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Official Feedback Thread: Great Weapon Fighter Changes



  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    saini50990 wrote: »
    i dont know whats the problem is , 1st time i calculate it gave 28% for IBS and 26% for restoring strike , then again i calculated it shows 37.5% buff for both . and also nobody uses destroyer feat in PVP.

    Its 27% without the feat, maybe you were missing it?
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    saini50990 wrote: »
    i dont know whats the problem is , 1st time i calculate it gave 28% for IBS and 26% for restoring strike , then again i calculated it shows 37.5% buff for both . and also nobody uses destroyer feat in PVP.

    Im sorry but your honestly missing out if your not using this. One of the strongest feats in game maybe second to the pre-nerfed HR DR feat...

    If your not running this. You should. Period. I havnt been playing recently but about 2 weeks ago i was #1 leaderboards and probably am still top 3 pages. Not that it proves im good - but what other metric is there....
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I very much agree with 2 feedbacks from ayroux:

    - Destroyer purpose stacks decreasing Unstoppable DR to keep Unstoppable the same for Instigators. Also, would allow some flexibility (destroyers could choose if they want to use Unstoppable to increase damage or to tank).

    - Takedown prone- IBS be back.

    To be clear, i'm trying to see how things work with current changes and the thing is, it's not like it'll be harder and period. The thing is, GWFs are now much easier to kite than in module 1. Module 1 GWFs used to use roar rooting effect to counter very dodgy classes such as CWs and Perma TRs. Right now, basically it should be

    - FLS stun for IV + 3 charges of threat rush
    - Flourish for SM

    But again, Flourish is too slow to even conncect against good dodgers, it's not an option. FLS with tenacity does not guarantee to be able to land Takedown. With not even 1 prone move left, against a HR you will be kited around and even when you in the end manage to catch them, they can very much deflect.


    INSTIGATOR: Increase CC through advanced feats. With so much CC gone from the entire class, would make the tree actually a kind of choice. Pretty much:

    - Instigator: more CC
    - Destroyer: more damage
    - Sentinel: more tankyness

    Examples: through feats, you can bring back prone effect on FLS and stun effect on Roar. More CC, but still not much damage and survivability, but definetely better to counter kiting.
  • rotatorkufrotatorkuf Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    what are we supposed to use for aoe damage in pve?

    spam wicked strike / weapon master strike?
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    - Punishing Charge: add 1 more charge, up from 3 to 4

    - Flourish: shorter range but no animation or very fast animation like crescendo

    - Takedown: Prone effect on this power. Only this, nothing else.

    Thing is, it's ok to work hard to catch a ranged enemy or a dodging enemy, but when we catch them our powers must at least land like it is for any other class. Being kited and also have powers that hardly connect is a bit too much...
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    what are we supposed to use for aoe damage in pve?

    spam wicked strike / weapon master strike?

    Roar to build determination. Go Unstoppable. Gain stacks through the above at wills. Unleash IBS. May be even use Come and Get it to gather adds in front of you and then AoE IBS. Also, can use the 360° attack of Not so Fast.
  • marko531marko531 Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2014
    PVP. Ok i have a GWF and i hate it atm cuz its way too good. From reading feedback posts on other classes it seems that they are getting very nice (needed)buffs, maybe too good buffs. At the start i really supported the unstopable change, but after seeing these new GF/CW/HR buffs im not so sure anymore. Anyway dont mess up takedown :S at least, but if u really wanna change it so there are no prone powers in pvp i suggest u guys rework "come and get it" and make it work for pvp. I think it has to have a faster animation and faster/harder pull, damage bonus should be as it is or maybe a lil stronger, and it should have a stun or maybe a stamina drain on oponent. Just an idea, GWF is totaly useless without his prones. Some other suggestions: faster flourish, longer slow on not so fast, faster IBS (cant be chained atm), longer stun on takedown, or maybe buff GWF at wills, change reaping strike into something slow motion heavy hitter at will, battle fury gives big damage bonus on next hit maybe. Lots of options, even tho i hate GWF i dont wanna see them as underdogs.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    first the dev need START TO WORK. why the gwf changes resume to over buff ONE TREE feets (lazy stack system) or over nerf the mechanical/paragon and other classes receive a super rework in feets, powers, class features, and new combinations?

