Dazing Strike - Restarts the 2 second window of visibility. Doesn't help getting back into stealth. May delay counter-attack long enough to use some other method of defence.
Dodge move away - done
Shadow Strike - Restarts the 2 second window of visibility. Refills stealth meter. Doesn't help getting back into stealth without being hit. Doesn't prevent counter-attack.
Dodge move away - done
Smoke Bomb - Doesn't help getting back into stealth. Target can just walk out of AoE. Meanwhile TR is visible.
Dodge move away - done
Deft Strike - Restarts 2 second window of visibility. Slows target. Doesn't help getting back into stealth
Dubble dodge move away - done
This is why people who have never played a class should probably avoid commenting on it.
This is why bias Trs shouldent try to trash others comment with obvious bu** shi*
Most of us see about nerf tread about TR's stealth making it seem that's the root of the problem, I always suggest that let them give DC and CW a true sight encounter and SW a blind encounter that last for 10 seconds with 15 seconds CD which is simple to do and program. and if you are not a DC,CW and SW you can buy a ward which you can insert in your pocket inventory ward can at lease last for 15 to 20 seconds.
Most of us see about nerf tread about TR's stealth making it seem that's the root of the problem, I always suggest that let them give DC and CW a true sight encounter and SW a blind encounter that last for 10 seconds with 15 seconds CD which is simple to do and program. and if you are not a DC,CW and SW you can buy a ward which you can insert in your pocket inventory ward can at lease last for 15 to 20 seconds.
where is the counterplay? so we need a counter play to stealth, then i need a counterplay for true vision...endless loop
i m ok this the proposed changes as long as i can keep damages.
if i will not be able to back cap anymore well i will just not do it.
they will find someone else for the dirty job.
where is the counterplay? so we need a counter play to stealth, then i need a counterplay for true vision...endless loop
i m ok this the proposed changes as long as i can keep damages.
if i will not be able to back cap anymore well i will just not do it.
they will find someone else for the dirty job.
You see, the problem is that we TRs have been nerfed and nerfed again, module after module, into oblivion, where our only hope in pvp was to tbe 100% of the time hidden so we wouldn't die in 2 secs by other classes, other classes that were continuouly complaining about TRs and asking for these nerfs.
And now you want us TRs to trust these people once more for the sake of balance? Well excuse me and many other TRs if we don't trust them again. They screwed us big time before and they will do it again if they can.
If TR is gone before 2 seconds no spells will touch and you know it!!!
First you have to aim, give it at least .5 to 1 second
Then buy the time you cast and the spells hits
This is approximate:
Chill Strike=Touch at 1.8 seconds
Conduit of ice =2.2secs
Entangling force=Adversary is up at 2 seconds
Ray of Enfeeblement=Touch at 0.9secs
Ice Knife=Touch at 2.2secs
Repel=Touch at 1.5 seconds
Icy Ray=Touch at 2 seconds
So 2 second is fairly short for both sides the DVELOPPERS got it right…
And to win just because the others can't react to you is HAMSTER,
so be happy and let the other characters enjoy playing against an opponent not a ghost!!!
Still I think something also as to be done with daze effect TR are still abuses it to much you can be daze praticly all the fight it should have a cooldown on player
I don't understand this.
Dazing Strike, before Mod 5, was a pretty long animation. People were still able to counter before the skill actually hit or react and get out of the way. In fact, I'm still getting counter attacked when I get too close to use Impact Shot.
I'm curious, are we going off of the casuals who PvP for currency or the people who PvP for the challenge/enjoyment? There are plenty of people with the reaction time and decision making skills of a brick who flood into Domination. Then you have the people who actually pose a threat. CW's that shrug off LB damage and HRs that chase down stealth TRs for the kill. They're rare but they do exist and they're pretty ****ing scary.
Given that there are people who built their toon right and use their skills appropriately and already pose a threat to TR, the changes reflect nothing more than the devs giving into the mass of casual tears. The 20k HP CW's that don't use shield, for example, encompass the vast majority of those tears. The amount of times I've nearly one-shotted a TR with a stealthed Impact Shot... makes me rock hard.
However, nerfing stealth isn't the problem. The damage is the problem. Changing SoD and Shadowy Opportunity was a good call. Nerfing stealth and giving vision isn't. TRs will still be a problem. Then, dozens of nerfs later, we'll have the old Mod 4 TR - Now with stealth nerfed. The interesting part is that you'll still be crying when the rare TR who actually knows his class still manages to wreck your ****.
