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Astral Diamond Changes



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    jtfabjtfab Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    "AD is meant to be a currency rewarded by playing the game; Astral Diamonds are a representation of time. Zen is, well, money. At Cryptic, we feel it’s very important that players with time (but not money) can ultimately experience our games the same way as someone with money (but not time). This is why the Zen/AD Exchange exists: trade your time for money and vice versa. In order for us to maintain balance in this exchange, we need to make sure the general population can earn time currency (AD) in a predictable manner. Our goal: if you play Neverwinter, you earn AD. Before the upcoming changes, this wasn’t reliably the case, sometimes brokenly so. In order to correct this, we’re implementing the following adjustments."

    I couldn't possibly disagree with this statement more. I have invested my money & my time in this game. I have played by the rules knowing that there was going to be a return on my investment. Now with one simple programming switch, all of that is out the window. All of the time and money invested in Leadership to get to the point where multiple characters were profitable and then buying the Assets to maximize those profits is all a waste. There is also no hope of even recouping any of those costs because those assets are now worthless. Buying a Hero, Adventurer or Man-at-Arms to gain more experience for a Level 70 character is moronic and an insult to those of us that have paid good money/AD for those.

    I have absolutely NO interest in PVP. I don't want to join the daily skirmishes. I don't wish to depend on anyone else or a group of people to get by or make money in the game. I play by myself or with my best friend. That is the way I wish to play and you have taken that opportunity and option away from me with these changes.

    Instead of finding a way to crack down on the bots you have punished and potentially eliminated a good portion of your paying clients. I hope it is worth it for you. You have ruined the game for a good customer.
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    dandare#8529 dandare Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    jtfab said:

    I couldn't possibly disagree with this statement more. I have invested my money & my time in this game. I have played by the rules knowing that there was going to be a return on my investment. Now with one simple programming switch, all of that is out the window. All of the time and money invested in Leadership to get to the point where multiple characters were profitable and then buying the Assets to maximize those profits is all a waste. There is also no hope of even recouping any of those costs because those assets are now worthless. Buying a Hero, Adventurer or Man-at-Arms to gain more experience for a Level 70 character is moronic and an insult to those of us that have paid good money/AD for those.

    I have absolutely NO interest in PVP. I don't want to join the daily skirmishes. I don't wish to depend on anyone else or a group of people to get by or make money in the game. I play by myself or with my best friend. That is the way I wish to play and you have taken that opportunity and option away from me with these changes.


    Basically we got proven that no matter how much loyal we'll be to the game and how much time we would invest into it: that time will mean nothing. The loss is massive and if the case was "time=money" then like in case of binding everything earlier and killing workshop guilds = once again it is exact opposite.

    It is sad since the people I see quitting now are mainly players which were active, constructive, helpful, experienced and joined game early: since Open beta, 1st or 2nd module.

    At time of this post 16 such people I knew already quit game officially. This includes 4 of which I count as close friends and I won't deny all of them inquire me to leave as well due to as they would call it "vivid P2W policy".

    I don't wanna leave. I've played since day 1 of open beta and almost each day I did least log in. But last 6-7 months majority of changes seemed to me worrisome and now I see that mathematically I'll need to pay or not be competitive in future play at all. Also I won't have any good arguments to 'gather new players' for the game like I did before.

    Basically: I feel lonely and scammed T_T

    (Sorry Cryptic team, your game is awesome and I hope wholeheartedly you're awesome people individually but truth is truth)
    "You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc
    "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
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    nyterazor#4638 nyterazor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I'm just holding on to my AD by watching the Zen market and Auction House prices for artifacts drop until it finally stabilizes. Hopefully it will not take more than a year then I'll start spending my AD.

    Hopefully Cryptic doesn't go to the next step by starting "use of lose AD" where you have X amount of days to use X amount of AD saved if you have over X amount of AD otherwise you lose those AD. Example: you have 5,000,000 AD but you can only keep 2,000,000 and have 30 days to spend the excess AD otherwise you lose them.
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    huldushuldus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    Excuse me, I just played my first dungeon and before I had 111.519 rAD. Now I have 114.092 rAD. 114.092 - 111.519 =2.573. Does not each of the first two dungeons give 3.000 rAD? Am I doing something wrong???
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    bgraubgrau Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    Sad to say it. But I too think this game will die now.

    I have 13 level 70 and 1 level 9 spread out on 4 accounts. All (but the level 9 and 2 level 70) have rank 25 in leadership. So I could make at least 12.500 x 10 each day. I have so many chars because I helped a lot of friends to level new toons.

