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This game is Pay to Win, and here is why.



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    dimtuldimtul Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    by the time you're starting to find rank 4 gemstones. even the bag space is pay to win. You're going to be overloaded with bull**** gems filling every one of your bag slots if you dont meaning you have no room to carry loot to id or sell This entire game is pay to win.
    This game got boring really fast. By the time you hit about 40 the pay to win cash shop bs really shines and makes the game more of a tedius task to play than an entertaining game. Pay 2 Win is a quick path for game failure, unless its already a failure then might as well go to the pay to win scale to skim whatever money is left on the market.
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    vatashavatasha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Simple solution to any cash shop you don't think is fair. Don't buy stuff from it and watch as the prices fall and the items change. If it really bugs you then move on to other games. Really tho the gimme now folks have gotta learn to manage their money or they will be taken advantage of in these types of games
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    dimtuldimtul Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    joreal wrote: »
    Remember how long it took to get to level 40 in Vanilla WoW? How hard it was to get the 50g back then. It took a LONG *** time to get your first mount in the original WoW. Kiddies are just spoiled these days. Gimme epics
    it took me two weeks to get to 47 in vanilla wow. Not a big deal.
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    atheistgodsatheistgods Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mountain45 wrote: »
    sorry but pay to win means an advantage over someone and you CANT get it ingame everything can be gotten in game.. if its pay to win i should beat a trickster rogue with mu GWF on my founder package but guess what i dont.

    this isnt pay towin there isnt anything on the cash shop that can be considered if you can speed lvl cause of cash shop that is not p2w and if you are all complaining about go back to the game you played . and let the ones that enjoy the game as is play it which isnt p2w

    You didn't pay enough to overcome your skill difference. Pay to win doesn't mean that paying $50 makes you stronger than every single person that didn't pay $50. Pay to win means that you are stronger than you would have been if you didn't pay. That is true, you have in game benefits from paying that $50 extra. Dyes are not pay to win, an item that changes a 50% horse into a 50% spider is not pay to win. Buying respecs, a 110% mount, and in game currency are all pay to win.
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    dimtuldimtul Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vatasha wrote: »
    Simple solution to any cash shop you don't think is fair. Don't buy stuff from it and watch as the prices fall and the items change. If it really bugs you then move on to other games. Really tho the gimme now folks have gotta learn to manage their money or they will be taken advantage of in these types of games

    The problem with a stupid mentality like that is people will spend money on this ****ty game development style and good games will turn to **** and will get released in this quality. Drop this ****ing stupid pay to win cash shop model and go back to a sub fee where everybody had the same level playing field.
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    borneolborneol Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    bzzzd wrote: »
    I'm not saying $160 is acceptable (in the end, what is? and $160 is a theoretical number anyway), but it's one thing to say WAAAH FARMING FOR THE BEST IS EXPENSIVE OR TAKES AGES IT SUXX while happily playing wow where FARMING FOR THE BEST TAKES AGES AND STILL COSTS MONEY BEST GAME EVARRR!! (that's not directed at you specifically, but that kind of hypocrisy is in every discussion)

    Yeah sure "theoretical". You need 16 wards, they are 10 bucks a pop which makes it a total of $160. It's not theoretical, it's uncomfortable. It's such a ludicrous reality that supporters of the game just simply ignore it. Comparing it to WoW is silly, it's more than a year of sub costs and if you get a whole set of them you are looking at a decade of subbing WoW.

    Other factor is the way that you can achieve it through in game means. In WoW if you wan't the best PvP gear you need to play a lot of PvP. In NW you need to farm PvE and play the auction house game, which I'm sure every PvP lover is happy about.
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    dimtuldimtul Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You know, this argument is as balanced as the stupid republican vs democrat ideologies. One side is ****ing stupid while the other side doesnt know what they're talking about. The developers go where the money is, and using this model sucks the most money out of gabling obsessed people who are addicted to video gaming in the first place, and this ****ty model also impulse sells people who are loving their new game into buying something that in 2 weeks will realize, they're going to need to spend thousands of dollars to stay competitive and then quit.

    This pay model is nothing but a ripoff and a cloak and dagger scheme that dumb ****s think is a good idea.
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    vatashavatasha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dimtul wrote: »
    The problem with a stupid mentality like that is people will spend money on this ****ty game development style and good games will turn to **** and will get released in this quality. Drop this ****ing stupid pay to win cash shop model and go back to a sub fee where everybody had the same level playing field.

    Again that is a problem with the players. All you have to do is spend 15 bucks a month and this game will feel just like a sub game. Most of the stuff people are crying about in this thread are things you can and will get in game. They setup straw man left and right about how long it will take to grind and yet I am sitting on millions of AD I got off the AH selling stuff.
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    dimtuldimtul Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    if i wanted to work the stock market i'd invest in the stock market. Im playing a competitive multiplayer game where someone with money to spend has a distinct advantage. Capitalism in video games ruins the whole point in escaping into another world.
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Dayum....lemme grab mah popcorn...this here getting good...."lurkers" pay attention...these here folks know how to argue over nothing.

    Review for folks that haven't read all the crying...

    People can start off on day 1 with the same power I took 1 year to accrue....."ANGRY FIST"

    People that have played longer than me and mastered the game have an advantage over me "ANGRY FIST"...

    Sorry if the people on either side of the argument take issue with what I typed.....Truth hurts :P

    I need to summon a bar wench to refresh mah pint....
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    castertroyt79castertroyt79 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2013
    dimtul wrote: »
    if i wanted to work the stock market i'd invest in the stock market. Im playing a competitive multiplayer game where someone with money to spend has a distinct advantage. Capitalism in video games ruins the whole point in escaping into another world.

    Being able to be a capitalist A-ho is the reason me and some of my friends play this game. If you don't like the combination of the game, then find an alternative. Any game with AH favors capitalist who knows how to play the market. It's not going to change, so you'll gonna have to deal with it.
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    selist1selist1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    Dayum....lemme grab mah popcorn...this here getting good...."lurkers" pay attention...these here folks know how to argue over nothing.

    Review for folks that haven't read all the crying...

    People can start off on day 1 with the same power I took 1 year to accrue....."ANGRY FIST"

    People that have played longer than me and mastered the game have an advantage over me "ANGRY FIST"...

    Sorry if the people on either side of the argument take issue with what I typed.....Truth hurts :P

    I need to summon a bar wench to refresh mah pint....
    Its F2P i dont see you purchasing 60$ and 15$ a month like any other MMO.
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    selist1 wrote: »
    Its F2P i dont see you purchasing 60$ and 15$ a month like any other MMO.

    Perhaps you need to "RE"check your comprehension roll.....
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    . . . . . Alright, I see no end to such an argument of "Pay to Win" for there are plenty on both sides, and in the middle, of the coin that feel strongly either way. This is an argument without end and one that brings up far too much inappropriate posting manners into the fray. There are plenty of ways to provide constructive feedback on a system that one does not like, none of which include insulting anyone, direct or indirect.

    . . . . . With all the insults insinuated by the usage of "Pay to Win" as an argument, as well as the way these discussions have unfolded in the present and past, "Pay to Win" threads will not be allowed for the time being. Please find a more constructive and non-hostile way to express feedback and opinions one desires change in. One such example of a well written topic on Monetization Feedback is this thread.

    Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.