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Unkillable GWF ruins pvp



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    corpsemaker86corpsemaker86 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    To the people defending GWFs saying they can still beat teams with 3+ GWFs:

    That's because only in this current game type is that still possible. ever wonder why the Devs cant introduce a new game type? I would kill to have some slayer...
    Well good luck with that as GWF teams will always win. We have to stick with this stupid game type instead of capture the flag, slayer, ext.. simple because of GWFs and how imbalanced their overall defenses, speed, and healing abilities are
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    munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    To the people defending GWFs saying they can still beat teams with 3+ GWFs:

    Tough team? sure...un-killable? not even close. Even BiS

    going up against a rainbow team of bis they will get crushed.

    I can think of many different scenarios and its not worth my time to say them.

    You are the guy crying for nerfs and imbalance issues all over the place because you are bad, and haven't yet figured out how to fight GWF's.

    Class's are balanced. Get better gear and L2P.

    Everyone is tired of listening to this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Game is imbalanced and you hate it and want to rage and cry and write stupid comments?


    Simply stop playing....you wont be missed....I promise
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    ladysylvia wrote: »
    20k Lashinblades(HP-Loose!), but never seen it after FoF, only a 17k.
    NEVER seen a 20k+ Ice Knife HP-Loose. ONly 18k --> <10k Hp-loose IK. So where are the 'ONESHOOTs'? The HP-loose doesn't matter if the basedamage of the skill is alone not high enough for oneshoot. And debuffs are... NO ONESHOOT, because you take damage with your 'full' life and 'reduced' life efficiency. So can one post a pic about this roars about oneshootings without debuffs?

    I have no idea what you are going on about. I mentioned that the one shots usually include debuffing...therefore it is not a one shot.

    I take it english is a second language.
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    corpsemaker86corpsemaker86 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    RAGEEEEeEe my main is a GWF how dare u get us nerfed

    1) its true. other game types are impossible because of the GWF
    2) I don't know what your talking about I post here like once a month
    3) attacking forum members is a ban-able offense
    4) u don't even know my character and how I play to be talking like that. But I can tell you this much...your talking about L2P yet you host a sig with 6 deaths like its some glorious achievement. I cant even remember a time when I had that many deaths. I had a 47 and 2 match TODAY against a tank premade which I view as a bad game for me (and yes I have a screen I will gladly post) because of my 2 deaths. Your best game ever is on par with what I consider one of my worst...

    so keep it on topic. Just because you cant come up with a counter argument doesn't mean u should flame. The reality is that they have the BEST defenses, FASTEST speed, second best in stuns, second best healing, and most viable class to use tenebrous on. How can we possibly have a different game type when this class has all of that?

    capture the flag? - yup just have the GWF grab they flag. they can run faster than all and are hard to kill.
    Slayer? - yup just stack GWFs on your team. good luck trying to come up with 50-100kills now
    king of the hill? - by the time you finally kill the GWF everyone else has rezzed and traveled to the hill. too bad your health is now low and your only going to get credited with 3 seconds on the hill.

    Everything HAS to be mega team based in this games pvp because individually they have been given the most tools to be successful
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    chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    regen troll sentinel has no counter.

    I know from experience. I had a gwf with only maybe half of the trollish regen/teneb/feat combinations that a sentinel is capable of, and I never went down unless I was asking for it. No dc, cw, gf, or tr, could whittle my hp down in 1v1. Only other troll sentinels could but it would take a good amount of time. I respecced because a sentinel that's a good enough tank to dominate in pvp usually has the worst choice in feats and equipment for pve, which kind of sucks because the best feats and equipment for pve is usually not so good for pvp :D.
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    ladysylvialadysylvia Member Posts: 946 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013

    1) its true. other game types are impossible because of the GWF
    2) I don't know what your talking about I post here like once a month
    3) attacking forum members is a ban-able offense
    4) u don't even know my character and how I play to be talking like that. But I can tell you this much...your talking about L2P yet you host a sig with 6 deaths like its some glorious achievement. I cant even remember a time when I had that many deaths. I had a 47 and 2 match TODAY against a tank premade which I view as a bad game for me (and yes I have a screen I will gladly post) because of my 2 deaths. Your best game ever is on par with what I consider one of my worst...

    so keep it on topic. Just because you cant come up with a counter argument doesn't mean u should flame. The reality is that they have the BEST defenses, FASTEST speed, second best in stuns, second best healing, and most viable class to use tenebrous on. How can we possibly have a different game type when this class has all of that?

    capture the flag? - yup just have the GWF grab they flag. they can run faster than all and are hard to kill.
    Slayer? - yup just stack GWFs on your team. good luck trying to come up with 50-100kills now
    king of the hill? - by the time you finally kill the GWF everyone else has rezzed and traveled to the hill. too bad your health is now low and your only going to get credited with 3 seconds on the hill.

