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The "New" PvP and Clerics.



  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    With the exception of some guys who u know they always pvp hard, and are near BIS geared. Merlyn the HR is the only one i saw and know him, other guy's presence is low especially their cleric.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Stack to heal.. Then what? You are a less player today then another class post patch. There is nothing to adjust to, since apparently Cryptic doesn't want the DCs to be in PVP, as other have stated, they might as well ban them all.

    I keep expecting this announcement from Cryptic

    " Post-Patch we recognize the mistake we made with one particular class "Devoted Cleric" we left them a very minuscule amount of incoming healing (depending on how many debuffs at the time they may have, between 5-20% ) we are further reducing that to zero. Also, we are rewarding a new title, (Gimp Destroyer) to other classes for killing 500 of them in a PVP match. If other classes havent figured it out now, we have giving you a gimmee.. go kill them all.. Thank you, Your Friendly Neighborhood design team"

    followed in a months time by this release...

    " All, its come to a sad conclusion that some Clerics have managed to heal people still, This has come to our attention and is against the Terms and Conditions we set forth, all Clerics were supposed to die without really doing anything in PVP world, we are removing them and banning all players until we come up with some way of preventing them from entering arena matches, to some this would be considered Mercy Killing"
  • demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    not saying clerics don't need some help but i do like having fights like this. i might feel bad later since it's rare i do that well xD

  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    not saying clerics don't need some help but i do like having fights like this. i might feel bad later since it's rare i do that well xD


    The funny thing that keeps throwing a lot of people is that both extremes of the spectrum just got more extreme. It's kind of like what happens over in CW town with some crying OP and the others who know something about how PvP works calling for quality of life improvements to help them be more competitive and less dependent on total support from their teams.

    Since the patch, casual PvPers matched up against experienced ones are getting rolled even harder than before. I've never gotten so many kills on my DC, and my only adjustment was swap HW for FF since the former became borderline useless. On the other hand, skilled and geared players have never had an easier time dealing with DCs since their healing output can't compete even with moderate damage.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • flupperyfluppery Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    With the new pvp que, either my team totally stomps them or we ourselves get utterly smashed.

    Since the patch there is even LESS balance than before.
  • wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This is a game where every type of PVP involves going somewhere and standing on it, thereby negating one advantage of range (distance) because the only areas that matter in PVP are about a 90 unit radius from any capture point. Buffs (from DCs, at least) are usually constrained to a small compact area (e.g. Divine Glow, Blessing of Battle). This means that Cryptic have made a fundamental design decision to favour melee classes (who want to go somewhere and stand on it) over ranged classes (who don't want to stand where the melee are) in group activity.

    You can almost see the chain of cause and effect in Cryptic's workflow:
    1. We haven't got good boss mechanics so to spice things up, we make lots of trash
    2. Tanks can't get aggro on enough trash to be as useful as control wizards, and nothing needs a full-on GF tank
    3. GFs become suboptimal picks in group composition for PVE
    4. To improve tank stuns, we want to make the stuns better
    5. But people don't like being stunned in PVP and there's no diminishing returns on stuns
    6. To mitigate against stuns, we will take the easy option (Tenacity) instead of introducing diminishing returns or something more complex
    7. But this means people take less damage because they can't be locked down, so matches take ages
    8. Therefore we must nerf healing!

    This shines through areas - good CWs can be pretty scary one-on-one, or if left alone, but GWFs and (even more so) uber-geared GFs really dominate in PVP, because they can go and sit on the important place that matters, whilst range run around trying to do something. If a DC is in a coordinated group with with melees then they can do debuffs that really help to clear out one person from the flag, which will then steamroll. If a DC is in a group with a bunch of range, the range classes will spend a lot of time kiting and not be able to take advantage of your debuffs, nor be in range for the buffs you can provide.

