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Official Feedback Thread: Other Balance Changes



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    aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hfgtfsdfs wrote: »
    Edit: I was wrong, isnt lifesteal the problem in PvP?

    What does that mean? Is that regarding the post about proccrate?

    "10 min of hitting the dummy and we have the procs:
    Chaos Magic: Growth - 41 times
    Chaos Magic: Nexus - 11 times
    Chaos Magic: Fury - 7 times"

    Sounds like they made it a group buff.

    I wish they would just take Growth and Nexus out. Change it from Chaos Magic to Chaotic Fury. They could even give it the critical strike boost from Nexus.
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    hfgtfsdfshfgtfsdfs Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    aulduron wrote: »
    Sounds like they made it a group buff.

    I wish they would just take Growth and Nexus out. Change it from Chaos Magic to Chaotic Fury. They could even give it the critical strike boost from Nexus.

    Its always been a buff for YOU and your allies? I think the bug is that it was giving you 2-3 of the buffs at the same time, that might be the thing they fixed.
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    We have added 3 more changes. I am hopeful that all 3 will be in with the other listed changes and will hit today barring anything going wrong.

    Hunter Ranger: Combat: Wilds Medicine: This feat is now half as effective in PVP.

    Scourge Warlock: Temptation: Soul Bonding: Life steal shared is reduced to 125% of the life steal done (down from 200%).

    Control Wizard: Renegade: Chaos Magic: Now correctly applies to allies.

    The OP has been updated with these changes.

    Thank you for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    Can these changes go on the live server?

    HRs not going to full health after 3 seconds is a nice change in PVP
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    hfgtfsdfshfgtfsdfs Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Can these changes go on the live server?

    HRs not going to full health after 3 seconds is a nice change in PVP

    Its the lifesteal that giving them 100% HP while bursting the opponent down to 0 :P
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    aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hfgtfsdfs wrote: »
    Its always been a buff for YOU and your allies? I think the bug is that it was giving you 2-3 of the buffs at the same time, that might be the thing they fixed.

    Yes, but I gather that it wasn't applying to allies on preview? IIRC, the same happened to Nightmare Wizardry last change.

    The bug giving multiple buffs is on live.
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    dante126pldante126pl Banned Users Posts: 257 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    We have added 3 more changes. I am hopeful that all 3 will be in with the other listed changes and will hit today barring anything going wrong.

    Hunter Ranger: Combat: Wilds Medicine: This feat is now half as effective in PVP.

    Scourge Warlock: Temptation: Soul Bonding: Life steal shared is reduced to 125% of the life steal done (down from 200%).

    Control Wizard: Renegade: Chaos Magic: Now correctly applies to allies.

    The OP has been updated with these changes.

    Thank you for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
    GWF is still the worst class in m5 any chance to fix that?
    even m5 DC outdps GWF in pve, thx to unreasonable damage nerfs.
    also our survaviblity in pvp is too low due to unstoppable nerfs and ridculous amount of dmg other classes can do in no time.
    you guys shouldnt nerf one class and buff others at once.
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    twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Can these changes go on the live server?

    HRs not going to full health after 3 seconds is a nice change in PVP
    Once again, it's lifesteal doing the bulk of the healing for HRs, not Wilds Medicine. Even in PvE it's not a huge contributor as you never get anywhere near the max 10 stacks.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    Anything that helps would be nice, just really funny seeing mostly HRs at the top of the leaderboard
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    schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Once again, it's lifesteal doing the bulk of the healing for HRs, not Wilds Medicine. Even in PvE it's not a huge contributor as you never get anywhere near the max 10 stacks.

    I agree with twilightwatchman .

    We have added 3 more changes. I am hopeful that all 3 will be in with the other listed changes and will hit today barring anything going wrong.

    Scourge Warlock: Temptation: Soul Bonding: Life steal shared is reduced to 125% of the life steal done (down from 200%).

    The OP has been updated with these changes.

    Thank you for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    Look at this Change from pvp perspective.

    Dear Crush consider this SW temp capstone have x2 HD penatly.
    SW deal lets say 5000 dmg and most of them have at least 15% ls so they drain 750 hp affected by HD =375 hp party healed 750 and and agan HD pop up and party healed 375.