    Everything HAS to be mega team based in this games pvp because individually they have been given the most tools to be successful

    Sorry, second best in stun?! Nope it's third. Only DC and sometimes TR are worser than GWF.
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    munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    GWF teams will always win

    Don't cry kiddo, it'll be ok =)

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    lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013

    1) its true. other game types are impossible because of the GWF
    2) I don't know what your talking about I post here like once a month
    3) attacking forum members is a ban-able offense
    4) u don't even know my character and how I play to be talking like that. But I can tell you this much...your talking about L2P yet you host a sig with 6 deaths like its some glorious achievement. I cant even remember a time when I had that many deaths. I had a 47 and 2 match TODAY against a tank premade which I view as a bad game for me (and yes I have a screen I will gladly post) because of my 2 deaths. Your best game ever is on par with what I consider one of my worst...

    so keep it on topic. Just because you cant come up with a counter argument doesn't mean u should flame. The reality is that they have the BEST defenses, FASTEST speed, second best in stuns, second best healing, and most viable class to use tenebrous on. How can we possibly have a different game type when this class has all of that?

    capture the flag? - yup just have the GWF grab they flag. they can run faster than all and are hard to kill.
    Slayer? - yup just stack GWFs on your team. good luck trying to come up with 50-100kills now
    king of the hill? - by the time you finally kill the GWF everyone else has rezzed and traveled to the hill. too bad your health is now low and your only going to get credited with 3 seconds on the hill.

    Everything HAS to be mega team based in this games pvp because individually they have been given the most tools to be successful

    I agree with some of your issues. Let's point out that, team composition in general, is going to make or break pvp in this game. I would love if they could make it so that no more than one, or maybe two, of each class can be in a match, even in premades. Our pvp guilds are already pushing this because they realize it's more fair and balanced.

    Because TR's and GWF's are easily leading PvP right now, mainly because of their sustainability with min-max builds, and their ability to pick the fights by extending their attack or retreat. That's pointing out that they last far longer than other classes, and they can choose who they fight.

    Plus, the biggest reason they are doing so well? They are classes that suit solo players. DC does great if you've got somebody to heal. GF's could solo, but the players that choose to main GF's are often more group and team minded. CW's are hurting in Arena due to the smaller groups and rogues.

    I'm serious, though. Every problem and issue you just pointed out, would be worse against a full team of rogues. At least with GWF's, you'd have something to aim at.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
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    gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    that dude haven't fought the silent blade path of blade team yet for saying only the team with gwf wins LOL
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
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    ladysylvialadysylvia Member Posts: 946 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    lobo0084 wrote: »
    I agree with some of your issues. Let's point out that, team composition in general, is going to make or break pvp in this game. I would love if they could make it so that no more than one, or maybe two, of each class can be in a match, even in premades. Our pvp guilds are already pushing this because they realize it's more fair and balanced.

    Because TR's and GWF's are easily leading PvP right now, mainly because of their sustainability with min-max builds, and their ability to pick the fights by extending their attack or retreat. That's pointing out that they last far longer than other classes, and they can choose who they fight.

    Plus, the biggest reason they are doing so well? They are classes that suit solo players. DC does great if you've got somebody to heal. GF's could solo, but the players that choose to main GF's are often more group and team minded. CW's are hurting in Arena due to the smaller groups and rogues.

    I'm serious, though. Every problem and issue you just pointed out, would be worse against a full team of rogues. At least with GWF's, you'd have something to aim at.

