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Tiamat Encounter - Community Feedback Thread



  • seniorhobsseniorhobs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This battle is the first time in-game where I really desired the ability to switch between encounter sets (AE set for protection phase - single target set for head phase). Trying to time it and not lose too much time opening up char sheet and changing was just down right annoying. Does not seem like a game changing or unreasonable request to add the ability to single key swap between encounter sets....
  • chrcorechrcore Member Posts: 329 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    You're going to give up after only 5 attempts?

    It's supposed to be hard.

    If everybody was finishing it on the first attempt, people would complain it's too easy.

    Now people struggle with it because it's challenging, and people complain.

    It's not hard at all. But, it's not going to get done with folks that can't dps. I've completed it over 20 times as long as I can get in with 5 of my guildmates. Every time we have to take out 3-4 of the heads as no one else has any dps....

    It's frustrating when you get thrown in with folks running split sets that can't do any dps on the heads. There is only so much lack of dps you can carry..... and it's not fun.

    Now if I could get triple the reward for carrying the instance I wouldn't feel as frustrated, as my awards would make at least make up for the instances where it's impossible to carry them all.
  • str8slayerstr8slayer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 715 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    After like 20 wins I've gotten nothing for at least half of them, this is getting ridiculous and this needs to be fixed.....
  • kuzuryoukuzuryou Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Fantastic bug she has, we killed her 3 seconds before phase change and the game didn't count the kill and proceeded to next phase , we kill her again at the next phase and the game rewards us as if we had failed to kill her.Simply awesome...............
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I feel like the raid is pretty much at the difficulty it should be minus a minimum gs increase and some other issues being fixed.

    I would however like to see some other stuff added to the linu's store. The store is a great addition, however there isn't much you can do when you have everything so if you added stuff like rp and coal wards (which you probably wouldn't do I guess) or companion tokens. Then we can keep doing it for pretty much as long as we wanted with a continued rate of progression even when we have everything we want.
  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I tried several times today and half the times the event bugged out. Red dragon not showing or White dragon not showing. Yes, I also agree with an earlier post in that you will get "invisibly" killed while standing next to Clerics with no forewarning.

    I wont be running this event anymore for a while. I will just grind the zone for my Favors for now.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    You're going to give up after only 5 attempts?

    It's supposed to be hard.

    If everybody was finishing it on the first attempt, people would complain it's too easy.

    Now people struggle with it because it's challenging, and people complain.

    I don't think this Tiamat raid is hard at all nor is it challenging.

    Once we are able to queue with our own group like every other raid in every other MMO, this will be easy. Until then, I don't consider pugs not listening to be the right kind of challenge in any video game.
  • ogariousogarious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I don't think this Tiamat raid is hard at all nor is it challenging.

    Once we are able to queue with our own group like every other raid in every other MMO, this will be easy. Until then, I don't consider pugs not listening to be the right kind of challenge in any video game.

    It's not the difficulty that most of us have issue with. It's the bugs in the raid (and I use that term loosely) that is causing all the anger.

    See my above post.
  • scoutmasterjscoutmasterj Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I've finally gotten into some good groups and we've managed to beat Tiamat. First off, my biggest problem is lag, serious lag. There were times when the game stopped for like 15 seconds.

    2nd, put a favor in the chest. If i'm going to use a legendary key, there should be a favor in there.
  • icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I gotta agree, it costs about 30k for the dragon key, and the rewards inside often doesn't even worth 30k!

    About 50% of the time I left the chest unopened just because I could get the things inside at a lower cost straight from AH! (I have beaten Tiamat about 15~20 times, and things inside the chest are usually a Dragon's Potion/Scroll/Coin Pouch plus a random T2 epic or artifact equipment) quite often they are 'Titan's Glove', 'Sword Knot of Avatar', "Vagiliant gears (can't remember how to spell that word...) and most of those are like 10~15k each on AH now... depriciating each day...

    So really, I sometimes get better loots from the event reward such as Dragon Egg, 20 Slot Bags and they are free! The chest... is just... UNImpressive.... :(

    I've finally gotten into some good groups and we've managed to beat Tiamat. First off, my biggest problem is lag, serious lag. There were times when the game stopped for like 15 seconds.

