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  • tantrumusmaximustantrumusmaximus Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited September 2015


    And this level of word twisting is why you guys don't get responses.

    I am saying that everything was done with the intention to balance it for legitmate players as the old system did everything to penalize legitimate players as they could NEVER hope to compete the AD generation of bots and players who had large leadership farms.

    The change is far from finalized but the one sure thing is that the old system was beyond broken.
    Thanks for the response. I'm not going to jump all over you for stepping up to actually be the single person to respond to the wolves (me included)... In your longer response the ONLY thing I'm going to comment on is that static things like GMOP/Companion Upgrades/Appearance Changes etc.... all remain at statically HIGH prices that don't adjust to supply and demand.

    Food for thought.

    The other thing is that there have been HUNDREDS of posts that have been suggestive in this thread. And the one that sticks out over and over that I see over and over....

    "Nobody likes repeat grind content as the only form of reward."

    It's not all attacks. There are common grounds and many suggestions for consideration in these 61 pages.

    Those are making changes with both sides in mind and not just blindly making a sweeping change like this that comes off insulting everyone's efforts etc. What's left is tasks that make no sense, higher level tasks with worse rewards than the levels below them. The 25th level task reward gives no benefit for hitting max level... why even bother?

    Anyhow thanks for responding.

  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    When is the last time they did something correctly or adjusted it correctly without hue and cry from the player-base?

    Not since mod 2 probably.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User

    [...]In real life this is a crime[...]

    Learn to English, bro... Or just read more carefully. You seem to have the attention span of a goldfish. Besides, are you trying to tell me, that printing money is not a criminal act? Are you out of your mind, lol? Also, what i said is a generalization, i didn't say that gamer xy committed a crime. If you cannot comprehend this, then don't talk about education, ok?

    Anyways, i'm out of here until Cryptic get their things together.

    Well, I think, that my grasp of the english language is better, than yours, even if I am not a native speaker 'bro'.

    Please elaborate, where someone in this game has been printing money. Just to show you, how stupid your example is, if PW would print money, they would commit a crime, bc they are not a state. Generating ingame currency is not printing money, but an incentive to keep players playing.

    For your education, to insult someone specific, you dont have to name a name, but to attack a specific group. This group can be specified by gender, race, age etc. or behaviour.

    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • kromrylkromryl Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    If I brought in a business plan like this one to my employer regarding our customer base on retention alone, I would be unceremoniously be shot...then fired.

  • eoleeeolee Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Again, removing AD from Leadership was a necessity, but removing all PVE events that could give AD bonus to players that play the content and dont click on gateway all day long wasn't. Even more after Mod 6 that made all loots BoP and now BoA, which is at least a progress.

    There was just a lot of people in PE asking "why Rhix got removed?''.... or saying "I wont longer play, there's only PvP events''. Why did you remove Rhix quests and why did you change the way AD got earned by playing content, i just dont get it. Someone explains to me please? Because i really dont see it as an advantage.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Such a stupid concept. A LIMIT on the amount of ADs you can get from doing a dungeon per day. Very few people want to grind boring skirmishes AND pvp also.

    Besides, WHY ARE PEOPLE BEING FORCED INTO PVP WHEN THEY HATE IT!? Let alone many only have PVE gear and only done PVE so why should they be pressured to do it just to reach the 24k limit..?

    THE RAD cap is there for a REASON! Leadership AD is gone, no more alt armies generating 12k for every char. There was zero reason to nerf AD rewards playing the game.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Well , im not opposed as I said like 100 times to AD removal form leadership, but to say it "had to go" is kind of disingenuous, for players, the system worked fine. The only people who didnt like it were people who demanded to buy zen overnight (as if it was a right or something) and the company , who saw money floating away (blah blah blah... )

    There is only so much you can squeeze.

    They refuse acceptance of simply facts and wonder why we dont just mail checks directly to their overlords.

  • glykenglyken Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    my quick opinions:
    Leadership in it's new form isn't useless by a long way. It needs a complete revamp of the tasks' xp/LSxp/durations, because some just don't make sense anymore. This should have been done before the AD change, though, and the fact that it wasn't shows that this change was a rushed demand from on-high.