    Since PVP is a team environment that you can't control (PVE being one that you can), I'm not sure why there is a desire or expectation of any sort of balance. Tenacity is Cryptic's attempt to copy lazy mechanics from other MMOs to deal with the stunlock issue (reducing output from melees without leaving ranged too superior in PVE) and of course, first time round it's failed here as well. Devoted Clerics are very much an afterthought class ("we need a healer, people hate playing health bar whack-a-mole, let's just throw a few abilities into a character and call it a class"). You can tell this from feats such as Initiate of the Faith - if the class was getting any focused design attention, that feat would have been changed. You can tell it from Righteousness, which was implemented from beta weekend 2 because people complained that clerics weren't drinking as many health potions as other classes between levels 1-10. It's just the way it is.

    In Gauntlgrym and world PVP, things might improve - DCs are a less obvious target. I'd hazard a guess that Cryptic have not got enough design staff to be able to consider second or third order effects from their balancing decisions. They're tinkering with the game one bit at a time based on feedback and the server stats they gather (which are going to be much more important than player feedback anyhow). Maybe in a couple of months, the stats will tell them that DCs are severely underrepresented in high level PVP ... at which stage they might make a change. Or maybe not.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Funnily enough, DC is reputed to be the Lead Producer's favorite class. Makes me think that the dev team secretly has it in for Andy.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • texy1texy1 Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    We have certainly lost a lot of what we used to bring to a match, but can still survive easily in poor pug matches and reasonably in average-good pugs. My concern, as others have posted, is the hardcore PMvsPM.. those can be tricky or even downright awful for us now.
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    vorphied wrote: »
    The funny thing that keeps throwing a lot of people is that both extremes of the spectrum just got more extreme. It's kind of like what happens over in CW town with some crying OP and the others who know something about how PvP works calling for quality of life improvements to help them be more competitive and less dependent on total support from their teams.

    Since the patch, casual PvPers matched up against experienced ones are getting rolled even harder than before. I've never gotten so many kills on my DC, and my only adjustment was swap HW for FF since the former became borderline useless. On the other hand, skilled and geared players have never had an easier time dealing with DCs since their healing output can't compete even with moderate damage.

    Holy ****. That IcyClaw DC is legit one of the worst DC I have seen in PVP and I mean it... Don't even waste your time with him...
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    not saying clerics don't need some help but i do like having fights like this. i might feel bad later since it's rare i do that well xD


    WOW if you think you are good then you are making a mistake... As who have fought with you and put you on ignore list after I can claim this with 0 personal emotion and 100 professional PVP experience that you are about the worst DC that is around even in the 10k GS DC bracket....
  • demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    from what i can tell, my role in a group is mostly debuffing gwf's/guardians with prophecy to clear the node quicker so everyone can deal with the wizards/hunters. i ignore the rogues mostly except maybe to weaken their damage or prophecy them if i have time and they r not in ITC.

    basically feels like we r an anti-gwf class because of prophecy making them as squishy as a wizard on top of the fact that they can't dodge. following prophecy with hammer of fate pretty much guarantees 10k damage, 4-6k from break the spirit, 5-9k from daunting, and another 6k if he survives til the end of my prophecy. 25-36k damage is decent if i am the only person attacking the gwf, but there r usually others speeding that up.

    against wizards/hunters 1 vs 1, the norm is me dying while taking out 50-75% of their hp although sometimes i barely win. against wizards that can easily freeze + ice knife b4 i can really do anything is a guaranteed death. hunters i seem to do better against since they don't spam disruptive shot nearly as much as when i am on my rogue.

    i don't even attempt to fight rogues except to debuff them for everyone else to deal with :P

    vs another cleric, it's not even a fight o.o. i simply won because they have effectively 0 resist and mostly heal encounters while i have 3 encounters + daily for damage

    overall, i can get a decent amount of kills but i am definitely gonna die a lot depending on how much support i get from my team. of course, any dps class that knows what they r doing can easily beat me in kills since all my damaging skills r slow. i only excel in dispatching gwf's so my team doesn't have to worry about prone spam. my worst matches r when i have to stand on the node, deal with a perma-rogue, or when the entire enemy team (sometimes just a wizard or 2) knows to cc me into oblivion b4 i can do anything.
    WOW if you think you are good then you are making a mistake... As who have fought with you and put you on ignore list after I can claim this with 0 personal emotion and 100 professional PVP experience that you are about the worst DC that is around even in the 10k GS DC bracket....

