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Feedback Needed: Top Issues Currently in Neverwinter PC



  • kikisealekikiseale Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    "Quote" rel="pmswithagun" I personally know a SW in our guild that solo's dragonflight. I implore you to look into this...the test dummy log doesn't lie and shows it will negatively impact rogues AGAIN.

    the SW doing that is using the OLD gear 60 level sharandar set that when procs does 3% of opponant health damage, 5 procs on single target 1 each minute. this gear is no longer obtainable in game, it is the GEAR, and the bonus against dragons on each piece of gear, dragon potions and dragon overloads that do that dps, not the sw himself. a sw with 0 enchants on but the same set will do exactly the same dps. those sets cannot be acquired in game anymore, and the set bonuses should have been retired when the sets no longer became available
    Post edited by kikiseale on
  • foofoowarriorfoofoowarrior Member Posts: 2 Arc User

    Alright, let's do this. First and foremost, please be respectful and give actual feedback. No trolling, no insults and no blaming anyone for anything. This is to be a professional medium of communication so that we know exactly what we should focus on. Feel free to echo each other; actually, please echo each other. If it's been said already, say it again.

    Please do not list everything you want fixed; only the top three or so items. We need to be able to focus on something and barraging this thread with a gajillion things won't help. I'm sure you guys can understand that.

    So here's a list of possible things you could give us feedback on:

    • Bugs - We get a lot of bug reports, many of which we immediately deliver to the developers, but many a time, only one person reports on it, which might explain it not getting fixed. The more people who care about a bug, the more pressing it will be.
    • Balance - Everyone has their own ideas and suggestions on how to balance a class. If you agree with a suggestion from a previous post, please echo it. Better yet, this one might benefit from being broad (i.e. Trickster Rogues in permastealth are overpowered instead of X skill needs to do X less damage because it interacts with X feat in X way.)
    • Specific Systems - Whether it's PvP, PvE, Performance, Foundry or even events, what aspect of the game needs the most attention. Keep this very high-level and broad, as well.

    That's not a complete list, so feel free to add your own, but remember, act as if this information was going to be given to you if you were a dev, then multiply that by, well, a lot.

    Go at it!
  • foofoowarriorfoofoowarrior Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    The changes to the pally has left me livid with anger, my pally and all equipment, companion and artifacts was set up for divine protection, and it was nerfed too hard, over 2 million AD down the drain, and all i get is a respec stone, well I am done once the money runs out that I spent I will quit, this is second toon I have had ruined the first was my guardian fighter who cannot fight his way out of a wet paper bag, this is too much no more money to arc.....too bad i really liked the game and have allot of hours in it goodbye at the end of the mth.
  • inneedofactioninneedofaction Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Not sure if this is the proper spot for it or if it's already been said... but you DO state that you welcome echos of issues...

    My beef is with the Zen market. You've got a great package in there that is free for 1st time buyers, but you're also very specific about the way that people can get this. IE: buy the zen directly from you. You state steam wallet purchases are not eligible for this, but you only state it in a small note at the bottom of an old post about transferring Zen to neverwinter. Something that a new player will have to know about beforehand in order to search/dig for. It's not mentioned in the "how to purchase zen from steam wallet" thread NOR is it mentioned in neverwinter's zen store and it's not mentioned when attempting to purchase via steam. You guys still get our money either way. So why can't you give us the same rewards if you're not gonna warn people that thier purchase via steam is valued less?
  • hellios0123hellios0123 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have found 2 bug on the paladin of the oath of protection one is when you use the templar wrath and you don't have any enemy near it gives some temporary hp I think it hits the companion and it procs and the other bug is with the aura of radiance, it doesn't appear to be equiped even thought it works.
  • mataocdmataocd Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    One more major issue currently is definitely masterwork professions mechanics.
    Me and my guild managed to level up guild hall and marketplace to get masterwork profession quests (which is not easy task) only to discover that farming and grinding for stronghold artifact weapons just isn't worth it. I understand it's not meant to be easy, but if you make it not worth the time and effort, since it's much easier to farm Twisted weapons and other artifact weapons, it's a missed concept and opportunity.
  • kittenmittenz#3523 kittenmittenz Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    1. Difficulty: ratchet all HP back down to reasonable levels. On both players and enemies. Potions are of little to no value when they can only give you back a love-tap of health and one-shots are still a problem. LS, Regen, Defense, all useless stats to a DPS. Tanks have had a Defense issue since day 0 of mod 6, which hasn't been fixed: they can't tank until they have four orange/teal artifacts with more HP on them. HP could be wiped off the gear (making the old stuff viable for more than one level) and make PC's realistic again - meanwhile, enemies need to have their insane HP pools cut down to reasonable levels. Quick fix: cut enemy HP by 50-75% , fix bugs and paragons, come back for mod 7 with HP corrected. Combat used to be quick and engaging, the HP pooling has made it harder for newcomers and boring for geared people.