    Now if those changes hit live.
    SW deal 5000 dmg 15% ls so they drain 750 hp affected by HD =375 hp party healed 468 hp and agan HD pop up and party healed 234 hp.
    This is not healing .

    The main problem is not the SW heal is too big LS stat is too powerfull % 1500 LS = 10 %
    and those numers are easily achivable .

    Originally Posted by gentlemancrush View Post
    Hunter Ranger: Combat: Wilds Medicine: This feat is now half as effective in PVP.

    Combat HR can achive easily 30% LS x 3 endless consuption =90x Life Steal /2 HD is still 45% LS.
    1500 LS 10 % + Blood Letting +5% Battle Crazed +15% + ToD 5 th boon +3 % = 33% LS +endless consuption 99% ls so Combat hr hit 20k dmg with fox they will healed back 10k (including HD)
    So wilds medicine isnt the problem here.

    So lets say the LS stat cut down . 2000 LS stat give y 3 % Life back i take GWF and GF for example cuz they have no passiv feat to boost they LS stat .
    So they take the 5th boon from ToD +3 % then they have 6% ls and they take the 5 th boon endless consuption x 3 LS = 18 % its still powerfull heal.

    I suggest to look on this thread http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?775851-Feedback-PVE-and-Life-Steal good and bad ideas are there but its about balance .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
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    yuccapalmyuccapalm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    We have added 3 more changes. I am hopeful that all 3 will be in with the other listed changes and will hit today barring anything going wrong.

    Hunter Ranger: Combat: Wilds Medicine: This feat is now half as effective in PVP.

    Scourge Warlock: Temptation: Soul Bonding: Life steal shared is reduced to 125% of the life steal done (down from 200%).

    Control Wizard: Renegade: Chaos Magic: Now correctly applies to allies.

    The OP has been updated with these changes.

    Thank you for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    nice change at least a little tone down to HR surviveabillity.
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    dante126pldante126pl Banned Users Posts: 257 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    yuccapalm wrote: »
    nice change at least a little tone down to HR surviveabillity.

    wild medicine is not main reason why HR heals so much its their LS but thats a good start in toning down those unkillable HRs
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    kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    CW observation: since storm spell now on checks for activation only on criticals, all storm spells activations are Criticals. I did a quick dummy test to get a feel for the changes, and really doesn't seem to make much difference on my Renegade. It still is about 25% (no CoI, no Icy Terrain) - 41% (with Icy Terrain & CoI) of my DPS, depending on rotation and load out. What this will mean is that the initial rotation will be very dependent on EotS. I'll leave posting an ACT parse to someone more motivated than I.
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    kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Feedback, Feated Chilling Presense is a waste of feat points and a waste of a passive power for a Renegade Spell Storm Wizard. Reason: I did a quick DR dummy test, swapping feated Chilling Presence for Eye of the Storm, results in a drop in EncDPS of 30%. I didn't bother comparing to Storm Spell, that would be an even worse swap, since Storm Spell was 40% of my EncDPS in both tests.
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    inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    CW observation: since storm spell now on checks for activation only on criticals, all storm spells activations are Criticals. I did a quick dummy test to get a feel for the changes, and really doesn't seem to make much difference on my Renegade. It still is about 25% (no CoI, no Icy Terrain) - 41% (with Icy Terrain & CoI) of my DPS, depending on rotation and load out. What this will mean is that the initial rotation will be very dependent on EotS. I'll leave posting an ACT parse to someone more motivated than I.

    in real dungeons it will be a buff, because you single rotation all mobs within 6 seconds (during EOTS) and then spend the following 14 seconds traveling to the next pack. so while you maintain 40% dps on target dummies, you will actually see a dps increase in dungeons. Been saying this since these changes were announced, but CWs doomsayers fail at logic and comprehension.

