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Feedback Needed: Top Issues Currently in Neverwinter PC



  • sneak#6191 sneak Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I have some balance suggestions focused around PvP. Why not make certain things work differently and/or disabled in PvP? Or just balance the characters around PvP then balance the mobs around the characters.

    1. HRs are doing a bit too much damage since mod10. Some of them are doing extremely unfair amounts of damage but I'm not sure how.

    2. TRs are totally unfair. They have invisibility, ranged and melee attacks, ability to disable your skills, ability to slow you to a crawll and a skill that does insanely high damage (sometimes in excess of 200k). The slow skills don't care about anti-CC skills like GWF's sprint and unstoppable at all. TRs survive practically every combat encounter in PvP but still do massive damage. It makes no sense for a character to have really high deflect (because everyone is building it this way), really high defense, really high damage and really high survivability all at once. There should be some kind of trade-off like there is with most of the other classes. One thing that could help is to remove courage breaker entirely, then make the smoke bomb slow people (not as much as courage breaker) and stop the smoke bomb from turning skills off. Next, Shocking Execution is doing too much damage. There should be NO instance in any game during PvP in which a player is able to 1-shot another player solely because this is the way their class works. When there's an item discrepancy or some kind of debuffs/buffs taking place that's another story. The issue here is that it's no fun for anyone to be 1-shot and nobody has a chance to fight back. People aren't being 1-shot due to items but due to the way the class is made. If you chase a TR you can't do anything to them, if they chase you you still cannot do a thing to them.

    3. Courage bug on OP needs to be fixed ASAP. I'm shocked it has gone on as long as it has. If it's unknown how this can be fixed, why not replace the skill with another function?

    4. In the game client you advertise the Zen store by highlighting the icon on the bar at the top. We click that and see another flashing icon which reads "Buy Zen using funds from your Steam wallet" when hovering over the icon. Once clicking this, we see the only Payment Method is "Steam Wallet". After purchasing Zen I bought a Coalescent ward with intent to sell and it was account bound despite the Zen store stating that it's a tradable item. I was told this is a probation period because I used steam. There are several issues with this... The Zen doesn't magically get generated by Steam, there's obviously a contract that Cryptic has with Steam in which they provide the game, content packs and Zen through Steam. I shouldn't be punished for using a method approved by Cryptic, especially when I was given no warning. Not only is it a hidden punishment policy, but it's false advertising. At no point was I told that the item would be account bound. I contacted support and they were stubborn and unwilling to understand that they are in the wrong here. I went back and forth with them for several days and got the same nonsense replies over and over which were basically "we can't do anything about this" (which seems to be their go-to reply for pretty much everything). It's not my problem that you guys offer Zen through Steam. If you don't like this then don't offer it, rather than screw over your customers. And all this is over a stupid cheap item like a Coa Ward. They would rather HAMSTER off a customer than keep them happy by realizing they made a major mistake and resolving the problem. This is a huge business practice failure and should NEVER happen. You MUST give players notice if something like this will happen and now that the mistake is made you OWE players a tradable item. It wouldn't hurt to make up for your mistake by giving the players you've done this to something extra. I shouldn't be punished for spending money... that makes no sense. I refuse to spend any more money in this game and will inform people of the problems.

    People have asked why I don't just use the Coa Ward then sell the item. Well, the reasons for that are:

    1. I shouldn't have to do this, that's the whole point... I payed for something I didn't receive.
    2. Whatever I use this Coa Ward on will be account bound.
    Post edited by sneak#6191 on
    Tornado Of Souls

  • silver11#9318 silver11 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    When I jump across the broken bridge in lostmauth to get to the scorpions my companion dies. Like every time. My companion has probably died 5000 times already.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User

    4. In the game client you advertise the Zen store by highlighting the icon on the bar at the top. We click that and see another flashing icon which reads "Buy Zen using funds from your Steam wallet" when hovering over the icon. Once clicking this, we see the only Payment Method is "Steam Wallet". After purchasing Zen I bought a Coalescent ward with intent to sell and it was account bound despite the Zen store stating that it's a tradable item. I was told this is a probation period because I used steam. There are several issues with this... The Zen doesn't magically get generated by Steam, there's obviously a contract that Cryptic has with Steam in which they provide the game, content packs and Zen through Steam. I shouldn't be punished for using a method approved by Cryptic, especially when I was given no warning. Not only is it a hidden punishment policy, but it's false advertising. At no point was I told that the item would be account bound. I contacted support and they were stubborn and unwilling to understand that they are in the wrong here. I went back and forth with them for several days and got the same nonsense replies over and over which were basically "we can't do anything about this" (which seems to be their go-to reply for pretty much everything). It's not my problem that you guys offer Zen through Steam. If you don't like this then don't offer it, rather than **** over your customers. And all this is over a stupid cheap item like a Coa Ward. They would rather **** off a customer than keep them happy by realizing they made a major mistake and resolving the problem. This is a huge business practice failure and should NEVER happen. You MUST give players notice if something like this will happen and now that the mistake is made you OWE players a tradable item. It wouldn't hurt to make up for your mistake by giving the players you've done this to something extra. I shouldn't be punished for spending money... that makes no sense. I refuse to spend any more money in this game and will inform people of the problems.