    Re-introducing (some of) the missing dungeons would have helped mitigate the discontent, as people would want to play the "newish" content instead of the same old 3, and given more variety for the longer term during the grinding.

    Vendor AD costs need to be looked at. If a flat reduction isn't on the cards, maybe a chance (in addition to normal rewards) of character-bound discount vouchers in the celestial coin coffers? (Already rate-limited that way)
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    When they proposed it, like a thousand reasonable and logical solutions were suggested, it was clear this was a mandate.. how dare players not just give us money and be happy with whatever we slosh out to them in the end.
  • dandare#8529 dandare Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    When they proposed it, like a thousand reasonable and logical solutions were suggested, it was clear this was a mandate.. how dare players not just give us money and be happy with whatever we slosh out to them in the end.

    Well listening and considering proposed solutions is time consuming, demands a proper education in the topic and possibly even increasing staff numbers with more people with such education in proper degree and what even is more rare possibly: experience with least similar games built over the years.

    I imagine it would increase the cost of monthly wages in the team significantly.

    In short run an incompetent manager might consider "experimenting" with easy and not well though solutions and seeing 'what happens next' as far more cheaper solution since he would not need to pay anyone for additional work done.

    Sadly: if the player base is discontent enough with blunder made this might backfire. And if project gets it's knee-cap shoot so that it'll never truly recover-> loss is way more big than 'loosing' part of own income on increased wages.

    Well, that's short story from my point of 'why' we did not see better solution.
    "You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc
    "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
  • sylkrodesylkrode Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I've given up trygin to catch up with tis thread, so please pardon me if I cover things that have been touched upon since last night. But, I feel I may have been somewhat unclear in the area of what is being called "rewarding players for their time," so, I will clarify my position:

    There seems to me to be a profound disconnect between what the developers see as "rewarding players for their time" and what the actual players are experiencing as a grind. What the developers gave done is axe many routes to astral bliss in order to shake off bots and to focus this diamond dig into a specific aspect of play. This can be tricky, as doing so can only feel rewarding if these areas see reliably high traffic and reward with plenty. Although these areas are (or as it is now were) high traffic areas, they are no longer sufficiently rewarding. The first two or three rewards sound at least on par whith what was formerly available, but they aren't, even without the bug. Even without that fairly large bug, the rewards now in place are, at best, insulting. They have created in two hours the most horrific grind factory - so horrific that players like me are afraid to even think of it.

    Give back the dailies, give back the hourlies and and I think I can weather the storm. As for the leadership issue, I can see that it was a much-needed fix. It was a honeypot for the bots. Just fix the whole idea of "rewarding players for their time" and I think many of us who are dismayed at those changes will be happy to stay. Otherwise, it feels like offering the customer base a quarter for winning a marathon. That would have been great in the 30's, but it's 2015.

    Additionally, some people are essentially saying that this is nothing more than a poorly announced change, a bad PR move. I - and presumably many, many others, could not disagree more. There are very real problems with the implementation - problems which go well beyond the needed leadership changes. These people seem to be completely ignoring the other changes, as if all the devs have don is axe leadership AD. And that consistent omission in the defense of these changes is disappointing - to say the least.

    I do hope that they fix all of this soon. Sadly, I expect I can return in a week, with yet another 50 pages of discourse, and not a single thing done.

    Oh, well - c'est la vie. What are you going to do? Actually, what I should be asking is "what am I going to do?" Perhaps it is time for me to learn digital painting.
    If you want robofarming, go play farmville or something.


    Rage against the zeitgeist.

  • oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    Stop the crying.. it's a bit too delusional. You cheated your way around the 24k AD refine limit and ruined the game for those of us who are actually paying customers, artificially inflated the prices on everything, manipulated the auction house, etc, etc.

