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New loot changes really screw fighters over.



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    kajiwhtkajiwht Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 38
    edited June 2013
    You wanting to be able to roll need on other classes stuff to sell it - is asinine and a solution to nothing.
    If an item is needed it should be BoP - if this does not happen people will abuse it, just like they do most of the short sighted "systems" in this game.

    NEED means you are going to wear it, should be no issues with that binding to toons, otherwise you greed like everyone else. Broken system in a game full of broken/easily abused systems and transparent cash grabs. Blame the players that keep coming back tossing money at this broken pile.

    really like the bind need argument... u need it... it comes bound... that would kick ***
    no more needing to sell bull****
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    sasheriasasheria Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I believe this is one of the reason that token to epic got started.

    While in the days of old (all the way back to EQ) the super rare drop after upteen attempt is consider cool, but today, people don't want to run 30 times and gotten nothing (due to lack of drop and RNG) and losing a roll to an item when it DOES drop. This is where token to epic was born. You get a token (bullions, marks, coin, whatever you want to call it) per run, and after so many runs, you turn in your token for an epic.

    NWN changed the game with BoE epics. usually Epic items are BoP, this produce a new "greed" of people who want to make a quick buck (in this case AD) from people who want the best but don't want to do the run.

    Ideal loot rule (if any) should have Need option available ONLY if the person doesn't have it equip or inventory/bank, and everyone else is greed or pass.

    Personally, at this rate, might as well abandon N/G/P system and go with Token or personal loot (since they are BoE)
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
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    o0spoonman0oo0spoonman0o Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2013
    The loot should be need before greed, need should remove any possibility of EARNING MONEY from the drop (don't really care if you can vendor it - gold is worthless in this game anyway)

    Greed gives everyone a fair shot at something if the group just wants to roll on an item for selling purposes.

    As for leveling up and the random unidentified loot - aside from class specific stuff you should be rolling greed. But no one's really getting rich off needing green's from dungeon's anyway so I feel this is sort of a moot point. Or make the looting system treat identified items differently than it does identified. There's already way too many currencies in this game why not make looting un-necessairly complex as well.

    Need before greed works - and it works just fine unless you're someone who feels entitled to a drop from *every boss they fight* I'm not going to stand here and say no MMO does this - there's a lot I haven't played. But this is a pretty lame way of solving the issue, boss mobs could drop loot tokens that you turn in for armor - said armor could be rendered non sellable/no trade but in no way should every boss reward everyone in the group - that's just lazy.

    There are so many solutions to this problem that are right there and very obvious - but the instant gratification crybabies need loot everytime they enter a dungeon. This isn't the way it's supposed to work and certainly isn't a concept borrowed from DND or any old school MMO/Mud's.

    As for the comment re: Cryptic / PE doing nothing that would negatively affect Zen sales - you the playerbase can continue to play this thinly veiled cash grab (and keep feeding their wallets) or you can stop spending money on stuff until the game is actually balanced and has enough content to actually call this a fully completed MMO. Right now it's pretty much a single player game to 60 with enough content to keep you busy for a weekend, half week at best.

    This isn't an MMO - it's a really quickly thrown together game with a good looking combat engine and lots of stuff to spend your money on.
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    killakillaxxxkillakillaxxx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    leave this **** game and come play rift. its f2p now and you wont get banned doing stupid **** like you will in this game.
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    o0spoonman0oo0spoonman0o Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2013
    leave this **** game and come play rift. its f2p now and you wont get banned doing stupid **** like you will in this game.

    I've already left - I hover on forums from time to time to see if the state of the game has improved; I did enjoy the combat system. But an MMO needs more than flashy combat to have any sort of longevity.
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    therealtedtherealted Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    .As for the comment re: Cryptic / PE doing nothing that would negatively affect Zen sales - you the playerbase can continue to play this thinly veiled cash grab (and keep feeding their wallets) or you can stop spending money on stuff until the game is actually balanced and has enough content to actually call this a fully completed MMO.
    "We" the playerbase can do a lot of things, but the facts remain that 1) some of "us" will gladly buy AD with Zen, 2) some of "us" will want to use that AD to gear up, and 3) PWE expect to make money off of facts 1 and 2. As I've said, that's probably one (though not the only) factor in why Cryptic went heavy on the BoE gear, and anything that steps on that will probably never happen.

    But you're right, there's no shortage of solutions - but it seems everyone wants to "fix" a broken system rather than just ditch it in favor of a better one.

    The gorilla formerly known as Kolikos
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    o0spoonman0oo0spoonman0o Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2013
    therealted wrote: »
    But you're right, there's no shortage of solutions - but it seems everyone wants to "fix" a broken system rather than just ditch it in favor of a better one.

    The mind boggling thing for me is there are plenty of games out there that have functioning loot systems, any I've played that work have been NBG (or back in the EQ days where it was pretty much NBG enforced by players and if you don't like it have fun with no groups). They obviously did the BoE stuff for money generation and the problem is this: they make every decision to maximize profits, I understand that from a business perspective. But this process makes you look cheap, your game feels cheap and I'll stay loyal to game companies looking to put out solid titles for gamers - this...is meant to make money off people who will throw money to skip content, and make no mistake about it, when you buy in game money for real money and then buy your end game gear - you are skipping content (albeit - bad content)

    The gaming community has shifted and not for the better - too much instant gratification brotatoe nonsense. MMO's are supposed to be about exploration, adventure and RP (for those who enjoy it) and there's zero of that here, explore what in NW? There's no point. I know I know...this is an "action MMO!" but does that just mean really watered down game with no longevity? I'm reasonbly new to F2P, and all the shortcomings so far have been explained with "that's just how f2p works" maybe that's the problem, but I can't imagine every f2p game out there has the amount of holes and poorly thought out systems as this does.

    I recently fired EQ back up with a group of friends and was amazed by concepts I've forgotten about, mobs running for friends, actual danger, game mechanics that work properly, content galore and stuff to do everywhere; actual lore - more than one city, a big expansive world etc. EQ Vanilla had more content than this ever thought about having and it was created in 1999. We should be moving forwards, not backwards.
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