    in all but bosses fights, This change is a 50% increase in storm spell procs and all of those procs are guranteed crits, thus the damage increase above and beyond the greater proc rate is equal to your crit severity.
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    kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Feedback: Feated Chilling Presence is still inferior to Evocation using the same rotation and load-out (CoI, ST, Icy Terrain, Sudden Storm), other passive Storm Spell. Evocation is about 3% better in my normal dummy testing. So why bother with Chilling Presence, feated or not, it's garbage. If I had used a skill list that took more advantage of Evocation (last I remembered CoI & Icy Terrain didn't benefit from Evocation) it would have been more pronounced.
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    kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    in real dungeons it will be a buff, because you single rotation all mobs within 6 seconds (during EOTS) and then spend the following 14 seconds traveling to the next pack. so while you maintain 40% dps on target dummies, you will actually see a dps increase in dungeons. Been saying this since these changes were announced, but CWs doomsayers fail at logic and comprehension.

    in all but bosses fights, This change is a 50% increase in storm spell procs and all of those procs are guranteed crits, thus the damage increase above and beyond the greater proc rate is equal to your crit severity.

    You're probably right for CW/Spell Storm. For CW/MOF, I expect the situation to be different. I really dislike the auto-proc EotS and all the proc damage. I would rather have my damage as encounters with Storm Spell back to mod3 version (which was decent, but not a required skill).
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    commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    in real dungeons it will be a buff, because you single rotation all mobs within 6 seconds (during EOTS) and then spend the following 14 seconds traveling to the next pack. so while you maintain 40% dps on target dummies, you will actually see a dps increase in dungeons. Been saying this since these changes were announced, but CWs doomsayers fail at logic and comprehension.

    in all but bosses fights, This change is a 50% increase in storm spell procs and all of those procs are guranteed crits, thus the damage increase above and beyond the greater proc rate is equal to your crit severity.

    It won't be a buff in pve for CWs!
    In this game no dot is criting if it fails to crit for the first time. So basic math tells we will lose serious amount of storm spell on non criting coi, icy terrain, oppforce dots.

    In that 6 second you wont put dots like coi/icy terrain you cast heavy hitters like sudden storm or oppforce for the guranteed crit!

    Beside you can't really reach crit over 40-42% but you lose INT/power stats.
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    FEEDBACK: Feracious Reaction isn't working at all.
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    inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It won't be a buff in pve for CWs!
    In this game no dot is criting if it fails to crit for the first time. So basic math tells we will lose serious amount of storm spell on non criting coi, icy terrain, oppforce dots.

    In that 6 second you wont put dots like coi/icy terrain you cast heavy hitters like sudden storm or oppforce for the guranteed crit!

    Beside you can't really reach crit over 40-42% but you lose INT/power stats.

    You are correct only in that if you are terrible player who is incapable of pressing more than 2 buttons in the period of 6 seconds or if you cast the incorrect abilities like standing there holding down magic missile for 6 seconds straight then this change won't be a buff. You will do exactly the same amount of terrible damage that you do currently, which is 40% storm spell procs.

    If you are not terrible at video games, then yeah, it's going to be yet another buff to an already op class (pve)

    Another thing.

    You are correct that if a damage over time ability does not crit on the initial hit it will not crit for the duration. I'm going to let you figure out why that is completely irrelevant to a class with Eye of the Storm. It does not matter one bit, even for 10k gs cw who can't kill everything in a single rotation. Why eots being only 6 seconds doesn't really matter, even if you are slow and can barely get your spells off in the 6 seconds that eots lasts. go ahead and try and figure it out, would you?

    here's a hint, the inverse is also true.
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    korden1korden1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Ah, The piercing Blade fix slipped my list. it is in the build. Updating the OP.
    izidius wrote: »
    Thank you so much!

    First, this in my Country is called MAFIA.

    Second, the "king of pvp" is now the CW and you can easily understand it from how many CWs appeared in the last 2 months in Dominio/Gauntlgrym (or measure how long takes a CW killing a player from beyond its attack line). So I ask again, NO NERF for the CW, king of PVP?

    Third, i remember one post of GC saying "these modifies for HR cannot be rushed out, since they will strongly affect HR performances, but we are making adjustment to balance Piercing Blade fix.

    Well, where are these balances?
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    schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I agree with twilightwatchman .

    Look at this Change from pvp perspective.

    Dear Crush consider this SW temp capstone have x2 HD penatly.
    SW deal lets say 5000 dmg and most of them have at least 15% ls so they drain 750 hp affected by HD =375 hp party healed 750 and and agan HD pop up and party healed 375.