    Nobody cares if you leave. You are not paying anything, which means that you are not contributing anything of worth to the game. You are Neverwinter's cancer, which is now cured or at least put to a hold... 'But, but *sniff* my leadership army cost me 20 bucks.. *sniff-sniff*..' Well, your leadership army generated AD worth thousands of dollars out of thin air. In real life this is a crime and would get you sentenced to at least 5-15 years... (stealing is bad, bad, Mom and Dad should have taught you better.)

    So stop the tantrum swinging, pack your things and just leave. I am waiting for the day, for over two years already. Neverwinter is going to be a better game, without the many freeloaders. Take a look at the XB 1 version of NW. No leadership leeches there. No Bot farmers there. Nothing but a healthy economy... The way it should be on the PC version, aswell.

    So like i said, just leave. The game will recover, the real customers will start spending money again and you MMO-locusts/leeches can hop onto the next shiny game and ruin things over there. Everything's going to even out and everything's going to be ok.

    Just my honest and humble 75 1/2 cents.

    Tl, dr: You reap what you sow.

    I'm sorry but I really need to say something here.

    First of all the free players are the majority of the people that makes the game fun. We need them. What are we gonna do if they leave? Have a game of about 200 paying people doing the same thing everyday? I'll just wait for the next NWN release if that's the case. (Or how about you find a subscription game instead? That way you don't have to waste your time with free players.)

    Second, you can't call leadership stealing, since your are also just using your credit card to inject wealth into your character as well. Isn't that just another way of getting in game currency/wealth from thin air?

    I see leadership, the same way I would see someone sowing seeds in a farm, you just put in the effort at the start, you just make sure your crops are healthy, and keep an eye on everything, then you get food out of the ground. It's not stealing. I'm not exactly a leadership farmer, I do have 2 characters that have leadership, but i have only played this game for 4 months now, so my leadership levels are not that high. I have however spent $400 in this game in the past 4 months I blew most of it in keys because I have a gambling problem. But for me leadership is part of the game, all be it botable, but it was part of the game.

    Please respect all players. Just because you have the money to spend in the game doesn't mean you are all high and mighty and just tell our main player base to leave. I don't like to respond like this to anyone in this forum/game, but really this is kind of attitude is just unacceptable.

    BTW I'm not really opposed to removing AD from leadership, but they could have implemented some kind of alternative to this. Also the amount of time needed to get AD is just way too low so they need to rethink that as well. My complain really is that they already tore the building down, without even knowing what to do with the empty lot.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
  • sylkrodesylkrode Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    An addendum; sadly, the poorly received leadership changes have alienated a significant portion of the player base - enough that many of them will probably never return, and even with the above suggested changes, that loss will make it exceedingly difficult to use the multiplayer functions. It is an unfortunate side effect of what was a very needed change.
    If you want robofarming, go play farmville or something.


    Rage against the zeitgeist.

  • dandare#8529 dandare Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 337 Arc User
    sylkrode said:

    Oh, well - c'est la vie. What are you going to do? Actually, what I should be asking is "what am I going to do?" Perhaps it is time for me to learn digital painting.

    Although it is off the topic: count me in :D! Got new Intuos Pro Special edition 10 days ago and as an active commission artist: I gotta master the tool

    In fact my: survival option includes playing much less and drawing much more. Lately with raise of my activity I gained much more audience and it'll be easy to establish route of new additional once a week 10 Euro commissions. If I gather it into 40 Euro monthly which I'll only input into the game: I'll progress 4-5 times faster than actually playing 4 hours daily.

    Sadly it means that in current fixed prices game is rewarding much more for those who 'do not play at all'. But I love the game, spent here 2,5 year already and sure as hell don't want to leave T_T
    "You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc
    "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
  • sylkrodesylkrode Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    sylkrode said:

    An addendum; sadly, the poorly received leadership changes have alienated a significant portion of the player base - enough that many of them will probably never return, and even with the above suggested changes, that loss will make it exceedingly difficult to use the multiplayer functions. It is an unfortunate side effect of what was a very needed change.

    A further addendum: this may have been avoided if these changes were announced well ahead of time through the ARC news feed. I do not believe that quite as many players scour the forums as much as some seem to think.
    If you want robofarming, go play farmville or something.