    When this thread will become serious?

    And yes: huge damage buff to the party ... you proved that tanks are needed.see? in the end everything was demagoguery.
  • x10110100x10110100 Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I was on test and I was testing Sentinel Unstoppable and I have come to the conclusion it's far too powerful, it gives them an unfair advantage when combined with there 20% DR bonus on there capstone. Especially when stacked with things like Fey Thistle and high deflect.

    I suggest that Unstopable on Sentinels gets reduced to 15-30% and make their capstone only give 5 or 10% longer duration.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    x10110100 wrote: »
    I was on test and I was testing Sentinel Unstoppable and I have come to the conclusion it's far too powerful, it gives them an unfair advantage when combined with there 20% DR bonus on there capstone. Especially when stacked with things like Fey Thistle and high deflect.

    I suggest That Unstopable on Sentinels gets reduced to 15-30% and make there capstone only give 5 or 10% longer duration.

    Have to ask, if you reduce this, what is any point of rolling a Sent? None, you might as well roll destroyer again. The purpose is then to make a decision (this is all coming from cryptic not me) either go alot more dps as destroyer or go alot more defense as Sent.

    or you could roll instigator and , well do nothing, as that line is horrendous and no one would bother with it, which then begs the question why is it in the game as currently developed.
  • peterspiegelpeterspiegel Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    x10110100 wrote: »
    I was on test and I was testing Sentinel Unstoppable and I have come to the conclusion it's far too powerful, it gives them an unfair advantage when combined with there 20% DR bonus on there capstone. Especially when stacked with things like Fey Thistle and high deflect.

    I suggest That Unstopable on Sentinels gets reduced to 15-30% and make there capstone only give 5 or 10% longer duration.

    WTF ?? Man this is the only thing a Sentinel have now , if they brake it there 'll be no way to use a GWF anymore , maybe you're a SW or a HR 8 a 10 GS
    that fight a 16k + GWF , or maybe youre just dont know what are you talking about ...

    GWF dint really needed this changes , only correct Unstopble gain , and Roar , i agre to give more chance and rework for swordmaster , but dint understand y they choose to make a overnerf in GWF ...
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    improve our mark and come and get it encounter improve target caps to 10 atleast and change trample from 15% damage to 50% more threat on controlled targets this would make gf and gwf tanking more easy to to do and iron is tank path not dps so this class futre dose not fit well there as it works atm
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    idk what are u talking about but destroyer gwf dose not do to much damage at all cw and hr easy win pain giver over dps gwf now on test server at least they did few times i did played instances and always had few perfect vorpal dps gwfs in team
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    I am guessing or hoping that the silence is because of drastic changes to GWF are coming - like what happened to the GF.
    Massive buffs to alot of different powers and abilities, making each a big tradeoff with different specs - WONDERFUL! This makes true diversification in builds.

    Even with that in mind, I would STRONGLY caution you on a few points:

    - Remove CC immunity from Sprint, its rather ridiculous from a "cheese" standpoint. We can keep the DR - although dont be fooled that this really helps alot with tankiness, because once someone DOES control you, your out of sprint - so it really only curbs non-controlling attacks - which seems fitting.

    - Give Takedown back its Prone AND damage. This is REALLY needed for a fighter melee class in PVP. I understand this allows to bypass deflect and should be more "rare" but a melee fighter class SHOULD be able to atleast have ONE prone. Maybe the solution here is to remove the "3 second CD if misses" but give it a 25% increased activation - making it harder to dodge.

    - Focused Destroyer should be re-worked for more of a PVE focus. This removes some damage benefit from PVP, which is WHY giving takedown its prone back AND damage which THEN allows a deflect ignoring IBS makes sense - because it will ALL be at lower base damage, making it balanced.

