Yeah pvp is full of rogue using smoke bomb dazing strike lashing blade.
It s known smoke bomb and dazing strike..abused all night long... can prone and root
GWF needs nerfs but i am scared they will have to much nerfs but with the new sprint feature they will be even stronger gods in pvp. Hr and TR might stand some chance against gwf but what about the other classes? The new sprint feature should not exist
zankardMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2014
ayroux, you are making some good points, but being only a pvp player I think you don't realize how much of an impact that would have on the pve players. A 10% damage reduction a "MINOR DPS loss"? That's like, 2-3 millions less damage in a full CN run. Even the last "nerf" (fix) for the gwf that brought us 13% down in dps had actually a BIG impact in pve. Remember, pve isn't about just burst, it's about sustainable damage too. Also your idea of nerfing destroyer's purpose also comes from a narrow pvp perspective: Firstly to get most of this feat you have to slot a power for it. Then you have to realise it's the last tier before Capstone. It was unacceptable before the recent buffs and we all relied to DG for dps. Now they moved the DPS further in, and every cheesy pvp sent went destro but kept some tankiness. You can't opt for removing DAMAGE from a damage tree. Nerfing it's tankiness is a much more reasonable approach. Still, I agree with most here that we should at least keep one of our prones, now that threatening rush is pretty much garbage.
To GCrush, About the sprint updates, does that mean that Wicked Strike and it's stupid rubberbanding issues will be resolved? If so that's a plus. But the DR/CC buff while it sounds nice, could break gameplay. What am I supposed to do when I'm dying in fights, sprint in circles until I get that heal or chug that potion, while kiting everything? Because while buffing GF's aggro my IBS will still aggro everything once those big crits hit. For pvp, If this goes live, we definitely need a boost in stamina regeneration to address mobility issues.
edit: Tbh though I too agree that 5-10% for unstoppable might be too drastic.
ayroux, you are making some good points, but being only a pvp player I think you don't realize how much of an impact that would have on the pve players. A 10% damage reduction a "MINOR DPS loss"? That's like, 2-3 millions less damage in a full CN run. Even the last "nerf" (fix) for the gwf that brought us 13% down in dps had actually a BIG impact in pve. Remember, pve isn't about just burst, it's about sustainable damage too. Also your idea of nerfing destroyer's purpose also comes from a narrow pvp perspective: Firstly to get most of this feat you have to slot a power for it. Then you have to realise it's the last tier before Capstone. It was unacceptable before the recent buffs and we all relied to DG for dps. Now they moved the DPS further in, and every cheesy pvp sent went destro but kept some tankiness. You can't opt for removing DAMAGE from a damage tree. Nerfing it's tankiness is a much reasonable approach. Still, I agree with most here that we should at least keep one of our prones, now that threatening rush is pretty much garbage.
Yes I know 10% adds up to ALOT of damage... Honestly though a capstone thats giving 50% damage buff just shows you the class as a whole isnt WAI....
I know CWs are getting their damage toned back ALOT of PVE, from a perspective of "who to take on group runs" I think a destroyer STILL (with a 10% DPS loss) can be a VERY good addition to the team - especially if he is not super squishy and can take a beating...
Maybe they need to re-adjust SLAM then if PVE DPS is truly lagging behind. I mean with THESE changes we would have to do some test runs, and while it would be less than the current 50% dmg boost on LIVE, I have a really hard time believing this would make Destroyer GWFs useless in PVE runs....
What I CAN see though is the unstoppable nerf they propose making AVERAGE geared GWFs worthless in PVE due to lack of survivability...
I have other suggestions that could bring GWF PVE DPS back up, but dont wanna cause "too many waves" until we can get some direction in changes with the GWFs.
Just and FYI - I wasnt always only a PVP player, back when OB hit for about 3 months almost all I did was PVE... Just saying...
zankardMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yes I know 10% adds up to ALOT of damage... Honestly though a capstone thats giving 50% damage buff just shows you the class as a whole isnt WAI....
I know CWs are getting their damage toned back ALOT of PVE, from a perspective of "who to take on group runs" I think a destroyer STILL (with a 10% DPS loss) can be a VERY good addition to the team - especially if he is not super squishy and can take a beating...