    2nd, put a favor in the chest. If i'm going to use a legendary key, there should be a favor in there.

    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Half of the times I completed Tiamat, I did get no favor. Good job.

    Challange wise, in one run we had a 19k+GS team with debuff DC, buff GF, SW and two CWs. We began with black, down to 25% in the first phase. Green had 95%, we changed to green in the second phase and got him to ca. 10%. before we switched to red. In the third phase we killed black and helped kill green and red. We finished the dragon with 5+ minutes left. If you could do this full premade, you could most likely farm it with 15 ppl and 10 afk toons for the loot. The challange are lags, invisible onehits by lightning and PuGs.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I have a question for the devs. I've run this enough times now that this is really beginning to bother me, and I'd appreciate an answer.

    What is the deal with the Legion Devils and your defense? Are they completely ignoring it?

    No, really. I'd like an answer. When I've got >5k defense and I'm losing 40% of my HP (which is up to 36k now!) with a single swing of one of those blasted infernal swords, something is seriously wrong. Either my defense is a big fat goose-egg to them or there's a bug somewhere (or both).

    I'm running T2/T2.5 gear and I have a full set of Purified BI gear in the bank, but before I invest any effort into Draconic Templar I have to ask: is there any point in getting this shiny, new gear if the effective defense is always going to be zero against them? What is the point?
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • tickdofftickdoff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    hustin1 wrote: »
    I have a question for the devs. I've run this enough times now that this is really beginning to bother me, and I'd appreciate an answer.

    What is the deal with the Legion Devils and your defense? Are they completely ignoring it?

    No, really. I'd like an answer. When I've got >5k defense and I'm losing 40% of my HP (which is up to 36k now!) with a single swing of one of those blasted infernal swords, something is seriously wrong. Either my defense is a big fat goose-egg to them or there's a bug somewhere (or both).

    I'm running T2/T2.5 gear and I have a full set of Purified BI gear in the bank, but before I invest any effort into Draconic Templar I have to ask: is there any point in getting this shiny, new gear if the effective defense is always going to be zero against them? What is the point?

    The black dragon breath is a MASSIVE defense de-buff, and all it takes to get that debuff is walking in the acid pool left behind from the breath weapon, which is easy to do accidentally in the chaos of that fight. If you are getting hit with that then it is easy for you to get defeated quickly by mobs that might not otherwise be a problem. I have also noticed that the Blue Dragon breath does not often put a red circle on the ground before it fires off, which can cause several player deaths. if you are being hit by the lightning breath while fighting a Devil it may not be the Devil which is killing you.
  • odd111outodd111out Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Overall, it's been frustrating because I was expecting release content that was fun like Malabog's Castle and Valindra's Tower, where it felt like a group of people working together against Evil Doers. But poor design, lag, and a deteriorating player community have contributed to it being an overall disappointment.

    I will point out that a lot of what had people screaming on Friday and Saturday has declined greatly-people not working together, not getting gems, etc. Even the non-English crowd has mostly caught on, likely due to the posting of several videos on YouTube and the like. Also I know of several non-English sites for this game have also posted written guides.


    1. Fix the Lag. For those who have gotten the weird super Dragon Head Lag, I've had to either suicide or unslot the gem (for a second). I've always noticed that the Lag at the heads starts during a roar section, but I don't know if that really has anything to do with it.

    2. Redesign the starting area. Get rid of the central campfire and have it spawn only when the event starts. Its harder to organize, or encourage people to organize, into colored groups when they are instinctively motivated to stand by it. Also people at each area need to be able to clearly see each other and the other groups, so that two groups don't get accidentally made and so that some trading is possible-clerics etc.

    3. Party Leaders should gain a colored flame above their heads. The person who wants to be leader for that color can go gain it as a "flag" by being the first one to touch the colored flame in the start area. That way it will be quicker and easier (and clearer for non-English speakers) which groups have been made and who to get an invite from. The flame does not need to be permanent, and could expire when the event starts.

