Your closing sentence is the answer to your opening question. You're going along with ill-gotten gains. 'Aiding and abetting' if one were to frame it in legal jurisprudence.
So yeah, anyone - including you - cheering on/turning a blind-eye to this debacle are part of the problem. The ones who gained from it are acting entitled in wanting to hold on to ill gotten gains they have no right to, and you are part of that sense of entitlement by supporting it - directly and/or indirectly.
Of course I don't expect you to agree. That would require acknowledging the premise of your position is flawed and in the wrong. (Fun fact: No one is completely unbiased. As soon as anything goes through the perspective of even just one person, that's one filter events have passed through and been altered by.)
The rest of us, those you are happy to label as "entitled", are demanding nothing more than fairness in accordance with long-standing established procedures (i.e. how the lockboxes were supposed to function as opposed to how they functioned in their bugged state), and that no player should benefit from it in such a manner.
The concepts of fairness and fair play aren't new, so why some in here are pretending that they're baffled by them is is curious (and laughable).
Your words speak as if you believe an actual crime was committed. A dev mistake was made. People may or may not have taken advantage of that knowingly. You don't get to determine what ill gotten gains are in this case. The company does. And they have spoken.
What you call turning a blind eye is actually accepting that a decision has been made. No where did I say this wasn't a debacle. Never have I stated this wasn't a huge dev mistake that.
In the past, a mistake this large would have been met with silence for weeks. Maybe I'm taking something positive away from this in that they responded fairly quickly.
But unlike some, I see no point in further crying over spilt milk.
And you want to talk about bugs and fairness. I wonder how many of you in an uproar have taken advantage of buggy interactions in the game with companions, artifacts, weapons sets, etc etc in order to clear content faster and reap more rewards/ad.
Fairness only dictates that you turn in all those "ill gotten" gains too since newer players out there don't know about these interactions. Empty those pockets out now please.
Yes, I do want to talk about fairness and observing Cryptic's own established rules (see ToS as posted by Wintersmoke previously). That someone at Cryptic has decided to act against the company's own established protocol only serves to further undermine their credibility, and still does nothing whatsoever to justify the inherently unjust series of events that transpired within the first 5 minutes of Mod 18's launch.
It doesn't matter whether you agree that it is or isn't. It doesn't matter if the ones who knowingly gamed the bug agree or not. It doesn't matter if those who by happy circumstance stumbled into the bug agree or disagree. The fact remains that hundreds (possibly thousands) of legendary mounts worth billions of AD combined (and thus hundreds of thousands of euros/dollars in real-world currency) are ill-gotten gains, and yes, as someone who does value fair play, law, and order I absolutely expect the entity in charge of creating and maintaining said law and order in accordance with its own ToS do a hell of a lot better than this anemic display.
As you've pointed out, they've already made their initial decision, though perhaps a secondary amendment to that decision may materialize later. That is my hope. If not, well, then Cryptic has lost real-world currency transactions from X amount of players, and not just on this one occasion, but also over future previously potential sales of Zen, etc. Incompetence shouldn't be rewarded, and I'm happy to remind Cryptic (any dev team) of that as often as needed to keep them on the straight and narrow. Consequences - they exist.
@fluffy6977 said: > (Quote) > The statement, at least on my end, is half kidding. Unfortunately bugs that go for months on PC unpunished tend to get people banned when they hit consoles without being fixed, and there is usually some friendly fire - I'd hate to see players who didnt know about it and open the box regularly get banned for something that, once again, Cryptic didn't fix before pushing to console.
If that happens again, nobody can help them tho. Don't you feel the "pls hold on a bit longer it will be nicer" pull? The "we can't afford another huntgate" grasp onto playerbase?
You either continue through stuff like this or you don't, but they will evaluate closely who they ever ban again I imagine. Forum and ingame's not the same. Some people would only notice if their friends went missing like in M14, and then ask around. Many people now don't know there even was an issue with a lockbox.