    Welcome to "business as usual" for Cryptic advertising.
    The only way I have found to have them honor their actual advertising is to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
    Start here: File a Complaint
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User

    When I jump across the broken bridge in lostmauth to get to the scorpions my companion dies. Like every time. My companion has probably died 5000 times already.

    When I do dwarven throne with folks who summon companions 5 out of 10 times the hulk aiming fails because some dumb a$$ companions aggroed the hulk... Unrelated I know but freakin' frustrating
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    Don't waste your time on this thread - no one reads it. No Dev commented here in ages. So many great ideas here and Cryptic is not even aware of them, because of lazy 'community' moderators and developers that do not even spent 5 min a day to read this great feedback and post a single acknowledge post.
    It took 5 days to respond to Gateway Shutdown... cmon ;/ I hope there will be changes at certain positions.
  • astavisastavis Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Intentionally misleading descriptions about the items that can be purchased from the Zen market:

    <...> false advertising. <...> This is a huge business practice failure and should NEVER happen. <...> I refuse to spend any more money in this game and will inform people of the problems.

    eldarth said:

    Welcome to "business as usual" for Cryptic advertising.
    The only way I have found to have them honor their actual advertising is to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
    Start here: File a Complaint

    It is indeed a big problem for players, but also for you guys, that you seem to intentionally mislead players into believing that they can buy more with a purchase than that you actually give them when they make the purchase. Why do I write "intentional"? Several reasons apply: 1.This is not an exception to the rule, but given the vast amount of items that this applies to, it seems to be practice; 2.You are smart enough to avoid such abundance of "mistakes"; 3.This is not only my analysis, but also the analysis of other players with whom I've spoken. In fact, the general feeling that I discern from my interactions with other players is that people feel that you cannot be trusted and try to make money at the expense of the fun that your players have in playing the game. And if people feel that you are selling them lemons, they will be less likely to buy something from you, and also less willing to pay a lot of money for it. So, becoming more honest should be a win-win situation for you and for players.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    devs seem becoming nerf bullies lately and not focus on bugs, instead of adjusting Linu's Favor to be easier to get, they also need to switch companion prizes with xp scroll/ xp books with upgrade tokens that we really need, these xp scrolls are useless when pets are capped currently. these scrolls are toliet paper, too common.

    there are too many glaring problems in the game, and they do is losing the fight vs the bots. we still get spams in chats and in-game mailboxes. they claim they fixed chat recently, i laughed loudly, knowing it fails.

    fun factor is vanishing lot faster and they built huge "Pause-mode" wall to block progression, creating huge gap between haves and havenots. damages was already there far too late to slow down those "haves" crowd while others suffer or forced to put up with devs' poor excuses and ignoring the needs.

    WHAT we need? add more slots for bank after each 2-3 mods released, raise the inventory caps.
    also, change the loot drops on those junks, convert them as pile of cashes on the go.
  • tashiaserenetashiaserene Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Too many char bound items. Make them account bound and stack to 999.

    Make companions pick up loot for characters based on rarity.

    Make stronghold dragons drop unique items so there's a reason to kill them after gear has been obtained.

  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Too many char bound items. Make them account bound and stack to 999.

    Make companions pick up loot for characters based on rarity.

    Make stronghold dragons drop unique items so there's a reason to kill them after gear has been obtained.

    Two Thumbs Up!
  • normancase1970normancase1970 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    i have been playing this game from the beginning i missed the beta but started within days of it being live....the most annoying thing to is the lag either the game slows way down or freezes or alternates between normal and slow...with that being said when that happens it must lose keystrokes or something because the bad guys continue to attack during a freeze but i dont or in slow mo time the attack slowly but i can barely move which cause me to use more of in game resources and generally gets me killed in places that i normally wouldnt get killed in this has been happening more and more lately in fact i cant really remember it ever happening in the beginning but your player base has increased,....that is the one thiing that keeps me from playing more than i do...
  • aestralinaaestralina Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Thanks for the opportunity to add my two cents' worth.

