all theory-crafting is pointless if you have more fun doing it your own way. Besides, imo most people vastly exaggerate the impact of certain specs
Exactly. And no Build will make you a better player, or improve your reflexes, or fix things like arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome if you're a crotchety old fogie like me! : But some builds can make things a little easier.
The Whisperknife is fun as I speced her properly and got the gear etc and can stay at range most of the time. My Halfling MI needs to be in melee range for Gloaming Cut and does not have the gear. I have the Zen now to re-spec her properly, and by the end of the week I'll have the AD for the Battlefield Skulker's Boots and Armour. She was always my favourite character as she is so cute and diddy and wee. It's like she has a personality. She WAS good at tanking in Delves until they nerfed her damage as well.
And you still need to get the experience to be familiar with what the powers do and when they are used to best advantage. That is why build threads like this one are so useful. I have four level 60 DCs, and my first ever Character (the Tiefling in my Avatar) has been re-specced about five times. She is a total Healer AC build now, and very good at her job. I need to get the Glory to upgrade her Gear to Profound from Grim, though. The extra stats are hardly worth the effort, but the extra Divinity Regeneration and Bonus Healing might be useful.
The others are a Dwarf AC (not so hot), a Dwarf DO (usually 3rd to top damage with normal PuGs in skirmishes) and a Halfling AC with no enchants and no Epic gear.
I'm guessing this is for PvP. How does it fair in PvE? Apologies for the necro, I just came back to the game and thinking of rolling a new TR to try out WK.
I'm guessing this is for PvP. How does it fair in PvE? Apologies for the necro, I just came back to the game and thinking of rolling a new TR to try out WK.
Hey there,
This build won't work in module 5 (Which is in 2 weeks) because of the Stealth Changes.
It might work with the Saboteur tree, but I haven't tested this yet.
saydc0ld1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited October 2014
Well PANDORA, if u play vs pugs all time this build could work but in a premade could be really sad . I've been a MI-Executioner full perma since ever and I think I could kill u too fast :S. Btw thanks for share us. Plucky
saydc0ld1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
GWF-come and get
HR-that thingy which covers whole node
CW-steal time or shard
DC-sun burst
TR-path of blades
GF-they have some aoe too
If you get hit by any of this skills without tenacious concealment as you said you use:
Passives :
- Sneak Attack
- Dagger threat
Then you will be as good as dead hehehe.
But this build is a whisperknife not infiltrator and any good WK doesn't hug the enemy lol they keep distance, staying out of all attack range and throwing endless knives.
Most MI are easy to kill unless they are fully maxed out then it's just an endless fight for me but WK give much more challenge since you hardly ever get an attack in. Looking forward to seeing the final changes to rogues in mod 5 though looks like the perma daze is best so far.
This build won't work in module 5 (Which is in 2 weeks) because of the Stealth Changes.
It might work with the Saboteur tree, but I haven't tested this yet.
Guess I won't level a new TR then.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited October 2014
Whisperknives can be pretty great with the revisions to TR. Just because this particular build doesn't work doesn't mean another won't. I wouldn't let that put you off if you're into the idea of trying one, but I would be inclined to create the character after Mod 5 launches so that you can learn the mechanics while you level up.
Well PANDORA, if u play vs pugs all time this build could work but in a premade could be really sad . I've been a MI-Executioner full perma since ever and I think I could kill u too fast :S. Btw thanks for share us. Plucky
hurr I r teh mi rogue i r teh best !11!!1 i kil u fast !
But this build is a whisperknife not infiltrator and any good WK doesn't hug the enemy lol they keep distance, staying out of all attack range and throwing endless knives.
Most MI are easy to kill unless they are fully maxed out then it's just an endless fight for me but WK give much more challenge since you hardly ever get an attack in. Looking forward to seeing the final changes to rogues in mod 5 though looks like the perma daze is best so far.
This lol.
I seriously laugh at these MI DF rogues thinking they're threatening.
It's seriously futile against a GF.
For a WK you have to keep looking for the guy, so you either take the damage he gives you, or waste your guard. I find it much more challenging to fight a 100% invis WK than these lame DF bots.
This build won't work in module 5 (Which is in 2 weeks) because of the Stealth Changes.
It might work with the Saboteur tree, but I haven't tested this yet.
Are you going to test it and post a Module 5 Version? I think it will be greatly appreciated.
And I have JUST got a Vorpal for my WK; the +25% Crit one, and she is doing well! BOO!
My MI also does well, and does more damage as she is Executioner/Saboteur hybrid, but has the disadvantage of being in melee range for her main At Will when CoS is used up. But she DOES have the massive advantage of filling her Stealth Meter with Bloodbath or Shocking Execution. She also has the Recovery to stay in Stealth with Tumble, Bait and Switch and Shadow Strike, just like my WK.
