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"Control" Wizard gripe in PVP



  • aethanasaethanas Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Problem in these forums is that you cannot discuss with people cause they are always angry and throw in all kinds of petty insults without making any actual points.

    Also your "nerf these classes!" posts are against the rules, so I really don't know why they are still present. I shouldn't even argue with any of you, the moderators should throw your "nerf" posts directly to the trash bin.

    I would never dare to tell the devs what they have to do, moreover I trust them in keeping things balanced as best as they can; I posted my point of view and wanted to make my point against other points here and my point of view is no cry for buffs but I want to discuss to find more appropriate ideas to help the devs if possible.

    Discussion is allowed, by the way, I think you speak of Rule 3.15 , did you not? Posts are subject to this rule if they are not written as a discussion but only as a demand. ;)
  • bredddybredddy Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Funny I play pvp every day... and I haven't seen a nice friendly match there all serious and I'm talking from lvl 10 threw 60 with every class... But I still find your "brown nosing" amusing..

    Respect for a pier/friend is not publicly announcing there achievements in forums...
    and Insinuating I am A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly
    And is also known as a buster
    Always talkin' about what he wants
    And just sits on his broke ***
    A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me
    Hanging out the passenger side
    Of his best-friend's ride
    Trying to holler at me
    Look at that scrub thinkin he can holla at me.


    Your man crush IS wrong... and so are you.

    CW need help in pvp tenacity DID make all other classes have a unfair advantage over them there control and dmg is all that set them apart... and there only defense.

    most matches are not 2 groups zerging around in a constant skirmish there isolates 2 on 2 or 2 on 1 on individual nodes you already know this if you haven't seen this by now I welcome you to step down from you ivory tower back into the trenches where the real pvp is happening, without there control and now reduced dmg due to tenacity as well and no real support combined with the fact a wizard is a S.E.T that's slow easy target for any class.

    every class with the exception of clerics who also need some love, have armor pen and good armor pen a wizard has cloth armor that's right... its a guy in pajamas slinging spells that now have control effects that last only a few seconds at best and a second usually and is against other classes which can cut him to ribbons in seconds.

    there are 2 Classes that are all but immune to control anyway GWF and GF then there are clerics as hard and harder to kill than tanks thanks to gear and enhancements and there astral shield, and a TR who in pvp is almost always a perma stealth shark in the dark water's... TR who's control works better in pvp than a CW and can stealth away and self heal and or interrupt our encounters thanks to long activation times...

    Look here lackyboy every person responding on this thread play pvp and as such have experience, and yes not all have epic gear and play in a pvp guild and have a pure pvp toon.. and thats fine.

    to assume they and I Dont know SQUAT...
    KID YOUR THE ONE Hanging out the passenger side
    Of his best-friend's ride
    Trying to holler at me; and tell me how great you are.

    you post had nothing to do with the issue being discussed and trashing someone for there opinion on the issue at hand when they never personally attack the person only the opinion is a double whammy of stupidity.

    Also it shows your age kid!

    You and many other are so wrapped up in winning any match. you will argue to keep the cloth punching bag for what... your leader board score?

    If you are so elite why not roll a cw not use any AD resources you may have earned for your enhancements and gear and pvp as a wizard to lvl 60 pug style.

    like any new player and see pvp from a new player and a "lack of control wizards" P.O.V you will see what ppl here are saying is true.
    There not crying wolf or begging for an edge; there trying to to get just a little more even ground that tenacity took away.

    you might start singing a different tune when your the punching bag for change.

    +1 i hope he will understand:rolleyes:
  • bredddybredddy Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    What you don't understand is the fact that this is a F2P MMO, not a subscription one. What that means is that many people buy extremely expensive stuff - specifically for certain builds. And most of the time with lots of REAL MONEY. One good example was the Tenebrous enchant.

    You cannot entice people to spend 1000 USD on a new toon they specifically made for PvP superiority, with all the bells and whistles including new type of Rank 10 enchants and 3 artifacts, then in 1-2 months destroy their investment (which is happening already in this game). There are legal customer protections against this type of thing.

    So what I am saying is that if developers are incompetent enough to put truly OP classes and builds out there, then they should get their act together and balance properly BEFORE preview content goes live, where we spend lots of real money.

    "Nerfing" our significant investments in our leisure time is not the answer. Buff the suffering class (here the CW) to be on par with the already OP GWF/TR/HR. With buffing, you can ensure that you will keep your customers happy, as their investment is not devalued to the point of uselessness (see again Tenebrous, nobody uses them anymore, and soon the Emblem of Seldarine will be useless too).

    carefully read the liscence you acepted just after instaling the game , before you create your first character , they protected themself very well. no matter if its real money of not
  • williep30williep30 Member Posts: 773 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    bredddy wrote: »
    +1 i hope he will understand:rolleyes:

    I second this :cool:. I hear this all the time. Its the people "hanging out the passenger's side of their friend's ride" who trash talk WAAAY more than the friend who's driving his ride lol. As has been said before, obviously most, if not all, of the people in here have some form of pvp experience.