    And I have spent SO much time and AD to get leadership to 25. Buying Man-At-Arms x9 for each char, so I could make 2x 12hour tasks with each char each day.

    Then they changed leadership, so the good tasks took 16-24 hours. Oh well. Only needed to craft with each char 1 time a day instead of 2. Not that big of a problem.

    But now they remove AD from leadership, making it impossible for me to make decent AD. And the AD you can make from dungeons, skirmish and pvp are a joke. I can i NO WAY make 125000 each day now. And I still like to play at least 4 of my toons, and it already cost WAY TO MUCH AD to keep up with upgrading artifact weapons and equipment. You need SO MANY greater mark of power, making it absolutely impossible now to try and upgrade HAMSTER. Was already very hard before they removed AD from leadership.

    So unless they make AD in leadership again, I'm sure a LOT will leave the game.

    Cryptic's greed have now reached unimagninable hights.

    They are PUNISHING the actually active players with the excuse of some bots. Why in the hell dont they use just a little time finding those bots. It's not that hard. NO real players put 100x rank 4 stones for sale. It's SO easy to see on AH wich sales are from bots. But NOOOOOO, lets HAMSTER up all players instead.

    The worst thing is that this might hurt some botters, but one thing is for sure. They will just find another way and keep botting and selling for AD. Things already got a lot cheaper. 99x rank 4 costs 999AD now. Problem is that not many players will be able to afford them now, since they cant make any decent AD anymore.

    So... Now a lot of ppl, like myself will probably buy AD from gold sellers in the future as you get more than 2x the value from buying from Cryptic.

    I have bought AD for all my accounts from Cryptic. Well until now. Next time WILL be from a gold seller. Unless they change leadership to contain AD again. I cannot and will not support such insane greed.

    Now. Cryptic is more than Welcome to ban/delete my accounts for writing this. But I will do everyting from now on to promote gold sellers and help ppl find the good ones, unless they change leadership back.

    The moreale of this is. Cryptic... Dont HAMSTER with your players/payers. It is US who pays your sallery. It's not Cryptic.
    So keep making it impossible to make advancements with toons and you will see ppl fleeing the game = no more payment for you.

    I have played Neverwinter since beta, and I have watched how Cryptics green have grown and grown and grown.

    It's time they stop beeing so greedy. So players can still have fun, and players that have fun will more likely support the game by buying Zen. And if ppl frist start leaving the game in massive quantities, that will be the end of it.
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    bgrau said:

    The worst thing is that this might hurt some botters, but one thing is for sure. They will just find another way and keep botting and selling for AD. Things already got a lot cheaper. 99x rank 4 costs 999AD now. Problem is that not many players will be able to afford them now, since they cant make any decent AD anymore.

    So... Now a lot of ppl, like myself will probably buy AD from gold sellers in the future as you get more than 2x the value from buying from Cryptic.

    I have bought AD for all my accounts from Cryptic. Well until now. Next time WILL be from a gold seller. Unless they change leadership to contain AD again. I cannot and will not support such insane greed.

    Now. Cryptic is more than Welcome to ban/delete my accounts for writing this. But I will do everyting from now on to promote gold sellers and help ppl find the good ones, unless they change leadership back.

    Great so now you're just going to actively try to make the problems the game has worse. Cryptic has literally no incentive to add leadership back. If bots become every more of a problem they'll probably do another hack job patch like this one until they randomly find a solution that works. Things are so ****'d right now that the best thing to do is find another game to play until Cryptic decides they want to try to fix things. More than anything else not playing the game gives Cryptic and incentive to try to fix things.
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    bgraubgrau Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User

    I'm just holding on to my AD by watching the Zen market and Auction House prices for artifacts drop until it finally stabilizes. Hopefully it will not take more than a year then I'll start spending my AD.

    Hopefully Cryptic doesn't go to the next step by starting "use of lose AD" where you have X amount of days to use X amount of AD saved if you have over X amount of AD otherwise you lose those AD. Example: you have 5,000,000 AD but you can only keep 2,000,000 and have 30 days to spend the excess AD otherwise you lose them.

    chilibean20000 >> I hope they do that. Let them commit suicide!!!
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    gromm1gromm1 Member Posts: 47 Arc User

    I'm just holding on to my AD by watching the Zen market and Auction House prices for artifacts drop until it finally stabilizes. Hopefully it will not take more than a year then I'll start spending my AD.