But the new changes seem to penalise the WK far more than the MI. From Gentleman Crush's statement that TRs were never meant to remain in Stealth while nickel-and-diming you to death from range (definition of a Perma-WK) all the way to Gloaming Cut still replenishing 10% of Stealth per hit. He must play an MI!
I only geared up these former Leadership Mules purely for the experience of Semi-Perma-Stealth Fun, as I have cursed them from the PoV of all other classes many, many times. And it has been a LOT of fun. They have full Battlefield Skulker's gear and three pieces of Profound Scoundrel gear. They have the Glory, but it will be another 5 or 6 days before the get the Seals of Triumph for the Amrour piece. Then a few days to enjoy sneaking about in the proper gear.
And then BOOM! Respec!
I hope it is a full re-spec, as I might not want them to have INT 19 if no longer helps the Perma-Build.
This build won't work in module 5 (Which is in 2 weeks) because of the Stealth Changes.
It might work with the Saboteur tree, but I haven't tested this yet.
I tested it, Pandora. Your build will live in Mod 5 as a Saboteur, and I can even say that it's MORE OP for Mod 5. 3 Stealth refill encounters, immense DoT ticks from Dish Strike, and piercing damage from stealthed Cloud of Steel... yes, stealthed.
I suggest you make the draft for your changes once you get to test it out for yourself, but here's the loadout I tested in Preview in which I think works best for a WK Sab. I also hope that you don't mind if I place a copy of this build in my guide as I'm attempting to build a compendium of Stealth builds, and Mod 5 is the Golden Age for stealth builds. There are already 5 working stealth builds. So many choices to choose from as some of them are full blown perma and some are just in between.
But moving on, these are the choices I made for a WK Sab.
We still have two batches of changes coming, but I'm pretty sure that so far, this is a solid setup to make sure that your build lives. The choices for the feat changes and why they were chosen are as follows.
Shady Preparations: Entering Stealth causes you to reduce the CD of your encounters by 10%. That extra 2 seconds shaved off from Bait and Switch, or 1.4 seconds on Shadow Strike would go a long way when things get hairy. Knife's Edge: Using a Daily reduces our encounter CDs by 15%. A tool to make sure we get something good out of using Dailies, and that something is increased room for error. Return to Shadows: A feat made even more effective via the use of Impact Shot, which is something we'll be using a lot for this build. It's a ranged encounter which makes it a good pair with the WK. As long as you are behind your opponent, you can pretty much chain the Stealth refill to full when done right. Another effective tool to get back into the shadows. Shadowy Opportunity: Deals 75% of our Weapon Damage as piercing damage which is something that cannot be resisted or deflected, and out of all the classes in the game, the TR has the best Weapon Damage as we have two weapons that contribute to it. Ambusher's Haste: Gives us a total maximum of +25% damage increase depending on how full our Stealth meter is. A good tool to use in conjunction with Dish Strike as it will increase the DoT ticks. One with the Shadows: This, my friends, is what makes the WK Perma Sab build possible. It turns ANY damaging encounter into a 15 second Stealth refill encounter, and in our case, it's Impact Shot. IS has the fastest activation time out of all our encounters and it also synergizes well with the WK theme, as well as Return to Shadows. More about IS later on in this mini-guide. Arterial Cut: An Executioner T1 feat. It increases our Crit Severity by 15%. A very powerful feat for Stealth builds as all our strikes are Critical Strikes in Stealth.
So there we have it. 3 effective Stealth refills and a wide variety of tools to get back into Stealth, it's hard to imagine the WK Perma dying off in Mod 5. These feat choices will allow us to spam Dish Strike and Cloud of Steel, provided that we do it carefully and with moderation. Cloud of Steel is the best At-Will to use with Shadowy Opportunity. Not only will all of your CoS strikes be critical hits since you are attacking from Stealth, but most of them will deal an extra 2k - 2.5k damage. And for an At-Will that strikes as quickly as cloud of Steel, this is pretty huge, and can be further improved by stacking Power.
For our skill bar choices, we have the following.
At-Wills: Disheartening Strike, Cloud of Steel. Encouters: Bait and Switch, Shadow Strike, Impact Shot. Class Features: First Strike, Dagger Threat or Sneak Attack/Tenacious Concealment. Dailies: Lurker's Assault, Bloodbath or Hateful Knives.
Our At-Wills will be the usual, which is DS and CoS. Since At-Wills can no longer be spammed effectively in Stealth, DS and CoS should be used with moderation. But thankfully the recent changes to our mechanics completely supports the WK Perma build. The reason is this; all strikes made from Stealth are Critical Strikes. What does this mean for us?