    2. Paragons: Going with what I know, Combat HR and almost everything in SW are broken. The reason is the change to LS and Regen. These (and I'm sure others) were designed with the previous version of HP replenishment/quantities in mind, so now they are unplayable without the gear and refined artifacts/weapons you can only obtain after playing a long, long time. It strips away the customization and roleplaying aspect of this game - there is one, maybe two paragons per class currently viable at endgame. In cases where LS was part of a paragon tree, it should be changed to a percent of max HP and 100% proc rate. Survivability goes up, without having to immediately address the problem of vast HP pooling, nor roll back the otherwise acceptable changes to the LS and Regen stats.

    3. XP: This is a no brainer: just roll it back to where it was before the new guy took over. Seriously, just roll it back. Rewards, requirements, done. Leveling is a beast and overflow is a bad joke. Rewards for 60+ content are currently pretty awful, so barring players from leveling to slightly better rewards at 70 is just a bad idea. Barring level 70 players from flippant, low-value, RNG rewards is just demoralizing.

    Those are the top 3 I can see and I think they all have pretty straight-forward, hot fixes as well as the longer term fixes. I loved this game. I really, really, want to love it again.

    I agree wholeheartedly with these. I have one of all character classes and it is so sad to see how worthless the SW is. They are the coolest looking class with the funnest abilities and they are just trash. I do also have to just add that PVP could be fixed easily by applying a ranking system like CS:GO's. and you already have the ranks up! the item level. If both team's combined item levels were within say 500 of each other I think it would make the battles much more even. I cant IMAGINE what is so hard about that. It seems such an obvious solution and easy fix just do it already.

  • xaansteelxaansteel Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    Might I just say that the recent OP nerf and Lostmauth set nerf have made the game significantly more fun to play? Dungeons actually feel like dungeons, you have to plan out your team, work together, communicate, and it takes time! That's exactly what a dungeon should feel like, and it's fantastic. Things should be difficult and you should be rewarded for your skill. This was absolutely necessary and the only suggestion I have is that in the future, perhaps dungeons should have greater incentives again, since they're harder. Better drops, and of course new dungeons, everyone wants that, but dungeons that are difficult and a full experience, a bit of a journey, that take a while and make you know your team is exactly what makes an MMORPG great, especially one based off of dungeons and dragons
  • oggycz#5356 oggycz Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    xaansteel said:

    Might I just say that the recent OP nerf and Lostmauth set nerf have made the game significantly more fun to play? Dungeons actually feel like dungeons, you have to plan out your team, work together, communicate, and it takes time! That's exactly what a dungeon should feel like, and it's fantastic. Things should be difficult and you should be rewarded for your skill. This was absolutely necessary and the only suggestion I have is that in the future, perhaps dungeons should have greater incentives again, since they're harder. Better drops, and of course new dungeons, everyone wants that, but dungeons that are difficult and a full experience, a bit of a journey, that take a while and make you know your team is exactly what makes an MMORPG great, especially one based off of dungeons and dragons

    I can agree. Especially with need of better rewards.
    Svatá Prdelka
    game - Human/real life - ???
    OP 18k+ Devotion/Justice - Light
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    xaansteel said:

    Might I just say that the recent OP nerf and Lostmauth set nerf have made the game significantly more fun to play? Dungeons actually feel like dungeons, you have to plan out your team, work together, communicate, and it takes time! That's exactly what a dungeon should feel like, and it's fantastic. Things should be difficult and you should be rewarded for your skill. This was absolutely necessary and the only suggestion I have is that in the future, perhaps dungeons should have greater incentives again, since they're harder. Better drops, and of course new dungeons, everyone wants that, but dungeons that are difficult and a full experience, a bit of a journey, that take a while and make you know your team is exactly what makes an MMORPG great, especially one based off of dungeons and dragons

    I utterly disagree with this. There is no skill in being killed by a tiny bit of lag causing damage to go in before the red splat appears, and rubberbanding halfway across the screen into the centre of Orcus's green sphere of death to be one or two shotted. Both of these were survivable before the nerfs.