On a completely related note, it might be a good idea to look into crit severity. It'd also be a good idea to look into Deflection, Defense, and Armor Pen as well. Seeing as how crit severity is the most beneficial way of actually pumping out enough damage most of the time.
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
Dazing Strike - Restarts the 2 second window of visibility. Doesn't help getting back into stealth. May delay counter-attack long enough to use some other method of defence.
Shadow Strike - Restarts the 2 second window of visibility. Refills stealth meter. Doesn't help getting back into stealth without being hit. Doesn't prevent counter-attack.
Smoke Bomb - Doesn't help getting back into stealth. Target can just walk out of AoE. Meanwhile TR is visible.
Deft Strike - Restarts 2 second window of visibility. Slows target. Doesn't help getting back into stealth.
ITC - Immunity to CC and 100% deflect chance for around 4 seconds every 15 seconds. Finally something that helps protect the TR while visible. Oh - but only available to 1 paragon path.
This is why people who have never played a class should probably avoid commenting on it.
After about 70 matches yesterday against one 21K and one 22K TR, we were 2 PVP CW me at 23K and the other at 22K we were fighting 1 x 1 against them, I won 1 match out of 10 he won 1 out of 15.
Dazing Strike last 4 to 5 seconds
1 You can do Lashing Blade from the back stealth position then you are seen for 2 seconds
2 You strike with Dazing Srtike before the opponent has time to aim (because he has to turn), he’s daze for 1, 2, 3 (your gone), 4
3 Then you follow when it suites you (don’t forget to give it as more time as possible while your encounters are coming back) with Shadow Strike and DPS with Duelis’t Flurry (crit=dazing effect sorry for edit mistake) and disappear just before daze effect is finished.
Now you’re probably able to use your daily (if not wait as long as you can hit Dazing Srtike and DPS with Duelis’t Flurry and now you should be good to go) preferably Bloodbath because, lucky for you again!!! It CAN’T be counteract (big LOL), and if the opponent is not dead at the end of all this, you can finished him with Lashing Blade or redo number 3.
But don’t worry too much poor mister TR your opponent is probably dead now…. and if not, sadly for you, you may be one of those poor guy that fell in the 1 out of 10 chance to die. So take Doctor DEVELOPPER advice don’t be too much disappointed if we make some changes because the others wants to win too…
Please don’t take people for fools, TR have so much possibility to daze, slow, stunt, and over the top immunities and critical severity that it needs to be balance.
After about 70 matches yesterday against one 21K and one 22K TR, we were 2 PVP CW me at 23K and the other at 22K we were fighting 1 x 1 against them, I won 1 match out of 10 he won 1 out of 15.
Dazing Strike last 4 to 5 seconds
1 You can do Lashing Blade from the back stealth position then you are seen for 2 seconds
2 You strike with Dazing Srtike before the opponent has time to aim (because he has to turn), he’s daze for 1, 2, 3 (your gone), 4
3 Then you follow when it suites you (don’t forget to give it as more time as possible while your encounters are coming back) with Shadow Strike and DPS with Duelis’t Flurry followed by Impossible to Catch then DPS with Duelis’t Flurry and disappear just before Impossible to Catch effect is finished.
Now you’re probably able to use your daily (if not wait as long as you can hit Dazing Srtike and DPS with Duelis’t Flurry and now you should be good to go) preferably Bloodbath because, lucky for you again!!! It CAN’T be counteract (big LOL), and if the opponent is not dead at the end of all this, you can finished him with Lashing Blade or redo number 3.
But don’t worry too much poor mister TR your opponent is probably dead now…. and if not, sadly for you, you may be one of those poor guy that fell in the 1 out of 10 chance to die. So take Doctor DEVELOPPER advice don’t be too much disappointed if we make some changes because the others wants to win too…
Please don’t take people for fools, TR have so much possibility to daze, slow, stunt, and over the top immunities and critical severity that it needs to be balance.
After reading this i think that tr had 5 encounter slots and about 40 feat points.
I don't understand this.
Dazing Strike, before Mod 5, was a pretty long animation. People were still able to counter before the skill actually hit or react and get out of the way. In fact, I'm still getting counter attacked when I get too close to use Impact Shot.
