you are right but..... that´s what they stated sunday 17., so nuudl just followed that statement (knowing: " So I might actually start a poll" may take some mods...
------ This poll doesn't provide any information about why there is a discussion about the LM set in the first place. This poll doesn't provide any information about how a fix may could look like. This poll even changed it's voting title during the votes. This poll only provides a simple "yes or no". This poll doesn't have a deadline. This poll doesn't even reach a quarter of the playerbase. This poll is not created by Cryptic/PWE.
So - what is the actual reason behind this poll? Collecting data like: --> How many users can you reach with a simple forum poll? --> How many potential uservotes can you get? --> Why would a user vote "yes" --> Why would a user vote "no" --> How's the balance between PvP focused arguments and PvE focused arguments? --> Would users blame other users for their vote in other threads? (i.e. "I don't talk to you anymore because you voted "no".) --> What kind of discussions will you get? (i.e. blame the players, blame the devs, blame the game, blame the thread)
And yes. This poll is for my personal use - I might have abused the subject tho. Sorry 'bout that.
Anyhow - thank you for voting!
The Zisters' Magazine - Subscribe now and you'll never run out of style.
In my opinion, it should be ABSOLUTELY nerfed. It's one of the priorities since it is one of the most imbalanced things in the game (with bonding runestones and OP that is too op and SW that is too sh*tty). The nerf of this set would be a huge gift for some reasons :
- Nerf the set wouldn't change the dps ranking in dungeons (commonly, we'll have GWF > TR > CW > HR and SW, we don't care. Who plays this ? No, seriously, if they use the damnation bugged spe, they can beat everyone and even more with fabled set).
- Nerf the set will lower the average dps and should bring more difficulties (SOOOOO MUCH asked ) in dungeons for average parties. (I mean : don't complain if you are a 4.2k ilvl GWF. You always should solo dungeons ).
- The set would stay excellent for dps classes just for the stats. (Except for CW, i agree. I'd immediately change my belt for a Valindra or a Intel belt.)
- Nerf the set could prevent TR to kill you with just at-wills while stealted and HR to do so much damages with much more control than any other class in PvP. (The first dps source is the Lostmauth set since their encounters powers don't do lots of damages. If they want to chain control, they have enough damages with those thorns. Those horrible thorns...)
- The set is a Bis and i can't stand there is a no brainer set in the game. Even if the stats are not made for you (CW, SW please), you are obligated to wear Lostmauth since this is the most dps source of your character (or at least, a huge one). I want to use others sets, please ! You said the bonus wouldn't be a must-to-have. Well done !
- The average diminution of the dps would allow pvp beginners to take less damages and should give a better experience than now.
- The set just forced every dps of the game to follow one idea : crit is the best way to be a dps machine. Even the new Owlbear pet with an interesting bonus isn't good enough to change this. Why not allow lots of builds ? As a crit commonly does twice (depends of your crit severity but don't be a di*k, you know what i mean ;P) the damage of a power, it's already the easiest way to dps. But if anyone found out that, for a class (HR that spams their encounters, for example), the new pet would be better, why ban this idea ?
Personnally, (if you didn't understand yet) i play CW and only this (at high level, i mean). I am one of the classes (maybe even THE class) that could lose the most dps because of the nerf but i'm ready for this if it could change the game and make everything more balanced.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
However, if you want to make it Better, I may reconsider.
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
Make lostmauth set to proc to each tick of dots. Maybe that way poeple will understand how wrong is that set. That will have result rangers and warlocks to deal more damage than a great weapon fighter or equal.
Make lostmauth set to proc to each tick of dots. Maybe that way poeple will understand how wrong is that set. That will have result rangers and warlocks to deal more damage than a great weapon fighter or equal.
It would be funny to see those powers working with lostmauth, that are currently not (Roots and dreatheft)
My story is truly a grand tale! Of course, any story about me is going to be grand simply by virtue of the main character.
you are right but..... that´s what they stated sunday 17., so nuudl just followed that statement (knowing: " So I might actually start a poll" may take some mods...
------ This poll doesn't provide any information about why there is a discussion about the LM set in the first place. This poll doesn't provide any information about how a fix may could look like. This poll even changed it's voting title during the votes. This poll only provides a simple "yes or no". This poll doesn't have a deadline. This poll doesn't even reach a quarter of the playerbase. This poll is not created by Cryptic/PWE.