    At high gear levels, dungeons were already much faster with a GF than an OP, but safer with the OP now there is absolutely no reason to have a tankadin on the team. My DC will be like playing a completely different character if/when I respec it away from a dedicated AP healer.
  • seijidaseijida Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    I have to say, I really DON'T like the recent changes... and I got really MANY things to complain about:


    I can understand, if people say, the bubble needed a nerf... but also 10 or 15 seconds would have been bad enough (if u think about that clerics don't give much AP anymore either)... or something like that. 6 Seconds are just utterly useless. Even with a good Cleric, with the AP Gain Nerf on the Cleric, Haste does not even help a bit here.
    Before I could use my Pala to take new 70s without good equip through dungeons with our party, to help them get equip and ADs, cause especially with ur first char that really sucks.
    U need Seal of the Protector for the epic Elven armor. How to even finish a eCC, eGray Wolfs or eToS, without a perfect-uber-geared party? U could always do Demogoron, but just once every hour and u also need 2k Item-Level for that already...
    (And we tried eCC today, all of us around 2,2-2,6k Item level and we could not do anything against the Boss. How crazy is that, if u need the Seals to gear up at all?)
    For new Players or new guilds who want to help their new members, that sucks.

    - AD Prices...:

    I really have to say, I don't like where this is going. U say, u want fair and stable prices on the auction house and stuff like that...
    But everythings just gets SO much more expensive, with every change u are doing... U did get the Wards out of the Trade bar Store and Enchantments go through the Celing. Rank5 Enchant Stacks are around 3-4 times the price from 1-2 months ago, atm... So Upgrading ur Artifacts and Artifact equip also gets more and more expensive, since I started playing.

    Also the exchange Rates from Ads to Zen just are SO much higher then 2-3 months ago. HOW should someone who didn't play for ages already be able, to earn enough Ads to exchange them to Zen to buy something useful there for him? And not everyone can buy Stuff from the Zen Market every months, because some simply don't have that much money...

    - And I absolutely agree on the HP pools, especially on enemies, like it was said before. Hard for Newbies, boring for Geared up People....

    So alltohgether, as the leader of a kinda new, small guild, with many new gamers on it, I have to say, u really made it more then just a little bit hared for us.... not only for us geared members but especially, to help our new members to get better soon, so they still have fun at the game.

    AP Healer/Hase Cleric got absolutely Useless for us
    So did Bubble Pala.... and If I respec to healadin, I can not pull Aggro (Cause I don't generate Threat) and make one of our clerics on the Party useless.
    And I also really don't see the skill in getting stunned and silenced all the time from a boss, therefore not being able to refill my AP for the Bubble, getting pushed around from the boss and seeing all my party wipe, cause i got no bubble and the Healer can't heal enough on time while trying to dodge red circles and the adds from the boss, whon attack him. Or not even being able to dodge red circles on time, as soon as u get even the smallest lag.

    Thanks for ruining all of that for us.... -.-'
  • apateoraapateora Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    See under
  • apateoraapateora Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    Thank you Strum for the chance to voice our opinions.

    All in all, I believe you will find the majority of players (not all, some will still gripe) want but a few changes to make this game fun and worth while playing again, AND worth putting money into.

    1.) Reduce the amount of XP needed to level up

    2.) Rollback the 50% increase to critters HP

    3.) Reduce the damage done by critters just a bit more. 25%, 20%, 10 or 5%, OR allow Lifesteal and Regeneration to work again Pre Mod 6.

    4.) Bring back the missing Dungeons.

    5.) Look into the Lag in some of the maps, Dread Ring is a big one, the lag in there makes it impossible for some to survive. ( I play a TR with 85k HP, 16k Power, 7k AP, 5k Crit and 3k Defense and I can barely survive due to the lag, that is just wrong)

    6.) Look into Character issues and bugs. (I am sure there are a lot of players that can help you with that one.)

    As each new mod comes into play, make THOSE areas, maps, game play harder/higher level mobs etc. so that we have time to progress into them.

    Just a few thoughts.