I'm curious, are we going off of the casuals who PvP for currency or the people who PvP for the challenge/enjoyment? There are plenty of people with the reaction time and decision making skills of a brick who flood into Domination. Then you have the people who actually pose a threat. CW's that shrug off LB damage and HRs that chase down stealth TRs for the kill. They're rare but they do exist and they're pretty ****ing scary.
Given that there are people who built their toon right and use their skills appropriately and already pose a threat to TR, the changes reflect nothing more than the devs giving into the mass of casual tears. The 20k HP CW's that don't use shield, for example, encompass the vast majority of those tears. The amount of times I've nearly one-shotted a TR with a stealthed Impact Shot... makes me rock hard.
However, nerfing stealth isn't the problem. The damage is the problem. Changing SoD and Shadowy Opportunity was a good call. Nerfing stealth and giving vision isn't. TRs will still be a problem. Then, dozens of nerfs later, we'll have the old Mod 4 TR - Now with stealth nerfed. The interesting part is that you'll still be crying when the rare TR who actually knows his class still manages to wreck your ****.
On a completely related note, it might be a good idea to look into crit severity. It'd also be a good idea to look into Deflection, Defense, and Armor Pen as well. Seeing as how crit severity is the most beneficial way of actually pumping out enough damage most of the time.
CW shield is HAMSTER and that's my opinion.
I've tried it in 20 of yesterday's fights and I got near the same results, death.
The 2 seconds stealth breaker is short but acceptable
Add a 10 seconds cooldown to daze effect on players
and lower some critical severity
And I’m sure we will get a difficult but near fair fight
After reading this i think that tr had 5 encounter slots and about 40 feat points.
This is just a common knowlege of a TR class and powers/feats. Devs should just delete the forums altogether (no that they listen to players that actually have to say anything other than barking out of the mud) because it just hurts in the eyes. After i had seen the unneccesary venom spilled by TR haters on the forums i have enough. This shishstorm drama is just beyond me, and people that were HAMSTER will still be HAMSTER by experienced TR (no matter which mod are we speaking about).
And it's in devs best intentions to settle down the problem by nerfing TR and forcing them to reroll (which the true TRs will not even consider). The vast majority of OP liking freekill nubs will just reroll to whatever will be more interesting giving the game owners more cash in return settling down the tension raised by other class users. Problem solved. Noone will take care of the proper balance because noone at the top of the company wants it in the first place. This would ruin their zen store.
Every inbalance so far was caused by the developers, and a complete lack of comunication during the later development phase of the mods. Intentional or unintentional bugs had earned thousands of $/€. (Oghma 10s cooldown bug, Horn bug, to name a few). Players will be abusing them investing real money into every advantage they can get for PVP.
To solve this, PVP gear should be free off any enchantment slots, and should not be improved/glyphed. Every piece should consist mainly off of tenacity which would cover much wider angle of statistics. 3 variations of each class set should be done, to give to the players a possibility to go ofensive/defensive/middle route. Potions should be removed from PVP, so should any legends. Artifacts should be limited to 1 PVP artifact which would net PVP only powers, that would further increase one of the routes of the set. Boons/Companions should be removed from PVP making them optional for PVE/Open PVP only
This is why bias Trs shouldent try to trash others comment with obvious bu** shi*
The comment was specifically about getting back into stealth. And if you can't track a target through a single dodge, why are you even playing PvP?
And you want to talk bias? You're one of the most biased TR haters on the forum. I don't think I've ever seen a constructive comment from you. Whereas I was calling Sab OP on the preview server and have consistently said that permastealth needs to be made far more difficult or removed completely.
- base Hp ( 19-20k at level 60, actually ) x2
- up tenacity ( 1000 points in tenacity = 10% R. today, 13.6% R. Thursday, but, cause of artifacts sets, should be 20% ! +10% base tenacity = 30% resistance = 50% lower damage for a crit damage like a Lashing Blade.)
For Dcs : healing depression for each source of heal. A cleric is a God Champion, a sort of paladin, but he should not be immortal.
For TR :
- 2s visibility is short for a class, long for another, it's good.
- Reducing a little the daze time from Scoundrel feat, against players, will be a good choice, like CW controls.
- Reducing Shadow of Demise % to 35% ( down to 50% ), too. (in pvp)
x2 Hp + tenacity up = no one shot, more challenge, and.. no nerf in pve. Tr is fine in pve.