    Rage against the zeitgeist.

  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    Well, we will see who will be doing the "crying", when not much is selling anymore over the auction house, or when new players just stop playing the game and move on to other games.

    As i said before, CMs and Devs should be really happy about any "angry" player, that is still around.
    And they should rather fear those, that just pack up and leave silently...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    so i decided to log back in to see if stuff had been reverted or the ad bug fixed, spent 25mins waitign on dom to pop then when it did it was with 5 mins till server DT and people were mostly there to complain about this most recent patch . . .
  • sylkrodesylkrode Member Posts: 84 Arc User

    so i decided to log back in to see if stuff had been reverted or the ad bug fixed, spent 25mins waitign on dom to pop then when it did it was with 5 mins till server DT and people were mostly there to complain about this most recent patch . . .

    … for good reason.
    If you want robofarming, go play farmville or something.


    Rage against the zeitgeist.

  • zevra22zevra22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 57 Arc User
    How about simply giving at least one toon for each player a level 25 profession to compensate for the theft of their level 25 Leadership. I only have 2 toons but I relied upon the Leadership AD to take some of the sting out of the $ I have to spend on AD. I will sadly give up the game the next time you up the ante with new gear that requires AD. I already know I will never upgrade to the new level 140/142 gear...I just feel too manipulated and exploited.
  • fogtripperfogtripper Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    goatshark said:

    However the way the game is set up and the cost involved is hardly even discussed. You are just coming up with a great plan and . . .

    Your note on this really does not inform us at all about how we are to progress in the game as is, it only says that this is an update on changes that you have already decided that you are implementing.

    This is the most worrisome view of one in the new player cheap seats.

    I guess the question cryptic/pwe needs to ask themselves is: if this game was just released today, is it set up properly from an in-game economy standpoint? Would they release a fresh game in this condition? Personally as a noob, I could give a rat's hind quarters about players who are sitting and farting away on a heavy hoarded nestegg.

    So yes indeed, as quoted above "how we are to progress in the game as is?"
  • nealbeatnealbeat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 41 Arc User
    I did not read all the pages but so far many players have shown their concern, and feelings about this change, so i will keep mine cuz at this point they are not needed anymore. Those same players have given really good ideas for both sides and should be taken into consideration as the problem with ad has become a real thread now. Considering all the ideas i think the changes they can actually do without taking their time to code new ways to earn ad are:

    -Make Blind on Equip gear drop from bosses available again (this will not consider chest loot)
    -Make salvages be double rad worth (Premod 6, Purple gear gave more rad than elemental evil gear) or resemble Premod 6 system.
    -Make other campaign quest like Dread Ring daily rewards:
    ° Seldarine: Since this quest needs unlock and time should reward always a Greater Mark of Union, Power or Stability
    ° Well of Dragons lairs: in this case the system will be like DR cuz is almost a daily quest.
    ° Briggin: As a weekly quest and one of the hardest lairs to be done solo this will give instead a Greater Mark of Potency, Chances could be 50%, if u fail to get a Gmop then u will get a Greater Mark of Union, Power or Stability.

    One of the main concerns is the ability to get marks for our upgrades so that could solve the problem that many players will face now, the ad from selling gear could also help the daily income from players and since bosses rarely drop something is okay. The salvage on the other hand could be used to easily cap that nasty 24k rad, so all concerns should be addressed with this changes.

  • therealairheadtherealairhead Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User
    The forums are more entertaining than the game right now :-)

    I liked what clonkyo1 said on page-60, (just force yourself through the language diff).
    Just to reiterate the points and throw stuff in... (I'm being constructive! please stop deleting my posts! lol)

    1. Give players more AD while they level so they can buy something when they hit 70, (and keep playing).
    (+1 clonkyo1)... It softens the shock on players hitting 70, and gives higher ups someone to sell to. 1-60 is the best part of your game, leverage that, maybe get some retention. It's a relatively easy thing to do, lots of upside, harder for botting because it requires 60-70 level toons and is not really 'repeatable', etc. And it dresses up that horrendous 4x16 quest glut from 60-70...
    (for example: I could resurrect my 17 lvl 60s (leadership-farm) and PLAY them in your computer-generated 60-70 world, getting serious AD after every quest, like 2kAD/quest at least. ALSO, I would be conforming to the new politically correct definition of 'playing the game'... woot!)