    Thank You

    To be honest.. I don't agree on 3... Think about a pala... if you lower crit.. men that guy cannot damage even an insect on that thing :/... And as a TR I die to quickly!
  • apateoraapateora Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    apateora said:

    Hi there

    I have some points wich I think might be handy...

    1. PVP issue 1: make parties fair in pvp (especially at lvl 70... I have still purple equipment and then I need to fight against orange-higher equipment, my boons ain't completly done and they actually have, ... so I lose a lot of times).
    2. Pvp issue 2: the ranking is sooo weird :neutral: maybe check that out too and make it more logic?
    3. PLACE the ANTIQUITIES SCOLAR somewhere ELSE... Players'll think it's for free too (just like me) because it's standing next to the package men where you get free stuff from. Place them somewhere with the AH and the merchant (453 ; 571 coördination) somewhere. That makes more sence to every gamer here! That's at least the little thing you can do for me to keep other players from harm from making the same mistake as I did. Ok, we could read it now... But for new players over some years, who DON'T know it might be a danger.. And the ppl I warned for it at the game NOW didn't even knew even if they were asking around for the lostmauth horn, neck, weist. Be carefull!
    4. make the bonusses come faster (from lvl 70 it's so damn hard to get something, that you are so fu tired of fighting your *** off to get something done xD).
    5. You are out of gamerules and trying to do things like giving mounts powers... I still don't understand that xD! It would be more logic that you could sell your mount again for AD or made it "bound to account" so at least you can give your mount to another character...
    6. Astrial diamonds: It's ok to get those at pvp, skirmishes, ... but damn how can we even get to 1 000 000 000 what some items / mounts costs? That's insane!
    7. Another thing... check up the characters :/... As for my TR I fight so damn slowly and move to slow too... That's just not damn normal :/. Also damage is so low ...

    So these are a few points that I think you should discuss to make the gameplay more likely.
    Thanks for understanding, reading + time.
    Take care.

  • greyvampsgreyvamps Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    i also agree at certain points it would be more fair to put a certain players in different que when it comes to item lvl, some players gotta jump from artefact items lvl 65 to 135, thats double of difference, there should be a 2 type of domination where one can fight at lower item lvl and one for higher item lvl, pvp should be based on players skills and not for only the old gamers that got everything against new comers, just saying

    the ranking system is broken, when u lose by doing a fight totaly nothing u might get 1st place ranked while one that does 20 fights and only lost of 5 fights out of 20 gets the bottom on the list, the ranking system should get fixed

    first of all for those people that believe reducing crit will solve the problem, i have to inform u all that ur then dead wrong, even if u got a high crit chance it means u go main on crit and that also mean u go lower on power, with low power like dealing 0 dmg and u crit on 0 dmg u still deal 0 dmg cause 0*2 is still 0, so if anything should get nerve in dmg that gets too op, it should be power itself instead of crit since everyone get a average crit chance of 25% high rated!

    temperary boons should also be easyer, i dont mind grinding a bit for permanent boons but common guys dont make it like newcomers have to grind 24h/7, some of us have to work and need sleep so that will take easy time away of 17h due 9h sleep and 8h work

    i do not complain on the astral diamonds since its a free game and u can spend money as to fasten up more then its pay to win, however this doest mean that newcomers should get 0 chances in pvp boons, pvp should be based more on skill then on old gamers or money givers, i request to seperate ques from a minimal and maximum item level so everyone got a fair chance
  • lp7plp7p Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    I started this game as a Founder (think that's what it was called). Had tons of Zen and Astral Diamonds. I played hard and heavy leveling a Control Wizard and Devoted cleric to 60. I love the controls (movement and skill execution). I hate the lag and what appears to be streaming download of content. Having to sit and wait for stuff to load in or out of a group is annoying.

    The second annoying thing is inventory. I am basically not playing because I am out of inventory space not sure what to keep or delete. Had it with those lock boxes and bags cost way to much. The game that was fun from 1-60 is now in my opinion tedious, overwhelming, and painful. Why are all these items necessary and drop with such frequency? So we can continue to spend for inventory space:(
  • c1k4ml3kc3c1k4ml3kc3 Member Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    lp7p said:

    I started this game as a Founder (think that's what it was called). Had tons of Zen and Astral Diamonds. I played hard and heavy leveling a Control Wizard and Devoted cleric to 60. I love the controls (movement and skill execution). I hate the lag and what appears to be streaming download of content. Having to sit and wait for stuff to load in or out of a group is annoying.