After about 70 matches yesterday against one 21K and one 22K TR, we were 2 PVP CW me at 23K and the other at 22K we were fighting 1 x 1 against them, I won 1 match out of 10 he won 1 out of 15.
Dazing Strike last 4 to 5 seconds
1 You can do Lashing Blade from the back stealth position then you are seen for 2 seconds
2 You strike with Dazing Srtike before the opponent has time to aim (because he has to turn), he’s daze for 1, 2, 3 (your gone), 4
3 Then you follow when it suites you (don’t forget to give it as more time as possible while your encounters are coming back) with Shadow Strike and DPS with Duelis’t Flurry followed by Impossible to Catch then DPS with Duelis’t Flurry and disappear just before Impossible to Catch effect is finished.
Now you’re probably able to use your daily (if not wait as long as you can hit Dazing Srtike and DPS with Duelis’t Flurry and now you should be good to go) preferably Bloodbath because, lucky for you again!!! It CAN’T be counteract (big LOL), and if the opponent is not dead at the end of all this, you can finished him with Lashing Blade or redo number 3.
But don’t worry too much poor mister TR your opponent is probably dead now…. and if not, sadly for you, you may be one of those poor guy that fell in the 1 out of 10 chance to die. So take Doctor DEVELOPPER advice don’t be too much disappointed if we make some changes because the others wants to win too…
Please don’t take people for fools, TR have so much possibility to daze, slow, stunt, and over the top immunities and critical severity that it needs to be balance.
First of all, I count 4 encounters here: Lashing Blade, Dazing Strike, Shadow Strike, and ITC. TRs only get 3 encounters.
Second - why do you stand still after LB hits and let Dazing hit you? When I was PvPing with my CW I used Teleport as soon as I took any kind of hit to avoid the follow up and mes with targeting. In fact I never stood in one place for long and used Teleport at random intervals. The result? I could count the number of times I was hit with LB or DF on the fingers of one hand.
Finally - If you read the thread where the 2 second reveal was announced you'd see that I have no problem with it. I've never run a perma build because IMO it's against the idea of how Rogues should operate in D&D. I've always run 'combat' builds - usually unsuccessfully because of all the nerfs the likes of you caused to TRs since Beta.
I've tried it in 20 of yesterday's fights and I got near the same results, death.
The 2 seconds stealth breaker is short but acceptable
Add a 10 seconds cooldown to daze effect on players
and lower some critical severity
And I’m sure we will get a difficult but near fair fight
Um, yea, no.
The 2 seconds of sight isn't going to change anything with the way it's implemented right now. The problem is the damage. Tone down the damage a bit and you're pretty golden. Then you can start looking into Daze mechanics.
I play a TR and there are times I've been Dazed to death. Final Fantasy 14 has the right idea with diminishing durations. Say, for example:
1) Daze'd for 3 seconds.
2) Daze'd again for 1.5-2 seconds
3) Dazed again for 0.5, final stage
Lowering Crit Severity and calling it a fix isn't really fixing the problem. Crit Severity needs to be addressed at the same time as most of the mitigation stats. Considering just stacking Power and Armor Pen isn't going to net you the damage you need against something that stacks nothing but Deflection, Regeneration, and some Defense (Hello Combat HR).
Lastly, Shield isn't bad, you are. Go figure, you stacked 7k Power, 50% Crit Chance, 3k Recovery, and 150 Defense. You wonder why you get one-shotted? I'm surprised GWFs aren't one-shotting you.
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
Um, yea, no.
The 2 seconds of sight isn't going to change anything with the way it's implemented right now. The problem is the damage. Tone down the damage a bit and you're pretty golden. Then you can start looking into Daze mechanics.
I play a TR and there are times I've been Dazed to death. Final Fantasy 14 has the right idea with diminishing durations. Say, for example:
1) Daze'd for 3 seconds.
2) Daze'd again for 1.5-2 seconds
3) Dazed again for 0.5, final stage
Lowering Crit Severity and calling it a fix isn't really fixing the problem. Crit Severity needs to be addressed at the same time as most of the mitigation stats. Considering just stacking Power and Armor Pen isn't going to net you the damage you need against something that stacks nothing but Deflection, Regeneration, and some Defense (Hello Combat HR).
Lastly, Shield isn't bad, you are. Go figure, you stacked 7k Power, 50% Crit Chance, 3k Recovery, and 150 Defense. You wonder why you get one-shotted? I'm surprised GWFs aren't one-shotting you.