    I would also REALLY like to see all temporary "mark" abilities given a fixed short duration and not "removed when attacked" by the target... This will help players who choose, to balance their character around "mark" via Threat Rush and IBS.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Some open world PVP feedback:

    I was taking my 17K Destroyer for a stroll in the Pass and here comes a SW, he gets some free attacks in since I'm afk and I join the fight at around 1/2 HP. I pop a pot and start chasin' him with the pot and my regen gettin me close to full. 3 prones later my toon is down and that warlock is like 1/3 HP left. In case you're wondering he was the one doing the proning. My CC was non-existent thanks to my own lack of prones and his shift. So this little encounter answered two questions of mine. For one it showed me I didnt have to worry bout SWs in PVP since a way undergeared one can end my GWF and they obviously have more than enough CC and two it showed that the whole "prone to stun" thing is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Takedown needs to take people down in Mod 4. That is it. It takes: Sprint + TR + Prones + a Broken Roar to defeat skilled and geared ranged players right now on LIVE as a 17k PVP Destroyer ( no bis ). Mod 4: Sprint buffed, TR nerfed to the ground, Prones gone, Roar not only fixed but nerfed as well. So what else do we GWFs have? An IBS that can crit for 25k - big deal , we wont be landing any of those unless the enemy is already CCed by somebody else. Get that devs ? If you dont get it meet me in the Pass for a demo.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    yeah, darring shout and come and get should have they CoolDown shorten
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    buff up battle fury to give half benefits to team form 25% this would make gwf better for team if is ok to have cw with 15% damage buff for team with first teir feat this should more then fine
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    frontline surge is still proning
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    frontline surge is still proning

    Only in owpvp .

    In dpvp and starting owdpvp count as stun also takedown.

    If you leave the IWD pvp area pve skill are dominant like SW 4 sec prone. So you will be not effected by HD or the PVP nerfs .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback gwf overall performance:
    This is based on my few first impressions. The dmg of gwfs is too low right now. You cant bareley touch a GF, CW and HR. Against TRs its difficult because of missing prones and no roar any more plus only three charges of threatening rush. He is still kinda tanky but to what use?

    - give take down its prone back. The stun is like nothing right now
    - lower the dmg of frontline surge but lower the cooldown as well. A good thing would be also to give frontline way better push back (but only for gwfs). So gwfs could be used as good node control - would also make sense because they are swinging a great sword. They dont give any party buffs like GF so they should be superior in melee combat.
    - give deep gash some kind of buff for pve. I think everybody would be happy to see the old super dps monsters again, especially because gwf can profit so much from the buffs of GFs. God, I would love to see some dungeons runs without casters ;-)
  • ahsherahsher Member Posts: 208 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Try running 75% offensive stats, be prepared to swap out artifacts, jewelery to get 65% offensive stats.
  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback: GWF

    It's crystal clear that most GWFs feel like we are being greatly nerfed for Mod4 specially in PvP, even though if our damage remains the same for PvE, buffing other classes to a higher lvl than us for DPS in PvE can be considered a nerf because we are losing our main role as "Destroyers", I like what you did to separate the trees like destroyer and sentinel but unfortunately, the GF is so buffed now (I know they deserve this) that the sentinel is useless for PvE so if a GWF get invited to a party must be Destroyer or nothing, I would take a GF instead of a Sentinel. Now, let's say that the Sentinel must be used for PvP, the damage is so low... it feels like if I were driving a tank and my cannon was destroyed so I had to start using a pistol, am I exaggerating? Not at all.

    There's a lot of feedback here being ignored, the GWF really needs an attack with very strong slow and good duration or add Daze effect to the takedown, I mean if someone hits you with the hilt of a two-handed greatsword you have to be dazed at least! the people can still move around and deflect attacks which is what you want considering how strong is a prone effect.

    Every other class in the game is mentioning by zone chat, pvp, etc: I can't wait for mod 4 you will be nerfed haha! the gwf will be lame very soon! and things like these that only shows how hard is being affected the class by the changes that you have done.