So - what is the actual reason behind this poll? Collecting data like: --> How many users can you reach with a simple forum poll? --> How many potential uservotes can you get? --> Why would a user vote "yes" --> Why would a user vote "no" --> How's the balance between PvP focused arguments and PvE focused arguments? --> Would users blame other users for their vote in other threads? (i.e. "I don't talk to you anymore because you voted "no".) --> What kind of discussions will you get? (i.e. blame the players, blame the devs, blame the game, blame the thread)
And yes. This poll is for my personal use - I might have abused the subject tho. Sorry 'bout that.
Anyhow - thank you for voting!
Even with all the issues with the poll it's a pretty big stretch to imagine that a proper poll would have significantly different results. Everyone knows why the poll is skewed the way it is because the vast majority of the people that have the set don't want to lose their investment in it.
Even with all the issues with the poll it's a pretty big stretch to imagine that a proper poll would have significantly different results. Everyone knows why the poll is skewed the way it is because the vast majority of the people that have the set don't want to lose their investment in it.
That's what I took away from the responses in this poll. My opinion on the topic. If PWE/Cryptic decided to change only the Lostmauth set, itd be nerfed hard. I have no faith they could adjust all sets to a approx equal standing of lostmauth, so that's just a bad idea. This is again an issue they waited too long to look at. (I asked monthes ago if they planned to change anything, with zero response). It's too much an accepted part of the meta to really change now.
where is this coming from? have any of you that voted "yes" considered the bonus powers of the race, feats, stats, combination of boons, companions? there are so many reasons that can affect a toon's dps. the set helps a lot if you have the right build. if you don't have a nice character buildup, I don't think a set will give you the expected effect.
Considering that much of the feedback is in regards to higher-end content w/ geared players, and that's where the majority of the set's crazy scaling comes into force, yea I think players here realize that. There are many other inane mechanics in this game w/ the rampant power creep around, sure, but that doesn't mean we should be turning a blind eye to certain areas, and its off the topic besides.
Do you have the LM set and are worried of losing the expense? I mean, I can see that, but otherwise why defend a broken set? If the worry is that class balance will be thrown out-of-whack.. well, it already is - and they should be balancing more than this anyways. If the worry was over losing too many players in rage, then Cryptic already lost on that front when they gutted Leadership AD and rolled out mod 6 the way they did; its odd timing to be worried about that now.. (and if they balance it well, then it wouldn't ruin the set anyways, actually could add more variety to the game)
Do you have the LM set and are worried of losing the expense? I mean, I can see that, but otherwise why defend a broken set?
I have two complete sets. I have a Horn I expected to resell during the last 2xRP but it didn't climb high enough to cover my costs, so I'm likely looking at binding a third full set. It will very likely still be BiS on the characters I have it on, and the same with any where I would equip that last Horn.
Even with all the issues with the poll it's a pretty big stretch to imagine that a proper poll would have significantly different results. Everyone knows why the poll is skewed the way it is because the vast majority of the people that have the set don't want to lose their investment in it.
But that way of thinking about is really misleading: They're not talking about deleting the set from the game and taking it from people. The idea is more likely to make it perform more in line with the other sets.
There are several ways changes can work out: (1) they change the set to be better than it is now (highly unlikely); (2) they change the set to be significantly worse than it is now, but still BiS for many/most characters using it; (3) they change the set to be so bad that it is no longer BiS for anyone.
Only #3 really counts as a "lost investment" in any sense. You can really only argue that it's about losing an "investement" if the fix hits so hard that players are forced to change. And nerfing it that far is pretty far-fetched; comparing the set's other properties, most GFs/GWFs/TRs/HRs would definitely prefer the Lostmauth set ability modifiers over, say, the Valindra set or the Tiamat set. The stats are also likely to be good for most DPS-heavy builds.
Even if the set bonus was removed, people would still have those benefits, so their DPS wouldn't really drop below that of a Valindra or Tiamat or Seldarine set user. I'm not sure how significant the Black Ice or Imperial set bonuses are by comparison, but if the Lostmauth set bonus was fixed to be roughly as effective as those sets are, there's no reason why people should switch sets, because there aren't really any better options.