    There is really only one thing that's really annoying me at the moment and that is the Interface HUD for "yourself". It needs to be brought back to the front so we can click on it and actually SEE our name/health ingame.

    This has been bug reported so many times and I even put in a ticket. The response was "yes, we know, we'll fix it". That was over five maintenances ago and I'm still waiting.

    Fix it please?
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    The wheel of element is a bit broken right now... mostly on GWF... I keep combat tracker on most of the time and i noticed that on many cases... it become the first source of DMG for GWF... it is a bit crazy that a simple item become the main source of dps, Lostmauth set was a set of item and it was just as strong. I mean... i think wheel is a great thing to have in the game but 30% is ridiculous. It should'nt be first or even second in the source of dps... it should not beat aura of courage either... i think it should be around 10% to make it more balanced in PVE and PVP... 10% would still be better then mostly all of the artifacts out there without being totally broken like it is right now.

    duration bothers more than the actual bonus damage. and 30% bonus damage and 28 sec is too much.
    how IT comes first on dps is 30% of the player damage every 60 seconds. if you hit sure strikes 1m per swing the wheel will come after the sure strike with 300k for 1m sure strike. 30% of 1m.
  • iainusiainus Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Fix the line of sight. It shouldn't be so awkward entering or leaving a location, or interacting with an object or an NPC - but it is. So much mouse waggling to get the F option up.

    Do something about the lousy follower AI. Why do - in particular - the healer and wizard who do ranged attacks feel the need to go charging into mobs I'm not fighting, which then pile onto me after my follower very quickly DIES. I've seen me going from fighting one mob to THREE mobs at once because my follower, especially the wizard goes running BACKWARDS into other mobs. Also, in general make followers more durable - more hit points, make them - in general - more useful.

    In regard to enchants, runes and refining stones, ditch character bound. Account bound is fine, it's fair enough, but character bound is just wasting inventory space between double refining events. Three inventory slots for one type of stone where there used to be just one. In general, ditch character bound and make everything account bound instead.

    Autoloot scrolls and profession items from drops, scrap lockboxes autolooting.

    Do away with the penalising reward limitations on demonic closure/slaughter heroics. Sometimes an instance is just quiet, should players be rewarded LESS for doing potentially MORE work because there are less people to do the encounter? Also, more than half the time nobody DOES the closures. It's two to four people trying to notch up their 3 encounters, getting bronze or silver rewards for their effort and meanwhile, on the other side of the map players are sitting around waiting on a slaughter to trigger. Cutting down the amount of TIME the closure encounter takes would potentially fix this.

  • maxthakillamaxthakilla Member Posts: 22 Arc User

    The wheel of element is a bit broken right now... mostly on GWF... I keep combat tracker on most of the time and i noticed that on many cases... it become the first source of DMG for GWF... it is a bit crazy that a simple item become the main source of dps, Lostmauth set was a set of item and it was just as strong. I mean... i think wheel is a great thing to have in the game but 30% is ridiculous. It should'nt be first or even second in the source of dps... it should not beat aura of courage either... i think it should be around 10% to make it more balanced in PVE and PVP... 10% would still be better then mostly all of the artifacts out there without being totally broken like it is right now.

    duration bothers more than the actual bonus damage. and 30% bonus damage and 28 sec is too much.
    how IT comes first on dps is 30% of the player damage every 60 seconds. if you hit sure strikes 1m per swing the wheel will come after the sure strike with 300k for 1m sure strike. 30% of 1m.
    The thing is that it does 30% of all DMG sources which in the end become the no.1 source of DMG once combined... you are right 30% is too much and 28seconds is too long. But i would be satisfied with any nerfs at all just so it becomes acceptable to have any other artifacts on. Other artifacts looks silly now.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    Again with the too many things being bound to character.

    During the last special event there were multiple drops of artifact items, some bound to account (aplause) others bound to character - and that tends to suck.

    Since the item is bound to character what does a person do when they already have one item and they get another exact same item on a later drop that is bound to character also?

    Being an Uncommon item we can't salvage it, being bound to character we can't put it in the shared bank for another character to use and we can't donate it to the guild bank or sell it in the auction house so the only remaining option is to sell it for pennies of what it is actually worth at a merchant's booth...