Your last statement is completely off, 8k power, Crit 35.5%, Crit Strike 85%, Recovery 40% and Defence 32.6% + 25% PVP Tenacity
Shield is HAMSTER for me, because I'm losing the fun of using a spell and that's my opinion you should respect that.
First of all, I count 4 encounters here: Lashing Blade, Dazing Strike, Shadow Strike, and ITC. TRs only get 3 encounters.
Second - why do you stand still after LB hits and let Dazing hit you? When I was PvPing with my CW I used Teleport as soon as I took any kind of hit to avoid the follow up and mes with targeting. In fact I never stood in one place for long and used Teleport at random intervals. The result? I could count the number of times I was hit with LB or DF on the fingers of one hand.
Finally - If you read the thread where the 2 second reveal was announced you'd see that I have no problem with it. I've never run a perma build because IMO it's against the idea of how Rogues should operate in D&D. I've always run 'combat' builds - usually unsuccessfully because of all the nerfs the likes of you caused to TRs since Beta.
Your last statement is completely off, 8k power, Crit 35.5%, Crit Strike 85%, Recovery 40% and Defence 32.6% + 25% PVP Tenacity
Shield is HAMSTER for me, because I'm losing the fun of using a spell and that's my opinion you should respect that.
Work is HAMSTER for me because I'm losing the fun of sleeping in and that's my opinion you should respect that.
Glad to know I can ignore the rest of your posts now.
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
He's saying that using shield is a sacrifice you'll need to make if you want to PvP with your wizard - if you opt not to use it, then a consequence is that you may be one-hit from time to time (not just by TR's btw). Alternatively, sacrifice some power to boost your defense/HP further.
Similar to how nearly every PvP TR basically must use Shadow Strike.
He's saying that using shield is a sacrifice you'll need to make if you want to PvP with your wizard - if you opt not to use it, then a consequence is that you may be one-hit from time to time (not just by TR's btw). Alternatively, sacrifice some power to boost your defense/HP further.
Similar to how nearly every PvP TR basically must use Shadow Strike.
Or basically every HR must be a Pathfinder.
That's the real point, isn't it.
It is pretty apparent from the numerous discussions coming from the complainers, that they don't want to tweak, reorganize, rebuild, respec, re-evalutate tactics, etc etc.. when they PvP. They just want to have their exact same builds using exact same equipment and choice of items, with exact same tactics as they'd fight anyone else... and they still want to win.
Some sort of a 'universal' build/setup that is fit for both PvP and PvE, can withstand GWFs and GFs, can nuke DCs, can survive CWs, can outdamage HR self-healing, and then be able to withstand and hunt TRs at the same time. They don't even want to switch artifacts in preparation.
It is funny when I compare those attitudes with mine, as a TR, and having spent a LONG, LONG time using an unpopular/second-rate Paragon path which was branded as being "weak and useless" in PvP. The amount of constant changes to my own builds to find ways to survive, farming my HAMSTER off to get different artifacts to use in different situations, learning the "art" of switching powers during combat, experimenting different set-ups to fight different classes and different builds... taking time to learn which class/builds I cannot defeat with my current setting, and which class/builds I can... and observing how the fight goes, and if necessary, having to sacrifice my favortie choice of encounters/at-wills and use something that is less optimal -- because that is the only way to win...
Just one big set of 'rolleyes' moment after another. As if having a 20k GS means something when the more important things -- the power choices, the stat distribution, and use of tactics, etc etc.. -- are all lacking.
Its appalling.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
all this hypocrisy and whining arent you tired of this? what a bunch of ******s :rolleyes:
can you sleep at night never think how hypocrite you are in the forums? does CRAB MENTALITY
crawled under your bed?
I agree but they wouldnt do it because this people are hypocrites
Your existence doesn't really help our cause.
Everyone still remembers you whining and ranting in the feedback thread about how the new TR changes are stupid and it is going to break TRs, while the rest of us tried to explain how the new TRs are so greatly strengthened.
Can't you just crawl back into that abysmal pit you crawled out of from, and leave the serious discussion to other TRs who have more than half a brain?
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
sn0wt0ri0usMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 21Arc User
edited December 2014
Is there anyway to start a petition against the upcoming stealth and Shadowy opp changes? i want to be on par with wizards and ranger in dps, they cant take this **** away from us, THe stealth changes are the worst, what is the point of stealth if you can still be seen. so if anyone has any ideas on a way to start a petition lets go for it.