The main classes that use the set and should be worried about "losing" their "investment" like this would be CWs and SWs, because ability bonuses don't fit those classes at all, and they are consequently more likely to see other options as relatively more beneficial.
Thus, in the absence of better alternatives, most players really aren't going to "lose" any investment, making this a mostly vacuous argument.
For that matter, the "lost investment" argument you're applying is in direct contradiction with another argument a lot of people are trying to make: Buffing the other sets. Sufficiently boosting the other sets to be competitive with the Lostmauth set would logically be the same thing as nerfing it down to their level in terms of losing "investment" for many players; if that set was no longer BiS for them due to such a change, buffing the other sets is just another way of "losing" an investment.
It doesn't really matter because that's how people are going to look at it. Cryptic will swing their nerfhammer and it'll hit hard. Then they'll take a few mods to clean up the mess in the aftermath. Someone will get screwed for a while and no one wants to be that class.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing a change but I have absolutely no faith that Cryptic would handle this in a timely manner. Maybe you've got a year to wait for the dust to settle but at that point a lot of people will have quit the game and it's not as if people aren't already quitting pretty regularly.
Also, SW mostly uses it to get soul sparks so +2% damage and +2% crit really isn't going to change their mind. Similarly even at that point CWs would still stick with the elol set because the overall stats are better than the Valindra set and the bonus even if it was performing per the tooltip would be better than the Valindra set. Fabricant already showed what it would do to class balance a few pages back anyways.
Considering that much of the feedback is in regards to higher-end content w/ geared players, and that's where the majority of the set's crazy scaling comes into force, yea I think players here realize that. There are many other inane mechanics in this game w/ the rampant power creep around, sure, but that doesn't mean we should be turning a blind eye to certain areas, and its off the topic besides.
Do you have the LM set and are worried of losing the expense? I mean, I can see that, but otherwise why defend a broken set? If the worry is that class balance will be thrown out-of-whack.. well, it already is - and they should be balancing more than this anyways. If the worry was over losing too many players in rage, then Cryptic already lost on that front when they gutted Leadership AD and rolled out mod 6 the way they did; its odd timing to be worried about that now.. (and if they balance it well, then it wouldn't ruin the set anyways, actually could add more variety to the game)
not worried at all. been there at the times cw and assassins reign everything from damage bugs and exploits. never did I complain that my gwf lacks power or toughness. I played and have fun with it even if it was the squishiest toon in pvp back then. never complained, just played along.maybe you are the one who is worried?
Some people that don't want it nerfed are the same who always complain about game difficulty. They search for any possible glitch and after they found it they invest on it.
They also ged banned in a timely fashion but get restored to previous state everytime. Complaining after persisting on glitches I call it illness of mind. It's better that this game get tailored to mass needs instead of this loud minority (that's the shortcoming of the forum, 80% of the playerbase gets penalized by glitchers persistence and mafious/corruption approach).
Lostmauth is broken, period. It provides class unbalance, and make people too strong and that is not WoI as specified by developers. So need to close the hole, even if 'cows are already excaped'. And I have invested on it too but I'm honest type of person that just admits it's broken.
Do you have the LM set and are worried of losing the expense? I mean, I can see that, but otherwise why defend a broken set?
I have two complete sets. I have a Horn I expected to resell during the last 2xRP but it didn't climb high enough to cover my costs, so I'm likely looking at binding a third full set. It will very likely still be BiS on the characters I have it on, and the same with any where I would equip that last Horn.
BiS doesn't have to be overpowered-broken.
Yeah, well it would be quite drastic to have an adjustment where LM set is no longer BiS for any dps. Ofc, ya can't rule that out w/ Cryptic, but letting pessimism get in the way isn't really constructive either. One hopeful thing I can say is that as far as dps balance for the classes: Cryptic did implement a (mostly?) universal adjustment point there w/ base weapon dmg as a stat. It was pointed out before, but it is a good starting point to help better normalize inter-class disparities as far as dps, as its prob quicker than most other ways of trying balance out whole classes. If ya want a band-aid fix until deeper balance changes come, that could be it.
@deusazza: yeah I'm worried- primarily about the game's level of power creep becoming too detrimental in the long run. The larger the power curve one allows, the harder it is to sate most player's wishes for content- given limited resources and time ofc. But that's going a bit off-topic, so that's all I'll say here.