Maybe they need to re-adjust SLAM then if PVE DPS is truly lagging behind. I mean with THESE changes we would have to do some test runs, and while it would be less than the current 50% dmg boost on LIVE, I have a really hard time believing this would make Destroyer GWFs useless in PVE runs....
What I CAN see though is the unstoppable nerf they propose making AVERAGE geared GWFs worthless in PVE due to lack of survivability...
I have other suggestions that could bring GWF PVE DPS back up, but dont wanna cause "too many waves" until we can get some direction in changes with the GWFs.
Just and FYI - I wasnt always only a PVP player, back when OB hit for about 3 months almost all I did was PVE... Just saying...
True, in fact running for your life TOO MUCH could hinder your total damage output much more than a 10% decrease. Hence my worries about the new sprint/unstoppable relationship. But we can't keep lowering those numbers before we see how they'll play out compared to the rest of the classes in preview. You know, I was around here in mod 1, and that feeling of being left out without even doing something particularly wrong is the worst thing ever. That's why I feel for the GFs too.
And well about my comment about you being a pvp player only, that's what I get from reading your recent comments I also pvp too and have a completely different set of gear, but without the right feats it just won't cut it.
edit: btw may I add something: Slam isn't what it used to be, most of the higher dps GWFs don't slot it anymore. If they nerf it even more, nobody will ever pick it anyway
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited June 2014
Ayroux about unsoppable recovery they dont need to nerf it down or rework .
They need to move it deeper into sentinel tree to change Intimidation (look like to me t1 feat) to the place of Unstoppable recovery (look like to me t3 feat).
And i think Instigator need a total rework my most pain is the desire of to go full destroyer or full sentinel(bit rework cuz many feats a not so good build around taking agro but not working at all) is not so well rewarding.
Also destroyer(true win and rewarding) VS Instigator or Sentinel is not so cool.
My question to devs is if they can total rework hr feat trees can you not do total rework for Sentinel and Instigator tree.
About Slam they realy need to let us crit with it.
True, in fact running for your life TOO MUCH could hinder your total damage output much more than a 10% decrease. Hence my worries about the new sprint/unstoppable relationship. But we can't keep lowering those numbers before we see how they'll play out compared to the rest of the classes in preview. You know, I was around here in mod 1, and that feeling of being left out without even doing something particularly wrong is the worst thing ever. That's why I feel for the GFs too.
And well about my comment about you being a pvp player only, that's what I get from reading your recent comments I also pvp too and have a completely different set of gear, but without the right feats it just won't cut it.
Yeah but the problem is, the current changes set to hit PTR as is frankly are only going to make matters worse. Again id strongly advocate here that instead of making MAJOR changes, make minor adjustments to things that actually need adjusting. I am very fearful not only are the changes going to be worse for the future of the game, its also going to cause major balance issues when there are only MINOR current balance problems.
Ayroux about unsoppable recovery they dont need to nerf it down or rework .
They need to move it deeper into sentinel tree to change Intimidation (look like to me t1 feat) to the place of Unstoppable recovery (look like to me t3 feat).
Yeah im REALLY scared about this though because I dont want them doing this change COMBINED with my other suggestions... IF that were the case, and it was moved deeper into the Sent Tree, I would honestly ask for ZERO nerf to unstoppable as it is on live.
The HP healed is a MAJOR aspect of why UNSTOPPABLE is the way it is.... You lose 15% HP currently, gain 25% DR 16% Temp HP AND PERMA heal 5%? I mean thats BIG.... Or in PVP its lose about 15% (sometimes less due to Roar) gain 25-50% DR, 8% Temp HP and CURRENTLY still healing 5% perma HP.
Sometimes you can actually (combined with regen) walk out of unstoppable with more HP than you went into it with....
Using ACT Unstoppable Recovery on live heals about half as much as my total regen does... so removing that is in a sense nerfing regen by like 1/3rd for GWFs... Its pretty big in the grand scheme of things for such a small feat....
