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The Neverwinter Knights

govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Guild Inactive pending merger with Tyrs Paladium
Post edited by govanatoruk on


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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    See above.
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A big thanks to all who turned out to our first big event: The Knight's Calling!

    On the 1st of June 2013, the Neverwinter Knights celebrated their first ever guild event, kicking off a monthly ceremony which will honour its members achievements in the game. Despite Belvil's best attempts to drink up all the ale, it was a good time had by all.


    During the event, Govanon Thunderheart, Grand Master of the Neverwinter Knight's made a speech which stated:

    "There are moments in the lives of everyone when critical choices must be made, fundamental statements of character and aspirations are proclaimed and a course for the future is charted.

    Today you all stand at such a decisive junction. Over the years many of us assembled here have felt as though they have been cast adrift, but our basic values and ideals have brought us together in the protection of the common good.

    The mere fact you were initiated into the Order displays that you have the courage to rekindle people’s sense of public purpose and common destiny and end the days of victimisation and political reprisals forever, for there will be no peace while oppression and injustice still exist.

    And now as I welcome you into this new guild hall, you have taken your first steps into a greater world. The Neverwinter Knights are beyond anything you have had the honour and privilege to participate in and I look forward to getting to know each of you in kind.

    Thank you all for joining me today to officially open this new guild hall and to mark the beginning of your journey as Neverwinter Knights."
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Later that night, there were festivities at the Moonstone Mask...


    When the last pint was pulled, and all the ale exhausted from the cellars, it was said that it was a good time had by all.

    Thank you to all who attended the event an congratulations to all on you various promotions and accolades, they are much deserved!
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    ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well now, we're going to be more than Testers when the game goes live, right? :cool:
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yes this is true, and very good of you to point that out.
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The Neverwinter Knights Guild FAQ

    Looks promising. All-in. Please check your PM.
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Looks promising. All-in. Please check your PM.

    Glad to have you on board mate. :)
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    ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Are we going to have any scheduled events during the BW3? Like some specific runs or simple gatherings?
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think that will largely depend on how they roll things out for B3, however I'm all for getting some things scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.
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    ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think we should plan something on Sunday, a kind of a last-hurrah before The End™.
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    steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Looks promising. All-in. Please check your PM.

    You can't go wrong with these guys! Good group of people with a very dedicated Guild Leader! We look forward to gaming with you all soon :)
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Thanks mate, can only say the same of yourselves! I sense great things coming.

    Also keep an eye out, I will be announcing beta events soon!
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Looking for something to do this weekend during all the beta madness? Well the Neverwinter Knights will be participating in some events on Saturday & Sunday.

    • On Saturday at 3PM EST, join the entire server for the Crash the Shard event. Log in before 4PM and you'll get an exclusive pirate hat when the game launches!
    • Saturday we'll also be taking on the Cloak Tower, Orc Assault and contests like the Mushroom Contest, Temple Defense, Spirit Wolves etc.
    • Sunday we'll be doing more of the same so watch out for updates.
    • Of course the focus of the event is PvP so, there will be Skirmishes and Arena PvP for those brave souls who want to take part on both nights.

    Don't forget to log onto the Neverwinter Test Server channel (NTS) by typing the following command into your spatial chatbox: /channel_join NTS should you want to join in the fun and you are one of our friends from another guild. We look forward to seeing you all.
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well that's a wrap! A big thanks you to all the people who joined us for this weekend's beta! We had a blast and it was great to see you! If you want to carry on enjoying the game with us when it goes live, then please submit an application (like many of you already have) and we'll be glad to have you.


    In other news....

    Have a vision of what the Neverwinter Knights should be? Do you want to play a part in helping to directly shape the Knights' future? Think you have what it takes? Want a bit more responsibility? Then apply to me directly via private message and make your case. I will be considering applications between now and the middle of April, so get them in sooner rather than later, or you might miss out!


    Gov & the Neverwinter Knights' leadership

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    ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The best part of BW3 was the camaraderie within the Neverwinter Knights. A game is defined by its players, and y'all are good players.

    See you in the Open Beta(?)! :-D
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    almireldignoralmireldignor Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So glad to be part of the Guild :D
    Can't wait for Open Beta so we can all play again!
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So glad to be part of the Guild :D
    Can't wait for Open Beta so we can all play again!

    Glad to have you and the others mate, and if you go to our website: clicky you can see our new look and expanded features! If you've never been there before and like what you see, feel free to apply, we'd love to have you ;)
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    And now a little something from Andre: clicky
    Well it's up! I hope everyone enjoys it!

    Starring Karisch from Sarcastic Malevolence, Steelheart from Grievance, AstralEcho from Dark Star Syndicate, Kyllroy2 from NWNCrazy, Govanator from the Neverwinter Knights, Bobcat1313 from Steel Curtain, and Severgath from Path of the Elder (an Italian guild – una gilda Italiana)

    SPECIAL PERFORMANCE: Intro music performed by the musically gifted Kyllroy2 from NWNCrazy. Song: “Is This The Love”.


    Be sure to rate our broadcast on iTunes once it's up!!

    I was an honour to take part and I had a brilliant time doing it. Thanks again Andre for inviting me along.


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    almireldignoralmireldignor Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Just listened to it, answered a lot of questions I used to have about running guilds, even in other games :D
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Congratulations to Finestra & Paxall on being selected as officers for the guild, I am certain you will do us proud!
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    ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Huzzah! *raises a tankard of ale*
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    percyxenospercyxenos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Interesting, I might have found my home.
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    ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    If you are looking for a group of mature yet fun players who actively engage in good yet light RP and are very friendly, then yes, you have indeed! :)
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    ayamataayamata Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 290 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    Awehh you all sound lovely !
    Not to mention that the guild name is so amazing and totally clever~ :3

    If you're still recruiting, feel free to PM me on here;
    I was leaning towards just waiting until launch to try and find recruitment's or just make a guild of my own but I saw your thread and I would be stupid to just pass up such a charming guild ! <3
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Aye we are still recruiting and will be doing so as an ongoing thing. Thank you for your kind comments :)
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    ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    And make sure you visit the website, http://neverwinter-knights.enjin.com/ and peruse the forums for a feel for how we are. :)
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    ayamataayamata Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 290 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    Aye we are still recruiting and will be doing so as an ongoing thing. Thank you for your kind comments :)

    Aww yaay :3
    Also, I got your message, and I replied but whenever I went into my main folder, both outgoing and incoming, it didn't show my response. So in an attempt to make sure you got my reply, I sent it again and it still didn't show my response. :o

    So if you didn't get it, I apologize; I don't know what's happening to my replies >.<
    Annnnd if you happen to get like 4 of the same reply; I apologize profusely ! lmao~

    Cheers ! <3
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    govanatorukgovanatoruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ayamata wrote: »
    Aww yaay :3
    Also, I got your message, and I replied but whenever I went into my main folder, both outgoing and incoming, it didn't show my response. So in an attempt to make sure you got my reply, I sent it again and it still didn't show my response. :o

    So if you didn't get it, I apologize; I don't know what's happening to my replies >.<
    Annnnd if you happen to get like 4 of the same reply; I apologize profusely ! lmao~

    Cheers ! <3

    It's quite alright, it can be a pesky system ;) but it's all sorted now *nods* fired you off a reply in kind :)


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    bcumsbcums Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Is there free beer?!
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    salpicsalpic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Nice post, Good luck!

    Level: 0
    Human: Warrior
    Guild: Heavenly
    Position: Leader
    Link: heavenlyguild.mmoguildsites.com
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