Everyone still remembers you whining and ranting in the feedback thread about how the new TR changes are stupid and it is going to break TRs, while the rest of us tried to explain how the new TRs are so greatly strengthened.
Can't you just crawl back into that abysmal pit you crawled out of from, and leave the serious discussion to other TRs who have more than half a brain?
His crab mentality havent helped him so far (think he concluded that from personal experience).
But you will not explain to that guy that you tried to work things through before the release. He just found out how to use "hypocrites" word in every post just to prove his point. Just sit there and relax while he will be trying to find his matching hands to clap each other from excitement.
Is there anyway to start a petition against the upcoming stealth and Shadowy opp changes? i want to be on par with wizards and ranger in dps, they cant take this **** away from us, THe stealth changes are the worst, what is the point of stealth if you can still be seen. so if anyone has any ideas on a way to start a petition lets go for it.
Petitions are against the RoC. And they don't help anyway.
The stealth changes shouldn't affect your DPS vs CWs and HRs in any way.
Shadowy Opportunity was never intended to multi-proc on powers like Bloodbath. You can't ask to keep a broken ability.
Dubble dodge move away - done This is why bias Trs shouldent try to trash others comment with obvious bu** shi*
Most of us see about nerf tread about TR's stealth making it seem that's the root of the problem, I always suggest that let them give DC and CW a true sight encounter and SW a blind encounter that last for 10 seconds with 15 seconds CD which is simple to do and program. and if you are not a DC,CW and SW you can buy a ward which you can insert in your pocket inventory ward can at lease last for 15 to 20 seconds.
i m ok this the proposed changes as long as i can keep damages.
if i will not be able to back cap anymore well i will just not do it.
they will find someone else for the dirty job.
And now you want us TRs to trust these people once more for the sake of balance? Well excuse me and many other TRs if we don't trust them again. They screwed us big time before and they will do it again if they can.
I don't understand this.
Dazing Strike, before Mod 5, was a pretty long animation. People were still able to counter before the skill actually hit or react and get out of the way. In fact, I'm still getting counter attacked when I get too close to use Impact Shot.
I'm curious, are we going off of the casuals who PvP for currency or the people who PvP for the challenge/enjoyment? There are plenty of people with the reaction time and decision making skills of a brick who flood into Domination. Then you have the people who actually pose a threat. CW's that shrug off LB damage and HRs that chase down stealth TRs for the kill. They're rare but they do exist and they're pretty ****ing scary.
Given that there are people who built their toon right and use their skills appropriately and already pose a threat to TR, the changes reflect nothing more than the devs giving into the mass of casual tears. The 20k HP CW's that don't use shield, for example, encompass the vast majority of those tears. The amount of times I've nearly one-shotted a TR with a stealthed Impact Shot... makes me rock hard.
However, nerfing stealth isn't the problem. The damage is the problem. Changing SoD and Shadowy Opportunity was a good call. Nerfing stealth and giving vision isn't. TRs will still be a problem. Then, dozens of nerfs later, we'll have the old Mod 4 TR - Now with stealth nerfed. The interesting part is that you'll still be crying when the rare TR who actually knows his class still manages to wreck your ****.
On a completely related note, it might be a good idea to look into crit severity. It'd also be a good idea to look into Deflection, Defense, and Armor Pen as well. Seeing as how crit severity is the most beneficial way of actually pumping out enough damage most of the time.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
After about 70 matches yesterday against one 21K and one 22K TR, we were 2 PVP CW me at 23K and the other at 22K we were fighting 1 x 1 against them, I won 1 match out of 10 he won 1 out of 15.
Dazing Strike last 4 to 5 seconds
1 You can do Lashing Blade from the back stealth position then you are seen for 2 seconds
2 You strike with Dazing Srtike before the opponent has time to aim (because he has to turn), he’s daze for 1, 2, 3 (your gone), 4
3 Then you follow when it suites you (don’t forget to give it as more time as possible while your encounters are coming back) with Shadow Strike and DPS with Duelis’t Flurry (crit=dazing effect sorry for edit mistake) and disappear just before daze effect is finished.