Do you have the LM set and are worried of losing the expense? I mean, I can see that, but otherwise why defend a broken set?
I have two complete sets. I have a Horn I expected to resell during the last 2xRP but it didn't climb high enough to cover my costs, so I'm likely looking at binding a third full set. It will very likely still be BiS on the characters I have it on, and the same with any where I would equip that last Horn.
BiS doesn't have to be overpowered-broken.
Yeah, well it would be quite drastic to have an adjustment where LM set is no longer BiS for any dps. Ofc, ya can't rule that out w/ Cryptic, but letting pessimism get in the way isn't really constructive either. One hopeful thing I can say is that as far as dps balance for the classes: Cryptic did implement a (mostly?) universal adjustment point there w/ base weapon dmg as a stat. It was pointed out before, but it is a good starting point to help better normalize inter-class disparities as far as dps, as its prob quicker than most other ways of trying balance out whole classes. If ya want a band-aid fix until deeper balance changes come, that could be it.
@deusazza: yeah I'm worried- primarily about the game's level of power creep becoming too detrimental in the long run. The larger the power curve one allows, the harder it is to sate most player's wishes for content- given limited resources and time ofc. But that's going a bit off-topic, so that's all I'll say here.
point taken.
here is my point: the "role playing" part of this game is neglected. nobody wants to play the "controller" or the "trapper". everybody wants to be the "damager". if something is broken it's the players' expectations.
to an extent, sure. But that could also be because of mob CC resistance being arguably too strong on the high-end; being a controller in a group now kinda sucks and doesn't feel as potent as it prob should. Challenging content (in more ways than dps races or tank n' spanks) could help fix that too- but again, overt amounts of power creep makes it harder to meet those sort of expectations for even a slice of the player population.
Granted, most players gravitating to pure dmg roles isn't anything new in terms of online role-based gaming either.
No deusazza, those are hard facts: Endless Consumption - 3x is a too big buff to self-healing classes should be capped to 2x Perma-bubble - It removes any challenge from the content, it disrupt both PVE and PVP, should be changed its mechanic and it's a very easy fix if they want to Lostmauth - Proccing on crits is penalizing for low-crit classes. If you want a set specific for crits, like Seldarine is specific for high HP characters (or LS boosted ones), you should make it unworthy to low-crit chatacters and provide a decent (just) buff to crits characters. Actual state can't be with fair play in mind. My actual CW gets from 9% (PVP) to 18% (PVE) DPS bonus. That's still tolerable. 30% it's not, can't be. Actually 18% too seems to high.
Every unbalance is wrong, Shocking Execution should be good if not abused. Instead there are some people gaining AP in no time that abuse it. Everything should get a fix. Eventually Lostmauth can be tweaked by providing some DoT on CW and GWFs too, lowering burst hits. As it is with HRs and SWs. Or making it not trigger on specific powers, etc. There are multiple solutions.
well, I'm not against your bulleted points. I was talking about the LM set. for those that exploit it do it just for the sake of having the broken/magical damage. but for those that have it day1, what do they even think about on what you have posted about them "exploiting" it?
This poll is about LM set...i dont like the way you try to argue, arcofortep12. Looks like you try to push the LM set user in a corner with exploit/glitch users...doesnt sound fair to me.
I agree with all that you wrote. But i dont agree with your last sentence. Let as talk about facts, not about things like hitler/russia/north corea etc. etc... Sounds like "You voted NO for LM set adjustment cuzz your ignorant. You know what happened with hitler cuzz the voters where ignorant too?" Sure we ALL want balance in this game. And sure no one likes botters/exploiters/bugusers. But this poll is about LM set. Nothing else. I dont judge anyone no matter how he votes.
P.S.: And thank god we didnt live in the time and at the place when this austrian mf was living.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
So a few things: 1) I have never been banned for exploiting, there was that ban wave that was sent out who hit a lot of innocent people (myself included) which was trying to hit people who were abusing the starlight parcels. It confused people who had multiple alts and who opened them on multiple alts (I opened on 33 alts) with people who actually did exploit. 2) What is an exploit? An exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers. It is classed as cheating. 3) What is a bug? A bug is an error or flaw in a computer program that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result.