It means Disheartening Strike's Bleed ticks will ALL be Critical Strikes, and this can be further improved by Ambusher's Haste's +25% increased DPS as well as First Strike's +60% Increased DPS. And when the situation calls for it, you can further buff this by another 25% via the use of Lurker's Assault for a total maximum DPS increase of +110%. Imagine your Bleeds ticking for 6k - 6.5k, roughly every second for 15 seconds. This is the sort of OP we're looking at right now for this build, and all of these benefits come from the safety of range. Dagger Threat can increase this by another 15% should you choose to slot it in place of Sneak Attack. 15% decreased Stealth each time we use an At-Will is a fair trade-off for such the capability to ensure that all our strikes are Critical Strikes from Stealth.
Another combo for this build would be Impact Shot + Lurker's Assault. As long as we are using Lurker's Assault, Impact Shot will not take us out of Stealth. So we can pretty much chain stun our opponents with IS and net a large amount of damage in the process. Again, all these from the safety of Stealth. Low HP Rogues will be eaten alive with Dish Strike as the amount of Stealth we lose is now proportional to the amount of HP we lose from getting damaged, and Dish Strike can deal as much as 60k in the right conditions.
Cloud of Steel will also be able to deal roughly 4k to 5k total damage from Stealth, as all our strikes will be Critical Strikes and we get to proc Shadowy Opportunity which is 2k - 2.5k worth of piercing damage.
And that's pretty much it. These are the bare minimum that one requires to take if they wish to make a WK Perma in Mod 5. I'm not really sure how it will work in live PVP once the changes hit, but theoretically this build will still perform well even after all the changes. We just have to play more carefully as compared to before, but for a WK Sab, that shouldn't be a problem.
If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Although I've been busy from real life, I'll do my best to answer as promptly as possible.
Well, you know me More. I've always had a genuine love for Stealth builds, as my principle is that rogues equate to Stealth. I'm not entirely sure how we can create an equally competitive non-perma build, but the closest one I can think of is the One-Shot Executioner, Node 2 Hit-and-Run build, popularized by Click, who was arguably the best TR in the game back in the Beta days where the Shards haven't been merged yet.
This play style should be an effective way to play in a risky yet skillful manner. High risk, high reward, not entirely Stealth reliant but requires a good degree of eluding your opponents after you blow your LB. Shadow of Demise will also increase the efficacy of this build as compared to before.
If anyone's curious as to how to create the build, I'll be posting 5 different Stealth builds in my guide once Mod 5 hits, this build included. Though I may just write this one in advance just so people can discuss strategies and rooms for improvement if they wish to.
"Will there be a reset of the feats for the dc and the sw?
For Rise of Tiamat launch, Devoted Clerics will get a forced, full respec. Trickster Rogues will get a forced, feat respec."
Given the extent of the TR changes and the fact that aspects of the stealth mechanic are being adjusted (albeit less than changes to DC class mechanic), not having a Full respec is a big disappointment.
Whilst this I know this isnt from the official forum, it is a quote from the Product Manager so I still hold it with some degree of validity.
Well, you know me More. I've always had a genuine love for Stealth builds, as my principle is that rogues equate to Stealth. I'm not entirely sure how we can create an equally competitive non-perma build, but the closest one I can think of is the One-Shot Executioner, Node 2 Hit-and-Run build, popularized by Click, who was arguably the best TR in the game back in the Beta days where the Shards haven't been merged yet.
This play style should be an effective way to play in a risky yet skillful manner. High risk, high reward, not entirely Stealth reliant but requires a good degree of eluding your opponents after you blow your LB. Shadow of Demise will also increase the efficacy of this build as compared to before.
If anyone's curious as to how to create the build, I'll be posting 5 different Stealth builds in my guide once Mod 5 hits, this build included. Though I may just write this one in advance just so people can discuss strategies and rooms for improvement if they wish to.
This is the reason why I chose this guy for the Class Advocate, all ideas are laid bare and shared, not just to specific individuals.
StrawberryCheesecake TR BlackberryCheesecake CW
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] CheeseCake House
I tested it, Pandora. Your build will live in Mod 5 as a Saboteur, and I can even say that it's MORE OP for Mod 5. 3 Stealth refill encounters, immense DoT ticks from Dish Strike, and piercing damage from stealthed Cloud of Steel... yes, stealthed.
I suggest you make the draft for your changes once you get to test it out for yourself, but here's the loadout I tested in Preview in which I think works best for a WK Sab. I also hope that you don't mind if I place a copy of this build in my guide as I'm attempting to build a compendium of Stealth builds, and Mod 5 is the Golden Age for stealth builds. There are already 5 working stealth builds. So many choices to choose from as some of them are full blown perma and some are just in between.
But moving on, these are the choices I made for a WK Sab.
