We will launch with 5 classes. The Guardian Fighter, Great Weapon Fighter, Trickster Rogue, Devoted Cleric and Control Wizard.
The Tab button is assigned to your class specific mechanic. This differs per class, but think Stealth for the Trickster Rogue and Unstoppable for the Great Weapon Fighter.
We will launch with the Control Wizard. Other types of Wizards could be something we explore in the future, but for now we thought it more important to fill all of the combat roles and get a controller in there.
There's lots in the works But, for launch there are only spellcasting ranged classes. That being said, the Trickster Rogue can specialize in several medium ranged attacks that allow him to play back a bit and deal damage at range.
Thanks for the questions Hope to see you in game!
I believe that should answer your question!
Some new information from MMORPG states we will only get THREE classes of the Five (for First Week Closed Beta):
Devoted Cleric, Trickster Rogue and Guardian Fighter.
So no prestige classes and even the classes are kind of weird.
I do not find the classes particularly weird; Cryptic has every role covered. There are the tanks/defenders (Guardian Fighter and Great Weapon Fighter), the healer/leader (Devoted Cleric), the melee damage/striker (Trickster Rogue), and the ranged damage/controller (Control Wizard).
Granted, compared to most MMORPGs this is a small initial class offering; most launch with eight or more. However, Cryptic intends to add more after release and with the Dungeons & Dragons intellectual property the possibilities are nearly endless. Even if they added one new class per month it would be a few years until they added them all.
One nice thing about fewer classes is that we can expect them to be much more defined and polished. Some MMORPGs struggle with class identity since so many classes can do the same thing, so they end up feeling the same and boring. Look at EverQuest II, for instance - it has a ridiculous amount of class overlap because they have 25 classes vying for the same four or five roles. Sure, the number of classes seems impressive, until you realize that 12 of them are faction-based mirrors, leaving 13 somewhat unique classes, and then even within those 13 there is a lot being recycled. So far, based on the videos I have watched, every class in Neverwinter looks quite unique.
All that being said, I do wish they had a few of the more popular classes at launch, such as the Paladin, Ranger, and Bard - these are fairly iconic and immediately come to mind when one things of Dungeons & Dragons. I would expect them to start launching these and more as soon as the craziness of launch is over and the game is stable enough to add more content.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
And please don't ask for 3rd edition things like prestige classes when this is based on 4th edition. Yes, there will be PARAGON classes.
It is kind of sad how much has changed since I started playing D&D, Man I was even playing 3rd edition, which was not that long ago, and then all of a sudden its like, drow come to the surface and everyone is best friends and the world is perfect......hahhaa.
We start with 5 classes that cover all the basic roles in a group, with a little bit of choice. The existance of 2 fighter classes makes me hopeful that a couple of years down the road we'll have dozens of classes to choose from. (ok, maybe I got a tad too high there)
Also, this is just the first of 3 beta weekends - we'll be amongst the first souls to walk these new lands. Until official release we'll have walked many steps and killed many monsters - and I read somewhere that for launch 8 classes were promised. More toys are coming
I hope more comes along too but with that also more character slots, I am one who hates to delete a character
darkbladessMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 57
edited February 2013
When will we be able to play the drow renegade we bought with the hero of the north pack or will that only be in regular beta/live ?What class will it be if not a ranger?
I personally hope & wish for Bard. Complete with instrument play emotes.
I concur, I want Bard too but, first I want a Druid. Druids always seem to be forgotten both in implementation and spells/feats/abilities. All I can say is, if Bioware could do them reasonably well (except prestige classes and few spells and feats), way back when, then I can't see why it should be so hard to do now. PLease give us some nature love.
When will we be able to play the drow renegade we bought with the hero of the north pack or will that only be in regular beta/live ?What class will it be if not a ranger?
It is a racial background option nothing more, it will be an option for any drow you make.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
We start with 5 classes that cover all the basic roles in a group, with a little bit of choice. The existance of 2 fighter classes makes me hopeful that a couple of years down the road we'll have dozens of classes to choose from. (ok, maybe I got a tad too high there)
Also, this is just the first of 3 beta weekends - we'll be amongst the first souls to walk these new lands. Until official release we'll have walked many steps and killed many monsters - and I read somewhere that for launch 8 classes were promised. More toys are coming
Well posted.
Just for that, let me say it's always possible we could have other races at or soon after launch. *grabbed by the NDA demons* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
arkangelx3Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited February 2013
Am i the only one in here, who has no idea WTF 2e 3fe 4d or whatever "editions" you folks are talking about. No idea what makes a Paragon class or whatnot. Not once in my life have i ever played a table top game or anything remotely similiar. What i have played is a lot of MMO's and read hundreds of books. The only thing i want to play, is to be a Drow Renegade that shoots lots and lots of arrows. Its the only thing ive ever played in my MMO experience. Hunter(WoW), Ranger (gw2), Rogue Marksmen(Rift), Squig Herder(Warhammer), and Demon Hunter (d3).
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Read my FAQ, especially the 2nd post. It will help.
I don't think it'll be an issue. As others have already brought up on different threads there are a LOT of classes to choose from in D&D, most of them very unique in their individual strengths and play styles. While we're only starting with 5 classes, I fully expect to see additional classes and even races added later on down the line.
shiaikaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
I am a bit disappointed in the class selection. Thinking of DnD I would assume ( lol ) that there would be more customization. I like playing a dps mage class and for that I am going to have to go rogue from what I can thus far. I will have to try out both classes to see.
I am a bit disappointed in the class selection. Thinking of DnD I would assume ( lol ) that there would be more customization.
Yeah, Im a bit in the different 'versions' of classes that it seems they are going with. Instead of Guardian Fighter, or Great Weapon Fighter, why cant I just be... Fighter, and just choose from there what I want to do. It just seems like hand-holding to me, focusing a player into a certain roll without giving them too much choice to screw up their char.
I also would think it would be a tad more organized. Just think if they made 8-12 classes w/ 3-4 versions of each one to select from. You'd have 32-something classes to scan through, which sounds nice on paper, but quality over quantity I'd say.
Yeah there seems to be a lot of hand holing in this game so far. The class choices are limited and allow little room for mistake. You have a path that shows you where to go next. I also feel the skills are limited. I am use to games having a ton of skills to choose from and you need to use them on the fly. Having 6 skills to choose from does not make it complicated at all.
I believe that should answer your question!
Some new information from MMORPG states we will only get THREE classes of the Five (for First Week Closed Beta):
Devoted Cleric, Trickster Rogue and Guardian Fighter.
When you want to break the mold
BETA Tips and Tricks
Never saw Pants in beta?
I do not find the classes particularly weird; Cryptic has every role covered. There are the tanks/defenders (Guardian Fighter and Great Weapon Fighter), the healer/leader (Devoted Cleric), the melee damage/striker (Trickster Rogue), and the ranged damage/controller (Control Wizard).
Granted, compared to most MMORPGs this is a small initial class offering; most launch with eight or more. However, Cryptic intends to add more after release and with the Dungeons & Dragons intellectual property the possibilities are nearly endless. Even if they added one new class per month it would be a few years until they added them all.
One nice thing about fewer classes is that we can expect them to be much more defined and polished. Some MMORPGs struggle with class identity since so many classes can do the same thing, so they end up feeling the same and boring. Look at EverQuest II, for instance - it has a ridiculous amount of class overlap because they have 25 classes vying for the same four or five roles. Sure, the number of classes seems impressive, until you realize that 12 of them are faction-based mirrors, leaving 13 somewhat unique classes, and then even within those 13 there is a lot being recycled. So far, based on the videos I have watched, every class in Neverwinter looks quite unique.
All that being said, I do wish they had a few of the more popular classes at launch, such as the Paladin, Ranger, and Bard - these are fairly iconic and immediately come to mind when one things of Dungeons & Dragons. I would expect them to start launching these and more as soon as the craziness of launch is over and the game is stable enough to add more content.
D&D knowledge fail (though I would make the same mistake) :rolleyes:
Scorpions, nice.
When you want to break the mold
BETA Tips and Tricks
Never saw Pants in beta?
We start with 5 classes that cover all the basic roles in a group, with a little bit of choice. The existance of 2 fighter classes makes me hopeful that a couple of years down the road we'll have dozens of classes to choose from. (ok, maybe I got a tad too high there)
Also, this is just the first of 3 beta weekends - we'll be amongst the first souls to walk these new lands. Until official release we'll have walked many steps and killed many monsters - and I read somewhere that for launch 8 classes were promised. More toys are coming
I concur, I want Bard too but, first I want a Druid. Druids always seem to be forgotten both in implementation and spells/feats/abilities. All I can say is, if Bioware could do them reasonably well (except prestige classes and few spells and feats), way back when, then I can't see why it should be so hard to do now. PLease give us some nature love.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Every time I think of bards as a player class I think of "The Gamers: Dorkness Rising". The worst part is it's accurate LOL
It is a racial background option nothing more, it will be an option for any drow you make.
Well posted.
Just for that, let me say it's always possible we could have other races at or soon after launch. *grabbed by the NDA demons* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
From what I remember...
Most effective skill: Wall of Corpses
Second most effective skill: Seduce Women/Men...
*~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*
Yeah, Im a bit
I also would think it would be a tad more organized. Just think if they made 8-12 classes w/ 3-4 versions of each one to select from. You'd have 32-something classes to scan through, which sounds nice on paper, but quality over quantity I'd say.
*~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*