    2. As for AD and RP after 70, you got several choices:

    2a. cut the prices at Wondrous Bazaar, (gmops etc), (or lower-cost of upgrading stones, armor, etc. BUT that just sounds
    like a lot more dev-work than lowering gmop prices). Your prices are too high. You are trying to get the AD out of circulation, but your prices are too high! If I had 20 mill of AD, I would just sit on it right now. A reasonable gmop price is more like 10k, not 100k. Take a zero off all numbers on all items in bazaar, and fire up the economy!
    take the next step down your current path and become a Hitler and just tax savings; just reach in all god-mode-like and take half of everyone's ad that remains unspent for more than a week, label them 'botters' of course, and consider your game world purified... (?) (I vote the first option of course)

    2b. give peeps a way to get more AD. You had a way (leadership) and you removed it. Why would you 'create' a new one now? That would just be doing work to get you back to where you just were?! And your goal is to get 'excess ad' out of the system, i.e to repair the damage you created with your poorly designed game. So this option makes no sense, in the OP, it's all spin. There's no real significant increase AD from 'playing the game', cause that makes no sense: your goal is to REMOVE excess ad from the system.

    So you 'messed up' from day-1, now you want to fix it. Your 1-60 content is your best stuff, so leverage that by turning the 1-70 leveling experience into an AD-generating 'politically-correct-playing-the-game' action! And I of course would hope you choose to fire up the economy by cutting WB prices, but I'm selfish and just want to have fun... it's your game.
  • praxaxepraxaxe Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    I understand the intent of these changes is to reward players for playing the content but so far I have spent far more time in queues waiting to play than actually playing. In the course of an hours game time I am generally lucky if I get a single epic dungeon completed or maybe 4 skirmishes or 1-2 pvp matches and the rewards are absolutely dismal. I understand the intent to squeeze the ad a little but this effectively means I will be lucky to make one gmop per week. All character progress has come to a grinding halt. How does this make it better for genuine botless players to catch up and make meaningful characters without giving thousands of real dollars to the game. I have been here since beta and it is really sad to see the game I enjoyed for so long come to a whimpering, thoughtless death. I'm off to go look for something better, it won't be hard given the fact that the game is currently unplayable for me.
  • canmanncanmann Member Posts: 203 Arc User


    And this level of word twisting is why you guys don't get responses.

    I am saying that everything was done with the intention to balance it for legitmate players as the old system did everything to penalize legitimate players as they could NEVER hope to compete the AD generation of bots and players who had large leadership farms.

    The change is far from finalized but the one sure thing is that the old system was beyond broken.
    Ahhh so now the truth comes out..... (yes word twisting here we come but you posted this not me). I am not a "legitimate" player because I have 33 character of which 14 are level 25 leadership, 12 are level 19 and rest are level 0.

    Let me ask you, where does it say that I am NOT allowed to purchase character slots. The game allows me to purchase up to 50. Where did it say that I was not allowed to work on those 50 characters progression? I have months and months and months of work and real $$ into these characters and now I am lumped with bots?????? I want to finish this but at this point all that will come out will be unproductive and just get this post removed.

    It is very hard to post responses when it is very clear the only response many of you want to see is that the leadership changes will be reversed.

    If this is all you are gleaming from the feedback then we are truly in trouble. Yes, there are people that are asking that the change just be rolled back. What you are missing through the forest though, is the fact a large majority of us are saying we understand this had to be done BUT do it in a logical way.

    Come to the community with the reworked Leadership and say this is why we are changing it and this is what it is being changed to, please provide feedback. Instead we got this lazy fix of simply removing RAD from leadership. The profession no longer makes any sense, none, zero, ziltch. We have tasks that run 4 hours that provide better rewards then tasks that last a day. I know this is not as easy as just removing RAD but you would get a much better response.