We still have two batches of changes coming, but I'm pretty sure that so far, this is a solid setup to make sure that your build lives. The choices for the feat changes and why they were chosen are as follows.
Shady Preparations: Entering Stealth causes you to reduce the CD of your encounters by 10%. That extra 2 seconds shaved off from Bait and Switch, or 1.4 seconds on Shadow Strike would go a long way when things get hairy. Knife's Edge: Using a Daily reduces our encounter CDs by 15%. A tool to make sure we get something good out of using Dailies, and that something is increased room for error. Return to Shadows: A feat made even more effective via the use of Impact Shot, which is something we'll be using a lot for this build. It's a ranged encounter which makes it a good pair with the WK. As long as you are behind your opponent, you can pretty much chain the Stealth refill to full when done right. Another effective tool to get back into the shadows. Shadowy Opportunity: Deals 75% of our Weapon Damage as piercing damage which is something that cannot be resisted or deflected, and out of all the classes in the game, the TR has the best Weapon Damage as we have two weapons that contribute to it. Ambusher's Haste: Gives us a total maximum of +25% damage increase depending on how full our Stealth meter is. A good tool to use in conjunction with Dish Strike as it will increase the DoT ticks. One with the Shadows: This, my friends, is what makes the WK Perma Sab build possible. It turns ANY damaging encounter into a 15 second Stealth refill encounter, and in our case, it's Impact Shot. IS has the fastest activation time out of all our encounters and it also synergizes well with the WK theme, as well as Return to Shadows. More about IS later on in this mini-guide. Arterial Cut: An Executioner T1 feat. It increases our Crit Severity by 15%. A very powerful feat for Stealth builds as all our strikes are Critical Strikes in Stealth.
So there we have it. 3 effective Stealth refills and a wide variety of tools to get back into Stealth, it's hard to imagine the WK Perma dying off in Mod 5. These feat choices will allow us to spam Dish Strike and Cloud of Steel, provided that we do it carefully and with moderation. Cloud of Steel is the best At-Will to use with Shadowy Opportunity. Not only will all of your CoS strikes be critical hits since you are attacking from Stealth, but most of them will deal an extra 2k - 2.5k damage. And for an At-Will that strikes as quickly as cloud of Steel, this is pretty huge, and can be further improved by stacking Power.
For our skill bar choices, we have the following.
At-Wills: Disheartening Strike, Cloud of Steel. Encouters: Bait and Switch, Shadow Strike, Impact Shot. Class Features: First Strike, Dagger Threat or Sneak Attack/Tenacious Concealment. Dailies: Lurker's Assault, Bloodbath or Hateful Knives.
Our At-Wills will be the usual, which is DS and CoS. Since At-Wills can no longer be spammed effectively in Stealth, DS and CoS should be used with moderation. But thankfully the recent changes to our mechanics completely supports the WK Perma build. The reason is this; all strikes made from Stealth are Critical Strikes. What does this mean for us?
It means Disheartening Strike's Bleed ticks will ALL be Critical Strikes, and this can be further improved by Ambusher's Haste's +25% increased DPS as well as First Strike's +60% Increased DPS. And when the situation calls for it, you can further buff this by another 25% via the use of Lurker's Assault for a total maximum DPS increase of +110%. Imagine your Bleeds ticking for 6k - 6.5k, roughly every second for 15 seconds. This is the sort of OP we're looking at right now for this build, and all of these benefits come from the safety of range. Dagger Threat can increase this by another 15% should you choose to slot it in place of Sneak Attack. 15% decreased Stealth each time we use an At-Will is a fair trade-off for such the capability to ensure that all our strikes are Critical Strikes from Stealth.
Another combo for this build would be Impact Shot + Lurker's Assault. As long as we are using Lurker's Assault, Impact Shot will not take us out of Stealth. So we can pretty much chain stun our opponents with IS and net a large amount of damage in the process. Again, all these from the safety of Stealth. Low HP Rogues will be eaten alive with Dish Strike as the amount of Stealth we lose is now proportional to the amount of HP we lose from getting damaged, and Dish Strike can deal as much as 60k in the right conditions.
Cloud of Steel will also be able to deal roughly 4k to 5k total damage from Stealth, as all our strikes will be Critical Strikes and we get to proc Shadowy Opportunity which is 2k - 2.5k worth of piercing damage.
And that's pretty much it. These are the bare minimum that one requires to take if they wish to make a WK Perma in Mod 5. I'm not really sure how it will work in live PVP once the changes hit, but theoretically this build will still perform well even after all the changes. We just have to play more carefully as compared to before, but for a WK Sab, that shouldn't be a problem.
If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Although I've been busy from real life, I'll do my best to answer as promptly as possible.
problem is the of survivability...1 error and you get oneshotted even with 45k HP.
could you please as our class advocate, push to increase our resistence?
dunno some class feature rework?
maybe first strike?
maybe sneak attack?
maybe skillfull?
or a power up of our stats?
really propose them because is not funny anymore to be the most squishy and with the lowest damages of all the classes.