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
Sprint being able to cancel all powers is what caused animation cancelling in the first place. These powers can gain additional benefits from animation cancelling via Sprint:
Come and Get it! (enemies pulled, there is a 1.2 seconds delay before the player can normally act/attack again, sprint circumvents this)
Battle Fury (after casting, there is a 1.7 seconds delay before the player can normally act/attack again, sprint circumvents this)
Wicked Strike (similar to the old Weapon Master's Strike animation cancel issue, can be used to attack ~30% faster if perfected)
Unstoppable (after casting, there is a 0.5 second delay before the player can normally act/attack again, sprint circumvents this)
Frontline Surge (after casting, there is a 1.2 seconds delay before the player can normally act/attack again, sprint circumvents this)
Indomitable Strength (using Sprint after activating power, 2nd attack will continue to occur out of nowhere and send the target flying while player can use other attacks)
Savage Advance (after initiating, can sprint immediately while target will remain prone for full duration, as if power had animated normally - compare this to Cescendo, where using Sprint to cancel the power will end the stun effect on target early)
There's probably some others too.
The way to fix incidental animation cancelling / earlier reactivation of normal activity is to give powers a longer cast time, but reduced "idle" time after the effect starts.
I dont get it the change dont hit preview hou can y say this ?
@Psy We are talking about GWFs on Test servers right now, so, when all other classes lose their CCs or become stuns instead of prones/roots/others, your shift move is CC inmune but take half damage from EACH attack and lose 80% of your survivality, then, you can come here and tell us "time to wake up". Oh, BTW:
CW: choke -> Knife -> Shard -> repel
HR: Graps -> Wine -> Shot -> aimed for last
TR: Smoke bomb -> Dazing strike -> ITC -> lashing
GF: Threatering rush/Lunge Strike -> Bull Rush -> FLS -> Indomitable Strenght
DC: Flame Strike and Guardian of Faith.
GWF: --- --- --- --- --- um.... um... um... Avalanche of Steel and Creshendo, both, Dailies, like DCs.
You can read my answer to Psy and make your own conclusions about if i know or not know how to play with other classes...
DC has what?!?! How long GoF last? FS is a 0.5 stun if talented (very deep in rightous tree) And you should remember that in unstoppable you will be still immune to cc. And in destroyer you can kill things so fast that it doesn't really matter what the oppenent can or can't do.
Yeah, I know, now your prones are stuns. But fear not, if cryptic will notice that you won't win your fair share of fights they will tune skills. In the last 10 or so months they have never let gwfs down. So have faith
lol TRs can chain prone by using Smokebomb, dazing strike, ITC and Lashing blade? first of all, Neither ITC or Lashing, do any kind of prone/stun, daze or anything, just the first 2 moves make the target dazed, second, you can move out of smokebomb, once it has been casted on you, can you move out of a prone/stun once you're already proned/stunned? I don't think so.
My opinion:
For Destroyer/Instigator - remove Unstopable damage resist at all (or even 5-10% increase to damage taken, "berserk" mode), but grant 5-10% damage gain (instead of reduction) along with existing attack speed improvement. Ideal for "hit and run" tactic in PvP, and makes room for GFs in PvE, as not much viable for "tanking". Balanced!
For Sentinel - leave 25-50% damage resist but reduce damage from Takedown and/or Frontline Surge (and not reduce for Destroyer/Instigator)
I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions... But Chris, PLEASE do NOT do this. I cant even imagine how much this would kill the class even more!
gwf should not have high survivability unless they are sentinal. They should be quishy if they want to have dps just like gf have weaker guard and tankiness as conqueror. GF never can have both and neither should gwf
iaccidentally47Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
gwf should not have high survivability unless they are sentinal. They should be quishy if they want to have dps just like gf have weaker guard and tankiness as conqueror. GF never can have both and neither should gwf
Allow me to direct you to my earlier post ( Your statement is basically completely against the definition of what the class is supposed to be. A fighter in full heavy body armor should never be "squishy". Furthermore, GF issues are not the topic here. This thread is discussing Great Weapon Fighters and the upcoming changes to them. The fact that GF needs improving does not have any relevance on the GWF class. But please, stop telling me that my fighter in full body armor should be "squishy" simply because she chooses to do damage.