    Hopefully Cryptic doesn't go to the next step by starting "use of lose AD" where you have X amount of days to use X amount of AD saved if you have over X amount of AD otherwise you lose those AD. Example: you have 5,000,000 AD but you can only keep 2,000,000 and have 30 days to spend the excess AD otherwise you lose them.

    Maybe next "Fight against bot" are limit AD per account/character to 100K, OFC, you lose some then, ;)

    BTW, no need spend and will not spend AD... if next module needs AD to gain access to its region.... hmmm, then "Underdark" is losth...

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    hypnoticbeasthypnoticbeast Member Posts: 108 Arc User

    I'm just holding on to my AD by watching the Zen market and Auction House prices for artifacts drop until it finally stabilizes. Hopefully it will not take more than a year then I'll start spending my AD.

    Hopefully Cryptic doesn't go to the next step by starting "use of lose AD" where you have X amount of days to use X amount of AD saved if you have over X amount of AD otherwise you lose those AD. Example: you have 5,000,000 AD but you can only keep 2,000,000 and have 30 days to spend the excess AD otherwise you lose them.

    There not going to go that far. Like I have said before something is up over there most likely someone cleaning out there desk. So Chill and watch.
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    lbxcanon6369lbxcanon6369 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    This change has finally driven me away.

    I should actually thank you for this. I will no longer worry about wasting 30 minutes once a day just to do something that can be accomplished with a check box labeled: "Repeat this task while this is checked".
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    brandrikbrandrik Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User
    Congratulations you have now officially made professions completely useless. For the casual solo player this game is now a waste of time. I'm sorry I paid for the advanced VIP since I now have absolutely no desire to play the game with the little bit of free time I have available. These unilateral decisions without ANY real input from your gaming community will lead to your downfall. I worked 9 toons with max leadership BUT I played them all from time to time for the fun and variation and now without a way to generate AD it will be impossible to really advance them so I guess you will see a lot of people leave and even fewer paying for extra character slots, since unless you have a boat load of time you will NEVER be able to really advance their equipment. You seem to enjoy fixing things with sledgehammers. Spent a LOT of real world money to have something I can casually play a few hours a week. Seems I should look into other games now. Maybe in a year or so IF the game is still around I'll check back to see what state it is in.
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    aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,366 Arc User
    I predict AD botting will be at an all time high for neverwinter, the economy crashing almost as fast as the game population.

    We need to HEAR FROM the POWERS THAT BE... Not the Mods. Not the Community Manager. Not the Devs. The problem is the people who make the decisions never DEFEND THEM or SELL THEM on the forums. So the people we talk to CAN NOT DO A THING. All they can do is pass the scribbly note to those above them.

    There MUST BE a Part 2 and 3. The AD/Leadership change cannot be the full plan

    WE GUILD LEADERS NEED THE ENTIRE PLAN so we can communicate this to our guildies! We can not convince someone to stay if they see no future. And that is what is happening right now.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
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    phrendonphrendon Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Ill be using my first character I ever created, my HR, the one level 25 High General I have, to collect resonant bags. I had one SW that I did not play anymore that almost made it to 20. I will be deleting her to simplify my game playing. My TR is my main, and he didn't even start the leadership profession. I have a GF that is into Mailsmithing. I can see why the devs did this. However, I feel they waited WAY TOO LONG to see this as a problem. A change like this, this far into the game, hurts long time players who didn't abuse the system. As a way of helping long term players like myself, I am asking they they reduce the price of the GMOP from 100K to 50K. YEs I know currently they are selling in the AH for less that 50K, but I do not need to buy 4-10 at a time. I do not have the AD to tie up into 4 GMOP's when I only need 1 at a time. If I can buy them reliably for 50K I would be pleased.
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    drwarpeffectdrwarpeffect Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 71 Arc User
    So my Leadership assets that I worked hard to get are now practically useless? I have been thinking about leaving for quite some time, but this will probably make it happen. I prefer to solo although I jump in and do dragon runs with others. I would not mind playing the game to get RAD, but I want to be able to do it mainly solo. I have done some PvP and Foundry but the implementations do not make me willing to spend time that way that I can spend in other games with better implementations. I am particularly concerned with how many mistakes have been made with this game that should have been easily foreseen, like raising the level cap to 70 and simply changing the level 60 content to be the level 70 content. Panicking when people bot leadership on the gateway? Really? Either don't have it on the gateway to start with, or figure out some other way to stop it BEFORE implementation. Yes, some problems are not easily foreseeable, but Neverwinter proceeds as if was one of the first MMOs instead of one of the last. To paraphrase Churchill, "Never has so little been accomplished by so many in the course of human endeavor (in gaming)."
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    oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    huldus said:

    Excuse me, I just played my first dungeon and before I had 111.519 rAD. Now I have 114.092 rAD. 114.092 - 111.519 =2.573. Does not each of the first two dungeons give 3.000 rAD? Am I doing something wrong???