I tested it, Pandora. Your build will live in Mod 5 as a Saboteur, and I can even say that it's MORE OP for Mod 5.
Oh, I am so psyched by this news.
I have never found my Module 4 As-Perma-As-My-Skill-Allows Dragonborn WK to be OP, though. And she has a Greater Vorpal. She just cannot seem to do the damage to kill much, but she can usually stay Stealthed if she does not get hit. So she is mostly Cap, Cap, Re-Cap, Re-Cap and Die. She has saved the day for some under-geared teams against another under-geared team, though, but most of her scores comes from capping and assists rather than killing. And it DOES need a team who will focus on 2 so that I can split enemy forces by standing on their base. Sometimes, they send 3 or even 4 to kill me. I don't care if I die, as I am doing my job. Just like my DCs!
My Halfling MI has been generally doing better than my WK in PvP. I don't know if this is due to better damage, better deflection or the fact that Bloodbath will refill her Stealth meter. She also has a Greater Vorpal, but has a Greater Barkshield instead of a Soulforged. She gets more kills, though.
When I log in, they will be stripped of Feats, so I need a decent build for both of them.
For Rise of Tiamat launch, Devoted Clerics will get a forced, full respec. Trickster Rogues will get a forced, feat respec."
Shabby, Cryptric. very, very shabby.
I just checked; my four DCs have had all their FEATS and their POWERS reset, but not their Level-Up Attribute stats.
So it is NOT even a FULL Re-Spec
And the Paragon Path is the same!
A FULL re-spec resets the attribute stats to level 1 and removes the Paragon Path as well.
So we cannot reassign STR, WIS, CHA and INT if we need to after the massively far-reaching overhaul and rebuild of our Clerics, most of which we did not want and did not ask for.
My two TRs have had their FEATS reset, but NOT their POWERS OR their Level-Up Attribute stats.
So it IS just a Feat Respec.
And the Paragon Path is the same!
So we cannot reassign STR, DEX, CHA and INT if we need to if INT and Recovery-based Stealth Builds no longer work after the massively far-reaching overhaul and rebuild of our Rogues, most of which we did not want and did not ask for. Like, if I should now make my MI a normal-INT, HIGH STR, HIGH DEX DPS Executioner, I can't.
Four DCs and two TRs. So that is fully HALF of my level 60 characters.
I mentioned this in the feedback threads weeks ago, but for some unknowable reason it was "cleansed" into the Lower Depths.
I also PMd Akromatik about it, but he did not reply.
I am not just massively disappointed, I think this is an absolute disgrace.
After all the money I have contributed to this game, am I REALLY being milked for 300 Zen for a proper respec after these enforced changes?
Please give all DC and TR characters a full, Free Re-Spec token.
Just me can't do anything?!
If i use at wills i'll be come visible and when i turn visible i just die on 3 segs =/
Somebody can help with tips or some like that?
With the introduction of Mod5, WK sure did get a boost. However, with all of the bugs introduced, it'll be short lived. WK's potential ranged damage combined with the new passives makes it a formidable opponent. Especially given that it's nearly fully ranged. The new feats make speccing into critical % at all a negligible point. If you're a permastealth WK, every stealth attack is guaranteed to crit. With this, you can fully spec into something like Str/Cha and Power/Combat Adv with Perfect Vorpal, giving you ridiculous dot ticks on DS.
However, MI still holds the advantage. Not only in permastealth capability but also in survivability and TR vs TR mechanics. This isn't to say Mod 5 wasn't a buff to WK, however, Mod 5 was a buff to TRs in general. MI has, and always will be, the most viable, all around option for TRs. Gloaming Cut and ITC just can't be matched with WK's kit.
I will say that taking out other DPS, for the exception for the MI who isn't an idiot, has become a lot easier. Any GWF, GF, or DC with a brain is still going to find you and wreck your ****.
I'll also say that I have 2 CWs, a GWF, a SW, and a HR, and I still enjoy WK more than them. I've played WK since it came out and I don't intend to stop. However, I'll be the first to admit when the class has problems. And it still has a ton of problems.
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Although I've been busy from real life, I'll do my best to answer as promptly as possible.
Yes, I got one.
I have your Banelord build Guide, so is the build you've posted here meant for PvE or is it the best WK build for PvP?
Exactly. And no Build will make you a better player, or improve your reflexes, or fix things like arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome if you're a crotchety old fogie like me!
