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Combat Changes - Launch Live Issues



  • mrchaos92#7997 mrchaos92 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I just started playing for like a week on a DPS barbarian. Level 63. Everything was fine untill this update came. I literally cannot progress. It is ridiculous. I can hardly kill like 3/4 mobs at a time. If there come more than 4 , I die instant. Even tried as the tank paragon but even worse. I quited few days ago and will not return untill this 'combat rework' gets deleted.
  • bryce#2259 bryce Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    I noticed at least 5 times my companions have been sent away when switching zones with at least 3 characters played. Maybe something broke with the comp window changes. It's a bit troublesome to see if it's a bolster comp without a physical form, e.g. black stone. So you may notice it only by viewing the comp tab or by bad iLvL.
  • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    Harvester of Nightmare - Sister of fury

    Chain of Spite mechanic.

    Chains popped, and I was instantly dead... If there was any warning for chains, it wasn't noticable/audible immediately before hand like it is in CR (although, even in there the timing can be really off).

    [Combat (Self)]Nightmare Sister of Fury deals 605283 Unavoidable Damage to you with Spite.

    No idea if this mechanic does this much damage in CR, as it's pretty much the one dungeon I've refused to run for something like 12 months, as I find it to be the least enjoyable dungeon in the game.

    Co-Guild Leader
    Ghost Templars L20
    Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
    Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
    Alt: Warlock
  • fujithevampirefujithevampire Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    As a new player, I also have to give feedback. I have 2 characters a lvl 68 paladin that was levelled before the patch and a barbarian that was levelled after the patch.
    The paladin had problems with some groups before the patch and died 5 times up to lvl 65 and needed about 50 healing potions. After the patch, he needs 2 to 4 healing potions per group. Boss fights in story mode that are supposed to go alone are unmanageable.
    The barbarian played very tough up to lvl 30. Up to the current level he has died more than 30 times and needs between 1 and 4 potions per group.
    Small groups of 2 to 4 mobs work without potions, but as soon as a respawn occurs due to a timer or more mobs spawn during a boss fight, it is almost impossible to kill this group.
    There are groups that onhit the barbarian and the paladin with a critical hit.
    As a new player, I have neither VIP status nor ZEN invested in companions, so I only play with the standard gifts that I get through crates or rewards. With this equipment it is more than just tedious to lvl. Fun is something else.

    At the same time I see that my healer companion gets 300 to 800 damage from mobs that hit me with 4000 to 12000 damage. The companion also manages, when he attacks, to do more damage to the mobs than I do with the barbarian and the special skills.

    The last point is bosses and mobs. In the single-player instances, there are sometimes mob spawns of bosses that are unmanageable. The mobs have more HP or defence than the boss itself. Sometimes 6 to 12 undead spawn on a boss as soon as the HP of the boss is at 50%. After that, the boss can only be defeated with extreme difficulty, if at all. The damage that arrives through the adds is many times higher than the damage of the boss, at the same time the defence of each mob is higher than that of the boss.

    Mount Hotenow is no longer playable as a paladin, because I already die in groups of 4 or 5, and I don't even need to talk about boss fights.
  • marek276343marek276343 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Hello, I can't select feats on barbarian tank, if i choose feat it is still unselected, but the ""choose this feat" button is missing, i can still select the other one, and if i do, it's still unselected and now i have both feasts unselected and missing their "choose this feat" button, all feats have the same problem.
  • marek276343marek276343 Member Posts: 7 Arc User

    Hello, I can't select feats on barbarian tank, if i choose feat it is still unselected, but the ""choose this feat" button is missing, i can still select the other one, and if i do, it's still unselected and now i have both feasts unselected and missing their "choose this feat" button, all feats have the same problem.

    The problem persists after retraining all skills.

  • mythdemeanourmythdemeanour Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    I have read the entire thread and have little to add to it...that said.

    If your intention was to "balance" out the players you could have not used a larger hammer here if you tried. Enchantments/runestones/boons went from something to be proud of while also being wanted/needed to MEH.
    I get it you wanted to make power/combat advantage/hit points have caps, but why didn't you just do THAT!

    I am just logging in currently to use my daily keys, and HOPE you fix this "mistake" because if you do not, no matter the rewards offered, it will, I feel, be the death of this game. Although I love the combat systems and flow of the game I can find another game to play easy enough.

    Next one I find though will treat it's players more like customers and less like lab rats or I won't even download it!
  • vastano#2343 vastano Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    bjb#1016 said:

    Dear developers at ARC,

    I’ve been playing this game a lot for the past year. I’m a lvl 80 Ranger, item lvl over 29k. As defensive skills were never the strongest qualities of a ranger, I compensated for that with a strong companion. I invested a lot in my companion and in companion influence because that improved my character in a very balanced way (almost all stats simultaneously). Now in one blow you’ve taken away half the possibilities to improve a companion and you completely ditched companion influence as a concept. Most of what I invested in (like bonding runestones and upgrading enchantments) has been lost. That might just seem tough luck for me and anyone else who invested in companion and companion influence, but there’s more at stake.