    You can solve this by allowing extra GB to be downloaded additionally. When you start the LAUNCHER go to the OPTIONS menu and disable this

    Then, wait a bit until all the remaining data gets downloaded. Cheers
    True Neutral
    Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
  • maycon1kdkmaycon1kdk Member Posts: 1 Arc User

    Trancencent Elven Battle is working on Steal time (Spell Mastery)
    reducing the time of velocity speed bonus and combat advantage.
    hope you guys fix it soon as possible.
  • voidgiftvoidgift Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 286 Arc User
    Get the foundry back up.
    With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man.

    Rise to POWER with <House of Power>.

    The Exterminator - (NW-DLNXF3BGG)
  • nathan#8975 nathan Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    My biggest issue with NWO is a lack of quality control. Don't add new things until you can actually deliver on what is already there.

    If something isn't working then disable it, fix it, and put it back in.

    As a new player I find it completely inexcusable that this game has been around for several years and still has so many things that do not work as intended, or work at all, and that you continue to allow players to invest both time and money in a broken product.

    If none of that is possible, fire people or put them in positions they can handle better.
  • kadirrakadirra Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    1) Please make it so you can play the Skirmishes and Dungeons even if you outlevel them. Whether it makes you scale, or whether the dungeon scales up, or is just soloable, it'd be nice to be able to get achievements missed.

    2) Have some kind of companion tutorial about the different types and what that means (augment, striker, etc.)

    This is all I can think of for now, but came here to post about the skirmishes. I played my characters in an event when I came back to Neverwinter, and had forgotten/didn't realize I could outlevel so much content. It was way too easy to do so, too. I don't even know now how much I've missed out on. Need some way to do these, even if they're solo.
  • ornaldornald Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 38 Arc User
    I am not native english speaker. so, my text would be difficult to read.

    Elementl Evil zone quests change from Vigilance to Storyline. It's good for me, but still remain could not be satisfactory.

    1) Goal of gathering quest is too much.
    It because gathering item drop rate is not high. I suggest two ideas.

    1-1) Goal to roughly half.
    1-2) Drop rate be increase ( I hope always drop ).

    2) Quests be accepted at the same time are too little.
    There are 6 to 8 quests that could completed at same field, but be accepted only 2. so, we go and come back 3 times more to field.
    In addition, we go two times more to some mini dungeon.

    I hope to be remove these limitation, and quests be proceed as follows.
    2-1) Accept all quests that could completed at same field.
    2-2) Complete field quests, then accept mini dungeon quest.
    2-3) Complete mini dungeon, then advance next area.
    2-4) Complete three areas, then advance next map.

    In addition, gathering mote for elemental weapons is a very bitter pain for me.
    It because mote drop rate is too low.

    I suggest that adventurer get motes by contribution degree to heroic encounter.
    Contribution degree be judged by dealing damage (killing enemies), heal other amount, taking damage (before reduce value by stat or DR), or controling duration.
    1st prize adventurer get 2 motes, 2nd prize adventurer get a mote, other adventurers ( up to 3 ) are get a mote randomly.
    Its numbers scale up by difficulty class (minor, major or epic).
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    3 years wild hunt rider bug stacking time instead max 5 seconds . TOO bad i cant give public how each class produce it. so pm me if you interest to fix it.
  • shanefrazier93shanefrazier93 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    It may come as a surprise to some people (and to Cryptic too evidently, judging by the things they've decided to make a priority) that Neverwinter actually has a pretty decent sized roleplay community. One of the things that made this game great, and that gave it an edge over other MMOs for the purposes of roleplay, was the Foundry system. The Foundry made it so that we could create player housing, taverns, stores, quests, and even our own roleplay campaigns! It was a bit like playing Dungeons and Dragons in an electronic setting (which I thought was part of the point... after all, the game has D&D in the name).

    Sadly, this community is evidently not one that Cryptic cares much about. The Foundry has been down for almost two months now, and there has been no word about when it will be coming back. This may end up being the last nail in the coffin for an RP community that has already been slapped in the face a few times (For example, placing important event NPC's in the middle of the central RP hub, the Moonstone Mask, essentially shutting down any roleplay possibilities for the duration of those events due to overcrowding of non-RP'ers).