The Whisperknife is fun as I speced her properly and got the gear etc and can stay at range most of the time. My Halfling MI needs to be in melee range for Gloaming Cut and does not have the gear. I have the Zen now to re-spec her properly, and by the end of the week I'll have the AD for the Battlefield Skulker's Boots and Armour. She was always my favourite character as she is so cute and diddy and wee. It's like she has a personality. She WAS good at tanking in Delves until they nerfed her damage as well.
And you still need to get the experience to be familiar with what the powers do and when they are used to best advantage. That is why build threads like this one are so useful. I have four level 60 DCs, and my first ever Character (the Tiefling in my Avatar) has been re-specced about five times. She is a total Healer AC build now, and very good at her job. I need to get the Glory to upgrade her Gear to Profound from Grim, though. The extra stats are hardly worth the effort, but the extra Divinity Regeneration and Bonus Healing might be useful.
The others are a Dwarf AC (not so hot), a Dwarf DO (usually 3rd to top damage with normal PuGs in skirmishes) and a Halfling AC with no enchants and no Epic gear.
Hey there,
This build won't work in module 5 (Which is in 2 weeks) because of the Stealth Changes.
It might work with the Saboteur tree, but I haven't tested this yet.
I agree with this guy! Give him a beer
But this build is a whisperknife not infiltrator and any good WK doesn't hug the enemy lol they keep distance, staying out of all attack range and throwing endless knives.
Most MI are easy to kill unless they are fully maxed out then it's just an endless fight for me but WK give much more challenge since you hardly ever get an attack in. Looking forward to seeing the final changes to rogues in mod 5 though
Guess I won't level a new TR then.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
hurr I r teh mi rogue i r teh best !11!!1 i kil u fast !
This lol.
I seriously laugh at these MI DF rogues thinking they're threatening.
It's seriously futile against a GF.
For a WK you have to keep looking for the guy, so you either take the damage he gives you, or waste your guard. I find it much more challenging to fight a 100% invis WK than these lame DF bots.
Are you going to test it and post a Module 5 Version? I think it will be greatly appreciated.
And I have JUST got a Vorpal for my WK; the +25% Crit one, and she is doing well! BOO!
My MI also does well, and does more damage as she is Executioner/Saboteur hybrid, but has the disadvantage of being in melee range for her main At Will when CoS is used up. But she DOES have the massive advantage of filling her Stealth Meter with Bloodbath or Shocking Execution. She also has the Recovery to stay in Stealth with Tumble, Bait and Switch and Shadow Strike, just like my WK.
But the new changes seem to penalise the WK far more than the MI. From Gentleman Crush's statement that TRs were never meant to remain in Stealth while nickel-and-diming you to death from range (definition of a Perma-WK) all the way to Gloaming Cut still replenishing 10% of Stealth per hit. He must play an MI!
I only geared up these former Leadership Mules purely for the experience of Semi-Perma-Stealth Fun, as I have cursed them from the PoV of all other classes many, many times. And it has been a LOT of fun. They have full Battlefield Skulker's gear and three pieces of Profound Scoundrel gear. They have the Glory, but it will be another 5 or 6 days before the get the Seals of Triumph for the Amrour piece. Then a few days to enjoy sneaking about in the proper gear.
And then BOOM! Respec!
I hope it is a full re-spec, as I might not want them to have INT 19 if no longer helps the Perma-Build.
I tested it, Pandora. Your build will live in Mod 5 as a Saboteur, and I can even say that it's MORE OP for Mod 5. 3 Stealth refill encounters, immense DoT ticks from Dish Strike, and piercing damage from stealthed Cloud of Steel... yes, stealthed.
I suggest you make the draft for your changes once you get to test it out for yourself, but here's the loadout I tested in Preview in which I think works best for a WK Sab. I also hope that you don't mind if I place a copy of this build in my guide as I'm attempting to build a compendium of Stealth builds, and Mod 5 is the Golden Age for stealth builds. There are already 5 working stealth builds. So many choices to choose from as some of them are full blown perma and some are just in between.
But moving on, these are the choices I made for a WK Sab.
We still have two batches of changes coming, but I'm pretty sure that so far, this is a solid setup to make sure that your build lives. The choices for the feat changes and why they were chosen are as follows.
Shady Preparations: Entering Stealth causes you to reduce the CD of your encounters by 10%. That extra 2 seconds shaved off from Bait and Switch, or 1.4 seconds on Shadow Strike would go a long way when things get hairy.
Knife's Edge: Using a Daily reduces our encounter CDs by 15%. A tool to make sure we get something good out of using Dailies, and that something is increased room for error.
Return to Shadows: A feat made even more effective via the use of Impact Shot, which is something we'll be using a lot for this build. It's a ranged encounter which makes it a good pair with the WK. As long as you are behind your opponent, you can pretty much chain the Stealth refill to full when done right. Another effective tool to get back into the shadows.