    This is a big big issue for me too. Sometimes you only get 1k. It's very very low. There's a thread about the bug in bugs category. People are suggesting that it drops like the seals, or you need to claim it from rhix, but none if those work. I just did 2 dungeon runs per character in my account, took me 3 hours, and only got average of 1.7k per run. It's really bugged.

    Bumping of threads is prohibited on these forums.
    Post edited by kreatyve on
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    phrendon said:

    Ill be using my first character I ever created, my HR, the one level 25 High General I have, to collect resonant bags. I had one SW that I did not play anymore that almost made it to 20. I will be deleting her to simplify my game playing. My TR is my main, and he didn't even start the leadership profession. I have a GF that is into Mailsmithing. I can see why the devs did this. However, I feel they waited WAY TOO LONG to see this as a problem. A change like this, this far into the game, hurts long time players who didn't abuse the system. As a way of helping long term players like myself, I am asking they they reduce the price of the GMOP from 100K to 50K. YEs I know currently they are selling in the AH for less that 50K, but I do not need to buy 4-10 at a time. I do not have the AD to tie up into 4 GMOP's when I only need 1 at a time. If I can buy them reliably for 50K I would be pleased.

    They're in the AH selling for 85k :|

    Either way I think a lot of the problem is that people don't understand how many GMoPs they need. There are so many people that think this change was good but they're like 1.8k GS : |

    At some point they'll be looking at 5 GMoPs to upgrade an enchant or artifact and a buttload of RP and greater marks of union/stability/power on top of that. Unless cryptic actually fixes AD sinks you'll all wish that this change had never happened. Even with the prior state of the economy it was possible to farm drops to sell in order to progress your character. That's just becoming less and less realistic at this point.
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    hdoohdoo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    We were said : "you’ll receive significant bonus AD"
    My two cents :

    Playing PvP
    Old: If you picked up the daily quest, you got 4,000 AD x 2 for four matches (i.e. 8,000 AD + seal of triumph)
    New: Up to a maximum 4,800 AD per day from PvP and no seal of triumph.

    Almost half AD less in PVP. PVP isn't interesting anymore, no ? :/
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    lilrastalilrasta Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    Hi Andy / scott or who ever read this if u read comments at all ...

    as u prolly know u didnt fight the bots u didnt stable the economy u didnt rly do a thing but ruined the game for many who rly a D&D fans with your greedy approuch.

    the new 200k AD worth item is like old 700k AD the time u get it remains the same ...

    u took away all possibility of rly enjoying the game , making AD is not all but its part of advancing since all gear is bound...we all look the same but diff enchants , no uniqe style unless u change apperance and yet cost 50k AD ...

    our guild were 500 members which we had to turn out many to make it 150 and from that last patch we left with maybe
    40 members that actually play

    so talk about community ? well i dont know which feedback u reading must be your own posts to make things balance
    and away from the truth

    just spell it simple , u had great 2 years and u r simply done doin anything , jeez even the dbl invoke last almost a month now ...

    u hiding behind "fighting the bots" and ppl rly buy it ? doubt it ...

    anyhow u let us all down with your last actions ...

    u not gonna read it anyway so i just put it here ...


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    raphlwesraphlwes Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    This change is much worse than I originally thought, Solo players are completely screwed unless they spend real money now. I've been playing since Beta. I had just gotten 5 of my characters to 25 leadership and was finally going to make some AD to slowly equip all of them, but now there is no way for a Solo player to make AD at all.

    Don't get me wrong, I had spent some money in this game for Zen market mounts and things, but now... I logged in yesterday to run some dailies with characters, but after seeing how screwed up leadership is and no way to upgrade anything without spending real money, I just exited the game. It has lost any fun for me :(
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    raphlwesraphlwes Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    This change is much worse than I originally thought, Solo players are completely screwed unless they spend real money now. I've been playing since Beta. I had just gotten 5 of my characters to 25 leadership and was finally going to make some AD to slowly equip all of them, but now there is no way for a Solo player to make AD at all.

