a lot - we're making changes to skill nodes to combat botting. I know these changes may cause some players to be upset, but as we continue to improve the quality of life in Neverwinter, changes like these need to be done.


    Sounds good. My only quam is that these and more things need to be Bound to Account when acquired. Actually, I strongly feel that almost everything in game that is BoP should be BtA on pickup. All Bound refinement items need to be changed to BtA and these insignias should be as well. Of course, there's exceptions... yet things like this and most all equipment in game should be BtA until equipped. This change would be the perfect time to usher in an overhaul of the Bind mechanic to make it more player friendly and in-line with what the Community has been asking for, for quite some time now.
    been reading thru the posts and this from zeb sums everything up pretty good nothing more to add. TY have a nice day ;)
  • coolgeek357coolgeek357 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    I have multiple characters. All of the anti bot changes are making it impossible to play and enjoy more than one character. I paid real money for these slots. I doubt you will be able to sell any going forward with these changes. You are making this game a job, unless you're willing to shell out mounds of cash. I have a job that pays me, I don't need one that I have to pay to. I want a game that offers things I would like to buy. You had a product (VIP) that people wanted to buy but you took out CW & PW and by the comments in the forum killed VIP. We (I think I speak for a majority of player) are tired of the decisions that are negatively effecting the game and Cryptic. Bound to Account/Character/Pickup is viable to fixing the problems of botting. If these changes were to generate more revenue I believe that quite the opposite is going to occur. I (and I believe others) would love to be able to support the game, but we need items we want. PW back in the trade bar store bound to account. Additional armor & weapon looks in the Zen, AD, and trade bar store. Instead of trying to guess what you need to do to get people supporting the game ask us what we want.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,139 Arc User

    But that most certainly took you years. What about people just starting or if you want an alt? Seems to be pointless even to start now if RP is so hard to get with the amount you actually need. How to get to 2.5k IL if you can't get your artifacts to legendary?
    I wish they would just put it in a vendor somewhere, like 5 tradebars for a stack of rank 5 enchants, account bound. Or make blood rubies a lot cheaper. Something to help people get through the grind. The bots obviously provided a needed service, and even if I never liked that, I still bought the damn enchants.

    I don't even have a full year in Neverwinter yet.

    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,139 Arc User

    You are not getting them without help outside of grinding. These people who say they got legendary/mythic without buying from bots, they also not telling you something, like *cough* leadership bot army

    I have 5 characters. None of them have Leadership maxed yet. 2 of them can get Thaum stones from Leadership. Only 1 of them can do the Guard Clerics of Ilmater.

    So, yeah, not on the Leadership Army.

    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • aleblainaleblain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    Not sure if it sound good in some ways and bad in others. But when you said "skillnodes for professions" I thought about how much f*kcked professions are right now. And pls, don't come with Masterwork because that is BS, a super artificial solution. You should and/or try to revamp professions in some ways like they were on the old days. And not just 1 or 2 prof, all of them. I remember when I leveld up lethearworking, weaposmithing, Alchemy and Leadrrship, that worth something... it was good. Obviously, not like now, useless or you require stupid millions of AD to get Masterwork, etc. You need a whole new big idea.
    That's all I can say about nodes! It's a pitty that the game evolve unconfotablr because of bots and exploits instead of assets a lot of times. Good luck! =:)
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    tousseau said:

    Out of curiosity... did this go live yesterday?

    I didn't see anything about it in the patch notes.

    Nope, not yet. The announcement said coming soon, not coming tomorrow (yesterday).

    They do deserve credit for trying to do a better job of not blindsiding us with changes like this being announced the day before they push them out (or when the servers are already down).
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    tousseau said:

    Out of curiosity... did this go live yesterday?

    I didn't see anything about it in the patch notes.

    Nope, not yet. The announcement said coming soon, not coming tomorrow (yesterday).