Now you’re probably able to use your daily (if not wait as long as you can hit Dazing Srtike and DPS with Duelis’t Flurry and now you should be good to go) preferably Bloodbath because, lucky for you again!!! It CAN’T be counteract (big LOL), and if the opponent is not dead at the end of all this, you can finished him with Lashing Blade or redo number 3.
But don’t worry too much poor mister TR your opponent is probably dead now…. and if not, sadly for you, you may be one of those poor guy that fell in the 1 out of 10 chance to die. So take Doctor DEVELOPPER advice don’t be too much disappointed if we make some changes because the others wants to win too…
Please don’t take people for fools, TR have so much possibility to daze, slow, stunt, and over the top immunities and critical severity that it needs to be balance.
After reading this i think that tr had 5 encounter slots and about 40 feat points.
CW shield is HAMSTER and that's my opinion.
I've tried it in 20 of yesterday's fights and I got near the same results, death.
The 2 seconds stealth breaker is short but acceptable
Add a 10 seconds cooldown to daze effect on players
and lower some critical severity
And I’m sure we will get a difficult but near fair fight
Quite frankly and with all due respect - go roll a TR and try doing exactly what you think all TR's can do
Perhaps then reality will bite and perhaps then you will not suggest such nonsense
Have a fun game
You don't read man, they're 4 encounters, 1 daily , 1 at will.
Sorry get carried away with Impossible to Catch
You seem to be like all the other TR; you don't want changes.
Read the Doctor advice please.
This is just a common knowlege of a TR class and powers/feats. Devs should just delete the forums altogether (no that they listen to players that actually have to say anything other than barking out of the mud) because it just hurts in the eyes. After i had seen the unneccesary venom spilled by TR haters on the forums i have enough. This shishstorm drama is just beyond me, and people that were HAMSTER will still be HAMSTER by experienced TR (no matter which mod are we speaking about).
And it's in devs best intentions to settle down the problem by nerfing TR and forcing them to reroll (which the true TRs will not even consider). The vast majority of OP liking freekill nubs will just reroll to whatever will be more interesting giving the game owners more cash in return settling down the tension raised by other class users. Problem solved. Noone will take care of the proper balance because noone at the top of the company wants it in the first place. This would ruin their zen store.
Every inbalance so far was caused by the developers, and a complete lack of comunication during the later development phase of the mods. Intentional or unintentional bugs had earned thousands of $/€. (Oghma 10s cooldown bug, Horn bug, to name a few). Players will be abusing them investing real money into every advantage they can get for PVP.
To solve this, PVP gear should be free off any enchantment slots, and should not be improved/glyphed. Every piece should consist mainly off of tenacity which would cover much wider angle of statistics. 3 variations of each class set should be done, to give to the players a possibility to go ofensive/defensive/middle route. Potions should be removed from PVP, so should any legends. Artifacts should be limited to 1 PVP artifact which would net PVP only powers, that would further increase one of the routes of the set. Boons/Companions should be removed from PVP making them optional for PVE/Open PVP only
And you want to talk bias? You're one of the most biased TR haters on the forum. I don't think I've ever seen a constructive comment from you. Whereas I was calling Sab OP on the preview server and have consistently said that permastealth needs to be made far more difficult or removed completely.
Deary me.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
For all classes :
- base Hp ( 19-20k at level 60, actually ) x2
- up tenacity ( 1000 points in tenacity = 10% R. today, 13.6% R. Thursday, but, cause of artifacts sets, should be 20% ! +10% base tenacity = 30% resistance = 50% lower damage for a crit damage like a Lashing Blade.)
For Dcs : healing depression for each source of heal. A cleric is a God Champion, a sort of paladin, but he should not be immortal.
For TR :
- 2s visibility is short for a class, long for another, it's good.
- Reducing a little the daze time from Scoundrel feat, against players, will be a good choice, like CW controls.
- Reducing Shadow of Demise % to 35% ( down to 50% ), too. (in pvp)
x2 Hp + tenacity up = no one shot, more challenge, and.. no nerf in pve. Tr is fine in pve.
Second - why do you stand still after LB hits and let Dazing hit you? When I was PvPing with my CW I used Teleport as soon as I took any kind of hit to avoid the follow up and mes with targeting. In fact I never stood in one place for long and used Teleport at random intervals. The result? I could count the number of times I was hit with LB or DF on the fingers of one hand.