    Please, please, please get the Foundry back up again. I'm sure it's low on your priority list because it doesn't make you money, and doesn't contribute to actual game content, but there are a lot of us (myself included) who are considering a mass exodus if our roleplay medium isn't returned.
  • neoalpha84#2534 neoalpha84 Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited June 2016
    I have question: Why do I need Astral Diamond to buy stuff in the Auction House? and!!! Why can't I use in-game gold to buy stuff in the Auction House?
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User

    Please, please, please get the Foundry back up again. I'm sure it's low on your priority list because it doesn't make you money, and doesn't contribute to actual game content, ...

    ...which it COULD, easily produce both Zen sales AND "new content" if they would fix the Foundry and add like 5 lines of code to PREVENT EXPLOITATION and make playing foundry content worthwhile.
  • synderelf#7098 synderelf Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    The Maze Engine: Guild Alliances is Live!

    First and only area that I would like to see fixed is to revert the campaign window layout back to the way it was.

    Previously it was

    * Clear and easy to understand
    * Logical in it format and easy to use
    * Did not take up unnecessary screen space
    * Simple and user friendly to navigate
    * Slick and easy on the eyes
    * A pleasure to use

    Current updated layout

    *Shocking bloated and an eye sore
    *Illogical and not user friendly
    *Slow to navigate
    *Hard to read
    *An eye sore
    *Bloated and screen hogging
    *Ugly as... what were they thinking.

    God save us from the Dev's
  • kievitzkievitz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 260 Arc User
    This is getting ridiculous, the good players of this game give you free advice, bughunt for free, point to you, that, some stuff is gonna get wrecked if you implement this or that and what do you do, you ignore them, completely.

    For awhile now:

    -Havent seen any devs commenting or announcing bug reports as "looked into"
    -Havent seen any upraising posts from devs to the awesome people that find this stuff
    -Havent seen any progress conserning the economy report conserning removal of the coalwards and preservation wards
    -The powercreep was to be adressed yet you push more power to us
    Etc. just reading the dev blogs, player feedback and other threads will suffice to see this.

    I know mod 10 is on its way, but if a single person cant be committed to check these forums once in a while im apalled, takes what 1-2 hours to scourge the newest posts about bugs, broken game mechanics, etc and pinning them down for closer inspection and you dont have to do it every day. And updating those bug threads is kinda important dont ya think?

    Alliance launch was a disaster, really, arent we learning yet.

    And as reported after the 25 DC run some powers/buffs "work" with game braking results. Theres a thread in player feedback section about this and some data. And the numbers are truly ugly.

    Im gonna share with you a little real life story, quite recent:

    A firm made a new product, the product went to production, but the firm could not keep up with the deadlines of the orders it received, so they cutoff the testing to shorten the delivery time, rather than informing the clients, that the deliveries will be delayed and the product will be sent at a later date.

    The following happened

    -The new products started braking one after another
    -1 near fatality occurred (because of this the firm management is under investigation and will face charges)
    -The clients demanded to dissolve the deals
    -The firm lost all the money they got from the deals
    -New orders were cancelled
    -The firm lost its reputation
    -Some of the workers were laidoff most of them got the boot

    All that because they went cheap on testing the product to gain time. Simply informing the clients about delays would have sufficed and none of the above would have happened.

  • jon#3112 jon Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Few changes what comes in my mind.


    Allow queue leader move members in different party`s without they have to kick player out of queue and invite again.
    Makes organizing easier in example Tiamat run.

    (optional) Add button to queue leader ((invite all) this button invite all in queue to set party formation) can be used example Stronghold Dragonflight where you do 20+20 player queue set party`s as you like party them up and leave queue.
    should get much faster to organize party´s when you can do them by queue.


    After this alliance i have find my chat screen just runs down so fast that i can`t read anything on it. Always has to scroll up if i missed something.
    I have 7 different tabs on it. zone/lfg, guild, alliance, +4 custom channels all colored different so i can see which chats need answer.

    Can we or can you give us option to separate chat tabs to 2 or 3 different windows. that would help alot when you have 3 different chat up and running all the time. Where it is placed in *HUD is our problem make that player decide.

    Make quest tree by location based and under location all quest for that map.
    -Halamvir the might
    - Recover pixies
    Icewind Dale
    -Locate and kill sypher

    Makes alot easier to locate quests and where those are.
    Post edited by jon#3112 on
  • epicswords9epicswords9 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    hey my neverwinter never fully loads it only goes to 75% patching and seems to stop permanently. is this normal?
This discussion has been closed.