    Most importantly: by taking away a whole concept, you’ve changed the rules of play during the game. And now you’ve done that once, there is no reason to assume you won’t do it again. That means that whatever we invest in, can be made useless in one update. I now certainly think twice before spending real money in this game by buying ZEN.

    On top of that: One less attractive feature of this game is that there are a lot of repetitive actions. We keep on playing the same quests again and again. The reason we keep on doing them (at least for me) is that we are developing our character by earning boons, acquiring items, etc. and progress to harder areas. Now why should we keep playing to improve our characters, if one update sets us back so severely that we can’t even survive areas that we have unlocked and mastered long ago?

    There’s just no drive anymore to keep playing this game. You took out the sense of building up a character and the feeling of making progress. Frankly, you took out exactly those elements that made the game fun and gave me a reason to keep playing it.

    from what i have heard this is time 3 they have done exact same thing last time was with mod 16 2 years ago
  • vastano#2343 vastano Member Posts: 169 Arc User

    With the new system, tanks should feel tankier and necessary for all dungeons, skirmishes, and trials

    Nop nop and nop. Tanks arent tankier, they are squishy. i have a paladin 50kIL, Ihave tried all combinason as possible its bad all the time.

    Please tell me how, after just a couple of days, you've tried every combination possible...

    You need to get your Defense to 90%
    You need to get your Deflect and Deflect Severity up to around 70%+
    You need to get your Awareness up over 60%

    Tanks need to pay attention to defense stats now and basically ignore offense stats beyond what they need to grab and hold aggro.

    thats fine for someone (like myself who has play tested on preview for 3 months) to say
    but 99% of the player base hasnt
    50% of the player base dont even know what preview is
    i knew exactly what i had to do to get my toon viable and it still cost me 8 million ad and 5k tradebars knowing i was making 0 mistakes
    one mistake and that cost can double
    tell me how many players can afford that kind of outlay (and yes i used 0 zen as i will never put another cent into this game i saved like crazy and sold everything worth even 10 ad since october)

  • ene#5785 ene Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    try to fix the cleric arbiter. Can't get both stats (advantage or critical) to get critical, you have to give up the batiri and use the hell pit glyph (+ 5% critical + 5% accuracy) which doesn't last forever.
    All dps can manage 4 stats, the cleric only 3 (unless he doesn't use the things mentioned above).
    HR can cover 5 stats, even the CW.

    Despite the cap DOES NOT DAMAGE, a SW without a CAP managed to distance me by 20 million.

    From first dps to tomm, I can't even get into the rankings.
  • gorfeld#3849 gorfeld Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I hope this new patch comes out soon. I started a new Barbarian and made it to level 10 without too many problems but at that level you usually only have to fight one group at a time. Took my level 39 paladin to the graveyard which is way low for him and couldn't take out one mob without dying. What fun is that?
  • hexngone#5489 hexngone Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    Ok, spent the past few days doing Sharandar quests to complete the Campaign before it is killed (for the boons an the satisfaction). I have all classes and paradyns of charaters. They all have level 80 crafted Cobalt/Velvet/Basilisk equipment, mostly epic mounts with Prosperity insignias when possible. QM and DH slotted, Orccus/Flower Artifacts. I am using Rare Wererat or Kinku Archer or Uncommon NW Guard Archer depending on stance (melee uses archers, Kenku goes with TR because it stealths). 19Kish IL

    1) Quickling 'event', what used to be a minor interruption by some pesky little rats is now a major mob spawn issue. Usually 2, sometimes 4 will attack, usually just as you finish a group (or two) of powies and your encounter timers are still in cooldown. It is so bad I find myself hiding on a hill watching for them before I go to the road to pick up my loot after a battle. Very nerve wracking for a useless reward.

    2) Arcane Reservoir - a pack of 4 powies now spawns in the second room (after the commander and troll) after you kill the powies in the room. Sometimes before you finish (on a timer). If you go into the next room, they will pause and then join the Commander/Troll in the first room (I always sneak by the mobs in the first room while they are fighting each other). In the room with the circular walkway and two groups of Powies, if you avoid the second patrol and go over the bridge to kill the Commander/Troll in the next room, you will not be able to loot the skill node afterward. The game will keep you in combat mode until the patrol of powies you avoided are killed. Everything else has been scaled up, it is all about killing Whithers first or die.

    CW, Assassin, Barb Tank/DPS, Warden, Hellstorm, GF Tank/DPS all work reasonably well. You need to focus on not aggro'ng nearby groups, watch the Quicklings and kill the whithers quickly, but it is doable (more stressful than it was, but doable).