    Now if those changes hit live.
    SW deal 5000 dmg 15% ls so they drain 750 hp affected by HD =375 hp party healed 468 hp and agan HD pop up and party healed 234 hp.
    This is not healing .

    The main problem is not the SW heal is too big LS stat is too powerfull % 1500 LS = 10 %
    and those numers are easily achivable .

    Combat HR can achive easily 30% LS x 3 endless consuption =90x Life Steal /2 HD is still 45% LS.
    1500 LS 10 % + Blood Letting +5% Battle Crazed +15% + ToD 5 th boon +3 % = 33% LS +endless consuption 99% ls so Combat hr hit 20k dmg with fox they will healed back 10k (including HD)

    So wilds medicine isnt the problem here.

    So lets say the LS stat cut down . 2000 LS stat give y 3 % Life back i take GWF and GF for example cuz they have no passiv feat to boost they LS stat .
    So they take the 5th boon from ToD +3 % then they have 6% ls and they take the 5 th boon endless consuption x 3 LS = 18 % its still powerfull heal.

    I suggest to look on this thread http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?775851-Feedback-PVE-and-Life-Steal good and bad ideas are there but its about balance .

    Perfect example how LS of HR works just look at your own pvp match .
    HR can heal more then SW temp on her self with LS.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    this inability to give a buff to gwf without losing control and not able to give real nerfs to cw is "hilarious".

    1 - I'm your target audience and dont asked for stack systems. for who were the changes?

    2 - how do you think I have time to become unstoppable and accumulate stacks now before the cw kill everything in 6? you stopped to think about it for 2 minutes?

    3 - in m3 you just need fix cw bugs and ok. the class is balanced now for pve. why, my good god, all that unecessary changes which obviously you can not control? is so hard back and give some small buffs seeking pvp?

    4 - What additional utility has the gwf to justify the lower damage? (or all that chains)

    5 - What do you believe that real disadvantage inflicted on the cw to justify the current damage?

    my good lord... why I insist on trying to improve a game if I quit?
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    kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It won't be a buff in pve for CWs!
    In this game no dot is criting if it fails to crit for the first time. So basic math tells we will lose serious amount of storm spell on non criting coi, icy terrain, oppforce dots.

    In that 6 second you wont put dots like coi/icy terrain you cast heavy hitters like sudden storm or oppforce for the guranteed crit!

    Beside you can't really reach crit over 40-42% but you lose INT/power stats.

    Your missing the key point. ALL Storm Spell activations now Crit. To trigger Storm Spell at all it must make the 30% roll and be originally a CRIT. Run your own ACT parse (mine says 100% Crit for Storm Spell). You have increased your effective chance of Storm Spell to trigger, once you have a CRIT (remember Eye of the Storm), so you have increased the damage from your initial rotation during each encounter (EotS: ie 6 seconds). After those 6 seconds, Storm Spell will drop off in effectiveness, but only for the things left alive (since you are no longer have AUTO CRITS).
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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    • Renegade: Chilling Advantage: Chilling Presence increases Critical Chance by 2/4/6/8/10% (up from 1/2/3/4/5%).

    As others have noted, there's still no reason to slot Chilling Advantage over Spellstorm or Eye of the Storm, or Critical Conflagration and Swath of Destruction. Even with the 10% crit chance added with the feat, it's still a DPS loss. Which makes Chilling Advantage a "trap" feat. It looks good on paper, but it's bad in practice. Feat points are still better spent elsewhere.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    alewarrior99alewarrior99 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Can u decrease the damage of Intimidation of 10% not 15%? ... Can u increase the damage of 10% of this talents:

    Powerfull Challenge: You Deal an Additional 25% (up from 15%) Damage to Marked Targets
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    Can u decrease the damage of Intimidation of 10% not 15%? ... Can u increase the damage of 10% of this talents:

    Powerfull Challenge: You Deal an Additional 25% (up from 15%) Damage to Marked Targets

    m8 , i am a gwf, and i suggested to 35% , reason why ?
    because with the new updates you can get higher POWER . so for now 35% is enough ! lowering it down, will make sentinel unplayable.
    same with powerfull challenge , it's a tier 2 for godsake, no need to empower it more.
    only thing gwf needs now is 1 piece of a puzzle in Instigator, that i hope they will add it. the new feracious reaction sounds promising. i can see some builds with that.
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    mafesiomafesio Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Number one thing, get rid of the glyphs already, or at least not in pvp, they lag the game and ruin almost every pvp match. They are a real dumb damage source for pvp, there is already enough procs and feats to remove the need of skill, glyphs just make it even more so. Might as well make the gameplay like WOW and make it more of a stat game, becasue skill, there is very little in pvp and cheese builds become more prominent when you introduce random damage sources, people alway's look for the cheese. Again, Vindictus is a good example, the game is all about skill, sure you can buy your way to god hood, but a skilled player can still put up a fight or win. Blue Dragon Glyph with SoS is like instant lag, and I have a high end gaming pc so I can imagine people with more moderate hardware.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Been testing Instigator changes. Few things could be added to make the path the true DPS PvP path, with destroyer being DPS PvE and Sentinel tank PvP/ PvE path:

    - Instigator capstone: can't determine the 50% damage increase when hit 4 times. Put an indicator like for other buffs that shows how long the buff lasts. Buff should last 20 seconds at least, like destroyer purpose buff, else it's useless if the enemy just uses high bursts, which is what happens in PvP.

    - Vicious advantage: damage buff up to 10% from 5%

    - Reinforced surge: damage up to 10% from 5% and stun time increased 1 sec from 0,5 secs

    - Not so fast should slow targets more, like TR slows that pretty much roots the enemy in place, and allows it to only move through dodges

    - Allied opportunity: increase slow duration of not so fast by 1/2/3/4/5 seconds

    - Nimble runner: increase also stamina by 30% and add 1 extra charge to punishing charge. Also add 10% increased DR when running if current DPS overkill in pvP is going to stay the same...

    - Punishing charge first charge should stunn the target when hitting it. Range increased by 50%. Second charge does not stun and 20% less range than first charge. Last 2 charges no stun and same range as current punishing charge.

    I'll be clear, most instigator feats like fleet footed, student of the sword exc...are not as good as destro/ senti counterparts. The above power ups could make the path attractive for PvP and find that use for Instigator builds. Mobility to place yourself but also more "raw power" that still requires some strategy (strategic use of sprint, not so fast, exc...).

    Above changes could be a start and then we can see if these are too powerful or not. But i think they could bring GWF at a good level to fight the other classes in PvP using instigator path. And could also be a nice boost to PvE.
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    mafesiomafesio Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    One more thing, as a programmer, I know there is no possible way the dev's can thing of every scenario these random damage sources will work and proc in. I'm sure when they they made them they sounded good. But people will spend lot's of money and time just to fight the right class and the right feats to make them work not WAI. For balance, remove all the irresistible damage, and damage procced by feats that take no skill and very little chance out and focus on what's left. As in all MMO's, people will seek to take advantage of anything you introduce to eventually make it effect normal gameplay and CREATE imbalance that they complain about.

    On another note, I think the only solution to the problem, because the game I would say was initially made for PVE (Obviously) and many people still only play that part of the game. I don't think you can look at the powers and abilities for pve/pvp the same way. One suggestion would be to split the powers up for pve and pvp. I mean pvp specific powers and pve specific powers that can only be used in their respective areas, possibly work the feats like the pvp boons, separate trees for pvp that are active only in pvp. In this way the devs can focus on the individual areas of the game and feedback from the players would be more specific to what they are looking for without conflicts between pve and pvp players.

    I think it would actually be less work for the dev's in the long run, because the balancing act will never end. Either pvp players will complain or pve players complain. Making minor adjustments to powers in pvp is not enough to create balance. Personally I"m dreading to see what the new cheese builds will be in MOD 5, super clerics one shotting people, invincible hr's (again). People will spend time and money to find it, that I can assure you, then they will abuse it, then people wil copy and the imbalance will start all over again.

    I'm talking mainly about pvp, because pve is only a contest for pain giver, the content is only challenging for fresh 60's. People with 15k+ gs could not possible case about balance in pve unless it is for the sole purpose that their class can not achieve paingiver. Which, cw's should be on top, they are pure AOE and NW dungeons are all about the adds, I don't know why people alway's complain about them being OP in pve, 15k+ CW is going to destroy trash mobs in dungeons if he know's how to play.
This discussion has been closed.