    ah right, i think i remember u. i did tell u that i die in 2 seconds from standing on the node and i even swapped to a full-support build to compromise with u. i still died in 2 seconds by a hunter, got randomly killed by perma at mid, frequently cc'ed spammed by wizards b4 i can do anything, etc. that's not a match where u can do much without an immunity skill.
  • vladious1977vladious1977 Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Just had a match with a CW who kept running AWAY from me Yelling HEAL ME YOU LAZY ********. I am like okay and how the heck do you suppose I do that? With HW that ticks for 150-300 a tick? Or am I suppose to telepathically heal you with a map pot?

    Seriously he had a 12k GS dressed in PVP and he STILL did not know there is not much I can do for him. Besides with all the bleeps he was calling me I got the jest of what he was saying and just put him on the ignore list and let him die over and over again on purpose.

    Why do not people understand there is not much we can do for them now? I mean before yeah throw down an AS and use SB to keep people topped up with a little HW here and there everyone is then golden. Now you try that same thing you just slow the damage you are not really healing anyone you are just slowing the inevitable.

    No one gets that though. Everyone thinks we can heal them up like in any MMO with one spell.
  • texy1texy1 Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    oh..I should add I run Anointed Champion Righteous path with HW / Exa / AS with BoB / A-seal and Divine Fortune/Anointed Armour, just as I did pre-patch.
    I've tried multiple other specs and skillsets and nothing really matches up to this set and my play style.. still, very sub-par.
  • slintashslintash Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    WOW if you think you are good then you are making a mistake... As who have fought with you and put you on ignore list after I can claim this with 100 personal emotion and 0 professional PVP experience that you are about the worst DC that is around even in the 10k GS DC bracket....


    He did well, and had some fun, grow up a bit.

    That being said, the current DC is sadly less of a support class and becoming more of a DPS class, odd as that may sound. They can barely heal, their buffs don't seem to do much anymore, and really should be looked at in more detail.
  • d00meed00mee Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2014
    With this patch pvp is almost dead for me. I have spent the last 10 day to figure out how to play my DC in pvp. and the result is: I am really pissed. I cant heal nothing. DC cant kill anything. (well about going for dps... lol) and now cant survive against equally equipped chars. I have multiple DC character like a decent pvp tankyDC not the best but quite good. Right now having a DC in a group is just silly. a proning class a decent CW a TR gives a lot more to the group. Anyone who thinks his DC is fine now in pvp that's just means ur group is carrying u.
    Go for Debuff/control? Anyone really thinks a CW cant do both a lot better? Go for dps build? pls pls stop i am rofl. Any class can do that with better results.
    I will give a few more try to this game but i think it's done. I am really sad. I play healer in every game. I dont even start a game if there is no healing class. Devs really had to kill the Clerics?
  • plaviaplavia Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    playing DC now in pvp is hard, I die more then other char and kill less.
    hopefully the new Q system will put me against n@@bs so ill do ok in the future (I have no idea what is my ranking, but it cant be good)

    I don't understand why they did it, cleric have no good DPS, all our at will are weak and slow and almost all buff / debuff / heal
    ppl say u can use divine glow, break the spirit etc. but those skills mainly debuff.

    its still early, maybe with full tenacity equip DC might survive bit more but creating 2 fully different sets with enchants etc... might take me months if I decide to do it

    its bit strange they decide to nerf one of the least common characters
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Lets see~~~ now from my perspective, healing is not very viable in pvp and the sent got some better items especially blues. Profound Faithful set is absolutely a joke where some blue combination outmatched it as a sent set. Need some prove?? Lets see how our main 3 defensive stat (hp,def,dflt) stack in a blue gear more effective than T2.5 Profound Faithful armor.


    This + Angelic Gauntlets + either old regen gears or new Vital Parrys totally owned the entire T2.5 set. Best set for sent cleric, only defensive stat included. Downsite is no armor enchant only, but do u need SF if you dont even die??