    Don't get me wrong, I had spent some money in this game for Zen market mounts and things, but now... I logged in yesterday to run some dailies with characters, but after seeing how screwed up leadership is and no way to upgrade anything without spending real money, I just exited the game. It has lost any fun for me :(
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    dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 321 Arc User
    mbreaze said:

    I have absolutely NO interest in PVP. I don't want to join the daily skirmishes. I don't wish to depend on anyone else or a group of people to get by or make money in the game. I play by myself or with my best friend. That is the way I wish to play and you have taken that opportunity and option away from me with these changes.

    this. Well spoken!
    Also, Dungeons take a lot of time. I usually cannot dedicate hours in succession to do them. I did 2 normals today. with 3 people apparently. I had not done any dungeons or skirmishes for the past couple of months. Not even the last 2 or 3 Call to Arms events.
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    dandare#8529 dandare Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 337 Arc User
    raphlwes said:

    This change is much worse than I originally thought, Solo players are completely screwed unless they spend real money now. I've been playing since Beta. I had just gotten 5 of my characters to 25 leadership and was finally going to make some AD to slowly equip all of them, but now there is no way for a Solo player to make AD at all.

    Don't get me wrong, I had spent some money in this game for Zen market mounts and things, but now... I logged in yesterday to run some dailies with characters, but after seeing how screwed up leadership is and no way to upgrade anything without spending real money, I just exited the game. It has lost any fun for me :(

    I can share the feel... reason why I switched into "Weekend only" option. But it's no fun especially since too many people quit and bots seem more active and more omnipresent than ever before (ever before, been here since open beta day 1)
    "You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc
    "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
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    dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 321 Arc User
    d21e4 said:

    raphlwes said:

    This change is much worse than I originally thought, Solo players are completely screwed unless they spend real money now. I've been playing since Beta. I had just gotten 5 of my characters to 25 leadership and was finally going to make some AD to slowly equip all of them, but now there is no way for a Solo player to make AD at all.

    Don't get me wrong, I had spent some money in this game for Zen market mounts and things, but now... I logged in yesterday to run some dailies with characters, but after seeing how screwed up leadership is and no way to upgrade anything without spending real money, I just exited the game. It has lost any fun for me :(

    I can share the feel... reason why I switched into "Weekend only" option. But it's no fun especially since too many people quit and bots seem more active and more omnipresent than ever before (ever before, been here since open beta day 1)
    I've played since closed beta :S.

    I haven't noticed the bots in game yet, but I have spent most of my time in Stronghold so yeah no bots there xD
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    regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,044 Arc User
    If you want to buy something from the ZEN shop, now would be the time to do so...

    While the AD price for ZEN might drop further, i wouldn't count on a steady supply of ZEN for long. People will stop buying ZEN for AD at some point, and even the ZEN allready in game will be gone too.

    The AD price for ZEN will go up again to it's limit, but i wouldn't count on the backlog still clearing with 1 million AD per day by then.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
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    finalhatriuosfinalhatriuos Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    no respect!
    spent money buy characters slot and still took me 2 years lvl up leadership
    i was doing pvp quest lv up toons etc while wait task got done.
    i did play the game and had fun
    leadership made this game unique.
    use BRAIN before make major changes like this

    now is not is just a repeat of doing same quest over and over again
    but a good point you get les ad for doing it

    and game now has only 2 dungeon that takes way to long complete
    but don't worry
    either u good bad party with low gear score or get kicked for be "wrong class"
    all fun is gone i'm already back ps3/ps4 more fun then this bs
    why would i keep play when i spent 2 years lv up something that now is gone
    good work the botters win take away all fun and they will just find another way
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    theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    If you want to buy something from the ZEN shop, now would be the time to do so...

    While the AD price for ZEN might drop further, i wouldn't count on a steady supply of ZEN for long. People will stop buying ZEN for AD at some point, and even the ZEN allready in game will be gone too.

    The AD price for ZEN will go up again to it's limit, but i wouldn't count on the backlog still clearing with 1 million AD per day by then.

    That makes no sense.

    If people are offering 500 AD for zen, then people who were willing to buy zen for cash and sell for AD before the price change should be willing to do so now, because the value of AD is greater, not lesser, than it was before.

    If anything, zen would clear the ZAX faster because fewer people are willing to spend 500 AD per zen.
This discussion has been closed.