P.S. I have a very tanky conqueror GF, so that part is wrong too.
Miss Anthropy - 15.7k CW | Miss Andrist - 19k GWF | DC (14.5k) | TR (14.5k) | HR(14k) | GF(15.5k)
Lowbies: DC (level 31) | HR (level 16)
You can almost always find me in the legit channel. Happy Adventuring!
GWF guide: click me
gwf should not have high survivability unless they are sentinal. They should be quishy if they want to have dps just like gf have weaker guard and tankiness as conqueror. GF never can have both and neither should gwf
Well in that case.
Defense will no longer affect GWFs,
Deflect will no longer affect GWFs.
Unstoppable now provides -25% DR seeing as they shouldnt be tanky at all.
ok let me rephrase i meant that they should not be extremely tanky if they want to go dps. Thats all i am saying. I dont want them to be as squishy as a cw. Right now hit a destroyer gwf in pvp for 2-3k while they hit you for 9k-22k if ibs crits or you have lower hp. There is no balance there. The upcoming changes to gwf unstoppable seem to severe but they did need a nerf. And the 2-3k i do to them is when they are not in unstoppable.
iaccidentally47Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
ok let me rephrase i meant that they should not be extremely tanky if they want to go dps. Thats all i am saying. I dont want them to be as squishy as a cw. Right now hit a destroyer gwf in pvp for 2-3k while they hit you for 9k-22k if ibs crits or you have lower hp. There is no balance there. The upcoming changes to gwf unstoppable seem to severe but they did need a nerf. And the 2-3k i do to them is when they are not in unstoppable.
A lot of this is simply tenacity. My Destroyer GWF has 43% base damage resist in pvp + 21% from tenacity. That puts me at 64% damage resist before any buffs or unstoppable, not even including deflect. When tenacity was added, I don't think people realized that making everyone tankier would do just that, make everyone tankier. So, the already decently tanky GWF got another free 20% damage resist, allowing them to basically hit the 80% hard cap every time they use unstoppable. This made destroyer builds viable in pvp, and the buffs to the tree in mod3 only made them stronger. However, I can say the following: I have always played a destroyer GWF in pvp, and have always hit people hard. If you do the math, with 7k power and 145% crit severity (perfect vorpal + feat) a 9-22k crit is about right for the hardest hitting ability GWF has, even with the target resisting 50% of it (also, it is one of the slowest and most telegraphed moves GWF has). Let's be honest here: it isn't 12-15k GWFs that are killing people in one rotation. It is 17k+ minmaxed builds in full pvp gear and perfect enchants killing people with 20-25k HP in pve gear. Most any class should be able to do that when heavily outgearing your opponent like that (hell, I even do it on my DC and GF).
Miss Anthropy - 15.7k CW | Miss Andrist - 19k GWF | DC (14.5k) | TR (14.5k) | HR(14k) | GF(15.5k)
Lowbies: DC (level 31) | HR (level 16)
You can almost always find me in the legit channel. Happy Adventuring!
GWF guide: click me
my gf has 44k hp and 48% damage resistance and 22% tenacity and 30.1% deflect and this is all with pots and saber hit me for 18k with ibs. And all these stats i gave you are in pvp domination. I have 50k in open world. My low dps is understandable but only gwf hits me for that hard. CW hit me for 15k with ice knife daily after RoE. But they are made squishy
ok let me rephrase i meant that they should not be extremely tanky if they want to go dps. Thats all i am saying. I dont want them to be as squishy as a cw. Right now hit a destroyer gwf in pvp for 2-3k while they hit you for 9k-22k if ibs crits or you have lower hp. There is no balance there. The upcoming changes to gwf unstoppable seem to severe but they did need a nerf. And the 2-3k i do to them is when they are not in unstoppable.
Were Im e x t r e m e l y tanky now? If I unsmart run on VT to mobs and start attacking without my avalanche up I will die soon. Unstoppable need charging and u can find you re dead before it can pop if u have done it wrong. In fact, we NEED some DR form unstoppable in PvE(AoW doesnt really help with def stats + sentinels have better defence -bassically u abandon tankiness if you want do damage if you are destroyer) to build our DPS. We not demand 50% DR, 30% will be fine.