    There should be some way for a player with multiple artifact items bount to character to at least exchange them for other artifact items (bound to character) that would actually benefit the player, or better yet make it so that all of those dropped artifact items are bound to account so they can be given to other characters or better yet not bound at all so they can be sold to other players on the auction house... or at least salvagable for AD's.

  • anarchjackanarchjack Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    I see a lot of stuff being thrown into thread about changes and no mod/dev response saying "Yes we care/or at least read it." So just incase one of them does come across this I will say just a couple things. 1. Read what your patrons are wanting, happy customers means they spend more. 2. Fix the junk in your game that is wrong with it, gamers as a whole aren't stupid. If we realize we are ignored we won't be spending a dime on a HAMSTER game.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    oh yeah, about those black ice nodes, i have some issue with those nodes, i often not able to target or line up, it feel way too "tiny" when i move around trying to lock on.
  • deathdawg#1568 deathdawg Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    Sad that there is so many suggestions and no dev or mod has said such that I have seen. So many bugs that i know are being reported but no response on the matters. They want us to spend hard earned money on the game and yet they do not listen to the patrons or when they do respond directly they always turn it around to a simple BS answer 'You should have reported it sooner.' I reported missing items for months and when i finally get a response was only because I used the website and I was told that they could go back to see what date i made level 70 but was basically told there was nothing they can do to fix the issue that I was at a loss so Yea I am sooo going to spend a lot of money on this game now suuuure
  • spiderman41962spiderman41962 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I keep getting DC'd like every hour. Fix the damn netcode lol
  • deathdawg#1568 deathdawg Member Posts: 66 Arc User

    I keep getting DC'd like every hour. Fix the damn netcode lol

    DC'd here a lot as well, not to mention that now seems that due to the closure of Gateway I either see the notification box for updating the launcher go to 20+ before it opens the launcher which now stays black for a VERY long time. I have checked my internet speed, with a couple different speed tests, updated drivers, cleaned disk to remove cookies and so on, restarted my modem and router even my pc and yet it takes me a very long time to log in. Seriously thinking that this is due to the decision to close gateway and forcing bots and gold sellers to the main servers
  • melkelzedekmelkelzedek Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Bots HAMSTER with game. Made a new toon, went into domination match, both groups being controlled by same person... the group I was in all run to one flag, I took middle, opposing team all ran to other flag, then they met at middle. I fired off a few spells noticed no one was doing anything, then all my team went to middle, after about a minute they all moved back to a corner, the opposing team moved from their corner flipped it, then my team moved somewhat slowly to flag as opposing team moved back to their corner, and repeated, I watched and then went and took opposing teams flag, went back to middle and tried talking as I watched the robotic movements of all involved. I don't mind helping players when they are under geared to let them advance, and I appreciate it when teams let me advance when they are way over powered. But robots are just slowing down the game, my opinion, kick accounts using bots, got to be gold spammers anyway right?
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    sound like it, they just want you to leave so they can collect for themselves, it is considered as grief play tactic if anyone from outside of anyone not in thier own group(s).
  • shadtekshadtek Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 New User
    Ok, I have many moves that claim they add smolder to the target, but none of them do! Only one spell (1) actually will apply smolder to a target, and that is Fanning the flames. Which limits me to applying smolder to a single target every 15 seconds.
    So if I do everything perfectly, I can get Rimefire effect on a single target for a duration of about 2 seconds, and I can only do that every 15 seconds.
    I also have spells that claim they will prolong the duration of smolder and they also do not function properly.

    Meanwhile I see the Storm Mage consistently outperform the Master of Flames....
    I want to use fire and ice, because quite frankly Ice and electricity is ignert. but I am either forced to be a Storm Mage, which I do not wish to play, or I am stuck with an inferior character because somebodies first instinct is always to nerf the mage....