    4. Set a GS requirement to 14k for Tiamat. I can see the argument that from a business side of things you don't want people drawn to try the game by Tiamat adverts and then told they can't run the content until the do previous releases (although they can pay). But a 14k GS is a reasonable expectation and it's not hard to achieve. People need to spend some time running 5 party content before doing 25 party content.

    ** There really should have been a Major 5 Party Dungeon in this expansion, as well as Tiamat. One that was open to people less than 14k GS, that they could see as a stepping stone to Tiamat. **

    5. Add a NPC or two in front of the Temple, Spies or whatever, who can give the player a brief description of the fight and their role. Also, a merchant so people can do bag inventory in that five minute gap between the Heralds and Tiamat without running back to camp.

    I've also been experiencing wonky damage from Legion Devils, when I'm clean of debuffs, as if they were ignoring my DR. I've not had any trouble with the Eyrines one-shotting me. Or if there is some invisible debuff that can't be Cleansed?

    On a final note, I would point out that you have walled off most of the Religion Kits in last Thursday's patch when you put clear walls around the altars at the Herald spawn locations. I have submitted bug reports.

    I'm not against 5-parties being able to Q for the event, but I am against the effects of instance switching. Several times what are obviously premade late joiners have left an instance short, so there are only 20 people. Twice when it happened today it was an almost certain win until the instance got left hanging with out a team for that color. Let there be premade 5-parties but that's it. No instance switching, no going out the door and re-entering. Leaving should give you a penalty similar to PvP-quitting. And perhaps a severe inactivity penalty that logs you out to take care of people sitting at the campfire for the whole thing.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Once they fix the queue system and let people form their parties up, the raid will be a much smoother experience. I don't think Cryptic made the actual difficulty hard at all (apart from the game-breaking bugs). The concept is quite simple. Death isn't a big factor. A lot of people have written up excellent guides on how to tackle them.

    However, a lot of players in random instances will simply just not read, listen or communicate at all. Therein lies some of the problems as well.
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    hustin1 wrote: »
    before I invest any effort into Draconic Templar I have to ask: is there any point in getting this shiny, new gear if the effective defense is always going to be zero against them? What is the point?

    For almost everyone, Draconic Templar is a lot worse than T2 (or T1 for DCs), in general.
  • shadevpshadevp Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    odd111out wrote: »
    Overall, it's been frustrating because I was expecting release content that was fun like Malabog's Castle and Valindra's Tower, where it felt like a group of people working together against Evil Doers. But poor design, lag, and a deteriorating player community have contributed to it being an overall disappointment.

    I will point out that a lot of what had people screaming on Friday and Saturday has declined greatly-people not working together, not getting gems, etc. Even the non-English crowd has mostly caught on, likely due to the posting of several videos on YouTube and the like. Also I know of several non-English sites for this game have also posted written guides.


    1. Fix the Lag. For those who have gotten the weird super Dragon Head Lag, I've had to either suicide or unslot the gem (for a second). I've always noticed that the Lag at the heads starts during a roar section, but I don't know if that really has anything to do with it.

    2. Redesign the starting area. Get rid of the central campfire and have it spawn only when the event starts. Its harder to organize, or encourage people to organize, into colored groups when they are instinctively motivated to stand by it. Also people at each area need to be able to clearly see each other and the other groups, so that two groups don't get accidentally made and so that some trading is possible-clerics etc.

    3. Party Leaders should gain a colored flame above their heads. The person who wants to be leader for that color can go gain it as a "flag" by being the first one to touch the colored flame in the start area. That way it will be quicker and easier (and clearer for non-English speakers) which groups have been made and who to get an invite from. The flame does not need to be permanent, and could expire when the event starts.

    4. Set a GS requirement to 14k for Tiamat. I can see the argument that from a business side of things you don't want people drawn to try the game by Tiamat adverts and then told they can't run the content until the do previous releases (although they can pay). But a 14k GS is a reasonable expectation and it's not hard to achieve. People need to spend some time running 5 party content before doing 25 party content.