Shadowy Opportunity: Deals 75% of our Weapon Damage as piercing damage which is something that cannot be resisted or deflected, and out of all the classes in the game, the TR has the best Weapon Damage as we have two weapons that contribute to it.
Ambusher's Haste: Gives us a total maximum of +25% damage increase depending on how full our Stealth meter is. A good tool to use in conjunction with Dish Strike as it will increase the DoT ticks.
One with the Shadows: This, my friends, is what makes the WK Perma Sab build possible. It turns ANY damaging encounter into a 15 second Stealth refill encounter, and in our case, it's Impact Shot. IS has the fastest activation time out of all our encounters and it also synergizes well with the WK theme, as well as Return to Shadows. More about IS later on in this mini-guide.
Arterial Cut: An Executioner T1 feat. It increases our Crit Severity by 15%. A very powerful feat for Stealth builds as all our strikes are Critical Strikes in Stealth.
So there we have it. 3 effective Stealth refills and a wide variety of tools to get back into Stealth, it's hard to imagine the WK Perma dying off in Mod 5. These feat choices will allow us to spam Dish Strike and Cloud of Steel, provided that we do it carefully and with moderation. Cloud of Steel is the best At-Will to use with Shadowy Opportunity. Not only will all of your CoS strikes be critical hits since you are attacking from Stealth, but most of them will deal an extra 2k - 2.5k damage. And for an At-Will that strikes as quickly as cloud of Steel, this is pretty huge, and can be further improved by stacking Power.
For our skill bar choices, we have the following.
At-Wills: Disheartening Strike, Cloud of Steel.
Encouters: Bait and Switch, Shadow Strike, Impact Shot.
Class Features: First Strike, Dagger Threat or Sneak Attack/Tenacious Concealment.
Dailies: Lurker's Assault, Bloodbath or Hateful Knives.
Our At-Wills will be the usual, which is DS and CoS. Since At-Wills can no longer be spammed effectively in Stealth, DS and CoS should be used with moderation. But thankfully the recent changes to our mechanics completely supports the WK Perma build. The reason is this; all strikes made from Stealth are Critical Strikes. What does this mean for us?
It means Disheartening Strike's Bleed ticks will ALL be Critical Strikes, and this can be further improved by Ambusher's Haste's +25% increased DPS as well as First Strike's +60% Increased DPS. And when the situation calls for it, you can further buff this by another 25% via the use of Lurker's Assault for a total maximum DPS increase of +110%. Imagine your Bleeds ticking for 6k - 6.5k, roughly every second for 15 seconds. This is the sort of OP we're looking at right now for this build, and all of these benefits come from the safety of range. Dagger Threat can increase this by another 15% should you choose to slot it in place of Sneak Attack. 15% decreased Stealth each time we use an At-Will is a fair trade-off for such the capability to ensure that all our strikes are Critical Strikes from Stealth.
Another combo for this build would be Impact Shot + Lurker's Assault. As long as we are using Lurker's Assault, Impact Shot will not take us out of Stealth. So we can pretty much chain stun our opponents with IS and net a large amount of damage in the process. Again, all these from the safety of Stealth. Low HP Rogues will be eaten alive with Dish Strike as the amount of Stealth we lose is now proportional to the amount of HP we lose from getting damaged, and Dish Strike can deal as much as 60k in the right conditions.
Cloud of Steel will also be able to deal roughly 4k to 5k total damage from Stealth, as all our strikes will be Critical Strikes and we get to proc Shadowy Opportunity which is 2k - 2.5k worth of piercing damage.
And that's pretty much it. These are the bare minimum that one requires to take if they wish to make a WK Perma in Mod 5. I'm not really sure how it will work in live PVP once the changes hit, but theoretically this build will still perform well even after all the changes. We just have to play more carefully as compared to before, but for a WK Sab, that shouldn't be a problem.
If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Although I've been busy from real life, I'll do my best to answer as promptly as possible.
This play style should be an effective way to play in a risky yet skillful manner. High risk, high reward, not entirely Stealth reliant but requires a good degree of eluding your opponents after you blow your LB. Shadow of Demise will also increase the efficacy of this build as compared to before.
If anyone's curious as to how to create the build, I'll be posting 5 different Stealth builds in my guide once Mod 5 hits, this build included. Though I may just write this one in advance just so people can discuss strategies and rooms for improvement if they wish to.
Taken from:
"Will there be a reset of the feats for the dc and the sw?
For Rise of Tiamat launch, Devoted Clerics will get a forced, full respec. Trickster Rogues will get a forced, feat respec."
Given the extent of the TR changes and the fact that aspects of the stealth mechanic are being adjusted (albeit less than changes to DC class mechanic), not having a Full respec is a big disappointment.
Whilst this I know this isnt from the official forum, it is a quote from the Product Manager so I still hold it with some degree of validity.