    Now, personally speaking, I've worked hard trying to get as much power as possible in my character, I find it really, really bad that other classes with half of my power or even less can deal now much more damage than me with almost no effort and trust me I know how to deal a lot of dps with my gwf.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Well i a see this in a different way cuz our dps is decreased single dps nerf take down and t.rush aoe nerf frontline.

    But i have this problem too i invested soo much time and real money in my GWF to max it.
    I dont want to be the joke of pvp .
    And ppl how say GWF is easy to play they have zero lagg or rubberbanding cuz we have only 1 encounter and 1 at-will auto target skill.
    So acual its not soo easy to play as a GWF the unstoppable was a good exchange to avoid CC cuz rubberbanding have great effect on sprint.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback GWF:

    in addition to the current changes implemented

    - Punishing Charge now has a chance to interrupt the target when hitting. 30% should work, so that there's a good chance to interrupt the caster at least once every 3 charges of PC.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Its like a gathering of old women here, regardless of what we say and how much we explain they dont seem to listen. Players of other classes dont listen cause they love the idea of finally being able to easily down a GWF and devs seem a bit oblivious to how the classes they themselves designed actually interact in PVP/PVE. Lemme tell you even an unlimited sprint wont suffice in the total absence of prones.

    Without the aid of TR's lockon a Takedown will miss at least half the time due to dodge or simple latency issues. Even if it connects Takedown is now a stun, effect easily mitigated by CC resistance and the result is a momentary pause in the enemy's movement that looks more like a graphical glitch than actual control effect. The following IBS is in no way instant, leaving quite the window for a dodge. And here we have a GWF with 2/3 rotation on CD, stamina mostly gone, TR ( if available ) is also on CD, the enemy is mostly unscathed and the GWF's own HP is constantly dropping due to a hailstorm of ranged attacks which we, for the Nth time, cant avoid in any way.

    Is that how you see the GWF gameplay in Mod 4 dear development team ?
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    FeedBack : DeepGash : Your critical strikes cause your target to bleed, taking 4/8/12/16/20% of your Power as Damage over 6 seconds , so if i have 6000 POWER , 20% means around 1300 damage, the bleed sums up until it does 1300 damage
    example : 210 210 210 210 210 210 , i find this rather unpleasent , if u can change it to give more dot, instead of 20% to give 45% , that would help the class a bit.
    Feedback : Daring Shout cooldown is 17.5 , this can be lowered to 12-14 seconds.
    Feedback : Come and Get it cooldown is 14,6 seconds, this can be lowered to 11-12 seconds.
    Feedback: Battlefury cooldown is 19.4 seconds, this can be lowered to 13-14 seconds.
    Feedback: steel grace doesnt work properly
    Feedback: steadfast determination doesn't work properly
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback: Come and Get it area of effect should be increased in size.
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback: improve "Restoring Strike" for sentinel, for example: Grudge Style "Sure Strike now has an extra 1/2/3/4/5% chance to Crit and both Sure Strike and Restoring Strike (Reaping Strike?!) generate an additional 10/20/30/40/50% Threat". Remove Reaping Strike from this feat nobody uses it.

    Sentinel's Aegis.
    Can someone please explain to me how exactly it works?

    example i have 30% dmg rest. by gear, base capstone 20%, unstoppable 40-80%,
    I'll get (30+30*.2)=36% base, unstoppable (36+36*.4) ~ (36+36*.8), it's 50.4% ~ 64.8%, right?
    still not up to the 80% Damage Resistance cap.
    Dead 🔪
  • reagenlionel1reagenlionel1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I actually like the idea that someone mentioned before that Takedown daze's after the initial stun of the hit. (of course the stun itself will have to be shortened)

    And Roar should also daze instead of root like it used to do (which completely made the skill useless taking it away before )
    Feedback: improve "Restoring Strike" for sentinel, for example: Grudge Style "Sure Strike now has an extra 1/2/3/4/5% chance to Crit and both Sure Strike and Restoring Strike (Reaping Strike?!) generate an additional 10/20/30/40/50% Threat". Remove Reaping Strike from this feat nobody uses it.

    I use reaping strike. Though, I wouldnt mind Restoring Strike being added to that, but not take away Reaping Strike.
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