I stand with those that finally got a legendary legit after a long time and just got mixed up in something like that while doing a daily key. It took me 3 years to get a legendary resurgence box and it was my first legendary open every with a daily key. I would quit the game if it were rolled back. I'm sure others would too when finally getting something so rare.
Instead of complaining on trying to punish people. Let's face it, the ones complaining are the ones that didn't get a mount. I don't play pc, but I wouldn't hold a grudge over people because many people just did their normal thing when something broke. There's very easy means to solve this issue. You encountered it once before with the white owlbear mount.
Simply make every pack of the legendary stardock mount set bought that day unable to be sold in the marketplace. Block any from being posted until you got that under control. You know by your logs which players got the packs and can do this.
Secondly, make every mount pack that was obtained that day during that issue time bind to account along with the mounts inside of it. It solves the issue of the mount while it was obtained it can't be transferred anywhere else. Going forward, address any lockbox type issue like this instead of rollbacks. It is fair as there are those that were not exploiting and simply did their daily key or whatever key they had and got the legendary or whatever else.
That bottlenecks anyone trying to change the market because they wouldn't be able to sell it. It still rewards those that use their keys without trying to exploit so everyone wins. Stuff like this happens time to time, nothing in this game is perfect.
It doesn't matter whether you agree that it is or isn't. It doesn't matter if the ones who knowingly gamed the bug agree or not. It doesn't matter if those who by happy circumstance stumbled into the bug agree or disagree. The fact remains that hundreds (possibly thousands) of legendary mounts worth billions of AD combined (and thus hundreds of thousands of euros/dollars in real-world currency) are ill-gotten gains, and yes, as someone who does value fair play, law, and order I absolutely expect the entity in charge of creating and maintaining said law and order in accordance with its own ToS do a hell of a lot better than this anemic display.
As you've pointed out, they've already made their initial decision, though perhaps a secondary amendment to that decision may materialize later. That is my hope. If not, well, then Cryptic has lost real-world currency transactions from X amount of players, and not just on this one occasion, but also over future previously potential sales of Zen, etc. Incompetence shouldn't be rewarded, and I'm happy to remind Cryptic (any dev team) of that as often as needed to keep them on the straight and narrow. Consequences - they exist.
> (Quote)
> The statement, at least on my end, is half kidding. Unfortunately bugs that go for months on PC unpunished tend to get people banned when they hit consoles without being fixed, and there is usually some friendly fire - I'd hate to see players who didnt know about it and open the box regularly get banned for something that, once again, Cryptic didn't fix before pushing to console.
If that happens again, nobody can help them tho. Don't you feel the "pls hold on a bit longer it will be nicer" pull? The "we can't afford another huntgate" grasp onto playerbase?
You either continue through stuff like this or you don't, but they will evaluate closely who they ever ban again I imagine. Forum and ingame's not the same. Some people would only notice if their friends went missing like in M14, and then ask around. Many people now don't know there even was an issue with a lockbox.
Instead of complaining on trying to punish people. Let's face it, the ones complaining are the ones that didn't get a mount. I don't play pc, but I wouldn't hold a grudge over people because many people just did their normal thing when something broke. There's very easy means to solve this issue. You encountered it once before with the white owlbear mount.
Simply make every pack of the legendary stardock mount set bought that day unable to be sold in the marketplace. Block any from being posted until you got that under control. You know by your logs which players got the packs and can do this.
Secondly, make every mount pack that was obtained that day during that issue time bind to account along with the mounts inside of it. It solves the issue of the mount while it was obtained it can't be transferred anywhere else. Going forward, address any lockbox type issue like this instead of rollbacks. It is fair as there are those that were not exploiting and simply did their daily key or whatever key they had and got the legendary or whatever else.
That bottlenecks anyone trying to change the market because they wouldn't be able to sell it. It still rewards those that use their keys without trying to exploit so everyone wins. Stuff like this happens time to time, nothing in this game is perfect.