    Here's the thing, I have 2300 gear score and I can only complete the lowest of the epic dungeons (1600 recommended)
    And I only complete them with extreme difficulty. As a Storm Mage they are no problem. It's not right bros.
  • neco1009neco1009 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Since The gateway is gone now.. I think putting the Companion only gear pieces into the game some how and make it so that they are obtainable by the casual and everyday players because currently they are in the 100-1mil AD range and that is just outrages. Also Currently the game is lacking in obtainable Artifact and good gear regardless if you're a seasoned player or new comer the costs to upgrade this stuff is also outrages seriously if you're trying to ruin the game by having people leave out of frustration there is plenty of easier ways to do this... Anyway do some good changes that the players have mentioned id have to agree with many of the complaints here there is no dev and player communication or at least positive ones anyway nor have i seen any good updates lately they have all been lame behind the scenes junk that only people behind the scenes can see or care about. I see some serious player numbers dropping even more soon and I'll be one of them shortly if Costs to gear and etc upgrades haven't been lowered its pretty shameful you expect people to spend even 1/4 of what it takes to make anything worthy of getting your character to be more powerful and end game/Pvp ready. Thanks and happy Hunting to all.
  • bsrose#6443 bsrose Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Here is an Issue. I don't think its my PC. I never had this problem before the last 3 patches. Every time there is a patch, my game gets real "laggy". I get 10 sec. of good play followed by 30 sec. of choppy lag.(repeat) I have uninstalled and reinstalled after each patch each time. That fixes the issue but...dang! Thats a lot of wasted time.
  • swirve#6429 swirve Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Top issue is developer design decisions are all focused on taking from the customer / player.
  • knkymama69#5916 knkymama69 Member Posts: 1 New User
    This is for Xbox one as of the newest update a change to server provider we lost 7 hrs game time but worth it for new mod drop n fixes however there seam to b more problems sence then there were before players getting timed out disconnected the lag has been twice as bad the nerffs on sum the classes especially the gf the Frey nerff main reason created a gf but those r jus the few what I want to talk about is the fact that there are way more glitches n timeouts then ever I created a new character few days ago all excited ready to go on top of dailies for other characters now I'm in black dagger ruins a lower level area doin the quest line I get to the HIDDEN COVE and get timed out OK crappy but it happens well I reset n go to load back up n it says timed out returning to nameserver wat is this all about now I can not load my alt or do anything with it I've been tryin to for almost 2 days and now I'm at a standstill its like cult prison all over again but worse least with tat major bus it didn't affect the quest line n it wld let the character log back on its just like my new character stuck there I have done this quest 4+ times n never had a prob n there all at 70 could sumone please fix HIDDEN COVE so I can continue on my lvlin n grind kinda a big let down seems the new stuff gets all the attention while the old stuff gets dusty should take care the old before cramming bunch of new causing more probs n bugs
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User

    Top issue is developer design decisions are all focused on taking from the customer / player.

    Welcome to the F2P model, enjoy your stay.
  • arkarielllarkarielll Member Posts: 6 Arc User

    Hello guys, I come here just to give a little feedback. Before I begin, I want to make clear that my language is Portuguese, I made a translation by Google translator. For you do not think that's kind of meaningless this topic....
    No longer will make three years Neverwinter game, I think ... the first two years I played with a different account, and then I started playing with it, had some breaks for personal reasons. Anyway, what I mean here is that one of the main reasons that I like to play Neverwinter is: Being in the D&D world, and I have good support in my language: Portuguese.
    After I returned to play recently, creating a new character, I saw that the new modules are outdated for the English language, I do not know if the other languages ​​is like that, but ... is not translated in examples I could quote campaigns: the Maze Engine, Elemental Evil, Underdark, Stronghold, and the new strorm King's Thunder, and other missions, and layouts that are not translated ... and as a result, I fumbled a bit to realize I had to do my a little more to understand in general terms.
    I have also heard reports of my friends playing, that translated layouts are incorrect, such as the name of the maps, the Sharandar name icon is the name of Gauntlgrym '-', and the Dread Circle icon is with the Sharandar Ruins name ha-ha. It also had a player who said that the skill are with incorrect descriptions, this is a serious problem, everyone is hurting. I do not know what was the class, but he recommended that I move to the English language, so I do not hurt me to put the skills, both passive as active (powers). The players of the Portuguese dialect are struggling to play! And I do not know how the players of other languages, but in general I just got this request. The other feedback I have to complete is the news Login Layout are desatualiadas, recent events were not showing up, and will be the promotion of companions, I saw when I changed the language to English, ie only in the English language has the recent news, but ... I checked in other languages, only three languages ​​that are outdated, speaking in detail are the last three from the bottom up.

    -Thanks for listening.

    Note: I will send pictures related to my feedback, I quote what I'm going to send is not 100% of the incompletely translated game. For my intention is to show you a small reference to the fact!)

    imageimage" alt="" />
  • odinknightsodinknights Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I would just like to see a wider variety of weapons and spells, additional equipment designs would be nice too. This will create a more personal touch on each character and limit players looking the same, having the same weapons, etc. More spells would be nice too, spell casters seem to be limited in what they can choose from. Does adding smolder to your target really make you a fire wizard of destruction? I think not Fun game really, love it, just needs a little extra diversity. Thank you.
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