BlackberryCheesecake CW
CheeseCake House
I can't wait for it
problem is the of survivability...1 error and you get oneshotted even with 45k HP.
could you please as our class advocate, push to increase our resistence?
dunno some class feature rework?
maybe first strike?
maybe sneak attack?
maybe skillfull?
or a power up of our stats?
really propose them because is not funny anymore to be the most squishy and with the lowest damages of all the classes.
Pandora can u post basic rolls and where to put racial bonus cos i ve been rerollin for over 20 mins couldnt fix those attributes to those u posted
Oh, I am so psyched by this news.
I have never found my Module 4 As-Perma-As-My-Skill-Allows Dragonborn WK to be OP, though. And she has a Greater Vorpal. She just cannot seem to do the damage to kill much, but she can usually stay Stealthed if she does not get hit. So she is mostly Cap, Cap, Re-Cap, Re-Cap and Die. She has saved the day for some under-geared teams against another under-geared team, though, but most of her scores comes from capping and assists rather than killing. And it DOES need a team who will focus on 2 so that I can split enemy forces by standing on their base. Sometimes, they send 3 or even 4 to kill me. I don't care if I die, as I am doing my job. Just like my DCs!
My Halfling MI has been generally doing better than my WK in PvP. I don't know if this is due to better damage, better deflection or the fact that Bloodbath will refill her Stealth meter. She also has a Greater Vorpal, but has a Greater Barkshield instead of a Soulforged. She gets more kills, though.
When I log in, they will be stripped of Feats, so I need a decent build for both of them.
This is ridiculous! I may not want the same stats now if INT-based Stealth no longer works. and I may need to slot different Powers.
I am going to log in and check. It IS today, isn't it?
Shabby, Cryptric. very, very shabby.
I just checked; my four DCs have had all their FEATS and their POWERS reset, but not their Level-Up Attribute stats.
So it is NOT even a FULL Re-Spec
And the Paragon Path is the same!
A FULL re-spec resets the attribute stats to level 1 and removes the Paragon Path as well.
So we cannot reassign STR, WIS, CHA and INT if we need to after the massively far-reaching overhaul and rebuild of our Clerics, most of which we did not want and did not ask for.
My two TRs have had their FEATS reset, but NOT their POWERS OR their Level-Up Attribute stats.
So it IS just a Feat Respec.
And the Paragon Path is the same!
So we cannot reassign STR, DEX, CHA and INT if we need to if INT and Recovery-based Stealth Builds no longer work after the massively far-reaching overhaul and rebuild of our Rogues, most of which we did not want and did not ask for. Like, if I should now make my MI a normal-INT, HIGH STR, HIGH DEX DPS Executioner, I can't.
Four DCs and two TRs. So that is fully HALF of my level 60 characters.
I mentioned this in the feedback threads weeks ago, but for some unknowable reason it was "cleansed" into the Lower Depths.
I also PMd Akromatik about it, but he did not reply.
I am not just massively disappointed, I think this is an absolute disgrace.
After all the money I have contributed to this game, am I REALLY being milked for 300 Zen for a proper respec after these enforced changes?
Please give all DC and TR characters a full, Free Re-Spec token.
If i use at wills i'll be come visible and when i turn visible i just die on 3 segs =/
Somebody can help with tips or some like that?
With the introduction of Mod5, WK sure did get a boost. However, with all of the bugs introduced, it'll be short lived. WK's potential ranged damage combined with the new passives makes it a formidable opponent. Especially given that it's nearly fully ranged. The new feats make speccing into critical % at all a negligible point. If you're a permastealth WK, every stealth attack is guaranteed to crit. With this, you can fully spec into something like Str/Cha and Power/Combat Adv with Perfect Vorpal, giving you ridiculous dot ticks on DS.
However, MI still holds the advantage. Not only in permastealth capability but also in survivability and TR vs TR mechanics. This isn't to say Mod 5 wasn't a buff to WK, however, Mod 5 was a buff to TRs in general. MI has, and always will be, the most viable, all around option for TRs. Gloaming Cut and ITC just can't be matched with WK's kit.
I will say that taking out other DPS, for the exception for the MI who isn't an idiot, has become a lot easier. Any GWF, GF, or DC with a brain is still going to find you and wreck your ****.
I'll also say that I have 2 CWs, a GWF, a SW, and a HR, and I still enjoy WK more than them. I've played WK since it came out and I don't intend to stop. However, I'll be the first to admit when the class has problems. And it still has a ton of problems.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
Yes, I got one.
I have your Banelord build Guide, so is the build you've posted here meant for PvE or is it the best WK build for PvP?
14 STR
12 CON
16 DEX
13 INT
13 WIS
16 CHA
+2 is likely in INT or WIS.