    Paladin - Divinity drains superfast and all my encounters are waiting a 300 sec timer ... constantly. Since I cannot attack while blocking (unlike a GF) I am constantly spamming potions and slowly dodging around.

    Clerics - The areal fireball seems to vary in effectiveness. The repel-like AoE is handy, the lightening bolt seems to do more damage. The healer is a bit slower, but the at-wills work well. Very dependent on the Companion for damage.

    The biggest factor is the stress of playing, the need to focus constantly makes playing the game for more than 5 hours at a time very bad for my nerves (Adrenaline drain). Not practical for a daily/weekly repeatable quest scenario.

    I would challenge anyone to do the Gnarlwood Caves or the Quickling Siege mini-dungeons solo.
    I can't even begin to imagine what the Cult Prison boss in WoD or the final battle in Spellplague Caverns is like now ...

    All of this should be playable with level 60 Bounty Gear from Rothe Valley/Whithering Caverns/EE and R5 enchants and green companions/insignias.
  • haludor#3628 haludor Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    It's nice to know that they (devs) read our comments and issues, and that there is going to be an update. But what if like to know is, do they even okay they game? Do they feel they this original combat rework was good? Do they also see as we do that it need a lot of work? Giving us a one sentence of we're making changes, isn't feedback to us.

    I'd challenge them to post a poll to see just how many people would be willing to loose any progression made this last week and revert back to the old game mechanics.
  • eversummer#1666 eversummer Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    as of today's patch,
    the rings from Bel & Mog/Garyx are back to giving too much stats, like in preview before combat rework went live
    Post edited by eversummer#1666 on
  • astolfo#6568 astolfo Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Trobriand ray(red field people use to wake scorpions) doesn't hit where it should. Even if you can see on the ground, it will follow the player with aggro making it unavoidable.
  • kough#3586 kough Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Master Expeditions runes that deal corrosive damage over time deal them in 100k damage every 5 seconds. This seems high for current health levels

    Rings of condemned+5 and ring of brutal fiend +5 stats not updated to current format [combined rating is at 440 while total stats are at 16.5k defense and 6.6k crit sev and 9.9k crit strike]

    Mount stats in Your Collection are not displaying correct values
  • kobaldkite#0581 kobaldkite Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I don't think my issue is connected to the last patch, but I'm leaving this feedback here just in case.

    Back in 2018, I completed three campaign tasks that have boons listed in rewards. Then I took a long break that lasted several years until now. When I go back to the game several days ago, I had zero boons instead of three.
    I contacted customer support, and among many other things they told me to post here.

    There was many updates between 2018 and now, I know, but better safe than sorry.
  • khaozhunterkhaozhunter Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    Tenebous enchantment bug on fighter:
    Tenebrous enchantment doesn't work with heavy slash, i tested it for 5 min and it procs 0 times, but if i use reave it works fine.
  • polysatyr81polysatyr81 Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already but the Protector's Camaraderie Insignia Bonus still states "When your companion attacks, you gain Armor Penetration and Defense" in it's tooltip
  • auron#6793 auron Member Posts: 396 Arc User
    Accuracy is extreamly hard to cap please change the barbarian overpenitration feat to activate if power is capped
    <div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img>
    ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
    There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
    <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>

    Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande

    RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
  • codetellercodeteller Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    enemies in mod area from before avernus need to have their hit points reduced.
    dread ring mobs at 70k to 120k way to much when similar type avernus enemies have 80k-120k health
  • khellebkhelleb Member Posts: 17 Arc User

    i recently returned to Neverwinter after some months, and prior to the combat patch i loged in 2 of my characters. the rest 6 were loged in after the patch.

    on those 2 loged before i have all 21 Companions i had. on the 6 loged after the patch i 'lost' 16 Companions on each character from 21 total, and only 5 Companions stayed in Companion tab in Character Sheet.

    i lost such Companions as Stalwart Golden Lion, Ghost, Redcap Powrie, Dragonborn Brawler, Lillend, Combat Medic, Assassin Drake from those of Rare/Epic levels. and all of the Commons/Uncommons, most of them are easily re-acquired, but not those Rares/Epics :(

    i opened a support ticket and the guys wrote me to post my experience here on the forum.
  • tamtoucantamtoucan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User
    A suggestion for maybe lessening the impact of changes such as the combat rework would be to post videos of dungeon playthroughs. Especially at the dungeon cap IL. They don't have to have voice, maybe just show the char sheets of each player in the party.

    This won't of course appease everyone, people will still complain they don't watch videos/read blogs/forums/etc, but right now it's hard not to watch your healer fail at the LOMM Bore worm, or your Tank fail at the TIC first or second boss and think "do these guys even play the game or are they just changing stuff and looking at the death/win stats?".

    It would also help with people's ideas on how to spec builds. I know a lot of creators put a lot of work into this stuff for us players, but here we are several weeks on preview and now on live and it's still really hard to get info on how to spec a healer/tank/etc build.
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