Whats the difference between 2 and 3? 3 is objective, it involves no action from a person where as 2 is related to behavior. Is the lostmauth set an exploit? no. Is it a bug? Well, you will have to ask the developers that question, but you would probably find that people will agree it is not a bug either. However, it probably is not working as intended.
If you are going to use the term bug and exploit, at least use them correctly.
I'm a Lostmauth customer too blinxon. And I don't put myself at their side. In fact they are all ignored in my game, I would have liked an ignore list here too. A great freedom tool I would expect in an american forum.
I just wanted it balanced out, for my toons too. Let's remove corruption and exploits from the game, that is what I'm for. For a better player experience (360°). Balance, I didn't made any names. Exploiters already know who they are and I'm not a justicialist, nor without any sin.
And I do not automatically pretend any voter for the No being a 'bad man', some people just fail to understand the implication of a positionvand maybe later change their mind, so...
Not all those voting Hitler were bad people, just ignorant in that particular moment and I've been ignorant on many occasions too. Peace.
yeah, like that one guy who with clear intention and full awarness exploited instigator build... w8... nevermind...
I guess its time to rabble on about terminology. LM set may be 'broken' (I'll just say its 'unbalanced' for now), but there's a difference between something being unbalanced and something being an exploit. Most exploits happen to be unbalanced by nature, but not all unbalanced things are exploits- and labeling heavy use of unbalanced things as 'abuse' is a bit too dicey for my tastes. Plus, in the context of the game, something isn't really an exploit unless the devs acknowledge it as such, else its just a really subjective label to toss around.
Are their exploiters among the players using LM set? Probably- there's nearly always bad eggs, but most likely aren't, nor do most people who obsess over min-maxing have some sort of malicious agenda underneath. Usually that kind of quirk its just a bit weird, but overall benign.
I guess its time to rabble on about terminology. LM set may be 'broken' (I'll just say its 'unbalanced' for now), but there's a difference between something being unbalanced and something being an exploit. Most exploits happen to be unbalanced by nature, but not all unbalanced things are exploits- and labeling heavy use of unbalanced things as 'abuse' is a bit too dicey for my tastes. Plus, in the context of the game, something isn't really an exploit unless the devs acknowledge it as such, else its just a really subjective label to toss around.
Are their exploiters among the players using LM set? Probably- there's nearly always bad eggs, but most likely aren't, nor do most people who obsess over min-maxing have some sort of malicious agenda underneath. Usually that kind of quirk its just a bit weird, but overall benign.
I am NOT weird for liking to min/max...(ok, maybe a little ) Agreed with this post though, I think I explained it nicely above.
As already mentioned this poll doesn't add any value to the discussion if the LM set should get looked at (As stated here:
This poll doesn't provide any information about why there is a discussion about the LM set in the first place.
This poll doesn't provide any information about how a fix may could look like.
This poll even changed it's voting title during the votes.
This poll only provides a simple "yes or no".
This poll doesn't have a deadline.
This poll doesn't even reach a quarter of the playerbase.
This poll is not created by Cryptic/PWE.
So - what is the actual reason behind this poll? Collecting data like:
--> How many users can you reach with a simple forum poll?
--> How many potential uservotes can you get?
--> Why would a user vote "yes"
--> Why would a user vote "no"
--> How's the balance between PvP focused arguments and PvE focused arguments?
--> Would users blame other users for their vote in other threads? (i.e. "I don't talk to you anymore because you voted "no".)
--> What kind of discussions will you get? (i.e. blame the players, blame the devs, blame the game, blame the thread)
And yes. This poll is for my personal use - I might have abused the subject tho. Sorry 'bout that.
Anyhow - thank you for voting!
We are always looking for new models --- Borderline Fashiondolls ---
- Nerf the set wouldn't change the dps ranking in dungeons (commonly, we'll have GWF > TR > CW > HR and SW, we don't care. Who plays this ?
- Nerf the set will lower the average dps and should bring more difficulties (SOOOOO MUCH asked ) in dungeons for average parties. (I mean : don't complain if you are a 4.2k ilvl GWF. You always should solo dungeons
- The set would stay excellent for dps classes just for the stats. (Except for CW, i agree. I'd immediately change my belt for a Valindra or a Intel belt.)