I've played vs GWF on test as well. They most certainly don't die halfway to their target. Sents are still tanky. The fights are way more involved now and aren't prone, roar, IBS, unstoppable; check to see if they are dead, repeat. Positioning matters more and they can't just Leroy into 5 players any more. TBH i am surprised it took this long to change takedown. Plus i think everyone is underrating how awesome sprint is now. There are already some builds taking advantage of this
Don't most GWF have between 40 to 50 DR now? Making un-stoppable have 30 DR added as well will make them at cap (80%) every time they go unstoppable. With constitution giving arp as well as health, most GWF hit for full strength in pvp unless deflected. I think keeping unstoppable DR where it is on preview for the destroyer build makes sense. With changes to sprint, you will still be able to get away from bad fight or run in to stun a squishy
fr3akout3Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 72
Yes I know 10% adds up to ALOT of damage... Honestly though a capstone thats giving 50% damage buff just shows you the class as a whole isnt WAI....
I know CWs are getting their damage toned back ALOT of PVE, from a perspective of "who to take on group runs" I think a destroyer STILL (with a 10% DPS loss) can be a VERY good addition to the team - especially if he is not super squishy and can take a beating...
Maybe they need to re-adjust SLAM then if PVE DPS is truly lagging behind. I mean with THESE changes we would have to do some test runs, and while it would be less than the current 50% dmg boost on LIVE, I have a really hard time believing this would make Destroyer GWFs useless in PVE runs....
What I CAN see though is the unstoppable nerf they propose making AVERAGE geared GWFs worthless in PVE due to lack of survivability...
I have other suggestions that could bring GWF PVE DPS back up, but dont wanna cause "too many waves" until we can get some direction in changes with the GWFs.
Just and FYI - I wasnt always only a PVP player, back when OB hit for about 3 months almost all I did was PVE... Just saying...
Have you even seen in mod 3 geared CW's play VS geared GWF CN?
The CW's are out doing them by 5-10million minimum in a full run and you think it's fair to put the GWF damage down?
Please, don't even mention the damage reduction here as obviously you do not play much PVE with good players at all.
Even if the CW's get a small change over they will still have very good dps if played properly with high CHA + Crit Stacks. I have already seen few builds.
I am talking GWF here with 10k+ power min maxed and CW's min maxed of course. (Purple companions) Lower end GWF have no chance at all.
If they take on what you say then good bye to the GWF in PVE as other classes would be able to do about the same.
He has a 2 handed massive sword, He needs to do high damage and the DEVS said he is where he should be.
Were Im e x t r e m e l y tanky now? If I unsmart run on VT to mobs and start attacking without my avalanche up I will die soon. Unstoppable need charging and u can find you re dead before it can pop if u have done it wrong. In fact, we NEED some DR form unstoppable in PvE(AoW doesnt really help with def stats + sentinels have better defence -bassically u abandon tankiness if you want do damage if you are destroyer) to build our DPS. We not demand 50% DR, 30% will be fine.
Use Daring shout and u have over 50 DR if mobs are strong, u guys need to adapt to new rotations and be more carefull than before, + take more tanky teammates to soak damage (thats how it shoulda been from the start of this game)while u rock with dps. Unstopable nerf is good, what u really should be complaining is takedown and FLS nerf, those will ruin pvp for destroyers not unstopable(tested not based on assumption).
That is absolutely right which is why the damage of the GWF needs to stay where it is.
I don't see any damage change for the GWF except for Takedown (a single target power that makes up a minimal part of total damage done in a play session).
I believe there are no actual complaints about GWF being able to dish out a lot of DPS (he is a striker after all), the main problem is he's able to do DPS while also out-tanking even the GF...
It s known smoke bomb and dazing strike..abused all night long... can prone and root
To GCrush, About the sprint updates, does that mean that Wicked Strike and it's stupid rubberbanding issues will be resolved? If so that's a plus. But the DR/CC buff while it sounds nice, could break gameplay. What am I supposed to do when I'm dying in fights, sprint in circles until I get that heal or chug that potion, while kiting everything? Because while buffing GF's aggro my IBS will still aggro everything once those big crits hit. For pvp, If this goes live, we definitely need a boost in stamina regeneration to address mobility issues.
edit: Tbh though I too agree that 5-10% for unstoppable might be too drastic.