    I can't ban the picture out of my brain of Hotenow Ninja TRs... On that map, such a team will role all to dead. GWF? Stun and they can't attack. Don't need to attack to fill unstoppable bar. Defending such points is quit easy. CWs get rolled dead. DC power? Nothing against 3-5 Trs on same target. GFs? To slow to be a big threat for the entire team.
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    lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    ladysylvia wrote: »
    I can't ban the picture out of my brain of Hotenow Ninja TRs... On that map, such a team will role all to dead. GWF? Stun and they can't attack. Don't need to attack to fill unstoppable bar. Defending such points is quit easy. CWs get rolled dead. DC power? Nothing against 3-5 Trs on same target. GFs? To slow to be a big threat for the entire team.

    On Beholder, a five-man team of TR's is generally called 'The Silent Blade'.

    No insult. Just stating the truth ;)
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
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    godlysoul1godlysoul1 Member Posts: 293 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    I can show you a modern video of 30 seconds that proves regen tank is by far not OP.


    In this video you can see the GWF healing for 1.4k ticks and 1.3k due to regen, and he obviously has high hp, so the video is legit.

    The only reason people say it is OP is because they tend to have better gear than the people fighting them. When you get an individual like this who is equally geared, it is an even fight.

    I would also like to point out that this video shows a SINGLE EQUALLY GEARED INDIVIDUAL beating a heavy sent regen gwf tank. If this individual was fighting the tank with a teammate, the gwf would obviously be hopeless.

    On a side note, I paid to get my gwf geared up. Why? I want to spend money on the things that I enjoy, and I love pvp. I hate grinding, and don't have time for it in college. However, if they are going to keep implementing heavy nerfs to this game, I will tell you now I will not spend another penny on this game. I am not going to pay for things that are at risk to be taken away. Especially when it is so expensive for virtual items. Furthermore, I am not going to waste what little free time I have grinding to get geared up on another character, so if nerfs are going to come, I'm probably going to quit the game all-together and move back to one of my other games where I have already done my share of grinding in the past. We have already seen what nerfs did to the size of the community. You guys are not going to have a game left if this kind of thing continues.

    Further more, I have seen and fought many GF's that exactly match my tanking/dps on my GWF sent tank. They can get the same regen and still do enough damage to wittle people's hp down like GWF. Also, I have seen DCs who can tank just as well if not a little bit better, they only lack more dmg than GF and GWF.

    Lets look at what we have in total here: rogues that can stay in stealth permanently and kill (could also stack regen), control wiz who can 1 shot ice knife, rogues who can 1 shot lashing blade, video proof that equally geared other classes beat gwf regen sent 1v1, DC's who can tank as well as GWF without the stun immunity, GF who can tank as well as GWF only with an invincibility move rather than a damage reduction/immunity move.

    Combine this with the fact that the damage is very poor for tanks, and it doesn't make sense to be fixated on nerfing this when there are so many other viable options that are equally as powerfull or more powerfull, listed above. The only time they break this is when they stack tene enchants.
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    godlysoul1 wrote: »
    I can show you a modern video of 30 seconds that proves regen tank is by far not OP.


    Curse has probably BiS gear and Perfect Vorpal, and stealth, and IS. And skills. Does that GWF match these? I have some doubts.

    Good job purchasing your gear man. This just proves my earlier points on something that shouldn't be named because forum disallows it.

    Hoping on a true MMO that makes you work for everything, in-game, and is still fun to play. Fingers crossed.
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    mbllanes199mbllanes199 Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 429
    edited October 2013
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Hoping on a true MMO that makes you work for everything, in-game, and is still fun to play. Fingers crossed.

    Free-to-Play is not for you... Play on monthly subscription game, lol.
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Free-to-Play is not for you... Play on monthly subscription game, lol.

    Path of Exile is F2P and only sells cosmetics, and has a large following and is successful. Need I say more?
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Hoping on a true MMO that makes you work for everything, in-game, and is still fun to play. Fingers crossed.

    People who pay have still worked for their gear. They just worked in a RL job. I don't have any problem with people being able to buy their gear, so long as it's still available to f2p players without months of grind.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    mbllanes199mbllanes199 Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 429
    edited October 2013
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Path of Exile is F2P and only sells cosmetics, and has a large following and is successful. Need I say more?

    If that is the case, why are you still here... LOL
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If that is the case, why are you still here... LOL

    I like the gameplay in NWO way more. I am just pointing out that a business model is possible where you must work for all your gear (IN-GAME, not RL, separate things), and the game is Free to Play and successful. I won't play a game I am not enjoying a lot just because it has a cool business model, instead of a game I enjoy but has a lousy business model. Keep in mind, Path of Exile is a GOOD game, it just doesn't suits me as a MMO guy since it's an online ARPG.