    They do deserve credit for trying to do a better job of not blindsiding us with changes like this being announced the day before they push them out (or when the servers are already down).
    Not that it matters since some people were clearly informed before the announcement.
  • skandranon68skandranon68 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    I am one of those middle players. My GS is around 2.6 and it will be very very very difficult for me to go higher
    Coalescent stones have to be purchased, mainly with real cash, as the zen/ad exchange is going higher and higher
    Insignias are nice but I have a bag full of low level ones and none of the higher level, never seen one in all this time.
    The last nerfing of the Lostmauth set costs me a lot of stone and a lot of time, as I got the same color gear BUT not the same level
    Basically you are killing slowly the game. Most of the stronger players have already gone, some of the next-level are seriously thinking of going. we middle level players (who may play only a fixed amount of time, as we have to work) find ourselves in the position of not being strong enough of carry through some of the dungeons, of being unable to progress unless we pay cash (real money), of not enjoying the game again as being killed over and over and over is not fun.
    Please tell me: what is the point of continuing?
    I love the game. Please stop killing it.
    You are not damaging those who bot. you are damaging everyone else
    If your main goal is making money please make it a pay to play game with a monthly fee and stop modifying the few good things left in the game. Once your player base is gone the game will be just a memory.
    And sorry to say but if you put everything BtA (BtP should be banned, it serves no purpose) what are we supposed to sell in the market? Also note that there are few new players, most of the gear/items we find is good for the trash as there is no market for them
  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    I am one of those middle players. My GS is around 2.6 and it will be very very very difficult for me to go higher
    Coalescent stones have to be purchased, mainly with real cash, as the zen/ad exchange is going higher and higher
    Insignias are nice but I have a bag full of low level ones and none of the higher level, never seen one in all this time.
    The last nerfing of the Lostmauth set costs me a lot of stone and a lot of time, as I got the same color gear BUT not the same level
    Basically you are killing slowly the game. Most of the stronger players have already gone, some of the next-level are seriously thinking of going. we middle level players (who may play only a fixed amount of time, as we have to work) find ourselves in the position of not being strong enough of carry through some of the dungeons, of being unable to progress unless we pay cash (real money), of not enjoying the game again as being killed over and over and over is not fun.
    Please tell me: what is the point of continuing?
    I love the game. Please stop killing it.
    You are not damaging those who bot. you are damaging everyone else
    If your main goal is making money please make it a pay to play game with a monthly fee and stop modifying the few good things left in the game. Once your player base is gone the game will be just a memory.
    And sorry to say but if you put everything BtA (BtP should be banned, it serves no purpose) what are we supposed to sell in the market? Also note that there are few new players, most of the gear/items we find is good for the trash as there is no market for them

    Well said. I really can't believe that all of these people that are PUSHING for BTA RP don't understand this basic concept. To wit, that If RP stuff is all BTA, then you can't trade it. You can't help your friends. You can't make AD with it. I doubt if it would be allowed in Stronghold, since it's only good for YOUR account, right? Thus It would serve NO USEFUL PURPOSE TO ANYONE EXCEPT YOU, and take up space in YOUR inventories as you wait for a 2X weekend to come along so you can use it.

    Kinda like all of those refining stones I get from Invocation bags. Each one of my toons has to make room for those BTC things. But they're only useful during the special weekends, and I can't even transfer them around to max out ONE toon. Nope, got to use them on JUST that toon, can't improve any of the others. This is what that BTA BS would do... For Everyone.
  • dingoballzdingoballz Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Why not just totally remove all refine/ad from game and put it in the zen store and just make us pay for it? Be faster and easyer on those low learning curve employees you have.While your at it why allow us to aquire anything for free. No more mob drops ,just put everything in the store and make us buy it.Dam you could even make more money if you started charging us just to kill mobs. How about a buck per mob ,and charge much more for bosses. But that is where it is headed. after this nerf only those that botted will have and those of us that play fair will not.And this is just anoher way for them to help out themselves and their cronnies that did bot . Just like the AD farmers they allowed it to go on and on,till they had all they wanted then guess what no more ad from leadership . They let that go and waited till masses had purchased hero army then cut it out from under you making all that time/money worthless. This stuff does not just happen folks,they let it for a reason. MONEY
    Same with new classes make them the new powerhouse ,sit back wait for the masses to buy into it then nerf it to nothingness . There goes all the time effort and money .
    "What is the sense of living the life you're given if all you ever do is stand in one place?" Lord Huron
  • lindseylewislindseylewis Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    Based on community feedback - believe me, there has been a lot - we're making changes to skill nodes to combat botting. I know these changes may cause some players to be upset, but as we continue to improve the quality of life in Neverwinter, changes like these need to be done.