- Nerf the set could prevent TR to kill you with just at-wills while stealted and HR to do so much damages with much more control than any other class in PvP. (The first dps source is the Lostmauth set since their encounters powers don't do lots of damages. If they want to chain control, they have enough damages with those thorns. Those horrible thorns...)
- The set is a Bis and i can't stand there is a no brainer set in the game. Even if the stats are not made for you (CW, SW please), you are obligated to wear Lostmauth since this is the most dps source of your character (or at least, a huge one). I want to use others sets, please ! You said the bonus wouldn't be a must-to-have. Well done !
- The average diminution of the dps would allow pvp beginners to take less damages and should give a better experience than now.
- The set just forced every dps of the game to follow one idea : crit is the best way to be a dps machine. Even the new Owlbear pet with an interesting bonus isn't good enough to change this. Why not allow lots of builds ? As a crit commonly does twice (depends of your crit severity but don't be a di*k, you know what i mean ;P) the damage of a power, it's already the easiest way to dps. But if anyone found out that, for a class (HR that spams their encounters, for example), the new pet would be better, why ban this idea ?
Personnally, (if you didn't understand yet) i play CW and only this (at high level, i mean). I am one of the classes (maybe even THE class) that could lose the most dps because of the nerf but i'm ready for this if it could change the game and make everything more balanced.
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
Do you have the LM set and are worried of losing the expense? I mean, I can see that, but otherwise why defend a broken set? If the worry is that class balance will be thrown out-of-whack.. well, it already is - and they should be balancing more than this anyways. If the worry was over losing too many players in rage, then Cryptic already lost on that front when they gutted Leadership AD and rolled out mod 6 the way they did; its odd timing to be worried about that now.. (and if they balance it well, then it wouldn't ruin the set anyways, actually could add more variety to the game)
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
BiS doesn't have to be overpowered-broken.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing a change but I have absolutely no faith that Cryptic would handle this in a timely manner. Maybe you've got a year to wait for the dust to settle but at that point a lot of people will have quit the game and it's not as if people aren't already quitting pretty regularly.
Also, SW mostly uses it to get soul sparks so +2% damage and +2% crit really isn't going to change their mind. Similarly even at that point CWs would still stick with the elol set because the overall stats are better than the Valindra set and the bonus even if it was performing per the tooltip would be better than the Valindra set. Fabricant already showed what it would do to class balance a few pages back anyways.
@deusazza: yeah I'm worried- primarily about the game's level of power creep becoming too detrimental in the long run. The larger the power curve one allows, the harder it is to sate most player's wishes for content- given limited resources and time ofc. But that's going a bit off-topic, so that's all I'll say here.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
here is my point: the "role playing" part of this game is neglected. nobody wants to play the "controller" or the "trapper". everybody wants to be the "damager". if something is broken it's the players' expectations.
Granted, most players gravitating to pure dmg roles isn't anything new in terms of online role-based gaming either.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Sounds like "You voted NO for LM set adjustment cuzz your ignorant. You know what happened with hitler cuzz the voters where ignorant too?"
Sure we ALL want balance in this game. And sure no one likes botters/exploiters/bugusers. But this poll is about LM set. Nothing else. I dont judge anyone no matter how he votes.
P.S.: And thank god we didnt live in the time and at the place when this austrian mf was living.
1) I have never been banned for exploiting, there was that ban wave that was sent out who hit a lot of innocent people (myself included) which was trying to hit people who were abusing the starlight parcels. It confused people who had multiple alts and who opened them on multiple alts (I opened on 33 alts) with people who actually did exploit.
2) What is an exploit? An exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers. It is classed as cheating.
3) What is a bug? A bug is an error or flaw in a computer program that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result.
Whats the difference between 2 and 3? 3 is objective, it involves no action from a person where as 2 is related to behavior. Is the lostmauth set an exploit? no. Is it a bug? Well, you will have to ask the developers that question, but you would probably find that people will agree it is not a bug either. However, it probably is not working as intended.
If you are going to use the term bug and exploit, at least use them correctly.
yeah, like that one guy who with clear intention and full awarness exploited instigator build... w8... nevermind...
Feels like dealing with lunatic.
Are their exploiters among the players using LM set? Probably- there's nearly always bad eggs, but most likely aren't, nor do most people who obsess over min-maxing have some sort of malicious agenda underneath. Usually that kind of quirk its just a bit weird, but overall benign.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!