  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jazzfong wrote: »
    Lets see~~~ now from my perspective, healing is not very viable in pvp and the sent got some better items especially blues. Profound Faithful set is absolutely a joke where some blue combination outmatched it as a sent set. Need some prove?? Lets see how our main 3 defensive stat (hp,def,dflt) stack in a blue gear more effective than T2.5 Profound Faithful armor.


    This + Angelic Gauntlets + either old regen gears or new Vital Parrys totally owned the entire T2.5 set. Best set for sent cleric, only defensive stat included. Downsite is no armor enchant only, but do u need SF if you dont even die??


    That's an impressive HP boost, but it doesn't do really do anything to solve the issue. "Sent" DCs only worked well competitively because they had just enough sustain between their Regen stat and their abilities to have a fighting chance at recovering from CC and burst attempts.

    More HP and great defensive stats are awesome, and this is a good call-out; I just think that casuals are already getting rolled by BiS DCs and that competitive players aren't going to care that it might take very slightly longer to kill a strong DC; it's not like the DC is going to be healing up from their damage, anyway. Regen is still desirable, but it's far less of a factor for everyone thanks to HD (not a bad thing, across the board).
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I love hammer of fate

    was fighting a wizard hiding on pillar and kept leaving line-of-sight to interrupt me so i just used my daily to hit him. the wizard went into instant soulforged and fell off the pillar (5.4k x2 criticals and a 3.3k normal)

    i am enjoying how everyone underestimates a dps cleric as it helps me catch them off-guard since they may not think to dodge

    only downside is that i am somewhat dependent on my daily for half my kills

    some matches with my guildie:





    ^last 2 was horrible since we had 7k gs with us. but overall it seems that i will have the lowest kills on the team which is fine. my main purpose is to debuff priority targets with prophecy and make sure no low-hp enemy can run with punishing light. occasionally placing dot's on permas to clear them off the node so as to free 1-2 people from the stall tactics.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    To all dps/buff clerics, is this skill loadout working always?? I feel like dps is also a viable way.
    This was one match with equally skilled and geared pug players vs each other. I somehow find dio's theory is quite applicable, kill all enemies so no one from red will have any chance contesting the point. But if i was cc-ed by a cw, thats means it is the end of me... still squishy as a cleric...
  • vladious1977vladious1977 Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well looking at preview patch notes and owlbear patch notes. Looking for the suppsove balancing of our class. The fix for Clerics in PVP. I finally found it. On owlbear. they are fixing sunburst divinity to no longer knock back CC immune players and creatures. Really? All this time and that was the only fix they are working on in regards to us? They should have fixed clerics when they released this PVP patch.

    This is something I see happen to games that end up going south. They rush out content break things then take forever to fix what they broke. Players get tired of things always being broke. They go somewhere else. A place that is not always broke. Every game has it's fair share of bugs. Every single one of them if you look hard enough has a bug. A design law. Yet to leave a class completely unplayable for this long is just not acceptable.

    I have yet to hear of a reason behind this. I have seen no dev's explaining why they so chose to break a class for this long. Great you are working on a solution well why did you release a patch knowing it would break a whole class? Is it because they did not know? If this is the case then they do not know there own game or do not play there own game which means this game is doomed anyway.

    I would love anything if a Dev could answer this one question. Why release a patch you knew would break a whole class? Was you so worried about rushing content that Clerics did not matter to you? That players who play Clerics did not matter to you?

    Seriously the Devs answer that question and explain why they rushed out this patch knowing what it would do to clerics I think this thread would die out and people would understand. Yet we are not getting answers. All we know is what we see. Content is rushed out without much thought or testing breaking classes such as the clerics. Is this the truth? We can only speculate but it is the only speculation we can actually do because we are not getting answers.
  • jddouglas83jddouglas83 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well really, Clerics played as main character by what maybe 5% of the players online? There's always loads of HR/GWF/CW's whenever I look under zone and check class's. Least 2 played classes being DC first then GF second. Rarely do I see many TR's online doing PvE.

    Soo DC & GF are shafted b/c why? TR's being ignored as they've already been heavily nerfed. PvPers complaining that class X too OP because their not faced with fighting often b/c of a lower number of those active classes? Mind I've obliviously no proof of such a thing, simply a thought based on experience and observations is all.
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