    @tang: Perfect enchants DO take months of grinding.

    Anyway, continuing on this argument is useless, some moderator will probably delete these posts anyway.
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    mbllanes199mbllanes199 Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 429
    edited October 2013
    pers3phone wrote: »
    I like the gameplay in NWO way more. I am just pointing out that a business model is possible where you must work for all your gear (IN-GAME, not RL, separate things), and the game is Free to Play and successful. I won't play a game I am not enjoying a lot just because it has a cool business model, instead of a game I enjoy but has a lousy business model. Keep in mind, Path of Exile is a GOOD game, it just doesn't suits me as a MMO guy since it's an online ARPG.

    @tang: Perfect enchants DO take months of grinding.

    Anyway, continuing on this argument is useless, some moderator will probably delete these posts anyway.

    i just check out the link you gave me and i can understand why you are not playing there, first the graphics are outright ugly, the last time i saw that kind of graphics is when i played Diablo I, secondly NVM/PWI has great mechanic where you can get Zen(or whatever you call it in other games) with ingame currency you get inside the game, that is what most people stay on the game and remove that and player will move on.

    I have been on the online game since 2000's and playing computer games thru the 90's, there is no such thing as what you have wanted now, yes before 2000's there is still game like that but they are gone now because the Free-to-Play and micro transaction is way way more profitable.

    What you need now is time machine and go back in time, your ideal MMO only exist in the past .. LOL.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    lobo0084 wrote: »
    On Beholder, a five-man team of TR's is generally called 'The Silent Blade'.

    No insult. Just stating the truth ;)

    Lol, yeah when we run that the enemy team is usually gone within 30 seconds, but it's a really fun comp =P

    Oh also we had a GvG of 5 TR's vs. 5 GWF's and the TR's crushed them. We didn't have our 2 top GWF's but we had some lower tier TR's too.

    That alone should say the GWF is fine. If GWF is the most OP class right now then 5 GWF's should stomp anything right? My GWF team lost like 300-1000 =/

    I imagine if we had the top GWF's and top TR's it would be more like 500-1000 but still a big loss, GWF's are not OP heh.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    godlysoul1godlysoul1 Member Posts: 293 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Curse has probably BiS gear and Perfect Vorpal, and stealth, and IS. And skills. Does that GWF match these? I have some doubts.

    Good job purchasing your gear man. This just proves my earlier points on something that shouldn't be named because forum disallows it.

    Hoping on a true MMO that makes you work for everything, in-game, and is still fun to play. Fingers crossed.

    If the gwf had that much regen and hp, they most likely had the best sent gwf gear which is 2 piece titan/imposing and I doubt that Curse would've lost just because the GWF might have only been using rank 5 enchants instead of 8 or something. Even if he could've slotted full tenes, Curse probably still would've won because of how well he avoided the hits. (Assuming he wasn't using any). Point is, even if the GWF could've had slightly better gear, the margin of that win was by far too great to say that GWF sent needs a heavy nerf when it can be taken out 1v1 against a rogue like that.
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    jacksoonjacksoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    godlysoul1 wrote: »
    If the gwf had that much regen and hp, they most likely had the best sent gwf gear which is 2 piece titan/imposing and I doubt that Curse would've lost just because the GWF might have only been using rank 5 enchants instead of 8 or something. Even if he could've slotted full tenes, Curse probably still would've won because of how well he avoided the hits. (Assuming he wasn't using any). Point is, even if the GWF could've had slightly better gear, the margin of that win was by far too great to say that GWF sent needs a heavy nerf when it can be taken out 1v1 against a rogue like that.

    Also, I think you need to learn some respect. If people like me didn't spend a little money on this game because we enjoy it, you would not have a free game. People like me are the only reason people like you have a game to play that doesn't have an up-front fee or a subscription, so please avoid attempting to insult the people who are providing your FREE service.