    ** There really should have been a Major 5 Party Dungeon in this expansion, as well as Tiamat. One that was open to people less than 14k GS, that they could see as a stepping stone to Tiamat. **

    5. Add a NPC or two in front of the Temple, Spies or whatever, who can give the player a brief description of the fight and their role. Also, a merchant so people can do bag inventory in that five minute gap between the Heralds and Tiamat without running back to camp.

    I've also been experiencing wonky damage from Legion Devils, when I'm clean of debuffs, as if they were ignoring my DR. I've not had any trouble with the Eyrines one-shotting me. Or if there is some invisible debuff that can't be Cleansed?

    On a final note, I would point out that you have walled off most of the Religion Kits in last Thursday's patch when you put clear walls around the altars at the Herald spawn locations. I have submitted bug reports.

    I'm not against 5-parties being able to Q for the event, but I am against the effects of instance switching. Several times what are obviously premade late joiners have left an instance short, so there are only 20 people. Twice when it happened today it was an almost certain win until the instance got left hanging with out a team for that color. Let there be premade 5-parties but that's it. No instance switching, no going out the door and re-entering. Leaving should give you a penalty similar to PvP-quitting. And perhaps a severe inactivity penalty that logs you out to take care of people sitting at the campfire for the whole thing.

    These are truly reasonable suggestions. Liked all of them.
  • lewel555lewel555 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    c1k4ml3kc3 wrote: »
    the people who actually KNEW how to play

    Reading the posts, there are different opinions on what the right strat is. Some ppl say to zerg one head at a time, some ppl say one group on each head, some ppl say it's just a matter of DPS, some ppl say whatever strat will fail because of all the bugs and glitches.

    So fair, I'd say that "how to play" this skirmish is still unclear.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    lewel555 wrote: »
    Reading the posts, there are different opinions on what the right strat is. Some ppl say to zerg one head at a time, some ppl say one group on each head, some ppl say it's just a matter of DPS, some ppl say whatever strat will fail because of all the bugs and glitches.

    So fair, I'd say that "how to play" this skirmish is still unclear.
    when you trust people with you 5 people on each is ok if the dps is really high.
    otherwise the best tactic i found until know is to start with the "higher heads" (blue/green) with at least 6-7 people, bring them down to 15% and then JUMP on the lower ones and do the same until you have time.
    With random pugs zerging (or better 2 zerging groups starting from opposite heads namely white and black) is instead the best answer.
  • lewel555lewel555 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    asterotg wrote: »
    Half of the times I completed Tiamat, I did get no favor. Good job.
    tickdoff wrote: »
    If Tiamat dies you get a Linu's favor, no matter what position you finish in.

    Now it's getting confusing.
  • laughingbirddddlaughingbirdddd Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    the guy here has right.

    1) it stacks debuff amplifying pugs damages to reasonable levels.
    2) it s not hard to zerg so it needs little to zero communication.

    enter tiamat and start typing "YOLOOO ZERG" ... people will be happy

    I find that zerg is a petty good strategy for a 25 ppl group mixing with 12k to 20k+ gs
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Only problem with the zerg is communicating that this is what you are doing. Last night several people were spamming "Zerg" in the say window but others were still forming groups. So we had a sort of half zerg thing. And we all know what happens when you go off half-cocked in the harder missions lol.

    Despite that, I would not like to see pre-made groups being allowed in. It would just promote the elitism, GS snobbery and kicking that we see in so many parts of the game. Keep the randomness, I say.
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    henry404 wrote: »
    Despite that, I would not like to see pre-made groups being allowed in. It would just promote the elitism, GS snobbery and kicking that we see in so many parts of the game. Keep the randomness, I say.

    Yeah it sucks to be able to play with friends in a social game. Especially when you want coordination which thankfully has improved in pugs.
  • onegaki101onegaki101 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    lewel555 wrote: »
    Now it's getting confusing.

    That's because some instances are bugged. The event is not resetting, so whether you win or lose, you won't get a reward. You will get a linu's favor for beating Tiamat when the event is properly reset.
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Always remember - YOU are a pug to somebody else not in your guild, or group of friends.