    This change would have been planned for a long time. Why wasn't the reworked leadership rolled out with change? Now we wait for you to fix the rewards to make sense. This angers us, a lot. We look at the games history and it shows us that if they have to revisit a change they made in the past they move at glacial speed. As in, we are still waiting for the removed dungeons to show up. You know, to site one recent example.

    Botting RP by farming nodes and such in ghost stories is not the same as botting AD. Certainly it needs to and is being addressed but it really is not relevant to the botting and farming of Leadership which generated AD at a rate which players could not hope to compete with. This is why the Zen Exchange has been capped for nearly two years and is why these changes are being made.

    Once again you are correct. You know what gets us angry though? When you say you are going to fight bots but put in these fixes that hurt your legitimate players more and do absolutely NOTHING about the real bot issue.

    Examples: Restricting how much you can purchase on the AH, Dragon Hoard enchant nerfs, Leadership changes etc etc.

    Meanwhile Ghost Stories sits at 2100+ instances a few hours after you crush us with leadership change.

    So you can't suck and blow and think we are ok with it because we are not. Fight the bots... all of the bots not just the ones you think are a problem. Got it? And no, binding all enchants is not the fix to the Ghost Stories botting.

    Oh and by the way, there are some of us out there that could use our Leadership farms legitimately and produce a nice income for ourselves. So thanks again for lumping us into the bot problem.

    I will stop this rant here and end it with that fact that I do not like the change and it should have been handled VERY differently. You would have had a very different response had you come to the table with a real go forward plan but didn't and this is the result.

  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    teatew said:

    They should just wipe the player base, have everyone start over. People that enjoy the game will play and new players will join and no one will whine about how it was broken or use to be since everyone would be on square 1. Its the only fair thing to do since all these changes over the years.

    I'd hate to lose my 100% complete HR with every boon/skill at max, but so we are all on the same playing field id take that sacrifice to get the game back to how it was when I first joined. "Fun, inventive and exciting to play".

    As long as they reimburse me for even dime i spent buying zen.
  • fogtripperfogtripper Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Can you not see how it was an exploit at best? Perhaps neccessary, but do you honestly believe it was the dev's intent to have large vast sums of AD accumulated via leadership armies? I would say it was horrible lack of foresight, but do not pretend you didn't see it as an exploit.

    In the grand scheme of things you are lightyears beyond what a new player (me) can possibly do. You've already reaped what you could sow from leadership.
  • sylkrodesylkrode Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Leadership, leadership, leadership … God, people - it's clear the AD nerf on Leadership was needed - at the very least, they aren't coming back. All of this undue focus on a honeypot system is taking attention away from the other, very real problems. The more you go on about Leadership and nothing else, the less and less likely they are to fix ANYTHING.
    If you want robofarming, go play farmville or something.


    Rage against the zeitgeist.

  • fogtripperfogtripper Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    sylkrode said:

    Leadership, leadership, leadership … God, people - it's clear the AD nerf on Leadership was needed - at the very least, they aren't coming back. All of this undue focus on a honeypot system is taking attention away from the other, very real problems. The more you go on about Leadership and nothing else, the less and less likely they are to fix ANYTHING.


  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    People have put hundrets of dollar and hundrets of hours into this profession.
    It takes at least 3 MONTHs without bots to level it to a profitable level.

    Its not about changing the mechanics or tweaking the game here and there.

    People are getting ripped of their money and time. And we speak about A LOT of people. And 99% are not botters.
  • fogtripperfogtripper Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    People have put hundrets of dollar and hundrets of hours into this profession.

    It takes at least 3 MONTHs without bots to level it to a profitable level.

    Its not about changing the mechanics or tweaking the game here and there.

    People are getting ripped of their money and time. And we speak about A LOT of people. And 99% are not botters.

    Granted. However it destroyed the economy. What is your solution? Turn a blind eye to the specific thing that is killing the game?

    PS I would like to see your spreadsheet that led you to claim that 99% are not botters.
This discussion has been closed.