Yes I know 10% adds up to ALOT of damage... Honestly though a capstone thats giving 50% damage buff just shows you the class as a whole isnt WAI....
I know CWs are getting their damage toned back ALOT of PVE, from a perspective of "who to take on group runs" I think a destroyer STILL (with a 10% DPS loss) can be a VERY good addition to the team - especially if he is not super squishy and can take a beating...
Maybe they need to re-adjust SLAM then if PVE DPS is truly lagging behind. I mean with THESE changes we would have to do some test runs, and while it would be less than the current 50% dmg boost on LIVE, I have a really hard time believing this would make Destroyer GWFs useless in PVE runs....
What I CAN see though is the unstoppable nerf they propose making AVERAGE geared GWFs worthless in PVE due to lack of survivability...
I have other suggestions that could bring GWF PVE DPS back up, but dont wanna cause "too many waves" until we can get some direction in changes with the GWFs.
Just and FYI - I wasnt always only a PVP player, back when OB hit for about 3 months almost all I did was PVE... Just saying...
True, in fact running for your life TOO MUCH could hinder your total damage output much more than a 10% decrease. Hence my worries about the new sprint/unstoppable relationship. But we can't keep lowering those numbers before we see how they'll play out compared to the rest of the classes in preview. You know, I was around here in mod 1, and that feeling of being left out without even doing something particularly wrong is the worst thing ever. That's why I feel for the GFs too.
And well about my comment about you being a pvp player only, that's what I get from reading your recent comments
edit: btw may I add something: Slam isn't what it used to be, most of the higher dps GWFs don't slot it anymore. If they nerf it even more, nobody will ever pick it anyway
They need to move it deeper into sentinel tree to change Intimidation (look like to me t1 feat) to the place of Unstoppable recovery (look like to me t3 feat).
And i think Instigator need a total rework my most pain is the desire of to go full destroyer or full sentinel(bit rework cuz many feats a not so good build around taking agro but not working at all) is not so well rewarding.
Also destroyer(true win and rewarding) VS Instigator or Sentinel is not so cool.
My question to devs is if they can total rework hr feat trees can you not do total rework for Sentinel and Instigator tree.
About Slam they realy need to let us crit with it.
Yeah but the problem is, the current changes set to hit PTR as is frankly are only going to make matters worse. Again id strongly advocate here that instead of making MAJOR changes, make minor adjustments to things that actually need adjusting. I am very fearful not only are the changes going to be worse for the future of the game, its also going to cause major balance issues when there are only MINOR current balance problems.
Hence my previous comments....
Yeah im REALLY scared about this though because I dont want them doing this change COMBINED with my other suggestions... IF that were the case, and it was moved deeper into the Sent Tree, I would honestly ask for ZERO nerf to unstoppable as it is on live.
The HP healed is a MAJOR aspect of why UNSTOPPABLE is the way it is.... You lose 15% HP currently, gain 25% DR 16% Temp HP AND PERMA heal 5%? I mean thats BIG.... Or in PVP its lose about 15% (sometimes less due to Roar) gain 25-50% DR, 8% Temp HP and CURRENTLY still healing 5% perma HP.
Sometimes you can actually (combined with regen) walk out of unstoppable with more HP than you went into it with....
Using ACT Unstoppable Recovery on live heals about half as much as my total regen does... so removing that is in a sense nerfing regen by like 1/3rd for GWFs... Its pretty big in the grand scheme of things for such a small feat....
What prone chain?
DC has what?!?! How long GoF last? FS is a 0.5 stun if talented (very deep in rightous tree) And you should remember that in unstoppable you will be still immune to cc. And in destroyer you can kill things so fast that it doesn't really matter what the oppenent can or can't do.