    This isn't real ^^ only because you bougth something this not mean the game is up thx to you. Only because he don't spnet money, this dont give you the permissiont o act like a super hero. I used some money in this game too, but i don't insult the free player because they don't found a reason to use real money here. And after this, if you notice all the gold seller in the chat we can also start to think's half of the new player are prob buy Ad from them, since you can find people whit epic 9-10 perfect and they don't even know you to kill mini boss or clear a dungeon room. I found in a dungeon run a GF whit almsot 18k Gs almost full 9-10 whit perfect ench and, after he died 20 time in a row because he was in panic for all the mob we usualy manage, he told us he bougth the char full equip from an external site.
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    tcarncetcarnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 976 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i think it`s kind of hard vs gwf also on my tr.
    12.5k gs with perfect vorp.
    don`t know how they re geared unfortunately, it would help if i specced more pvp targeted.
    but no dual spec.
    kind of weird, but should be there to give experiment more room.
    and also the divide of pvp and pve, because i m not going to spec in ranged for pve while it maybe solve to battle a gwf ;p
    dual spec should include every skill and stat that is there.
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    sunsfire2004sunsfire2004 Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    if some one is pvp spec and your not they should win also compare gear sents are killable if they don't out gear you and your pvp spec

    main issue is sent is hard to kill when its end game gear and your not just need pvp match making and ladder system and your fight sents of your gear
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    godlysoul1 wrote: »
    Also, I think you need to learn some respect. If people like me didn't spend a little money on this game because we enjoy it, you would not have a free game. People like me are the only reason people like you have a game to play that doesn't have an up-front fee or a subscription, so please avoid attempting to insult the people who are providing your FREE service.

    I just happen to like subscriptions and equal footing for everybody, and companies that fight against RMT, successful or not.

    However, I didn't had any intention to insult you or anybody that buys gear with real money. My quarrel is with the companies that provide this opportunity, not with those that take advantage of it.
    main issue is sent is hard to kill when its end game gear and your not just need pvp match making and ladder system and your fight sents of your gear

    Exactly this.
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    godlysoul1godlysoul1 Member Posts: 293 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    jacksoon wrote: »
    This isn't real ^^ only because you bougth something this not mean the game is up thx to you. Only because he don't spnet money, this dont give you the permissiont o act like a super hero. I used some money in this game too, but i don't insult the free player because they don't found a reason to use real money here. And after this, if you notice all the gold seller in the chat we can also start to think's half of the new player are prob buy Ad from them, since you can find people whit epic 9-10 perfect and they don't even know you to kill mini boss or clear a dungeon room. I found in a dungeon run a GF whit almsot 18k Gs almost full 9-10 whit perfect ench and, after he died 20 time in a row because he was in panic for all the mob we usualy manage, he told us he bougth the char full equip from an external site.

    Do you think they would be providing a game if they were not making money off of it?

    Regardless, despite the fact that I bought up some gear for it, I only have a lesser weapon enchant, no tenes, and only full rank 7 enchants with no armor enchant. There is definitely a lot of room left for me to grind.
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think the main issue is that many players don't know how to fight GWFs 1v1. I duel GWFs all the time 1v1 for points. Ideally, a CW kills a Sent solo while maintaining the point. More likely, a CW holds the point and whittles the GWF down until the TR can come and help finish him/her off. GFs can also by time and control a point, but I think they have a harder time finishing them off. A good TR can take down a GWF solo, but they have to be dang good to do it.

    Just ran a pug PVP where three of the members of the opposing team kept trying to take down our Sent. We three capped them in no time.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    meldan3nmeldan3n Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    PvP is not about killing. PvP is about winning. GWF Sentinels are tanks, just like GFs, but with different abilities. If your whole team zerks the tank while your opponent caps the other two bases, tell them not to do that. People can learn. Or find better people to play with. But don't cry about not being able to take a tank down. This is what tanks are for.
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    yokihiroyokihiro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 510 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    meldan3n wrote: »
    PvP is not about killing. PvP is about winning.

    To be precise: Domination is not about killing!
    Wait until there are killcount maps or capture the flag maps released. Good luck in killing a GWF runner...
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    yokihiro wrote: »
    To be precise: Domination is not about killing!
    Wait until there are killcount maps or capture the flag maps released. Good luck in killing a GWF runner...

    There will be only 1 objective in CTF so with a 5 man focus the GWF will die in 4-5 seconds lol. I doubt they will release a simple deathmatch mode, DC would be worthless and while CW's do good damage they are too easily killed so team makeups would only be GF, GWF, TR.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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