    Most of the people I end up arguing with are these types of people. Theyre too busy trying to keep on their teammates shoulders, and benefit from their awesomeness. 9 out of 10 times, these guys couldn't do squat by themselves. I respect the person who makes a name for themselves, or at least tries to be a stand alone person, than someone who rides his awesome friend's success.
    I hear "learn to play" all the time, but it seems to me that it should be defined as "my class is balanced, except when others beat it, then THAT class is OP"...
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You cannot entice people to spend 1000 USD on a new toon they specifically made for PvP superiority, with all the bells and whistles including new type of Rank 10 enchants and 3 artifacts, then in 1-2 months destroy their investment (which is happening already in this game). There are legal customer protections against this type of thing.

    While I agree with you, that the devs really should balance things before they release them you cannot believe what i quoted.
    I play since beta, have followed countless posts and pvp and farming streams (cn cn cn cn cn … one shotting draco ... cn cn cn) and watched the pvp community very closely. Its a fairy tale that the most "elite" pvp players have spent so much money on their stuff. Most members of famous / infamous guilds claim actually to have never bought gear with real money. And the few who have, used the goldsellers, disguising their activities with multiple accounts (how many do u have, "proni"? :-D)

    I just want to shatter this silly myth that pvplers spending huge amounts of cash. Its very rare. So your initial argument remains valid (dont release super unbalanced stuff) the other points are just not. The infamous "elite" players have contributed very little to this game in regards of oeconomical value. But they are very good in bragging how good they are (epeening, ops, ur a girl, arent u? ;)
  • proneificationproneification Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 494 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    Some players exploited or farmed or played AH for large amounts of AD.

    Others bought their gear because they have businesses and kids and families and have little time to "enjoy" these time-consuming activities.

    You have to understand that it's a matter of simple economics. You calculate the amount of time you need to farm a certain quantity of AD. Then, you calculate the amount of real money you can be making in that time by taking care of real life business. From that point, I'd say a decision should be straightforward and simple to make.

    Also I have tried to farm as well, just as I did in other MMOs. It didn't work out here. This game is thought out in such a way that it will annoy you to death with boring repetitive badly designed dungeons long before you can make any significant amount of AD.

    Now that this is out of the way, how about focusing on the CW thing. Hopefully in such a (constructive) way that will leave the classes that I play most relatively intact. The next module already sunk its teeth pretty badly into my GWF and some of my toons will have to replace the emblems. So much AD, probably going to end up just as refining material.
  • pantamimepantamime Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Anyone else remember when GWF's were considered super weak in PVP and PVE back in the early days of Neverwinter. Recall how CW's were great at pvp, before some changes to different things.

    I bring this up just for a few reasons. Remember CW's all using the same build with HV set? Either Ren or Thaum but usallly always same encounter and at will and daily set up? CoI, RoE, EF, IR(orCS) and always Ice Knife? Before anyone realized how great shard was in Tab? Or how great it is to half cast/cancel steal time to kite multiple melee opponents? I always thought Shard on tab and steal time canceling was awesome, I am also a fan of using MoC to facetank when I was a spell storm mage and cancel half cast if it wasn't going to connect with my target.(MoC breaks you from CC except prone for those that don't know. so yea in a way CW have a sort of CC break.)Or even using icy terrain in tab slot and pushing people back on to it with push and ice storm(ice storm opressor build add 5 stacks of chill land on icy terrain and freeze)

    Things seem to stay difficult because the majority of players keeps trying to do things the same way for as long as they can, it seems foolish to test and dabble with different ideas because it would hurt your gamer-ego or something? I am not sure. Who cares about the score board, if you are doing what is needed to win - I will go 0 and 12 if I have to to win. It is my job to mess with everyone all the time, and sure get focused because it is inevitable. When you can dodge well and make 3 people all miss their encounters or dailys because they are spamming stuff on you so quick you have just effectively tanked ... avoidance tanking mind you but we do have it - can't believe no one see it that way. I am not saying go out there and get focused over and over and try to be a pure avoidance tank, but it is just a different way of looking at things. The silver lining i guess of being focused.

    Most recently I am dabbling with Shield on Tab, Fanning Flames, Chill Strike and Repel
    Shield on tab with Barkshield armor enchant and Life Drinker wep enchant. 10.6% lifesteal and 7% or so regen. Not a lot of hit points, thus this wacky idea I am using. It is actually quite fun and effective. I know that Repel doesnt always actually repel people but that short stun is very nice as well, with its cooldown being so low it is very close to spammy. I find qith this build I some how seem to have more viability in pvp , live longer and feel like I am in more control than when I am trying to actually go full control spells. It's weird to explain but it's fun. It is great to just eat a prone chain and stand up with a bunch of HP left since shield and barkskin absorbed a good bit. (Shiled on tab is 80% reduction for first hit 50% for non master slot, and 10% reduction as long as it is activated. found those tested stats on this CW forum )


    I apologize for the ramblings, the bottom line is - keep changing it up, do weird stuff that you HAVE A PLAN FOR. I guarantee people are not going to know how to counteract or anticipate your moves. Also, swap out spells mid fight as needed - don't just have one set up that you are familiar with for pvp. Different team set ups call for different spells.
    PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
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