    I don't think you guys understand anything if you think this was an issue. Of all the nodes I've ever farmed, I think I've gotten at best Rank 3 or 4, which is WORTHLESS. I'm not against taking enchantments out of skill nodes, though. Rank 7 is so easy to get that the enchantments really just clutter up inventory. You won't be upgrading a Rank 7 with Ranks 1-3 after all! So forgive me if I think this whole thing is completely bogus because I doubt botting skill nodes had ANY effect on the game.

    If anything 90% of drops from mobs AND skill nods are entirely worthless because you can only vendor them and there is almost nothing to spend gold on since you decided to base the ENTIRE ECONOMY ON PREMIUM CURRENCY.

    Once again you guys just screw it up more. *facepalm* I doubt you could fix it with a manual instructing you how and gamers looking over your shoulders to make sure you get things right. I'm sure PWE benefits from this, and that's it.

    Honestly, once I've seen all the content, I doubt I'll keep playing the game. Glad I'm going slowly.

    If you guys at PWE and Cryptic want to learn how to make a proper game, I suggest you look at companies that always do so successfully, such as PARADOX INTERACTIVE (Crusader Kings and Europe Universalis) and CCP (Eve Online), AND MIMIC THAT. They make more money than you, so it would be good business, even if you'd lose about half the casuals in the playerbase. Casuals aren't worth much money anyway, so gear the games to GAMERS.
    Lindsey Lewis
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,139 Arc User
    All enchantment/rune stones I get get used. Either in something or refining. They are not worthless. They have value for refining, even if it is only 10 points. That is still 10 points closer to the goal.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • totjagertotjager Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I can't begin to tell you how frustrated I am. YES botting is a problem. As much as the Ne\/erwinter Gateway is helpful for keeping up with things, I think it is the source of the majority of botting. YES i understand that the de\/elopers are endea\/oring to fix the economy, but this mo\/e as well as the last one to effecti\/ely eliminate AD from Leadership, makes Leadership worthless. I'\/e been building up my leadership for e\/er and its finally to the point to where i'm finally seeing some rewards for all the hard work and now LEADERSHIP WILL BE MADE E\/EN MORE USELESS. Please, you'\/e taken so much away from Leadership already, it is a shell and pro\/ides nothing useful other than the occasional AD and refinements. Keep refinements in leadership, otherwise:

    Do e\/eryone a fa\/or; compensate the players for the time and le\/els they ha\/e in Leadership and then eliminate it so new players won't be duped into wasting time and effort into building it up.
  • docwizardsejuicedocwizardsejuice Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    WTF is this change even on XBox 1 for . my understanding is that its virtually unprofitable to try and set up a system for nothing on Xbox.. Without modding it. If younmod a Xbox Microsoft kicks. From Xbox live.. Sloop... As stated numerous times above this is be marketing for yu greed greedy peeps up at arc I guess? . Y want us to all buy blood Ruby's for 1200+ zen in your market... Lo . Sad day indeed once again I find a mmo I love and as popularity rises the game starts bring more main stream and shty ... Why couldn't yjust have all rp bound????? Nope stop, else I for see yr game empire crashing. There already is a poll with over 6,000 + Neverwinter users .. Letting us all kW tey are quitting in 2016 because of Arcs "nessisary" game changes... "For the good of all .

    If you care ... Please give me 5 reasons why taking this away and giving players junk. Is better than making the items that drop BOUND TO ACCOUNT.????

    I'm waiting...
    If yo choose not to answer these 5 questions all of us will assume , is change is for e better of your companies marketing department.... NOT for the good of all your customers...
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