Finally - If you read the thread where the 2 second reveal was announced you'd see that I have no problem with it. I've never run a perma build because IMO it's against the idea of how Rogues should operate in D&D. I've always run 'combat' builds - usually unsuccessfully because of all the nerfs the likes of you caused to TRs since Beta.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Um, yea, no.
The 2 seconds of sight isn't going to change anything with the way it's implemented right now. The problem is the damage. Tone down the damage a bit and you're pretty golden. Then you can start looking into Daze mechanics.
I play a TR and there are times I've been Dazed to death. Final Fantasy 14 has the right idea with diminishing durations. Say, for example:
1) Daze'd for 3 seconds.
2) Daze'd again for 1.5-2 seconds
3) Dazed again for 0.5, final stage
Lowering Crit Severity and calling it a fix isn't really fixing the problem. Crit Severity needs to be addressed at the same time as most of the mitigation stats. Considering just stacking Power and Armor Pen isn't going to net you the damage you need against something that stacks nothing but Deflection, Regeneration, and some Defense (Hello Combat HR).
Lastly, Shield isn't bad, you are. Go figure, you stacked 7k Power, 50% Crit Chance, 3k Recovery, and 150 Defense. You wonder why you get one-shotted? I'm surprised GWFs aren't one-shotting you.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
Your last statement is completely off, 8k power, Crit 35.5%, Crit Strike 85%, Recovery 40% and Defence 32.6% + 25% PVP Tenacity
Shield is HAMSTER for me, because I'm losing the fun of using a spell and that's my opinion you should respect that.
Sorry get carried away with Impossible to Catch
Work is HAMSTER for me because I'm losing the fun of sleeping in and that's my opinion you should respect that.
Glad to know I can ignore the rest of your posts now.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
He's saying that using shield is a sacrifice you'll need to make if you want to PvP with your wizard - if you opt not to use it, then a consequence is that you may be one-hit from time to time (not just by TR's btw). Alternatively, sacrifice some power to boost your defense/HP further.
Similar to how nearly every PvP TR basically must use Shadow Strike.
Or basically every HR must be a Pathfinder.
That's the real point, isn't it.
It is pretty apparent from the numerous discussions coming from the complainers, that they don't want to tweak, reorganize, rebuild, respec, re-evalutate tactics, etc etc.. when they PvP. They just want to have their exact same builds using exact same equipment and choice of items, with exact same tactics as they'd fight anyone else... and they still want to win.
Some sort of a 'universal' build/setup that is fit for both PvP and PvE, can withstand GWFs and GFs, can nuke DCs, can survive CWs, can outdamage HR self-healing, and then be able to withstand and hunt TRs at the same time. They don't even want to switch artifacts in preparation.
It is funny when I compare those attitudes with mine, as a TR, and having spent a LONG, LONG time using an unpopular/second-rate Paragon path which was branded as being "weak and useless" in PvP. The amount of constant changes to my own builds to find ways to survive, farming my HAMSTER off to get different artifacts to use in different situations, learning the "art" of switching powers during combat, experimenting different set-ups to fight different classes and different builds... taking time to learn which class/builds I cannot defeat with my current setting, and which class/builds I can... and observing how the fight goes, and if necessary, having to sacrifice my favortie choice of encounters/at-wills and use something that is less optimal -- because that is the only way to win...
Just one big set of 'rolleyes' moment after another. As if having a 20k GS means something when the more important things -- the power choices, the stat distribution, and use of tactics, etc etc.. -- are all lacking.
Its appalling.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
can you sleep at night never think how hypocrite you are in the forums? does CRAB MENTALITY
crawled under your bed?
I agree but they wouldnt do it because this people are hypocrites
Your existence doesn't really help our cause.
Everyone still remembers you whining and ranting in the feedback thread about how the new TR changes are stupid and it is going to break TRs, while the rest of us tried to explain how the new TRs are so greatly strengthened.
Can't you just crawl back into that abysmal pit you crawled out of from, and leave the serious discussion to other TRs who have more than half a brain?
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
His crab mentality havent helped him so far (think he concluded that from personal experience).
But you will not explain to that guy that you tried to work things through before the release. He just found out how to use "hypocrites" word in every post just to prove his point. Just sit there and relax while he will be trying to find his matching hands to clap each other from excitement.
The stealth changes shouldn't affect your DPS vs CWs and HRs in any way.
Shadowy Opportunity was never intended to multi-proc on powers like Bloodbath. You can't ask to keep a broken ability.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder