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Ask Cryptic/PWE about Neverwinter



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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    As stromshade has not answered this thread for quite some time, the thread has turned into a mess of discussion and unanswered questions.

    So I took my showel and dug out all the questions asked by community ever since last reply by stromshade. Hope he sees them and answers (I am guessing no comments to most). I also classified them and deleted pharagraph details so the questions won't be tiresome to read. I hope SS addresses the questions in near future.

    Character Customisation
    • Can male tiefling be made with and without facial spikes?
    • Will my Deva Swordmage be able to customize his tattoos?
    • Will there be aging?
    • Will cosmetic items have multiple ways they can be worn if applicable?

    • Is there LFG/LFM panel; automatic ques for dungeons?
    • Is there a system to recruit guild players outside of game or before release?

    • Are other books(apart from Drizzt novel) being used in NW (Brimstone angels and Cold Steel and Secrets)?
    • Would there be event related to Rise of Underdark?
    • Can we explore Gauntlgrym at some point in main plot?
    • Are there mystery based events/quests? (like a detective story)

    Game Mechanics
    • Can a rogue climb as in CO and launch surprize attacks?
    • Can we visit motes like Moonstone Mask?
    • Are critical hit/saving throw mechanics present in the game?
    • How many powers (encounter/daily/utility) can be equipped at a time?
    • What weapons will be available(manctacher?)?
    • Can players and/or NPC's hide within objects?
    • Will environmental audio get much attention in Neverwinter?
    • Is durability implemented to weapons/armor/equipments in game?
    • Will rust monster eat iron and wood weapon would be good idea to fight them?
    • Will rules for encumbrance be present?
    • how customizable are the keys?
    • Is swimming implemented?
    • Will there be night/day cycle? Or weather?
    • Will Monsters when reduced to there Bloodied hitpoint lvl, go troppo on the group and unleash there powerfull attacks/Powers, hopefully to see some randomization with regards to there tactics, in delves ect?
    • Do wizards get to use staffs in combat animation?
    • Would rituals be implemented into the game?
    • Will the game have any in-game narration or character voices for NPCs?
    • Can the great weapon fighter use scythe as a two handed weapon?

    Any blog like post will be added to website?

    • How long is soon(days/weeks/months/quaters/years)?
    • Is the whole world going to be just one giant map or are they going to be separated map per map by portals?
    • What are the 2 green icon at the left of the UI bar that we can see in the video?
    • Will there be PC housing, or guild housing?
    • Is there any way we can save our character presets at beta, so as to save time at launch?
    • As a Mac user who has Parallels and CrossOver, I was wondering if your team has tried any testing with these VM?
    • Why are official gameplay videos bad-looking compared to the footage of gameplay at events?
    • What role do deities play in the game? Are the deity specific paragon paths and/or domains available? Or do they plan to implement them at some time?
    • Will Neverwinter (and your Cryptic engine customized for it) support (or should I say continue to support) gamepad controllers?

    • Can Foundry use recorded speech for dialogues?
    • Is the crafting being designed is immersive and better than other games in your opinion?
    • Will crafting contain mini-games or will it be a straight-forward success or failure thing?
    • Is it possible to 'romance' NPCs using dialogue options in foundry?

    Those 'normal users' who know the answer to questions, kindly resist the urge to answer them. I know you are trying to be helpful but it is derailing the thread by making it a long discourse between users. And I am trying to tell this to myself to (and am holding back my helpful self from replying to many questions above). Let us let devs address them and appreciate their effort to come in touch with community.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    As stromshade has not answered this thread for quite some time, the thread has turned into a mess of discussion and unanswered questions.

    So I took my showel and dug out all the questions asked by community ever since last reply by stromshade. Hope he sees them and answers (I am guessing no comments to most). I also classified them and deleted pharagraph details so the questions won't be tiresome to read. I hope SS addresses the questions in near future.

    Thanks gillrmn for re-uping these questions and I hope SS and/or other devs will answer these sometime on or after Tuesday. As per your request, I'll stay silent with the other regulars regarding answers, allowing the official game answers to supersede as well as re-establish the gamer-dev community here.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I was watching the trailers and the moon has no visual effect of tears. Is it possible to add tears to the moon (might be just changing a bit map?) to show the incident of red comet and Selune?
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    aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,366 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »

    This is excellent work! This should help Stormshade quite a bit!

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Please come back to us Stormshade! :(
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    crypticmapoliscrypticmapolis Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 240 Cryptic Developer
    edited September 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    As stromshade has not answered this thread for quite some time, the thread has turned into a mess of discussion and unanswered questions.

    So I took my showel and dug out all the questions asked by community ever since last reply by stromshade. Hope he sees them and answers (I am guessing no comments to most). I also classified them and deleted pharagraph details so the questions won't be tiresome to read. I hope SS addresses the questions in near future.

    Stormshade has been extremely busy lately, but I'll answer what I can:

    Is there LFG/LFM panel; automatic ques for dungeons?

    Yes to all of the above.

    Are there mystery based events/quests? (like a detective story)

    Quite a few actually!

    Can we visit motes like Moonstone Mask?


    Will environmental audio get much attention in Neverwinter?

    The ambient audio is being done really well IMO. We've got a great team of audio engineers on this project.

    Will there be night/day cycle? Or weather?

    There is weather, but no dynamic day/night cycle. I'm a fan of day/night cycles too, but speaking from an artist's perspective it's a nightmare to set the mood/lighting of an environment if it keeps changing. The tech is certainly there (with its share of graphical problems) because we did it in Champions, so it can be done if it's something players feel would drastically improve the game.

    Will the game have any in-game narration or character voices for NPCs?

    I think so but the details are fuzzy because they're still figuring out how much voice to add to the game. We most likely will not be fully voicing the game though.

    Can the great weapon fighter use scythe as a two handed weapon?


    Can Foundry use recorded speech for dialogues?

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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Can the great weapon fighter use scythe as a two handed weapon?



    *jumps up and starts dancing*
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    surf13surf13 Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    **happy dance**
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    katalystikkatalystik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Does anyone else feel like they won the lottery when crypticmapolis posts? Cause I do!

    It's raining truth up in here!
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    surf13surf13 Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    *raises hand*

    I do! :D Hence the Happy dance!
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    *jumps up and starts dancing*
    surf13 wrote: »
    **happy dance**

    *Joins in with Snoopy Dance*

    katalystik wrote: »
    Does anyone else feel like they won the lottery when crypticmapolis posts? Cause I do!

    It's raining truth up in here!

    Now it's raining me?!

    I call copyright infringement!

    *Summons lawyer and finds the only creature left that's Lawful Evil in 4E...

    many many hours later, he kills the lawyer and dumps it at the bottom of the Ocean of "A Good Start", and decides to drop the whole thing.*
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited September 2012
    I'm loving the developer interactions here about the foundry and other tid-bits! Thanks crypticmapolis!
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    surf13surf13 Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Any news on whether xbox 360 controller will be supported?
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    ghosty2aghosty2a Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    surf13 wrote: »

    Any news on whether xbox 360 controller will be supported?

    I know Cryptic has an option for the 360 controller in CO, don't play STO, so no idea about that game. I also know that early on in the CO forums there was much discussion about making a port of the game for the X-Box console, but that never got developed.

    So two questions:
    1) Since Cryptic has said they will be using the same game engine as CO and they plan on making the games UI front end to have as few hot bars as possible, will they be incorporating user controls for game-pads and controllers in general, and not just for 360 controllers ( and note i already have a wireless 360 controller, so no problem there, I just much prefer using other types of controller/game-pad).
    2: Will this game be ported to other platforms such as X-Box, PS3, WII or some other? Actually would be nice if playable across ALL of them. And yes, include the Linux and MAC folks too.
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    aavariusaavarius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Will the game have any in-game narration or character voices for NPCs?

    I think so but the details are fuzzy because they're still figuring out how much voice to add to the game. We most likely will not be fully voicing the game though.

    So...serious business. How much beer do we need to buy the team to get that less fuzzy? Or would that be counterproductive?
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    lyfebanelyfebane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 312 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    hmm so there will be a great weapon fighter(aka 2hander)? beserker? Paladin? whatever gillrmn goes on about? *cough* deathkinght?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not evil, I am just cursed.
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    vangaldvangald Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 325 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012

    Will there be night/day cycle? Or weather?

    There is weather, but no dynamic day/night cycle. I'm a fan of day/night cycles too, but speaking from an artist's perspective it's a nightmare to set the mood/lighting of an environment if it keeps changing. The tech is certainly there (with its share of graphical problems) because we did it in Champions, so it can be done if it's something players feel would drastically improve the game.

    I am for it if we can get night based encounters in safe areas if a player travels out of site of friendly npc's or away from large groups of players. NPC thief tries to mug you. A rabid dog tries to attack you. A "lady of the night" tries to lure you into a back alley some thugs try to kill for some reason (money or otherwise). Maybe add a horror based event around halloween where you spot some weird figure in the distance and it disappears. etc.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    From: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=197311#post197311
    And herein lies the rub:

    "Episodes" in the ST universe are often movies/television shows done by real-life actors who are part of copyrighted and personal images. Whether this is allowed for fantasy characters is uncertain, as well as if it's allowed as a "private campaign of a module they have" as well. But whether we can reproduce D&D "famous characters" and "campaigns played" will need to bew answered by a PWE/Cryptic employee for clarity.

    So PWE/Cryptic, can we use famous D&D characters and can we recreate famous D&D modules in our own interpretation?
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    subway7850subway7850 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Will the game have any in-game narration or character voices for NPCs?

    I think so but the details are fuzzy because they're still figuring out how much voice to add to the game. We most likely will not be fully voicing the game though.

    THANK YOU so much for that! b:pleased

    I thought I was going nuts when I played SWTOR, first 8 hours, fantastic with all the voice over..
    But after that, my spacebar was the key I used the most frequent in that game.. b:angry
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Nice! First Q&A of the game.

    Let's hope for some good questions and some better answers.
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    jadescimitarjadescimitar Member Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Will there be night/day cycle? Or weather?

    There is weather, but no dynamic day/night cycle. I'm a fan of day/night cycles too, but speaking from an artist's perspective it's a nightmare to set the mood/lighting of an environment if it keeps changing. The tech is certainly there (with its share of graphical problems) because we did it in Champions, so it can be done if it's something players feel would drastically improve the game.

    Hm... how's a rogue to hide in shadows when there are none... b:puzzled
    This city promises death for the meek, glory for the bold, danger for all, and riches for Jade!
    Elven Trickster Rogue: Two-bladed elf, tons of stabby stabby and that sort of thing...
    | R. A. Salvatore | My Minions | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Elven Translator |
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Hm... how's a rogue to hide in shadows when there are none... b:puzzled

    Objects cast shadows when they block a light-source's path, as does weather. Additionally, when you're underground or in a building, there is no need for a day and night cycle. I am not saying this is how it is in Neverwinter, but I would expect such from what I have seen in trailers and pictures.

    Of course, nothing really exists until we observe it. *the mage grins wildly before returning to his studies*
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    kamaliiciouskamaliicious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    zebular wrote: »
    Objects cast shadows when they block a light-source's path, as does weather. Additionally, when you're underground or in a building, there is no need for a day and night cycle. I am not saying this is how it is in Neverwinter, but I would expect such from what I have seen in trailers and pictures.

    Of course, nothing really exists until we observe it. *the mage grins wildly before returning to his studies*
    Lack of daynight cycle is bad. Old DnD games can do it.

    Also, buildings should have a daynight cycle as well, at least any building that has windows...
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Hm... how's a rogue to hide in shadows when there are none... b:puzzled

    There is shadowworld in 4e. That is the place rogues now draw their powers from, the ones you see in videos (slipping between shadow world and new world). Also, the Shadowfell is integral to neverwinter.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    zebular wrote: »

    Of course, nothing really exists until we observe it. *the mage grins wildly before returning to his studies*

    WHAT THE !@#$?????

    Do I see a lolth's symbol in your signature???

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    jadescimitarjadescimitar Member Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    WHAT THE !@#$?????

    Do I see a lolth's symbol in your signature???


    could be Corellon's b:laugh
    This city promises death for the meek, glory for the bold, danger for all, and riches for Jade!
    Elven Trickster Rogue: Two-bladed elf, tons of stabby stabby and that sort of thing...
    | R. A. Salvatore | My Minions | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Elven Translator |
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    viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Maybe it is attempting to look like Mystra's seven stars?

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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    WHAT THE !@#$?????

    Do I see a lolth's symbol in your signature???

    could be Corellon's b:laugh
    faleth77 wrote: »
    Maybe it is attempting to look like Mystra's seven stars?


    Hah! Actually, that mistake at using a blue-white eight-pointed star is a mishap here in Canon on my part. You see, in my campaign, Mystryl never perished as Karsus' Avatar was thwarted by the players and Karsus slain before he could cast that fateful spell. The Time of the Troubles as well has yet to happen, as we're about a decade prior in time line. So, over the almost 20 years my Campaign has been played, Mystryl's symbol has evolved from a four-pointed blue-white star, with a hollow circle, to that of a blue star which pulses white. Naturally, those years lead me to forget about using the correct Canon symbol for Mystryl. I shall remedy that soon.

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    vangaldvangald Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 325 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2012
    Hm... how's a rogue to hide in shadows when there are none... b:puzzled

    Big fat guys. (wish I could find the clip from My Name Is Earl where he wanders around a prison behind a fat guy in order to stay safe)
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    mokahmokah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I would like to see day/night cycle added to the game especially since the tech allows it. Besides the obvious mood issues, I use time passing as story hooks all the time. As a builder in NWN2 I have not found it difficult to set a certain mood, because I could simply uncheck a box if I wanted to set an area to use a certain lighting scheme.

    this actually brings up another question: Does time pass? Does time matter? Can you have quest hooks only available at certain hours?

    All of these would be desirable for telling stories.
    Mokah - The Grumpy Strumpet
This discussion has been closed.