Yeah, I know, now your prones are stuns. But fear not, if cryptic will notice that you won't win your fair share of fights they will tune skills. In the last 10 or so months they have never let gwfs down. So have faith
I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions... But Chris, PLEASE do NOT do this. I cant even imagine how much this would kill the class even more!
Allow me to direct you to my earlier post ( Your statement is basically completely against the definition of what the class is supposed to be. A fighter in full heavy body armor should never be "squishy". Furthermore, GF issues are not the topic here. This thread is discussing Great Weapon Fighters and the upcoming changes to them. The fact that GF needs improving does not have any relevance on the GWF class. But please, stop telling me that my fighter in full body armor should be "squishy" simply because she chooses to do damage.
P.S. I have a very tanky conqueror GF, so that part is wrong too.
Lowbies: DC (level 31) | HR (level 16)
You can almost always find me in the legit channel. Happy Adventuring!
GWF guide: click me
Well in that case.
Defense will no longer affect GWFs,
Deflect will no longer affect GWFs.
Unstoppable now provides -25% DR seeing as they shouldnt be tanky at all.
A lot of this is simply tenacity. My Destroyer GWF has 43% base damage resist in pvp + 21% from tenacity. That puts me at 64% damage resist before any buffs or unstoppable, not even including deflect. When tenacity was added, I don't think people realized that making everyone tankier would do just that, make everyone tankier. So, the already decently tanky GWF got another free 20% damage resist, allowing them to basically hit the 80% hard cap every time they use unstoppable. This made destroyer builds viable in pvp, and the buffs to the tree in mod3 only made them stronger. However, I can say the following: I have always played a destroyer GWF in pvp, and have always hit people hard. If you do the math, with 7k power and 145% crit severity (perfect vorpal + feat) a 9-22k crit is about right for the hardest hitting ability GWF has, even with the target resisting 50% of it (also, it is one of the slowest and most telegraphed moves GWF has). Let's be honest here: it isn't 12-15k GWFs that are killing people in one rotation. It is 17k+ minmaxed builds in full pvp gear and perfect enchants killing people with 20-25k HP in pve gear. Most any class should be able to do that when heavily outgearing your opponent like that (hell, I even do it on my DC and GF).
Lowbies: DC (level 31) | HR (level 16)
You can almost always find me in the legit channel. Happy Adventuring!
GWF guide: click me
Were Im e x t r e m e l y tanky now? If I unsmart run on VT to mobs and start attacking without my avalanche up I will die soon. Unstoppable need charging and u can find you re dead before it can pop if u have done it wrong. In fact, we NEED some DR form unstoppable in PvE(AoW doesnt really help with def stats + sentinels have better defence -bassically u abandon tankiness if you want do damage if you are destroyer) to build our DPS. We not demand 50% DR, 30% will be fine.
Have you even seen in mod 3 geared CW's play VS geared GWF CN?
The CW's are out doing them by 5-10million minimum in a full run and you think it's fair to put the GWF damage down?
Please, don't even mention the damage reduction here as obviously you do not play much PVE with good players at all.
Even if the CW's get a small change over they will still have very good dps if played properly with high CHA + Crit Stacks. I have already seen few builds.
I am talking GWF here with 10k+ power min maxed and CW's min maxed of course. (Purple companions) Lower end GWF have no chance at all.
If they take on what you say then good bye to the GWF in PVE as other classes would be able to do about the same.
He has a 2 handed massive sword, He needs to do high damage and the DEVS said he is where he should be.
Use Daring shout and u have over 50 DR if mobs are strong, u guys need to adapt to new rotations and be more carefull than before, + take more tanky teammates to soak damage (thats how it shoulda been from the start of this game)while u rock with dps. Unstopable nerf is good, what u really should be complaining is takedown and FLS nerf, those will ruin pvp for destroyers not unstopable(tested not based on assumption).
That is absolutely right which is why the damage of the GWF needs to stay where it is.
The CW's will be fine, a good CW will adapt
After all he is called control
I don't see any damage change for the GWF except for Takedown (a single target power that makes up a minimal part of total damage done in a play session).
I believe there are no actual complaints about GWF being able to dish out a lot of DPS (he is a striker after all), the main problem is he's able to do DPS while also out-tanking even the GF...