    What has been helping with this dungeon is:

    - grouping by the different color fires for forming parties
    - willingness to go to a diffferent head IF one party is massively failing to do damage
    - rezzing anyone you can that falls
    - keeping in mind individual damage is not most important, overall damage is
    - use the dragon soul, and press TAB enough
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    - rezzing anyone you can that falls

    A waste of time. The campfire run is short, and people die rezzing, it's a very poor idea, and bad tactics.
  • c1k4ml3kc3c1k4ml3kc3 Member Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    lewel555 wrote: »
    Reading the posts, there are different opinions on what the right strat is. Some ppl say to zerg one head at a time, some ppl say one group on each head, some ppl say it's just a matter of DPS, some ppl say whatever strat will fail because of all the bugs and glitches.

    So fair, I'd say that "how to play" this skirmish is still unclear.

    How's it unclear? It's rather simple. If you check the instance numbers and see that you have 19 players overall in the instance, don't go 5/5 man teams, it's dead-end and it's impossible to do it. You'll end up with one team going around, helping others, and that's a no-go.

    If you're going to change the instance - DON'T. Tell your pals, boyfriends, girlfriends, waifu or whatever that you'll remain in the instance and actually team-up. SPAM that SAY chat until you get PT.

    Don't go as a Cold Damage dealer on the White Dragon :/ Let high ARP MoF's do it, if there're any. White will melt

    Besides, the ZERG RUSH is the best thing here because if there're not enough parties, you can start by doing it in two ways

    1. Start from either Black or White and move accordingly.
    1. Start from Red dragon and split in two groups accordingly.

    As usual, defeat up to 50%, then up to 20%, and then kill with fire/ice/storm, whatever. Don;t use Storm on Stormy doragon, don't use ice on white, don't use flame on red, don't use TRs with high poison on green, don't use Warlocks with DotS on Black.

    If you're a CW, Use Ice Storm frequently, use shard of avalanche, let someone else use the oppressive force, use Icy Terrain to place strategic point, use Oppressor feat for Sudden storm super-freeze etc.

    You'll end up with 10 minutes remaining for the 3rd phase if you do ZERG correctly.
    Also, repel on black and white. Someone has to put those mobs away when 5/5
    True Neutral
    Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
  • truescramblestruescrambles Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    c1k4ml3kc3 wrote: »
    Don't go as a Cold Damage dealer on the White Dragon :/ Let high ARP MoF's do it, if there're any. White will melt

    Don;t use Storm on Stormy doragon, don't use ice on white, don't use flame on red, don't use TRs with high poison on green, don't use Warlocks with DotS on Black.

    I don't think that's how this game works.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    Some trends I'm seeing that need to stop. Now. :

    1) Blind ranting with no constructive substance. Please review our guidelines on constructive feedback, which can be found here. Insults to the devs, staff, and other players are not tolerated and will be moderated without further notice, and may result in sanctions against your posting privilege.

    2) PUG bashing. Not everyone is a perfectly crafted, elite, 20k GS+ playing machine. We were all newbies at one point. Respect those attempting to follow the climb to the top in the best way they know how and be ready to lend a helping hand, not an accusatory finger.

    3) Rants based on ethnicity or a language barrier. These are never permitted under the Rules of Conduct. This is an international game. Do expect to have to play with people of differing languages or nationalities and conduct yourself accordingly and with respect for your fellow player.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • forcemajureforcemajure Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Intentionally or not, Cryptic has hit on a new form of challenge here. You have 5 minutes to coordinate with a group of strangers and only a few prompts that maybe focus behavior on a sub-optimal strategy. This is genius! It is actually making your social skill the key to winning a challenge in a social game. Unfortunately, the community is all too often losing this challenge. And the "nerdrage" of people who find that, suddenly, GS and elitism are not linchpins of social behavior is probably one of the biggest reasons for failure.

    I, for one, hope Cryptic allows this social experiment to keep going and does not "nerf" the social challenge by allowing pre-made raid groups. Of course, they may have to if the degeneration into racial/national/PUG blame continues to build in zone chat. But, surely we can all rise above that and coordinate even the most GS-blinded among us. If you come out of a failed Tiamat blaming anyone else, you failed the challenge. It is that simple.
This discussion has been closed.